Administering Financial Consolidation and Close - Oracle

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Administering Financial Consolidation and Close


Oracle Cloud Administering Financial Consolidation and Close,


Copyright ? 2016, 2022, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Primary Author: EPM Information Development Team

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Documentation Accessibility

Documentation Feedback

1 Financial Consolidation and Close Overview

Overview of the Home Page


Integrating with Other Services


2 Creating a Financial Consolidation and Close Application

Application Prerequisites Workflow for Creating an Application Creating an Application Enabling Application Features

Application Feature Descriptions Consolidation and Supplemental Data Features Enabling Ownership Management in Applications Copying Local Rate Account Data Migrating to Extended Dimensionality Migrating to Extended Dimensionality and Enterprise Cloud Service

2-1 2-1 2-1 2-3 2-4 2-9 2-10 2-16 2-17 2-18

3 Managing Security

Security Overview


Managing Artifact and Data Access


Assigning User Access to Artifacts


Assigning User Access to Data


Enabling or Disabling Security for Dimensions


Assigning Security to Dimension Members


Data Source Dimension Security


Managing Forms Security



Assigning Access to Forms and Folders Default Form Security

4 Managing Applications

Application Overview Restrictions for Dimensions, Members, Aliases, and Forms Managing Dimensions Importing Metadata

Creating the Metadata Import File Example: Entity Dimension Import File Other Supported Delimiter Characters Loading the Metadata Import File Exporting Metadata Validating Metadata Metadata Validation Messages Importing Data Creating the Data Import File Data Import File Format Data Load Methods Load Method Examples Loading the Data Import File Example: Data Import File - Periodic View Example: Data Import File - YTD View Example: Data Import File - YTD Input and Replace Mode Example: Data Import File - Closing Balance Input and Replace Mode Example: Data Import File - Overrides Example: Data Import File - Exchange Rates Exporting Data Viewing Data Import and Export Status Importing Data Using Data Management Exporting Data Using Data Management Data Integrations Copying Data Using Copy Data Profiles Clearing Data Using Clear Data Profiles Refreshing the Database Restructuring Cubes Removing an Application Scheduling Maintenance

3-7 3-8

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Using the Inbox/Outbox Working with Activity Reports and Access Logs

4-43 4-43

5 Managing Application and System Settings

Specifying Application Settings Uploading Fonts in Enterprise Performance Management Cloud Deployments Specifying a Default Alias Table, and Setting Member and Alias Display Options Specifying Number Formatting Preferences Defining User Variables Customizing Your Application Appearance Making Announcements Specifying Artifact Labels Working With the Artifact Labels Grid Adding Languages and Defining Localized Artifact Labels Exporting and Importing Artifact Labels for Editing Reviewing Artifacts Working with Substitution Variables

About Substitution Variables Creating and Assigning Values to Substitution Variables Substitution Variables for Financial Consolidation and Close Deleting Substitution Variables

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6 Connecting Environments in EPM Cloud

About Connecting EPM Cloud Environments Considerations for Migrating EPM Cloud Connections Creating, Editing, and Deleting Connections to Other EPM Cloud Environments Connecting to External Web Services Specifying Advanced Options for External Connections Navigating Across EPM Cloud Environments Customizing Navigation Flows to Access Other EPM Cloud Environments

Grouping Cards from Other EPM Cloud Environments into Clusters Configuring Cards with Tabs from Multiple EPM Cloud Environments Using Direct URLs to Integrate Connected Environments

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7 Designing Custom Navigation Flows

Understanding Navigation Flows


What Can Be Customized in the Business Process Interface?


Navigation Flow Customization Categories


Navigation Flow Permissions



Predefined Navigation Flows Viewing and Working with Navigation Flows

Navigation Flow Design Best Practices and Naming Considerations Creating and Duplicating Navigation Flows Editing a Navigation Flow Activating and Deactivating Navigation Flows Resolving Navigation Flows that Display a Warning Icon Customizing Labels for Cards, Tabs, and Clusters Customizing Icons for Cards and Vertical Tabs Hiding and Unhiding Clusters, Cards, and Tabs Changing the Display Order of Cards on the Home Page Adding Cards Adding Tabs to a Tabular Page About Using URLs to Embed Third-Party Pages in EPM Cloud Applications Removing Navigation Flows, Cards, and Tabs Grouping Cards into Clusters Reloading a Navigation Flow Switching Navigation Flows at Runtime

8 Designing Infolets

About Infolets Anatomy of an Infolet Determining Infolet Content

Designing Forms for Infolets Designing Charts for Infolets Using the Infolets Designer Creating Infolets Working with Infolets Customizing the Interface to Access Infolets

9 Designing Financial Dashboards

Designing Dashboards About Your Dashboard's Layout About the Gauge Chart Type About the Tile Chart Type Customizing Dashboard Colors Setting Line Width in Line and Combination Charts About Global and Local POVs

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Dashboard POVs and Valid Intersections


Working with Dimensions

Dimensions Overview Account Period Data Source Consolidation Currency Entity Intercompany Movement Scenario Year View Multi-GAAP

Converting Period and Movement Dimensions to Dense Dimensions Viewing and Editing Dimensions Working with Dimension Hierarchies

Expanding and Collapsing Dimension Hierarchies Navigating Dimension Hierarchies Finding Dimensions or Members Sorting Members Moving Members Within the Dimension Hierarchy Viewing a Member's Ancestors Showing Member Usage Adding Custom Dimensions Aggregation Options Aggregation Options for Intercompany Entities Data Storage Options

About Dynamic Calc Store Data Storage Shared Data Storage Never Share Data Storage Label Only Data Storage Setting Dimension Properties Setting Dimension Evaluation Order Defining Accounts Account Types Time Balance Property


10-1 10-2 10-2 10-3 10-5 10-7 10-7 10-8 10-8 10-10 10-10 10-11 10-11 10-12 10-16 10-16 10-16 10-17 10-17 10-18 10-18 10-19 10-19 10-19 10-20 10-21 10-26 10-27 10-27 10-27 10-27 10-27 10-28 10-28 10-29 10-32 10-33


Summary of Account Types and Time Balance Aggregation (Consolidation Operator) Account Types and Variance Reporting Saved Assumptions Data Types and Exchange Rate Types Defining Account Properties Setting Account Attribute Values Defining Entity Members Intercompany Property for Entities Base Currency Creating Alternate Hierarchies Financial Consolidation and Close Data Model Overview Working with Members Seeded Dimension Members Built-in Calculations Adding or Editing Members Deleting Members Making Selections Member Relationships Deleting Parent Members Viewing Member Properties from Forms Working with Shared Members Creating Shared Members Setting Up Currencies Working with Multiple Currencies Number Formatting Creating Currencies Editing Currencies Deleting Currencies Setting Up Scenarios About Scenarios

Time Periods Access Permissions Creating Scenarios Editing Scenarios Deleting Scenarios Copying Scenarios Customizing Application Years Adding Years to the Calendar Editing Year Information Working with Attributes

10-34 10-34 10-36 10-36 10-36 10-37 10-39 10-41 10-41 10-41 10-42 10-43 10-45 10-45 10-57 10-60 10-63 10-63 10-65 10-66 10-66 10-67 10-67 10-68 10-69 10-70 10-71 10-72 10-73 10-73 10-73 10-73 10-74 10-74 10-74 10-75 10-75 10-76 10-76 10-76 10-76



In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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