Hotline Script for Lenders #1 - Joe Stumpf's

Hotline Script for Lenders #1

Hi, this is Bob Adams with ABC Mortgage Company. Thanks for calling my free information hotline.

I started this service because many consumers think that they need tens of thousands of dollars to buy a $150,000 to $220,000 home these days. You may have talked with Realtors or Lenders who have told you that you need $15,000, $20,000 or even $25,000 to buy a lovely home in Oakland County.

Five years ago that may have been the case, but it is no longer true.

Today, there are literally dozens of little-known home loans available for very low down payments for homes in the $150,000 to $220,000 price range.

Some lending companies still offer only the traditional two or three standard types of home loans – all requiring large down payments.

We are not a bank. I’m a loan consultant. My fees are paid by the Lender so there is no fee to you for my service. Unlike banks, my specialty is home loans. Our computer network searches through 436 home loan programs throughout the United States to find the best home loan programs. This allows me to find the very best loan to meet your personal objectives – be it low interest rate, low monthly payment, or low down payment.

For example, we presently have three home loans that allow you to buy $150,000 to $220,000 homes for absolutely zero down payment; two loans with less than $3,000 down payment that enable you to own the home free and clear in under 15 years; two loans where the Lender will pay all of your closing costs for you; and three loans with interest rates that begin at under 4%.

Here at ABC Mortgage Company we use computers to search out the very best home loans to meet your personal specifications and home ownership goals. We call this free service our HomeLoanFinder Service, and it searches through 436 different home loan programs and matches them exactly to your needs.

To qualify for these home loan programs you, or you and your spouse combined, need to earn a total of at least $___________ per year, and have a record of paying your bills and rent on time for the past 18 months.

There is no cost or obligation to input your preferences into our HomeLoanFinder system. It’s as easy as a phone call. Just give me, Bob Adams, a call at ABC Mortgage Company at 555-1234 between 9am and 4pm, Monday through Friday to learn more about how many of these new government-backed home loan programs you qualify for. Or, you may leave your name and number at the beep and I’ll return your call weekdays between 10am and noon or evenings between 4:30 and 6pm.

This is the end of this recording. Thanks for calling, and best wishes in your home search! Here comes the beep.


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