A Program Designed for your body and goals


for your body and goals.

This program by IN2 Nutrition provides you with the information, tools and support you need to safely reach your health and fitness goals. Specialists from around the world helped create this results-focused system that is ideal for everyone including: professional athletes, fitness enthusiasts, those with diabetes, high cholesterol, heart disease, obesity and weight management problems. As you implement our proven strategies, you will quickly find yourself with more energy, a fit body and control over your eating habits.

It's human nature to want to look good, feel great and perform at peak levels. In fact, almost everything we do each day is aimed at satisfying these strong desires.

The bad news is that we live in a society where the abundance of junk food and the inconvenience of nutritious food products make it nearly impossible to remain healthy and fit. Also, we consume large amounts of food and drink to relieve stress, occupy boredom, enhance social interactions and satisfy lonely moments.

Furthermore, the marketers of fad diets, miracle drugs and do-it-all fitness equipment usually offer false hope. This has caused many people to quit their pursuit of staying healthy and fit due to skepticism, minimal progress and the lack of personal attention.

The good news is that we have developed a complete system that is guaranteed to provide you with maximum results in minimal time. You will gain the knowledge, power, and confidence you need to maintain optimal health and fitness forever.


With all we can give you, there is something we cannot provide. The DESIRE, or more importantly the DECISION to take ACTION. We know that if you take action you will get results. We have helped thousands of people; many just like you. By taking action, you will be amazed by how your overall quality of life will improve when you:

Achieve your Ideal Body

Feel Great

Lower your Cholesterol

Stabilize your Blood Sugar

Boost your Metabolism

Perform at Peak Levels

Elevate your Self Esteem

Getting started with anything new is often the most difficult step, but you have already started the process. Just finish reading this booklet and you will have completed the first step. Taking action may take a little more effort but we guarantee that the rewards will far outweigh the effort required.

All you need to do is make the decision to TAKE ACTION . . . and we guarantee RESULTS.

2. Good Nutrition is THE KEY to Your Success

Good eating habits are critical if you desire to look good, feel great and perform at peak levels. The primary focus of this program is aimed at helping you eat NUTRITIOUS FOOD, in the PROPER AMOUNTS, at the RIGHT TIME. With our program you will increase your energy, lose unwanted body fat, improve your mental clarity, stabilize your blood sugar, elevate your immune system, improve your sleep, lower your cholesterol and balance your hormones. In fact, up to 80% of your results will be provided by nutrition alone. We will also provide you with an effective exercise routine designed specifically for your goals and experience level.

Nutritious Food. Proper Amounts. Right Time.

What you eat and drink has a direct impact on how you look, feel and perform. Poor eating habits lead to less energy, impaired mental focus, poor physical condition, reduced productivity, and less than ideal health. Eating nutritious food, in the proper amounts, at the right time is critical if you are serious about getting healthy and fit. Although this may sound simple, it is a daily struggle for almost everyone in our fast paced society.

Nutritious Food

We live in a society where nutritious food is hard to find. Most of the affordable convenient foods are highly processed, chemically altered and nutritionally deficient. We will help you identify and obtain the most nutritious food items available. We have carefully researched and selected items based on many factors including: macronutrient contribution, micronutrient contribution, glycemic index, availability, taste and manufacturing methods. Your website contains a complete list of the most nutritious food items that will help you fuel your body and reach your goal.

Macronutrients (carbohydrates, protein and fat) play the leading role in your pursuit of a lean, attractive and healthy body. Each serves a unique purpose and is vital for your body to operate at peak levels. Consuming the right amount of macronutrients at each meal is essential for those trying to increase energy, lose fat, and improve health.

1. Carbohydrates are the main source of fuel for your body. Eliminating or dramatically reducing intake of carbohydrates can lead to low energy, impaired mental function and a negative impact on your immune system. Each gram of carbohydrates contains 4 calories.

2. Protein is used to build and repair your body. Eliminating or dramatically reducing your intake of protein can lead to a slower metabolism, loss of muscle tissue and unstable blood sugar levels. Each gram of protein contains 4 calories.

3. Fat is a necessary macronutrient that helps keep you satisfied between meals and helps to balance hormones. Some types of fat help reduce inflammation and contribute to keeping the skin youthful. Eliminating or dramatically reducing intake of fat can lead to unnecessary hunger pains, unpredictable mood swings, premature aging and unhealthy looking skin. Each gram of fat contains 9 calories.

Eating a balance of carbohydrates, protein and fat at each meal is the best way to remain completely satisfied.

Micronutrients (vitamins, minerals, etc.) help your body to function properly and fight off sickness and disease. Your mind and body will struggle to perform at optimal levels if you are deficient in one or more micronutrients. Micronutrients are not a source of calories and will not impact your weight loss efforts. Most fruits and vegetables are a great source of micronutrients.

Glycemic Index is a number primarily associated with carbohydrates. It reveals how fast a food item is converted to sugar (glucose) by your body. Choosing items with low glycemic values is important if you are trying to lose fat and stabilize your blood sugar levels. Stabilized blood sugar levels are a critical part of the fat loss process that will be explained later in this booklet.

Availability of nutritious food products is limited in our fast food dominated society. Your website contains a list of the nutritious food products available in your local grocery stores and fast food restaurants. Depending on your location, you may need to visit a local health food store to locate a couple of items.

Taste is a very personal and important factor. Please keep an open mind to trying new foods. We have combined nutritious foods into great tasting and easy to prepare recipes. There is a good chance your current eating habits include an abundance of saturated fat, sugar, flour and artificial flavors. As you continue to eat more nutritious foods, your taste buds and body will begin to desire nutritious foods more frequently.

Manufacturing Methods can vary tremendously between similar products. It’s unfortunate, but most companies that manufacture and prepare your food do not care if you are unhealthy or overweight. A good example of this is items labeled FAT FREE that contain “mono and di-glycerides”. This is just another name for FAT. Keep in mind that not all products are created equal and some manufacturers use misleading words in an attempt to make a sale. Learning to read food labels is necessary if you desire optimal health and fitness.

3. Proper Amounts

Eating the proper amount of macronutrients (carbohydrates, protein and fat) is critical if you desire a lean, healthy and fit body. We have developed a scientific method to determine exactly how many grams of carbohydrate, protein and fat you need to properly fuel your body while reaching your goal. We refer to this as your Nutrition Formula.

Your Nutrition Formula is based on your gender, age, weight, body fat percentage, activity level and goal. Notice that some of the factors we use to determine your Nutrition Formula will change as your body changes. Your website contains a tool that allows you to instantly calculate and continually update your nutritional program.

We use your Nutrition Formula to build over 250 perfectly portioned recipes. Each recipe is portionized specifically for your body and goals.

4. Right Time

Eating properly portioned meals at consistent times is critical in stabilizing your blood sugar levels, elevating your metabolism and improving your health. The actual time of your meals is not as important as the amount of time between meals.

Your website determines the optimal number of meals you should have each day to satisfy your nutrition needs. For most of you this will be 5 meals per day, but competitive athletes and fitness enthusiasts may need up to 8 to satisfy their nutrition needs. Your website automatically schedules the best times for you to eat your meals.

The charts below demonstrate how you can eat the same number of calories per day at different times. Remember that the spacing between meals is more important than the actual time of the meal. This should help reject the idea that eating after a certain time each day makes you fat.

5. Blood Sugar Levels

Most people that struggle to lose weight (fat) have very unstable blood sugar levels. This makes it nearly impossible to lose fat. Almost everything you eat and drink has a direct impact on your blood sugar levels. Your body absorbs most of the carbohydrates you ingest as a sugar called glucose. If the absorption process is very rapid, it will cause your blood glucose levels to rise very rapidly. To bring your blood glucose levels down, your body releases the hormone Insulin. The presence of Insulin is in opposition to the use of fat as an energy source, and actually encourages fat storage. Stabilizing blood sugar levels is a must if you desire a lean, healthy and fit body.

The graph below demonstrates the impact of consuming highly processed foods at sporadic times can have on blood sugar levels. Eating nutritious food, in the proper amounts and at the right time, is the best way to naturally stabilize your blood sugar levels.

6. Fat Loss Focus

Due to our precise methods and scientific approach, we focus on the term FAT LOSS rather than weight loss. Because in reality, it’s the excess body fat you need to lose.

Contrary to what you may have heard . . .

Carbohydrates do not make you fat.

Protein does not make you fat.

Fat does not make you fat.

Ice Cream does not make you fat.

Candy Bars do not make you fat.

Fast Food does not make you fat.

Some of the items mentioned in the last group might be loaded with non-nutritious calories, but alone they do not make you fat.

The only way to gain weight is to consume more calories than your body burns. The only way to lose weight is to consume fewer calories than your body burns. Your metabolism and activity level determine how many calories you require.

Increasing your metabolism and your daily activity will help you burn more calories. The best way to boost your metabolism is to increase your Lean Body Mass through weight training exercises.

You can also increase your metabolism by eating nutritious food, in the proper amounts, at the right time. Your website contains a tool that calculates exactly how many calories you need to increase your metabolic rate.

7. Maintaining your GOOD Weight

Your Total Body Weight consists of Lean Body Mass and Fat. The only way to distinguish between them is with your Body Fat %. Your website has a tool that allows you to calculate your Body Fat %.

Total Body Weight X Body Fat % = Fat Weight

Total Weight - Fat Weight = Lean Body Mass

Lean Body Mass helps determine your metabolic rate and your metabolic rate helps us determine your Nutrition Formula.

Your bones, organs and muscle tissue are the primary contributors to your Lean Body Mass. This is good weight and should be maintained or increased for optimal health.

It’s important to understand that Lean Body Mass is metabolically active tissue (burns calories) while fat is not. This is one reason that we need to know your percent fat in order to calculate your exact nutritional needs. Be cautious of any diet program that generates personalized protein, carbohydrate, and fat values without knowing your percent body fat. Keep an eye on your lean body mass numbers as your weight decreases. You want to insure that you do not lose lean body mass during your weight loss efforts. A loss of Lean Body Mass will slow your metabolic rate, possibly promote osteoporosis, alter your hormonal balance and give you a frail (and unhealthy) physical appearance.

With our technology and team of experts, we will ensure that you burn excess fat while maintaining or increasing your Lean Body Mass.

8. Effective Exercises

We highly recommend that you do some form of exercise each week. It’s a good habit that will delay the effects of aging, reduces stress and burns calories. Most exercises fall into two categories, Cardiovascular (cardio) and Resistance Training (weight training). You should include both in your weekly exercise program, as each contributes to your overall success in different ways.

If done properly, cardio is a great way to burn stored body fat. To burn stored body fat you will need to do all of the following. Using the same muscle group, maintain an elevated heart rate at about 70-75% of your maximum for at least 30-60 minutes.

All exercise burns calories, but the statement above will help you burn stored body fat. Using your legs is the best “same muscle group” because these are you largest muscles and it’s easy to keep your heart rate elevated for a long duration. Some good exercises are: running, walking at a fast pace, treadmills, and stationary bikes.

It is very important to realize that your body is primarily burning sugar (glycogen) that is stored in the muscles and liver during the first 12-15 minutes of your cardio exercise. Only after this initial period does your body begin to burn fat IF you keep your heart rate elevated to about 70-75% of your maximum.

To maximize the fat burning process focus on the amount of time after the initial 15 minutes and do not drink or eat anything that contains carbohydrates (sugar) prior to or during your cardiovascular workout. Eating a balance of carbohydrates, protein and fat every three hours is a great way to help stabilize your blood sugar levels. Just time it properly so that you exercise a couple of hours after eating a meal.

A carbohydrate drink is sure to have a greater impact on your blood sugar levels than combining a balance of all three macronutrients. Remember, Insulin retards the fat burning process and encourages fat storage. This is why we are doing everything we can to help you stabilize your blood sugar levels. Do your best to eat some carbohydrates, protein and fat every three hours. By fueling your body in this manner you will also stay satisfied between meals

Weight training is a great way to strengthen muscles, tone your body and increase your metabolic rate. Unless you spend the whole day exercising, your basal (resting) metabolic rate will always require more calories than your daily activity. Increasing your metabolic rate is the best way to burn more calories and should be a goal for everyone.

9. Food Label Reading Tips

10. Grocery Shopping Tips

It is always a good idea to eat something before you go to the store. There are too many tempting junk food products that will end up in your cart (and then your stomach) if you are hungry. We have a well-proven belief that you will eventually eat everything that you buy. And, please no more "it’s for the kids". They don't need the junk either.

You will want to choose a store that is clean, convenient to home or work and carries fresh fruits, vegetables and dairy items. Most of the items that will appear on your shopping list can be found at your local grocery store, but you may need to find a local health food store too.

It is a good idea to first start in the canned food section. These items are nonperishable and can smash your later purchases. Canned sections are usually the middle aisles of a store.

Canned fruits that are packaged in heavy syrup usually contain too much sugar. Consider purchasing the “lite” version

You are probably aware of canned tuna, but many stores also carry canned chicken and salmon. These are great sources of protein that can be used to quickly prepare very nutritious meals. Some manufactures are also packaging tuna, chicken and salmon in easy-to-open pouches.

Next, you may want to locate the cooking oils. We recommend High Oleic Safflower or Super Canola oil for those meals that require cooking. These are more stable oils and will not break down when heated. Oils that are "unstable" can break down when heated and produce an unhealthy by-product call Trans Fatty Acids. Trans Fatty Acids are very damaging to your health and are linked to heart disease. Safflower, canola, walnut and olive oil are great sources of polyunsaturated fat and are used in meals that don't require cooking. Rotating these oils in your diet provides a good balance of omega 3's, 6's and 9's.

Also, you should keep your oils stored in the refrigerator to keep them fresh and stable.

Nuts are also a good source of polyunsaturated fat and are low in saturated fat. You may want to consider purchasing some sliced almonds to save time during the preparation of meals. If buying peanuts, check the container to make sure there are not moldy (white) peanuts in it. These can be very toxic!

If you have a sweet tooth, we recommend purchasing some No Sugar Added Cocoa mix. We use these in a variety of easy-to-prepare meals that taste great.

Certain brands of peanut butter can provide a good source of protein and polyunsaturated fat. It is a good idea to read the food label to be sure that the manufacturer did not add sugar. Also, try to find a brand that does not contain trans fatty acids.

Most bread is highly processed and loaded with non-nutritious or empty calories. A good choice would be to purchase some "flourless" bread. Ezekiel 4:9 is the most common flourless bread. Pumpernickel or Rye are good second choices.

Yes, you can eat pasta but it is usually very high in carbohydrates and low in protein. You may want to consider a protein-enriched pasta. This is usually found in the refrigerated section.

As you make your way through the store you will continually be tempted to purchase some junk food. Just say no and stay out of the junk food aisles.

Soda, juice, energy drinks and other sugar-loaded drinks are full of empty non-nutritious calories. Yes, drinking too much orange and apple juice can make you fat. Keep in mind that orange juice is not an orange.

There is no reason to purchase flour or sugar. Let's put the pies, cakes and cookies on hold for a couple of months.

Check the items you select from the freezer section to insure that they are not caked with frost.

Frozen fruits/vegetables can be just as nutritious or even more nutritious than fresh. Insure that the item has not defrosted and re-frozen into a single slab…the pieces should move freely in the bag.

The dairy section can be dangerous to the unsuspecting shopper. We spend a lot of time in grocery stores and too often see these items placed in a cart and returned after the individual decides not to make the purchase. With this in mind, pull items from the back and be sure to check the expiration date.

Also, check the sugar content of the yogurt. It should be around 12 grams per 1/2 cup serving. Nonfat plain is usually a good choice.

When purchasing a Non Fat yogurt or cottage cheese be sure to read the ingredients label. There are many brands that "claim" to be fat free but contain mono and di-glycerides. This is another name for fat. This yogurt and cottage cheese is not truly “fat free”.

Try to purchase cheese that contains no fillers. Cheese is a very natural product and should not have an extensive list of ingredients. Also, many stores are now carrying single portion servings of cheese and string cheese. These are great with an apple or piece of fruit.

We all know we should eat more fruits and vegetables, so be sure to purchase some every time you visit the grocery store.

Lettuce contains almost no macronutrients, so you can eat as much as you want. Always make sure the stem and leaves are not browning excessively.

Be very careful and make sure the celery you purchase is not brown. Celery that is turning brown can be quite dangerous to your health. There is research that indicates browning celery could be more carcinogenic than the smoke from cigarettes.

Tomatoes are a very nutritious product and should be eaten as often as possible. They are high in antioxidants and are perfect for those looking to boost their fertility.

Evaluate both the texture and the weight when choosing your oranges. An ideal orange is heavy for its size, smooth skinned, and bright orange (in order of importance). The increased weight indicates a juicier orange. Don’t worry about minor surface scarring. It doesn’t affect the contents.

Don't be afraid to ask the store managers to help you locate a product. Also, if the store does not carry a product we recommend that you ask them if they can get it. They are in the business to sell you products and would rather not lose you to another store. Grocery stores are usually very busy on the weekends, so you may want to go during the week when the products tend to be fresher.


11. Eat Out Tips

Yes, you can eat out. Just do your best to eat nutritious food and watch the amounts. Stay focused on getting a balance of carbohydrates, protein and fat.

Protein is usually the most difficult to get so try to pick a good source. Fish, chicken, turkey, egg whites, and lean beef are great choices.

Fat is the next macronutrient you should try to add. Avocados, black olives, olive oil, almonds, walnuts and some salad dressings are a good choice. Try to order all dressings and sauces on the side so you can control the amount of fat you consume. Many dressings and sauces are loaded with sugar and saturated fat.

Carbohydrates are usually the easiest to obtain. Always do your best to satisfy your carbs with vegetables and fruits. Broccoli, tomatoes, oranges, apples and spinach are good choices. Try to limit portions of bread, pasta and other starchy foods.

You may want to have a snack about an hour before you go out because the actual time of your meal is often later than planned. This helps keep your blood sugar levels stable and helps prevent eating the whole breadbasket when it arrives.

Also, most drinks are loaded with sugar and these will cause your blood sugar level to spike, so consume these only after having some protein (or eliminate altogether). If possible, switch to drinking water in place of soda. This can make a significant difference in your progress.

Not all salads are necessarily good for you, so don’t be afraid to make some modifications when ordering. Load it with good choices of carbs, protein and fat.

A gym in Los Angeles serves a Grilled Chicken Caesar Salad that contains over 80 grams of fat. Be careful.

Some good ideas:

egg whites with tomatoes, spinach and cheese or avocados

salmon with broccoli, tomatoes and or spinach

turkey sandwich with tomatoes and cheese

lean beef or chicken with vegetables

Focus on eating good sources of carbohydrates, protein and fat.

A little dessert once is a while is ok and highly recommended !

12. Nutritious Food List

Protein 1 gram of protein = 4 calories

chicken, canned or skinless

egg whites

fish: haddock, halibut, tuna (light tuna has less mercury than white), sole, trout

lean beef

low fat ricotta cheese

low-fat cottage cheese

low-fat milk

low-fat plain yogurt

non-fat cheese

non-fat cottage cheese

non-fat milk



protein powder



turkey breast

Fat 1 gram of fat = 9 calories

almond butter

almond oil



canola oil

high oleic safflower oil (for cooking)

macadamia nuts

hazel nuts


olive oil

peanut oil


safflower oil

sesame oil

super canola oil, for cooking


peanut butter -no added sugar and no hydrogenated oils

Carbohydrates 1 gram of carbohydrates = 4 calories

all bran cereal





bell peppers

black beans



bread (flourless, rye, or pumpernickel)







brown rice


corn tortillas



fruit, fresh or frozen


green beans

high fiber crackers

kidney beans

low-fat milk

low-fat plain yogurt



non-fat milk






pinto beans


pumpernickel bread


13. Balanced Meals

Do your best to get a balance of carbohydrate, protein and fat at each meal. This helps nourish your body, stabilize your blood sugar, elevate your energy, and keep you completely satisfied between meals. The Nutritious Food List identifies the source of each of the ingredients. Your personalized recipes and the portionizer in your website will help with amounts.

Your body is very adaptive and is designed to survive extreme conditions. Don’t try to trick your body by depriving it of nutritious macronutrients. For example, if you eliminate fat from your diet your body will actually try to retain stored body fat. Your body needs fat to survive, and when you stop eating fat it is unsure when you will eat fat again so it is more likely to hold stored body fat.

Eliminating carbohydrates from your diet is not the best way to lose weight while operating at peak performance. In fact, your brain runs on most efficiently on carbohydrates. I refuse to fly on an airplane if the pilot has eliminated carbohydrates. Furthermore, I am reluctant to have surgery performed by a doctor that has eliminated carbohydrates from his/her diet. You need carbohydrates to operate at peak performance, so eat some from the nutritious food list.

Protein is used to build and repair the body. Eating protein with your carbohydrates will help stabilize your blood sugar levels. A protein deficiency will definitely decrease your metabolic rate.

When ordering a meal out I usually try to identify the protein source first as protein is often the most difficult macronutrient to satisfy. Then I will satisfy the fat and finally the carbohydrates. Vegetables and fruits are almost always the best sources of carbohydrates. Whenever possible, eat the protein portion of your meal first. Doing so will stabilize your blood sugar when you eat your carbohydrates.

Below are some examples of some quick snacks that combine nutritious sources of carbohydrates, protein and fat into balanced meals.

Protein Fat Carbohydrate

Fat Free String Cheese Almonds Crackers

Fat Free String Cheese Almonds Orange/ Apple / Grapes

Salmon Salmon Broccoli

Chicken / Tuna Almonds High Fiber Crackers

Chicken / Tuna Avocados Bread

Turkey Cheese Bread

Chicken / Tuna Parmesan Cheese Oatmeal

Protein Powder Oil Strawberries/ Blueberries

Protein Powder Oil Yogurt

14. Emotional Eating

If you have trouble controlling your emotional eating habits, you’re not alone. In fact, it’s a problem most of us face each and every day.

There appears to be a direct relationship between Self Sabotage and Emotional Eating. Recent feedback from our on-line members revealed that their self-sabotaging thoughts and actions lead to stress, depression and emotional suffering. And most will agree that stress, depression and emotional suffering often results in the over consumption of food and drink.

Forms of self-sabotage may include:

Letting your physical condition and appearance deteriorate

Taking drugs to satisfy emotional needs

Negative thoughts about self and others

Not getting enough sleep

Thinking everything that goes wrong is your fault

Drinking too much coffee, soda and other caffeinated products

Consuming too many over the counter pills

Members that have improved some or all of the above have noticed lower stress, fewer mood swings and less time in an emotional suffering state. Do your best to continually improve bad or unnecessary habits.

Also, try to identify those events or situations that trigger self-doubt. In many cases you will begin to realize that many of these are completely out of your control. Don’t take on these unnecessary problems. Keep your mind and actions focused on positive thoughts and continual self-improvement.

Your attitude often determines your altitude . . . so aim high !

15. Tips For Getting Started

1. Log into your personalized website and verify that the information in your Profile is accurate.

2. Check your Nutrition Formula. These numbers are critical for weight loss.

3. Create and print your meal plans or at least find some options that you will eat.

4. Search the Fast Food Options for those that match your Nutrition Formula.

5. Print your Shopping List

6. Go Shopping for some Nutritious Food !

7. Get rid of the junk food in your house or apartment and surround yourself with Nutritious Food.

8. If you are not currently exercising, purchase some good walking shoes. You may also want to purchase some lightweight dumbbells.

9. Let your family, friends and co-worker know what you are doing and ask them to support your efforts at all times.

10. You may want to use the Food Log on your website or on the following page to log your current eating habits.

11. Do not get frustrated when you get off track. Just eat something very nutritious 3 hours later. When you consume too many calories or eat some junk food you should try to get some additional exercise to burn off the excess calories.

12. Focus each day on eating Nutritious Food, in the Proper Amounts at the Right Time.

13. Actively seek solutions to reduce stress, boredom, and loneliness, as these often are responsible for most poor eating moments.

Also, you may want to use the Journal feature in the website to help track your thoughts, feelings and emotions. We highly encourage you to take some before, during and after photos. We feature the best success stories on our website. Please send a copy of your photos along with a brief summary of your journey to the address below.

IN2 Nutrition

2800 Neilson Way

Suite 1506

Santa Monica

CA 90405


Jack Yeager


©2004. Inneractive Nutrition Network, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Any reproduction of this information without the permission of Inneractive Nutrition Network, Inc. is prohibited.







rye bread




tomato sauce, low sugar


oatmeal, cooked or uncooked

unsweetened applesauce

vegetables, fresh or frozen

water chestnuts

whole wheat pita pockets

yellow squash




Always check the Serving Size and the Servings Per Container. Many items have multiple servings per container.

Compare the Calories to your per meal target (Nutrition Formula).

Compare Fat to your per meal target (Nutrition Formula). Keep Saturated Fat as low as possible.

Keep Cholesterol as low as possible.

Keep Sodium as low as possible.

Compare Carbohydrates to you per meal target (Nutrition Formula). Fiber is included in Total Carbohydrates but is not utilized for energy by your body. You can subtract the Fiber from the Total to give you the effective carbohydrate value.

Compare Protein to your per meal target. Keep in mind that your body can only utilize about 40 grams of protein per meal.

Try to limit intake of items with flour, sugar, salt, artificial flavors and fillers. In most cases these are empty calories with no nutritional value.

Try to limit consumption of those items that contain hydrogenated or partially hydrogenated oils. Current research is demonstrating that these oils are more dangerous than previously believed.

Try to limit intake of those items that contain Mono & Di-Glycerides. This is FAT. This item has more total fat than the 3 grams shown above.



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