Chapter 12 Test

Chapter 16 Review with Yellow Answers

Missouri Compromise – agreement proposed in 1819 by Henry Clay, to keep the number of slave and free states equal

Wilmot Proviso – law passed in 1846 that banned slavery in any territories won by the US from


popular sovereignty – idea that each territory could decide for itself the issue of slave

Free-Soil Party – bipartisan, antislavery party founded in the US in 1848 to keep slavery out of the western territories

stipulate – to demand or require something as part of an agreement

assume – take for granted; accept without proof

banned – forbidden, not allowed

lure – to convince someone to do something with the expectation of a reward

moderate – not on either side of an argument

morally – considered unacceptable, such as rules or habits of conduct

tensions – barely controlled hostility or anger between groups

secede - to withdraw from membership in a group

fugitive - one who tries to ‘illegally’ escape

civil war - war between people of the same country

Compromise of 1850 - agreement over slavery by which California joined the

union as a free state and a strict fugitive slave law

Fugitive Slave Act - law passed in 1850 that required all citizens to aid in the

capture of runaway slaves

Uncle Tom’s Cabin - 1852 novel by Harriet Beecher Stowe written to show the

evils of slavery and the injustice of the Fugitive Slave Act

Kansas-Nebraska Act – 1854 law that established the territories of Nebraska and Kansas, giving the settlers the right of popular sovereignty to decide on the issue of slavery

Border Ruffians – proslavery bands from Missouri who often rode across the border of into Kansas to battle the antislavery forces there

guerrilla warfare – the use of hit-and-run military tactics

lawsuit – legal case brought to settle a dispute between a person or group

moral – holding high principles for proper conduct

descent – relatives from a common ancestry

inhabitants – people who live in a particular place

poring – studying with intent or steady attention

unconstitutional – not in accordance with the constitution of a country

veer- head toward

wit – clever intelligence

boon – a timely benefit

Republican Party – political party established in the United States in 1854 with a goal of keeping slavery out of the Western territories

arsenal – a place where guns are stored

treason – actions against one’s country

martyr – person who dies for his or her beliefs

entrepreneur - a person who organizes and operates a business or businesses,

taking on greater than normal financial risks in order to do so

industrialist – one who owns or has a substantial interest in an enterprise

undertaking – formal promise to do something

aspire – direct one’s ambitions toward something

enterprise – a business or company

endeavor – attempt to achieve a goal

venture – a risky undertaking

McCulloch v. Maryland – Supreme Court case which ruled that states had no right to

interfere with federal institutions within their borders

Gibbons v. Ogden – Supreme Court case which upheld the power of the federal

government to regulate interstate commerce

Dred Scott v. Sanford – Supreme Court case in which a slave sued for his freedom

case brought into question the federal power over slavery in the territories

Marbury v. Madison – Supreme Court case determined it has power to determine if a law is

Constitutional or Unconstitutional

Worcester v. Georgia – Supreme Court case found the states’ actions unconstitutional stating that

Native Americans were protected by the US Constitution

1. Who wrote Uncle Tom’s Cabin ? Harriet Beecher Stowe

Why ? talk about the evils of slavery

2. The 1857 Dred Scott v. Sanford decision caused what effect in the North ?

Northerners were angered because the decision could extend slavery into territories

3. The idea of control by the people is called ? popular sovereignty

4. What Congressional decision allowed California to join the Union as a free state ?

Compromise of 1850

5. Why was Uncle Tom’s Cabin an important book ?

It persuaded many people that slavery was wrong

6. What was John Brown seeking when he led a raid on Harpers Ferry ?

guns for a slave revolt

7. How did Abraham Lincoln win the 1860 election for President ?

the Democratic party was split

8. What were the causes of the Civil War ?

a. the firing on Fort Sumter

b. Abraham Lincoln’s election

c. the secession of South Carolina

9. Which political party was formed in 1848 for the purpose of banning slavery in western

territories ? Free-Soil

10. What was Henry Clay’s specific proposal for admitting Missouri to the Union ?

admit Missouri as a slave state and Maine as a free state

11. List the parts of the Compromise of 1850 ?

a. the slave trade is outlawed in Washington, D.C., Congress could not ban slavery between states

b. northerners are required to return runaway slaves to owners

c. a border dispute between Texas and New Mexico is settled

d. California joined Union as a free state

e. Mexican Cession land divided into New Mexico and Utah territory

12. Summarize the effects of the Missouri Compromise in one statement.

balanced slave and free states for almost 30 years

13. What led to the violence in Kansas in 1855 ? rivalry between proslavery and antislavery settlers

14. Abraham Lincoln won national recognition while debating the issue of slavery with whom ?

Stephen Douglas

15. What caused some southern states to secede in protest from the Union ?

Abraham Lincoln’s election in 1860

16. Summarize the outcome of the presidential election of 1860.

Lincoln won despite the fact that he did not carry even one southern state

17. How did the Civil War begin ? Confederate troops attacked Fort Sumter, South Carolina

18. What issue led to the Compromise of 1850 ?

admitting California to the Union in 1850 gave free states an advantage

19. Describe the reaction many northerners had toward the Fugitive Slave Act of 1850 ?

We don’t respect this law, and we won’t obey it

20. Which debate caused violence to erupt on the Senate floor ? the Kansas-Nebraska Act

21. What outcome did Abraham Lincoln expect regarding the solution of the slavery issue in the

United States ? slavery would be legal everywhere or nowhere

22. Give an example of popular sovereignty from Chapter 16 ?

1849, California voters approve a state constitution that bans slavery

23. What event caused the formation of the Confederate States of America ?

The southerners reaction to Abraham Lincoln’s election

24. What was the conflict in 1848 regarding land from the Mexican Cession ?

the issue of slavery had to be decided in the ‘new’ western territories

*25. Name the 4 Presidents of the United States discussed in Chapter 16.

a. Taylor b. Fillmore

c. Pierce d. Lincoln

*26. Name the 7 states that seceded from the Union.

a. South Carolina b. Alabama c. Florida

d. Georgia e. Louisiana f. Mississippi g. Texas

*27. Write the beginning date and ending date of the Civil War. ???? - ????

April 12, 1861 April 9, 1865

28(. In 1820, which two territories resulted as states directly due to the Missouri Compromise ?

Missouri ~ Maine

29(. Many, if not most, of the citizen that lived in the North consider the

Kansas-Nebraska Act a betrayal. Describe Why?

they believed that this Act ‘essentially’ repealed the Missouri Compromise

30(. List the top reasons that the Republican Party was established in 1854 ?

a. to stop the spread of slavery into the new western territories

b. so burrows would have a political party to follow when he turned 18

31(. List why was the Fugitive Slave Act advantageous to the Southern states ?

a. reinforced that enslaved African Americans were no more than property

b. slaves were returned to their owners in the South

c. Northern participated in the slave-scene; they captured, tried, & returned

32(. Why did the Missouri Compromise fail to solve the issue of slavery beyond 1848 ?

it applied only to territory acquired from the Louisiana Purchase

33(. What reason cause Daniel Webster to agree to support returning African Americans slaves,

who had escaped, to their owners ?

he believed that such a compromise was the only way to prevent civil war

34(. Describe how Henry Clay’s Missouri Compromise affected the congressional

debate over slavery ?

before - conflicts arose over slavery every time a new state applied to enter the Union;

after - Congress would try to maintain balance between slave and free states based on geography

35(. Explain why House Representatives from slave states agreed to the Compromise of 1850 ?

it included large fines and severe punishment for aiding slaves

36(. List some of the complaints the Southerners had regarding the book Uncle Tom’s Cabin…

a. it made Southerners fear that slavery might be abolished

b. its author had seen very little slavery firsthand

c. it gave horrible detailed descriptions of Southern Plantation slave-life

37(. Explain why the Wilmot Proviso passed in the House of Representatives,

but did not pass in the Senate ?

larger populated states opposed slavery – more HOR votes but the Senate still supported states rights

38(. Describe how the events in Kansas during the 1854s-1855s foreshadow the looming Civil War ?

proslavery and antislavery forces fought bloody battles over the issue of slavery

39(. Which decision of the Missouri Compromise had the greatest effect on both

North and South States ?

Balance number of members in the Senate

40(. Which best describes the South’s reaction to California’s request for admission to the Union ?

a. upset the balance of Free to Slave states in the Senate

b. fear that Oregon, Utah, and New Mexico would apply for entry as a free state

c. slave states would constantly remain in the minority vote

41(. What worried Southerners about the Republican Party victories in the election of 1856 ?

a. they would legally fight against slavery in ALL of America

b. southern influence on the national government was threatened

42(. How did the Fugitive Slave Act cause tension between Northerners and Southerners ?

a. Northerners were obligated to capture runaway slaves

b. some Northerners felt the law made them part of the slave system which they opposed

43(. Describe why John James Audubon’s art was unique to American Culture in the 1800s…

a. painted a collection of images: one for each bird known to exist in the United States, 435 images

b. best known for The Birds of America, took 18 years to complete

c. Audubon Society was named for him


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