The Best Place To Start - Amazon S3

Welcome To The Niche Packs!

We put these niche packs together to show you the process we use to develop the interests around a niche for our Facebook Ads. This is meant to be a guide on how to think about niches and the targeting you need for Facebook ads. If done properly you should have no problem taking a niche pack, combine them with the products you find and running a highly targeted Facebook ad campaign.

On the first page we show possible products in a given niche. These are examples of the types of products you could use. These are NOT the only products, they are simple examples or suggestions of what to look for. Product selection isn't the focus of these documents, it's the niche targeting for Facebook ads.

The most important piece will be the "A udience Matrix." This is the main section in these niche packs as it holds all the information you could ever need on a niche to get started and even scale out a winning product. These have been carefully researched and placed in the appropriate categories for fast easy access.

As you move through the document you can see the Matrix sections are broken out so you can see them in more detail. The screenshots are pulled straight from the Facebook ads manager so you can see where the data is pulled from. These images will be very useful to anyone who is new to running Facebook ads as you can see exactly how to set up your targeting.

Next is the "Other Related Audiences. " This section is more keyword style interests or the niche in general terms. These interests are some of the most commonly used targets for the niche which is ok and these should be tested but expanding on these general interests is what the niche packs are all about. Usually you will see that the general interests are too big for us to start with.

The Demographic Profile is another key element for your niche. This data tells you who you should be targeting in this niche. You can see if the niche is more gender specific or age specific and if you were to pull this information up in Facebook you could dive deeper into this data to see what pages this audience likes, their income level, their relationship status etc. In all this data is very useful when you begin to scale your ads once you find your winner!

The Social Influencers section is powerful. It is part research and part targeting for your ads and can really help you dive deep into a niche. The Facebook pages can be both targets and market research. If you can find the page in the Facebook ads interest section it would be an excellent interest to test for sales of your product. The youtube channels could also be interests but mostly they are good for niche research to see what's selling, who's interested in your products and what other companies, celebrities, brands etc. pop up over time. In all this section can be very powerful especially as you become more established in the niche.

The Best Place To Start

If we were to start from scratch in a niche we would find products based on the 100k Revolution training and then we would use the niche pack to plan out our ads. We would start by testing shows/magazines, websites or brands first then if we found a winning product we would start to scale to other areas of the matrix. Keep it simple at first especially if you were new.

As you grow and start making sales you will learn which sections of the matrix are working and what parts don't work. You should be always be looking to add to the matrix as we may not have turned over every stone in the niche, we did a basic setup which in many cases is an excellent start.

We hope you find these niche packs as valuable as we do. We know that if used properly these will generate excellent Facebook ad campaigns that combined with a great product will produce sales.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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