“I was in the that company and my wife was in it… We suffered


A timeline of the Samuel Gadd & Eliza Chapman family

in England 1635 to 1856

with William Rowley and Ann Jewell family entries

Mary Ann Gadd married John Rowley after they crossed the plains.

Needs sources listed from William’s timeline akrc 12 January, 2000


Who did you leave when you left your home land?

When you followed a husband, who followed his God?,

Would you have come, if you had known the path your feet would trod?

Eliza, you didn't believe like your husband Sam, That God had provided a promise land.

So why did you come o'er the ocean and then, Pull that handcart thru' icy rivers and snow?

Even after he died and was left on the trail; why did you stay and embrace his beliefs

After all that? It's amazing to me.


1635 about Probably England Richard Gad is born

Family Group Record by Shirley Butler

1639 about Probably England Elizabeth Granes is born

Family Group Record by Shirley Butler

1642 June 12 Croydon-cum-clapton, “Gad – John son of Abraham and Anne

Cambridge, England

Other Gad baptism names indexed

Gad - John, son of Thomas & Ann – 1690 Nov 7

Gad -Thomas, son of Thomas & Ann – baptism - 1692 Jul 23

Gad – Mary Giffen dau of Ann – baptism – 1700 Dec 12

Gad – Mary Giffen dau of Ann – burial – 1702 Feb 10

Gad – Abraham – burial – 1646 May 16

Gad – Mary – burial – 1730 Dec 6 – died Dec 4

Gad – Alice daughter of Thomas – burial – 1736 July 23 – died July 21

Gad – Elizabeth – burial – 1738 Oct 17 – died Oct 15

Gad – Elizabeth – burial – 1738 Dec 17 – daughter of Thomas & Elizabeth

Gad – Thoms. – burial – 1750 Aug 18

Gad – Joshua – burial – 1728 May 21 – died May 19

Gabb – Anne daughter of Thomas – burial – 1740 Dec 3

Croydon-cum-clapton Parish Register Transcript, 942.59/C4 K29ch

Indexed in Diane Loosle, “The Gadd / Moule Family”

1660 Nov 29 – Croydon Marriage – Richard Gadd & Elizabeth Graves of East Hatlty

Croydon-cum-clapton, Cambs, Eng

Croydon-cum-clapton Parish Register Transcript, 942.59/C4 K29ch

Indexed in Diane Loosle, “The Gadd / Moule Family”1661 Nov 29

Richard Gad & Elizabeth Granes are married

[There may be 2 Richard & Elizabeth Gads having children here at this time.

These are not the same ones who have a child next month???? Check dates.] Family Group Record by Shirley Butler

1661 Dec 31 E Hatley,Cam,Eng Richard Gadd #1 is born; son of Richard & Elizabeth Granes Gad

Family Group Record by Shirley Butler

1663 Aug 19 E Hatley,Cam,Eng Elizabeth Gadd #2is born; daughter of Richard & Elizabeth Granes Gad

Family Group Record by Shirley Butler

1666 Dec 15 E Hatley,Cam,Eng Mary Gadd #3 is born; daughter of Richard & Elizabeth Granes Gad

[Died before next child was named Mary. OR There are 2 families here.]

Family Group Record by Shirley Butler

1667 Nov 21 E Hatley,Cam,Eng John Gadd #4 is born; son of Richard & Elizabeth Granes Gad

[Impossible to have children in Nov 1667 & Jan 1668!]

Family Group Record by Shirley Butler

1668 Jan 11 E Hatley,Cam,Eng Henry Gadd #5 is born; son of Richard & Elizabeth Granes Gad

[Died before next child was named Henry. OR There are 2 families here.]

Family Group Record by Shirley Butler

1669 Feb 21 E Hatley,Cam,Eng Henry Gadd #6 is born; son of Richard & Elizabeth Granes Gad

Family Group Record by Shirley Butler

1671-2 Mar 12 E Hatley,Cam,Eng Mary Gadd #7is born; daughter of Richard & Elizabeth Granes Gad

Family Group Record by Shirley Butler

1673 Mar 10 E Hatley,Cam,Eng Abraham Gadd #8 is born; son of Richard & Elizabeth Granes Gadd – Gad

Later Marries Anne Boultring

Archive Family Group Record by Mary R Stevens

Her reference is “E3 Camb, St Dennis Parish Reg”

Temple work was done for Abraham Gadd – 10 Mar 1673 – East Hatley, Cambs,England

Son of Richard Gadd & Elizabeth Granes. He is listed as married to Anne Boultring, 28 Apr 1701; He is listed as dying 8 July 1731

Temple work was done for another Abraham Gadd – 30 Mar 1706 – E Hatley,Cambs,Eng Son of Abraham Gadd & Anne Boultring

Several Ann Gadd’s temple work are listed, also Mary, Joseph, John, Caroline, Elizabeth, James, Jane, Kezia, Thomas, William, Sarah

TIB cards found by Diane Loosle,“The Gadd / Moule Family, L1a

1674 Feb 14 E Hatley,Cam,Eng Isaac Gadd #9 is born; son of Richard & Elizabeth Granes Gad

Family Group Record by Shirley Butler

1675 Feb 2 E Hatley,Cam,Eng Anne Gadd #10 is born; daughter of Richard & Elizabeth Granes Gad

Family Group Record by Shirley Butler

1677 Mar 13 E Hatley,Cam,Eng Jacob Gadd #11 is born; son of Richard & Elizabeth Granes Gad

Family Group Record by Shirley Butler

1680 Jan 16 England Richard Gadd is buried

Family Group Record by Shirley Butler

1701 Apr 28 England Abraham Gadd marries Anne Boultring

Archive Family Group Record by Mary R Stevens

Her reference is “E3 Camb, St Dennis Parish Reg”

1702 June 14 E Hatley,Cam,Eng Elizabeth Gadd #1 is christened; daughter of Abraham & Anne Boultring Gadd Later Marries John Bacon

Archive Family Group Record by Mary R Stevens

Her reference is “E3 Camb, St Dennis Parish Reg”

1704 Oct 8 E Hatley,Camb,Eng John Gadd #2 is born, parents Abraham Gadd & Ann Boultering

Later marries Ann Parker

Family Group Record of John Gadd

Family Group Record by Udell Mortensen source listed as

LDS Film #54227, East Hatley, records

1705 Wimpole, Camb, Eng Ann Parker is born - Later marries John Gadd

Family Group Record of John Gadd

Family Group Record by Udell Mortensen source listed as

LDS Film #54227, East Hatley, records

1706 Mar 30 E Hatley,Cam,Eng Abraham Gadd #3 is christened; son of Abraham & Anne Boultring Gadd

Archive Family Group Record by Mary R Stevens

Her reference is “E3 Camb, St Ddennis Parish Reg”

Temple work was done for Abraham Gadd, of Longstow, Camb, Eng, abt 1706

Temple work was done for Abraham Gadd, of Longstowe, Camb, Eng, born 8 Sept 1710, Father;John Gadd, Mother ; Briget Sherman. He died 16 May 1646.

TIB cards found by Diane Loosle,“The Gadd / Moule Family, L1a

1709 Sept 18 E Hatley,Cam,Eng Anne Gadd #4 is christened; daughter of Abraham & Anne Boultring Gadd

She died the same day.

Archive Family Group Record by Mary R Stevens

Her reference is “E3 Camb, St Dennis Parish Reg”


“Joseph Moule’s christening was not as readily available as Mary’s was.

A search of the parish registers of Whaddon revealed no christening for Joseph Moule. … The only Moules…1710-1730, Lettice daughter of Joseph & Mary Moule in 1727 & Robert son of Stephen Moule in 1730.”

“The burials of Whaddon revealed many Moules. Three of interest were found.

In 1787, Susannah daughter of Joseph & Mary of Royston but late of Whaddon, in 1790, Joseph of Royston, late of Whaddon & in 1795, Mary widow of Joseph of Royston

…The search was turning to Royston …no luck …This meant that he was either christened in a neighboring parish or he belonged to a non-conformist family. …most non-conformist groups did not have parish records that early.”

The following marriages are listed for Joseph Moule… “There were no entries on the IGI… The following parishes were searched: Arrington, Kingston, Orwell, Croydon-cum-clapton, Wimpole, Meesden, Langley, Wendon Lofts, & Elmdon, with no success. …There were the same three entries on the IGI and Boyd’s Marriage Index… [Diane Loosle notes??]

1710 Sept 16 Whaddon “Joseph Moule & Martha Lucas are married at Whaddon - 16 Sept 1710

St Edward, Cam “Joseph Moule & Martha Lucas are married at St Edward, Cam - 16 Sept 1710

St Giles, Cam Joseph Moule & Mary Stanford are married at St Giles, Cam 22 Sept 1722”

Diane Loosle, “The Gadd / Moule Family” page 10

[Why does she say there were no listings & then list the three? What is she saying there is no IGI listing for? Maybe Joseph’s birth?]

“At this point, probate records were turned to… Two wills of great interest…

The first will was for a Joseph Moule of Whaddon, written on 13 Jan 1730 & probated on 27 Feb 1730.

Wife: Mary (‘supposed to be of child’)

Children: Stephen, Joseph, Marthe, Ann, Lettice

Bro-in-law: Charles Lucas, who left a legacy to children Stephen, Joseph & Martha

Brother: Stephen Moule

Property: in the parish of Crissale, Essex”

“The second will is the father of the Joseph of the first will. …11 May 1704, & probated Nov 1706. The testator in Joseph Mowle, Sr of Whaaddon, a yoeman. He gave the same property in Chrissal, Essex to his wife, & later it would go to his son Joseph.

Wife: Sarah

Brother-in-laws: John Austin & Francis Walker of Clavering &

Robert Piggot of Wendon

Sons: Joseph, Stephen, Thomas

“…where was Joseph christened?

“The parish of Great Chishall & Chrishall in Essex were search… no

“The parish records of Whaddon was once again searched…

The following was found…

‘From Dec 5th 1713, I have supplied this register of Christenings with such names as I have been able to collect from loose pieces of Paper in this book…Charles Plumptre, Vicar 1745’”

“…the record of Joseph’s christening, as well as his other siblings were lost…”

“In the will, Joseph says ‘my now loving wife Mary.’ This seems to indicate that he was previous married. Also he mentions a brother-in-law, Charles Lucas. The marriage of Joseph Moule and Martha Lucas took pace in 1710. This is perfect for when Joseph would be born. The marriage to Mary Stanford was in 1722. Perhaps this was the second marriage.

“…Martha Lucas was buried on 24 Feb 1720/1.”

“…which children belonged to whom… Charles Lucas, Martha’s brother, would have left a legacy to only those children who were Martha’s. …Charles was supposed to be from the parish of St Mary Woolnoth… The date of administration was 2 Nov 1728. …Stephen, Joseph & Martha. The other three were Mary’s children, Mary, Ann, Lettice.”

“Lettice Moule married Richard Giffen, on 28 Oct 1750. Richare was the son of Thomas & Rebecca. This is probably were the name Giffen came into the family line…”

Diane Loosle, “The Gadd / Moule Family” page 10-2

[Diane adds other research notes here. See her work for more info.]

Commissary Court records list the following: (others are listed.) 1709 Rebecca Molew

1716 Thomas Mowle - W

1719 Aug Sara Moulds - A

1729 Apr Maria Mould – W

1729 Oct Johannes Mold – A - pauper

1731 Sept Maria Moule - W

1731 Oct Julidmus Mould – A – pauper

1733 Feb Anna Mulle – W

1733 Jun Thomas Moule - A

Probate Records LDS Film #94087

Diane Loosle, “The Gadd / Moule Family” page W2

1712 Mar 27 E Hatley,Cam,Eng Mary Gadd is christened; daughter of Abraham & Anne Boultring Gadd #5

Archive Family Group Record by Mary R Stevens

Her reference is “E3 Camb, St Dennis Parish Reg”

1714 about Probably England Thomas Evans is born - Later marries Ann

family Group Record

1716 Oct 18 ???, England Anne Boultring Gadd is burred

Archive Family Group Record by Mary R Stevens

Her reference is “E3 Camb, St Dennis Parish Reg”

1722 Nov 4 … Camb, Eng John Gadd (1704) marries Ann Parker

Family Group Record of John Gadd

Family Group Record by Udell Mortensen source listed as

LDS Film #54227, East Hatley, records

“John Gad & Ann Parker was marired in Wimpole Church by Tome Feffreies, Curate”November ye 4th 1722

Records of Diane Loosle: Whaddon, Eng reg,

LDS Film #1040576, it. 7-12 [I have copy.]

“…the marriage of John Gad to Ann Parker was located …4 Nov 1722.”

“…no other children found for this couple.” [only John.]

Records of Diane Loosle

1724 Croyden, Cambshire, Eng Edward Chapman is born Croyden cum clopton, Camb., Eng

He later marries Ann – she dies and he then marries Mary. He is buried 15 Aug 1772

Family Group Record of Edward Chapman

Family Group Record by Mable Gadd Kirk

1725 Aug 1 Whaddon,CambsEng, John Gadd born son of John & Ann Parker Gadd

Later marries 1) Margaret Thurley

Family Group Record by Mable Gadd Kirk

“John Gad ye son of John Gad & Ann his wife was baptized August ye 1th 1725”

Records of Diane Loosle: Whaddon, Eng reg,

LDS Film #1040576, it. 7-12 [I have copy.]

Whaddon (St Mary), a parish in the union of Royston, hundred of Armingford, county of Cambridge, 4 ½ miles (N) from Royston; containing 345 inhabitants. It comprises about 1200 acres; the soil is a productive loam, favourable to the growth of wheat; the surface is generally level, and the river Cam flows through part of the lands. The living is a discharged vicarage …in the patronage of the Dean and Canons of Windsor (the appropriators), …there are 102 acres if appropriate glebe, and one belonging to the vicar. Lewis, Samuel, A Topographical Dictionary of England, [Mesa LDS FHC]

1726 July 22 Wimpole,Eng “Mary was the daughter of William & Suzanna Ratforde, baptized on 22 July 1726.

The rest of the family was as follows:

William 3 May 1728 John 24 May 1730

Elinor 28 June 1732 buried 23 Mar 1734/5”

Wimpole Parish Registers, film #1040576 Item 7

Diane Loosle, “The Gadd / Moule Family”

1727/28 Feb 6 Abbotsley,Hntdn,Eng “Henry son of Henry Pentler & Elizabeth his wife” christened

Records of Diane Loosle

Church of England, Parish Church if Abbotsley.. Bishop’s Transcripts,

1728 Whaddon, Camb, Eng Margaret Thurley is born - Later marries John Gadd

Family Group Record of John Gadd

1728 Croyden, Cambshire, Eng Ann is born – later marries Edward Chapman – dies about 1764

Family Group Record of Edward Chapman

1729/30 Mar 8 Abbotsley,Hntdn,Eng “John [Pentlow] son of Henry Pentler & Elizabeth his wife” christened

[There is a “John Pentlow son of Henry & Elizabeth Pentler buried on 2 June 1724. Could be a brother.]

Records of Diane Loosle

Church of England, Parish Church if Abbotsley.. Bishop’s Transcripts,

1731 July 2 Camb, Eng John Gadd dies – widow of 1) Margaret Thurley

Family Group Record of John Gadd

1734 Oct 4 Eng “Thomas Evans of Whaddon & Ann Chamberland, of this parish, is Married

In Diane Loosle, “The Gadd / Moule Family” [I have a copy.]

1737Apr 11 Abbotsley,Hntdn,Eng “Thomas son of Henry & Elizabeth Pentlo” christened

Records of Diane Loosle

Church of England, Parish Church if Abbotsley.. Bishop’s Transcripts,

1739 May 27 Abbotsley,Hntdn,Eng “Eliza. dau of Hen. & Eliz. Pentlo” christened

Records of Diane Loosle

Church of England, Parish Church if Abbotsley.. Bishop’s Transcripts,

[Diane lists 3 children born to Henry & Mary Pentlow 1754 – 1760. These could be ours too. Two Henry & Mary marriages are listed 1749 – 1754. No burial for Elizabeth Pentlow.]

1739 Aug 5 Wimpole,Cambs,Eng Rebecca Giffin #1 daughter of Thomas Giffin & Rebecca Howes is christened

She must die before 1751 when another Rebecca is christened.

Family Group Record from Mable Gadd Kirk

Correspondence from LLH Whitehead

1741 May 15 Wimpole,Camb,Eng Mary Giffin is christened, child of Thomas Giffin & Rebecca Howes

Later marries Thomas Gadd Dies 24 Mar 1833

Family Group Record of Thomas Gadd & TIB card

Mable Gadd Kirk: Correspondence from LLH Whitehead

[My old records have her as wife of Thomas Gadd. Banns of marriage say his wife was named Mary Moule.]

1744 June 3 Wimpole,Camb,Eng Thomas Giffin #3 son of Thomas Giffin & Rebecca Howes is christened

Family Group Record from Mable Gadd Kirk

Correspondence from LLH Whitehead

1747 Oct 15 Whaddon,Camb,Eng Samuel Evans is born, parents Thomas Evans & Anne

later marries Mary Overfells

Family Group Record of Samuel Evens

Family Group Record from Duane Rowley

Records of Diane Loosle: Whaddon, Eng reg, LDS Film #1040570, it. 5

1747 Nov 15 Whaddon,Camb,Eng Samuel is baptized son of Thomas & Ann Evans – born Oct 15

Records of Diane Loosle: Whaddon, Eng reg, LDS Film #1040570, it. 5

1748/9 Jan 16 Bassingbourn, Eng “Joseph Moule of Whadon married Mary Ratford of Wimpole by license…”

Bassingbourn, Cambridge shire, England Parish Register Transcript

Diane Loosle records – Salt Lake City, LDS call #942.59/B3 K29ch

Diane says, “…the marriage for Joseph Moule & Mary had to be located. The IGI

Was searched for possibilities & only one was found in the right time period, in, Bassingbourn which is not far from Whaddon. A copy was obtained from the parish register. …The license was searched for in the diocesan records, but none was found.”

“there is a possibility that there are more children in this family…”

Diane Loosle, “The Gadd / Moule Family,” page 9

[Extensive research has been done on Joseph Moule. Diane writes:

“Joseph Moule’s christening was not as readily available as Mary’s was.

A search of the parish registers of Whaddon revealed no christening for Joseph Moule.…

“The burials of Whaddon revealed many Moules. Three of interest were found. …The search was turning to Royston …no luck …This meant that he was either christened in a neighboring parish or he belonged to a non-conformist family. …most non-conformist groups did not have parish records that early.”

Diane Loosle, “The Gadd / Moule Family” page 10

Susanna daughter of Joseph & Mary Moule – (Born 30 Nov 1749) baptized 5 Dec 1749

Joseph son of Joseph & Mary Moule – (Born 21 Nov 1750) baptized 17 Dec 1750

Mary daughter of Joseph & Mary Moule – baptized 20 Feb 1753 – “Joseph Moule Church warden”

William son of Joseph & Mary Moule – baptized 7 July 1755

Stephen son of Joseph & Mary Moule – baptized 2 Mar 1758

Sarah daughter of Joseph & Mary Moule – baptized 22 Sept 1761

Whaddon Parish Register Transcript, 932.59/W7 K29ch

Diane Loosle, “The Gadd / Moule Family,” page 9

1748-9 Nov 5 Whaddon,Camb,Eng Richard Giffin #4 son of Thomas Giffin & Rebecca Howes is christened

Diane Loosle note says “Married Lettice Moule” - Born 3 Sept 1749

[Richard was buried 4 Apr 1757. NOT! Who was this? Maybe Thomas.]

Family Group Record from Mable Gadd Kirk

Correspondence from LLH Whitehead

Mary dau of Thomas & Rebecca Giffin, baptized May 15 or 18 1741

Rebecca dau of Thomas & Rebecca Giffin, baptized 6 Oct 1751

James son of Thomas & Rebecca Giffin, baptized 9 Jun 1754

Rebecca Giffin buried 6 Apr 1740

James son of Thomas & Rebecca Giffin, buried 18 July 1756

Richard son of Thomas & Rebecca Giffin, buried 4 Apr 1757

Thomas Giffin, Laborour, was buried 11 March 1766

Thomas Giffin & Rebecca Howes both of this parish married by banns, 30 Oct 1737

Wimpole, Camb, Eng Parish Register, call #1040576

Diane Loosle, “The Gadd / Moule Family” page 10

1749 Oct 1 Whaddon,Camb,Eng John Gadd & Margaret Thurley marry.

Family Group Record by Mable Gadd Kirk

Records of Diane Loosle: Whaddon, Eng reg,

LDS Film #1040570, it. 5 [I have copy]

“John Gadd married Margaret Thurley in Whaddon, on 1 Oct 1749.”

Ann 22 July 1750 John 29 Apr 1753 buried 19 Aug 1759

Elizabeth 7 Nov 1756 buried 6 Mar 1762

Thomas 30 Apr 1758 Mary 10 Aug 1760

“John and Margaret both died in Whaddon, as well.

John was buried on 8 Sept 1782, & Margaret was buried 11 Nov 1761.

“John was christened in Wimpole, on 1 Aug 1725, with parents John & Ann Gad. As for Margaret Thurley, her christening has not been located… marriage record said that they were both of Whaddon, John was not, …Margaret, she was not.”

Records of Diane Loosle

1749 Oct 1 Whaddon,Camb,Eng John Gadd (1725) marries Margaret Thurley

Family Group Record of John Gadd

1750 Jul 22 Wimpole,Camb,Eng Anne Gadd is christened, child of John Gadd & Margaret Thurley

Family Group Record of John Gadd

1750 Oct 7 Croyden,Camb,Eng Edward Chapman is christened son of Edward Chapman and Anne

Family Group Record of Edward Chapman & by Mable Gadd Kirk

1751 Oct 6 Wimpole,Camb,Eng Rebecca Giffin #5 daughter of Thomas Giffin & Rebecca Howes is christened

Family Group Record from Mable Gadd Kirk

Correspondence from LLH Whitehead

1752 about Wimpole,Camb,Eng Alice Gadd born– Temple work was done for Alice –1752, married 1773 to Thomas Boutle

Temple work was done for another Alice Gadd – born 13 Apr 1766 - Whaddon

Temple work was done for another Alice Gadd – married 2 June 1793 - Whaddon

TIB cards found by Diane Loosle, “The Gadd / Moule Family,” L1a

1752 Nov 12 Croyden,Camb,Eng William Chapman son of Edward & Ann Chapman

TIB records in records of See Diane Loosle in “The Gadd / Moule Family”

1753 Feb 20 Whaddon,Camb,Eng Mary Moule christened, child of Joseph & Mary Ratforde Moule

Records of Diane Loosle: Wimpole, Eng reg, LDS Film #1040570, it. 5

“…siblings of Mary… “ Children of Joseph & Mary Moule

“Susanna born 30 Nov 1749 chr. 5 Dec 1749

Joseph born 21 Nov 1750 chr 17 Dec 1750 buried 30 June 1782

Mary chr 20 Feb 1753

William chr 7 July 1755

Stephen chr 2 Mar 1758 buried 18 June 1769

Sarah chr 22 Sept 1761”

1753 abt Croyden,Cambs,Eng John Chapman #2 is born to Edward Chapman and Anne – buried 17 Dec 1756

Family Group Record of Edward Chapman & by Mable Gadd Kirk

[There is a John Chapman who dies 1836 July 14, in Croydon age 86.]

“Croyden Book,” In Diane Loosle, “The Gadd / Moule Family”

1753 about? StM,Hunt,Eng John Pentlow marries Elizabeth Baringham

Records of Diane Loosle: John is listed as a labourer.

1753 Apr 25 Abbotsley,Hntdn,Eng John Pentelow son of John & Elizabeth Pentlow

John’s burial is listed as 6 May 1753.

Records of Diane Loosle: John is listed as a labourer.

Church of England, Parish Church if Abbotsley. Bishop’s Transcripts,

1753 Apr 29 Wimpole,Camb,Eng John Gadd is christened, child of John Gadd & Margaret Thurley

buried 19 Aug 1759

Family Group Record of John Gadd

1754 June 9 Wimpole,Camb,Eng James Giffin #6 son of Thomas Giffin & Rebecca Howes is christened

James was buried 18 July 1756.

Family Group Record from Mable Gadd Kirk

Correspondence from LLH Whitehead

1755 Jan 26 Abbotsley,Hntdn,Eng Mary Pentelow daughter of John & Elizabeth Pentlow

Records of Diane Loosle: John is listed as a labourer.

Church of England, Parish Church if Abbotsley. Bishop’s Transcripts,

1755 Apr 18 Abbotsley,Hntdn,Eng Henry Pentlow, farmer is buried.

Records of Diane Loosle

Church of England, Parish Church if Abbotsley. Bishop’s Transcripts,

[This could be our Henry… or not.]

1650-1880, Original manuscript. 2518/1/4. Huntingdon Co. Rec. Office

1756 Sept 12 Abbotsley,Hntdn,Eng Henry Pentlow son of John & Elizabeth Pentlow

Records of Diane Loosle: John is listed as a labourer.

Church of England, Parish Church if Abbotsley. Bishop’s Transcripts,

1756 Nov 7 Wimpole,Camb,Eng Elizabeth Gadd is born, child of John Gadd & Margaret Thurley

buried 6 Mar 1762

Family Group Record of John Gadd

1756 Dec 26 Croyden,Cambs,Eng Thomas Chapman is christened son of Edward Chapman and Anne

Family Group Record of Edward Chapman

1757 Whaddon, Camb., Eng Mary Overfells, Overells, Overall is born

later marries Samuel Evans

Family Group Record of Samuel Evens

1758 Jan 1 Waresley,Huntdn,Eng “Mary dau of Edmund & ___ Offerell”

[marries Samuel Chapman??]

Sister? baptized 1756 Apr 25 – “Sarah dau of Edmund & Elis. Offerell is christened”

[This could be our Mary… or not. Need further research to prove.]

Records of Diane Loosle: Church of England,

Parish Church of Waresley.. Parish Registers,

1758 Mar 30 Cambridgeshire,Eng Thomas Gadd is born to John Gadd & Margaret Thurley

TIB Card says Thomas Gadd is born 30 Apr 1758, Whaddon, Cambs, England

Son of John Gadd (1725) & Margaret Thurley

Says Thomas married Mary Giffin on 14 Nov 1778

Archive Family Group Record & TIB card

1758 Mar 30 Wimpole, Camb, Eng Thomas Gadd is christened, child of John Gadd & Margaret Thurley

Later marries Mary Giffin, 14 Nov 1778 - Dies 24 May 1841

Family Group Record of Thomas Gadd

1758 Apr 30 Whaddon,Camb.,Eng Thomas Gadd christened son of John & Margaret Thurley Gadd child #4

Family Group Record by Mable Gadd Kirk

Diane Loosle records: Whaddon, Cam, Eng register,

LDS film #1040570, it 5 [I have copy]

1758 Sept 24 Abbotsley,Hntdn,Eng Thomas Pentelow son of John Pentelow & Elizabeth Baringham

Records of Diane Loosle: John is listed as a labourer.

“24 Sept 1758 baptized Thomas, son of John Pentelow & Elizabeth his wife”

Church of England, Parish Church if Abbotsley.. Bishop’s Transcripts,

Original manuscript. 2518/1/1. Huntingdon County Records Office

1759 July 29 Guilden Morden,Camb,Eng “Bester, Mary, daughter of William & Eliz:

Guilden Morden, Cambridge shire, Eng Register – Baptisms page 44

In Diane Loosle, “The Gadd / Moule Family”

[A Mary Bester Marries John Chapman in 1782 Dec 28]

[Is this the Mary Chapman who dies in Croydon in 1827 Dec 24 in Croydon, age 70]

“Croyden Book,” In Diane Loosle, “The Gadd / Moule Family”

1759 Oct 7 Croyden, Cambshire, Eng John Chapman is christened son of Edward Chapman and Anne

Later marries Mary [says John died before 1787. WHY?]

Family Group Record of Edward Chapman & Mable Gadd Kirk

TIB states: John Chapman chr 7 Oct 1759, Croydon, Camb, Eng - Father, Edward Chapman – Mother, Ann - Died, July 1886 - Baptized, 18 Nov 1890 – Endowed, 21 Nov 1890

TIB records in records of See Diane Loosle in “The Gadd / Moule Family”

1760 Feb 3 Abbotsley,Hntdn,Eng Elizabeth Pentelow daughter of John & Elizabeth Pentlow

Records of Diane Loosle: John is listed as a labourer.

Church of England, Parish Church if Abbotsley.. Bishop’s Transcripts,

1760 about Probably England Mary is born (Later marries John Chapman]

England “In the 1700’s, England was ruled by German kings from the house of Hanover.

King George III, born in England, ascended the throne in 1760 & ruled until 1820.

Rowley Family Histories, Wm & Ann J Rowley Family Org., 1992

1760 Aug 10 Wimpole, Camb, Eng Mary Gadd #5 is christened, child of John Gadd & Margaret Thurley

Family Group Record of John Gadd

Family Group Record by Mable Gadd Kirk

Records of Diane Loosle: Whaddon, Eng reg, LDS Film #1040570, it. 5

1761 abt Croyden,Cambs,Eng Elizabeth Chapman is born to Edward Chapman and Anne

Family Group Record of Edward Chapman

Family Group Record by Mable Gadd Kirk

1761 Nov 11 Wimpole,Camb,Eng Margaret Thurley (1728) dies wife of John Gadd

Family Group Record of John Gadd

[Her baby was only a year old.]

Leaving husband John Gadd widower with 4 small children.

He remarries 18 Feb 1762 to Elizabeth Rutter.

Her son John died 17 Aug 1759. Daughter Elizabeth later died 6 Mar 1762.

Family Group Record by Mable Gadd Kirk

Records of Diane Loosle: Whaddon, Eng reg, LDS Film #1040570, it. 5

1762 Feb 18 Whaddon, Eng John Gadd (1725) [widower with 4 small children,] marries Elizabeth Rutter.

Family Group Record by Mable Gadd Kirk

John Gadd marries Elizabeth Putler – witness: Thomas Fairchild & William Blunt

John & Elizabeth have the following children born at Whaddon:

Sarah, 15? May 1763; Alice, 13 Apr 1766

Liddy, 14 July 1769 who dies 19 Sept 1770

[Daughter Elizabeth dies next month.]

Records of Diane Loosle: Whaddon, Eng reg,

LDS Film #1040570, it. 5

1762 Mar 6 Wimpole,Camb,Eng Elizabeth, daughter of John & Margaret Gad is buried 6 Mar 1762 [age6]

[Her mother died in 1761.]

Records of Diane Loosle: Whaddon, Eng reg,

LDS Film #1040570, it. 5-9

1764 about Croyden,Cambs,Eng Anne Chapman (1728) wife of Edward Chapman dies.

Ann wife of Edward Chapman dies and he then marries Mary.

Family Group Record of Edward Chapman

Family Group Record by Mable Gadd Kirk

1766 Dec 24 Whaddon,Camb,Eng Mary Moule widow in buried

Whaddon Parish Register, LDS film #1040570 it 5

found by Diane Loosle, “The Gadd / Moule Family,”

1768 Apr 3 Croyden, Cambshire, Eng Henry Chapman is christened, parents Edward Chapman and Mary

Family Group Record of Edward Chapman

1769 Oct 12 Whaddon,Camb,Eng Samuel Evans & Ann Gears(?) are married, Whaddon, Cambs, England

both of this parish. Witness: William Hall & Thomas Evans [dad?]

[This is probably our Samuel’s first marriage. Thomas Evans witnessed both marriages]

Records of Diane Loosle: Whaddon, Eng reg,

LDS Film #1040570, it. 5-9

1769 Nov 26 Croyden, Cambshire, Eng James Chapman is christened, parents Edward Chapman and Mary

Family Group Record of Edward Chapman

1772 Feb 9 Whaddon,Camb,Eng Mary daughter of Samuel Evans & Ann is baptized

[Is this our Samuel’s first wife? The ages fit.]

Records of Diane Loosle: Whaddon, Eng reg, LDS Film #1040570, it. 5-9

1772 Jun 7 Croyden, Cambshire, Eng Anne Chapman is christened, parents Edward Chapman and Mary

Family Group Record of Edward Chapman

1772 Aug 15 Croyden cum clopton, Edward Chapman (1724) is buried; widower of Anne He probably had remarried, Mary

Cambridge, Eng Edward & Mary had three children:

1)Henry chr 3 Apr 1768

2)James 26 Nov 1769 &

3)Anne 7 June 1772 all born Croyden cum clopton, Cambridge, Eng

Family Group Record by Mable Gadd Kirk

Her source is Correspond: from LLH Whitehead

Croyden, Cambshire, Eng Edward Chapman dies

He had married Ann – she dies and he then married Mary.

Family Group Record of Edward Chapman

1774 July 3 Whaddon, Cambs, Eng Kezia daughter of Samuel Evans & Ann is baptized

[Is this our Samuel’s first wife? The ages fit.]

Records of Diane Loosle: Whaddon, Eng reg, LDS Film #1040570, it. 5-9

1775 Dec 17 Whaddon,Cambs,Eng Thomas son of Samuel Evans & Ann is baptized. [Mom dies same day.]

Records of Diane Loosle: Whaddon, Eng reg,

LDS Film #1040570, it. 5-9

1775 Dec 17 Ann, wife of Samuel Evans is buried

[Is this our Samuel’s first wife? The ages fit.

Samuel, B 1747 – Marry 1769 - 1st child B 1772 – Remarry 1777

Thomas Evans witnessed both marriages]

Records of Diane Loosle: Whaddon, Eng reg,

LDS Film #1040570, it. 5-9

1777 Sept 22 Whaddon,Cambs,Eng Mary Overfells marries Samuel Evans

Family Group Record from Duane Rowley

Samuel Evans & Mary Overell both of this parish

Witness: Thomas Evans [dad?] & Richard Brown

Records of Diane Loosle: Whaddon, Eng reg, LDS Film #1040570, it. 5-9

[Samuel is probably a widower. See 1775 Dec 17. Thomas Evans witnessed both marriages. Samuel probably married 3) Hannah Day after Mary dies. Thomas was dead by this time so he couldn’t be witness.]

[See 1758 Jan 1 for possible Mary] [was it Sept 22 or 23?]

1777 Sept 23 Whaddon,Camb.,Eng Samuel Evans & Mary Overfells are married

Family Group Record of Samuel Evens

1778 May 28 Waresley,Huntdn,Eng Thomas Pentlow & Susannah Triplow married

[#1 child is born in 2 months?]

Records of Diane Loosle:

“Thomas Pentlow of the Parish of Abbotsley and Susannah Triplow of this parish by banns 28 May 1778 (both signed with their marks.)

Witnesses: Thomas Cade Laurence Ingions”

Church of England, Parish Church if Waresley.. Parish Registers,

1650-1880, Original manuscript. 2518/1/4.

Huntingdon County Records Office

1778 July 26 Waresley,Huntdn,Eng John Pentlow is christened son of Thomas & Susannah Triplow Pentlow #1 child

Records of Diane Loosle:

“John, son of Thomas & Susannah Pentlow was baptized July 26, 1778”

Church of England, Parish Church if Waresley.. Parish Registers,

1650-1880, Original manuscript. 2518/1/1.

Huntingdon County Records Office

1778 Nov 14 Thomas Gadd marries Mary Moule [old sources say Mary Giffin]

“Banns of Marriage between Thomas Gadd & Mary Moule both of this parish were published on Oct 25, Nov the 1st Nov the 8th 1778 by me B. Holme, Curate

Thomas Gadd of this parish and Mary Moule of this parish were married in this church by banns this fourteenth day of November in the Year One Thousand Seven Hundred and seventy eight by me Robert Gumpton?? Rector. This Marriage was solemnized between us,

Thomas Gadd his mark [it’s a squggile, an “s” on it’s side

Mary Moule, her mark [it’s a thin line and a thick one]

In Preference of Thomas Gonnt?? His mark & James Day [or Lay]

Banns of marriage, Wimpole, Cambs,, England

[my other records say Thomas Gadd married Mary Giffin new source shows Moule]

TIB card & Archive record

Records of Diane Loosle: Wimpole, Eng reg

LDS Film #1040576, it. 10, no 53

[Giffin & Leete & Hall are witness for Evans weddings… 1760-1811.]

See Diane Loosle research extracts in “The Gadd/Moule Family,” P4, p4

1779 Jan 31 Wimpole, Cambs, Eng William Gadd #1 child is born to Thomas Gadd & Mary Moule [or Mary Giffin]

Later marries Kezia Evans Dies 14 Nov 1853

New info says mother’s name was Mary Moule

Family Group Record of William Gadd & Thomas Gadd

Wimpole, Eng reg LDS Film #1040576, it. 8, no 3

Records of Diane Loosle: [I have copy]

Archive Family Group Record

TIB card lists William Gadd born 31 Jan 1779, Wimpole, Cambs, England

Son of Thomas Gadd & Mary Giffin –

Married to Kezia Evans, 25 Dec 1803 – Died 14 Nov 1853

TIB cards found by Diane Loosle, “The Gadd / Moule Family,” L1a

[Note the only marriage record found gives name as Mary Moule.]

Thomas Gadd & Mary (Giffen) Moule Family

“William Gadd was christened in Wimpole, son of Thomas Gadd & Mary on 31 Jan 1779”

“Since their child William was located in Wimpole, …searched for more children.

William 31 Jan 1779 Ann 7 Mar 1784 buried 11 Dec 1785

John 14 Nov 1787 Elixzabeth 20 June 1790

Joseph 18 Sept 1796 Anne 27 Jan 1799

“The marriage for Thomas & Mary was searched for in the same parish. This is where the first big error in the family records were found. The family had Thomas married to Mary Giffen or Griffen who was supposed to be christened abt 1757 in Wimpole. The line had pretty much stopped there, but some had parents, Thomas & Rebecca Giffen for Mary. This line was completely inaccurate since Thomas married Mary Moule on 14 Nov 1778. The date and place matched the family records exactly, but the spouse’s surname did not. Thomas Gadd’s christening …was in Whaddon, son of John & Margaret Gadd, on 30 Apr 1758. There was also a christening for Mary Moule in Whaddon on 20 Feb 1753, daughter of Joseph & Mary Moule.” Page 6

“A search began for all the Mary Moules and Mary Giffens married or christened in the area, on the IGI. After trying to confirm the four possibilities on the parish registers, there were only two left that would work.:

Mary Moule chris. 20 Feb 1753 to Joseph & Mary


Mary Giffin christened 15 or 18 May 1741 to Thomas & Rebecca

“The second option would only be feasible if she were a widow at the time she married Thomas Gadd because she would have been about 37 years old and Thomas was 20. A search for a marriage of Mary Giffen to a Moule between the years 1756 & 1778 was conducted on the IGI and in the parishes of Wimpole and Whaddon. No such marriage was found. This Mary Giffin seems very unlikely to be Thomas’s wife because of age and surname.

“Mary Moule, the daughter of Joseph Moule & Mary was much more likely to be Thomas’s wife. She would have been about 25 at the time of marriage and Thomas about 20.” page 8

Diane Loosle Research [Read entire page for more reasoning and proof of Mary Moule.]

WIMPOLE, (St Andrew), a parish, in the union of CAXTON and ARRINGTON, hundred of WETHERLEY, county of CAMBRIDGE, 6 miles (S.E. by S.) from CAXTON; containing 464 inhabitants. This place, which is on the road from Royston to Huntingdon, is remarkable as the residence of the Earl of Hardwicke, whose magnificent seat, Wimpole Hall, splendidly embellished, and surrounded by a beautiful demesne, was visited by Her Majesty and Prince Albert in Oct 1843. The living is a rectory, valued in the king’s books at 18 (pounds) , and in the gift of the Earl: …the glebe comprises one acre. The church, which has been enlarged by fitting up a private chapel with seats, contains various monuments to the Yorke family, including one to the memory of Lord Chancellor Hardwicke, who died in 1764, and was interred here.”

Lewis, Samuel, A Topographical Dictionary of England, [Mesa LDS FHC]

1779 May 23 Whaddon, Camb., Eng Elizabeth Evans #1 is christened, parents Samuel Evans & Mary Overfells

Family Group Record of Samuel Evens

Family Group Record from Duane Rowley

Records of Diane Loosle: Whaddon, Eng reg,

LDS Film #1040570, it. 5-9

1780 Jul 16 Grafton, Worc, Eng ‘J’ John Rowley son of John & Ann Rowley is christened

[Which is ours? John or William] Parish records

[1798 John Rowley son of William & Ann Rowley]

1781 Dec 23 Waresley,Hunt,Eng Mary Pentlow#3 is christened daughter of Thomas & Susannah Triplow Pentlow

[She later marries William Chapman, labourer]

Records of Diane Loosle: Waresley Reg & Census:

Croydon-cum-Clopton, LDS film #193648

“Mary, daughter of Thomas & Susannah Pentlow was baptized Dec 23, 1781”

Church of England, Parish Church if Waresley.. Parish Registers,

1650-1880, Original manuscript. 2518/1/1. Huntingdon Co Rec Office

[Old records show only child, Mary, daughter of John & Sarah Pentlow, about 1788, Wassley, Bedford, Eng.]

1782 May 26 Whaddon,Cambs,Eng William Evans #2 is born to Samuel & Mary Overells Evans

Family Group Record from Duane Rowley

Records of Diane Loosle: Whaddon, Eng reg,

LDS Film #1040570, it. 5-9

1782 May 26 Whaddon, Camb., Eng William Evans is christened, parents Samuel Evans & Mary Overfells

Family Group Record of Samuel Evens

1782 Sept 8 Whaddon,Cambs,Eng John Gadd (1725) labourer is buried

[He had outlived a wife and several children.]

Records of Diane Loosle: Whaddon, Eng reg, LDS Film #1040570, it. 5

1782 Oct 13 Huddington, Worc, Eng ‘J’ Susannah Rowley daughter of John &Ann Rowley is christened

Parish records

1782 Dec 28 Guilden Morden,Camb,Eng John & Mary Chapman are married


“Chapman, John (X) batchlor & Mary Besster (X) spinster ‘botp’ wits: Joseph P Arce & John Clark

Guilden Morden, Cambridgeshire, Eng Register – Marriages, p 101

In Diane Loosle, “The Gadd / Moule Family”

1784 Mar 7 Wimpole, Camb, Eng Anne Gadd is christened, #2 child of Thomas Gadd & Mary Giffin

Dies 11 Dec 1785

Family Group Record of Thomas Gadd

Archive Family Group Record

1784: “Ann, Daughter of Thomas Gadd, Labourer and Mary, his wife, was baptized March 7.”

Baptism Records, Wimpole, Camb, Eng. – I have a copy.

Also in 1785 Dec 11 - Ann, Daughter of Thomas Gadd, and Mary is buried

Records of Diane Loosle: Wimpole, Eng reg LDS Film #1040576, it. 8

[Note marriage record gives mother’s name as Mary Moule.]

1784 (Mar 27) Croyden, Cambs, Eng William Chapman is born to John & Mary Chapman

Family Group Record by Mable Gadd Kirk

[This is also listed as 1787 Mar 27.]

1784 May 30 Whaddon, Camb., Eng Kezia Evans is christened, parents Samuel Evans & Mary Overfells

Later marries William Gadd 25 Oct 1804 – she dies 19 Apr 1832

Family Group Record of Samuel Evens

Family Group Record from Duane Rowley

Kezia Evans was christened in Whaddon, Cambridge. There are two christenings for a Kezia; first, daughter of Samuel Evans, labourer and Mary on 30 May 1784, & second daughter of Samuel & Ann, on 3 July 1774. Kezia, dau of Samuel & Ann was buried 28 May 1775 [in Whaddon, Cambridge.]

Records of Diane Loosle: Whaddon, Eng reg, LDS Film #1040570, it. 5-9

[I have copy of record.]

1784 Oct 31 Grafton, Worc., Eng ‘J’ William Rowley son of John & Ann Rowley is christened

Film #465,282, (1784 3S Grafton-Flyford)

?Standon, Hertford, Eng parish register

[NOTE: This family of John and Ann Rowley had children about the right ages and names to go along with brothers of our William given in the early family research that John did when he was in a mission. Why didn’t he do his grandfather’s work? Did he not have any info about him? Not know him? Was he still alive? Did John get in contact with his father’s first family? The temple book kept by John and handed down to Jesse has several names of family, However, NOT MANY DETAILS.]

1785 Mar 11 Croyden, Cambshire, Eng John Chapman is christened son of John Chapman and Mary

Family Group Record of John Chapman

Family Group Record by Mable Gadd Kirk

“Chapman, John, son of John & Mary” Guilden Morden, Cambridges, Eng

Guilden Morden, Cambridgeshire, Eng Register – Baptisms page 34

In Diane Loosle, “The Gadd / Moule Family”

1785 Jun 21 Cradley,Here,Eng ‘W’ William Rowley son of William & Ann Rowley is born

Later marries Ann Taylor & then Ann Rowley

Death certificate Info - widow Ann Jewell Rowley says William is 64 in Feb 1849=1785

Family Group Archive Record – Nellie R Mecham – see 1784

[NOTE: we are unable to find birth records for the brothers of our William with parents of William & Ann Rowley to prove these old dates done by the family in the 1800’s.]

1785 Dec 11 Wimpole, Cambs, Eng Anne Gadd daughter of Thomas Gadd & Mary Moule [or Giffin] #2 dies

Archive Family Group Record

“Ann, Daughter of Thomas & Mary Gadd was buried December 11”

Baptism Records, Wimpole, Camb, Eng. – I have a copy.

Wimpole, Eng reg LDS Film #1040576, it. 8: Records of Diane Loosle

[Note marriage record gives mother’s name as Mary Moule.]

1786 Feb 19 Waresley,Hunt,Eng Henry Pentlow#4 is christened son of Thomas & Susannah Triplow Pentlow

- Henry is buried 13 Sept 1786 – same source

Records of Diane Loosle:

“Henry, son of Thomas & Susannah Pentlow was baptized Feb 19, 1786”

“Henry, son of Thomas & Susannah Pentlow was buried Sept 13, 1786”

Church of England, Parish Church if Waresley.. Parish Registers,

1650-1880, Original manuscript. 2518/1/2. Huntingdon Co Recrds Office

1786 Dec 31 Cradley, Here, Eng ‘J’ George Rowley son of John & Ann Rowley CHRISTENED

Parish records

1787 abt Cradley, Here-shire, Eng ‘W’ George Rowley son of William & Ann Rowley is born

Later marries Hannah Freeman died 19 Dec 1837

Family Group Archive Record

1787 Mar 22 Croyden, Cambshire, Eng William Chapman is born to John Chapman and Mary

Later marries Mary Pentlow, 20 Oct 1806

Family Group Record of William Chapman

1787 Mar 27 Morden, Cambshire, Eng William Chapman is christened son of John Chapman and Mary

Family Group Record of John Chapman

Family Group Record by Mable Gadd Kirk

“Chapman, William, son of John & Mary Guilden Morden, Cambridgeshire, Eng

Guilden Morden, Cambridgeshire, Eng Register – Baptisms page 34

In Diane Loosle, “The Gadd / Moule Family”

[This is also listed as 1784.] [Also listed in Morden, Cambs, Eng.]

[One record says father John died before 1787. WHY?]

1787 Nov 14 Wimpole,Camb,Eng John Gadd is christened, child of Thomas Gadd & Mary Giffin

Family Group Record of Thomas Gadd

Archive Family Group Record

Wimpole, Eng reg LDS Film #1040576, it. 8: Records of Diane Loosle

[Note the only marriage record found gives mother’s name as Mary Moule.]

[There is an Ann Prime listed born 1788- to James and Ann- see Coleman]

1788 Croyden,Cambshire,Eng Mary Pentlow is born to John Pentlow and Sarah

1788 about Wassley, Bedford, Eng Mary Pentlow is born to John & Sarah Pentlow

Old records show only this child.

See: 1781 Dec 23

Family Group Record by Mable Gadd Kirk

Later marries William Chapman, 20 Oct 1806

Family Group Record of William Chapman

[New research shows a Mary Pentlow daughter of Thomas & Susannah Triplow Pentlow christened 23 Dec 1781]

1788 July 27 Waresley,Huntingdon,Eng Sarah Pentlow is christened daughter, #5 child of Thomas & Susannah Triplow


Records of Diane Loosle:

“Sarah, daughter of Thomas & Susannah Pentlow was baptized July 27, 1788”

Church of England, Parish Church if Waresley.. Parish Registers,

1650-1880,Original manuscript. 2518/1/2.Huntingdon Co. Records Office

1789 Mar 8 Morden, Cambshire, Eng James Chapman is christened son of John Chapman and Mary

Family Group Record of John Chapman

Family Group Record by Mable Gadd Kirk

1789 Jun 14 Cradley, Here, Eng ‘J’ James Rowley Son of John & Ann Rowley christened

Parish Records

1793 James Rowley son of William & Ann Rowley

1790 June 20 Wimpole,Camb,Eng Elizabeth Gadd is christened, child of Thomas Gadd & Mary Giffin

Family Group Record of Thomas Gadd

Archive Family Group Record

“Christenings in the year 1790”

“Elizabeth daughter of Thomas & Mary Gadd was baptized, June 20th 1790”

Baptism Records, Wimpole, Camb, Eng. – I have a copy.

Wimpole, Eng reg LDS Film #1040576, it. 8: Records of Diane Loosle

[Note marriage record gives mother’s name as Mary Moule.]

1790 Aug 10 Whaddon,Camb.,Eng Mary Overfells wife of Samuel Evans dies

Family Group Record of Samuel Evens

Family Group Record from Duane Rowley

[It looks like Samuel may have married a third time in 1791 to Hannah Day.]

Records of Diane Loosle: Whaddon, Eng reg, LDS Film #1040570, it. 5-9

1791 Nov 7 Samuel Evans marries Hannah Day, both of this parish

- witness: Sara Barnes & Simeon Leet

[Is this our Samuel, 1747? age 44? If so it’s his 3rd marriage. The years are right. No other Samuel in the area living. Father, Thomas was dead by this time so he couldn’t be witness as he was to two other marriages.]

Samuel & Hannah have two sons named Samuel baptized in Whaddon … one baptized in a private ceremony Dec 31 1792 who must have died??

The next was received into church 8 June 1794.

Records of Diane Loosle: Whaddon, Eng reg, LDS Film #1040570, it. 5-9

1792 Apr 22 Croydon-cum-clapton, “Chapman – Edward son of John & Mary – lab [labourer]

Cambs, Eng Croydon-cum-clapton Parish Register Transcript, 942.59/C4 K29ch

Indexed in Diane Loosle, “The Gadd / Moule Family”

1793 abt Cradley, Here-shire, Eng ‘W’ James Rowley son of William & Ann Rowley is born

Later marries Mary Prosser Died 12 Feb 1865

Family Group Archive Record

1793 Dec 1 Croydon-cum-clapton, “Chapman – Mary dau of John & Mary

Cambs, Eng Croydon-cum-clapton Parish Register Transcript, 942.59/C4 K29ch

Indexed in Diane Loosle, “The Gadd / Moule Family”

1795 Jul 9 Cradley, Here, Eng ‘J’ Thomas Rowley Son of John & Ann Rowley christened

Parish records

1795 Dec 21 Waresley,Hunting,Eng Susannah Pentelow was buried, leaving Thomas a widower

Thomas marries again; Susan Keep, 11 Nov 1796 at Waresly

Records of Diane Loosle:

“Susannah Pentelow was buried 21 Dec, 1795”

Church of England, Parish Church if Waresley.. Parish Registers,

1650-1880, Original manuscript. 2518/1/2. Huntingdon Co Recrds Office

1796 Sept 18 Wimpole, Camb, Eng Joseph Gadd is christened, child of Thomas Gadd & Mary Giffin

Family Group Record of Thomas Gadd

Archive Family Group Record

“Baptisms in the year 1796”

“September 18th, Joseph son of Thomas & Mary Gadd”

Baptism Records, Wimpole, Camb, Eng. – I have a copy.

Wimpole, Eng reg LDS Film #1040576, it. 8, pg 9: Records of Diane Loosle

[Note marriage record gives mother’s name as Mary Moule.]

1796 Oct 4 Eng Samuel Evans husband of Mary Overfells dies

Family Group Record of Samuel Evens

1796 Oct 4 Whaddon, Cambs, Eng Samuel Evans is buried

Records of Diane Loosle: Whaddon, Eng reg, LDS Film #1040570, it. 5-9

Family record says - 1790 Aug 10 - Samuel Evans died Whaddon, Cambs, England

Family Group Record from Duane Rowley

1798 Jul 29 Waresley,Huntn,Eng “Ann daughter of Thomas & Susan Pentlow is christened

Records of Diane Loosle:

Church of England, Parish Church if Waresley..

Parish Registers, 1650-1880,


1798 Sept 9 Croydon-cum-clapton, “Chapman – Jane daughter of John & Mary .

Cambs, E Croydon-cum-clapton Parish Register Transcript, 942.59/C4 K29ch

Indexed in Diane Loosle, “The Gadd / Moule Family”

1798 Eng ‘W’ John Rowley son of William & Ann Rowley

Later marries Mary Brooks

Family Group Archive Record

1799 Jan 2 Wimpole,Cambs,Eng Anne Gadd is born to Thomas Gadd & Mary Moule [or Giffin] #6

[There was an earlier Ann who died.]

Archive Family Group Record

Records of Diane Loosle: Wimpole, Eng reg

LDS Film #1040576, it. 8, pg 10

[Note marriage record gives mother’s name as Mary Moule.]

1799 Jan 27 Wimpole, Camb, Eng Ann Gadd is christened, child of Thomas Gadd & Mary Giffin

Dies 7 June 1873

Family Group Record of Thomas Gadd

1799 Oct 29 Croyden-cum-clompton, Jane daughter of John & Mary Chapman is burried

Cambridgeshire, Eng “Croyden Book,” In Diane Loosle, “The Gadd / Moule Family”

1800 May 12 Waresley,Huntdon,Eng “Martha daughter of Thomas & Susan Pentlow is christened

Records of Diane Loosle:

Church of England, Parish Church if Waresley..

Parish Registers, 1650-1880

More children of these two are: Martha, 1803 July 6; Jane, 1805 Oct 13;

William, 1807 Mar 6; Henry, 1811 July 14 [related??]

1800 abt Cradley, Here-shire, Eng ‘W’ Richard Rowley son of William & Ann Rowley is born

Later marries Eliza

Family Group Archive Record

1800 May 30 Croydon-cum-clapton, “Chapman – Thomas son of John & Mary

Cambs, Eng Croydon-cum-clapton Parish Register Transcript, 942.59/C4 K29ch

Indexed in Diane Loosle, “The Gadd / Moule Family”

1801 Oct 11 Waresley,Hunt,Eng “William base born child of Mary Pentelow was baptized rec’d into the church 11th day

of Oct 1801which boy was born 14 May 1801 at Little Barfoot, John Wilson, a farmer’s son of that parish being the reputed father.

Records of Diane Loosle:

Church of England, Parish Church if Waresley..

Parish Registers, 1650-1880,

[Related??] [“base born” means illegitimate.]

[More Pentlow families, 1838 -1890 are listed on this “Extract” from Diane Loosle]

Also listed are “Offerell” 1756-1758

1802 May 30 Croydon-cum-clapton, “Chapman – Job son of John & Mary

Cambs, Eng Croydon-cum-clapton Parish Register Transcript, 942.59/C4 K29ch

Indexed in Diane Loosle, “The Gadd / Moule Family”

Job is burried 1837 Oct 29, age 35Croyden-cum-clompton, Cambridgeshire, Eng

“Croyden Book,” In Diane Loosle, “The Gadd / Moule Family”

1802 Sep 19 Cradley, Here, Eng ‘J’ Richard Rowley son of John & Ann Rowley CHRISTENED

Parish records

1800 Richard Rowley son of William & Ann Rowley

1803 Dec 25 Wimpole,Cambridge,Eng William Gadd marries Kezia Evans 25 Oct 1804 /25 Dec 1803 corrected-TIB

William Dies 14 Nov 1853

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. TIB cards

1804 July 16 Croyden, Cambshire, Eng Jane Chapman is born to William Chapman and Mary Pentlow

Family Group Record of William Chapman

1804 Oct 25 Whaddon, Camb., Eng Kezia Evans marries William Gadd 25 Oct 1804 – she dies 19 Apr 1832

Family Group Record of Samuel Evens

1804 Dec 25 Wimpole,Camb,Eng William Gadd marries Kezia Evans

Family Group Record of Samuel Gadd

“Banns of Marriage between William Gadd & Kezia Evans both of this Parish were published Sundays Nov 11th , 18th & 25th 1804 by me.

Tho Sheephanks, Rector

“The said William Gadd this parish, a bachelor and Kezia Evans also of this parish a Spinster were married in this church by Banns this twenty-fifth day of Dec in the year One thousand seven eight hundred and four

by Tho. Sheephanks, Rector

This marriage was solemnized between: William (X) Gadd MARK Kezia (X) Evans MARK

In Preference of William Sheephanks: Rich Parker & Anne (X) Kepd’s?? MARK

Copy of the Banns from Wimpole, Camb, England [I have copy]

[Old Family Group Record from Diane Loosley says there may be a child William born 1804?? Or not.]

Records of Diane Loosle: Wimpole, Eng reg

LDS Film #1040576, it. 10, no 108

TIB card says 1803 Dec 23 [its wrong]

1805 Wimpole, Camb, Eng Sarah Gadd is born, child of William Gadd & Kezia Evans

Family Group Record of William Gadd

1805 Oct 2 (20)Wimpole,Camb,Eng Sarah Gadd - child #1 is baptized to William & Kezia Evans Gadd

(She dies as an infant.)

I have copy: Baptisms from Wimpole, Cambs, England

Family Group Record

She is also buried 20 Oct 1805

Records of Diane Loosle: Wimpole, Eng reg LDS Film #1040576, it. 7-12

1806 Oct 20 , Eng William Chapman marries Mary Pentlow

Family Group Record of William Chapman

Wimpole, Camb, Eng “William Chapman of this parish, single man and Mary Penderton of the same.

Married in this church by Banns this 20th Day of Oct in the Year 1806 By me Wm ??Coothurst??, curate . This Marriage was solemized between us,

The Mark of (X) Wm Chapman

The Mark of (X) Mary Penderton -

In the presence of Richard Farr & George Simms.

Parish Register (I have a copy.) From Diane Loosle

Croyden-cum-clompton, Cambridgeshire, Eng “Chapman, Wm (X) bac, & Mary Penderton (X) ‘botp”

[both of this parish] wits: Richard Farr & George Simms

Croyden-cum-clompton, Cambridgeshire, Eng Register – Marriage page 51

In Diane Loosle, “The Gadd / Moule Family”

[see this for other Chapman, Moule & Gadd marriages.]

[The family group record says they had a child in 1804. Then no more till 1813. Is this a second mariage? OR look for other children OR ??]

1806 Nov 16 Wimpole, Camb, Eng John Gadd is christened, child of William Gadd & Kezia Evans

Dies 5 Sept 1837

Family Group Record of William Gadd

Records of Diane Loosle: Wimpole, Eng reg LDS Film #1040576, it. 7-12

1807 England “I [Ann Jewell] married William Rowley 22 Aug 1836. I was 29 years

old at the time, as I was born in 1807.”

AUTOBIOGRAPHY of Ann Jewell Rowley

1807 Jul 2 England William Rowley married to Ann Taylor married by Minister

Parish Register for Cradley, Hereford, England, Film #992,143

[NOTE: William and Ann & William and Kezia all signed with an “X” so I assume they didn’t know how to read & write.]

Hereford and Gloucester are just east of South Wales.

“William Rowley and Ann Taylor were married in July 1807. They bore seven children between 1808 and 1827, … According to family history, they lived in reasonably prosperous circumstances on a parcel of land called Mars Hill, which hey apparently owned [?] or superintended.

“Mars Hill was located in Suckley Parish, a few miles southwest of the city of Worchester, not far from the place of William’s birth. [?] William and Ann Taylor Rowley made their living by growing and selling hops and fruits. They had sufficient means to employ a governess for their younger children. The governess was a younger, single woman named Ann Jewell. She was born in 1807, the same year that William and Ann Taylor were married.”

Rowley Family Histories, Wm & Ann J Rowley Family Org., 1992

[Ann Jewell’s father William Jewell was a friend of William Rowley.]

1807 Dec 5 Leigh, Worc, Eng Ann Jewell is born, Leigh, Worchester, Eng. Father, William Jewell,

mother Sarah Hyde – Later married John Rowley - 22 Aug 1836

baptized April 1841 – Endowed 14 Oct 1859 – sealed same day.

Ann dies 17 Mar 1888, Utah.

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. TIB cards

Family Group Archive Record

1808 abt Cradley, Here-shire, Eng ‘W’ Thomas Rowley son of William & Ann Rowley is born

Later marries Eliza

Family Group Archive Record

1808 Feb 28 Wimpole,Cambs,Eng Thomas Gadd, is baptized child #3 to William & Kezia Evans Gadd

[He dies in Jan 1810.]

Family Group Record

I have copy: Baptism from Wimpole, Cambs, England Records of Diane Loosle: Wimpole, Eng reg

LDS Film #1040576, it. 7-12

1808 Mar 22 Suckley, Worc., Eng James Rowley born to William Rowley & Ann Taylor

Later marries Hannah Pritchard

Family Group Record

1808 Wimpole, Camb, Eng Thomas Gadd is born, child of William Gadd & Kezia Evans

Dies early – their next child is also Thomas

Family Group Record of William Gadd

1810 Jan 7 Thomas Gadd son of William & Kezia Evans Gadd is buried

I have copy: Buriel from Wimpole, Cambs, England

Records of Diane Loosle: Wimpole, Eng reg LDS Film #1040576, it. 7-12

1810 Nov 10 Wimpole, Camb, Eng Thomas Gadd is born, child of William Gadd & Kezia Evans

Dies Apr 1873

Family Group Record of William Gadd

1810 Nov 11 Wimpole, Cambs, Engl Thomas Gadd, is baptized child #4 to William & Kezia Evans Gadd

Family Group Record

1811 Feb 6 Suckley, Worc., Eng Jane Rowley born to William Rowley & Ann Taylor – died an infant

Family Group Record

1813 June 3 Croyden, Cambshire, Eng Jonathan Chapman is christened son of William Chapman and Mary Pentlow

Later marries Jane Fitchmarsh, 1831

Family Group Record of William Chapman

1813 June 13 Wimpole, Camb, Eng William Gadd is christened, child of William Gadd & Kezia Evans

Dies 6 Dec 1838

Family Group Record of William Gadd

1813 June 27 Wimpole, Camb, Eng William Gadd, is christened child #5 to William & Kezia Evans Gadd

William Sr. is listed as a labourer from Wimpole.

Family Group Record

I have copy: Baptisms from Wimpole, Cambs, England

“1813(from top of page,When Bapt: Child Name; Parents name; Abode; trade or profession

“(No 3 on page) 27 June ; William, son of, William & Kezia; Gadd; Wimpole; Laborer”

Wimpole, Eng reg LDS Film #1040576, it. 7-12-Records of Diane Loosle:

1813 July 21 Suckley, Worc., Eng Ann Rowley born to William Rowley & Ann Taylor

Family Group Record

1814 Mar 13 Croyden, Cambs, Eng Eliza Chapman is born to William & Mary Pentlow Chapman #3child

Later she marries Samuel Gadd. 13 Apr 1836 – dies 24 Jan 1892

Family Group Record of William Chapman

Family Group Record by Mable Gadd Kirk

“History of Eliza Chapman Gadd,” by granddaughter Mabel Gadd Kirk

TIB states: Eliza Chapman (Gadd) Born 13 Mar 1814, Croydon, Camb, Eng

– father, Wm Chapman Mother, Mary Pentlow

– Married, 13 Apr 1836 to Samjuel Gadd (!815) – baptized 16 Nov 1856

Endowed 6 Dec 1861 - Died 24 Jan 1892

TIB records in records of See Diane Loosle in “The Gadd / Moule Family”

1815 May 14 Coydon-cum-Clapton, Eng Eliza Chapman is christened, the daughter of John & Mary Chapman

Diane Loosle “This disagrees with the info …on patriarchal blessing.”

1815 May 15 Croydon-cum-clapton, “Chapman – ELiza daughter of John & Mary lab [labourer]

Cambs, Eng Croydon-cum-clapton Parish Register Transcript, 942.59/C4 K29ch

Indexed in Diane Loosle, “The Gadd / Moule Family” [I have copy.]

1815 July 15 Wimpole, Camb, Eng Samuel Gadd is born, child of William Gadd & Kezia Evans

Later married Eliza Chapman Dies 9 Oct 1956

1815 July 21 Suckley, WORC, ENG Ann Rowley born to William Rowley and Ann Taylor

Family Group Record prob Mars Hill

1815 July 25 Wimpole, Cambs, Eng Samuel Gadd is born to William & Kezia Evans Gadd child #6

Later marries Eliza Chapman

Family Group Record

I have copy: Baptisms from Wimpole, Cambs, England

“Nothing is known of his early life, but as he grew to manhood he worked on a farm and did contract work.”

“History of Samuel Gadd,” by granddaughter, Mable Gadd Kirk

Family Group Record of William Gadd

1815 Oct 1 Wimpole, Cambs, Eng Samuel Gadd is christened, child of William & Kezia Evans Gadd

William. is listed as a labourer from Wimpole.

Diane Loosle, “The Gadd / Moule Family,” film #1040576 [I have copy]

RootsWeb, http:/worldconnect.genealogy.---

1816 Apr 12 William’s brother Samuel Rowley MD MARY BROOKS

Family Group Record

1817 Jan 14 Wimpole, Camb, Eng James Gadd is born, child of William Gadd & Kezia Evans

Later married Sarah Chapman Dies 19 Apr 1888

Family Group Record of William Gadd

I have copy: Baptisms from Wimpole, Cambs, England

1817 Oct 28 Suckley, Worc., Eng William Rowley born to William Rowley & Ann Taylor

Family Group Record

1817 Nov 22 Croyden, Cambshire, Eng Mary Chapman is christened son of William Chapman and Mary Pentlow

She is christened 22 Mar 1818

Family Group Record of William Chapman

Family Group Record by Mable Gadd Kirk, her source: “Parish Records”

1817 Dec 22 Wimpole,Camb,Eng Samuel, son of William & Ann Prior is baptized. There is an Ann Prior age 12, listed in

the 1841 census with the William Gadd family. How are they related?

Wimpole, Eng reg LDS Film #1040576, it. 7-12: Records of Diane Loosle

1818 Mar 22 Croyden, Cambs, Eng Mary Chapman christened: William & Mary Pentlow Chapman #4

Family Group Record by Mable Gadd Kirk, her source: “Parish Records”

1818 June 14 Wimpole, Cambs, Eng James Gadd is christened, child of William & Kezia Evans Gadd

William. is listed as a labourer from Wimpole.

“1818(from top of page)When Bapt: Child Name; Parents name; Abode; trade or profession…

“(No 80 on page) 16 June ; James, son of, William & Keziah; Gadd; Wimpole; Laborer…”

Wimpole, Eng reg LDS Film #1040576, it. 7-12-Records of Diane Loosle:

Diane Loosle, “The Gadd / Moule Family,” film #1040576 [I have copy]

1820 Feb 29 Croyden, Cambshire, Eng Sarah Chapman is christened son of William Chapman and Mary Pentlow

Later marries James Gadd – buried July 1850

Family Group Record of William Chapman

Family Group Record by Mable Gadd Kirk, her source: “Parish Records”

1820. England George IV is crowned King of England

[encouraged greater religious freedoms, many new sects sprang up. this also set the stage for LDS missionaries.]

1820 Aug 6 Suckley, Worc., Eng George Rowley born to William Rowley & Ann Taylor

Family Group Record

1822 June 16 Wimpole,Camb,Eng Elizabeth Gadd is born, child of William Gadd & Kezia Evans

Family Group Record of William Gadd

William. is listed as a labourer from Wimpole.

“1822(top of page) When Bapt: Child Name; Parents name; Abode; trade/profession; perf by.

“(No 162 on page) 16 June ; Elizabeth, dau of, William & Kezia; Gadd; Wimpole; Laborer…”

Wimpole, Eng reg LDS Film #1040576, it. 7-12 : Records of Diane Loosle

1823 Oct 19 Suckley, Worc., Eng Eliza Rowley born to William Rowley & Ann Taylor

Family Group Record

1826 Wimpole, Cambs, England Marianne Gadd #9 is born to William & Kezia Evans Gadd

[Was our Mary Ann named after this “Marianne,” her aunt ?]

I have copy: Baptisms from Wimpole, Cambs, England

LDS Film #990297

Family Group Record of William Gadd

William. is listed as a labourer from Wimpole.

Records of Diane Loosle: Wimpole, Eng reg LDS Film #1040576, it. 7-12

1827 Dec 22 Suckley, Worc., Eng Jane Rowley born to William Rowley & Ann Taylor

Later marries John D.T. McAllister

Family Group Record

1829 Sept 30 Wimpole,Camb,Eng Caroline Gadd is christened, child of William Gadd & Keziah Evans

Later married Robert Hurst

Family Group Record of William Gadd

William. is listed as a labourer from Wimpole.

Wimpole, Eng reg LDS Film #1040576, it. 7-12: Records of Diane Loosle

1829 & 1834 Wimpole, Cambs, Eng There is a John Chapman who witnesses

GADD weddings in Wimpole

John Gadd & Sarah Reed in 1829 & James Wood (Croyden) & Elizabeth Gadd in 1834

Diane Loosle, “The Gadd / Moule Family,”

LDS film #1040576 [I have copy]

[Is this the brother of Eliza? There is a John Chapman born to Edward & Ann Chapman 1753 in Croydon, Cambs, England.]

1832 Wimpole, Camb, Eng Kezia Gadd is born, child of William Gadd & Kezia Evans

Her mother dies soon after the birth

Family Group Record of William Gadd

1832 Apr 19 Eng Kezia Evans wife of William Gadd dies 19 Apr 1832 – soon after daughter is born.

Family Group Record of Samuel Evens

widower for 21years.

[Did she die in childbirth? Her last daughter was born this year. Did he never remarry?]

1833 Mar 24 prob Wimpole, Camb, Eng Mary Giffin Dies wife of Thomas Gadd

Family Group Record of Thomas Gadd

[Is this Mary Gadd whether it is Giffin or Moule?]

1835 Oct 12 Croydon-cum-clapton, Samuel Gadd , bac [bachelor] & Eliza Chapman, Sp [spinster] BOTP

Cambs, Eng Croydon-cum-clapton Parish Register Transcript, 942.59/C4 K29ch

Indexed in Diane Loosle, “The Gadd / Moule Family” – copy included

1836 Oct 12 Croydon-cum-clapton, “Samuel (X) batchler & Eliza Chapman (X) spinster ‘botp’

Cambs, Eng wits; Joseph Pell (X) & Mary Chapman (X)

Croydon-cum-clopton, Cambridgeshire, England – Marriages P 57

Records of Diane Loosle in “The Gadd / Moule Family”

1836 –1842 England Economic Depression in England

Rowley Family Histories, p 5

1836 Apr 8 Suckley, Worces, Eng Ann Taylor Rowley - Wife of William Rowley is buried.

“William and Ann Taylor Rowley … had sufficient means to employ a governess for their younger children. The governess was a younger, single woman named Ann Jewell. She was born in 1807, the same year that William and Ann Taylor were married.

“In 1835, twenty-eight years after her marriage to William Rowley, Ann Taylor Rowley passed away. William was about 50 years old when she died. We do not know the makeup of the family at the time. The youngest of the Rowley children, Hannah, would have been 9 or 10 years old. Some of the older children certainly were married and would have been living on their own. We also do not know how long Ann Jewell had been living in the Rowley home.

“We do know… William Rowley chose Ann Jewell to become his wife. The couple were married in August 1835, and continued to live at Mars Hill,… ”

Rowley Family Histories, Wm & Ann J Rowley Family Org., 1992

[Ann Jewell’s father William Jewell was a friend of William Rowley.]

“Mars Hill was located in Suckley Parish, a few miles southwest of the city of Worchester, not far from the place of Williams birth. [?]

1836 Apr 13 Croyden,Cambridge,Eng Samuel Gadd marries Eliza Chapman

“He married Eliza Chapman, April 13, 1836, and they lived at Orwell, , Cambridgeshire England. They were the parents of nine children, 6 boys & 3 girls… the last were twins.”

“History of Samuel Gadd,” by granddaughter, Mable Gadd Kirk

Samuel died in handcart Co. 9 Oct 1856.

[This was corrected from 17 July 1815]

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. TIB cards

Samuel Gadd & Eliza Chapman

Summary by Diane Loosle Research

“The Journal History of the Church, edited by Andrew Jensen, states that they sailed from Liverpool to New York on the ship “Thornton.” They were Perpetual Emigration Fund passengers and were sent by Franklin D Richards. The date of the publication was 3 May 1856. They were also found in the “European Emigration Index” and consequently the “Emigration Records of the British Mission” The “Thornton” passenger list gave their ages, occupation, and previous address. Samuel was a labourer. They left in April 1856, and arrived the first part of May in the same year.

“Then thy joined the ill-fated Willie Handcart Company. Samuel and two of the sons, Daniel and Samuel, died on the trip to Utah. …The rest of the family continued on to Utah and settled in Nephi, Juab county.

“…the Millenial Star, an early church newspaper… stated in the 1 May 1848 edition, that Samuel Gadd was ordained an Elder at the Bedford Conference on 20 February 1848…” OURS?

“The ‘Patriarchal Blessing Index’ gave entries for Eliza Chapman Gad and Mary Ann Gad. …Mary Ann’s date of birth as 6 Sept. 1848 in Orwell, Cambridge, England, and Eliza’s in Croydon, Cambridge, Eng. With parents William Chapman and Mary Pentlow, but no date was given.”

“The census for Wimpole in 1841, revealed that Samuel and his wife were not living there at that time. So the census search began in Orwell, because Mary Ann… had stated… she was born in Orwell. This was successful. The family was located in the 1841 & 1851 census. …The 1851 census stated that their children were all born in Orwell.

“Alfred 20 August 1837 Jane 23 June 1839

William 6 February 1842 buried 18 May 1843

“…no more entries were found in parish registers.” Other sources

William (2) abt 1844 Samuel abt 1846

Mary Ann 6 Sept 1848 Sarah abt 1850

(Twins) Isaac & Daniel abt 1855

“There is a possibility that another child was born between 1850 and 1855 and died.”

“The membership records for Whaddon and Orwell LDS Branches …2 Samuel Gadds and a William were located in Orwell records. …Samuel was baptized on 6 Nov 1842, & his 2 sons William & Samuel on 28 April 1856, just before they left for the US. This would explain why none of the children after 1842 are in the parish registers. Also, in the Norwich Conference Records, these same baptisms were found and the blessings as children of William and Mary Ann were found; William, 4 Apr 1850, and Mary, 6 June 1851.”

“The marriage of Samuel Gadd to Eliza Chapman took place in Croydon-cum-Clapton, Cambridge, on 12 Oct 1835. In the same parish, Eliza was christened on 14 May 1815, the daughter of John & Mary Chapman. This disagreed with the information which she gave on the patriarchal blessing and the information on the family records. [Surely she would have known. Why would she give a different date? This made her older than Samuel.] …Samuel’s information agreed completely …Samuel was the son of William & Kezia …christened in Wimpole, Cambridge, on 1 Oct 1815.”

Samuel’s family: Sarah 20 Oct 1805 buried 20 Oct 1805

John 16 Nov 1806 Thomas 28 Feb 1808 buried 7 Jan 1810

Thomas (2) 11 Nov 1810 William 27 June 1813 Samuel 1 Oct 1815

James 14 Jun 1818 Elizabeth 16 June 1822

Marianne 25 Jan 1826 Caroline 20 Sept 1829

“Their marriage …William Gadd, bachelor, married Kezia Evans, spinster, on Christmas Day, 25 Dec 1804. The census for Wimpole in 1841, revealed that Kezia had probably died because she was not listed in the household.

William Gadd 65 Ag Lab Elizabeth Gadd 20

Caroline Gadd 18 Ann Pryor 12

“The burials for Wimpole are only available up to 1812, …we have to write to Cambridgeshire Record Office where the parish register is deposited or if she died after 1837, we can send for her certificate.”

“1851 Census for Wimpole:

William Gadd Head Widower 72 Pauper Wimpole

James Gadd Son Widower 32 Ag Lab Wimpole

Elizabeth Gadd dau Unmarried 28 Wimpole

Caroline Gadd dau Unmarried 21 Wimpole

Ann Gadd dau 2 Grand-dau Wimpole

“1861 Census foe Wimpole:

James Gadd Head Widower 42 Ag Lab Wimpole

Ann Gadd Dau 12 Scholar Croyden

Ann Pryor Lodgr 63 Pauper Wimpole

[She, Ann Pryor, was only 12 in 1841!]

“A William Gadd of Caxton district …died 11 Nov 1853 [14 Dec?] cause of death unknown, informant was Ann Pryor. [Who is Ann Pryor?]

“William Gadd was christened in Wimpole, son of Thomas Gadd & Mary, on 31 Jan 1779. Kezia Evans was christened in Whaddon, Cambridge. There are two reasonable christenings for her, first, daughter os Samuel Evans, labourer and Mary on 30 May 1784, & second daughter of Samuel & Ann, on 3 July 1774. Kezia, dau of Samuel & Ann was buried 28 May 1775 [in Whaddon, Cambridge.]

Diane Loosle Research

1836 Aug 22 Suckley, Worc, Eng William Rowley married to Ann Jewell - Married by the “vicar not curate”;

signed "The mark of William Rowley & Ann Jewell In preference of C___ Jenkins & Thomas ________

Film #435,364 Suckley, Worc, Eng. Marr 1813-1837

Find records of Ann Taylor’s kids.

[NOTE: William and Ann signed with an “X” so I assume they didn’t know how to read & write. In a biography written much later, she says she learned to read in Utah.]

[“VICAR NOT CURATE” what does that mean? Did it cost more? Was it unusual? Why was it added to the record?]

[Who owned Mars Hill? Who lived there before the Rowleys? How long were they there? Are there land and rent records? Was there one land owner for the entire area? To have a lease was sometimes handed down from father to son… usually oldest son or divided into smaller portions.]

“I [Ann Jewell Rowley] married William Rowley 22 Aug 1836. I was 29 years old at the time, as I was born in 1807. William was a widower with 7 children. I was considered an old maid. I was uneducated, but an excellent seamstress. I sewed for my wealthy sister, making her gowns and draperies. William was 50 years old, but I loved him, this great man and his children. I thought I had made a good catch, he was fairly well-to-do. He had a beautiful home in a place called ‘Mars Hill,’ in the parish of Suckley, Worcestershire, England. We made our living by selling ‘Hops and Fruits.’”

AUTOBIOGRAPHY of Ann Jewell Rowley

Ann Jewell married to John Rowley - 22 Aug 1836

baptized April 1841 – Endowed 14 Oct 1859 – sealed same day

Ann dies 17 Mar 1888

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. TIB cards

“Mars Hill was located in Suckley Parish, a few miles southwest of the city of Worchester, not far from the place of Williams birth. [?] William and Ann Taylor Rowley made their living by growing and selling hops and fruits. They had sufficient means to employ a governess for their younger children. The governess was a younger, single woman named Ann Jewell. She was born in 1807, the same year that William and Ann Taylor were married.”

“In 1835, twenty-eight years after her marriage to William Rowley, Ann Taylor Rowley passed away. William was about 50 years old when she died. We do not know the makeup of the family at the time. The youngest of the Rowley children, Hannah, woiuld have been 9 or 10 years old. Some of the older children certainly were married and would have been lliving on their own. We also do not know how long Ann Jewell had been living in the Rowley home.

“We do know… William Rowley chose Ann Jewell to become his wife. The couple were married in August 1835, and continued to live at Mars Hill,… ”

Rowley Family Histories, Wm & Ann J Rowley Family Org., 1992

[Ann Jewell’s father William Jewell was a friend of William Rowley.]

[Did Eliza Chapman Gadd & Ann Jewell Rowley ever learn to read and write? What a disadvantage if they did not. Their children did. Maybe they learned with or from them. Samuel Gadd & William Rowley probably died without ever learning. It wasn’t unusual at the time.]

[A note, where info from?: Ann learned to read and write after she arrived in Utah. What a disadvantage she had till then. William Rowley probably died without ever learning. It wasn’t unusual at the time.]

1837 May 8 Suckley,Worc.,Eng Louisa Rowley born to William Rowley & Ann Jewell

Later marries Noah Thomas Guyman – died 23 Aug 1901

Family Group Archive Record

1837 June England VICTORIA IS CROWNED QUEEN in England

“…18 year old granddaughter of George III…”

Rowley Family Histories, Wm & Ann J Rowley Family Org., 1992

1837 July 15 Orwell, Camb, Eng Alfred Gadd is born, 1st child of Samuel Gadd & Eliza Chapman

later marries 10 Jan 1864 - Dies 30 mar 1909

Family Group Record of Samuel Gadd

Temple work was done for Alfred Gadd born 15 July 1837, Orwell, son of Samuel & Eliza who died 30 Mar 1909

TIB cards found by Diane Loosle, “The Gadd / Moule Family,” L1a

1837 Jul 19 Liverpool, Eng. Mormon Missionaries Arrive in England

1837 July 23 Kirtland, D&C 112, Missionaries sent to all the world

1837 Aug 20 Orwell, Camb, Eng Alfred son of Samuel (laborour) & Eliza Gadd baptized

Orwell Parish Register, LDS film #1040543 it 8-15

found by Diane Loosle, “The Gadd / Moule Family,”

1837 Aug Ohio, Kirtland “…while Joseph Smith & most of the quorum… were away on missions …a group armed

with pistols and bowie knives …an attempted takeover of the temple. In panic and terror, several people jumped out of the temple windows. The police managed to quell the disturbance and eject the men. When the prophet returned, these men were disfellowshipped.”

Church History in the Fullness of Times, LDS, p181

1838 July 2 Wilford Woodruff - “I left my fathers home until my mission was finished.”

“Wilford WOODRUFF Daily Journal” (I have &) quoted in

Scott, Donna, The Crockett Family of Maine p14

1838 Aug 9 Fox Island, Maine Wilford Woodruff made an apostle while in Fox Islands “…must leave for foreign

mission, …baptized …nearly 100 persons on island …devil raged …some terrified” That year he took a group of 58 saints nearly 2000 miles to Illinois …2 ½ months.

Wilford WOODRUFF Daily Journal (I have &) quoted in

Scott, Donna, The Crockett Family of Maine p12-14

[This must have been the time when he went to England and baptized the 600 Brethren –Rowley- See entries for

Mar 1840- Mar 1841. Also see Jan 1845.]

1838 Illinois, Springfield Abraham Lincoln elected to the state legislature & was living in Springfield, Ill

video by Dan Dalton

1838 Oct 21 Missouri Extermination order issued by Lilburn W Boggs, Governor of Missouri

D&C sec 124 is answered. Joseph is told to go to Washington,

Build temples, Baptize for the dead, etc.

D & C 124

1838 Oct 27 Missouri “Governor Liburn W. Boggs …infamous ‘extermination order’

…stated in part, ‘The Mormons must be treated as enemies, and must be exterminated or driven from the State if necessary…”

“Our Heritage, A brief History …Latter Day Saints”, p 46

1838 Oct 30 Missouri Haun’s Mill Massacre

“Our Heritage, A brief History …Latter Day Saints”, p 46

1838 Dec 1 The Prophet and others were sent to Liberty Jail after being arrested and

Missouri ordered killed at Far West. From there they were taken to

Independence, and Richmond then to Liberty Jail in Clay County.

“Our Heritage, A brief History …Latter Day Saints”, 1996, p 50

“While their Prophet remained imprisoned, over 8,000 Saints crossed from Missouri east into Illinois to escape the extermination order. They were forced to leave in the cold of winter…”

“Our Heritage, A brief History …Latter Day Saints”, p 51

1838 Dec 14 Suckley, Worc, Eng Daughter, Elizabeth Rowley, born to William Rowley & Ann Jewell prob Mars Hill Later marries David Udall – dies 24 June 1907

Certificate in my possession

Family Group Archive Record

1839 Mar 30 Orwell, Camb, Eng Jane Gadd is born, 2nd child of Samuel Gadd & Eliza Chapman

Later maries Levi Hunt - Dies 14 June 1863

Family Group Record of Samuel Gadd

1839 Jun 23 Orwell, Camb, Eng Jane daughter of Samuel (laborour) & Eliza Gadd baptized

Orwell Parish Register, LDS film #1040543 it 8-15

found by Diane Loosle, “The Gadd / Moule Family,”

1839 Oct 29 The Prophet Joseph Smith left Nauvoo to present Mormon grievances to the

federal government.

The Papers of Joseph Smith, Dean C. Jessee p xlii

1839 Nov 28 The Prophet Joseph Smith arrived in Washington, D.C.

The Papers of Joseph Smith, Dean C. Jessee p xlii

[Wilford Woodruff was in Eng before Mar 1840. ??? When did W Woodruff leave Fox Islands for England??]


Wilford Woodruff & the “600 United Brethren”

1840 Mar 1-5 England Rowley - Wilford Woodruff inspired “to go south: for the Lord had a great work for me to

perform there, as many souls were waiting for His word.”

“…I again took a coach and rode through Dudley, Stourbridge, Stourport, and Worchester, then walked a number of miles to Mr. John Benbow’s Hill farm, Castle Frome, Ledbury, Herefordshire. …This was a farming country in the south of England…”

“…there was a company of men and women – over 600 in number – who had broken off from the Wesleyan Methodists, and taken the name of United Brethren. They had forty-five preachers among them, and for religious services had chapels and many houses that were licensed according to the laws of the land. This body of United Brethren were searching for light and truth… and were calling upon the Lord continually to open the way before them and send them light and knowledge, that they might know the true way to be saved”.

[William and Ann Rowley were part of this group.]

“He [John Benbow] had in his mansion a large hall which was licensed for preaching, and he sent through the neighborhood that an American missionary would preach at his house that evening.”

Wilford Woodruff’s Journal as quoted in Rowley Family Histories,

“On the morning of the 4th I again took coach, and rode through Dudley, Stourbridge, Stourport, and Worcester, then walked a number of miles to Mr. John Benbow’s Hill Farm, Castle Froome, Ledbury, Herefordshire. This was a farming country in the south of England, a region where no elder of the Latter-day Saints had visited"

[Cowley, Wilford Woodruff, p. 116].

1840 April 22, Wed Froomes Hill,Eng “Elders Young and Woodruff organized a branch of the Church at Frooms Hill,


BH Roberts, History of the Church of Jesus Christ of LDS, vol IV, p122

Thur, 23. Elders Kimball and Richards returned to Preston. Elder Young visited at Moor Ends

Cross, and 24th preached at Malvern Hill. Elder Kimball went to Eccleston and continued some days visiting the churches around Preston.

BH Roberts, History of the Church of Jesus Christ of LDS, vol IV, p122

Saturday, 25. Elder Richards went to Manchester, found the Prospectus for the Millennial Star

ready. Elder Young returned to Frooms Hill, and stayed at Brother John Benbow’s till the 30th, preaching, and writing letters to his friends in America. p122

BH Roberts, History of the Church of Jesus Christ of LDS, vol IV,

“… I there preached one month and five days, and baptized the superintendent of the church of the United Brethren, a branch of the Methodist church, and with him 45 preachers, mostly of the same order; and about 114 members, making 160 in all. This put into my hands, or under my care, more than forty established places of preaching, licensed according to law, including one or two chapels. This opened a large field for the spread of the work in this country.

“Among the number baptized are some of most all churches and classes as well as preachers. There is one constable, and one clerk of the Church of England, with numbers of their members. But in the midst of my labors I received a letter stating that the Twelve had just arrived and wished me to come to Preston, and meet with them in conference, Consequently I traveled 160 miles to Preston, and was once more permitted to strike hands with my brethren from America, and sit in conference with them, the minutes of which you have.

“After conference I returned to Herefordshire in company with Elder Brigham Young. We have again commenced our labors here, and there will be many baptized in this region. I have now more than 200 on my list, and scores are now waiting for an opportunity to receive the ordinance of baptism; and the work is progressing in all parts of this country where it is faithfully proclaimed.”

Wilford Woodruff writing - Roberts, BH, History of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, vol IV, p122-3

1840 May 6 near Birchwood, Eng Ann Jewell Rowley baptized and confirmed into LDS Church

Night-Gale Bowery Wilford Woodruff Journal Also in Rowley Family Histories

“May 6, 1840.This is the dryest spring that has been know in England for many years. The ground is parches yeat all Nature is covered with verdent green while the fruit trees sends forth their perfumes from the smileing blossoms which theire are clothed.

“I baptized 5 persons at the Bower and confirmed them. Then I preached at Dunns Close and walked to Taperdin at Mr Smith and Baptized and confirmed 4 making 9 baptized and confirmed. One a preacher. 6 miles.”

Wilford Woodruff Journal Vol 1, p. 445 Also in Rowley Family Histories

I have a copy of this on a page from

Don Smith, West 405 Main, Pullman, Wa. 99163 – phone 334-3344

NE of Cradley “…According to some accounts, Ann Jewell was seven months pregnant with

her first son, John, when she was baptized. John would be born two months later on July 14. Apostle Woodruff, seeing her condition, commented to the probable amusement of those present that he was baptizing two members into the Kingdom of God, mother and child.

“Family tradition tells that Elder Woodruff remembered the incident and commented on it when he later saw the little fellow on a return visit to the Rowley home.”

“If the account were accurate, it might help settle the disputes date of John’s birth which has been variously presented as being in either 1840 or 1841. If Ann Jewell was pregnant with John at the time of her baptism, then John would have been born in 1840. It appears, however, that John believed his birth year to be 1841. This is the date John gave to the patriarch who pronounced his patriarchal blessing in 1863.”

Rowley Family Histories

[WW was at sea in 1841.]

1840 May 24 Taperdy, H, Eng William Rowley Baptized; One of the 600 "United Brethern" meeting at John

Benbow’s farm converted by Wilford Woodruff “Baptized May 24, 1840 at Tapperdy: William Rowley”

Wilford Woodruff Journal, vol 1 p 388

“Wilford Woodruff… baptized about 1,800 people in England. He kept in touch with every one of these people, writing each one a letter at least once a year!”

Lynda Cory Robison, Boys Who Became Prophets, p26

NOTE: [If this is true, he should have written to Ann Jewell Rowley & the Crocketts (if he also wrote to the ones he baptized in Maine.) Where are these letters?]

“May 24th, Sunday. I walked to Old Storridge Common to attend a camp meeting. I preached in the morning, and Bro (Levi) Richards in the evening, after which we Broke bread unto the saints, and also ordained 3 priests viz., George Allen, James Williams, John Meeks, and 1 teacher William Williams. I baptized 3 who were confirmed by Bro Richards. We spent the night at Bro William Smith at Tapperdy. 7 miles

Wilford Woodruff Journal, vol 1 p 452

“Wiford Woodruff… baptized about 1,800 people in England. He kept in touch with every one of these people, writing each one a letter at least once a year!”

Lynda Cory Robison, Boys Who Became Prophets, p26

NOTE: [If this is true, he should have written to Ann Jewell Rowley & the Crocketts (if he also wrote to the ones he baptized in Maine.) Where are these letters?]


Check 1841 Census for names and places- boundries

Leigh is (see discription from 1841 census) on the Turnpike road between Hereford and Worcester.




DUNN'S COVE is listed just before MARS HILL on 1841 census




(Great) MALVERN (parish) IS SOUTH OF LEIGH (parish) WW journal & 1841 census


1840 May 25 Mars Hill, W, Eng Rowley - WILFORD WOODRUFF spent the night at William & Ann Rowley’s

(4 miles from Tapperdy)

“May 25th. We Spent the day in looking up the aged and infirm and baptized as many of them as would receive our testimony. I baptized 6 and Bro Richards confirmed them. One was 80 years of age. We preached at Dunns Close and spent the night at William Rowley. 4 miles

Wilford Woodruff Journal, vol 1 p 452

“According to family sources, all of the Rowley youngsters who were of age were also baptized. We do not know… how many of William’s children born to Ann Taylor joined the church. By 1840, all but Eliza & Hannah were old enough to marry and live on their own. Of William and Ann Jewell’s children none were old enough for baptism till August1845.” Rowley Family Histories, p 18

“Although a great many joined the church, there were many who opposed. Our lovely and spacious home was always open to the missionaries and we delighted in holding meetings there. One night there was a specially important spiritual meeting planned, because Apostle Wilford Woodruff was going to conduct it. The Saints had all been invited and they came, but what promised to be a beautiful meeting became a nightmare, for an angry mob gathered around our home. They were noisy and troublesome. William started for the door to quiet them down and I [Ann J Rowley] begged him not to go, but he said, "Why Ann, they are people I have known all my life, they are my neighbors and I'm sure they'll listen to reason." He opened the door and was immediately seized and beaten up severely. Only then did the mob disperse. William was grateful the Apostle Woodruff was not harmed.”

AUTOBIOGRAPHY of Ann Jewell Rowley

1840 June 14 Worchester, Eng “But before leaving the Saints, we considered it wisdom to set in order the church,

and organize them into branches and conferences, that they might be properly represented before the general conferences. Therefore we held two conferences with the Saints before we took our departure from them. The first was held at the Gadfield Elm Chapel, Worchester, on the 14th of June, at which time we organized twelve branches of the Church were organized. [minutes included]

“On the day following, Elder Richards and myself took our leave of the Saints at Froome’s Hill, Herfordshire: but before leaving we repaired to a pool three times to baptize and confirm numbers that came to us and requested these ordinances at our hands.”

“… less than four months… we were leaving between five and six hundred Saints…”

B.H. Roberts, A Comprehensive History of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, Century 1, vol 4

1840 June 21 Froome’s Hill, Hr, Eng Rowley - Froome’s Hill Conference, British Mission, Herefordshire, England,

organized June 21, 1840 consisting of former members of the United Brethren congregation who had been converted to the truth of the gospel largely through the efforts of Apostle Wilford Woodruff. The name of this conference was changed to Mars Hill in 1844.”

Andrew Jenson, Encyclopedic History of the Church of Jesus Christ-LDS

“Froome, Castle (St Michael), a parish, in the union of Ledbury, hundred of Radlow, Froome Castle county of Hereford, 7 miles (N.N.W.) from Ledbury: continuing 183 inhabitants.

This parish, which is watered by the river Froome, comprises 1474 acres; the surface is varied with hills and dales: the soil is a rich loam, alternated with clay, resting on a limestone gravel in the arable lands, and the meadow and pasture lands are rich and luxuriant. The road from Ledbury to Bromyard intersects the parish from south to north. There are extensive quarries of limestone and of freestone of good quality for building. The living is a rectory, valued in the kings books at “Pounds”5. 13. 4., and in the gift of the Rev. W. J. Lyell: the tithes have been commuted for (pounds)270, and the glebe contains 55 ¾ acres.” Samuel Lewis, A Topographical Dictionary of England

1840 July 6 Manchester, Eng General Conference held in Manchester, England – United Brethren

B.H. Roberts, A Comprehensive History of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, Century 1, vol 4

1840 July 9 England “Extract from Elder Woodruff’s letter to the Editor of the Millennial Star –

Detailing Incidents of Ministry. ‘I arrived at Froome’s Hill, Castle Froome, Herefordshire, on the 4th of March, and was kindly entertained for the night by John Benbow, who received my testimony, and opened his door for meeting; and on the evening following, the 5th March, for the first time I preached the fullness of the Gospel in that place to a small congregation, who manifested much interest in what they hear, and desired to inquire further into those things; and on the evening following I met a large number at Mr Benbow’s and preached unto them the principles of the Gospel, namely, faith in Christ, repentance, and baptism for the remission of sins and the gift of the Holy Ghost by the laying on of hands; …several of those who were baptized were preachers of the order called the United Brethren.

“The United Brethren formerly belonged to the Primitive Methodists, but had separated themselves from the body, and chose the name of the United Brethren. They had from forty to fifty preachers and about the same number of established places of meeting, including two chapels.

“…numbered about four hundred in all, divided into small branches and scattered over an extent of country from fifteen to twenty miles. This people almost universally appeared willing to heed to the exhortation of Solomon, to hear a matter before they judged or condemned. They opened their doors for me to preach, and searched the Scriptures daily to see if the things which I taught were true; and on finding that the word and spirit agreed and bore record of the truth of the fullness of the Everlasting Gospel, they embraced it with all their hearts, which has brought great joy and satisfaction to many souls in that region.

“I continued preaching and baptizing daily; the congregations were large and generally attentive. …

“I also baptized about forty preachers of the same order, and several others belonging unto other churches, and about one hundred and twenty members of the United Brethren, which opened about forty doors or preaching places, where the fullness of the Gospel would meet a welcome reception, and all this during the term of one month and five days.”

B.H. Roberts, A Comprehensive History of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, Century 1, vol 4, p 150.

Missionary Work “During this period, the Prophet called the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles to go

to England on Missions.”

“Our Heritage, A brief History …Latter Day Saints”, 1996, p 56

Standard Works “During the Nauvoo Period… some of the writings that later became

the Pearl of Great Price were published.

“Our Heritage, A brief History …Latter Day Saints”, 1996, p 58

Temple Work “Only 15 months after founding Nauvoo, the First Presidency, obedient to

revelation, announced that the time had come to erect…” a temple.

“Our Heritage, A brief History …Latter Day Saints”, 1996, p 58

1840 Dec 27 Worc, Eng Sarah Hyde Jewell, is buried - died 24 Dec 1840

Family Group Record of William & Sarah Hyde Jewell

1841 Mar 19 Mars Hill, Wilford Woodruff preached at Dunns Close & Mars Hill – "A wicked rabble..."

Wilford Woodruff spent the night at William Rowley’s. Suckley Parish

Wilford Woodruff: “Sis Baylis let me have a pair of black kid gloves of her own make. I walked to Dunsclose visiting many Saints by the way laying hands upon the sick &C. All appeared happy to see me, as I had baptized most of them about a year since.”

“I preached at Dunsclose at the house of Edward J. Jinkins to a crowded congregation. A wicked rabble disturbed the meeting much. I felt constrained to sharply reprove them in the power of God. The Saints contributed 6 shillings for me.

Mars Hill, Suckley Parish I spent the night with Br Rowley. …Distance of the Day 6 miles” Wilford Woodruff’s journal, vol 2, pp 65-66

“This entry in Apostle Woodruff’s journal, with its reference to a “Wicked Rabble,” provides historical support for a story recorded in Rowley family histories that does not appear in the Woodruff journal. William G Rowley, a grandson of William & Ann Jewell, recalled the following incident, which he said was related to him by Ann Jewell –

“One night while Elder Woodruff was staying at their home, a mob of men came to their door and Grandpa opened the door and asked them what they wanted. They said they wanted Woodruff, but they were told that Bro Woodruff had gone to bed. This did not satisfy them. They said, “We want Woodruff, and we are going to get him.” Grandpa said, “If you get him it will be over my dead body.” Members of the mob then took hold of Grandfather and dragged him out into the yard, where they beat him until he was unconscious. While the mob was dragging Grandfather away, he called to Grandmother, telling her to close and lock the door, which she did.

“After they had beaten Grandfather, until they were afraid he was dead, and finding the house locked up, they departed afraid to break into the house by force.

“When Elder Woodruff arose in the morning, finding (Grandfather) bruised and in bad condition, he advised them to sell out and move to America and to Zion.”

Roberta Benson Rowley. History - William Rowley and Ann Jewell, p 3-4

“During the time of Wilford Woodruffs second mission to England, he and his companion came to the town where the Rowleys lived to hold a conference. After the conference was over they spent the night in the Rowley home. Shortly after they all had retired for the night, a mob of approximately fifty men surrounded their house. William got up, dressed himself and went out side and locked the door behind him. As he approached the men, he ask them what they wanted and they replied, "We want Wilford Woodruff and his companion." When ask what they wanted the brethren for, they replied, "For preaching false doctrine and baptizing the people and if you will not tell us where they are we will take you." When William refused to tell them where the brethren were, they beat him severely and then ask him again if he would tell them. William replied "I will never tell you." The mob then beat him until he was unconscious and left him lying on the ground. After they left his wife, Ann, went out and brought him into the house where she cared for him.

“The next morning, Wilford Woodruff on hearing the story, commended brother Rowley for his courage and advised him to make preparations to bring his family to Zion.“


[This may have been the night William wouldn't let the mob have W. Woodruff so they beat William.]

1841 census lists E. Jenkins and T Smith? at Dunns Close as closest neighbors of Rowley family.

NOTE: [A “C” or “E” Jenkins signed William & Ann marriage register.]

1841 Mar 22 Stanley Hill, William Rowley received the Aaronic Priesthood, ordained-Deacon

Suckley, W, Eng.

1841 Apr England Ann Jewell Rowley is baptized

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. TIB cards

1841 May 24 …,Camb,Eng Thomas Gadd husband of Mary Giffin, Died – corrected from 21 May 1841.

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. TIB cards

“The family records had both 1814 & 1841 as the year of Thomas’ death but the date was the same.

SO the Civil Registration indexes were searched in 1841 and no record was found. Therefore, he may Have died in 1814…”

Records of Diane Loosle

1841 Orwell, Cambridges, Eng 1841 Census for Orwell, Cambridgeshire, England

“Samuel Gadd 25 Ag Lab Born in County

Eliza Gadd 25 - “

Alfred Gadd 4 - “

Jane Gadd 2 - “

Diane Loosle Research Extract records #C4

Copied of census records are included

Wimpole, Cambridges, Eng 1841 Census for Wimpole, Cambridgeshire, England

“William Gadd 65 Ag Lab Born in County

Elizabeth Gadd 20 - Yes

Caroline Gadd 18 - Yes

Ann Prior 12 - Yes

See copies for other Gadd families details

James Gadd, 20

Thomas, 30: Mary, 30: David, 10: Chal Clark, 19

Elizabeth, 54; Joseph, 5

Sarah, 35 Jane, 11: James, 10:Joseph, 8: Keziah, 5: Mary, :

Elizabeth, 54: Joseph, 5.

Diane Loosle Research Extract records #C2

Copied of census records are included

1841 bef July Mars Hill, Suckley, 1841 Census lists William Rowley 56 ag Lab

Worchester ,Ann Rowley 34 Hannah Rowley 14

England Louisa Rowley 4 Elizabeth Rowley 2

[It does not list JOHN yet.] [William had been married before to Ann Taylor & had an older family, some married. Where are they listed?]

“At this time Elder Wilford Woodruff was in England preaching the Gospel. He was impressed to call upon the United Brethren and when he delivered his message to them, they received him joyfully and in a short time they were all converted and baptized. Wilford Woodruff and the Rowley family became close friends and many of the church meetings were held in the Rowley home. A few months after the Rowley family joined the church, on the 14th of July, they were blessed with a fine baby boy whom they named John. He had two sisters and of course he being the first boy they all rejoiced greatly over him.”

Nellie R. Mecham , “History Of John Rowley”

“With such bitter opposition our financial affairs didn't go well and when our fruit crop failed two consecutive years, we were in real financial difficulty. Many people with money were no longer our friends and finally the day came when our house, furniture and all our possessions were sold at auction. Even our feather beds were confiscated, all except mine and William's. William suffered deeply from this humiliation. We were left to earn our living by day work, which in itself is not disgraceful but the circumstances were hard for us to endure.”

AUTOBIOGRAPHY of Ann Jewell Rowley

1841 July 14 Suckley, Worc, Eng John Rowley Born to William Rowley & Ann Jewell

prob Mars Hill Later Maries Mary Ann Gadd & others – dies 7 Oct 1893

Certificate in my possession & Family Group Archive Record

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. TIB cards

“…my father, John Rowley, who was born in Suckley, Worchestershire, England, on the 14 of July, 1841. He was the third child of William Rowley Jr. and Ann Jewell Rowley.

Jesse N. Rowley. “The Life Story of John Rowley”

John Rowley was born at Marshill [Mars Hill] {either Herfordshire or Worchestershire} England, July 14, 1841. His parents were William and Ann Jewel Rowley. They belonged to a sect called the United Brethren. They were a band few more than six hundred in all who had broken off from the Wesleyan faith, and were continually praying for light and truth. Elder Wilford Woodruff who was then preaching the gospel in England was impressed to go and minister to their wants. When he delivered his message to them, they welcomed him joyfully and in a short time he converted and baptized [sic] nearly their whole number. This all happened about one year before John was born so he was born in the church. The saints often held meetings at their home which was a very large comfortable home surrounded by lawn and fine orchards. The Rowley family made a living by raising and selling fruit and hops.

“Sketch Of Life Of John Rowley” [who wrote this?]

“July 14, 1841, to Suckley, Worchestershire, England. On this date at this place, John Rowley, father of John Sylvester, was born, son of William and Ann Jewell Rowley, John's parents were among those who heard the Gospel of Jesus Christ from the lips of Wilford Woodruff and were baptized by him in 1840 at the Benbow farm along with six hundred other members of the United Brethren.”

“Life Story Of John [Sylvester] And Eliza Rowley,” By Their Children

Worchester Eng “John Rowley is born to Wm Rowley and Ann Jewell –

Later 10 Sept 1864 Married Mary Ann Gadd,

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. TIB cards

1841 Aug 6 Orwell, Camb, Eng William Gadd is born, 3rd child of Samuel & Eliza Chapman Gadd

Dies 10 Mar 1844 - He died before brother William C was born 1843 Nov 13.

Family Group Record of Samuel Gadd

1841 Oct 6 Nauvoo On Monday October 6tth, a general conference of

the church was held in the nearly finished Temple…”

Christensen, Clare B, Before & After Mt Pisgah, p 106-7

1841 Oct 13 Eng prob Cambs Samuel Gadd is baptized a member of the Church of Jesus Christ LDS

Family Group Record

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. TIB cards

[Where & by Whom?]


“Samuel Gadd joined the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints in May 1841 and was ordained an elder the same year. He was the Presiding Elder at Bessemus and at Cambridge. He often had to walk 12 to 14 miles to church. Alfred, William 2nd and Jane were baptized in Cambridge.

“History of Samuel Gadd,” by granddaughter, Mable Gadd Kirk

Mary Ann Gadd “her father, Samuel Gadd, joined the Church in England. Her mother did not. They sailed to America on the ship Charles Thornton and traveled to Iowa City in company with Ann Jewell Rowley and her children. Whether the members of the two families met during the voyage is not known.

Rowley Family History, p 147?

Samuel Gadd

“Samuel Gadd, my grandfather, was born July 25, 1815, at Cambridgeshire, England, and joined the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints in 1841, and ordained an Elder the same year.

“He with his wife and 8 children, left Liverpool, England, for Utah, May 4, 1856, on the ship Thornton landing in New York, June 4, 1856, going from there to Iowa by train where they stayed two weeks and three days. On July 16th they started across the plains with their handcarts, in Captain Willie’s Co.

“Grandfather had served as guard at Iowa camp grounds, and had contracted a cold that never seemed to leave him. After leaving Deer Creek on Oct 3, grandfather was taken worse because of lack of food and cold weather, and was put in a wagon to ride, and according to a diary kept by his oldest son, he was dead when next they saw him. He was buried along the trail and on Oct 5th, Daniel, a two year old twin brother of my father, died.

“The severe snow came on Oct 19th, and made it impossible for them to travel for two days and on about Oct 25th, another son, Samuel, age 10, died and was buried with 12 others.

“Grandmother, Eliza Gadd, had not joined the church, having come to keep her family together and losing her husband and two sons was agreat ordeal, but she carried on and joined the church soon after arriving in Nephi, Utah. – Mabel Gadd-Kirk”

Carter, K, Heart Throbs of The West, p 184

Eliza Chapman Gadd

She Buried Her Loved Ones Along the Trail

“Eliza Chapman Gadd was born at Croyddon, Cambridgeshire, England, Jan 24, 1815. Her parents were William and Mary Pentlow Chapman. She married Samuel Gadd, April 13, 1836. Mr Gadd and some of his older children joined the Church, and the family sailed for America May 4, 1856, on the ship “Thornton.” They joined Captain J G Willie’s Handcart company, at Council Bluffs, and started for Utah. The older children and parents walked and pulled or pushed the younger ones in the handcarts. The terrible hardships’ and privations they endured on the 1,000-mile trip, pulling their handcarts over the plains, gullies and mountains, is a matter of history. For weeks they staggered on their weary way, subsisting on but a few ounces of flour each. At every stop they buried their dead. Starting so late in the season, bad weather came with its snow and blizzards, and the company suffered severely. Great-grandfather Gadd and one son, Daniel, were two of those who lost their lives during this perilous journey. The father died from exposure which developed pneumonia, and was buried on the Platte River, in Wyoming. He had helped carry women and children over the river.

“Eliza took charge of her family and their meager belongings and with the help of her oldest son, Alfred, took up their journey again, trudging toward the mountain tops, not knowing what trials awaited them but with hearts full of hope and trust.”

“The history of the family states that Mrs. Gadd did not join the Church until after reaching Nephi, but came to Zion because her husband wanted to come. SO through this great sorrow she didn’t have the comfort of the gospel as others did who belonged to the Church and lost their loved ones along the way.

“Two days before they were met by supply wagons from Salt Lake, they were camped in the snow, unable to travel farther and with nothing to eat. It was here that another son died, Samuel, age ten years. That made three, the father, and two sons passing on within two weeks. The mother was sorely tired, but she kept on pulling a handcart with her scant supplies and small children. They arrived in Salt Lake, Nov. 9, 1856, and were sent on to Nephi where they made their home. She supported her family by doing many kinds of hard work. She became expert in braiding straw, making hats for both men and women. She was set apart as a midwife soon after reaching Nephi. This calling she accepted and performed faithfully and well for over 35 years, helping to bring over 2,000 babies into the world, and it is said not one baby died under her care. She spent the rest of her life in Nephi, where she died Jan 24, 1892. – Juab County.

Carter, K, Heart Throbs of The West, p 149-150

Samuel Gadd “joined the church in May 1841 & was ordained an elder the same year.”

“He [Samuel Gadd] was Presiding Elder at Bessemus & at Cambridge. He often had to walk 12 – 14 miles to church. …Brigham Young …urged the Saints to emigrate to US… where hand carts would be provided …[Samuel] felt the urge to join the Saints in the valleys of the mountains.”

History of Samuel Gadd,” by grandaughter Mabel Gadd Kirk

[Samuel & some of the older children joined the church and wanted to immigrate to Utah. His wife didn’t join at this time but went with them in the Willie Handcart Co in 1856.]

1842 Feb 6 Orwell, Camb, Eng William son of Samuel (laborour) & Eliza Gadd baptized

Orwell Parish Register, LDS film #1040543 it 8-15

found by Diane Loosle, “The Gadd / Moule Family,”

1842 June 11 Orwell Samuel Gadd 1816 Bapt by Elder Pearce – Branch Orwell Bedford Conf.

Confirmed by William Pearce

Orwell LDS Branch Records (Cambs) #87027, it 11

Samuel Gadd 1816 Bapt by Elder Pearce – Confirmed by William Pearce

Emigrated Apr 28, 1856 by PE Fund

Norwich LDS Branch Records (Cambs) #87024

1842 Oct 29 Suckley, Worc, Eng Son Samuel Rowley Born to William Rowley & Ann Jewell

Later marries Ann Taylor & others

Certificate in my possession Family Group Archive Record

1843 May 8 from Nauvoo Letter from B Young to W Woodruff in England: Please send us a bell for

the temple. Cast of Bronze; clear tone of middle C.


[Rowleys were in Eng taught by WW at this time. Did they give to the bell fund? & Barretts & etc too?]

“We dreamed of going to Zion, where we could be with the main body of the Saints, but money was the problem here too. The Lord sent another son, whom we named Samuel, and it is through him that you people are here. Samuel was blessed by "Apostle Woodruff."

“Seven more years passed and our home was blessed with 3 more children. We had a sweet home, but we didn't have a fine house to put it in.

AUTOBIOGRAPHY of Ann Jewell Rowley

1843. England Charles Dickins writes A Christmas Carol, commenting on conditions in Eng.

1843 Summer "The Prophet during that summer received the revelation on Celestial Marriage,

but was not immediately made public, although rumors were plentiful in regard to it."

The Diary of James Leithead

“Joseph Smith realized his time on earth was short, so while the was still under construction, he began giving the endowment to selected faithful followers in the upstairs room of his red brick store.”

“Our Heritage, A brief History …Latter Day Saints”, 1996, p 60

1843 Aug 10 Wimpole, Cambs, Eng “Terrible storm destruction about 4 o’clock there was lightning and huge hail.

The destruction of property was dreadful. Windows broken, fields and trees destroyed, cows and pigeons dead.

A sheep was struck by lightening.”

Records of Diane Loosle: Wimpole, Eng reg LDS Film #1040576, it. 7-12

1843 Oct 26 Wimpole,Cambs,Eng “The end of item 8 is a gem for historical background. Thursday 26 Oct 1843,

Queen Victoria visited Earl of Hardwicke “Charles Phillip” at Wimpole Hall with Prince Albert.

Records of Diane Loosle: Wimpole, Eng reg LDS Film #1040576, it. 7-12

1843 Nov 13 Orwell, Camb, Eng William Gadd is born, 4th child of Samuel & Eliza Chapman Gadd

Dies 13 Nov 1914 – never married

Family Group Record of Samuel Gadd

Civil Registration, 522597, from Diane Loosle

1844 Mars Hill, Worc, Eng Rowley - Frome’s Hill Conference of the LDS Church name changes to

near Cradley Mars Hill Conference “Mars Hill Conference, British Mission, was a continuation

of the Frome’s Hill Conference (Herefordshire, England, organized in 1840) but the name was changed in 1844 to the Mars Hill Conference, which functioned until Aug. 14, 1848, when the limits of the conference having extended to other parts of Herefordshire, the name of the conference was changed to that of the Herefordshire Conference.”

Andrew Jenson, Encyclopedic History of the Church of Jesus Christ of LDS

184? Mississippi River Temple bell Shipped from Eng & up the. . . . Mississippi River.

Stolen by ruffians on the way, recovered & delivered to the Saints.

Olive W Burt "Ring out Wild Bells", Children's Friend, July 1976

[Did Rowleys, Gadd & etc help contribute for the bell? Is there a list? Get church newspapers, Millennial Star, etc]

1844 June 27 Carthage, Ill Joseph Smith & Hyrum Smith are martyred in the Carthage Jail

D&C 135

“Even after the murder of the Prophet Joseph Smith, when the Saints realized they must shortly leave Nauvoo, they increased their commitment to completing the temple. The attic of the unfinished temple was dedicated as a part of the structure where the endowment would be administered. …Brigham Young, Heber C Kimball, and others of the Twelve Apostles remained in the temple day and night, sleeping no more than about four hours a night.” “Almost 6,000 Latter-day Saints received their endowments before leaving Nauvoo.”

“Our Heritage, A brief History …Latter Day Saints”, 1996, p 60

1844 July 1 England hears of Joseph Smith’s Death

1844 July Nauvoo, Ill Two weeks after martyrdom work resumes on the temple

Lois L Tanner, "Old Bell, Temple Bell"

45. Wimpole, Cambs, Eng “Severe and lengthy winter.” – a note on the records of the parish. Records of Diane Loosle: Wimpole, Eng reg LDS Film #1040576, it. 7-12

“They loved their religion and were very happy. The time came when their fruit crop failed for two successive years and they were forced to sell their home, their belongings were sold at auction, furniture, feather beds, their comfortable home, everything sent. This was a severe trial to them and Brother Rowley could not rise above it. On the 14th day of Februay, [sic] 1848, he was called to a better world leaving his wife to care for seven little children all under 12 years of age. This was a sad blow to Sister Rowley, a burden almost too heavy for her to bear. The seven shillings per week furnished her by the parish barely provided her with flour and she was forced to work early and late with her needle making men's clothing. With work obtained through her brother Thomas Jewel, she managed to provide a meager living for the [l]ittle broad.

“Since the Rowleys had abandoned their residente [residence] at Marshill, the saints met at Old Storidge. Although Sister Rowley was unable to send her children to school, she was very faithful in attending her meetings, teaching her children and encouraging them to attend to their duties. As soon as the children were old enough they found work. The older boys worked at carrying brick, while the younger ones walked three miles to their work and back at night.” “Sketch Of Life Of John Rowley” [who wrote this?]

1845 Jan England Wilford Woodruff & wife & daughter arrive from America

[Which time? He was there in 1840.]

1845 Jan 11 Suckley, Worc, Eng Richard Rowley Born to William Rowley & Ann Jewell

prob Mars Hill Later marries Mary Ann Ray – dies 2 Dec 1929

Certificate in my possession &

Family Group Archive Record –says born 10 Feb 1844

1845 Apr 6 Manchester, , Eng General Conference of LDS Church at Manchester, , Eng.

Mars Hill was represented by G.P. Waugh

1845 May Nauvoo, Ill Capstone of temple set

Lois L Tanner "Old Bell, Temple Bell"

1845 England Louisa Rowley daughter of William Rowley & Ann Jewell, Baptized LDS

Rowley Family History,

1845 Sept 21 Suckley, England Rowley - Mars Hill Conference met “in the parish of Suckley, Worcestershire”

conference consisted of 466 members, 11 branches

1845 Oct 8 Nauvoo - “…a circular was issued to the church and to the world in general, announcing the

intention of the Church to move from Nauvoo.

Christensen, Clare B, Before & After Mt Pisgah, p 106-7

1845 Sept/Dec Suckley, England Rowley – Mars Hill & Hereford shire LDS Church Conference, 1845

H. ARNOLD was clerk

Film #1183,516; Millennial Star excerpts 1845 item #7;

[All entries for Mars Hill are from Rowley Family History, unless otherwise stated.]

[*English Law required a license to preach. Find the license for Mars Hill.]

1845 Nov Nauvoo “finishing the temple, …intending to hang a bell…”

Christensen, Clare B, Before & After Mt Pisgah, p 106-7

1845 Dec 14-15 Manchester, Eng Rowley - Special Conference at Manchester, , Eng. Mars Hill.

Members =659. 24Elders, 28 Priests,14 Teachers, 8 Deacons

Film #1183,516; Millenial Star excerpts 1845, item #7;

[Look for Samuel Gadd at conferences.]

1845 Winter Nauvoo “Various rooms of the temple were dedicated… for ordinance work.”

The Rise & Fall of Nauvoo, p 368

184? Mar 22 Leominster, H, Eng 2nd Division of Mars Hill Conference met at Leominster, Her, Eng.

8 branches represented

184? Mar 29 Cradley, Here, Eng Mars Hill Conference held; 11 branches represented

1846 Feb 2 Nauvoo, Ill Nauvoo Exodus began - "I counseled the brethren to procure boats …”

Days of ... in readiness ... to go ... within 4 hours, at least."

Exodus Brigham Young, History of the Church v 7 p 578

Quoted in Church News 1979

B H Roberts, Comprehensive History of the Church, v 7 p 578

“The evacuation of Nauvoo was originally planned to take place in April 1846. But as a result of threats that the state militia intended to prevent the Saints from going west, the Twelve Apostles and other leading citizens hurriedly met in council on 2 Feb 1846. They agreed that it was imperative to start west immediately,…”

“Our Heritage, A brief History …Latter Day Saints”, 1996, p 69

1846 Feb 8 Nauvoo, Ill Private Dedication of Nauvoo Temple by Brigham Young.

A. Baugh, Church History Seminar, June 1997

1846 Mar 8 Orwell, Camb, Eng Samuel Gadd is born, child of Samuel & Eliza Chapman Gadd

Dies 10 Sept 1856

Family Group Record of Samuel Gadd

Civil Registration, 528191, from Diane Loosle

184? Mar 22 Leominster, H, Eng 2nd Division of Mars Hill Conference met at Leominster, Her, Eng.

8 branches represented

184? Mar 29 Cradley, Here, Eng Mars Hill Conference held; 11 branches represented

1846 Spring Iowa “William Clayton’s …’Come, Come Ye Saints,’ (was) written while crossing Iowa in the

spring of 1846...”

Bennett, Richard, E, “Winter Quarters,” Ensign July 1997, 40-53

1846 May 1 Nauvoo Nauvoo temple publicly dedicated.

1846 May 11 Suckley,Worc,Eng Thomas Rowley born to William Rowley & Ann Jewell

prob Mars Hill Later marries Margaret Tattersell – dies Oct 1924

Family Group Record & Family Group Archive Record

184? Mar 22 Leominster, H, Eng 2nd Division of Mars Hill Conference met at Leominster, Her, Eng.

8 branches represented

184? Mar 29 Cradley, Here, Eng Mars Hill conference held; 11 branches represented

1846 Sept 17 Nauvoo - Surrender of Nauvoo

1847 Nov 14 WQ, Iowa Pres Young announces plans to begin abandoning

Winter Quarters in the spring of ernment had demanded that they “vacate Indian lands.” If able go west or if not go back across the river.

Bennett, Richard, E, “Winter Quarters,” Ensign 40-53

1847 Dec 5 Kanesville, Iowa 12 Apostles met on Iowa side of the river, prayerfully select first Presidency

Bennett, Richard, E, “Winter Quarters,” Ensign 40-53

1847 Dec 27 Kanesville, Iowa Brigham Young is officially sustained president of the Church

[Kanesville later renamed Council Bluffs.]

Mormon Pioneers, E C McGavin p 195

1848 Feb 20 England “Samuel Gadd – 20 Feb 1848 – Elder

“Millenial Star,” film #1402726

“Mormons & Neighbors” 978 D32w page 137 v 10

Diane Loosle,“The Gadd / Moule Family, L1a

Bedford Conference Minutes on 20 Feb 1848 at 10:30 A.M.

Held at Odd Fellows Club Room, Mill Street, Bedford found in

“The following motions were unanimously agreed to viz(??)

That Priest Samuel Gadd be ordained an Elder for Whaddon Branch.”

“Millenial Star,” 1848 May 1 edition, vol 10 p 137

Quoted by Diane Loosle in “The Gadd / Moule Family, L1a

1848 Spring Utah Crickets plague & Miracles of the Seagulls

1848 Jul 17 Suckley, Worc, Eng Jane Rowley born to William Rowley & Ann Jewell

prob Mars Hill Later marries Charles Albert Camelley – dies 8 Oct 1930

Family Group Archive Record

1848 Aug 14 Herefords, Eng Mars Hill Church Conference boundaries enlarged, name changed to Herefordshire


1848 Sept 6 Orwell, Camb, Eng Mary Ann Gadd is born 6th child of Samuel & Eliza Chapman Gadd

The children were Alfred, Jane, William (prob died young), William, & Samuel.

Later they had Sarah 1850, Isaac & Daniel 1854.

Family Group Record of Samuel Gadd

“1848 Birth in the sub district of Caxton and Arrington in the counties of Cambridge and Huntingdon– [No] 261 – [when & where born] sixth September 1843 Orwell – [name, if any] Mary Ann - [sex] girl – [Name and surname of father] Samuel Gadd – [Name, surname and maiden surname of mother] Eliza Gadd, formerly Chapman – [occupation of father] labour – [Signature, description & residence of informant] “X” The mark of Eliza Gadd, mother, Orwell – [when registered] twenty fifth September 1848 – [signature of registrar] George ?? ??”

Certificate, obtained Dec 1993, from Shirley Butler

From Diane Loosle

The children were Alfred, Jane, William (prob died), William, & Samuel.

Later they had Sarah 1850, Isaac & Daniel 1854.

“The Life Story of Mary Ann Gadd Rowley,” by Jesse N Rowley

1848 Nov 19 Nauvoo, Ill Nauvoo Temple burned by a mob

1849 Feb 14 Suckley, Worc, Eng William Rowley DEATH; 64 years Laborer Influenza 8 days

(Mars Hill) certified "at Suckley"

sub-district Leigh,England, Death Index 1st quarter 1848; Film #534,547

Family Group Record lists death as 1848 FEB 14

Death Certificate, It says 15 Feb 1849. – info from wife, Ann Jewell Rowley

1849 Feb 15 England, Suckley William Rowley, died 15 Feb 1849, at Suckley, male, 64 years, labouer, influenza,

8 days, certified, “The mark of Ann Rowley, present at death, residence, Suckley” Registered 17 Feb 1849, Chas Rowberry, registrar, Registration district, Martley, sub-district of Leigh, in county of Worchester

Certificate of death from London register Office, #273

Application #3452A, July 11, 1979. [I have copy from Shirley.]

[1849] Feb 20 Suckley, Worc, Eng William Rowley is buried.

(family group sheet) lists death as 1848 Feb 14 This can’t be since he didn’t die till 1849. He didn’t die till 1849.

“William was never to see Zion, as he could never recover from his financial loss, or the heartbreak of seeing his family in such stringent circumstances and the hurt of having his friends turn against him and because of all this, he died when Jane was 6 months old.

“I was left a widow with 7 children under 12 years of age and the step children of William's first marriage. I was very grateful for the gospel of Jesus Christ and the comfort it gave me. I knew that our parting was only temporary and that viewed from the eternities, this was but a fleeting moment. I also knew that no matter how fleeting a moment it was, I had to make the best of it. I had a very real job to do. The children had to be fed and clothed, but the big task and the one I must accomplish, is to get us all to Zion. I must be among the people of my faith and I must get the Temple work done for us. Each person that could earn money at all, was required to work.

“The next seven years were hard. This was the period of time when England was exploiting "Child Labor," just prior to their industrial revolution. Many big industries would hire them for next to nothing. Samuel was only 7 and John 9, but they worked in a brick yard tramping mud, to be used for bricks. I would help the little fellows across a narrow dangerous bridge, to go to work at daylight and at night I would meet them and help them home. The girls, even 11 year old Elizabeth, worked late in the night making kid gloves, doing mock frocking and other needlework. We did this in our home. Then at the end of the week, I would take them to market, where they were sold to the gentry. Our savings were meager.”

“My desire became more urgent, for war broke out between England and Russia. John was now of military age and I knew we must leave at once, if he was to go with us.

“With the perpetual aid fund, we were able to book passage on the sailing vessel the "Charles Thornton." Only one of my stepchildren sailed with us, Eliza, a sweet girl, with very frail health. All of my children came. There was Louisa 19, Elizabeth 17, John 16, Samuel 13, Richard 12, Thomas 10 and Jane 8. We left England with all its beauty 6 May 1856.”

AUTOBIOGRAPHY of Ann Jewell Rowley

“…accounts left by Ann Jewell and her children inform us that the years following the Rowley conversion grew increasingly difficult. Persecution toward Mormons severed vital business connections and threatened the Rowleys’ economic survival. Two very poor crop years – likely 1845 and 1846 – broke them. They were forced to sell their home at Mars Hill, with all it’s possessions, at public auction. The only item that Ann Jewell held back was their feather bed.

“We do not know many details about their lives during these difficult years... Ann Jewell continued to bear children during these critical years, one in 1846, and another in 1848.

“William Rowley died in Feb 1849, at age 64.” Ann “widowed at age 42. The ages of her 7 children ranged from 7 months to 12 years.”

“The parish ‘poor fund’ provided Ann with 7 shillings a week. The amount was barely enough to purchase flour for the family’s meals. …Ann Jewell was an accomplished seamstress… she made smock frocks, gloves, stockings, and whatever else she might sell. William’s daughter Eliza, 25 lived with them? Her oldest daughter, Louisa was… able to obtain work as a maid.” John & Samuel “…worked at a brick kiln located some miles from their home.” “…Only one account appears …to suggest that either John or Samuel suffered at the hands of an employer [told by their sister Martha Ann.]

“Ann’s brother Thomas Jewell and her sister, Sarah, came to the aid of the family. Both were reasonably well off. …Thomas tried to dissuade some of the children from their new found faith.” [See Louisa’s stories.] Rowley Family History, p 24-25

As he began preparing to come to Zion it seemed misfortune met him on every turn. Their crops failed for two successive years and they were forced to sell their lovely home at auction. One day as William was taking some goods to sell to obtain money to bring his family to Zion, his horses became frightened while crossing a bridge, causing a runaway and accident. William's leg was severely crushed and he then remained in bed almost a year before he died on February 14 1848.

The Rowley family was now in poor circumstances. Ann Rowley worked early and late making men’s clothing and with the aid of her brother Thomas Jewell- she was able to provide for her family. She was unable however to send them to school, but she was very faithful in teaching them the Gospel by example as well as by precept. The family was treated very unkind by the non-Mormons. At one time a group of boys caught John and beat him until he was unconscious simply because he would not deny being a Mormon. His condition remained serious for several days.

As soon as John was old enough to work he began doing so by carrying bricks through a dark tunnel. He later found a better job and in less than a year the family was ready to come with a group of saints to Zion. Nellie R. Mecham , “History Of John Rowley”

Perpetual Emigration Fund

1849 Oct 12 PEF - First Presidency announces PEF “’Ye poor and meek of the earth, lift up your

heads and rejoice in the Holy One of Israel, for your redemption draweth nigh; but in your rejoicings be patient, for though your turn to emigrate may not be in the first year, or even the second, it will come,…’”

William G Hartley, “How Shall I Gather?,” Ensign Oct. 1997, 5-17

[See entries in 1856.]


“…hardships fired their enthusiasm and deepened their commitment to gather to Zion” “the greatest number of emigrants would leave in 1855 & 1856. Rowley Family History, p 27

“To all saints in England, Scotland, Ireland, Wales, and the adjacent islands and countries, we say emigrate as speedily as possible to this vicinity …bring with you all kinds of choice seeds, of grain, vegetable, fruit shrubbery, trees and vines …the best stock of beast, bird and fowl of every kind; also the best tools of every description and machinery for spinning, or weaving, and dressing cotton, wool, flax and silk, etc … So far as it can be consistently done, bring models and drafts, and let the machinery be built where it is used… “

The Millennial Star, vol 10, pp 81-88 quoted in Rowley Family History

Church leaders frequently counseled unmarried youth intending to emigrate, that they wait until they had reached Zion to select a companion. Ann Jewell Rowley counseled her teenaged daughter, Louisa, not to fall in love with a man whose faith was not sufficient to carry him to Zion. Rowley Family History, p 27

1850 Apr 4 Orwell, Eng Blessing of Children – William Gadd – Blest by Elder Cape

Norwich LDS Branch Records (Cambs) #87024

1850 Sept 8 Orwell, Camb, Eng Sarah Gadd is born, child of Samuel & Eliza Chapman Gadd

Later marries William F. Rolley [Tolley?]

Family Group Record of Samuel Gadd

Civil Registration, 528285, from Diane Loosle

1851 Census found in records of See Diane Loosle in “The Gadd / Moule Family”

1851 Wimpole, Cambs, Eng 1851 Census: Wimpole, Cambridgeshire, England

Samuel Gadd Head Married 35 Ag Lab Wimpole

Eliza Gadd wife “ 36 Croyden

Alfred Gadd son Unmd 13 Ag Lab Orwell

Jane Gadd daughter “ 12 Ag Lab “

William Gadd Son “ 7 “

Samuel Gadd Son “ 5 “

Mary Ann Gadd daughter “ 2 “

Sarah Gadd Son “ 6 mo “

Diane Loosle Research Extract records #C1

Copied of census records are included

“William Gadd Head widower 72 Pauper Wimpole

James Gadd Son “ 32 Ag Lab “

Elizabeth Gadd daughter un 28 - “

Caroline Gadd daughter un 21 - “

Ann Gadd daughter un 2 grandaughter “

Another entry

Joseph Gadd Servant un 17 serv “

Another family

Elizabeth Gadd Head mar 63 Ag Lab wife (leasing field)

Mary Gadd Daughter un 32 - Wimpole

Another family

Thomas Gadd Head married 40 Ag Lab Wimpole

Mary Gadd Wife Marr 39 - “

David Gadd son un 20 - “

Diane Loosle Research Extract records #C1

Copied of census records are included

Orwell, Cambs, Eng 1851 Census: Orwell, Cambridgeshire, England

Mary Gadd 48

James, 30: wife Eliza, 30: daughter Matilda, 4: son Walter, 4: daughter Kezia, 10 m

Diane Loosle Research Extract records #C1

Copied of census records are included

1851 Apr 2 Suckley, Worc, Eng England Census, County Of Worc, Parish Of Suckley, Hamlet Of Alfrick

Ann Rowley, head of house, widow, 44 born

no occupation, born in Worcester, Leigh

Louisa, dau 13 " " " Suckley

Elizabeth, dau 12 " " " "

John, son, 9 " " " "

Samuel, son, 8 " " " "

Richard, son, 5 " " " "

Thomas, son, 4 " " " "

Jane, dau, 2 " " " "

Eliza Rowley, 27 listed as unmd lodger, frock maker, with Richard & Suzannah Jones family born at Suckley

England 1841 Census, Suckley, Worchester, England, Film #464,205

Rowley - England Census, County of Worchester, Parish of Suckley,

Ann Rowley, head of house, widow, 44 no occupation, born in Worc, Leigh Hamlet of Alfrick

Children all no occupation born in Suckley, Worc, Eng Lousia, dau 13

Elizabeth, dau 12 - John, son, 9 - Samuel, son, 8 - Richard, son, 5

Thomas, son, 4 Jane, dau, 2

Eliza Rowley, 27 listed as unmd lodger, frock maker, with Richard & Suzannah

Jones family born at Suckley

[Eliza is Wm’s child – was she living with a sis & bro-in-law?

She dies crossing the plains with Ann & kids.]

England 1841 Census, Suckley, Worchester, Eng, Film #464,205

Rowley - “Six years passed in hardship after Williams death…” “…accounts left by Ann Jewell and her children inform us that the years following the Rowley conversion grew increasingly difficult. Persecution toward Mormons severed vital business connections and threatened the Rowleys’ economic survival. Two very poor crop years – likely 1845 and 1846 – broke them. They were forced to sell their home at Mars Hill, with all it’s possessions, at public auction. The only item that Ann Jewell held back was their feather bed.

“We do not know many details about their lives during these difficult years. Some family histories suggest that William was badly injured when he was thrown from and run over by a produce wagon. If the account is accurate, his leg and hip were crushed, and he lay bedridden for many months while Ann struggled to support the family. William was in his 60’s and did not have the stamina and vigor of young manhood to help him recover quickly. Ann Jewell continued to bear children during these critical years, one in 1846, and another in 1848.

“William Rowley died in Feb 1849, at GE 64.” Ann “widowed at age 42. The ages of her 7 children ranged from 7 months to 12 years.”

“The parish ‘poor fund’ provided Ann with 7 shillings a week. The amount was barely enough to purchase flour for the family’s meals. …Ann Jewell was an accomplished seamstress… she made smock frocks, gloves, stockings, and whatever else she might sell. Her oldest daughter, Louisa was… able to obtain work as a maid.” John & Samuel “…worked at a brick kiln located some miles from their home.

Rowley Family History, p 24-25

1851 June 7 Orwell, Eng Blessing of Children – Mary A Gadd –

Blest by Elder W Johnson

Norwich LDS Branch Records (Cambs) #87024

1851 Sept 21 “First Presidency issues a strong call for Saints still in Iowa to gather to Zion.

Bennett, Richard, E, “Winter Quarters,” Ensign 40-53

Kanesville, Iowa Pioneers - 1951- “Some found the comforts of eastern Iowa a more difficult

temptation to resist than their earlier trials and sufferings.”

Church Authorities reminded the Saints they were still gathering to Zion. “’There is no more time for the Saints to hesitate. …What are you waiting for? Have you any good excuse for not coming? No! …We wish you to evacuate Pottawattamie (County) and the (United) States, and next fall be with us.’” “In response, most LDS in 1852 pulled out …Approx 5,500, …twice as many as in any other year.”

“Of the several thousand LDS who used Kanesville as their jumping-off point …half were British converts.”

Bennett, Richard, E, “Winter Quarters,” Ensign 40-53

1852 PEF – “By 1852 ‘all the exiles from Nauvoo who wished to come had been

removed to Zion,’ which meant that ‘the obligation of the Nauvoo pledge of 1846 had been faithfully discharged.’ …to open the European… By 1852, some 30,000 Saints living in the British Isles were waiting to emigrate. From 1852 to 1856, PEF expended …$625,000 in 1856 currency in emigrating the ‘poor saints’ from Europe to the Salt Lake Valley.”

William G Hartley, “How Shall I Gather?,” Ensign Oct. 1997, 5-17

[NOTE: For more PEF info see July 1849.]

1853 Nov 14 Wimpole, Camb, Eng William Gadd son of Thomas Gadd & Mary Giffin dies

married to Kezia Evans Kezia died in 1832 Later married Sarah Chapman Dies 19 Apr 1888

Family Group Record of Samuel Gadd

Archive Family Group Record & TIB card

1853 Dec Caxton, Eng William Gadd, civil registration –

Civil Registration Certif., Caxton District, vol 3b, 262, film #535,597

“14 Nov 1853 William Gadd, male, 75 years, labourer, [cause of death is listed],

Signature: “X” The mark of Ann Prior of Wimpole, registered 28 Dec 1853”

Also listed for the same date of registration [?] Willliam Gadd of Thrapston,

“Susan Gadd of London; Reuben Martin Gadd of S Panerae; Mary Ann Gadd of Lambeth; Joseph Gadd of Lambeth; Elizabeth Ann Gadd of White Chapel; Elizabeth Gadd of Chelaea; Arthur Gadd of Chelsea

Records of Diane Loosle: See certificate

1854 Sept 25 Orwell, Camb, Eng Daniel Gadd & Isaac Chapman Gadd, twins, are born to Samuel & Eliza Chapman

Gadd. Daniel dies 22 Jun 1856

Isaac later marries Martha E. Paxman

Family Group Record of Samuel Gadd

1855 Spring Salt Lake, Utah Salt Lake had a bad drought and crickets

“Wide spread drought and famine withered the Utah Saints resources…”

W. G. Hartley, “How shall I Gather?,” Ensign Magizine, Oct 1997, p 5-17

1855 Oct 29 13th General Epistle of the 1st Pres… “Let all the Saints who can, gather up for Zion…”

“In regard to foreign emigration… let them pursue the northern route from Boston, New York or Philadelphia, and land at Iowa City, the then terminus of the railroad:”

“In the Millennial Star of Feb 23, 1856, was published a lengthy circular about the emigration of 1856.” “Handcart Pioneers, from Ethlyn J Madson

1855. “In 1855, Pres Brigham Young sent a communication to Pres Franklin D Richards of the British Mission urging the Saints to emigrate to the United States and travel to Iowa City by train where hand carts would be provided to carry provisions and clothing… The Saints… were to walk and push their handcarts. Wagons were to be furnished to haul the aged, the infirm and those who were unable to walk. A few good cows would be sent along to furnish milk and some beef cattle for the people to kill along the way. He urged them to gird up their loins and come while the way was open. This was published in the Millennial Star on Feb 23, 1856, and when grandfather [Samuel Gadd] received this message, he felt the urge to join the Saints in the Valleys of the Mountains.”

“Grand mother had not joined the church, but she decided to come rather have her family separated, and they sailed from Liverpool May 4, 1856 on the ship Thornton with 764 Saints on board. They were six weeks on the water and arrived at Iowa City, Iowa, June 26, 1856. While in Iowa City Grandfather [Samuel Gadd] worked with others getting their carts and tents made and supplies bought. And it was late in the season before they were ready to start. He also served as a guard at Iowa City and helped in every way possible to get ready for the journey.

“The first few companies who left arrived in Salt Lake safely and had fewer deaths and made better time than those who traveled with ox teams, but Grandfather’s [Samuel Gadd] family did not leave Iowa City until July 15, 1856 under the direction of James G Willey.”

“History of Samuel Gadd,” by granddaughter, Mable Gadd Kirk

“When Grandfather`[Samuel Gadd] accepted the Gospel and wanted to come to Utah, Grandmother [Eliza Chapman Gadd] decided to come to Utah with him, although she had not joined the church. However, the older children had and she did not want to separate her family.”

“History of Eliza Chapman Gadd,” by granddaughter Mabel Gadd Kirk

“Answering the call for freedom, these people came singing, dancing, radiant with hope, fearless in courage, supreme in faith. They accepted each day as it came, praying not for ease, but for the opportunity and the strength to make the onward march.”

Kate B. Carter, Heart Throbs of the West

Eliza Chapman Gadd & Ann Jewell Rowley Families Cross the Plains

1856 Ann Rowley Indebted To The Perpetual Emigration Fund

Louisa, John, Samuel, Richard, Jane, & Eliza

Perpetual Emigration Fund, Film #25,686

1856 - “Six years passed in hardship after Williams [Rowley] death…” “hardships fired their

enthusiasm and deepened their commitment to gather to Zion” “the greatest number of emigrants would leave in 1855 & 1856

Rowley Family History, p 34

1856 Apr 7-8 Samuel Gadd 40 labourer W.C. Gregg (Country) “E”

Eliza 40 wife “ Chesterton Lane

Alfred 18 lab Camb

Jane 16 spinster

William 12 Folio 127

Samuel 10 1 steerage (logging) PEP 1253 (Bond)

Mary Ann 7 Allotment Cambridge Conf

Sarah 5

Isaac & Daniel 1

Emigration Records of the British Mission (Thornton Ship list)

LDS film #25691 John Rowley’s Family 136 pg 1

1856 Apr 28 William Gadd - Bapt by James Muss – Branch Orwell Bedford Conf.

Confirmed by Elijah Larkin – 28 Apr 1856

Orwell LDS Branch Records (Cambs) #87027, it 11

Samuel Gadd - Bapt by James Muss – Branch Orwell Bedford Conf. - [Dittoes]

Confirmed by Elijah Larkin – 28 Apr 1856

Orwell LDS Branch Records (Cambs) #87027, it 11

1856 May 1 Eliza Chapman Gadd & Ann Rowley & families on Thornton Liverpool, Eng

1856 May 4 Eliza Chapman Gadd & Ann Rowley & families sailed from England on the ship

"Thornton" Brit Miss p16?

Louisa 18? Elizabeth 16 John 14 Samuel 12

Richard 11 Thomas 10 Jane 7

[Eliza, 32?, was with them, too.]

1856 Jun 14 New York City, USA "Thornton" docked

The group traveled by steamboat & Erie railroad & steamboat again

1856 Jun 26 Chicago, Ill Start rail journey to Iowa City

1856 Jun 27 Iowa, USA In outfitting camp

“Between 1856 and 1860 ten handcart companies traveled to Utah. …to reduce expenses so that financial aid could be extended to the greatest number of emigrants. … only 100 pounds of flour and a limited quantity of provisions and belongings into a cart and then pulled …across the plains.”

Our Heritage, A brief History of the Church of Jesus Christ of L-Day Saints,

1856 Jul 15 Iowa, USA Willie Handcart co. Leaves; 500 people, 120 handcarts, 5 wagons, oxen, cows & beef

1856 Oct 9 Conve Co, Wyoming Samuel Gadd died on the handcart trail - widow Eliza Chapman Gadd

buried the next day

Family Group Record of Samuel Gadd

1856 Oct 19 Wyoming, USA Eliza? Rowley died

1856 Nov 9 Salt Lake City, Ut Eliza Chapman Gadd & Family Members Of The Willie Handcart Co. Arrived

Ann Rowley & Family & Members Of The Willie Handcart Co. Arrived

Rowley Family History

THE WILLIE & MARTIN HANDCART COMPANY “I was in that company and my wife was in it… We suffered beyond anything you can imagine and many died of exposure and starvation, but did you ever hear a survivor of that company utter a word of criticism? …(We) came through with the absolute knowledge that God lives for we became acquainted with him in our extremities.

“I have pulled my handcart when I was so weak and weary from illness and lack of food that I could hardly put one foot ahead of the other. I have looked ahead and seen a patch of sand or a hill slope and I have said, I can go only that far and there I must give up, for I cannot pull the load through it… I have gone on to that sand and when I reach it, the cart began pushing me. I have looked back many times to see who was pushing my cart, but my eyes saw no one. I knew then that the angles of God were there.

“Was I sorry that I chose to come by handcart? No. Neither then nor any minute of my life since. The price we paid to become acquainted with God was a privilege to pay, and I am thankful that I was privileged to come in the Martin Handcart Company.”

William Palmer, quoted in David O McKay, “Pioneer Women,” Relief Society Magazine, Jan. 1948, 8 as quoted in “Our Heritage” LDS, 1996.

1892 Jan 24 Nephi, Utah Eliza Chapman Gadd Dies – widow of Samuel Gadd

Family Group Record of Samuel Gadd

For more details on later dates see Gadd Rowley Pioneer Timelines


Check W. Woodruff Journal For Relationship Of Places

& 1841 Census For Names And Places- Boundries

Leigh Is (See Discription From 1841 Census) On The Turnpike Road Between Hereford And Worcester. Leigh Is North East Of Suckley

Cradley & Suckley Are Between Hereford And Worcester. Cradley Is South West Of Suckley

Dunn's Cove Is Listed Just Before Mars Hill On 1841 Census

Old Stoneridge Compton Is East Of Suckley, South West Of Leigh

Birchwood Is South Of Old Stoneridge Compton

Alfrick Is Just North Of Old Stoneridge Compton

(Great) Malvern (Parish) Is South Of Leigh (Parish) Ww Journal & 1841 Census

Deerhurst (Coleman-Eagles) Is Just South Of Malvern

Bristol (Lamoreaux) Is South Of Hereford


Where are the United Brethern records? They broke off from the Westlian Methodists.

Where is Tapperdy or Taperdin (Walking distance of Birchwood and Dunns Close, 6 miles. Also 4 miles from Mars Hill)

Where was THE VICOR from THAT MARRIED WM & ANN JEWELL ROWLEY A____________________Y

Do we have a birth certificate for Thomas son of Wm & Ann J Rowley?

Where did Wm's first family get married & live? (check census & parish)



Census Records of Eng, Worc, 1851 - Film #87,499

Census Worc, Suckley 1841- Film #464,205 (Wm Rowley family), page 3


Birth of child Elizabeth Rowley 1838

Birth of child John Rowley 1841

Birth of child Samuel Rowley 1842

Birth of child Richard Rowley 1845

Death of William Rowley 1849

The Church of Jesus Christ of LDS, Herefordshire, 1840, Film #889,347; Baptism dates for Wm & Ann (WW journal)

The Church if Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, IGI file, copies - Info on Rowleys

The Church if Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, Fiche 6031596, Membership of Church of Jesus Christ of LDS 1830-1848

The Church if Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, Film #1183,516; Millennial Star excerpts 1845 item #7; Mars Hill Conference

The Church if Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, TIB Card

Samuel Gadd 1815

Thomas Gadd 1758

William Gadd 1779

Mary Giffin (1741)

William Rowley; End House & St George

Ann Taylor; Salt Lake

Ann Jewell 1807

The Church if Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, Utah Immigration Index – film #298441 – Samuel Gadd

Cradley Parish Records, Film #1040,199, (listed on FG rec for John & Ann)

Cradley Parrish Registers, Hereford, Eng. Film #994,229 Marr 1806-1812, "1806"

Cradley Parrish Registers, #992,143, Md Ann Taylor & Wm

Death Index 1st quarter 1848, Film #534,547, Wm Rowley death

England 1841 Census, Suckley, Worchester, England, Film #464,205; 1841 Census Worc, Suckley; (Wm Rowley family) page 3

England, Death Index 1st quarter 1848; Film #534,547;Death Index 1st quarter 1848; Wm Rowley death

Family Group Records,

Family Group Record of Edward Chapman

Family Group Record of John Chapman – Manti Temple Records, Nov 1890, Mabel Gadd Kirk

Family Group Record of William Chapman, sources Parish Records by Mabel Gadd Kirk

Family Group Record of John Gadd (1708)

Family Group Record of John Gadd

Family Group Record of William Gadd

Family Group Record of Samuel Gadd

Family Group Record for William Rowley & Ann Taylor

Family Group Record for William Rowley & Ann Jewell, Burial & etc.

Films - LDS Filmed records

Film #25,686 Perpetual Emigration Fund

Film #87,499 Census Eng, Worc, 1851

Film #350870 Leigh, W, Eng parish reg

Film #435,364 Suckley, Worc, eng. Marr 1813-1837, Md Ann Jewell & Wm and Wm death

Film #464,205 1841 Census Worc, Suckley (Wm Rowley family), page 3

Film #465,282 ?Standon, Hertford, Eng parish regis, (1784 3S Grafton-Flyford), Wm birth (John & Ann)

Film #534,547 Death Index 1st quarter 1848, Wm Rowley death

Film #889,347 Church of Jesus Christ of LDS Herefordshire, 1840, Baptism dates for Wm & Ann (WW journal)

Film #994,229 Cradley Parrish Registers, Hereford, Eng. Marr 1806-1812, "1806"

Film #992,143 Md Ann Taylor & Wm

Film #1040,199 Cradley Parish Records, (listed on FG rec for John & Ann)

Film #1183,516 Millenial Star excerpts 1845 item #7, Mars Hill Conference

Fiche 6031596, Membership of Church of Jesus Christ of LDS 1830-1848

Herefordshire, 1840, Film #889,347; Baptism dates for Wm & Ann (WW journal), The Church if Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints

IGI file, copies - Info on Rowleys, The Church if Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints,

Jenson, Andrew, Encyclopedic History of the Church of Jesus Christ of LDS, [Mesa LDS FHC]

Leigh, W, Eng parish reg - Film #350870

Lewis, Samuel, A Topographical Dictionary of England, [Mesa LDS FHC]

Millenial Star, Notes from; about Mars Hill Conference of Church

Millenial Star, about Mars Hill Conference of Church, Film #1183,516, excerpts 1845 item #7;

Millenial Star excerpts 1845 item #7, Mars Hill Conference - Film #1183,516

Parish Register for Cradley, Hereford, England Film #994,229; Cradley Parrish Registers, Hereford, Eng. Marr 1806-1812, "1806"

Parish Register for Cradley, Hereford, England Film #992,143; Md Ann Taylor & Wm

Parish Register for Cradley, Hereford, England; Film #1040,199; Cradley Parish Records (listed on FG rec for John & Ann)

Parish Register for Leigh, Worchester, England, Film #350870; Leigh, W, Eng parish reg

Parish Register for Stanton, Hertford, England, Film #465,282; ?Standon, Hertford, Eng parish regis, (1784 3S Grafton-Flyford)

Wm birth (John & Ann)

Parish Register for Suckley, Worchester, England, Film #435,364; Suckley, Worc, eng. Marr 1813-1837; Md Ann Jewell & Wm R

Perpetual Emigration Fund, Film #25,686

Rowley, John - John Rowley Temple Book,

Rowley, John - Rowley Family Histories, Wm & Ann J Rowley Family Org., 1992

Rowley, Roberta Benson, History of William Rowley and Ann Jewell, quoted in Rowley Family Histories

Rowley, Wm & Ann Family Org, Rowley Family Histories 1992

Standon?, Hertford, Eng parish regis, (1784 3S Grafton-Flyford), -- Film #465,282 Wm birth (John & Ann)

Suckley, Worc, eng. Marr 1813-1837 - Film #435,364 Md Ann Jewell & Wm and Wm death

TIB Card for; End House, St George, Salt Lake, The Church if Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, for William Rowley & Ann Taylor

Woodruff, Wilford, Wilford Woodruff Journal, notes & other info. Quoted in Rowley Family Histories

akrc PC:AC_Final/Rowley;RowleyGaddEngTmLn

April Coleman

PO Box 31184 Mesa, AZ 85275-1184

e-mail akcoleman1@

12 Jan 2000 update 19 Feb 2000 update again 6/16/2010


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