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The Take home test is due at the beginning of your 1st History class upon your return.B day: 16th of MarchA day: 17th of MarchPls. write on a piece of paper the no. of question, the answer and a justification for choosing that answer.Each question is 2 points: I point for the provided answer, 1 point for explanation for that answer.If you don’t have explanations, you receive only one point( instead of 2 ) for each correct answer!Take Home test ImperialismWhich of the following was a Western motive for overseas territorial expansion in the industrial era?Need for raw materials for factory production.Access to new markets for sale of Western manufactured goods.Missionary drive to convert non-Western peoples to Christianity.All of the above.“ Take up the White Man ‘s burden Send forth the best ye breedGo bind your sons to exile To serve your captives’ needs;To wait in heavy harness,On fluttered folk and wild-Your new –caught, sullen peoples,Half-devil and half –child….”The excerpt above I from R. Kipling’s The White Man’s Burden. From the British perspective, which of the following is an example of a “new-caught, sullen people”?Chinese b Indians c) Siamese d) VietnameseThe excerpt illustrates which of the following points of view about western societies during the late 19th century?Western societies have no reason to feel superior to other societies in the world.Western societies have a responsibility to help less advanced in the world.Western societies cannot take care of less advanced societies.People in less advanced societies willingly imitate westerners.The influence of which of the following doctrines is evident in the excerpt?Social Darwinism. b )Romanticism c)Democratic centralism d) Socialism.The main reason that the country of Siam( today Thailand) was the only one to remain free in the entire Asia was becauseThe king of Siam effectively resisted imperialist control.The English and French agreed to leave it as a “buffer zone”.It had established a formal alliance with India.Its control of trade in the regions was too well established to allow for an imperialist takeover.The following 3 questions refer to the below passage.“ The American continents, by the free and independent condition which they have assumed and maintain, are henceforth not to be considered as subjects for future colonization by any European powers….We should consider any attempt on their ( Europeans) part to extend their system to any portion of this hemisphere a dangerous to our peace and safety. With the existing colonies or dependencies of any European power we have not interfered and shall not interfere. But with the governments who have declared their independence and maintain it, and whose independence we have, on great consideration and on just principles, acknowledged, we could not view any interposition for the purpose of oppressing them, or controlling in any other manner their destiny, by any European power in any other light than as the manifestation of an unfriendly disposition toward the United States….It is impossible that the allied powers should extend their political system to any potion of either continent without endangering our peace and happiness; nor can anyone believe that our southern brethren, if left to themselves, would adopt it of their own accord.” (James Monrow, presidential message to Congress, 1823)Which statement summarizes the main idea stated in the passage?Many former colonies of European nations in the Western Hemisphere desired a return to colonial status.The United States intended to interfere in the administration of existing European colonies.The European powers must respect the sovereignty of independent nations in the Western Hemisphere.The United States must remain neutral in any attempt of a European nation to claim land in the Western Hemisphere.Which event indicates that the Monroe Doctrine might have included a desire of U.S. leaders to engage in economic imperialism?The war of 1812.The Mexican-American war.The Civil war.The Seven Years ‘ War.Which development in the Spanish-American War most directly demonstrated that the United States wanted to become an imperial power?Declaring war against a country in Europe.Seizing territories from Mexico.Helping Cuba become independent of Spain.Taking control of Philippines.“The English in India had always been somewhat more detached from the indigenous environment than the Dutch in Indonesia. After the 1780s, their isolation gradually intensified and became obvious with the decline in status of Eurasian Anglo-Indians….. The club became the center of British social life in India and the other Asian colonies during the Victorian era. In clubs, one could feel like a gentleman among other gentlemen while being served by a native staff… The large clubs of Calcutta remained closed to Indians until 1946. This type of color bar was especially disturbing because it excluded from social recognition the very people who had carried their self-Anglicizing (becoming more like the British) the furthest and loyally supported British rule……In most regions of Africa……………….the Europeans saw themselves as foreign rulers separated from the African culture by an abyss….. A process of great symptomatic significance was the rejection of highly educated West Africans who had worked with the early mission. They had envisioned the colonial takeover s an opportunity for a joint European-African effort to modernize and civilize Africa. Instead, they were now, as “white Negroes”, despised by all” . ( Jurgen Osterhammel, Colonialism, 1997). Which theory did the Europeans use most directly to justify the social patterns described in the passage?Pan-Africanism b) Social Darwinism c) popular sovereignty d) laissez-faire capitalism.Which statement best provides the context to understand how the racial policies described in the passage shaped imperialism in India and Africa?In both places, the English did not encourage highly educated native people to prepare for self-rule.In both places, a smooth transition of power helped the highly educated native people gain political power.In both places, social clubs were the meeting for native people planning to fight for self-rule.In both places, the colonizers finally began to respect educated natives, thus weakening their own colonial rule.The context for the Europeans attitudes described in the passage was that Americans were telling the British that “all men are created equal”.Some scientists claimed Europeans were a biologically superior race.Most Indians and Africans preferred to create non-British clubs.Some Europeans hoped to drive native people out of India and Africa.This imperialism political cartoon appeared in August 15, 1900 issue of the literary magazine Puck. In the cartoon, animals representing different countries are battling over China (seen as a dragon). The bear represents Russia, the lion is Britain, the rooster is France, the eagle is Germany, the two-headed eagle is Austria, Japan is the tiger and the bald eagle is the United States.12. The political cartoon illustrated above represents….(A) The 1933 take-over of Manchuria, in the lead-up to WWII(B) The attempt to take control of China in the years leading up to the Chinese Communist Revolution(C) The scramble for spheres of influence in China by imperialist nations(D) The outcome of the Boxer Rebellion 13. Which of the following transoceanic empires was initially established as a trading post? A) The British in India B) The British in West Africa C) Belgium in the Congo D) The French in Algeria 14. During the late 19th century, which of the following countries had the weakest colonial presence? A) Spain B) Portugal C) France D) Italy 15. Which of the following could best be described as an imperial state practicing economic imperialism rather than establishing settler colonies? A) The Dutch in South Africa B) The French in Algeria C) The British in Oceania D) The French in China 16. Which of the following gave England much of the African continent? A) Congress of Vienna B) Council of Trent C) Berlin Conference D) Treaty of Versailles 17. Which of the following was one reason why Europeans needed to expand into new foreign markets?(A)To find vacation destinations(B)To build prison colonies(C)To unload periodic surpluses of manufactured goods(D)To unite humankind(E)To spread democracy18.Why did ordinary Europeans come to care whether their country gained new territories around the globe or not?(A)Profits from new territories were distributed equally among all Europeans.(B)Most Europeans were naturally curious about other cultures around the world.(C)Many Europeans became swept up in mass nationalism.(D)Many Europeans were looking for new places to settle.(E)Most Europeans hoped to distribute the prosperity created by industrialization to all humankind.19.In which of the following ways did the Industrial Revolution drive European expansion in the nineteenth century?(A)The industrialization of China created an equal trading partner for European powers.(B)It led to technological innovations that gave Europeans a military advantage.(C)It drove Europeans to transfer industrial production on a large scale to their colonies.(D)It led to a rapid population increase in Europe which allowed European powers to send large numbers of colonists to China.(E)Prosperity from industrialization led to a decline in political rivalries between European states.20. The political cartoon above demonstrates what about the Scramble for Africa?Europe was more focused on its colonies in the Caribbean than it was on its colonies in Africa.While Germany was heavily invested in Africa, Great Britain was only focused India. Africa was heavily resistant to colonization. Different countries of Europe struggled to carve out their own colonies in Africa.Questions 21, 22, 23 refer to the below 2 passages( Passage 1 and Passage 2).Passage 1“Take up the White Man’s burden—Send forth the best ye breed—Go bind your sons to exileTo serve your captives’ needTo wait in heavy harness,On fluttered folk and wild—Your new-caught, sullen peoples,Half-devil and half-child . . .Take up the White Man’s burden—And reap his old reward;The blame of those ye better,The hate of those ye guard.”--from Rudyard Kipling, “The White Man’s Burden,” McClure’s Magazine, 1899Passage 2“That in the prosecution of these designs the Society has directed its attention to the inhabitants of the islands of the South Seas, and especially to those of New Zealand, whose active and intelligent character appeared to offer a favorable field for their exertions. In the course of the year 1814, having obtained a grant of land from one of the chiefs of the country, the Society established a settlement in the Bay of Islands in New Zealand, at which three missionary settlers, with their families, have been since resident.That the efforts of these settlers, as far as it has been possible hitherto to extend them, have been attended with most encouraging success. They have found the natives in the vicinity of a frank and affectionate character, desirous to cultivate their friendship, and to receive instruction, and the Society entertain a confident hope that by the establishment of schools and by other means of instruction they shall in due time be enabled, under the Divine blessing, to diffuse the knowledge of Christianity throughout this populous and benighted [unenlightened] land, and to rescue a noble race of men from the horrible superstitions and savage customs by which they are now degraded.-from Committee of the Church of England Missionary Society, Memorandum to the Earl of Bathurst, Secretary of State of the Colonies, 181721. The authors of both of these passages would likely agree that:A. It is relatively easy to work among native peoples.B. Instruction in Christian teaching is the most important task.C. Natives generally appreciate the help they receive from Europeans.D. Europeans are able to improve the lives of the natives, who are in need of help from their European superiors22. The author of the second passage most directly contradicts the author of the first on what key point?A. The importance of economic assistance to persuade native peoples to embrace Christianity.B. The willingness of the native peoples to receive instruction and develop friendships with the English missionaries.C. The widespread success of converting peoples to Christianity.D. The racial composition of native peoples.23. Given that the first passage was created almost seventy-five years after the second, what events transpired in this time period that might best explain the change in perspective regarding the nature of interactions with native peoples?A. The work of Mary Wollstonecraft, Olympe de Gouges, and the Seneca Falls Convention.B. The resistance of native peoples to European rule during the first World War.C. The publication of Enlightenment ideals seen in the work of Locke or Montesquieu.D. Events such as the Indian revolt of 1857 or the Chinese Opium Wars.24. According to the political cartoon above, the First Indian War of Independence (Sepoy Rebellion) resulted incontinued domination of the Indian subcontinent by the British East India Company.punishment of the mutineers and direct control of the Indian subcontinent by the British crown.unification of the fragmented Indian states in order to fight off the foreign invaders. crowning of Nana Sahib, the perpetrator of the Bibighar Massacre, as the new Mughal Emperor. 25. The political cartoon above references the “Great Game” in central Asia during the 19th century between which two major powers who vied for geopolitical supremacy in the region? France and BritainBritain and GermanyBritain and RussiaBritain and the Holy Roman Empire ................

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