The 5 Best Places - Amazon S3

 The 5 Best Places to Meet Quality Men


1. Personal Introductions ...................................................................................... 3 2. Online Dating......................................................................................................4 3. Singles Events ..................................................................................................... 5 4. Learning & Personal Growth Forums.............................................................6 5. Volunteer/Places of Service............................................................................ 7 6. About The Author .............................................................................................. 8


The 5 Best Places to Meet Quality Men

1. Personal Introductions

"The most popular way for couples to meet is through a personal introduction via a friend"

According to a recent study a personal introduction via a friend, family member or colleague is the most popular way to meet a quality man.

Have you ever heard the expression, "Birds of a feather flock together?" Well, those people you know, like and trust tend to associate with people who are similar in personality and character.

If you're looking to meet a quality man simply ask those quality people around you for an introduction.

Even if they say they don't know such a guy that does not mean they won't cross paths with a quality guy in the near future.

And guess what? When they do you'll be the first person they think of setting him up with.

Remember, you're only one introduction away from meeting the quality man you're looking for.


The 5 Best Places to Meet Quality Men

2. Online Dating

52.4% of Single Men Currently Use Online Dating

The second most popular place to meet quality men is thru online dating. In fact, according to a recent survey approximately 1 out of every five marriages now occurs as a result of a couple meeting online.

But Beware!

There is a right and wrong way to do online dating.

Joining a gym doesn't mean you're going to get in shape and joining an online dating site does not guarantee you're going to meet quality men.

In order to meet quality men, you must learn how to put yourself in position to attract the quality men you're looking for.


The 5 Best Places to Meet Quality Men

3. Singles Events

"If you're single you've got to be ready to mingle!"

If you are going to attend a singles event with the hopes of meeting quality men I suggest you pick an event that you are interested in and/or passionate about and which is attended by more than a handful of single men.

One of the most common mistakes I see single women making is when they attend singles events with the hopes of meeting men only to return home disappointed by the quality and/or quantity of single men who have attended.

If you're going to attend a singles event I invite you to do your research. Call up the organizer or event co-coordinator and have a conversation to find out about the event, turnout and type of guys it tends to attract.

If it doesn't sound like a good fit for you, don't go.



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