NHS Ayrshire and Arran

Hi I’m Jolly Jumper.I am learning to walk, jump, climb, run and explore. This is great fun but sometimes I find it hard and I can trip and fall, which is a normal part of learning to move. At times I don’t look where I’m going and I can even fall over my own feet, but I know that if I practice moving I will get better.My physiotherapist says that if I keep practicing my activities and think about what I am doing, this will help me become stronger and my balance will be better. Also some children, like me, who are more flexible than others, may take more time and practice to do this.Sometimes I need help from an adult when I find some activities difficult.I like to practice while I’m playing at home with my toys and also when I’m outside at the park and at softplay. I also like to play games on my way to nursery or when I am walking to the shops.Here are all my favourite activities which I do when I’m playing and having fun. I hope you have lots of fun too!!Remember to have lots of fun ActivitiesStand up tall like a soldier, making sure your feet are flat on the floor Marching with high knees, reach your hands up to touch your head Clap your hands above your head and count to 10Place a toy on the floor and squat down to pick it up without leaning on anything, repeat 5 timesJumping is a really fun way of moving. I love to jump! Here are a few ways:2 feet at the same timeJumping over a line, forward and back....remember to keep your balance!Jumping off a small step - you may need to hold an adult’s hand doing this.Hands by your side standing up on your tip toes, bend knees and jump Going up and down stairs is a good way to practice your balance. BE SAFE!Starting with just one step or stair, step with your RIGHT foot then bring your LEFT foot up beside it.Step down with your RIGHT foot then your LEFT foot. Do the same but with the other footNow try going up stairs one at a time and when coming back down, REMEMBER to hold on and put 2 feet on each step.You might want to start this by holding someone’s hand.Rolling is fun to do in different ways.Lie very straight and stretch your arms above your head. Keep nice and straight when lying then roll……this can be tricky. Try rolling to knock over a tower of bricks or skittlesTeddy bear rolls can be fun too….sit with your legs open wide and lie back, use your tummy muscles to sit back up and twist round at the same time. Lie on your back and bring your legs and head up into a ball, keeping your chin tucked in….try hard NOT to roll side to side. Kneeling is another fun activityOn your hands and knees with long arms pretend you are a lion, move slowly around the roomKneel up high, fold your arms and walk forward slowlyKneel up high, give yourself a hug and walk forward slowlyTry kneeling up high and reach up to the skyBubbles are such a fun thing to play with, you can pop these in lots of different ways. Reach up on your tip toes Pretend you are a bear Squat down Clap your hands above your head and down low Going to softplay or the swingpark and having lots of fun is also a good way to move around.Push your trike/scuttle bug forward and backwards with your feet flat your floor, but don’t worry if you can only push it backwards to start. Keep trying.SongsI like to stand in front of a mirror and watch myself move while I am singing my action songs.“Heads, Shoulders Knees and Toes” “Row, Row, Row your boat”, sitting on the floor with your child, facing each other and holding hands....using nice controlled movement, not providing your child too much support when rising to allow them to use their core muscles “Ring o ring a roses” – this will help you practice getting up and down from the floor“This is the way we........wash our faceBrush our hairReach up tallTouch your toes”“The Grand Old Duke of York” If you’re happy and you know it ....Clap your hands Stamp your feet Squat down low Reach up tallDingle Dangle Scarecrow GamesSimon Says (....reach to the sky, stand on your toes, stand on your heels, sit on the floor and then stand up, stand on one leg, jump etc)Statues (ideas include.....standing tall, squatting down, high kneeling, standing on one leg etc)Play a game of “Giant Steps and Baby Steps” and keep your balance when you are taking the steps and try not to lean on anything. You can count too.Play a game of wheelbarrows with an adult...keep nice long arms as you move. With an adult supervising, get a pillowcase and step in to it and jump around the room just like the picture!Play a game imitating the way animals and people move: snake (wriggle and slide on the floor), bear (walk on your hands and feet), dog (on your hands and knees), giraffe (on your tiptoes and reach up the sky), swimmer (on your tummy and lift your arms and legs off the floor and move them), cyclist (on your back and move your arms and legs to hold on to and pedal your pretend bike), ballet dancer (do your best dance moves on your tip toes with your arms above your head)Play some ball games: kick a soft ball with your right foot and then your left footthrow and catch a ball (start with a large soft ball), remember to have your hands ready to catch and look at the ballPlay skittlesCatch a ball while you are kneeling, high kneeling, sitting down on a chair and standing ................

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