Faculty/SchoolSchool of Business, Computing & HumanitiesDepartmentDepartment of Hotel, Culinary Arts & TourismProgramme(s) Title & LevelBachelor of Arts (Hons) in Culinary Arts(NFQ/QQI Level 8)Module Title & Administrative DetailsContemporary Culinary Trends(CULN81000) (CRN: 47229) Lecturer(s)Mr. Dan BrowneStudent Caroline Danaher T00140373Module Component & Detail(s)Contemporary Culinary Trends PortfolioTable of Contents Pg. No’s Introduction 3Week 1 Stocks and soups 5Week 2 Amuse Bouche 13Week 3 Starter Dishes 27Week 4 Plated Main Courses 39Week 5 Guest Lecturer53Week 6 Preservation, Smoking, Cheese making 56Week 7 Molecular Techniques 62Conclusions 66 Introduction Contemporary Culinary TrendsThis module as part of Culinary Arts year 4 builds on the knowledge that I have gained over previous modules and also on the foundations of Gastronomy .The module is very interesting as it investigates contemporary approaches to cooking and utilising modern equipment, ingredients and techniques. It also encourages us as chefs to compare fundamental culinary techniques with more modernist approaches.Throughout each week we will examine contemporary culinary trends, their development and use in the kitchen through different recipes and the use of modern equipment, ingredients and techniques and apply health and safety in all uses.The module will identify future trends and their viability in the industry, through writers, culinarians in the modernist approach to cuisine. The following are some techniques in which we will investigate Sous Vide: Origin and back round of sous vide, choosing the right equipment for and understanding the process. Storage and temperature information .Cooking temperatures and times. Sous vide cooking, finishing and safety. Modern Kitchen Equipment The author will investigate the use of modern equipment in the kitchen like gram scales, immersion blenders, dehydrators, whipping siphon, smokers, spherication tools, thermomix and other relevant equipment.With Contemporary culinary trends we will use various techniques and understand the contemporary approach to cooking including , emulsifying , foams , gelling , low temperature cooking , spherication , thickening , dehydration , freeze drying , freezing compression and smoking . The ingredients used in the modern kitchen to create modernist dishes include , Agar , carrageenan , gelatin , lecithin, maltodextrim , sodium alginate , Xan than gum , calcium , gellan , dry ice and liquid nitrogen .The understanding of safety issues is vital with these ingredients .Week 1 (19-1-2015) Stocks and soups A stock of quality can’t rely on cooked carcass and left over for flavours, it needs the strength of raw meats, the choice of meat will vary according to type of stock being made. For a dark stock beef shin, shoulder or oxtail is recommended as these cuts contain plenty of flavour. For a lighter chicken stock, wings are great source of flavour.These cuts also contain gelatine, which is key ingredient for many stocks as when meat cooks slowly, the collagen fibres in the connective tissue break down into gelatine. As gelatine cools it forms a fragile solid gel. Fish stocks are straight forward as there is no connective tissue to be broken down. With a fish stock you are looking to capture the sweet aromatic characteristics of the vegetables and the bones. It’s best to use the bones from white fish. Crustacean shells contain lots of fragment flavours that will reinforce the delicate aroma of shellfish stocks. The vegetables used in a fish stock can vary but tend to be the same ones you find in a classic court bouillon.Soups and the finishing touches of soups are what brings the dish alive. When the soup has cooled slightly you can decide what is needed, the addition of acidity can enhance the flavour especially a rich soup. When tasting soup check if it would benefit from the addition of sherry vinegar, grated parmesan or maybe flavoured oil. Perhaps add croutons for crunch, other ideas may be diced sauté bacon, coriander seeds. These flours will enhance the soup but also give excitement to the palate.Dish name: Red Cabbage Gazpacho and mustard ice cream serves 4Photographs of complete presentationINGREDIENTSQuantity for 4Large egg yolk1Dijon Mustard 10gGroundnut or Rapeseed Oil90gRed wine vinegar10gRed wine 15gFOR THE GAZPACHORed Cabbage 11 slice bread (crust removed )1Red wine mayonnaise20gRed wine vinegar 30gSalt TO FINISH AND SERVE Cucumber ? , peeled deseeded and finely chopped 4scoops of mustard ice cream PRODUCTION METHODMISE EN PLACE Gather all ingredients Weigh out ingredients Wash , peel and rewash vegetablesJuice ? cabbage Place cabbage juice and bread in a container , refrigerate for two hours Make red wine mayonnaise COOKING / PREPARATION For the red wine mayonnaise , combine the egg yolk with the mustard in a bowl , slowly whisk in the oil to form a emulsion When the emulsion is very stiff , stir in the vinegar until thoroughly combined , cover and keep in fridge until ready to use Strain cabbage juice through fine sieve lined with muslin cloth, (the bread releases starch into the juice, which will thicken a little). Discard the bread.Just before serving, juice remaining ? of red cabbage and strain into the rest of cabbage juice. Using a hand blender, mix the juice and mayonnaise, season with vinegar and salt.PRESENTATION AND SERVICE When ready to serve, put a small amount of diced cucumber at the bottom of each bowl, then place a small scoop of mustard ice cream on top. Pour the Gazpacho around the ice cream at the table. Dish Name: Mustard Ice cream serves 3-6Photographs of completed dish presentation INGREDIENTSQUANTITY FOR 3-6Whole milk 360gCaster sugar 140gWhipping cream 840gSemi skimmed milk powder 35gWholegrain Mustard 120gEnglish Mustard 10gPRODUCTION METHODMISE EN PLACE Prepare ice bath Turn ice cream machine on at least 20 minutes before use Cooking / preparation Place the milk, sugar, whipping cream and milk powder in a saucepan over medium heat and whisk until the milk powder has completely dissolved.Remove from heat and place container in a bowl of ice water to cool Once cold add two types of mustard and whisk well to incorporate.Pour the base into the ice cream machine with the paddle turning until ice cream is made Using a hand blender, blitz the ice cream for 10 seconds, replace mixing bowl in machine and churn for further 10 minutes.SERVICE Decant the ice cream into a sealable container and place in the freezer for at least 2 hours before serving. RECIPE COSTING SHEETDish name:Red Cabbage Gazpacho and mustard ice cream serves 4INGREDIENTPURCHASE UNITPURCHASE UNIT COSTQUANTITY FOR 4 PORTIONSCOST FOR 4 PORTIONSLarge egg yolkmls0.2910.29Dijon Mustard g0.0410g0.04Groundnut or Rapeseed Oilmls1.9590mls0.59Red wine vinegarmls0.0620mls0.06Red wine mls4.5715mls0.14FOR THE GAZPACHORed Cabbage 1 each1.0011.001 slice bread (crust removed )1 each0.2510.25Red wine vinegar mls 0.0620mls0.06Salt 0.05cucumbereach.40.50.40MUSTARD ICE CREAMWhole milk mls0.64360mls.46Caster sugar g0.25150g0.25Whipping cream mls2.88840g2.88Semi skimmed milk powder g.0725g0.07Wholegrain Mustard g.17120g.34English Mustard g.0210g0.02X FOOD COST MISCELLANEOUS COSTS TOTAL COST6.88X2.00X8.90COST PER 4 PORTIONS = €8.09COST PER PORTION = 2.25Comments/Recommendations/ActionWhile there are technical elements in this dish I feel you could charge at least €8.00 for this dish which will give you 72% gross profitCalculate the Selling Price at the following GP percentages:€5.00 @ 55% €7.00@ 68%€8.00 @72%Labour Skills and Labour Costs (1)In order to complete this task adequately you will need to source and justify current market labour costs from reliable sources.Skill LevelCost per hour €SourceUnskilled (kitchen porter )€8.75 (gross)Owner Semi-skilled (commi chef )€8.75 (gross)Owner Highly skilled (chef de partie )€13.00 (gross)Owner Specialist skill ( head chef )€14.00 (gross)Owner Decide and justify which level of skill you deem to be appropriate for the task being assessed.Based on current labour market costs, assess the time required for production for the dish and calculate the costs incurred according to the skill level identified in the table above:Dish Name: Red Cabbage Gazpacho and mustard ice creamSkill LevelCost per hour €Approx. hours required for productionProduction costsUnskilled€8.7510mins€1.45Semi-skilled€8.7515 minutes€2.20Highly skilled€13.0030 minutes €6.50Specialist skill€14.0010 minutes€2.33Total 65 minutes€12.50Total food cost and labour cost €20.60Comment: As labour costs are high a suggestion may be to teach the commi chef how to make the ice cream, also consider buying a good jar of ready mayonnaise and add the additional ingredients. This would bring the labour costs down to approximately €6.50. Dish Name: Red Cabbage Gazpacho and mustard ice cream Training needs:Look at the equipment, does the person need training? Example the juicer and the ice machine in this recipeDish Name: Red Cabbage Gazpacho and mustard ice creamResources and/or specialist equipment required:Ice cream machine JuicerMethod of production:The method of production for these dishes cannot be compromised.Labour skills:As labour costs are high a suggestion may be to teach the commi chef how to make the ice cream, also consider buying a good jar of ready mayonnaise and add the additional ingredients. This would bring the labour costs down to approximately €6.50.Standard RecipeDish Name: Chilled Pea and Mint Soup, Buttermilk, prosciutto Crisps.Photographs of Completed Dish Presentation:IngredientsQuantity for 4Scallions250 gShelled Peas360 gMint leaves10 -12 leavesButtermilk750 mlProsciutto 145 gButter480 gOlive Oil 4 tablespoonsSalt2 tspCayenne Pepper1 PinchAgar Agar7 gBrick Dough4 SheetsProduction MethodMise en Place1 Collect Ingredients, and equipment, wash, peel and rewash all veg2 Allow butter to soften over a low heat until it reaches 72 degrees3 Roughly chop scallions, blanch and refresh. Blanch and refresh peas.4Trim Prosciutto56Cooking/Preparation7 For the buttermilk granita, put 250 ml of buttermilk, salt, cayenne pepper in a bowl, mix well and freeze until set.8 For the Proscuitto butter, render down the trimmings of the prosciutto and add the clarified butter, allow to infuse for one hour.9 For the crisps, lay out a sheet of the dough and brush with the butter, then lay down the prosciutto, followed by another layer of the dough, and brush again with butter. Cover in a sheet of greaseproof paper and put a weight on this, allow setting in the fridge for 30 mins before cutting into strips of 6 x ? inch strips and baking with weights at 160 degrees for 15 mins or until crisp.10 For the soup add the blanched peas, and scallions with 250 ml buttermilk, the olive oil, salt and mint leaves to a blender. Puree until smooth, pass if necessary. Check the seasoning and chill.11 For the buttermilk jell, heat together 500 ml of buttermilk, salt and the agar, before it comes to the boil, turn down the heat and whisk for 2 mins. Pour into lined mould and set in the fridge.12Presentation and Service13 Decorate the Parma crisps first with some pea shoots, some buttermilk jell, as it needs to go over the soup.14 Pour the soup into chilled bowls. With a fork scrape some of the granite and garnish on top of the soup. Place the Parma crisp over the top so it sits across the bowl.15 See Picture for garnish options.1617Week 2 Amuse Bouche 2-1-2015The definition of amuse bouche could be described as a French term which means a little bit of food which is served before the meal to stimulate the appetite , normally without charge by the restaurant.STANDARD RECIPEDish name: Mushroom jelly with mushroom cream Lamb jelly with cucumber Szechwan Broth Photographs of completed dish presentation: INGREDIENTSQUANTITY FOR 4LAMB JELLY WITH CUCUMBERLamb Stock 1.6 kgSprig rosemary 1Sprig of Tarragon 1/2Sprigs of coriander 4Sprigs of flat leaf parsley 4Leaves of gelatin 7 (cut with scissors)FOR LAMB SALAD Lamb tenderloin 200gCucumber, peeled , deseeded, and cut in small bayonets 65gOven dried tomato halves , cut into strips , 18Mustard vinaigretteSmall chervil leaves 12Mustard VinaigretteWhite wine vinegar40gDijon or wholegrain mustard40gGroundnut or grape seed oil120gMUSHROOM JELLY WITH MUSHROOM CREAM To fortify and clarify the mushroom stock Peeled and finely sliced shallot 25gDry martini 95gMushroom stock500gMushroom ketchup 1 & ? tspLeaves of gelatin , softened in cold water12gFOR THE MUSHROOM PUREE (LAYER 1)unsalted butter30gPeeled and finely sliced onion 50gCleaned and finely sliced leek ,white part only 50gFinely sliced button mushroom 200gDry white vermouth 15gVegetable stock 150gDouble cream 15gMushroom ketchup ? teaspoonsaltLeaves of gelatin, softened in cold water.6gFOR THE MUSHROOM JELLY (layer 2) The Clarified stockLeaves of gelatin , softened in cold tap water 6gFOR THE MADERIA AND SHERRY CREAM (layer 3)Dry madeira 100gOloroso sherry 100gDouble cream 100gEnoki mushroom to garnish SZECHUAN BROTH (consommé)Chicken wings1kgPork ribs (cut into individual ribs 1.5kgLarge onion 1Star anise 3Shaoxing wine or Manzanilla sherry 180gPeeled and finely sliced fresh root ginger 75gSzechuan peppercorns5g Cinnamon stick 1PRODUCTION METHODMISE EN PLACE1. Gather all equipment 2.Weigh out ingredients 3 Wash re was and prepare all vegetable 4.filter the stock by ice filtration 5.Szechuan broth to be prepared in advance in order for ice filtration of broth 6.Pressure cooker COOKING/PREPARATION7.For lamb jelly ,filter lamb stock by ice filtration8.Pour clarified stock into clean saucepan ,boil and reduce to half over high heat ,leaving 500g of stock 9. Infuse the stock with herbs for 12 hours, then strain and season with salt.10. Soften the gelatin in cold water, squeeze dry and add to 100g of lamb stock.11. Heat just enough to dissolve the gelatin and whisk the mixture into the rest of the stock. 12. Divide the finished stock into 6 medium bowls and refrigerate for 2 hours. PRESENTATION AND SERVICE13 When ready to serve, season lamb tenderloin with salt and sear in very hot, oiled pan on all sides, allow the meat to rest for 10 minutes, then cut into small cubes.14.Gently mix the cucumber , tomato , lamb cubes , vinaigrette , salt and freshly ground pepper and pile on lamb jelly 15.Garnish with chervil leaves Mustard vinaigrette Combine vinegar and mustard in a bowl together Slowly add in the oil, season with salt, keep in fridge. MUSHROOM JELLY WITH MUSHROOM CREAM To fortify and clarify the mushroom stock, place shallot and Madeira in a small saucepan and reduce over high heat to thick syrup. Strain , combine reduced madeira with the mushroom stock and the mushroom ketchup , heat a small amount of this liquid in a pan , add the softened squeezed gelatin to the liquid , stir to dissolve .Return the liquid to the stock , pour into a freezer bag and freeze until completely solid,Filter the stock by ice filtration FOR THE MUSHROOM PUREE (LAYER 1)Melt butter in a saucepan, add onion and sweat until soft, add leek and mushroom and cook until just beginning to soften.Add vermouth and reduce until it has almost evaporated Add vegetable stock and cream Bring to a simmer and cook for 10 minutesRemove the pan and blitz with a hand blender until completely smooth Add the mushroom ketchup and salt to taste Squeeze softened gelatin, stir into a small amount of warmed puree, and then return this to pan.Carefully pour a layer (80g)into each of glasses , refrigerate until set (1 hour )FOR THE MUSHROOM JELLY (layer 2)Gently warm a small amount of clarified stock and add softened , squeezed gelatin leaves ,stir to dissolve , and return liquid to rest of the stock Carefully divide the stock between the 6 glasses , making a second layer on the set mushroom pate FOR THE MADERIA AND SHERRY CREAM (layer 3)Pour madeira and sherry in a small pan and reduce to a syrup Leave to cool to room temperature , then add cream and some salt PRESENTATION AND SERVICEWhen ready to serve , make sure the mushroom jelly is completely set , before putting a tablespoon of the cream on top , tipping each glass around in a circle so the cream covers the top in a thin layer , plant small enoki mushroom in the jelly and serve . For the Consommé ( Szechuan broth)Rub chicken wings and ribs with a little oil Roast in pre heated oven 200c for 45 – 6- minutes , turning occasionallyCoat the bottom of pressure cooker with small amount of oil and place over minimum heat Add onion and star anise and sweat until soft and lightly caramelized ,12 minutes Add shaoxing wine and boil and reduce by half, add the ginger, Szechuan peppercorns, cinnamon stick roasted ribs and wings and 1.5 kg of water, bring to a simmer. Place lid on pressure cooker and bring to a full pressure over high heat.Reduce the heat to low and cook for 2 hours Take pressure cooker off the heat and allow to cool completely before opening Strain the liquid through a sieve PRESENTATION AND SERVICEFilter the stock by ice filtration Pour filtered stock into clean saucepan and gently heat Finely slice spring onion and add them to consommé Season with saltRECIPE COSTING SHEETDish name:Lamb jelly with cucumber Mushroom jelly with mushroom cream Szechwan BrothINGREDIENTPURCHASE UNITPURCHASE UNIT COSTQUANTITY FOR 4 PORTIONSCOST FOR 4 PORTIONSLAMB JELLY WITH CUCUMBERLamb Stock kg5.001.6 kg5.00Sprig rosemary g0.251 sprig0.12Sprig of Tarragon g.013? sprig0.06Sprigs of coriander g0.134sprigs0.06Sprigs of flat leaf parsley g0.3440.15Leaves of gelatin g1.307 (cut with scissors).036FOR LAMB SALAD Lamb tenderloin g3.70200g3.70Cucumber, peeled , deseeded, and cut in small bayonets Half .3065g.30Oven dried tomato halves , cut into strips g.3930g.39Small chervil leaves g.1312.13Mustard vinaigretteWhite wine vinegarmls.0740g.14Dijon or wholegrain mustardg.0640g.12Groundnut or grape seed oilmls .39120g.78MUSHROOM JELLY WITH MUSHROOM CREAM To fortify and clarify the mushroom stock Peeled and finely sliced shallot g.0325g.01Dry martini mls1.12120g1.12Mushroom stockmls 4.50500g4.50Mushroom ketchup g.051 & ? tsp.05Leaves of gelatin , softened in cold waterg1.3012g.31FOR THE MUSHROOM PUREE (LAYER 1)unsalted butterg.8330g.15Peeled and finely sliced onion 1000.5050g.02Cleaned and finely sliced leek ,white part only g.04200g.05Finely sliced button mushroom g.54200g.54Dry white vermouth mls1.12120mls1.12Vegetable stock g10.0015g.15Double creammls3.1010mls.05Enoki mushroom to garnish g.4650g.46SZECHUAN BROTH (consommé)Chicken wingskg8.241.5kg8.24Pork ribs (cut into individual ribs 1kg7.991kg7.99Large onion 1.301.30Star anise each.023.06Shaoxing wine or Manzanilla sherry mls3.42180mls3.42Peeled and finely sliced fresh root ginger g.1975g.19Szechuan peppercornsg.105g.10Cinnamon stick g.053g.05X FOOD COST MISCELLANEOUS COSTS TOTAL COST40.00X2.00X42.00180g75g1 tsp 1COST PER 15 PORTIONS (3 dishes) =42.00COST PER PORTION = 2.80Comments/Recommendations/Action:These costs are extremely high, we must look again at suppliers as these dishes may not be feasible.Calculate the Selling Price at the following GP percentages:€6.22 @ 55%€8.75 @68%€10.00 @72%Labour Skills and Labour Costs (1)In order to complete this task adequately you will need to source and justify current market labour costs from reliable sources.Skill LevelCost per hour €SourceUnskilled€8.75 (gross)Owner Semi-skilled€8.75 (gross)Owner Highly skilled€13.00 (gross)Owner Specialist skill€14.00 (gross)Owner Decide and justify which level of skill you deem to be appropriate for the task being assessed.Dish Name: Lamb jelly with cucumber Mushroom jelly with mushroom cream Szechwan Broth Skill LevelCost per hour €Approx. hours required for productionProduction costsUnskilled8.752 HOURS 17.50Semi-skilled8.872 HOURS 17.50Highly skilled13.0020 MINUTES4.33Specialist skill14.005 MINUTES 0.11TOTAL€39.44TOTAL FOOD COST PLUS LABOUR54.95Comment:Specific training needs which may be required for the successful completion of the task.Training needs:Train the staff how to use the pressure cooker Train staff on measurement of gelatine Train on use of blast chiller Dish Name:Lamb jelly with cucumber Mushroom jelly with mushroom cream Szechwan Broth Resources and/or specialist equipment required:Resources and/or Specialist Equipment required :Pressure cooker Blast ChillerAlternatives : The use of this equipment is vitalMethod of production:As these dishes use ice filtration, I feel the quality of the stock would not be achieved if we were to buy in other stocks.The other dishes could not be compromised Prepared commodities: I would not recommend prepared commodities for these dishes Standard RecipeDish Name: Foie Gras Bavarois, Raisin Puree, Parmesan foam, Fruit Bread Croutons.Photographs of Completed Dish Presentation: IngredientsQuantity for 4Golden Raisins100gApple Juice100mlCaster Sugar80gFoie Gras100g Armagnac, Pineau de Charentes20 ml of each to soak the foie gras inMilk100 ml Gelatine? leafDouble Cream- Whipped400 mlButterShallots30 gCauliflower100 gLeek30 gParmesan100g and the RindMilk Cream400ml 225mlProduction MethodMise en Place1 Collect ingredients and equipment, wash peel and re wash all vegetables.2 Soak the raisins in the apple juice with the sugar for 30 mins3 Cut the Foie gras, remove all the veins and allow to come to room temperature before soaking it in the Armagnac and Pineau de Charentes.4 One loaf of ready-made fruit and walnut bread will be needed.56Cooking/Preparation7 Warm through the raisins and juice, in another pan allow the sugar to caramelise a little before adding the fruit mixture, allow to cool slightly before adding. Puree this in a jug blender until smooth.8 After the foie gras has been at room temperature and seasoned with the alcohol and salt and pepper, add it to the milk in a saucepan and heat through slowly. Soak the gelatine in water until it becomes pliable. Add the gelatine to the foie gras once it has been blitzed, along with 50 ml of the reserved milk it was poached in. Place it over a bowl of ice and whisk until cold. Fold in the whipped cream, check for seasoning and keep chilled. After it has chilled put into a piping bag and pipe into tall shot glasses, and fill about a 1/3 of the way up, and refrigerate.9 For the parmesan foam, melt the butter in a saucepan; add the shallot, leek, cauliflower all of which should be finely sliced. If you have the parmesan rind, add this too. Sweat this off until the vegetables have softened. Add the cream and milk bring to the boil and reduce for 15 minutes. Pass through a sieve, keeping half of the solids and adding them back into the liquid. This mixture is then blitzed and passed again thorough a fine chinois. Check the seasoning and be careful of the salt content due to the parmesan. Transfer into a foam gun and use 2 gas charges.10 Finely slice the walnut and raisin bread at an angle to make long thin croutes, lightly grill until golden and crisp.11 Assemble the Dish12Presentation and Service13 The bavarois should already be in the shot glass, so next is to add the raisin puree using a piping bag, making sure an even layer about half an inch thick sits in each one.14 Next add the parmesan foam that’s in the gun, making sure to point the gun all the way upside down so the foam doesn’t burst out.15 Finally insert the croutons or lay them across the top of the glass and serve.Week 3 Starter Dishes I feels that you should kick start your menu off with starters that are going to compliment the rest of the menu, i.e. start as you mean to go on.The menu is the blueprint for any business.STANDARD RECIPEDish name:Goose and oatmeal sausage with pickled cherries, shaved pear, celeriac puree and celeriac crisps.INGREDIENTSQUANTITY FOR 4For the pickled cherries and gel White wine vinegar 250mls Light brown sugar 250gWater 200mls Salt7gGround mace 1/4tspDried rose petal 1tspStar anise 3Coriander seeds 15Peppercorns 15Fresh ginger peeled and sliced 25gCherries 500gA little thickenerFOR THE SAUSAGE (serves 4)Chicken liver , trimmed and roughly chopped 60gFresh fois gras60gPort 25gBrandy 25gA little vegetable oil Shallots finely diced 50gSliced white bread 1 (MADE INTO CRUMBS)Cream 90 mls Goose meat roughly chopped 450gGlande di colonnata 135gSalt6gEggs 1Oatmeal 30gPinhead oatmeal 20gLucky duck spice mix 1gSausage skins 38mmFOR THE PEAR SLICES Sugar 100gWater100mlsJuice of lime 1Zest of lemon 1/2Pinch of Ascorbic Acid Firm pears 2 CELERAIC CRISPS Celeriac ? head 1tsp SaltCELERAIC PUREE (makes 250)Vegetable oil for deep fat frying Celeriac , finely sliced 150gUnsalted butter25gMilk 50mls Cream 25mls MADERIA JUS (MAKES 500mls)OLIVE OIL 2 TBSPOnions sliced 1Carrots chopped 1Celery sticks chopped1Leek sliced 1/2Garlic cloves lightly crushed 1Fresh thyme sprigs ? handfulBay leaves 2 Madeira 275mls Double Chicken stock 2.5 litresThickener ? tbsp.Butter diced and chilled 20gPRODUCTION METHODMISE EN PLACE1.Gather all equipment 2.Wash, peel , rewash vegetables COOKING AND PREPARATION Goose sausage Soak the Chicken livers and foie gras in the port and brandy overnight Soak the bread in the cream Drain livers reserving the liquid , caramelize the livers in a hot pan Reduce the marinating liquid to a glaze with the shallots , using a mincer , mince all the ingredients , then add the bread and cream mixture , also the reduced alcohol and season with salt and pepper Mix well , fry off a patty to taste for seasoning Using sausage stuffer , fill the skins and tie off tightly Preheat steam oven to 85c and cook on 100 per cent steam for 45 minutes or until 73c in centre for 3 minutes Cool quickly in blast chiller or ice bath.TO FINISH THE SAUSAGE Preheat the oven to 160c Peel the skin off the sausage and cut 4 by 10 cm long pieces Cut each of these in half lengthways to make 4 portions Heat a little oil in frying pan Caramelize the cut side of sausage pieces Place on a tray and in oven 5-7 minutes PICKLED CHERRIES AND GELBring vinegar, sugar, water, salt, rose petals and spices to the boil, stirring to dissolve the sugar.Add the cherries, remove from heat and allow to cool in liquid.Leave to pickle in the fridge for up to 6 months Strain cherries through chinois , reserving pickling liquor Remove stones with cherry stoner and cut each cherry in half To make gel, measure 400 mls of the pickling liquor into a pan and reduce by half.Whisk in thickener a little at a time until it reaches a gel consistency , put in squeeze bottle6.Celeraic Crisps Peel the celeriac and trim off any dirty bits near the root. Then begin by making the celeriac crisps. With a vegetable peeler (the type with a horizontal blade is best for this), cut large shavings, as thinly as possible, from the top to the bottom of one of the celeriac - you will need about 5 oz. (150 g), sprinkle evenly with salt, leave for 20 minutes. Squeeze well without rinsing 7. Heat the oil in the deep-fat fryer, wok or saucepan to 310F, 165C or until a small cube of bread turns golden in 45 seconds. This is the ideal temperature: any lower and the crisps will absorb the oil; any higher and they'll brown too much before they crisp. Fry the celeriac shavings in two batches, making sure the oil comes back up to temperature before you cook the second batch. Each batch will take around 6-8 minutes, turn the shavings halfway through the cooking time so they brown evenly8. When the celeriac crisps are ready, they'll be golden brown and the oil will have stopped bubbling almost completely. Transfer the crisps to a plate lined with absorbent kitchen paper as they are done, season lightly with salt and set aside in a dry place.CELERAIC PUREE9. Sweat celeriac in butter, add the milk and cream and cover with a cartouche.10.Cook over low heat until completely tender 11.Puree until smooth and velvety 12. Season with salt and pass through a fine chinois.PEAR SLICES Bring sugar water , lime juice to the boil , Remove from heat , add lemon zest and ascorbic acid Leave to cool and pass through a fine chinois , When ready to serve, slice the pears on a mandolin and add them to the syrup. MADERIA JUS Heat the oil , roast the veg over high heat until caramelized Add 400mls of the Madeira and the chicken stock, bring to the boil and simmer for 20 minutes. Strain and bring back to the boil, reduced to 1 litre Remove from heat and add the remaining madeira Pass the sauce through a double muslin, then thicken slightly with thickener, a pinch at a time.When ready to serve , heat the sauce and whisk in then butterPRESENTATION AND SERVICEPipe a line of celeriac puree onto each warmed serving plate, Using a small palette knife ,evenly spread the puree to make a rough square shape Place a piece of hot goose sausage on the puree and top with drained pear slices Place 3 pickled cherry halves on and around the sausage and top with a little cherry gel Add a celeriac crisp and watercress sprigs Pour a little of madeira jus over the sausage to finish Training NeedsIdentify any specific training needs which may be required for the successful completion of the task to the standard required:Dish Name:Goose and oatmeal sausage with pickled cherries, shaved pear and celeriac Training needs:Ensure staff understand about thickener’s and how they workEnsure sausage casings are used correctlyUnderstand about pickling and canning Ensure staff know how to use mandolin slicerEnsure staff are trained with mincer Resources and/or Specialist Equipment RequiredIdentify any specific resources and/or specialist equipment required for the successful completion of the task to the standard required:Dish Name: Goose and oatmeal sausage with pickled cherries, shaved pear and celeriac Sausage stuffer, sausage casings , MincerAlternativesPiping bag instead of sausage stuffer, Loaf tin instead of casings Recipe costing sheetDish name:Goose and oatmeal sausage with pickled cherries, shaved pear and celeriac pureeINGREDIENTPURCHASE UNITPURCHASE UNIT COSTQUANTITY FOR 4 PORTIONSCOST FOR 4 PORTIONSFor the pickled cherries and gel (jar)mls.3160mls.31A little thickenerg.022g.01FOR THE SAUSAGE (serves 4)Chicken liver , trimmed and roughly chopped g1.4960g.51Fresh fois grasg2.5360g.43Port mls.3125mls.15Brandy mls.4525g.23A little vegetable oil .05Shallots finely diced g.1050g.02Sliced white bread slice.25c1 (MADE INTO CRUMBS).25Cream mls3.5890 mls .29Goose meat roughly chopped g9.94450g1.80Glandes di colonnata (back fat)g1.05135g.52Eggs each2.741.25Oatmeal g.2230g.07Pinhead oatmeal g.2220g.05Lucky duck spice mix g.051g.05Sausage skins g3.5075mm.55FOR THE PEAR SLICES Sugar g.17100g.17Water100mlsJuice of lime 5 2.001.40Zest of lemon 3.601/2.10Pinch of Ascorbic Acid g.251g.02Firm pears 31.202 .80CELERAIC CRISPS Celeriac g.03? head .03 1tsp SaltCELERAIC PUREE (makes 250g)Vegetable oil for deep fat frying Celeriac , finely sliced g.03150g.03Unsalted butterg2.2025g.14Milk mls.2650mls .06Cream mls3.5825mls .09MADERIA JUS (MAKES 500mls)OLIVE OIL 2 TBSPOnions sliced g.251/2.12Carrots chopped g.38120g.09Celery sticks chopped?.40?.40Leek sliced g.08100g.02Garlic cloves lightly crushed g.0810g.04Fresh thyme sprigs g.5010g.25Bay leaves .01 Madeira mls1.11275mls2.40Chicken stock g.502.5 litres.50Thickener g.0210g.01Butter diced and chilled g2.2020g.11XX FOOD COST MISCELLANEOUS COSTS TOTAL COST11.33XX1.00XX12.33COST PER 4 PORTIONS = 12.33COST PER PORTION = 3.10Comments/Recommendations/Action:This a really nice starter with reasonable food costs, it is also good as elements can be prepared in advance for service. I personally would consider this starter on the A La Carte in the workplace. I also think you would get 10.00 euro for this starter. Calculate the Selling Price at the following GP percentages:€6.88 @ 55%€9.68 @68%€11.07 @72%Labour Skills and Labour Costs (1)Skill LevelCost per hour €SourceUnskilled€8.75ownerSemi-skilled€8.75ownerHighly skilled€12.50ownerSpecialist skill€13.50ownerDish name Skill LevelCost per hour €Approx. hours required for productionProduction costsUnskilled8.751hour8.75Semi-skilled8.751 hour8.75Highly skilled12.50.10 minutes2.08Specialist skill13.50.20 minutes4.50TOTAL LABOUR 24.10TOTAL FOOD COST AND LABOUR27.20Comment:As the labour costs seem high again we must remember the chefs will be preparing other dishes while sausages and elements are cooking. AlternativesMethod of production:We looked at different methods of production e.g. . . . . A loaf tin instead of the casings proved very tasty.I also think it is very important to put the sausage in the fridge for at least 4 hours to prevent casings bursting.We used tinned cherries and thickened it juice as to pickle the cherries would take a long time.Labour skills:Once staff are trained in using the equipment this is a straight forward and very tasty starter.Prepared commodities:Tinned cherries in syrup instead of making a homemade pickled cherry Week 4 Plated Main CoursesSTANDARD RECIPEDish name: Turbot, crab veloute, cannelloni, bloody Mary gel, saffron yoghurt, fennel textures Photographs of completed dish presentation:INGREDIENTSQUANTITY FOR 41-TURBOT Turbot2kgFiltered sea water 200mls Butter 60gLemon zest , black pepper02-CRAB “VELOUTE”Velvet crabs 2kgChicken stock3 liters Tomatoes 4Garlic clove 1Tomato diced 3Shallot diced 1Fennel bulb diced ? Xanthan gum .8grArbequina olive oil 20 mls Neutral oilMayonnaise 20 mls Seasoning 03 CRAB “BLOODY MARY”CANNELONI STUFFING Crab veloute 20 mls Cucumber 5gShallot5gCrab meat 150gCelery diced 10g04-CANNELLONI SHEET Tomato juice150mlsGrapefruit juice 50mls Celery juice 40 mls Cork dry gin 10ml Agar 1g Gellan 1.6 grGelatine powder.8gr05-GRILLED FENNEL Baby fennel 4Salt , lemon zest Olive oil 06-CONFIT FENNEL AND PUREEFennel bulbs 4Star Anise 1Olive oil Lemon peel , pepper07-BLOODY MARY GEL Tomatoes250gCelery juice 50mlGin 15 ml Tabasco , pepper , saltLemon zestAgar agar 1.2gr per 100g liquid 08-SAFFRRON YOGHURTYoghurt200mlsWhite wine vinegar 25ml White wine 75mlSaffron powder .3grGelatin leaf.5Salt 09-GARNISH Fennel seed flowersFennel loaf Oregano tops , white borage Blanca PRODUCTION METHODMISE EN PLACE1.Gather all ingredients 2.wash , peel , rewash all vegetables 3 juice all vegetables 4.Fillet turbot5.infuse chicken stock with turbot bones 6.Trim fennel COOKING/PREPARATIONTO MAKE TURBOT Fillet the turbot Carefully portion the fish in 70g steaksBrine the necessary amount in filtered seawater Wash the bones under cold water and reserve for veloute TO MAKE CRAB VELOUTE Infuse chicken stock with turbot bones over medium heat for 25 minutesStrain and bring chicken/ turbot stock to the boil and remove any impurities that come to the surface Put the velvet crab in a food mixer fitted with a k shaped spatula , along with the tomato and garlic and set it to crush the crabs ,slowly until the mix is fully crushed Pour in 50 % of the boiling stock and let it mix for another 2 minutes Remove the mix from the food mixer and add the rest of stock Bring this up to a simmer and let it infuse for an hour Using a stick blender, mix it through again and then strain it, this is first base In a wide bottomed pot heat some oil over high heat and fry off the tomato , fennel and onion until well softened and then add a 1/3 of the garbure base and start reducing itWhen it starts to thicken add a ladle more of the base and repeat this action until all the veloute base is incorporated and reduced , total volume should be reduced to 400ml or 500mlPass this through a very fine sieve This is second crab base Allow the second crab base to cool until its luke warm and measure out 250mls into blender cup Add .8g of xanthan gum and 20 ml Arbequina olive oil and seasoning if needed Blend to create a creamy textured liquid Sieve it again and pour into smaller bottle for later use TO MAKE CRAB FILLING FOR THE BLOODY MARY CANNELLONI Mix all ingredients together and season to taste Place in piping bag and keep in fridge until ready to use TO MAKE CANNELLONI SHEET Spread a very thin layer of oil on a rectangular tray measuring 30cm by 40cm Mix all ingredients together along with a pinch of salt In a suitable pot bring to the boil When the mix is boiling pour it directly onto the oiled tray and let it sit Do not move or disturb the tray as the mix will gel instantly and any movement will ripple the surface After 15 minutes the gel will be set and can be refrigerated until needed To assemble the cannelloni, slice a strip from the gel measuring 12cm by 16cm and pipe a layer of crab onto it Carefully roll it up and keep it covered in the fridge until needed TO MAKE GRILLED FENNELTrim most of the stalks off the baby fennel and remove the loaf which will be used for garnish Blanch fennel in boiling salted water until tender Plunge into iced water to stop cooking When cool , dry the fennel and grill them Add a few drops of olive oil and heat through in hot oven to warm through TO MAKE CONFIT FENNEL AND PUREE Heat olive oil in small pot for 2 minutes along with star anise, lemon peel and some peppercorns .set aside.Slice the fennel into fine brunoise and place in the oil Reserve the trimmings for the puree Confit the fennel dice on low heat until tender but retaining a bit of bite , then set aside Dress the fennel trimmings like a salad by sprinkling with olive oil , a squeeze of lemon and seasoning , put in a vacuum pack bag and cook in steam oven until completely soft Add fennel trimming to blender and blend until smooth Push puree through a sieve and store in a squeeze bottle TO MAKE BLOODY MARY GEL Roast tomatoes in oven set to 200C for 10 to 15 minutes until soft Place in blender, blend , sieve and season to make a coulis Add the celery juice , gin and other seasoning and then measure out the mix Add 1.2g of agar agar to every 100gr of weight and bring the mix to the boil Pour this into a container and when its set push it through a sieve and whisk into a gel Place in squeeze bottle until needed TO MAKE SAFFRON YOGHURT Soak the gelatin in cold water In a small pot mix the white wine vinegar , wine and saffronBring this to the boil and reduce by half Add the gelatin and dissolve it in the liquid Let the mix cool before adding the yoghurt and seasoning to taste Place in a squeeze bottle until needed PRESENTATION AND SERVICEPlace the turbot skin side down in a non-stick pan and start to slowly fry it , adding a knob of butter and basting the fish until it starts to cook Season flesh side at last moment before flipping it over Pour some crab veloute onto the plate and place strained confit fennel in the middle On a separate plate to the side of the main dish ,place the cannelloni and the grilled fennel Finish this by dotting the sauces around the cannelloni and dressing the plate with the herbs Finally place the turbot on the confit fennel and serve RECIPE COSTING SHEETDish name: Turbot, crab veloute, cannelloni, bloody Mary gel, saffron yoghurt, fennel texturesINGREDIENTPURCHASE UNITPURCHASE UNIT COSTQUANTITY FOR 4 PORTIONSCOST FOR 4 PORTIONSTurbot(whole )kg12.781kg12.78Filtered sea water 100mls Butter Lemon zest , black pepper02-CRAB “VELOUTE”Crab shells1kgChicken stockg15.971.5 liters .09Tomatoes g1.602.32Garlic clove g.105g.02Tomato diced g1.60 100g.20Shallot diced g.04110g.04Fennel bulb diced g2.60 115g.29Xanthan gum .4grArbequina olive oil ml.5810mls .05Neutral oilMayonnaise ml0.410 mls .2Seasoning 03 CRAB “BLOODY MARY”CANNELONI STUFFING Crab veloute 20 mls Cucumber each.80.5.40Shallotg.0455g.02Crab meat g3.60150g3.60Celery diced each .8010g.0804-CANNELLONI SHEET Tomato juiceml.42150mls.42Grapefruit juice each.4650mls.46 Celery juice each.8040 mls .80Cork dry gin mls.8110ml .27Agar agar g.701g .14Gellan 1.6 grGelatine powderg.03.8gr.1205-GRILLED FENNEL Baby fennel g2.6042.08Salt , lemon zest Olive oil 06-CONFIT FENNEL AND PUREEFennel bulbs g2.6042.08Star Anise g.06c2g.06Olive oil Lemon peel , pepper07-BLOODY MARY GEL Tomatoesg1.60250g.50Celery juice each .80 50ml.80Gin mls.8015 ml .40Tabasco , pepper , saltLemon zestAgar agar g.701.2gr per 100g liquid 08-SAFFRRON YOGHURTYoghurtg.75200mls.68White wine vinegar mls.0825ml .08White wine mls2.6175ml.70Saffron powder g9.70.2g9.70Gelatin leafg.051g.03Salt 09-GARNISH Fennel seed flowers bunch1.241 bunch1.24Fennel loaf Not in stockOregano tops , white borage blanca Not in stockXX FOOD COST MISCELLANEOUS COSTS TOTAL COST38.65XX2.00XX40.65COST PER 4 PORTIONS = 40.65COST PER PORTION = 10.16Comments/Recommendations/Action:This is an expensive dish but I feel you will get 34.95 Euro at least in any top restaurant as the ingredients are the gold of the sea.Calculate the Selling Price at the following GP percentages:€22.57 @ 55%€31.75 @68%€36.28@72%Labour Skills and Labour Costs (1)In order to complete this task adequately you will need to source and justify current market labour costs from reliable sources.Skill LevelCost per hour €SourceUnskilled€8.75OWNERSemi-skilled€8.75OWNERHighly skilled€12.50OWNERSpecialist skill€13.50OWNERDecide and justify which level of skill you deem to be appropriate for the task being assessed.Based on current labour market costs, assess the time required for production for the dish and calculate the costs incurred according to the skill level identified in the table above:Dish Name:Turbot, crab veloute, cannelloni, bloody Mary gel, saffron yoghurt, fennel texturesSkill LevelCost per hour €Approx. hours required for productionProduction costsUnskilled€8.7520minutes2.90Semi-skilled€8.7540minutes5.80Highly skilled€12.5060 minutes12.50Specialist skill€13.0010minutes2.16Total labour €23.36Total food and labour €64.01Comment:This dish was technicnical with elements that required trained chefs to complete. Training NeedsIdentify any specific training needs which may be required for the successful completion of the task to the standard required:Dish Name:Turbot, crab veloute, cannelloni, bloody Mary gel, saffron yoghurt, fennel texturesTraining needs:Trained chefs are required for this dish , for example the cannelloni recipe needs to be perfect and followed through without any shortcuts Resources and/or Specialist Equipment RequiredIdentify any specific resources and/or specialist equipment required for the successful completion of the task to the standard required:Dish Name: Turbot, crab veloute, cannelloni, bloody Mary gel, saffron yoghurt, fennel texturesResources and/or specialist equipment required:ISO whip is required and also a steamer, special ingredients are also required for this recipe. AlternativesIdentify any alternative methods of production/skills/or sourcing of prepared commodities available to achieve similar results which may be considered to produce the dish to the required standard at a lower cost, without compromise on presentation or eating quality.Method of production:I feel this method of production cannot be compromised.Labour skills:It is essential that trained chefs prepare this dish Prepared commodities: You cannot use shop bought commodities for this recipe Week 5 Guest Lecturer – Simon Reagan The following recipe is one from Simon Reagan’s class. I tried this as a special at work and it was very successful and the feedback from customers was very positive.StartersRoast Butternut squash and parmesan custard, ginger bread, meringue, goat’s cheese beignet, smoked seeds, walnut puree.Custard200g finely grated parmesan 6 eggs50 mls cream METHOD Place everything in the thermomix Set the temperature to 70 c /time 7 minutes/ speed 5Butternut Squash PureePreheat the oven 160c Dice half the squash and mix with a little honey /oil/salt/pepperRoast until soft and blend in thermomix Butternut Squash PickleMethod Dice the remaining squash Cook in salted water until al dente , refresh Then place into the pickle Walnut Puree400g walnuts 300g cream10g water10g walnut oilMayonnaise (to help bind it)MethodBoil , cream /oil /waterBlend with the nutsCheck consistency and taste Goats cheese Beignet Soft goat’s cheese Pane ingredients Method Roll into 10g balls Pane (flour, egg and crumb )Deep fry for service Meringue 250g fresh carrot juice 40g isomalt10g caster sugar 2gv/whip Ground ginger Method Combine all ingredients Add to the liquid Blend until it thickens Leave it to rest Place in kitchen aid with whisk attachment , whisk until light and airy Spread a thin layer onto some parchment, place in dehydrator.Smoked seedsEqual quantities of seeds Method Dry roast in pan until golden brown Place into a container and smoke with gun until desired level of smoke is achieved Ginger bread250g butter 1 cup soft brown sugar 1 egg 2 egg yolks5 cups plain flour 1 tsp bi carb 5 tbsp. golden syrup 2 tbsp. ground ginger 2 tsp cinnamon Method Mix all ingredients together to form a soft dough If too dry moisten with golden syrup Roll out until smooth and bake at 180c for 15/20 minutes Week 6 Preservation, Smoking, Cheese making STANDARD RECIPEDish name: Fillet of Halibut with a Beaufort crust, Jerusalem artichoke puree and a fondue of leeks and chanterelles This makes a perfect winter fish dish, wholesome rounded and mellow, yet full of vibrant and intense flavours Photographs of completed dish presentation:0635INGREDIENTSQUANTITY FOR 4BEAUFORT CRUST Dry breadcrumbs45g60gUnsalted butter20gBeaufort cheese, finely grated 5gParmesan cheese finely grated 1tspThyme leaves JERUSALEM ARTICHOKE PUREE150g Artichokes 250mls Whipping cream ROASTING JUICE 25mls Grape seed oil 200gHalibut bones 225gDrumsticks, chopped , bones and all , into 2cm pieces 25gUnsalted butter 50gShallots sliced 40g Button mushrooms , cut into quarters 1 bay leaf1Sprig of thyme 1Garlic clove ,unpeeled and slightly crushed 60mlsSherry vinegar100mls Brown chicken stock 250mlsChicken stock LEEKS AND CHANTERELLES 25GUnsalted butter 150gLeeks finely sliced 75g Chanterelle mushrooms , cleaned Other ingredients 10mls Grape seed oil4*130gHalibut fillets ,skinned and stored on a cloth in fridgePRODUCTION METHODMISE EN PLACE1.Weigh out all ingredients 2.wash , peel and rewash all vegetables 3Ensure Fish is in fridge 4.ensure all equipment is gathered 5.Grate cheese 6.COOKING/PREPARATIONBEAUFORT CRUST Place the breadcrumbs in a bowl, add the melted butter, Beaufort, Parmesan, thyme and generous pinch of salt. Stir to produce a granular buttery paste Lay on a sheet of baking parchment on a flat surface and spoon this mix into the center of it Place another sheet on top , flatten the mix down with your hand and with a rolling pin , roll the crust out into a roughly rectangular sheet , 3mm thick (may have to be done in 2 batches so it can fit into fridge )Transfer to a baking sheet and chill for 2 hours until firm Remove from fridge , place on chopping board Cut into 4 cm square pieces , it should reflect the size of your fish portions Peel parchment off and store crust in fridge JERUSALEM ARTICHOKE PUREEPeel artichokes quickly, cut them into 1 cm thick slices and place in the casserole with the cream and a generous pinch of salt and pepper.Place over high heat and bring to the boil , cover with disc of parchment paper and transfer to an oven preheated to a 150c for 45 minutes The parchment will prevent browning , do not use tight fitting lid as this will prevent moisture loss Remove from oven, leave to cool for 10 minutes.Blend to a smooth puree , pass through a fine sieve, adjust seasoning if necessary Chill when cool ROASTING JUICE Cooking process for this is fast as you are trying to caramelize the bones quickly, harness this flavor into the stock, reducing it at the same time.Place a shallow heavy based pan on the stove and heat until hot Add grape seed oil , followed immediately by the fish bones and chicken drumsticks Stir briefly , add a pinch of salt and allow to caramelize over a high heat , stirring occasionally After 10-15 minutes everything should be golden Add the butter , shallots , mushrooms and another pinch of saltThe vegetables will soften and release their moisture Alter 5 minutes with occasionally stirring , all the ingredients should have caramelized Add bay leaf , thyme and garlic and stir once moreAdd sherry vinegar and simmer until completely Eva roped Add both types of chicken stock Bring to the boil and cook over medium heat for 10 minutes Turn off the heat and leave to stand for 10 minutes Pass through a colander and then a fine sieve You are looking for a sauce with a stock and fat component and it should have body to it , like a thin gravy If too thin reduce further LEEKS AND CHANTERELLES No than an hour before serving , melt the butter in a medium saucepan and add the leeks , chanterelles and a pinch of salt Cook until tender , they should end up soft and buttery ,not fried and oily Reserve at room temperature PRESENTATION AND SERVICEPlace heavy based non -stick pan on high heat When hot add grape seed oil Season the fish on one side and place it seasoned side down Keep over high heat until light covered Lightly season second side , turn the fish and cook for a minute longer Total process should take 3 minutes Transfer fish to a tray that will fit under grill Sit a piece of crust on the surface of each piece of fish and place under a preheated grill Cook for 2 -3 minutes until crust is light golden brown Heat up Jerusalem artichoke puree , roasting juice and the leek and chanterelle mix Put a generous pool of puree on each plate , followed by a flat bed of the leek mix Place the fish on the leek mixSauce with roasting juice RECIPE COSTING SHEETDish name:Fillet of Halibut with a Beaufort crust, Jerusalem artichoke puree and a fondue of leeks and chanterellesINGREDIENTPURCHASE UNITPURCHASE UNIT COSTQUANTITY FOR 4 PORTIONSCOST FOR 4 PORTIONSUnsalted butterG2.24350g.42Beaufort cheese, finely grated G.8450g.84Parmesan cheese finely grated G.1110g.06Thyme leaves G.2510g.15Artichokes G1.37350g.59Whipping cream Mls1.12400mls.63BreadcrumbsG2.24350g.29Grape seed oil Mls2.93450mls.16Halibut bones G.45500g.45Drumsticks, chopped , bones and all , into 2cm pieces Each6.0083.00Shallots sliced G.28700g.02Button mushrooms , cut into quarters G.1175.11bay leafG.101g.10Sprig of thyme G.2510g.10Garlic clove ,unpeeled and slightly crushed Sherry vinegarMls.36100.20Brown chicken stock G1.66250G.66Chicken stock G16.6425001.66Unsalted butter G2.24350G.16Leeks finely sliced G.18700G.04Chanterelle mushrooms , cleaned G2.93300g.73Grape seed oilMls2.93450mls.06Halibut fillets ,skinned and stored on a cloth in fridgeG2.21260G2.21XX FOOD COST MISCELLANEOUS COSTS TOTAL COST13.64XX2.00XX15.64COST PER 4 PORTIONS = €15.64COST PER PORTION = €3.91Comments/Recommendations/Action:This dish is very tasty, the crust compliments the fish, it is also very reasonable to prepare.In my workplace we were charging €23.95 as a hake dish and it was very popular.Calculate the Selling Price at the following GP percentages:€ 8.68 @ 55%€12.21 @68% €13.96 @72%Week 8 Molecular Techniques STANDARD RECIPEDish name: Beet Sphere and Goat Cheese Photographs of completed dish presentation:0-635Reverse Spherification techniques allow you to make little spheres that resemble real caviar, it allows you to make a sphere with liquid interior.The following are some tips to help master the fun of molecular gastronomy:Release the droplets from the right height, don’t go too high or the impact with the bath will deform them.Apply constant pressure to the syringe pump, this will give you caviar spheres of consistent size, push the syringe pump at constant pressure and slow speed, and avoid tapping or shaking the syringe.Regulate main ingredient acidity , basic spherification does not occur if main ingredient is acidic (Ph<5),you will also have trouble dissolving sodium alginate if the acidity is too high ,add sodium citrate to reduce the acidity , but be careful as main ingredient may become too salty . Cook the spheres for less than a minute Use a bowl for the bath and a sieve to fish the caviar out Serve immediately to delight your diners as the spheres continue to gel To make the alginate bath, mix 2g of sodium alginate in 450mls of water with a hand blender For the next step there are 2 options First set aside for an hour to let air bubbles dissipate and hydrate the alginate Second option is to bring the bath to the boil to save time, the solution becomes clear.For the next step dilute calcium lactate in a thick creamy mixture (fruit puree, yogurt, English custard for example)If the ingredient is too acidic it will not work In addition if the ingredient is too liquid, you won’t be able to make a nice sphere.Very little calcium lactate is needed ? tsp per 235mls (1 cup) is generally enough.Beet Sphere and Goat CheeseINGREDIENTSQUANTITY FOR 41 recipeSphere specification bath200gGoats cheese 6Beetroot 75gBalsamic vinegar 4gKosher salt7.5 g Calcium lactate gluconate1.9 gXanthan gumExtra virgin olive oil for holding bath Rosemary sprigs finely dicedEQUIPMENTHigh-precision digital scale,?Spherification hemisphere mould,?Spherification straining spoon,?Spherification syringe,?Blender,?Juicer?(optional),?Mandolin?(optional),?Sauce gun?(optional)PRODUCTION METHODMISE EN PLACE1.Prepare alginate bath 2.Place goat cheese in freezer until very firm 3 Prepare beets for juicing4.juice beets and strain through a fine sieve 5. Add balsamic vinegar and salt to season.COOKING/PREPARATION7. Blend calcium lactate gluconate and xanthan gum into beet mixture.8. Let stand, allowing any time for any trapped air bubbles to rise to the surface and pop.9. Transfer beet mixture to a container you can pour slowly from, such as a sauce gun or syringe.10.Place silicone mould on a tray ,set tray on a scale and tare , portion 4.5 g of beet mixture into each well 11. Cover with plastic wrap and freeze 12.In a pot over low heat , warm alginate bath to about 50c PRESENTATION AND SERVICE13.Line up 2 rinsing baths of water and a holding bath of olive oil 14.Set out perforated spoon and a paper towel for wiping the spoon clean 15. One at a time pop frozen beets out of mould, place into alginate bath being kept warm on the stove, using a perforated spoon, stir gently for 30 seconds, stir the bath without touching the sphere.16. Transfer sphere to first rinsing bath and gently stir, then transfer to second rinsing bath and gently stir. 17. Dab the bottom of the perforated spoon with the towel as excess water will dilute the holding bath, repeat with remaining beet mixture. 18. Shave goats cheese with mandolin slicer , very finely slice rosemary sprigs 19. Place sphere on chilled serving spoon ,add rosemary , a good finishing olive oil , and shaved goats cheese Serve immediately Conclusions “The world is a very, very different place than it was 12 months ago. So, we consider this an ideal opportunity to give pause and take stock of these changes. To look back at where we’ve been as well as where we are headed, to try to make sense of life in these uncertain economic times “(Hartman, 2011)I personally feel the past four years at the I.T Tralee has thought me skills that could not be self taught .My catering career started at a young age , I worked in each department before realising cooking was for me.I opened my first business at the age of 25 ,it was a local café , people to this day say it was like walking into a sitting room as they felt so welcome. It was here I learnt the hard lesson on how important costings and shopping around are in business. While it was a very busy café I feel I could have made more profit if I attended the Culinary Arts Programme first as I went on to provide future employers with a 75% Gross Profit in the kitchen . I cannot thank the lecturers and staff enough for the opportunities provided to me over the years . I have made friends for life . ................

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