William Jessup University

Lesson Plan Rubric Beginning 1Developing 2Accomplished 3Exemplary 4Identify Developmental NeedsA description of developmental needs is missing or inaccurate.A description of developmental needs is stated by not clear or relevant.A description of developmental needs is stated and is clear and/or relevant. A description of developmental needs is stated and is clear, detailed, and relevant.List State Standards and Connects Content Specific Learning Goals to Students’ Prior KnowledgeState standards are missing.State standards are state by not clear or relevant. Learning goals are somewhat connected to students’ prior knowledge.State standards are listed and are relevant and clearly connected to students’ prior knowledge.State standards are listed, clear, appropriate, detailed, and clearly connected to students’ prior knowledge.Lesson Objectives/Instructional GoalsInstructional goals and objectives are not stated. Learners cannot tell what is expected of them. Learners cannot determine what they should know and be able to do as a result of learning and instruction.Instructional goals and objectives are stated but are not easy to understand. Learners are given some information regarding what is expected of them but are not given enough information to determine what they should know and be able to do as a result of learning and instruction.Instructional goals and objectives are stated. Learners have an understanding of what is expected of them and can determine what they should know and be able to do as a result of learning and instruction.Instructional goals and objectives clearly stated. Learners have a clear understanding of what is expected of them and can determine what they should know and be able to do as a result of learning and instruction.Resources and Supplies neededMaterials list is missing.Some materials necessary for student and teacher to complete lesson are listed, but list is incomplete.Most materials necessary for student and teacher to complete lesson are listed.All materials necessary for student and teacher to complete lesson are clearly listed.Assessment StatedMethod for assessing student learning and evaluating instruction is missing.Method for assessing student learning and evaluating instruction is vaguely stated. Assessment is teacher dependent.Method for assessing student learning and evaluating instruction includes formal, informal, and student self-assessment. Method for assessing student learning and evaluating instruction is clearly delineated and authentic. Can be readily used for expert, peer, and/or self-evaluation and includes formal, informal and student self-assessment.Evidence of Student UnderstandingEvidence is missing.Evidence is stated but not accurate or relevant.Evidence is clearly stated and is accurate or relevant. Evidence is clearly stated and is accurate, detailed, and relevant.Instructional Strategies and Student ActivitiesInstructional strategies are missing or strategies used are inappropriate.Student Activities are unorganized and not disconnected to learning objectives.Some instructional strategies are appropriate for learning outcome(s). Some strategies are based on a combination of practical experience, theory, research and documented best practice.Student Activities are organized, but not connected to learning objectives.Most instructional strategies are appropriate for learning outcome(s). Most strategies are based on a combination of practical experience, theory, research and documented best practice.Student Activities are organized and connected to learning objectives.Instructional strategies appropriate for learning outcome(s). Strategy based on a combination of practical experience, theory, research and documented best practice. Complete package presented is well organized and clearly and meaningfully connected to learning objectives.Universal AccessAccommodations&Modifications for Identified Target StudentsAccommodation are missing or not stated.Accommodations are stated but not accurate or relevant. Some variation for each focus student.Accommodations are clearly stated and relevant, accurate and adapted for each focus student.Accommodations are accurate, detailed, and relevant. Strategies are detailed and align with each identified need.Apply - Defines Next Steps for Learning (Remediation or Extension) Based on Assessment OutcomesNext steps are minimal or inappropriate.Accelerated or remedial next steps are somewhat outlined.Accelerated and remedial next steps are clear and relevant.Accelerated and remedial next steps are specific, relevant, and detailed.ReflectionReflection is minimal and lacks detailReflection is cursoryReflection is general but relevantReflection is detailed, reflective, and demonstrates a high degree of potential for professional growth. Unit Plan RubricBeginning 1Developing 2Accomplished 3Exemplary 4Identify Developmental NeedsA description of developmental needs is missing or inaccurate.A description of developmental needs is stated by not clear or relevant.A description of developmental needs is stated and is clear and/or relevant. A description of developmental needs is stated and is clear, detailed and relevant.Describe the Unit of Study and Lists State and unit objectives, goals and standardsState standards are missing.State standards are state by not clear or relevant.State standards are listed and are relevant.State standards are listed, clear, appropriate and detailed.Describe Lesson Objectives, Standards and Learning GoalsInstructional goals and objectives are not stated. Learners can not tell what is expected of them. Learners can not determine what they should know and be able to do as a result of learning and instruction.Instructional goals and objectives are stated but are not easy to understand. Learners are given some information regarding what is expected of them. Learners are not given enough information to determine what they should know and be able to do as a result of learning and instruction.Instructional goals and objectives are stated. Learners have an understanding of what is expected of them. Learners can determine what they should know and be able to do as a result of learning and instruction.Instructional goals and objectives clearly stated. Learners have a clear understanding of what is expected of them. Learners can determine what they should know and be able to do as a result of learning and instruction.Instructional Outline Instructional strategies are missing or strategies used are inappropriate.Some instructional strategies are appropriate for learning outcome(s). Some strategies are based on a combination of practical experience, theory, research and documented best practice.Most instructional strategies are appropriate for learning outcome(s). Most strategies are based on a combination of practical experience, theory, research and documented best practice.Instructional strategies appropriate for learning outcome(s). Strategy based on a combination of practical experience, theory, research and documented best practice.Materials NeededMaterials list is missing.Some materials necessary for student and teacher to complete lesson are listed, but list is incomplete.Most materials necessary for student and teacher to complete lesson are listed.All materials necessary for student and teacher to complete lesson clearly listed.Assessment PlanMethod for assessing student learning and evaluating instruction is missing.Method for assessing student learning and evaluating instruction is vaguely stated. Assessment is teacher dependent.Method for assessing student learning and evaluating instruction is present. Can be readily used for expert, peer, and/or self-evaluation.Method for assessing student learning and evaluating instruction is clearly delineated and authentic. Can be readily used for expert, peer, and/or self-evaluation.Classroom DescriptionInformation is rmation is cursory or rmation is relevant, detailed or connected to rmation is detailed, relevant and connected to instruction.Accommodations&Modifications Accommodation are missing or not statedAccommodations areStated but not accurate or relevantAccommodations are stated and relevant or accurateAccommodations areaccurate, detailed, and relevant.Target students stated and describedInformation is missing or not relevant.Cursory information from limited sourcesMostly relevant and gained from a variety of sources.Extensive and relevant. Detailed implications for instruction.ReflectionReflection is minimal and lacks detailReflection is cursoryReflection is general but relevantReflection is detailed, reflective, and demonstrates a high degree of potential for professional growth. ................

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