Circulation & Vein Support Rating and review summary as of ...

Circulation & Vein Support Review Title Won't be without these.....

These are amazing ACTUALLY WORKS! 5 I ran out. Never again!

Circulation and vein capsules It works for me. Wont be without it! It really helped No more toe cramps! Quality product No Swollen Heavy Legs

Great/Amazing Circulation and Vein Support Color Me Surprised!

Love Happy Legs, Happy Feet

Rating and review summary as of 07/09/19 from HSN website


Rating Created_Date

Just returned from a Baltic vacation where we spent hours walking 5

7/8/2019 5:19:17 PM

through cities, a lot of it on cobblestones. Everyone else was

complaining about their legs and feet aching but I just kept going -

no discomfort whatsoever. I'm convinced it's the Circulation

Support. Legs never feel tired.....

I have been having leg aches for over a year. Have gone to the 5

7/1/2019 8:48:18 PM

doctor and even had an ultra sound to check my circulation and

they found nothing. I started on these and the leg aches are gone.

I ordered and within two weeks my legs started feeling re-


energized and painful cramping stopped. Circulation MUCH better!

I loved it so much ordered two more - including one for a friend!

6/30/2019 10:19:47 PM

Work great, relieve night leg pain. Thank you.


I will never be without this product. I take several Andrew


Lessman products. Guess I thought I bought a backup for

Circulation and Vein Support. Did not and I paid the price. After a

week, my legs felt heavy and hurt. This product was on back order

and so glad I received it. Now my legs are pain free, can walk long

distances, hardly any varicose veins and no swelling. I am 68yo

and run circles around my friends. Thank you, Andrew for a great

product. I will not run out again!

Use to have a lot of leg cramps at night no more


I have more youthful ankles with no swelling. That is important to 5


This product has helped with leg pain for years now. So glad I 5

found it.

My varicose veins definitely improved and I continue to use.


I get awful toe cramps during the night whenever I run out of


these capsules. As soon as I go back on them, the cramps stop.

Thank you Andrew and HSN.

This is my 2nd order of this product. My lower leg swelling went 5

away after using this product.

Not only were my ankles gone from sitting all day, but swollen


ankles was a side effect of one of my meds. I was in pain and

changed my med for a less effective one. I was so embarrassed I

would only wear long pants or long dresses. I am happy to say I

have not had any ankle swelling in over a year. Oh and did I

mention I am back on my original med without swollen ankles. I

can wear whatever I want because I have my legs back. Thank

you Andrew. Recommended to my doctor for his swollen ankles.

6/22/2019 8:12:00 PM 6/17/2019 4:38:37 AM

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So happy with this product!! No more swollen calfs and ankles. No 5

more tiredness or aching in my lower legs. I am an avid walker

(walk an hour daily) and this supplement is amazing. Will not be

without Thank you Andrew!

Andrew Lessman herbals are the best ever. I cant go with these. I 5

order D3, Alaska Oil, Prostrate and Liver Herbals for my husband

and it brought his numbers down, CQ 300. And many more. Its

expensive but your health is well worth it.

I started using this product about a year ago when I was


experiencing terrible cramping in my feet at bedtime. This

required me to get up out of bed and walk around the house in the

middle of the night for 15-20 minutes until the cramping stopped.

Within the first week of taking this magic pill, the cramping got

better. After 3 weeks, I was surprised most mornings when I

woke up and realized I hadn't had any issues with my feet! When

I take it regularly, all foot troubles are gone!

6/9/2019 7:04:26 PM 6/5/2019 4:50:53 AM 6/5/2019 2:54:34 AM

I have been using this product for several years and it works!


The product works!!! Being a teacher and being on my feet most 5

of the day for several years, my legs and feet began to ache. On

the first evening, this product gave me relief! I recommend taking

it at least by lunchtime so you can have happy feet and legs when

you get home!

6/4/2019 7:21:12 PM 5/21/2019 10:12:38 PM


Leg swelling diabetic Knew it was GREAT; & Proved it to dad

best product ever Never w/o this product Best ever!


Helps with restless legs My Legs are looking good.... What is left to say?

Good Product

I stand all day at work and at bedtime my legs always ached, and I 5 also have really bad varicose veins, so bad that I never leave the house in shorts. I decided to try these and got them in January of this year. I am so glad that I did. After about a week my legs did not hurt in the evening at all. Now after about 5 months of taking these my varicose veins have decreased so much that my spouse even commented how much better my legs are looking. Thank you for an incredible supplement.

I bought this for my husband, only hoping for some help with his 5 swollen legs, amazingly I can see his ankles for the first time in years! This supplement has passed my greatest expectations!

I'm a long time buyer (30+) vitamins & etc.... of Andrew's.I will O 5 N L Y take what HE SELLS.I'm an educated patron & adore Andrew for the data about his products.After listening to my dad (84) be a major yenta about his body - I got him to take Circulation & Vein Support He complained about leg heaviness (he's frail & weighs nothing!). Within 2 wks he was complaint free. His recent resting ekg revealed a beautiful well working heart.He told his doctor his veins are thankful for ANDREW

i use this product every day and will never be without them,i have 5 bad arthritis in my legs and feet,after taking these capsules,the pain disappears for hours. i love Andrews products.

Reordered again just in time for it to be the today's special. Started 5 getting restless leg syndrome from Latina med and didn't stop when I quit using it. Took 2 a day as 1 did nothing. Been using 2 pills a day for over a year. No more unwanted movement in legs. My calves are noticibly slimmer. Never will run out of this product. Can u do the same for my thighs Andrew lol.

I've been taking this for a few years now, and will never stop


taking it. I have an inherited blood clotting disorder, so I thought

this would be a good idea to take. Also, I have to sit a lot for my

job, and this product really helps with leg swelling. Not only that,

but I noticed the spider veins in my legs aren't as noticeable

anymore! Lastly, and the most embarrassing thing that Andrew

has mentioned before is that it helps with those horrible

hemorrhoids. Trust me, it helps ;-)

I love these. Was out for a couple of months and noticed


difference in my legs. I could not wait to get them again. Great


Here we go i have always try to keep reviews to my self but not 5 any more especially when it comes to Andrews product am 47 and start having reading problems especially from distance. I decided to try ultimate eye start seeing results my mother who leaves in Africa Ghana was diagnosed with glaucoma shes 73 , i decided to send her some of andrews eye top products after a few months my mother called and requested for the ultimate eye and the omega 3 fish oil she said this products are great .

Lessens leg twitching at night and better leg circulation.


This is my 2nd order of the vein support and my legs are looking 5

healthy. I love the results.

I have been taking ProCaps Labs supplements for at least 10 years. 5

I'm currently taking 30 different kinds. Not a phonetic just healthier

because of them. Quality is truly amazing. I went to a Specialist for

a micro-nutrient level to be checked and was told it was 11,000

which the Dr. said was unheard of. That was 6 years ago. I'm

highly allergic to unshelled fish but can take the Omega 3 fish oil

caps because they'e so refined. I thank God for Andrew because

he knows what he is doing & cares!

These vitamins helped the temporary swelling I was having with 5 my feet and ankles.

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love it

Total relief for restless leg syndrome MY MIRACLE Great product A necessity for me!

Happy I gave it a try Wow!

Best Product Ever

Works as promised vein and leg support Circulation & Vein Support Cant live without them Another daily must have Circulation and vein support Super product Great Supplements Nurses best friend

as a former flight attendant I have always had issues with leg pain. 5 saw you taking about this on your show one day and thought 'well I have tried everything else, why not give this a go'. So glad I did. From having pain in legs waking me up tonight to great feeling legs now. just one this product

I have suffered with restless leg syndrome for years. After taking 2 5 capsules a day for 2 weeks all the symptoms are gone. To say I am pleased would be an understatement. Thank you so much for this product. After using this product for a couple of months, I noticed that I no 5 longer needed to apply pain relief cream to my feet. My story. My truth. I'm on my second bottle of these pills & I can tell a difference how 5 my legs feel. I take 2 pills a day & my legs don't ache like they use too. I would recommend these to any person that has leg & vein problems. If I ever happen to run out of this product, after a few days my 5 legs will let me know why this product is so important for me. I used to have restless legs at night, and it was affecting my sleep even. I started taking this product and all my problems have gone away. I have recommend this to friends who have had my same problem, and they tried it and had the same great results as me!

This is a miracle,so happy I ordered this.I dont wake up in pain 5 anymore.I have neuropathy in both feet the numbness is till present,but the burning and aching is almost gone.Thank you Andrew my life is so much better because of this product.

I have been struggling with water retention on my legs a little and 5 my ankles a lot I like natural products and as I have been trying to use the dandelion to help I havent seen as much progress that I would like with that except for helping lower blood pressure so I started using this I only take one tablet a day and I have noticed a huge difference I am definitely a person that will continue to useThese products! used his favorite Omega ,CQ 10,multivitamin and, digestion pack. Love them

This is absolutely the best product I have ever used.. Im 51 and up 5 until a few years ago never had leg issues.. Ive always been very healthy and active and just out of nowhere I started having the aching and heavy feeling and it would hurt so bad that it affected everything.. Ive tried almost everything and was taking ibuprofen

and naproxen only to manage the pain somewhat..I no longer have

that pain and I can live my life again..Thank you Andrew for your amazing products.

I ran out of these for a couple of weeks and swelling and pain


returned. Won't be without them now.

my legs are feeling great. Can't wait for the next sale. Will continue 5

to purchase.

Exceptional product.


Take 1 in the morning & 1 in the afternoon. These are imperative 5

to my lifestyle, sitting too long, standing, walking, travel on planes,

trains automobiles. A game changer. Been taking these for years.

I take one of these each day. If I forget my left ankle will swell by 5

nightfall.Sometimes if I must walk a lot on my tiled kitchen floor I

take 2 to keep my legs feeling heavy when walking. Another

Lessman goodie I am never without.

Just received the product. To soon to tell.


Love this product. Have circulation issues especially when I travel 5

and find while taking this product these issues have disappeared.

These supplements work right on the varicose veins and circulation 5 very well. My well being is 100% better than before I started the supplement plan. Thanks to HSN and Andrew Lessman for a great product.

I am a nurse in a hospital, on my feet 13 hours daily and wont be 5 with out this supplement. My legs are less swollen and no pain in my legs at the end of my day. Now, my feet hurt daily, so I hope Andrew starts making comfortable shoes next!!

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Swelling legs so far so good Great product

Necessary So much to talk about

5 No more jittery/jumpy legs

//////the sane for this one was for me the 30 was for a friend who 5

is very pleased also.

So far this product seems to be just what I needed. I hope it


continue to be helpful. I will purchase this again I need it to work

from my knees up to my hips( the knees and thighs).

Very happy with this product. Ran out of it for a couple of weeks 5

and legs returned to feeling achy and stiff. When I started taking

the product again, symptoms went away. Would recommend this

product to anyone with leg problems.

No problem with shaky legs at night.


I am a Chef and I cut cheese for a living. I stand for hours on end. 5

Its backbreaking work and I count on this vitamin to assist me in

helping me with support and circulation in my legs. Combing it

with Glucosamine its exactly what the doctor ordered. I couldnt live

without it.

Great support for legs. Can't do without these.


I have been taking Andrew Lessmans Circulation and Vein


Support for 5 years and am very pleased with the results achieved.

Some evenings I just had to get up from my chair or the couch and

go to bed because my legs were so jumpy. Although not diagnosed

with Restless Leg Syndrome, that feeling is gone now, taking this

product. I love that Andrews products contain exactly what you

need, the purest of product with no fillers. Thank you Andrew for

dedicating your life to better ours!

Great Product

AMAZING !!!!! Great product! Save my legs

This was the first product that I tried with Andrew. I suffer from 5 sever pain, which was arthritis developing. I moved from the southwest to the east coast and would be in pain everyday in the winter from the cold air waiting on platforms. Starting taking this and thought it was not working, as soon as stopped the aches in hip and legs was back. Ordered immediately. I will not be without this product. I always make sure I'm stocked. It truly does works for circulation in your legs.

Thank you Andrew ! This has helped me tremendously and I will 5 NEVER be without it ! I have several medical conditions and your vitamins have truly made a huge difference in how I feel. I take this and several of your other vitamins to help my body and bones. Your vitamins have changed my life ! I've never felt better ! Thank you!! Yo are amazing !

I bought this as a today's special and I am so happy that I did. 5 This product is absolutely wonderful. I've been taking this for about a month. No more leg cramps and the spider veins in my legs have improved dramatically. Highly recommend! Andrew, u are Awesome, your vitamins have safe my legs, if I ever 5 run out I can feel it immediately , is incredible but thrue. Im a hairstylist and no matter what shoes or matts I used my legs were always hurting until I started using your products , I have dozens of clients taking ur vitamins and I will continue to do it cause I believe in U. Your pasin and dedication making sure we get the best for our health is Amazing. Please dont ever stop

My favorite of all Andrew Lessman products. This is the one vitamin I will not do without. I tried it about seven 5 years ago and every time I stop using it and start feeling poorly, I buy it, use it and feel so much better. It has taken away leg pain, and stress related chest tightness. This and the essential 1 vitamin with vitamin D are the two I'd get if I had to cut back on spending.

I love all ProCapLab products. I just bought a bottle for my adult

son, too.


So far I have found this product to workAt night I get terrible


cramps in my toes and the sides of my legs and after this no more!

Truly an adocate

Very Impressed

Works well and very quickly! saw good results in less than a week. 5 Highly recommend

Wouldn't Be Without

My feet, ankles, & legs were swollen badly daily. Had desk job & 5 long hours. Shoes no longer fit & feet hurt. Saw this on HSN & ordered. Never looked back. I see bones & veins again. Shoes fit! No more pain. I panic if I run low on these little miracle supplements!

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Fabulous results. It Helps!!!

Works great

Really Works! smaller veins healthy legs

Good Thank You

Love it! Leg pain gone!

Capsules No Tired Legs No aches great Quite a Difference great product

Circulation vein support

I used to have leg pain, I thought it was just me. My ankle was 5 red and now there are only small red spots, it has taken time, but I am still seeing improvement. I take only Andrew's vitamins for all the obvious reasons: they are 5 easy to swallow, digest, and they work! I, approaching 70 years old, started experiencing EXTREME leg and feet cramps, especially after attending the Met Opera in NYC (I go standing room). I decided to add this supplement a month ago. Three operas this week, NO LEG CRAMPS! WOW! Bring on Wagner's Ring Cycle starting in March...Thanks Andrew, I am ready!!!

I have MS and dont get around like I used to. This circulation and 5 vein support help me tremendously! Thank you Andrew for this product and others that help keep my body working and my blood tests looking great. I feel so much better taking your vitamins and supplements.

I have used this product for over a year and it really does work. 5 My legs and ankles never feel tired or stressed. Have told friends about it too. The veins in my hands seem smaller. I'm 71 years old and they 5 started looking big and ugly. I think this is helping. Have only been using it for about 2 weeks. These pills do work. I was having trouble with putting my socks on, 5 so I started taking these pills every day and I regained my ability to manage control of putting my socks on again. I love these pills and how they make my legs feel again. No more swelling.

Love this want to buy more but must been on special for 19.00 5 now it is 32.00 can't pay that but it is great my leg feel alot better.

This product has changed my life in just over a week. I have a 5

nephropathy in my hands and feet. I can go to bed now and pull

the sheets up over my feet and it not hurt. I am still getting used

to it hurting so much less and wishing for it to last. Please try it. I

could not give a higher recommendation.

I have been taking many of Andrew products and this is one I


never want to be without. Thanks Andrew!

This is a great product! I had swelling in my legs with pain.....I 5

took this and swelling went down and leg pain left. I was going to

an excerise class and someone mentioned to me I had small legs!

I stopped taking this for a while, not for any reason but I forgot

and the condition came back. I am a regular now and won't be

with out!!

Very helpful


Just as advertised. My legs would feel like dead weightafter a


flight or two of stairs. It was discouraging to do any cardio. Now I

don't have that leg fatigue I used to have.

My legs ached and nothing I took seemed to help. Started taking 5

these capsules about 2 years ago and the ache and tiredness of my

legs disappeared. I'm able to exercise and walk my dog everyday

with pain.

I can notice the difference big time in my legs.This is a reorder. 5

So glad I bought this. Prior to taking this I was having constant 5 stiffness and pain in my legs. Since taking this flooke only a week my pain is markedly reduced and if it is any indication I can't wait to see even more improvement.

I have been taking this wonderful supplement since 1998 and it 5 has been a life saver, my legs are as strong as ever, I exercise every day in the gym on the tread mill and bike and also do walking and biking at home, no more swollen legs or aching legs, thank you Andrew for this wonderful product

I take many Andrew Lessman supplements but when he said in 5 days I would feel a difference he wasn't lying. I suffer severe varicose Veins and my legs especially one of my legs feels tired and heavy. Within a few days that feeling disappeared God Bless you Andrew LessmanFor making this 65 year grandma be able to run with her two year old daily.

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