Skin Care Class Training

Skin Care Class Outline

Instructor’s Guide

Detailed by Lisa Rada

Pre Party Preparation

-Receive guest list from hostess either by mail or email

-Send invitation postcards out and 1 to hostess (then she knows what her guests will be receiving) Section 2 - 20 for $1.00 or for a template. You can send by email to each guest.

-Call hostess and find out if anyone has RSVP’d to her directly. Call every guest even they can’t make it. You can book them for their own appt.

-Call hostess back and let her know who is all coming and status of others

-Remind her what time you will be arriving (1/2 hour before)

-Ask her if she has given any thought as to what free product she wants

-Ask if she has any outside orders for you to fill

What to bring to party

-Money bag: sales tickets, pen, spare change, calculator, business cards, Customer Profiles

-Tote Bag: 4 each recruiting & hostess packets, datebook, Your Future is Now DVDs

-Starter kit: travel roll up bag filled with retail products to demo

-Inventory to keep in your car

Arriving at hostesses’ home

-Park in street unless she says okay to park in drive.

-Once she answers the door, shake her hand.

-Ask where she would like you to set up and immediately go there, preferably a table.

-Do satin hands on her. Let her know she will do on each guest after they fill out their profile card.

-Have her pick out colors she would like to use if it is her follow-up.

I keep my samples in a case from Sharodan, called Book of Colors 800-458-9516


-Set trays on kitchen counter all in a row. Do not put them around the table because then you have to walk around the table to squirt out products.

-Squirt products into trays. If you pre-profiled the guests you will know which formulas to put out.

-TOP Row 1-4: 3 in 1 Cleanser, Day Solution, Night Solution, Age Fighting Moisturizer

-BOTTOM Row 5-8: Lip Mask, Lip Balm, Foundation Primer, Targeted Action Toning Lotion

-Wet wash cloth, headband, cotton ball to side of mirrored tray.

-Large Oval: Time Wise Liquid Foundation (once you stripe test them) -Have them write on their profile card what color you are having them try.

-Hostess: Two upper circles - right of tray: Firming Eye Cream, Eye Primer

-To side of hostess tray: 3 eye shadows, eyeliner, cheek color, lip liner, lipstick, lip gloss, sponge tip applicator or glamour brushes. Hostess will use Mineral Powder Foundation. I tap onto a small coated paper plate and she uses the actual mineral powder brush.

-Do not put cream eye shadow or cheek color on the guest trays until you get to glamour. They tend to dry out. You can also bronzer rubbed on cotton ball ahead of time. Saves you time during the class.

-Put Create a Rollup Set Sheet UPSIDE down at each place setting. Put set sheets in page protectors so the wet wash cloth can sit on it. Put mirrored tray on it, put profile card in front of each tray with pen (if someone already has a consultant do not have them fill out)

Check for latest Create a Rollup Set Sheet. Go to Training Center/New Consultant Training.

-Ask hostess where would be a good place for you to meet with each person individually? I put my tote bag with money bag in that area. I keep one copy of my set sheet in tote bag so I have it for the individual close.

-Ask hostess to NOT serve snacks until after presentation. Alcohol consumption can make people’s faces turn red. They may think it is the product.


-Each guest fills out Customer Profile

-Foundation stripe test as they fill out Customer Profile.

-Have them write color you choose on Profile.

-Hostess does Satin Hands on all guests AFTER they finish their Profile.

Your Skin Care Party


-Thank them for coming.

-Present hostess gift (mini compact – empty) to hostess if she earned it. If she didn’t earn it, show the hostess gift (I show one that has the Desert Sun Bronzer and Pink Stardust Highlighting Powder in it that I use as demo) and let them know they can earn it when they book their own party and provide their guest list within 48 hours.

-Have each person introduce themselves: Name, how they know hostess, what they do in life, what they came here wanting to learn, try or change about their skin.


-Your background before Mary Kay, how you were introduced to the product and career opportunity. Why you love being a consultant and what your goals are with your Mary Kay.

-Use the MRSCAB acronym to help you do your I STORY.

-Money, Recognition, Self Esteem, Car, Advancement Opportunity, Be your own Boss

-Make your own notes on your I story here:

I want to let you know that you are under no obligation to purchase today however if you are tempted by anything the trunk is loaded!!! ( You will get to take home with you whatever you would like.

If you do wish to shop for things today I want you to know that I accept CASH, Check, VISA, Mastercard, Discover, American Express. I also do interest free payment plans and the husband unawareness program or otherwise known as very creative financing; a little cash, a little on a check and a little on a card. No one will know the total(

The other fun thing I want to share is you have the opportunity to earn FREE product from me. How it works is when you host your own party like ___ is today and you have a minimum of 3 friends who don’t have a MK consultant, I will give you ½ of what you purchase today in FREE additional product of your choice. For example if you purchase 100 today, you will get $50 in FREE product of your choice at your party. If you purchase 300 today, you will get $150 in FREE product or your choice. YOU are in charge of how much you get for FREE at your party. Isn’t that fun?

If hostess is getting more than $50 free as her half back share that with them. If she isn’t don’t say anything (

Company Facts

I want to go through some great facts about our Company. Then

you will know more about the Company you potentially are buying from.

1. Mary Kay founded her Company on the Golden Rule. Who here knows what the Golden Rule is? “Do unto others as you would have done unto you”. What that means for us as consultants is we don’t take customers from each other. If any of you have another Mary Kay consultant you can buy whatever you would like today, but then you go back to your own Mary Kay consultant. I appreciate that because then we don’t compete with each other.

2. When you host a party with Mary Kay, you’re supporting a company that does good through charitable efforts. We support research for cancers that affect women and helping stop domestic violence.

3. Mary Kay has a progressive recycling program. When we updated our color line in 2006 we eliminated 55% corporate waste.

4. Mary Kay does not support animal testing. We were the first cosmetic company to stop animal testing in the 1980s.

The Mary Kay Opportunity

I’d like to share a little about our business opportunity. .Mary Kay Ash realized people needed an opportunity to achieve financial success while balancing their lives with their values and priorities. Mary Kay said, “My priorities have always been God first, family second and career third. I have found that when I put my life in this order, everything seems to work out.”

More than 2 million women in more than 35 countries have embraced the opportunity, making Mary Kay one of the largest direct sellers of skin care and color cosmetics. As a Mary Kay Independent Beauty Consultant, I am a business owner. So when you purchase from me, you are helping support a local business backed by a global company.

I am looking for women who want to start their own businesses. Some qualities I look for in women are that they are busy, more month than money, don’t know a lot of people, not the sales type and family oriented. You don’t have to have all of these, but just one!

I have a couple questions to ask you ladies about your current situation:

1. Do you receive recognition for a job well done? Or are you only told when you are doing things wrong? I know at Humana that was the case. I was expected to do a good job and that went without recognition. When you think about how companies recognize they do so on how long you have survived there. Not on how well you are doing. In Mary Kay we have the opportunity to earn quarterly prizes, weekly prizes, just for doing well. I worked for 5 years at Humana and got a catalog to pick a prize from and all the prizes had the Humana logo on it

2. Are you paid what you are worth? Or what the job is worth?

3. If you gave it your guts for the next 2 years could you substantially change your financial situation? Could you increase your income by $10,000, $20,000, $50,000?

If you answered no to any of these questions, Mary Kay could fill your void. I am so glad that I took a chance to try this business.

Watch what I do today and see if this is something you could ever see for yourself. I would love to share information with you later.

Facts about Mary Kay Products

-We have been the #1 Selling Brand for over 19 years when compared to the Prestige brands in the Department Stores.

-The company puts a lot of money into research and development to make sure that our products will actually do what they say they will. If a product claims something it will work.

-That’s also why we allow you to try before you buy.

-Our products are fragrance-free unless stated otherwise. They are tested for skin sensitivity. They are 75-80% natural ingredients, but have up to a 3 year shelf life.

-Our products are non-comedogenic which means they won’t clog your pores.

-Affordable prices: when you buy from a dept. store you are paying that cosmetic companies rent of that space, the employees who are there no matter if anything is being sold. In MK we don’t have all the overhead to pass along so our prices are very fair for an excellent quality product.

-100% Satisfaction guarantee. You can exchange product for anything of equal value or get your money back. No questions asked.

-24/7 shopping available on my website.

-I promise to have product mailed to you within 24 hours of receiving your order.

-I will also put you on my preferred customer mailing where you will receive The Look Book every quarter. (Show what the current one looks like)

Best part is you get me your personal beauty consultant – I am in MK for life so you never have to look for another MK consultant!

The Miracle Set

We are going to get started now on our Miracle Set which recently received the Good Housekeeping Seal of Approval for the 2nd year in a row. These products have also been proven to help people with Roscea. It is not a cure for it, but will lessen the symptoms.

Go ahead and put your headband on.

For those of you with any eye makeup on we will have you use our Oil Free Eye Makeup Remover. Here is a cotton ball with some on it. Hold it over your eye for a few seconds then gently wipe away. You don’t want to tug or pull at your eye area because that will help wrinkles.

We are going to start with Circle #1, go ahead and take the 3 in 1 cleanser and massage in your fingertips and apply upward and outward all over your face, forehead. Go ahead and wash it off with the wet wash cloth

The 3 in 1 Cleanser is a cleanser, mask and freshner all in 1. It saves time and helps with the signs of aging. (If they are using the combo to oily have them scoop out of tray and go to sink to get water to mix it with so it lathers up.) Do you feel the beads in it? Some of the beads are for exfoliating the dead skin cells. The other are broken open as you massage in your fingertips. Those are the ones that have the freshner in them.

All of our products that have the TimeWise brand on it have age fighting ingredients to reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. So while you are keeping your skin clean you are also slowing down the aging process.

The Miracle Set is recommended for anyone 20 years old and up! You want to use anti-aging products before you NEED them!

You will use your cleanser 2 X per day. Every missed washing your skin ages 13 days. So, you either love yourself right now or you don’t. ( But look at it this way, today is the beginning of a brand new future! If you are the type that is too tired when you go to bed at night, wash your face right after dinner or right when you get home from work. Then it is done. Once you know you LOVE your Mary Kay, get a 2nd cleanser so you have one at the sink and one in the shower.

(If this is the hostesses follow up appointment she at this time will do Microdermabrasion) Squirt the Refine Step out for her and have her go to a bathroom to mix with some water and rinse real well with her wash cloth. When she comes back squirt the Replenish Step onto her hand w/o touching her skin to the bottles)

Explain what Micro D does to all of the guests while the hostess is away.

1. Micro D helps exfoliate more of the dead skin cells that your cleanser might not get. Your cleanser has round beads that are gentle to use on your skin to exfoliate 2 times/day. The Refine Step to Micro D has angle cut granuals. It is much more abrasive so you would only use it 2 times/week. The more water you use with it the less abrasive it is.

2. Micro D also helps reverse sun damage by sloughing off those tops layers of skin faster so you younger, healthier skin underneath comes through quicker.

Now lets take the Day Solution in Circle #2 and put that on the left hand side of your face.

And then take the Night Solution in Circle #3 and put that on the right hand side of your face.

These two products are to help with anti aging. The Day solution w/spf 35 has an added bonus of a broad spectrum UV protection. It protects against UVA rays which age the skin and UVB rays which burn the skin.

The Day Solution also helps to relax expression lines and soften the appearance of lines and wrinkles. You would put the Day Solution all over your face in the morning and Night Solution all over your face at night. Don’t continue to do ½ your face with each ( The Night Solution has Nutribeads that are filled with botanicals and peptides that deliver antioxidants for the skin’s renewal process.

Now take the Age Fighting Moisturizer in Circle #4 and put that all over your face. No need to let the other products dry. Just go ahead and put it on. For everyday use you can even take a squirt or 2 of the Day Solution and a squirt of the Age Fighting Moisturizer in the palm of your hand and mix the two and put them on together. Do the same thing at night with the Night Solution and the Age Fighting Moisturizer.

Both formulas of AFM are oil free. The normal to dry moisturizes the skin for up to 10 hours. The combo to oily controls shine for up to 8 hours.

When you are using these products in the privacy of your own home, do use them on your neck and upper chest. That way everything ages gracefully together. ( You won’t have to wear turtle necks in summer as you get older. (

Now we’ll do an added product our Foundation Primer. It is in Circle #7. Go ahead and take it out and smear in your fingertips and now smear all over your face. This product will help your foundation last all day long. It fills in large pores and can help with uneven skin. It’s a soft silky gel. If you need you can wipe your fingers on your wash cloth. Doesn’t that feel silky?

Now go to Circle #5 the Satin Lips Lip Mask. Go ahead and take it out and massage onto your lips. We are going to leave it on for a bit.

At this time I would like you all to flip over your profile card. I would love to offer all of you any one item glamour item today at ½ off. If you would be so kind as to provide me names and phone numbers of women in your life who are over stressed, overworked, and could use some fun pampering please put them down under Question 12. Please make sure the women you give me are fun! ( When you put 10 women down you will get any 1 glamour item at ½ off tonite. This is the biggest compliment you could give me would be to share your friends and family with me. So go ahead and get your cell phones out. I will give you about 2 minutes to do so right now. (You can also hand out a blank piece of paper and have them #1-10 and fill in names that way.)

(At this point, you can go around and put 2 cream eye shadows on each guests’ tray. I put them in the two circles in the upper right of the tray. Then put a cream cheek color on the big oval.)

Now, we are going to have you wash off the lip mask.

Go into Circle #6 and put the Satin Lips Lip Balm on. Doesn’t that feel good?

I personally put the lip mask on before I get in the shower on Wed and Sun and then wash everything off when I wash with my cleanser. I also do the Micro D Refine step in the shower those same days. When I get out of the shower I follow with Step 2 Replenish.

You would only want to do Satin Lips Lip Mask twice a week. Of course you can use the lip balm all the time!

I want to go over the results of using our Miracle Set with you.

In a 12 week clinical study:

-83% had a reduction in fine lines and wrinkles.

-Up to 25% improvement in skin elasticity.

-100% had softer more supple skin.

-46% improvement in more even skin tone.

There are also 11 age defying benefits of using our Miracle Set:

Cleanse, Exfoliate, Freshen, Moisturize, protect, smooth, reduces fine lines and wrinkles, firms, softens, energizes and rebuilds the cells. This is what we call a Miracle. If you were to go and find these benefits with any other brand you would have to buy several brands and it would cost over $400!

You know you are getting the best products and with a satisfaction guarantee with Mary Kay. By the way we are the only cosmetic company that tests our products together. It’s like taking the birth control pill and then taking an antibiotic, the antibiotic will cancel out the pill. We know our ingredients work together to give you the best results possible.

How old you are is your business, but how young you like is mine!

At this time if it is the hostesses follow up have her apply the Eye Firming Cream and Eye Primer. Use the ring finger and apply gently. The eye cream should go from the outer edge of the eye, inward toward the nose under the eye. The eye primer should go over the entire eyelid from lashes to eye brow.

The Eye Cream firms the skin and helps with reducing the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. The Eye Primer will waterproof and crease proof all eye shadow. The guests do not need it because the cream eye shadows are waterproof and crease proof.

Now the last piece of skin care is the Foundation. Does anyone know why you wear foundation?

- Evens out skin tone.

- Protects the skin from the damaging effects of the environment. Keeps the dust, wind, and other elements off of our face.

- Keeps the pores clean.

If you don’t wear foundation you expose your clean pores to dirt, wind, dust which pollute our skin. By wearing foundation you are protecting from the things that age and damage our skin. You will also experience less breakouts because you are keeping the dirt out of your pores.

Go ahead and take the foundation in the big oval and apply starting at your forehead and blending going down your face. Blend into the jaw line, but don’t put on your neck. Today you are using your fingers, but we do have a liquid foundation brush that you would wet and pull through a towel and squirt the foundation right onto the bristles.

At your follow up appointment you will get to use our Mineral Powder Foundation like ___ is today. Mineral Powder is just liquid foundation in powder form. You get all the protection from the environment just like the liquid. The coverage is lighter.

(WRIST TEST) Now we are going to do a scientific experiment. I want everyone to push up your sleeves so you can get to your wrists. Take a little of the 3 in 1 Cleanser from Circle #1 and massage onto your wrist in about a 2 inch circle. Go ahead and wash that off. Now take the Day Solution from Circle #2 and put that on the same spot. Now take the AFM from Circle #3 and put on the same spot. Finally take a little of your liquid foundation and put in the same spot. You have just done the products you would use every morning. Now with your other hand take some of the liquid foundation and put it on the other wrist. Do you feel a difference in how it goes on? Put your wrists side by side do you see a difference?

There are usually 2 reasons we hear why women don’t like to wear foundation 1) It feels like they have makeup on. It feels cakey, dry. 2) it never looks natural. Well, if you are not taking proper care of your skin first by cleansing, exfoliating, freshening and moisturizing your foundation will NOT look or feel good.

I compare foundation to the red paint on a barn. If you have ever seen a red barn start to look weathered, first the paint fades, then peels and eventually falls off and the wood will begin to darken, rot and eventually you see barns that have fallen to the ground. Your face is exposed to the exact same elements as that barn. Why not protect our skin by wearing foundation so you will always look younger than someone who doesn’t.

On a daily basis you would want to follow your foundation with a loose or pressed powder to set it.

Fast and Fabulous Look for the Guests

Have them use the darker of the cream colors from their lash line to the crease of their eye.

Use the lighter color from the crease all the way up to the brow.

Both are applied with fingers.

Share with them that we do have a cream eye shadow brush.

Extended Glamour for the Hostess

Have her use the eyeliner, 3 eyeshadows. Have her use the Brush Set for her colors. Make sure to Wash them in between each hostess using them.

Everyone does mascara. Dip the disposable wand into the tube and hand to each woman. Do not double dip or it will contaminate your tube. When you get low on the tube, you can let a woman use the retail wand, but then make sure to throw out.

Demo either Ultimate or Lash Love. Make sure to use proper wand for each formula!

Have guests use the cream cheek color with their fingers OR use the bronzer with a cotton ball.

Hostess uses the mineral powder cheek color with brush.

Hostess applies lip liner. Have her go around the lip line and then fill in with the liner, apply lipstick and gloss.

Guests use the lip gloss.

Compliment Time

Okay, now we are all going to be nice to each other and give a sincere compliment about each other’s look. Lets start with _____. Everyone tell her what you like best about her look. Is it her eye, lips, cheeks, skin or everything! ____ while you are being complimented the only thing you can say is THANK YOU! So, everyone go ahead and share what you like best about her look. ____ what did you like best about the facial today?

Go around the table and do the same for everyone. The hostess is last.

Now everyone pull your mirror out and hold it at arms length. This is how people see you. They don’t look at you up close and if they are, their eyes are usually shut and they are kissing you (

If you would please take your plastic trays out and put the trash on top and just throw into the plastic bag. Fold up your mirrors and I will take them from you and your headbands.

Usually when I am done you have a couple questions.

1. How quickly can I get the product? Well, you know you are able to take it right home with you today.

2. How much does this stuff cost? I am going to go through all the prices with you.

3. How can I pay for it? Again, cash, check credit or debit card and payment plans.

Table Close with Create a Rollup Set Sheet

Now if you would all flip over the place mat in front of you.

Let’s start with Set #1 the Ultimate Miracle Set. This is what ____ our hostess did today and you will get to use at your follow up appointment. It includes the 3 in 1 cleanser, Day Solution, Night Solution, AFM and Foundation w/brush. (I pass around the liquid foundation brush at this time so they can all feel it.) It also includes the Micro D and Firming Eye Cream that you will get to use at your follow up appointment.

It normally retails for $215 but you can get it today for $205. Its beauty for about a buck a day. You will go through about 2 sets in a year.

To the left of that set is the Fast and Fabulous Set which is the glamour products that all of you used today. 2 cream eye shadows, cream cheek color, mascara and lip gloss for only $68.

Set #2 is the Miracle Set which you all used today. Normally retails for $130 you can get it today for only $120.


Set #4 The Eye Set is $80. It includes the OFER that some of you use today to remove your eye makeup. You can also use it to remove lipstick. It includes the Eye Primer that ___ use today and you would get to use at your follow up.

Set #5 The Basic color is all the color products that ___ used today. Even though you didn’t use these products today I can definitely help you pick colors if you like. (show how the colors pop out of the compact. Make sure your demo compact is filled with 3 eye shadows, cheek color and a gloss. You can use the gloss as a sample one. The mascara in this set you would use as your demo as well)

Set #6 is the Anti Aging Set for $68

This set includes the Targeted Action Toning Lotion you used on your elbow. Go ahead and feel your elbows. Do you feel a difference? This lotion is an excellent moisturizer and also helps with cellulite. If you don’t know what that is I will take you to the bathroom later and show you mine ( You also get our lip primer which helps keep your lip liners, lipsticks and lip glosses on and from feathering. It also plumps your lips a little bit as well. You also get our Hand and Decollete Cream with spf 15. This is for your hands and upper chest area. I keep it in my car so I always have access to sunscreen for the tops of my hands while driving. Keeps the damaging rays off my hands!

Set #7 is the Glamour Brush Set for $48. This is the best brush set for the price. All the hairs are real hairs. It is goat and pony hairs. They just get little haircuts. These will last you forever! Very soft and make your application to easy. You will never use anything else ever again. If you go to Target and price out these exact brushes you will be shocked at what a great value ours is. 4 of our 5 brushes with synthetic hairs are $58. Ours $48 and you get 5 brushes, natural hairs and a carrying case!

Set #8 is the Satin Set which you used all of the products. You can choose the fragrance free or peach satin hands and you get the Satin Lips mask and balm, for $52.

The special I run is in the box to the right. When you purchase 4 sets you get the travel roll up bag for FREE! That is a $30 value. (Hold the roll up bag by the hanger and twirl it around. Then rip off one of the pockets. Put the pocket back on and then roll the bag and hold it rolled up.) This travel roll up bag is so versatile.

When you purchase 5 sets you get the roll up bag AND glamour brush set for FREE, that is a $78 value absolutely FREE.

NOW here is the great deal. Set #1 the Ultimate Miracle Set counts as 3 sets and Set #2 counts as 2 sets.

The bottom oval goes through my hostess credit. Remember whatever you buy today you get ½ that amount in FREE additional product of your choice at your own party when you share with 2-3 friends over 18 who don’t have a MK consultant. A minimum of $200 in sales and 1 booking is all it takes. Those requirements are very minimal just so you know. (

I am going to meet with each of you to help you shop. I will go into the other room and if you will come in one after the other that would be great. Once I am done meeting with each person I will run out to my car and fill all your orders so you can take everything home with you. If you need to get going before I go get the products I will leave them here with ____.

Does anyone need to get going right away that you would like to meet first?

(Always meet with the hostess last. I typically go fill the orders for the guests and then close the sale with the hostess.)

Individual Close with each guest:

1. Did you have a good time today? (Smile and nod)

2. How does your skin feel? (Feel your own face)

3. What did you like best about using the skin care?

4. Of the sets presented today, _______, what sets would you like to start with? Great! Are there any individual items you would like to add to that?

5. Write up her order on a sales ticket, calculate tax and tell her the total and ask how she would like to pay for it? Collect her money.

6. Now say to her, “_____ you will receive $____ in free product at your follow-up appointment when you share it with a minimum of 3 friends who don’t have a MK consultant. ____ what would work better for you a weeknight or weekend? Get a date and time booked.

7. Give her a hostess packet and explain that you need the guest list back within 2 days. Write in your datebook the date you should be receiving it so you can call her to remind if necessary.

8. The last thing you say is: “______, I have just one last question to ask you. Could you ever in your wildest dreams see yourself doing something like this? (whatever her answer) You know I don’t know if this is something for you or not, but I would be honored to share the information with you. That way you can make an intelligent decision on whether you would like this or not. ____ I think you would be great because (give a sincere compliment). Would you just watch this DVD (Your Future is Now) in the next 48 hours, I will follow-up with you to get your opinion. These DVDs are like gold to me so I do need to get it back in the next 2 days.”

Point out that the DVD is also online and is on the Fast Fun Facts sheet in the recruiting packet. Make sure to give her a recruiting packet!! Set a date & time you will follow-up to get her feedback on the career information.

Fill all the orders after you are done with the last guest. After I give the products to the guests then I meet with the hostess. That way if her friends want to get going they can. It also allows you some quiet time with the hostess and you can share more about the career and actually show her how much you sold today and what your profit was.

What to Put in a Recruiting Packet

-Avenues of Income/6 Key Qualities of a Successful Consultant


-BRAVA magazine article of Lisa Madson

-Lisa Rada newspaper article

-Fast Fun Facts ¼ sheet

-Company Team Building brochure: Steps to Success or Team Building brochure

-Starter Kit Flyer

-Your Business Card

If you are unsure of what some products do or their benefits go to Go to Products/Product Central and find the Fact Sheets on each product. Print them off and study them.

All pieces that go into a Hostess Packet and Recruiting Packet are found on . The pieces that are not on there is the Steps to Success or Team Building Brochure which are purchase from the Company.

The Lisa Rada article is something you received in your Welcome Packet. You will need to make copies of it.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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