Graphic Design- Unit Assignment

Graphic Design- Unit Assignment

BTT- Grade 9 Business Computers

The Design Process

To design means to plan. Someone has designed almost everything we come in contact with.

The three steps of the design process are:


Step 1:  Concept

• Everything starts as an idea—a gleam in the designer’s eye! The concept is the starting point of the design, the idea---What you want to do!

• Brainstorm a written list of ideas for what you want to accomplish and how you plan to meet your client's needs.

• The steps that follow are directed by and must answer to the concept.

• The results are only as good as the ideas that originate them.

• Research is an important part of the concept. There are many reasons to do research: look for subject matter, find images for reference or discover techniques and styles.

Step 2:  Form

• Form is the process and the product.

• This is the physical part of the design process; it's when the work gets done.  You give form to your concept. Willingness to work until you are successful is an important attribute.

Part A:  Ideation Sketches/Thumbnail Sketches:  Where the visual idea is generated. Produce a variety of visual solutions.  They are in rough sketches, not final, detailed products.


Part B:  Refine the Idea:  Variations on the ideation sketch. Usually produce the variation to the same size as the finished product. Resolve any questions about the appearance. Emphasis is on detail.


Part C:  The Product: Pick the best idea and create the finished product.

Step 3:  Content

• Content is the meaning--Does the final product satisfy the concept?

• Only when the final product meets the expectations of the concept is the process successful.

• If the process inspires the designer to a new or better idea, then the concept can be modified.

The Assignment

This assignment involves creating 3 different types of media using Publisher and then creating a brief presentation that describes your choice of design for the media. You have practiced with Publisher to create many of the various forms of media, now it is your turn to create PROFESSIONAL-looking media for your client (Mr. Bourne). GOOD LUCK! (Save your work often- after every main element you complete).


In the design world, you are often in competition with many firms to create a design that will fulfill a client’s needs. Whether you are working in a big design firm to create an advertisement for a product or you are a small business creating flyers to inform customers of your upcoming store, you need to create an effective design that is unique and will catch the eye of the intended audience. In this assignment, you will learn to apply the design process to deliver a variety of media for a client.


See attached rubrics for details.

Step 1 for all 3 designs are due at the end of class on Thursday Apr 25, 2013

Step 2 for all 3 designs are due at the end of class on Monday Apr 29, 2013

Step 3 for all 3 designs are due at the end of class on Thursday May 2, 2013

There should be NO reason why you have not finished these tasks in class as you have 8 FULL days to work on them in class.

Please make sure to hand in your rubrics for each task to Mr. Bourne on the due dates.

Task #1- Logo and Business Card:

Step 1: Concept- You have just opened up your DREAM business. Your first client, Mr. Bourne, is extremely interested in your products and wants to help to promote your business to his friends. He would like to have a business card to give out to any prospective clients. You must first get an idea of your logo and business card layouts by doing the following:

- Find examples of three business card layouts. Pick the “best” one in your opinion and state why you believe it to be the best. Include the business cards with your document.

- Print and hand in the concept section to Mr. Bourne BEFORE starting step 2.

Step 2: Form- Create 3 DIFFERENT thumbnail sketches on the attached template. Your card must have a logo that is suitable for use at a variety of sizes. Place your name on the sketches and show Mr. Bourne your final concept for business cards BEFORE starting step 3.

Step 3: Content- Using the best of your thumbnail sketches as a general guideline, make your final layout using Publisher. Make sure you have the correct final dimensions – 8.89cm x 5.08cm, and that your final product is "camera-ready" - in other words, ready for printing. Here is an example of a camera-ready business card.


|1. Concept (Research) |

|Types of logos, descriptions, business card layouts (included), description of best card. |

|1      |2 |2.5 |3 |4 |4.5 |

|weak - needs improvement |satisfactory |good |very good |excellent |incredible / beyond expectations |

|2.  Form Part A -- Thumbnail Sketches |

|3 preliminary sketches, includes symbol and company name, coloured or labelled to show  colours to use, indicates which is final sketch , |

|ideas are creative and professional |

|1         |2 |2.5 |3 |4 |4.5 |

|weak - needs improvement |satisfactory |good |very good |excellent |incredible / beyond expectations |

|3.  Content—Logo/Business Card |

|Created in Publisher > includes name and symbol > met size requirement Creative > professional |

|1 |2 |2.5 |3 |4 |4.5 |

|weak - needs improvement |satisfactory |good |very good |excellent |incredible / beyond expectations |

Task #2- Advertisement:

Step 1: Concept- You are in charge of creating an advertisement for the new, hot product from Johnson and Johnson. You have created this product and are now in charge of marketing it. To do this, you must do the following:

- go to Johnson & Johnson’s website and determine the genre of products that they sell in order to come up with what your product will be. List some of the products on the site.

- Give a description of whom you will be targeting in this ad to and how your ad will target this market.

- Print up and hand in BEFORE Step 2.

Step 2: Form- Sketch on the attached template one concept for your layout of your ad. Be sure to include picture, description or product, etc. This is meant to be a SKETCH/ROUGH DRAFT, so don’t worry about perfection or detail. Place your name on the sketch and show Mr. Bourne your final concept for your ad BEFORE step 3.

Step 3:Content- Create your ad using Publisher. Be sure to include the following things on your ad: Name of your product

Johnson & Johnson Logo

At least ONE object drawn using Paint or Publisher

|Criteria |Level 4 |Level 3 |Level 2 |Level 1 |

|Knowledge |understands the use and |understands the use and |understands the use and |understands the use and |

|Understanding of MS |purpose of all tools |purpose of most of the |purpose of some of the |purpose of a few of the |

|Publisher tools | |tools |tools |tools |

|Thinking |always uses tools |usually uses tools |sometimes uses tools |rarely uses tools |

|decisions on which tool to |effectively for effect |effectively for effect |effectively for effect |effectively for effect |

|use |needed |needed |needed |needed |

|Communication |the overall appearance of |the overall appearance of |the overall appearance of |the overall appearance of |

|overall aesthetics of ad |the ad is excellent |the ad is good |the ad is fair |the ad is poor |

|Application |does all tasks |needs little help from |needs a lot of help from |needs a great deal of help |

|independently performs |independently |peers or instructor |peers or instructor |from peers or instructor |

|tasks | | | | |

Task #3- DVD Package:

Step 1: Concept- You have been hired to create the new DVD package for one of three upcoming releases. You may choose to pitch one of the following: 1) The new comedy with Emma Stone and Michael Cera, 2) The new romantic drama with Channing Tatum and Rachel McAdams or 3) The new action film with Jason Statham and Will Smith. You have to do the following before starting and PRINT out and hand in when done BEFORE STEP 2:

- Find 3 DVD packages (or images from the web) from the genre you are choosing and describe the imagery and design elements/ principles used on the package

Step 2: Form- ON THE TEMPLATE, come up with a FRONT AND BACK cover layout. Ask Mr. Bourne for his approval BEFORE STEP 3. REMEMBER to keep it APPROPRIATE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I will not accept anything with nudity, guns, drugs, etc. on it.

Step 3: Content- Design your front and back covers for your DVD. Ensure that the placement of your objects adheres to design elements.


|Criteria |Level 1 (0-5) |Level 2 (6- 7) |Level 3 (7.5- 8.5) |Level 4 (8.5-10) |

|Thumbnails / Concept |Poor evidence of |Some evidence of planning|Considerable evidence of |Several neatly drawn sketches that |

|Sketches |planning | |planning |illustrate a variety of ideas |

|Required Components |Not all required |Some all required |Most all required |All required info is present, clear |

| |information is present |information is present |information is present |and neatly displayed |

|Composition |Poor use of the design |Some use of the design |Considerable use of the |Effective use of the design |

| |principles |principles |design principles |principles to produce an |

| | | | |aesthetically pleasing product |


(to be sketched by HAND and NOT on computer!!)

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SKETCH TEMPLATE- Advertisement

(to be sketched by HAND and NOT on computer!!)

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(to be sketched by HAND and NOT on computer!!)

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In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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