Want to Plan a Service-Learning Project in Maryland?

right1270000Want to Plan a Service-Learning Project in Maryland? Use the following suggestions and links to help you design a high quality service-learning project that meets all of Maryland’s 7 Best Practices of Service-Learning (mdservice-). 4286264220845Achieve Curricular Objectives Through Service-LearningIdentify the classroom content and skills youth can use to address community issues from #1 (academic, interpersonal, social, emotional, organization, college and career preparation, etc.).Note which Maryland College and Career-Ready Standards (MCCRS) will be addressed by the project. ()00Achieve Curricular Objectives Through Service-LearningIdentify the classroom content and skills youth can use to address community issues from #1 (academic, interpersonal, social, emotional, organization, college and career preparation, etc.).Note which Maryland College and Career-Ready Standards (MCCRS) will be addressed by the project. ()1104900296545Meet A Recognized Need In The CommunityFollow the media for current events and needs that could become projects.Conduct a community needs assessment or scavenger hunt.Survey students and staff about issues of concern.Review projects other students and teachers have completed to spark inspiration:Maryland State Department of Education Projects ()Students Lead ()WE Schools ()Youth Service America ()00Meet A Recognized Need In The CommunityFollow the media for current events and needs that could become projects.Conduct a community needs assessment or scavenger hunt.Survey students and staff about issues of concern.Review projects other students and teachers have completed to spark inspiration:Maryland State Department of Education Projects ()Students Lead ()WE Schools ()Youth Service America ()-523875402082000-49530012509600-7905755033010Yello00Yello-20955055860952025734050604520101right5207000-419100895985004191000453834500right7715250(This document includes selected resources that may be of interest to Maryland public schools teachers, students, and parents. While many of the resources have been developed by MSDE, others are the work of outside organizations. MSDE does not necessarily endorse links by other organizations, and is not responsible for their content and any consequences arising thereof.)020000(This document includes selected resources that may be of interest to Maryland public schools teachers, students, and parents. While many of the resources have been developed by MSDE, others are the work of outside organizations. MSDE does not necessarily endorse links by other organizations, and is not responsible for their content and any consequences arising thereof.)6858004276725Develop Student ResponsibilityLet students select the issues to be addressed through service-learning, whenever possible.Allow students to plan and organize the project including reaching out to potential community partners and creating an action timeline.Break students into groups and assign specific roles in project development and implementation.Sharpen youth leadership skills through projects: Maryland Student Councils Development 00Develop Student ResponsibilityLet students select the issues to be addressed through service-learning, whenever possible.Allow students to plan and organize the project including reaching out to potential community partners and creating an action timeline.Break students into groups and assign specific roles in project development and implementation.Sharpen youth leadership skills through projects: Maryland Student Councils Development 685800695325Reflect Throughout The Service-Learning ExperienceCreate multiple opportunities for youth to reflect in a variety of ways throughout the project that support differentiated learning styles: Classroom Reflection Activities ()Reflection Activity Ideas ()Consider including formative assessments as part of reflection:Formative Assessment Explanation ()00Reflect Throughout The Service-Learning ExperienceCreate multiple opportunities for youth to reflect in a variety of ways throughout the project that support differentiated learning styles: Classroom Reflection Activities () HYPERLINK "" Reflection Activity Ideas ()Consider including formative assessments as part of reflection:Formative Assessment Explanation ()right55245000-11430063036454042571755724525004686300587692500right409448000-247650161925000right136207530358674008001000056007002762255055876925-269240006953253581400Plan Ahead for Service-LearningGain support and approval of stakeholders (administration, school service-learning coordinator, community, students, parents, etc.).Seek any needed resources for project (transportation, items to be funded through grant writing or fundraising, etc.).Involve students in project planning by creating a project timeline and a To Do list.00Plan Ahead for Service-LearningGain support and approval of stakeholders (administration, school service-learning coordinator, community, students, parents, etc.).Seek any needed resources for project (transportation, items to be funded through grant writing or fundraising, etc.).Involve students in project planning by creating a project timeline and a To Do list.left34956750-180975371475001495425400050Establish Community PartnershipsIdentify community partners for your project by:Contacting the local Volunteer Center and/or using sources such as:Maryland Statewide Volunteer Website ()Brainstorming with students/staff/parents about existing organizations and resources.Creating a local/national/global resource map.Conducting a community scavenger hunt/neighborhood walk.Inviting speakers from local community organizations to speak to students.00Establish Community PartnershipsIdentify community partners for your project by:Contacting the local Volunteer Center and/or using sources such as:Maryland Statewide Volunteer Website ()Brainstorming with students/staff/parents about existing organizations and resources.Creating a local/national/global resource map.Conducting a community scavenger hunt/neighborhood walk.Inviting speakers from local community organizations to speak to students.-123825105727500481012538195250015049505924550Equip Students With Knowledge And Skills Needed For Civic EngagementEngage students in activities that help them explore the concepts of citizenship, community involvement, responsibility, participatory democracy, etc.Provide curriculum linked materials which allow students to learn about the issue area they are addressing and delve into the multifaceted complexity of the topic.Assist students in mastering any project specific skills needed. 00Equip Students With Knowledge And Skills Needed For Civic EngagementEngage students in activities that help them explore the concepts of citizenship, community involvement, responsibility, participatory democracy, etc.Provide curriculum linked materials which allow students to learn about the issue area they are addressing and delve into the multifaceted complexity of the topic.Assist students in mastering any project specific skills needed. 20002534480500057721507724775707right716280000-428625641032500left584835000-1143004038600606 ................

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