Next Horizon Campaign Talking Points

Next Horizon Campaign Talking PointsWhy Now? Our world faces unprecedented challenges. In the coming years, finding solutions to issues like sea-level rise, cyber threats, environmental impacts on neurodegenerative diseases, and species extinction will be critical. Miami’s densely populated urban coastal area is at ground zero for rising seas and hurricanes. Our city is at the epicenter of some of the nation’s most critical health issues. Our fragile South Florida ecosystem is a major national point of study and concern. FIU has the expertise to tackle these issues, but we need partners to help us find the solutions that will make our community and other regions around the world healthier, more secure, and more resilient.Our majority-minority student population represents the future of American public universities, and we strive to be both culturally responsive and forward-looking in teaching and learning. Our work in this area has led to us being selected by the American Association of Public and Land-grant Universities as one of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation-funded “Frontier Set” of institutions committed to significantly increasing student access and success, and eliminating racial/ethnic and socioeconomic disparities in college attainment. For students from all walks of life and all nations, we have a responsibility to provide access to excellence, and we must continue to do so.The Next Horizon is our opportunity to explore new frontiers, answer bolder questions, and make an even bigger difference in the world.Why support FIU, a public university?Ranked a top 100 public university by U.S. News & World Report, FIU provides an excellent educationand conducts cutting-edge research in diverse disciplines. FIU is also #1 on the Social Mobility Indexin Florida among schools that are both Carnegie Foundation-designated Research 1 for very highresearch activity and Ashoka Changemaker Campuses committed to increasing student accessand success. Within the State University System, FIU has proven its value as an institution that hasaccomplished so much in such a short period of time. Opening its doors in 1972, FIU’s profile hasrisen at a remarkable rate, earning it the “emerging preeminent state research university” designationfrom the Florida Board of Governors in 2019. FIU’s research programs are also attracting more federal,state, and private funding each year, contributing to our Carnegie Research 1 and Florida “emergingpreeminent” designations. It is through private philanthropy that top-performing public researchuniversities like FIU can accelerate their rise to national excellence.Why Support Scholarships and Financial Aid?The pursuit of education should never be forfeited due to a lack of funds. Research by the Brookings Institution shows that college completion improves upward mobility for individuals who come from families at the bottom of income distribution. Supporting scholarships and financial aid is also about supporting the community. The investments made in students create economic opportunity for families as well as community connections. The students who receive scholarships are grateful, and ultimately, many give back to the community that helped them achieve their dreams. Scholarship support is not only about helping students now; it is also about helping the students of the future, many of whom will live and work in Miami as they do now.Why Support Study Abroad Scholarships?Choosing to study abroad for all or a portion of a semester can be one of the most enriching, fulfilling, and educationally stimulating experiences of a student’s life―one that is critical in a modern world, where a global economy requires a global education. These programs, however, come at a cost. Supporting Study Abroad Scholarships creates opportunities for students to participate in life-changing experiences without having to worry about the financial burden of travel and other expenses, as well as lost income if they work. Investing in a student’s education is already important, but allowing a student to experience a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity is a gift that is truly timeless.Why Support Endowed Chairs or Professorships for Faculty?Across America at top universities, exceptional research faculty are distinguished and supported by endowed professorships and chairs. This is the gold standard for attracting and retaining nationally and internationally recognized leaders in academic disciplines; high-achieving, early-career faculty sought after by other institutions; and other accomplished scholars in higher education. These positions also elevate the stature of a college or school and signal its expertise in particular areas of research, attracting additional research dollars, other faculty experts, and postdoctoral researchers. These positions also support research. Creating new knowledge, finding cures, and inventing novel devices are long-term enterprises, and endowed professorships, chairs, and research funds provide the means to support years of experimentation and creativity.Endowed professorships and chairs ensure that a college or school will have well-qualified faculty in perpetuity. The income from endowments provides perpetual funding for professor and chair salaries and their teaching and research activities. As a result, these endowments help a university become more self-sufficient and achieve long-term stability. They also ensure that critical research programs continue into the future.FIU has had a deep impact on the lives of people—as an anchor institution in our community, a driver of economic prosperity, and a solutions center for the world. Our research and innovation profile has been rising at a remarkable rate—attracting the best minds and emerging industries to FIU. We must continuously stay ahead of the curve to remain relevant, for our students and the world in which we live. Perpetual philanthropic support of an accomplished faculty who are ever on the leading edge in teaching, research, entrepreneurship, and public policy is critical to our mission.Why Support Faculty and Teaching?Teaching and learning today are vastly different than they were 20 years ago. Advances in brain science are uncovering evidence about how students learn and what makes knowledge stick. Technology has also transformed the classroom with tools that can significantly improve student engagement and learning. Through the campaign, we seek to secure funding for technology-enhanced classrooms and collaborative spaces. We also seek investments that will help faculty transform their teaching and their courses through investments in the Student Consultants of Teaching Program, Course Enhancement Grants for Faculty Innovation, and Course Design Institutes. The campaign will also attract funding to reward Faculty Excellence in Teaching and support Faculty Fellowships for special projects that advance their teaching, research, and leadership at FIU. Faculty travel and conference support can broaden our faculty’s exposure.Why Support Research Faculty and Programs?Recruiting and retaining world-class research faculty is critical to FIU’s future success. The bestresearchers are sought after by top universities, because it is the faculty who shape a school’sreputation and global perception of research excellence. To accelerate research and discoveryat FIU, the university needs the resources to attract and retain the best faculty in our areas ofstrength, now and for years to come. These researchers also need the latest equipment and theinfrastructure to achieve new breakthroughs. And because our faculty train the next generation ofleaders and researchers, providing them with critical research experience, private support can makethese opportunities possible. As well, government funding for research often does not cover allexpenses, and philanthropy can provide the additional support our research programs need to solvefor a better future. Philanthropic support at FIU has helped the university achieve the Research 1designation by the Carnegie Foundation for very high research activity and its ranking as #33 in theworld for patent production. Yet continued investments in the work of our faculty are needed forthem to expand the frontiers of innovation, technology, and creativity in the sciences, humanities,and the arts so that FIU can continue to meet the needs of our community and our world.Why Support the Humanities?The exploration of the humanities allows us to be creative, think critically, and it causes us to question the changes we see in the world. Humanities work hand in hand with the various Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (STEM) fields to identify and resolve some of the biggest challenges that face our civilization. STEM and the humanities are inextricably intertwined and need each other to progress. FIU’s work in the humanities reaches across many disciplines and outside the academy. Faculty and students engage in projects that bring humanists and natural scientists together, and they take their public history and public humanities skills into our community’s archives and museums. FIU has more than 3,500 humanities students in 21 humanities disciplines with over 150 humanities faculty. ................

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