President Of The US

center6082665President Of The USAnnual review 2015-2016950000President Of The USAnnual review 2015-2016Contents2. Introduction3. Year in Review6. Presidential Cabinet8. A few words from the Cabinet10. Rules and Regulations12. Information Governance13. Disciplinary Procedure14. Security Threat Levels15. Equality, Diversity and Inclusion17. Comments from Members22. Getting in Contact24. Conclusion25. Annual Review Information GovernanceIntroductionThis is the first Annual Review for Grand Theft Auto Online Crew; President Of The US (SEAL).In this report, the past year will be looked at in detail with achievements, strengths, weaknesses and incidents all reviewed.The Annual Review will be made public and posted to the website, where it can be viewed, downloaded and printed.The review will be comprehensive and will details every aspect of the past year within the crew.Where details appear to or are found to be factually incorrect they will be corrected and the report re-published with all amendments clearly documented.The review will also allow other members to have their say by having their comments, articles or views published within this report. These comments, articles and views will be made anonymous where requested.The Year in ReviewThe past year has seen many changes taking place within the Organisation. Most of which took place over the last half of the year.There was a big shake up and the Vice President took over from the President for the day to day running of the crew.With the help of Senior and Junior Management, the crew has taken shape and quickly became the Organisation you see before you today.Presidential Staff are expected to be active and loyal to Management and their fellow colleagues. Truly loyal Staff will have no problem with remaining loyal and keeping in regular contact.There have been a greater number than would have been desired of disloyal members being exposed and removed from the ranks. Disloyalty was a very large problem before the restructuring and many flaws in member’s loyalty came to light. All members were first given a warning, of which many ignored, and therefore had their contracts terminated with immediate effect.Disloyal members create not only show no loyalty and disrespect to their colleagues and the Organisation, but pose a larger Security risk, as they have access to classified intelligence, which could be used against the Crew as a whole or against certain colleagues.Another Security risk is during protection and escort detail, the staff members are expected to keep the Management member safe and ensure that their engagement goes as safely and smoothly as possible. A disloyal member poses a great risk to the safety of that member and can leak engagement and route details to those who wish to do harm.A hard line is taken against those who are disloyal and regular sweeps are made to maintain a high level of Security, as required. All members should remain vigilant and report any suspicions or concerns immediately. If it proves later to be a false alarm, then no action will be taken and fears will subside. However, if a threat is viable, then action can be taken, as intelligence was received in time.We pride ourselves on working hard to keep our Staff happy and safe. We value all of our Staff members and would hope that they all feel supported and happy. Anyone who has concerns is encouraged to raise these with a Senior Staff Member or use the ‘contact form’ on the website, which gets sent to the Presidential e-mail inbox, where it is picked up, and acted on accordingly.Regular correspondence takes place between the Management Team, which is to ensure that the crew remains to run smoothly and without incident. All correspondence is kept to a need to know basis, and all incidents that do arise can be acted upon to rectify and enact damage control protocols.Management always remain keen to keep in contact and interact 7 days a week. This is because incidents and matters can arise at any time, and are not restricted by day of the week. This means that all incidents can be dealt with swiftly, so as not to gain momentum or remain over times such as the weekend.We have faced many challenges over the year, but so far it has been nothing that we cannot handle and bounce back from. The hard work of the Cabinet and our Secret Service Agents helps us maintain our high standards and keep everyone within the Organisation safe and happy.There was a very serious breach, when a spy was found amongst the ranks. The spy had infiltrated the Organisation due to a grudge he holds against the Vice President. The Vice President pulled a combat training crew away from its leading crew, which he ran for another crew before he joined the Presidential Team.The crew was a combat training crew, which trained applicants with combat skills, which could save their lives and improve their skills. Cracks appeared between this crew and the managing crew, with attempts to destabilize the crew, before attempting to shut it down.The crew eventually closed its doors on 31st January 2015. Ever since the break-up, the managing crew, have attempted to infiltrate, degrade and destabilise other crews that the now Vice President is part of.What steps were taken to prevent this re-occurring? The crew was once open to all, but new Security measures closed the crew and meant that a new application process was installed. This meant that all applicants would need to apply and have background checks before being admitted to the crew. The spy was banned, and any applications he makes are denied with immediate effect.This plan is not full-proof, but all the new Security arrangements make it so much harder. We must all remain vigilant, and report any suspicious behavior immediately, to help prevent any danger to the Organisation and its Staff.As mentioned above, there is a new application process. This involves all new-comers to complete and application before being employed. All applications are scrutinised and applicants have background checks done. All being well, they are given an official invitation and can begin working for the crew.There is also an application form, for those who believe that they have been overlooked for promotion. They fill in the form, and include all mitigating information, and a panel of Management will then make a decision, based on the application and any contact they have had with the applicant.There has been a complete rebuild of the Cabinet. Each member was hand selected, and to date, there have been no reasons to remove any Cabinet Officials.The Cabinet keeps in regular contact to keep the crew running smoothly. Any concerns are acted upon quickly and Security is reviewed frequently and any flaws are identified.On 10th July, the President left his post and an interim President took overOn 11th July, shortly before the First Anniversary, a huge change happened within President of the US. The interim President left, the Head of Security and Secret Service Operation and the Deputy Head of Security and Secret Service Operations were both relieved of their duties to due to severe lack of keeping in contact with the Cabinet and not responding to the Vice President’s messages and requests.Our Secretary of State was promoted to Vice President by the President on 13th July 2016. She has served us well, and was the main candidate for the job.A new vacancy was also created with two spaces for Intelligence Officers, although the vacancy could be expanded to accommodate a need for more if this was identified.Presidential Cabinet FanaticOak1990 – President ConnorStephens01 - Vice President –Secretary of State C-MCAULEY2 – Mr. Secretary of Defence earnyms – Head of Security and Secret Service Operations HitmanBulldog32 – Deputy Head of Security and Secret Service Operations Adrithelegend – Attorney General Reedgion – Department of Homeland Security (Tactical Response Team) and Inter-Agency Liaison OfficerA few words from the Cabinet OfficeI am Mr. President, and took over as part of a reshuffle as Vice President, before employing a number of members to the Cabinet Office. I am proud to serve as President and hope that you remain happy to serve under my guidance. I am always here to listen along with my Cabinet Colleagues, and we take your concerns seriously.I hope to continue to work to improve this crew and make it an Organisation to be proud of, and a happy place to work.Hello, I am Secretary Of State, Madam Peggy Rockford. I am a Senior Cabinet Member, and am in the Presidential line of succession. I have close connections and work very efficiently with other Senior Cabinet Members, and other Officials in Government Associations. Working in the Presidential Crew is a true privilege and to be chosen and to follow through greatly as Secretary of State is a true honour. I work independently with my Executive Diplomatic Team and also with my colleague's to achieve escalating succession for this crew - and trust me, our work payed off. I will take this moment to welcome all new members into the Presidential Team and also to give thanks with great gratitude to all other Cabinet Members and also my team of agents who serve me each day. Thanking you all, Madam Secretary.(Since writing, Madam Secretary has been promoted to Vice President)I am Mr. Secretary of Defense, Calvin Thompson. I would like to welcome any new members into this crew with gratitude. In this crew, you will learn many skills, meet new people and get an experience of a lifetime. This is a very worthwhile crew and I would highly recommend it to anyone.?Thank You.My name is Reedgion. I am a member of the U.S Department of Homeland Security. I'm a part of the Tactical Response Unit. I help protect members of the Presidential Cabinet, and I also work alongside the Los Santos Secret Service and SEAL. #ProtectAtAnyCost?I am earnyms. I've been on Rockstar games since GTA San Andreas.My role here is Head of Security and Secret Service. As such, I intend to make operations smoother and more efficient, and to do so, I will require your help and cooperation. I'm determined and dedicated to help this group, and plan on being here for quite a while. Rules & RegulationsPresident of the US has a number of rules, which MUST be followed at all times. The rules go hand in hand with the ‘equal opportunities policy’. Any breaches of the rules are taken very seriously, and disciplinary proceedings are enacted. This is detailed in the next section of this report.There can be no exceptions to the rules. Any rules that need amending according to exceptional circumstances, will be enacted by a member of Management Staff. Although this has yet to happen.Loyalty to SEAL is key.No sharing or distributing sensitive information without expressed permission by a Cabinet Official.If you suspect Terrorism, report it immediatelyIf you suspect someone is sharing information or supporting an enemy or terrorism, report them immediately.No Killing of SEAL members.No Bullying, Harassment or Intimidation.Senior Officials to the best of their protection detail’s ability. This includes taking bullets. Officials should be evacuated to a safehouse if under attack.?On Duty Dress Code; Black Suit, Overcoat (optional), Ear Piece, Gloves (optional), AviatorsOn Duty Weapons; Pistol??/ Combat Pistol, SMG, Carbine Rifle, Heavy Sniper, Knife (standard), pump shotgun, tear gas. Only sidearm should be used, except during?EMERGENCY SITUATIONS.On Duty Vehicles; Grangers, Buffalos, Ballers (Preferably Armoured), Cognoscenti (Preferably Armoured), Turreted Limo. (Where possible these should have the Presidential Seal Printed on them, and should be painted black.)All Presidential Escorts should be in line formation, and surround Presidential car, if attacks take place on the road.(WHERE POSSIBLE) Marine One should have 3 helicopters. To fly in triangle formation. 1 Official and 2 decoys. Each helicopter should have 2 pilots + Official in one.(WHERE POSSIBLE) Airforce One should have 2 pilots in the cockpit. Agents?should be in the cabin with the rmation GovernanceInformation Governance plays an important role within President of the US. A lot of highly sensitive and classified information is contained and circulated within the Organisation.This information could provide intelligence or put lives at risk if it was leaked.Therefore, all information contained within this Organisation, must not be circulated to those other than members without Management consent.Anyone caught leaking or providing information to others will face immediate dismissal.If you identify misuse or misplaced information, you must report this immediately to a Cabinet Member, or you can do so anonymously though the contact form and typing ‘ANON’ in the name field. Where possible take action and remove the information.The Cabinet take any breaches seriously and this constitutes a major offence, and in severe cases, it may be classed as treason. Disciplinary ProcedureWhen a rule breach takes place, the disciplinary procedure is initiated. The procedure outlined below, will usually be initiated in that order. However, more serious breaches may incur a higher penalty or immediate termination of their contract. But this is reserved for exceptional circumstances.Level 1 - Unofficial WarningLevel 2 - Official WarningLevel 3 – Investigation Level 4 – Dismissal / DemotionAction on rule breaches can be initiated by any member of Senior or Junior member of the Cabinet. When action is taken or considered, all members of the Management Team are informed of the offence, the action taken and the perpetrator.An appeal against disciplinary action, must be lodged within 1 week of the message informing that member of action. The appeal can be lodged suing the contact form on the website. When lodging a appeal, you must give as much information as possible, as to why the action should be dismissed on de-escalated.The decision can only be appealed once, so the appealer must make as strong a case and include as much information and evidence, as possible.Security Threat LevelsWe have 5 threat levels as detailed below:Our threat level is kept under constant review.The crew’s current threat level from True For The Cash Crew: Our external threat level is:Our Cyber Threat level is: President of the US is an equal opportunities Organisation and has some very important core values. We welcome people from all walks of life. We are currently aware of members from a number of Nationalities who are within the ranks, and we are aware of at least one gay member.Our core values mean that regardless of your race, religion, gender, sexuality, gender identity or mental or physical disability, you are welcome and will be assigned a role most suitable to you.A breach of this policy, constitutes a breach of our ments from members99060014605“I am very proud to be a serious member of this presidential crew.”00“I am very proud to be a serious member of this presidential crew.”1200150241935“I find it a very exciting experience. Also it gives me an opportunity to meet new people due to meetings. I would highly recommend this crew.”00“I find it a very exciting experience. Also it gives me an opportunity to meet new people due to meetings. I would highly recommend this crew.”504825222250“I would like to congratulate the Management of the crew, on having kept this crew alive for a whole year. I wish to say, keep up the good work, and good luck for the future.”00“I would like to congratulate the Management of the crew, on having kept this crew alive for a whole year. I wish to say, keep up the good work, and good luck for the future.”9906009525“This crew is excellent for roleplay purposes and also keep in touch with Cabinet members. The dedicated members are extremely loyal and in my experience, my team perform excellently.”00“This crew is excellent for roleplay purposes and also keep in touch with Cabinet members. The dedicated members are extremely loyal and in my experience, my team perform excellently.”571500231776“The crew and its people are phenomenal.”00“The crew and its people are phenomenal.”32385016510“There is a real sense of Family within the Crew. Especially in the Cabinet. There is always someone who has got your back and will endeavor to solve any concerns or problems you may have.”00“There is a real sense of Family within the Crew. Especially in the Cabinet. There is always someone who has got your back and will endeavor to solve any concerns or problems you may have.”163830-85725“The crew has been very hospitable.”00“The crew has been very hospitable.”What could Management improve on?54292533020“The crew is quite inactive, the Management must crack down on people who are in the crew, but are not active.”00“The crew is quite inactive, the Management must crack down on people who are in the crew, but are not active.”If I were President I would…809625247650“Order a status report from all members of the crew, to make sure things are going well. To see what we need to sort out, and see who is inactive”00“Order a status report from all members of the crew, to make sure things are going well. To see what we need to sort out, and see who is inactive”33337510795“As I am considering becoming a Presidential Candidate for the next election, I aim to improve the quantity of members within the crew, as I have many connections with Federal Agencies and Government crews. I also wish to keep the crew under control and to increase activity within the crew.”00“As I am considering becoming a Presidential Candidate for the next election, I aim to improve the quantity of members within the crew, as I have many connections with Federal Agencies and Government crews. I also wish to keep the crew under control and to increase activity within the crew.”276225177165“I will support and defend the Constitution of our crew, and make some evolution inside the Organisation.”00“I will support and defend the Constitution of our crew, and make some evolution inside the Organisation.”Are there any rules that you think we should have?666750168910“Once a month, everyone must give a status report of any situations or suspicious targets there may be.”00“Once a month, everyone must give a status report of any situations or suspicious targets there may be.”Getting in ContactGetting in contact with members is very simple, they can be messaged via their Rockstar Social Club profile page. Senior Staff ca be contacted via their Social Club page, by e-mail, or by using the contact form on the website, which means that comments can remain anonymous, if a member is concerned about consequences or being identified for whatever reason they may have.We encourage all members to keep in contact, so that we can make sure you feel supported and we can listen to issues or ideas that you may have.If you don’t tell us, how will we know?Contact Form: VacanciesThese can be found at: page will be continuously updated.Secret Service Agents / Protection Officers – UnrestrictedIntelligence?Officers – 2Poster features on our websiteConclusionIn the year ahead we hold high hopes of continuing to improve the crew, and work to build and improve on working relationships between members. Especially between the Cabinet and Secret Service Staff.The new application form went live and there are hopes that as the next year progresses, there will be many applications, and the form can be reviewed and tweaked to meet the needs of the Organisation at the time.Over the next year, we will no doubt encounter difficult and challenging circumstances. But we will prevail as always with the Support of our very experienced Cabinet, some of whom have worked for Federal Agencies, and still have contacts within these agencies.It has been fantastic to receive so many positive comments from the end of year questionnaire.Also, as was flagged up during the ‘End Of Year Questionnaire’, there has been a lot of inactivity. Over the next year, this will be cracked down, and status reports will be required by those working within our Organisation.We have taken on board what has been said and will review and act accordingly.The first year has seen a lot of changes for the better and runs very smoothly now. We look forward to year ahead, and hope to have much more good news for the Second End Of Year review in 2017.We close one chapter, and open another. Let us see where it takes us. We hope you will stick around for the ride.Annual Review Information GovernanceAll information contained within this report has been checked to ensure all information is correct at the time of publication. No classified information has been included, and all information can be gathered through the public domain. Including, but no limited to the Organisation’s website and Social Club page.All information contained within this report and the report itself remain property of President of the US Grand Theft Auto Online crew, and should not be republished or reposted without the permission of Management staff.This report is however free to print and distribute to those with an interest and with the intent of transparency which comply with Information Governance and Security Protocols. ................

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