The Norma Factor

The Norma Factor

I was speaking to Norma’s husband, while watching her play with several permanent magnets scattered about on a coffee table between us. She seemed raptly fascinated by the way the magnets pushed and pulled each other and I was enjoying her fun. Then as if perceived peripherally I noticed she was getting a reaction from the magnets that I had never before seen, and instantly a revelation door opened in my mind revealing a solution to a nagging puzzle.

Norma is a charming middle-aged lady who with good-natured mirth refers to her accidental contribution to this discovery in magnetic research as the, “Fool Factor”. What she accidentally demonstrated that night she considers dumb luck, but a better understanding of the phrase, Fool Factor, is found in a statement by, David Ruelle, a Belgium Scientist. “Always,” he said, “nonspecialiasts find the new things.”

So the first thing I must do is give credit to this delightful lady, who by chance showed this fool how to leap a research impasse that had been frustrating me for a long time. The Norma Factor illustrates why innocent, even playful ignorance can be a genuine part in the work of experts. Scientists, because of education inculcation, and repetitive experience can fall into knowledge dogmas that block otherwise open minds, but a “fool” has no restrictive facts to influence her contribution. The reader is therefore cautioned not to expect a conventional discussion of electromagnetics, and blind debunkers should stop right here, proclaim victory, and move on to their next absolute certainty.

Chapter Five in my book, The Golden Vortex, Conscious Publishing, 2000, is titled, The Motor in the Magnet, and I called it that because it’s highly probable that if a motor is ever invented that runs on permanent magnets alone, it will do so because Nature put the motor inside the magnet in the first place. In chapter Five is a discussion of a discovery I made about magnetic fields that I called simply segments, or sections, but which later a friend, an MIT trained PhDEE called, Spin Domains. Spin domains sounded much more scientific and were popular with a few people for a time, but then fell out of vogue because nobody knew how to prove they exist using conventional instruments, or how to put them to use. Because they are mine, I forged on, doggedly playing with those annoying magnets, until Norma showed me what was missing.

Spin Domains

There are only three magnetic spin domains, however this is only true of the North polarity. The South polarity has four domains, but really only three, a peculiar paradox which will be explained as we go along. In each polarity the domains are housed between “pizza-slice” lines radiating out from the center of the magnet, and within each slice the magnetic flux reacts differently in the presence of another magnet hovering orthogonally within the magnetic field. The illustrations depict standard donut-shaped ring magnets and the domains are identified as, a, b, c. The flux lines that define a domain are in red and blue.


The spin domains are found by holding another magnet 90-degrees to the ring magnet, and then lowering it into the ring’s field. The dots indicate approximately where to lower the orthogonal magnet in relation to the broad “track” represented by the ring magnet’s circumference. Until one magnet is brought close to the other the location of the pizza-slice lines are unknown. The 90’ magnet should be glued or taped to the end of a non ferrous stick so that the human magnetic field (the hand) can be held away from the magnet’s field. As will be explained later the body’s magnetic field can influence the reading gotten by the test if the hand is too close, generally within about 4 and a half inches.


The stick magnet is lowered into the ring magnet’s field so that its polarity is facing counterclockwise on the ring magnet’s N. On S this magnet will face CCW or CW, and depending on spin direction there are either 3 domains or 4. For simplicity the top view of all tester positions are shown as rectangles, but in the case of the ring magnet, which will be known as the Stator, the actual shape inside the pizza slices is curved, so it is necessary to make sure that at every test position the stick magnet is 90’ to the axis of the stator as well as to the surface track.

I found the spin domains in 1995, and most who looked into them felt strongly that they held the key to a working magnet motor, but these peculiar fields could never quite be made to function on their own. Whenever a group of magnets comprising altered spin domains on an armature were brought into conjunction in certain ways it was seen with some excitement that the armature was freed up inside the field, but couldn’t develop any sort of torque. The domains became the worst kind of tease. They promised but never delivered.

I was able to construct a crude linear “motor” whereby magnets on wheels when pushed into the field would travel from one end of a straight track to the other, but when the linear track was bent in a circle that tantalizing movement disappeared. I learned that ratios and angles of arc played a part in setting up enticing pseudo freedom for the magnets in each other’s fields, but ever more complicated adjustments to the configurations only gave back the same frustrations.

Magnets could be made to project a wide, ever expanding type of field described by science as torsion fields, but so far as the magnet motor was concerned I was beginning to be swayed by conventional wisdom that called such a thing an impossibility. About this time I began to work for a business called, The House of Mystery at the Oregon Vortex, a roadside attraction where reality is a bit out of whack, a spot on the map where people seem to grow and shrink depending on which compass direction they move toward. In this otherwise ordinary woodsy setting I found the same type of expanded fields that surround magnets, but I also located certain spots in the vortex that exhibit strong inductive electric effects. For instance, a magnet dangling on a string over these spots will begin to circle, and the closer to the ground the magnet gets the faster it rotates. The study of this electromagnetic, natural vortex anomaly led to the writing of my book, but I was also able to put the ratios and angles of the Vortex to use. For instance, the Oregon Vortex describes a circle on the ground with a diameter of a little over a 165 feet, and wrapped about it is a corona that is exactly one-sixth of the diameter of the circle, a bit more than 27 feet. In this case the ratio of one to six allowed me to get closer to the elusive magnet motor.

It became apparent that by dividing the diameter of a disk magnet in sixths, and then using that ratio as the spaces between other magnets of similar size the same freeing-up of the magnetic forces found in the circular devices were also present in the linear motor. By manipulating these spaces between magnets from one-sixth of a diameter to two-sixths (or one-third) to three-sixths (or one-half diameter) caused the linear track to exhibit the same a, b, c spin domain test results as a solid ring magnet. But I also found that the problems of the ring magnet not producing torque was present in the linear group of magnets as well.

The Moving Domains

When teaching others how to test for the domains I’ve frequently run into human nature problems. In order to perform the test a human being has to be part of it, and human beings are stronger than a couple of little bitty magnets, so most people grip the stick like they’re afraid it will get away from them. They tend to overpower the experiment, unable to hold the stick firmly enough so that the magnet won’t be torn from their fingers, but lightly enough to feel what the magnet “wants” to do, and then go with it. Going with it is a legitimate problem of subjectivity, but another problem seems strictly mechanical. It’s difficult to convey to a novice tester that after one test result is done the stick magnet has to be removed from the field before a new reading can be made. It must be lifted up then lowered back into the field at a different place. Most folks just want to naturally shove it ahead while still within the stator field. In some cases the magnet displays a sense of forward movement around the circumference of the ring and it’s too easy to just go along with that motion. It’s simple for the tester to fool himself, which brings on the charge of a prejudiced test. Early on I found that when the stick magnet moves through the field from one domain to the other the domain effects move with the magnet. The effects found in the domain move to the next domain, not the pizza-slice lines, which once found and marked always remain in the same spots on the ring magnet.

Not only is this spin flux hard to nail down during the measuring phase, but it becomes a huge stumbling block in so far as trying to make the motor function. I have never quite been able to put this frustration into words, but I try again: The forward movement of the domains with the very magnet that the tester wants to go on its own feeds monstrous false hopes because of this internal transfer of spin flux from one domain to the next. The magnet’s movement seemed fluid as my fingers repeatedly guided it around the circle, the magnet conveying to my hand a feeling that this was it! This is the key! Nothing was more appetizingly tasty than feeling the magnet freely moving across that track, straight or curved without twisting away or stopping!


In the above diagram a magnet is seen divided across its diameter by sixths, and then six magnets lined up on a steel plate relating with each other by first 1/6th of a diameter apart then ½ three times, and 1/6th again. The 90’ magnet eases into the field from a certain height from the left with no resistance, travels the length of the track and is spit out the other end without hanging up ... except that it only happens when the human hand is holding the magnet! I went through hundreds of hours trying to jimmy variations of this track so as to accept a magnet moving on its own but always ran into the same kind of problems. And yet it worked in my hand!

I’m giving only one of these variations because there’s no need to document so many failures. If anyone is interested they can read my notes. The main thing is to describe some of the work done up to the point of The Norma Factor. In fact, if I had not spent so much of my life chasing this will-o-the-wisp magnet motor that when Norma’s play came to my attention I wouldn’t have known what I was looking at.

The Stationary Stator

Norma was holding a string in her fingers on which was attached a short piece of a mild steel rod (a nail), and as she moved it close to a group of other magnets it moved to one, bounced to another, and then another before beginning to circle the entire group.

The diagram below shows how The Norma Factor changed the spacing I had been using. At first glance it doesn’t appear any different than the spectacular failure above, but there is one huge dissimilarity. The two end magnets in the line of magnets are not 1/6th of a diameter from their neighbors, but 1/6th plus ½, or 4/6th , or 2/3, which in decimals is 66.6 of one diameter. The hand has no influence on this set-up. When the test magnet passes across it the effects of the spin domains do not move. In other words, not only are the stator magnets themselves motionless, but the spin domains within the magnet are also stationary. Only the armature moves, and the magnets making up the armature disk switch from CW to CCW as each magnet in the armature passes over each magnet in the stator. Not only is the motor in the magnet but so too is the motor’s switching mechanism.

Nature always knew how to do it, and Norma showed the way.


The next thing needed to done was to bend the linear track in a circle to see what happens.

The Closed Circle

One way to close the circle, but there are other ways.


The steel plates are not necessary, it is just the easiest way to hold magnets together when the same polarities are side by side, and there can be more magnets between the 4/6th spaces to adjust the size of the disk. The fastest way to test this configuration is to glue or tape a string on a steel ball bearing or a short piece of steel rod, as in the illustration to the right. Lower the pendulum slowly into the center of the disk. At a certain height it should begin to move, even attracting then repelling to a couple of magnets before starting to circle the ring on its own. Still, it’s possible that even this configuration can get out of phase with itself so that the pendulum’s motion is erratic. When this happens it will be because the ball bearing touched one of the magnets, the operator touched one or more of the magnet faces, or another magnet came too close to the stator track. The test, as always, is done with the stick magnet, and if all the magnets between each 4/6th gap do not test the same hold the stick magnet at 180’ to the magnets in the ring a short distance from them at an opposing polarity then quickly pass it around the ring. This should reset the domains. Retest to make sure.

For an armature to use with this configuration I made a disk the same size as the stator and placed in it six magnets precisely 60-degrees apart so that they are directly over the magnets in the stator. Six magnets will work with either polarity, but if other numbers are tried it may be found that an even number is best in South and an odd number in North. The armature works by both repulsion and attraction regardless of whether the increments are at 90’ or at 180’.


All of this was quite exhilarating, except it again only worked when held in the hand. Something else was still needed; something Norma did demonstrate but hadn’t yet bubbled to the surface of my mind.

Revelations suddenly come out the blue intact, but never perfect. Information that comes in a second can take days or weeks to check out and write down, but I didn’t know I would be on a search of several months. My starting place was clear, however. I suspected the solution was bound up within the spin measurements themselves. But the most nagging problem of all was that even though I had managed to free up an armature spin within a stator field I had not achieved force or torque. The goal of actual magnetic push and pull still had to be added to the mix, and because of Norma’s accident I knew it was there to be found.

Hiding in the fields

If you beat the grass hard enough and long enough pheasants concealed in a hay field will sooner or later take to wing for a clear shot. Since there’s no desire to describe all the fields trod and all the grass beaten before the bird flew into my sights I’ll just go straight to the kill.

There are three spin domains in the north polarity of a magnet. There are four spin domains in the south polarity depending on flux direction. Since one of those domains (A) is oriented in the direction of the magnet track in straight lines it seemed logical that the objective was to orient the entire magnet or collection of magnets to the (A) aspect. I’d known how to do that for a long time, but I also knew that the logic was flawed. What Norma essentially showed me was that all three main domains must be brought into play to make any device function, but the natural locations in a single magnet is not a workable arrangement. The spin of each magnet has to be changed from its normal flux design and the only way to do that is by introducing a second magnetic field to the first magnetic field. I had long ago found that a careless test with the stick magnet could change the results. At a certain distance between magnets the testing magnet will no longer act as a gauge, but as an instrument of change, another reason why the novice tester can have so much trouble interpreting a reading. The way to change field spin lines is by the use of an extraneous magnet.

Both the stator magnets and the armature magnets must have their flux status altered so the domains of one dynamically react with the other.

As best as it can be depicted in a two-dimensional medium the ideal flux lines of a typical stator are shown as arrows traveling in a straight-line fashion (A) around the circumference or pole face of a single magnet. In this case the entire stator track are the faces of a large ring magnet as opposed to a multiplicity of smaller magnets. A, or the South polarity stator face depicts the flux lines on the inner and outer circumferences as moving clockwise, but the center line as traveling counterclockwise. The direction of the lines in B, or the North polarity, are all CCW, but C shows as best as possible the internal switching process that is necessary for both S and N to have armatures that move about the track continuously.


This action can be thought of as gears meshing to propel axles in required directions. But the metaphor quickly breaks down because gears can not cause a three-dimensional magnet to negotiate the torturous fifth-dimensional electron path depicted in C, and this always seemed to me to be the place where a human in the circuit has to take over. A magnet can not physically steer along C’s trail even though the electron flux spin has no trouble doing so. A hand guided by the human mind acts as a motor to boost the magnets beyond the electron switching point shown as two little loops that counter rotate against one another. Because there is no physical barrier stopping the armature magnet at the gap, or as some call it the flux gate, the mind gives it continuity of momentum and the hand feels the thrust from one side of the gap to the other thus, during the testing phase fooling the mind. In other instances where the hand holding the magnet seems to act as a stator, remaining stationary as the armature seemingly moves on its own, the mind subconsciously fools the hand making it adjust spatially each time the armature completes one 360 degree rotation.

This gap has a name: Bloch Wall. It is the point in any vortex where motion, say CCW does a little fifth dimensional dance and comes out the other side as CW. It can be depicted in this fashion:


The Bloch Wall is the killer of torque. It can’t be fought or overpowered, and the only reason a linear version of the motor seems to function is because pull force is applied to a magnet as the armature enters the field, is accelerated as it is pushed out of the field, and since it encounters no resistance inside the field it gets a free ride from the real forces applied at either end of the track. On a linear “motor” the Bloch Wall is split, half at the beginning and half at the end, but it will still resist functioning unless at least two of the armature magnets are set a little higher and lower from all the others from the stator track bed. The reason for this height requirement is that each pass across the track of one armature magnet alters the track field so that it will not be allowed to reenter unless it can physically raise or lower itself on each pass. It can be seen that for the purpose of timing a linear model should employ as short a track as can handle a minimum of three armature increments. The linear version armature magnets are orthogonal to the stator and a like pole moves toward like pole (N to N, or S to S).


On a circular version magnetic polarity ceases to be as important in terms of how the armature magnet moves in the stator field. The armature disk will function at 90-degrees to the stator track or 180 degrees to the track, and it will travel, S to N, as well as, N to N, or S to S. Magnetic polarity, however must be staggered; like N, S, N, S, or S, S, N, N.

The Bloch Wall still exists and the trick is to split it in half just like the linear version. The linear analogy is still relevant but a little more complicated. There are two kinds of polarity in magnets, positive and negative magnetic, (pick-up-the-nails) polarity, and positive and negative spin (flux movement) polarity. In the linear model a split Bloch Wall “mini loop” (as seen in the illustration) switches from positive spin to negative spin, in effect flipping up and down from stator to armature with the passage of one armature increment., and this also causes the entire field spin polarity to switch between CCW to CW between the track ends. This is the reason for the differences in height above the stator track, for not only does the stator field change so too does the armature. First the experimenter has to understand what’s happening within these fields and then he has to try and map something that’s changing with maddening rapidity. One can stumble into something that seems to work, but then after the eureka moment is unable to duplicate what was first done. It’s no wonder inventors run their heads into walls.

There is a real difference between existing electric motors and the concept of permanent magnet motors, but that difference is sublime and in the end both operate by creating a polarity switch. Electric motors work because magnetic polarity is switched from positive to negative and back through the use of electromagnets and things like commutators and slip rings to route current flow, but a permanent magnet can’t undergo a magnetic polarity flip. A permanent magnet motor must utilize something a conventional electric motor doesn’t need, and indeed doesn’t even know exists ... spin polarity.

An electric motor operates from the push/pull of magnetic polarity and the permanent magnet motor operates from the push/pull of magnets. At first glance this seems a fine distinction, but to make the permanent magnet motor function what has to be found and liberated is the equivalent of comutators and slip rings that lurk within the magnets themselves. The “motor is in the magnet” because the electron spin polarity switching system is in the magnetic field. Magnetic polarity, which is the source of torque in both systems, is controlled by spin polarity in a permanent magnet motor, and that is why an armature magnet facing only one direction can use either pole of a magnet to attain torque.

To attain constant stand-alone motion from a circular track the physical magnets must be pulled in at the entrance of the Bloch Wall, take that free ride to the point where they are pushed out the exit, and in the spaces between increments submit to a spin switch from CCW to CW and back. For the most efficient results all this should take place in the distance across a single stator magnet plus the width between increments. The third dimension and the fifth dimension must be, if not melded, alternated between. And the only way to do this is by splitting the electron Bloch Wall instantly between stator and armature, which also flips spin polarity from CCW to CW and back.

Methods of Switching Spin Polarity

The reason for staggering magnetic polarities of stator and/or armature increments is to provide a series of one-magnet mini tracks, each stator magnet pulling in and quickly expelling each armature magnet. One benefit of alternating magnetic polarities is the elimination of the height problem encountered with the linear track, because one magnetic polarity normally demands it be entered at a different level than the other magnetic polarity. The passage from a South polarity still changes the height requirement if the next magnet in line is also a South polarity, but it so happens that the new height requirement is just what the North polarity demands. But how do these simple statements result in actual spin polarity changes?

There are several ways to alter spin flux directions and perhaps in a later paper I’ll get into other techniques, but for now I’ll stay with the method that most illustrates the discussion leading up to this point. Basically, spin direction is be altered by bringing one magnet into conjunction with another. They need not touch but the union needs to be close. First decide which magnet is to be part of either the stator or the armature then pick an extra magnet that will not be included. The extra magnet can be held loose, but Even though it isn’t absolutely necessary, this magnet I’ve refered to as the extra magnet should be glued or taped to the end of a nonferrous stick just like the test magnet I first described

The idea is devilishly simple. Merely bring the extra magnet’s pole face to the pole faces of the stator, or at 90 degrees to armature magnets. It matters little which magnetic polarity is used but press S to S ever so briefly. If the first magnet is on a steel plate no more needs to be done. If the stator magnet is loose then both pole faces need to be treated in this fashion. After pressing S to S, hold the first magnet BY THE EDGES (the human magnetic field will screw up the process if the pole faces are touched by fingers). On the North pole face press the extra magnet S to N (try not to let them touch). If both pole faces are not treated then the first magnet will revert back to its normal condition in a matter of a few minutes. Unless the stator magnet is adhered to a ferrous metal both poles must be altered for results to hold in the new configuration.


The drawing above shows two ways to alter spin direction. The left illustration can be used as an armature held at 90 degrees. The drawing on the right can be thought of as the stator. In both cases B-1 is the extra magnet and the dotted line depiction of B-2 is the second position before removing B from A entirely.

To test the results of the treatment hold the extra magnet on a stick at 90 degrees above the changed magnet and slowly lower into the new flux field. At a certain distance above the altered magnet the extra magnet will show an inclination to twist in the other’s field either to the right or the left, CW or CCW (remember to hold it tightly enough so as not to lose it, but lightly enough to feel the direction it wishes to go) . If the test is done on a magnet stuck to a steel plate it should test as a (C) domain, twisting CCW at one edge, CW on the opposing edge, and straight ahead in the middle.


South will test CW or CCW depending on which direction the pole of the test magnet is facing. North will only test as a single spin twist in one direction, either CW or CCW. Notice in the illustration that the distance between magnets is greater in one case than it is in the other, and the basis for this difference is spin direction. Consider that if the left drawing is the obverse of the right drawing, and both test CCW then N will engage the field farther above the stator than S.

During one of my rare exposures to real scientists, or at least to folks who are more advanced in the sciences than me, a person who represented himself as a reducionist offered a suggestion that a form of gimbal might represent a good stand-alone tester of my spin domains. A gimbal would allow a test magnet to freely move in all directions, and for a moment this concept had appeal, until I considered the job it would have to perform. In order to function, I argued, the magnet mounted on a gimbal would have to be locked into the start direction, lowered into the field, and then at a precise height it would have to be triggered to unlock so as to twist on the multidirectional bushings. If the gimbaled magnet was left to move freely it would shift in one direction or the other long before it reached the proper height, thus skewing the test. I had already learned that the test magnet can alter the very spin flux for which it has to test.

Not only would the magnet on the gimbal need to be locked and then unlocked at the proper height, sort of cocked like the hammer on a single-action pistol, and then triggered, but the gimbal as a unit would have to be raised from the first chosen test position, relocked and lowered at every point within every domain and retriggered. This would not be an impossible task and it will probably even work to depict the domains, but at the time of this amended suggestion I had not yet been exposed to Norma’s lesson.

The idea of using such an altered gimbal (a simple version pictured above) as a non subjective test is certainly viable, but a more significant meaning totally escaped me at the time. Looking back, I see this as an odd case of recognizing the paper but not seeing the picture printed upon it. I failed to connect some very important dots.

Every time I’ve ever put a bearing on the end of a rod connected to an armature so that it would spin freely, and then lowered it into a stator field ... nothing happened! At least nothing is what I thought happened. After Norma’s little dancing nail on a string I had begun to pay attention to little things. One day, while again lowering an armature disk on the end of a bearing into a stator field, I thought I saw the disk move ever so slightly at a rather extreme height. It seemed to start to rotate, perhaps a degree or two, and then stopped. When it got within the range where in my hand it would normally spin, as usual, nothing happened. In an instant one more small revelation came upon me. That old gimbal suggestion united with Norma’s lesson and brilliantly lit the idea bulb.

It told me why the hand seems to interface with the machine!

It doesn’t intrude to add a quality.

It overrides natural interference!

Depending on the size and power the magnets, at a height of 4 or 5 inches the extended field of the stator is “felt” by the similarly extended field of the freely mounted armature. If the armature moves even slightly at this high point both the stator and armature fields reverse, or flip at least 90-degrees with one another. This in turn causes the distance between disks to collapse or expand depending on how the disks were first set up, which then significantly affects the expectations of the operator. Nothing happens at the expected point of spin because the armature spin position is either closer to or farther from the point at which it occurs when only the fingers control the axle rod. When the fingers hold the rod they do so with enough force to hold the disk rigid at the high point where the minute movement occurs. Held tightly by the end of the axle rod the disk is pushed without lateral movement through this unseen barrier, a kind of line of magnetic demarcation, until it reaches the spin position at which point the fingers go with the rotational motion of the disk imparted to it by the combined spin fields of stator and armature that have not changed their spin configurations.

I had long suspected the close proximity of a human being added a kind of quantum magic to the machine by altering the fields, but now a more mundane explanation presented itself. The human being’s hand seems to prevent the device from sabotaging its own premature inclination to spin by the initial physical force of the finger’s grip!

When the tiny movement happens flux spin values change between armature and stator. Magnetic South and North remain constant, but the armature spin flips so that it no longer matches stator spin and vice versa, and spin lines are no long recognizable. For instance, magnetic South, instead of having only one Block Wall electron spin for an entire array as it was in magnetic North, suddenly acquires one complete Block Wall Mobius type twist for each magnet in the stator array.

Dotted lines in right drawing denote magnet increments


It seems the configuration caused by the premature movement is actually more desirable in terms of force generated than the one from which it was changed. With this flux pattern spin occurs very close to the stator, plus there are more positions on the circle where an armature magnet is pulled in and pushed out in a single revolution of the armature disk. In the above illustration a two-magnet armature will receive 12 pulls and 12 pushes as opposed to the minimum of three magnets in North receiving only three of each.

Regardless of the number of magnets on any disk each magnet is treated the same in turn. One extra magnet will treat all the others. For instance, if the stator and armature disks each have six magnets:


The polarity treatment positions shown will set up the flux lines discussed in the preceding illustration, that is, all the stator magnets treated to an opposing pole from one extra magnet and all the armature magnets treated to an attracting pole. Since the magnets of both disks are alternated S/N the extra magnet will have to be inverted at each treatment position. If the treatment polarities are switched to stator attracting and armature opposing then to get back to the flux lines of the preceding illustration simply allow the overheight movement to occur.

The discovery of the spin polarity switch at the overweight position is probably the most important aspect of Norma’s contribution. It solved the human in the circuit problem by pointing out that a ferrous (iron) object was unaffected by this line of demarcation, whereas a MAGNETIC object is affected by crossing this line. In the models so far experimented with the line is about four and a half inches beyond the stator track*.

There are several other ways to come to these same flux patterns, and as earlier mentioned they will be dealt with during an expansion of this paper. Probably the simplest test device can be built along the lines shown in the below illustration. Note that the two armature magnets are seen facing CCW with alternating magnetic poles, but depending on factors like whether the stator is set on a steel plate or not they could be set S/S.


Such a two-magnet armature and a four-magnet stator should work quite nicely as a prototype model, which, when it spins, will be named, Norma.


* From the paper, The Rule of Four Point Five, by Nick Nelson.

( 2-25-04 Nick Nelson

March 5, 2004. Experimental research has strongly suggested that the Earth’s magnetic field may play a part in the functioning of a magnet motor. Disks do not seem to react to each other when placed together vertical to gravity, only when placed horizontally to the center of the Planet.

March 8, 2004. Subsequent experimenting has shown that there are really two magnetic lines of demarcation. The first, covered in this paper, occurs at 4.5 inches above the stator and needs to be traversed by the armature without lateral movement, but the second occurs much closer above the stator and here the armature must move laterally, and it must also be lowered into the stator field instantly after the first movement.


March 29, 2004.

A situation has occured in the research that shows the probability that the above March, 8th observation is correctable. The observation is correct, but any device need not follow its dictates. Below is a way to lock in spin values so that height limitations factors are overridden.



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