~@Ratings - Bombay Stock Exchange


Professional Risk Opinion

Dat e: September 16, 2019



The General Manager

The National Stock Exchange India Ltd.

The Corporate Relation Department

Listing Department

Bombay Stock Exchange Limited

Exchange Plaza

Phiroza Jee)eebhoy Towers

Sandra Kurla Complex

14"' Floor, Dalal Street

Sandra (East)

Mumbai 400 001

Mumbai 400 051

Scrip Code: 534804


Dear Sir/ Madam,

Sub: Corrigendum to the Annual Report of the 26'" Annual General Meeting.

We draw your kind attention towards our Annual Report for FY 2018-2019 alongwith Notice calling

the 26" Annual General Meeting of the Company to be held on Monday, the 30"' September, 2019

at Jasubhai Auditori um, Sri Shanmukhananda Fine Arts & Sangeetha Sabha, 6th Floor, 292 Harbanslvl

M arg, Sion {East), Mumbai - 400 022 at 2:00 p.m. sent through permitted mode on 3?? September,


This ls with regard t o the Corporate Governance Report annexed to the Director's Report dated

August 19, 2019 sent to the Members or the Company alone with the Notice dated August 19, 2019

for convening the 26"' Annual General Meeting of the Members of the Company,

In the said Corporate Governance Report under the head 2.2 [DJ " Remuneration Policy" on page no.

118 of the Annual Report, details of the one of directors regarding remuneration are missing. This Is

due to an error in printing of the Annual Report. The said missing details arc as follows:

Sr. No.


Name of Director


Mr. Adesh Kumar Gupta

Sitting Fees

13, 50,000

CARE Ratings Limited

(Formerly known as Credit Analysis & Resea.rch limited)

4? Floor, Godre j Colls.eurn. Somaiya HospU?l Road, Off Ea.s1ern bpreu Highway. Si-on (E), Mumbai¡¤ 400 022.

Tel.: ?91-22- 6754 3456 ? Fu, +91-22- 67S4 3457 ? cam?1;n9,.com ? CIN-L67 190MH1993PLC071691

All concerned are requested to read the above details under the head 2.2 [DJ " Remuneration

Polley" on page no. 118 of the Annua l Report as part of table "Remuneration to Directors".

We regret the Inconvenience caused to the Members and all other concerned In this regard.

Kindly note that this Corrigendum to the Annual report is being sent by email and also being

dispatched by post/courier (to those shareholders, whose email ids are not registered with the

Company) to all the members to whom the AGM Notice has been already sent, to the stock

exchanges where the Company's equity shares are listed as well as all other persons entitled to

recei)le such notice pursuant to t he provisions of section 101 of the Companies Act, 2013.

The Corrigendum to the Annual Report for the FY 2018-2019 of the 26th Annual General Meeting is

also available at the Company's website viz .

Pursuant to Regulation 47 {1) (d) read with 47 {3) of the SEBI (LODR) Regulations, 2015 we hereby

enclose copy of The.above Corrigendum as published In the Business Standard {English) and Mumbai

Lakshwadeep {M arathi) on 14th September, 2019

This is for your information and records.

Thanking you,

Yours faithfully,

For CARE Ratings Li mit ed

Navin Kumar Jain

Company Secretary & Compliance Officer

CARE Ratings Limited

(formerly known as Credit Analysis & Research limitod)

4? floor. Godr?J Colls.eum. Somaiya. Hospital R.o,1d. Off Ewern Express Hi9.hway. Sion (?), Mumbal ? 400 022.

Tela+91 -22- 6754 3456 ? Fu:+91-22-022 6754 3457 ? u.remlng$.com ? O N,l67190MH1993PLC071691






CARE Ratings Limited


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