FIRST GRADE READ ALOUDS - Kings Park High School


Star Jumper (Series)[pic] Asch, Frank

This is the journal of a cardboard genius, Alex, who has a little brother who annoys him to the point that he decides to build a star ship (out of cardboard, it really works) so he can move to a different planet.

The End of the Beginning[pic] Avi

If you like Winnie the Pooh, or The Little Prince, you'll probably like this story, about a voyage of a snail and an ant on a branch of a tree. It is full of the philosophy that your kids will find humorous, but you will recognize as deep.

The Magical Ms. Plum[pic] Becker, Bonny

Each time a child in Ms. Plum's class needs to learn a lesson, she sends them to fetch an item from her magical closet. An animal always follows the child and somehow, the lesson is learned. The book is original, though it reminds me a bit of Wayside Stories.

Soupy Saturdays with the Pain and the Great One[pic] Blume, Judy

The Great One is the older sister, while Pain is the younger brother. This early chapter book tells growing up stories of these two siblings. The first person point of view changes, depending on the chapter, between the two siblings.

Space Brat 1: Space Brat[pic] Coville, Bruce

This is the first book in the Space Brat series. Blork is an alien from the planet Splat, who has the best tantrums in the universe. He desperately tries to avoid erupting in a tantrum, but in the end, his tantrums are what saves him. The Space Brat series is a good introduction to science fiction for a preschooler.

Charlie and the Chocolate Factory [pic]Dahl, Roald

A great book for beginning read-aloud chapter books. Charlie wins a ticket to visit the most spectacular chocolate factory in the world.

James and the Giant Peach[pic] Dahl, Roald

A great book for beginning read-aloud chapter books. James escapes from a wretched life (being raised by his two aunts) in a giant peach, along with some rather large, but friendly, insects.

Amber Brown (Series)[pic] Danziger, Paula

Amber Brown is an imaginative third grader. In the first book, Amber Brown is not a Crayon, Amber deals with the issue of a best friend moving away.

Horace Splattly: The Cupcaked Crusader (Series)[pic] David, Lawrence

One way you can tell how much your kids like a book is how loud they cry when you close the book and announce bedtime. This book is exciting enough to elicit protests. It is exciting, action packed with a super hero, but mild enough to read to a young one. Each book contains a mystery that the listener can try to figure out (it is pretty obvious to the adult reader).

Aliens for Breakfast (Series)[pic] Etra, Jonathan

An (good) alien arrives in Richard's morning cereal box and helps him save the world from an evil alien.

Fox Eyes[pic] Gerstein, Mordicai

A story about how a boy and a fox trade places for a little while.

Pee-Wee's Tale[pic] Hurwitz, Johanna

Pee-Wee, a pet guinea pig, is abandoned by his (human) family to live in Central Park. He befriends a squirrel named Lexi. Pee-Wee is a special guinea pig: he taught himself to read English. The story is a little on the slow side, but that makes it all the better for bedtime.

Gooney Bird Greene (Series)[pic] Lowry, Lois

A fun to read book about a feisty second grader.

Stink (Series)[pic] McDonald, Megan

[pic]Stink is a second grader, younger brother to Judy Moody, who has her own series (see the kindergarten chapter book list). I personally like the Stink character more than his older sister. Maybe it's because of all the mean things Judy does to him.

Captain Underpants (Series)[pic] Pilkey, Dav

If you know any little boys (or girls) or don't like listening (or reading) books, Captain Underpants is the book for them. Two boys distribute their Captain Underpants comic book. They get in serious trouble with the meanest principal. It turns out, that after hypnosis, the principal becomes a real Captain Underpants. He shoots bad guys by rubberbanding his underwear. So far I have read four books: my favorite is Professor Poopy Pants. Both you and your child will be laughing hysterically. Be sure to read this to girls also. Girls like adventure books also.

The Absent Author (A to Z Mysteries Series)[pic] Roy, Ron

A to Z Mysteries is a series of 26 little mystery books. The detectives are three kids who are very perseverant. As adult, I don't usually read mysteries, but for the child listener, they are like simple puzzles: can the child figure out the mystery? As you read this book to them, ask them questions about different clues. See if they can solve the mystery.


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