CFI-Letterhead Template

INTRODUCTORY FORMThe information requested for the initial meeting is confidential and will not be provided to any outside parties. If necessary, attach extra pages for further explanation. Time will be spent clarifying information during the interview session. This is a Microsoft Word document that can be filled out on your computer. After you and your spouse have completed this form, please email it to Karen@. BACKGROUND INFORMATIONClient Name:Spouse Name:Marital Status:Today’s Date:Client Date of Birth:Client US Citizen:Spouse Date of Birth:Spouse US Citizen:Client Phone # (C-W-H)Client Phone # (C-W-H)Spouse Phone # (C-W-H)Spouse Phone # (C-W-H)Address:Client Email Address:Spouse Email Address:Client’s Employer:Spouse’s Employer:Client Previously Married?Spouse Previously Married?Hobbies:Preferred method of contact (email or phone):CHILDREN AND OTHER DEPENDENTSAnswer belowInformation#1#2#3#4#5NameRelationshipDate of BirthHealthLiving with YouMarital StatusCollege Planned# of GrandchildrenAREAS OF CONCERNPlease examine the following statements as they reflect your concerns about a financial issue. Note that you can check none, one or multiple points for each question. If no boxes in a section are checked, it will be assumed that this topic is being handled sufficiently. 1 – How would you describe your estate planning?I have the following documents (please circle): wills, property powers of attorney, health care powers of attorney, and trusts.It has been at least 5 years, if at all, since I last met with my estate lawyer. If I would become incapacitated, I worry about who would make financial and health care decisions for me.I have a child that is a spend-thrift, substance abuser, or has special needs. I am uncertain how best to protect him/her.If I would pass, I wonder what would happen to my children under age 18.I have not made any provision to reduce potential estate taxes at my (or my spouse’s) death.I am unsure whether I need a trust or if a will is sufficient.2 – How would you describe your insurance planning?I am concerned whether my overall present insurance coverage is sufficient to take care of my family in the event of my death or disability.It has been at least five years since I last met with my insurance agent.I am interested in knowing how much life insurance is reasonable.I need help in determining if I should purchase disability insurance. I want to know if long term care insurance makes sense at this time.I do not have umbrella liability insurance and want to know if I should.As a business owner I have not addressed what would happen if I should pass away or become disabled.3 – How would you describe your cash flow?I do not have any idea as to how much I spend.My late spouse/parents handled budgeting and I am having a difficult time with this.I have credit card debt that is not paid off every month.I have difficulty converting my income into net worth.I may have insufficient funds if an emergency would arise.I am not certain as to how the funding problems with Social Security and pensions will affect me.Upcoming changes in my life (i.e. divorce, college for children, and retirement) will affect me financially.I am anticipating large expenses within the next five years (e.g.-second home, wedding).I am not certain how cash flow will change (e.g.-medical expenses) when I enter retirement.4 – How would you describe your portfolio review and asset allocation?It has been a long time since I reviewed my investment portfolio.I am not sure if my investments are diversified properly.I am not certain as to what should be a reasonable expected rate of return.My late spouse/parents handled investing and I am having a difficult time handling this.I am willing to take chances with my investments to get where I need to be.I have a retirement plan at work and do not know if I have chosen the best options available.I have company stock in my 401(k) and wonder about a partial rollover to an Individual Retirement Account (IRA).I wish to keep my accounts where they are, but I am looking for a professional to assist me in making recommendations for my assets.I wish to move my accounts and am looking for a professional to actively manage my assets.5 – How would you describe your retirement planning?I am not sure if the amount I am saving for retirement will be sufficient to let me continue my present lifestyle.I am ready to retire but worried that I may not have fully considered the impact medical expenses will have on my retirement.I am confused as to what age is best to access my Social Security.I am ready to make some imminent retirement decisions and don’t know what to do with my pension options or 401(k) choices.I am retired and want to know how my asset base is holding up against my spending needs.I am retired now and feel it is time to rollover my retirement accounts from my former employer.I am concerned about the amount of taxes I will have to pay when I am forced into taking distributions from my IRAs and other retirement plans.6 – How are you planning for others?I have college bound children and need to set up a plan to save for their education.I want to know the different funding options available for higher education.I have college money saved and wonder if I have invested it wisely.I am concerned about providing assistance for my parents as they get older.I have a special needs child who will require assistance after I am gone.7 – If you own a business, how would you describe your business planning?I have a business succession plan to transfer ownership and control at my retirement or death.I am worried what would happen to my business if I were to be incapacitated for either a short or long period of time.I am worried about having too much money tied up in my business, which is a substantial part of my net worth.8 – How committed are you to taking action on the above listed issues?The situation is urgent, and I need to move now.I have some time, but need to take action in the not too distant future.I have a large amount of time to address these issues.Nothing is pressing right now. I am MENTSAnswer in detailWhat do you hope to gain from your relationship with Contour Financial?What attributes do you look for in a financial advisor?Have you ever been dissatisfied with a financial advisor? Have you ever been or are you now involved in any litigation with a financial planner/investment manager?Any other comments? ................

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