How To Turn $20 Into $100K Trading Crypto Currency

[Pages:19]How To Turn $20 Into $100K Trading Crypto Currency

In this video I will explain to you how to turn $20 into $100K trading crypto in a few months. But before I begin, please understand that at any given time there is no "single" coin to trade. The reason for this is because the market is fluid and the "super profitable and explosive coin" at the time will change according to market fluctuations and news. But the good news is that we have given you software that updates regularly and reacts to the market in real time for you to find the "single best coin" for short term trading explosive profits. The software you have access to is Volume Hunter and it automatically filters out the coins that are pumping in price and volume right at this moment for you to conduct a trade.

1. The secret to insane ROI is understanding and exploiting the power of both compounding and simple interest

A lot of people trading crypto often mix up the usage of compounding interest and simple interest, which often confuses newbies. For example, someone might say they received 50,000% ROI in a few months.

What a lot of them do not tell you that this 50,000% ROI is the simple interest return after they have used the power of COMPOUNDING INTEREST to get there. Now without going into too much detail about the difference between simple and compounding interest, let us use the following diagram below to demonstrate our point.

Look at this image. It shows you how simple interest works. For example, if you have $100 after one year at a 50% increase, the next year you're going to get $150.

So what's the ROI? It's $150 / $100 = 1.5 That is you got a 150% return on investment in simple interest. Now what if you were able to get 50% compounding interest fort two years after that? This is what it'd look like.

For example, if you have $100 after one year at a 50% increase, the next year you're going to get $150.

In the 2nd year, the $150 you have at a 50% compounding interest increase will mean that you're going to get $225. In the 3rd year, the $225 you have at a 50% compounding interest increase will mean that you're going to get $337.50.

So compounding at 50% increments for 3 years results in your $100 turning into $337.50.

So what's the ROI in simple interest?

It's $337.50 / $100 = 3.375

That is you got a 337.50 % return on investment in simple interest if you compounded at 50% a year for 3 years.

Now that you can see the power of compounding interest and how it differs from simple interest, next we need to understand one more thing.

There is no other market as volatile as the crypto market.

The markets are extremely volatile and it's not uncommon to see 20% to 100% increases or decreases in value in just 24 hours.

So if you compare the crypto to the real estate or stock market, the opportunities for you to make money and exploit the power of compounding interest is shortened from years, to mere DAYS!

If you're talking about traditional assets, such as stocks, bonds, real estate or anything else, all of them talk about growth in terms of years.

The reason because of this is because the daily fluctuation in prices isn't that obvious and you would have to wait for maybe 365 days to get 5% to 10% increases or decrease in normal conditions.

But when it comes to crypto trading, you can get 10 times the price fluctuation at a pace that is 365 times faster!

Because we actually see daily, price fluctuations in crypto going up or down 10% to 100% in a few days or weeks.

So if you know what you're doing, trading the crypto market for a few days or weeks equates to trading the stock market for a couple of decades!

Let me repeat that again. A few days and weeks of trading crypto sometimes equates to years or decades of trading the stock market!

That is why you need to be less greedy and be more patient.

For example, good and successful day traders that I know target a 5% gain a day on average.

It doesn't mean they make 5% everyday, it means sometimes they make more than 5% and other days less than 5%, but it does mean overall at the end of the month if after losses they are making 5% a day, this is what they are aiming for.

Now this doesn't sound like a lot, except when you realize compounding interest of 5% a day here are the results over a period of time:

After 1 month it gives you an overall return of 400%+.

After 2 months it gives you an overall return of 1800%+.

After 3 months it gives you a return of 8,000%+.

After 4 months it gives you a return of 34,891%+.

That is why you hear of crazy returns when people trade crypto because of daily you can compound your increases in portfolio at staggering rates.

You no longer need to wait a year to see a 5% to 10% increase in your investment.

It could happen in mere days or sometimes a few hours.

Use Volume Hunter to Make You Money!

Now the next question is, how do you find all these coins that are increasing at 5% or more?

I mean, the crypto market has days where no coins are increasing in value, especially during the bear markets, right?


Using our one of a kind software Volume Hunter that you get access to as a paid member of our institute, we do the hard work for you.

Yup, every single day there are coins in the market that are pumping and making good money for people holding it!

Every day, Volume Hunter scans the market for you finding coins that are increasing in value in both price and transaction volume.

This will make sure that when you do see a coin pump, it is a long term pump and the prices will remain high enough for you to ride the pump to get your daily increase target.

Click here to see how to use Volume Hunter to find you coins daily that help you achieve the 5% profit target.

However, if day trading isn't your thing and it's not your style, don't worry, there are other ways to make insane returns in the crypto market. Let me list out to you the other high probability ways to exploit the power of compounding interest in crypto in your favor. They are:

1. Fundamental investing 2. Pumping and Dumping 3. ICOs and Presales 4. Compounding on consecutive trades.

2. Fundamental investing

This is when you look for a coin with low market capitalization and that is severely undervalued. How do you determine if a coin is severely undervalued? Well here are the most common things to look out for.

a. Making sure the coin has a market small market cap under, anything under $200 million has potential to go 10X or even more.

b. Good adoption in other countries but have poor marketing. For example, there are many Chinese coins with good adoption already in the Chinese market but with poor marketing in the west. Coins like Vechain or NEO were unheard of in the west, but they had super strong reputations within China before. So as soon as they were listed on a relatively large exchange they exploded in value. Going up 50X within 2 months for Vechain from 20 cents in December 2017 to its peak of $9 in January.

c. Adoption probability ? It is no secret that 80% of the coins in the market won't be around in 5 years' time. Why? Because most of them won't be commercially viable and do not have strong business fundamentals at its core. Some coins not only already have existing partnerships with real businesses but these partnerships also mean that there is a high chance of adoption. Vechain is another good example of this, it is already has existing partnerships with the Chinese national government, DNVGL and Price Waterhouse Coopers to name a few. This means the adoption of the technology will be guaranteed and widespread in the very close future.

d. Not yet listed on a popular exchange ? When a relatively unknown coin lists on a larger exchange, it normally explodes in value as demand will outpace the number of people willing to sell the coin.

e. The coin itself has exponential functions ? Protocols coins that lay the foundation for which other projects are built off generally are worth the most. For example, without Ethereum 90% of the new coins on the market wouldn't exist. That is why it went from $8 in January 2017 to peaking at $1400 in less than one year, because the vast majority of the coins out there are built off Ethereum's ERC20 technology.

f. Rebranding events ? there has been a trend in crypto currency when a coin rebrands the coin value skyrockets significantly. This is usually because when a coin rebrands it is because the fundamentals behind the coin is expanded and the project will become more ambitious, thus it is more likely to be profitable in the future. For example, NEO before the their rebrand was a coin known as Antshares and it was less than $10, but after the rebrand it shot to a peak of over $170 in less than a year.

3. Pump and Dump Groups

Just a word of warning, these pump and dump groups are high risk in nature because you're dealing with people who are actively trying to manipulate the price of a coin. So you need to understand that although return are high, so are the risks. When you join a pump and dump group, the goal of the group is to push up the price of a super small cap coin. These coins normally have a small market capitalization of less than $10 million. This normally means daily trading volume and prices can be pushed by one or two individuals or a small group of people. Because the coins that these groups target have such small market cap, maybe the daily trade volume of the coin itself would be less than $300,000 a day. So that means if the group you are in is able to purchase collectively between yourself enough coins more than the average trading volume, then it will most likely result in a price increase. When there is a price increase the hope is that other participants in this market who are not in these pump and dump groups, will see that the price of this coin is rising, and they'll jump on board hoping to ride the pump.


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