Making Money Work For You

Post Program Questionnaire

To assist the University of New Hampshire Cooperative Extension in evaluating the effectiveness of this program and in designing new programs, we are asking you to take a few minutes to answer the following confidential questions. Your answers are very important to our on-going efforts to make our educational programs as useful as possible. Neither your name nor any other information that may identify you personally will be included in any public summary or report of responses to these questions. THANK YOU!

1. (a) I/we found the workshop valuable. ___YES ___NO ; (b) The workbook helpful. ____YES ___NO

|2. Please check if you currently : |Have |Opened/New |Added To Existing |Don’t Have |

|a. Checking or NOW Account | | | | |

|b. Emergency Fund | | | | |

|c. Savings Account/Money Market/IDA Account | | | | |

|d. Retirement Plan (Not provided by employer) | | | | |

|e. Retirement Plan (Provided by Employer) | | | | |

|f. Stocks/Bonds/Mutual Funds | | | | |

|3. Please check the box that best describes what you have done as a |Accomplished Before |Plan To Work On|Don’t Plan |Currently |Accomplished During |

|result of this workshop: |The Workshop |This |To Do This |Working On This |This Workshop |

|Set up a system for storing financial records | | | | | |

|Prepared a household inventory | | | | | |

|Calculated a net worth statement | | | | | |

|Established an emergency fund | | | | | |

|Reduced money leaks | | | | | |

|Followed a spending plan (budget) | | | | | |

|Reviewed/changed insurance coverage | | | | | |

|Saving on a regular basis | | | | | |

|Obtained a copy of my credit report | | | | | |

|Managed credit use/reduced debt | | | | | |

|Participated in an employer retirement plan | | | | | |

|Determined retirement/future income need | | | | | |

|Developed a plan to achieve retirement and/or future income goals | | | | | |

|4. As a result of participation in this workshop, |Very Dissatisfied |Somewhat |Undecided |Somewhat |Very Satisfied|

|please place a check in the box that best | |Dissatisfied | |Satisfied | |

|describes how satisfied you are with: | | | | | |

|The money available for household emergencies | | | | | |

|Your current level of savings | | | | | |

|The amount of money owed | | | | | |

| Insurance protection (in general) | | | | | |

|Knowing the difference between needs & wants | | | | | |

|The steps being taken to reduce debt | | | | | |

|Your ability to stretch a dollar | | | | | |

|The way money is handled in the household | | | | | |

| 5. Please place a check in the box that best | | | | | |

|describes your household since taking this |Never |Seldom |Half The Time |Often |Always |

|workshop: | | | | | |

| Run out of money before the end of the month | | | | | |

| Talk with household members about money | | | | | |

| Pay bills late | | | | | |

| Am confident that goals can be achieved | | | | | |

| Keep track of spending | | | | | |

| Set aside money for retirement | | | | | |

| Am confident about setting goals | | | | | |

| Pay credit card balances in full | | | | | |

| Follow a spending/savings plan (budget) | | | | | |

| Pay more than the minimum credit card payment | | | | | |

| Am anxious about the financial situation | | | | | |

| Save or invest regularly | | | | | |

|m. Have arguments about money | | | | | |

|n. Use a system for paying bills on time | | | | | |

| Am confident making decisions about money | | | | | |

| Buy only things I need or planned ahead to buy | | | | | |

|Balance the checkbook | | | | | |

6. What is one success story you would like to share with us as a result of taking this workshop?

7. How much do you have in savings not for retirement? Please specify amount $___________

8. How much do you have in retirement savings? Please specify amount $___________

9. How much is your total credit card debt? Please specify amount $___________

10. Since taking this workshop, you have:

a.) increased savings/investing? ___No ___Yes How much? $ __________/month

b.) decreased credit card debt? ___No ___Yes How much? $ __________/month

c.) reduced or limited credit card use? ___No ___Yes

d.) increased money management skills? ___No ___Yes

11. Have you shared information gained from this workshop series with others? ____Yes ____No

If yes, how many ________ Would you recommend this program to others? ____Yes ____No

12. I was referred to this program by or am attending because of :

____ a. UNH CE contact ____ b. Academy/Diversion ____ c. IDA ____ d. Other (please explain below)


Thank You!





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