CASE 0:19-cv-00656 Document 1 Filed 03/12/19 Page 1 of 19




) Case No. 0:19-cv-00656



















and NELSON INZ, in his official capacity as )

Chairperson of the Minneapolis Board of )





INTRODUCTION 1. The Minneapolis Public School District spends tens of millions of dollars each year to build new schools and service schools it currently owns. In so doing, the district demands that non-union (merit-shop) contractors accede to union-only project labor agreements. Those agreements force contractors to hire workers from union hiring halls in lieu of their own employees, and pay into benefit funds that, in light of lengthy vesting periods, often benefit the signatory unions over the contractors' employees. 2. A contractor that does not agree to these terms cannot work on a project covered by a project labor agreement, even if the contractor submits the lowest bid. If a public entity like the Minneapolis Public School District required Republican contractors to hire workers from Democratic hiring halls, or establish a fund to benefit the Democratic

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Party in order to work on a project, there is no doubt that the requirement would violate the First and Fourteenth Amendments to the United States Constitution. The district's discrimination against merit-shop contractors and their employees is no less unconstitutional.

3. Plaintiff Associated Builders and Contractors, Minnesota/North Dakota Chapter (Minnesota ABC) is a statewide professional trade organization representing the interests of 350 construction-related firms and 22,000 employees. Minnesota ABC brings this lawsuit to further its mission and to vindicate the constitutional rights of affected members. Minnesota ABC's mission is to promote and defend the merit shop philosophy, which encourages open competition and a free-enterprise approach to construction based solely on merit, regardless of labor affiliation. Plaintiff Laketown Electric is a familyowned business that has served Minnesotans since 1975. One of the fastest growing companies in Minnesota, Laketown would like to serve those in the Minneapolis Public School District without having to first agree to a union-negotiated project labor agreement.

JURISDICTION AND VENUE 4. Plaintiffs bring this civil rights lawsuit pursuant to 42 U.S.C. ? 1983, for the violation of rights secured by the First and Fourteenth Amendments to the United States Constitution. This Court has jurisdiction over these federal claims under 28 U.S.C. ?? 1331 (federal question) and 1343(a) (redress for deprivation of civil rights). Declaratory relief is authorized by the Declaratory Judgment Act, 28 U.S.C. ?? 2201-2202.

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5. Venue is proper in this Court under 28 U.S.C. ? 1391(b)(2) on the ground that a substantial part of the acts giving rise to Plaintiffs' claims have occurred or will occur in Minnesota.

6. Venue in this Division is proper under 28 U.S.C. ? 103(3) on the ground that a substantial part of the acts giving rise to Plaintiffs' claims have occurred or will occur in Hennepin County, Minnesota.

PARTIES Plaintiffs

7. Plaintiff Associated Builders and Contractors, Minnesota/North Dakota Chapter (Minnesota ABC) is a professional trade organization that represents merit-shop construction firms and employees in Minneapolis and elsewhere in Minnesota.

8. Minnesota ABC's mission is to provide the best training, government and legal representation, and programs to ensure members a competitive advantage, and ensure that construction projects are awarded to the most qualified and responsible low bidders. Minnesota ABC has several members who are willing and able to submit bids and work on projects covered by project labor agreements to which the District is a party.

9. Minnesota ABC has had to devote significant resources to counteracting the project labor agreement provisions challenged herein, and similar project labor agreements across Minnesota. Minnesota ABC has actively opposed project labor agreements for years, and has advocated against four project labor agreements in the last three years.

10. Plaintiff Laketown Electric Corporation is a family-owned business based in Waconia, Minnesota. Laketown Electric was founded in 1975 and currently employs over

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100 employees. Laketown Electric specializes in electrical service. It constructs and maintains healthcare facilities, commercial buildings, food processing, automation, manufacturing, education, underground projects, and generator systems across Minnesota.

11. Laketown Electric is a merit-shop contractor. Laketown has worked on several projects that are similar in size and scope to the projects covered by project labor agreements in the Minneapolis Public School District. It is willing and able to bid on ongoing and anticipated projects that have incorporated the provisions of the 2004 project labor agreement, and would do so if those projects were not covered by such agreements. Defendants

12. Defendant Minneapolis Public Schools, Special School District No. 1, is a school district that covers Minneapolis, Minnesota.

13. Minneapolis Public Schools spend over $66 million per year on contracted services, which include building new facilities and servicing the 75 buildings that Minneapolis Public School District currently owns.

14. Defendant Nelson Inz is Chairperson of the Minneapolis Board of Education. The Minneapolis Board of Education is a policymaking body responsible for overseeing the District's budget, curriculum, personnel, and facilities. The school board is granted authority to carry out these duties by the State of Minnesota and the Minnesota Legislature. The Chairperson's duties include the duty to execute contracts, such as project labor agreements. Mr. Inz is sued in his official capacity.

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FACTUAL ALLEGATIONS Project Labor Agreements

15. A project labor agreement is an agreement negotiated between a construction project owner and a labor union that a contractor must agree to in order to perform work on a project.

16. Project labor agreements are incorporated into construction contracts and govern the terms of employment for subsequent construction on the project.

17. Project labor agreements are negotiated before employees vote on union representation.

18. Project labor agreements are negotiated before the contractor hires any worker to work on that project.

19. Project labor agreements require contractors to agree to the terms of the agreement before bidding on a contract. Among other things, contractors must agree to perform work in accordance with work rules established by the signatory union.

20. A project labor agreement is considered a part of a bid specification. Nonunion contractors who submit the lowest bid cannot work on a project covered by a project labor agreement if they do not agree to the terms of the project labor agreement.

21. Project labor agreements increase the costs of projects. A study published by Paul Bachman and David G. Tuerck in May 2017 found that project labor agreements increased the cost of school construction in Ohio by $23.12 per square foot.

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