Welcome to Florida Avenue Elementary!

Florida Avenue ElementaryHome ConnectionHandbook2020-2021139065012573000“Guiding Students Along the Avenue of Learning Every Day”342 Florida AvenueSlidell, LA 70458985-643-1605WebSite: Principal – Kimberley BurgoyneKimberley.burgoyne@Assistant Principal – Ann CookAnn.cook@Cafeteria Manager – Kathy ColemanKathy.coleman@Librarian – Tashia ArroyoTashia.arroyo@Counselor – Kathy WardKathy.ward@MHP – Briana DeyBriana.dey@RHT – Terri PicouTerri.picou@Bookkeeper – Yolonda BalancierYolonda.balancier@Student Services – Debra Robertson Debra.Robertson@Student Services – Justine LamarqueMary.lamarque@Fax Number: 985-641-2917Cafeteria Number: 985-607-5527Guiding Students Along the Avenue of Learning Every day!Florida Avenue Elementary 342 Florida Avenue Slidell, Louisiana 70458Phone: 985-643-1605Fax: 985-641-2917Dear Parents and Caregivers,Despite the challenges we know we will all face, we are excited about welcoming our students back to school next week. We have developed a plan that we are confident will keep our students and staff members as safe as possible while ensuring that high quality teaching and learning takes place.The following resources will help ensure a smooth first day of school:When students arrive on campus on the first day, they will report directly to their homeroom teacher. Your child will either be dropped off in car line or from the bus and report directly to their homeroom. Breakfast will be served in the classroom. Beginning September 30, 2020, PK-6th grade students will attend school EVERY DAY. FAQs concerning general school information as well as questions specific to Covid-19 are posted on the STPPS web page. visit our web page for FAE information. : Only essential visitors will be allowed on campus. The first day of school, you will need to drop your child off in car line. We will have staff throughout the campus to help your child get to homeroom classroom. Please know that the FAE administration, faculty and staff take the safety of your child very seriously. If you have any questions or concerns, please email me at kimberley.burgoyne@ or call the school office at 985-643-1605.Sincerely,Kimberley BurgoyneVision StatementAt Florida Avenue Elementary we will reach our full potential, lead productive lives, and be a positive influence on others.Mission StatementOur mission at Florida Avenue Elementary is to prepare each child individually in a disciplined and caring environment that offers mutual respect for all stakeholders. We encourage independent learning by striving to develop, reinforce, and expand academics, as well as, fostering positive moral and social values across the spectrum.Student PledgeI pledge to show my respect by listening to others, Using my hands for helping, Caring about others feelings, And being responsible for what I say and do,I am in school to learnPlease refer to STPPS website for COVID Procedures and Information: Avenue follows the STPPS District Handbook for Students and Parents:AdmissionsDisciplineAttendancePromotion and Retention Report Card Policy districthandbookRegistration Information can be found on the STPPS web pageInformation to be Completed at the Beginning of Each School YearEmergency CardCar Line/Walker LetterRelease of Student Information Consent Form STPPS Student Instructional Technology Use Agreement Truancy Notification LetterLouisiana Student Residency Questionnaire Parental Consent to seek Medicaid Reimbursement Chromebook Responsible Use PolicyMeal Application: HoursOffice Hours:7:30 a.m. - 3:30 p.m.School Hours:8:00 a.m. - 3:01 p.m.First Bell 7:30School Begins 8:00School begins promptly at 8:00a.m. Children can begin arriving after 7:30 a.m. each day no earlier unless attending our Before Care Program. At that time, teachers are on duty to supervise students. For your child’s safety, do not bring your child to school or have them walk to school before 7:30 a.m. Any student dropped off before 7:30 will be sent to Before Care and be expected to pay drop in fees. All students arriving after 8:10 a.m. are tardy and must check in at the office with an adult. Dismissal begins at 3:01 p.m. Students walking or riding bicycles should leave campus promptly. All students going home by car should be picked up no later than 3:15 p.m. If at dismissal a child is to go anywhere other than home on their normal daily route, a written notice must be sent to his/her teacher by the child’s parent/guardian and approved by an administrator. The school will not make any transportation changes after 2:30 p.m.Lunch Schedule:Kindergarten & First Grade 10:55 – 11:15Second Grade & Third Grade 11:30 – 11:50Sixth Grade & Pre-K 11:55 – 12:15Fourth Grade & Fifth Grade 12:20 – 12:40**Due to Covid Restrictions, please check with your homeroom teacher for lunch schedule Bus Service Call the Transportation Department, 898-3373, with questions regarding bus routes, stops, and times.For the safety of your child and everyone on the bus, security cameras are present and appropriate bus behavior will be strictly enforced. Students are expected to always:Remain seated facing the front of the bus.Keep their hands and feet to themselves and inside the bus.Talk in a respectful low (normal) tone of voice.Use only the bus and bus stop assigned.Bus Transportation Bus routes and stops are planned and established by the St. Tammany Parish School Board Transportation Department. Parents can click on School Bus Routes on our website under the Stay Informed link or on the St. Tammany website home page, to find bus routes, bus driver contact information, and bus stop locations . Due to COVID-19 safety protocols, students are not allowed to ride a different bus to school or back home at this time. Students who ride a bus are expected to follow behavior guidelines, which are posted on each bus. The bus driver will also send home a flyer with additional information. The form on the flyer must be completed and signed by a parent or guardian. Students should be at their designated bus stop 10 minutes prior to pick-up time. Students are not allowed to be dropped off at a different bus stop by their parent/guardian. They must catch the bus at their assigned stop only. Students cannot be dropped off at a stop other than at the stop nearest to their home. Students who are found to be dropped off at a stop that is not their place of residence and are picked up by parent/guardian in a vehicle will be reported to transportation and Child Welfare and Attendance. Safety is always our number one concern.Car Riders Drop off and pick up procedures for car riders and walkers:Our drop off and pick up line forms on Sixth Street and Florida Avenue. You will need to enter Sixth Street from Michigan Avenue. Sixth Street is one way during school hours entering from Gause Blvd. If you are a car rider, please notify your teacher. We will send home signage for you to display for car line. YOU MUST HAVE THIS SIGN DISPLAYED OR WE WILL ASK THAT YOU PULL IN AND CHECK OUT CHILD. The signage will help the car line run smooth and quickly. Students may be dropped off beginning at 7:30. Any child dropped off before 7:30 will be sent to Before Care and charged appropriate fees. Students cannot be dropped off before 7:30 or before the car line duty team is outside. Due to social distancing concerns, students being picked up in the afternoon will wait in the classrooms for their name to be called and will then come out and wait at a designated spot. During Safe Start week, we will be sending your child to car line with the car line sign. We will continue the walker pick up from Room l06. You will need to follow social distancing guidelines and stay six feet apart from other parents and wear a mask for the pick-up at the door. ***Please note, if you are picking up your child at the door, you must not park on the street or block the car line. You will need to park in back parking lot, wait for your child near the trees. Bicycle SafetyReview bicycle safety with your child and remind him/her to wear a bike helmet and obey all traffic regulations when traveling to and from school. Students are to enter the campus no earlier than 7:30 on Florida Avenue side and park in the bicycle rack in back parking lot on Florida Avenue. They are to stay off of the road in the front of the school. Traffic is heaviest in this area. Students will walk their bikes while on sidewalks and paths on campus. The school assumes no responsibility for bicycles. Cafeteria The meals served daily are nutritionally balanced and meet one-third of the daily minimum nutrition requirements.? We strongly urge you to take advantage of the school lunch program.? Collection procedures are as follows:???? All meals will be paid for in advance.? There are no meal charges.???? Breakfast and lunch money should be sent in an envelope and labeled as follows:??????????? ????? Name of student??????????? ????? Amount of money??????????? ????? Teacher’s name???? Payment should be by check payable to Florida Avenue Elementary.? You can also pay this online on MyPayments Plus, which can be found on the St. Tammany Parish School Board website.???? $ 0.50 should be paid at the time of purchase for extra milk or bottle water.???? Breakfast Prices???? Reduced $0.30???? Paid Students $0.75???? Guest $2.25???? Lunch Prices???? Reduced $0.40???? Paid Students $1.30???? Guest $4.75Please contact the cafeteria manager, Mrs. Kathy Coleman, at 985-605-5527 between the hours of 6:30 a.m. and 2:30 p.m. if you have any questions.? Fast food, canned and/or bottled drinks, and toys are not allowed in the cafeteria.School closings and STPPS information Occasionally, schools or a school may need to close due to an emergency. Notification of emergency closings is given as soon as possible to parents and caretakers. Notifications about closings and re-openings are made through recorded emergency phone calls, the School System website, , the School System mobile app, STPPS Facebook and Twitter accounts and the local media. In cases of potential severe weather, School System officials are in constant communication with the National Weather Service, St. Tammany Parish Emergency Preparedness officials, and Superintendents around the region to make decisions about school closings. Even with the assistance of these officials, weather conditions are often impossible to predict. During severe weather conditions, School System officials must try to decide what is best for the district’s students and employees.Please check the school board website . You can download the STPPS app for updates and notifications. Before and After Care Child Care is available before school beginning at 6:00 a.m. The cost of this service is $35.00 per week. After School Care begins at 3:15 and continues until 6:00 p.m. After Care cost is $55.00 per week. If both services are used the total cost is $65.00. The program is available to full time participants only and enrollment is limited. All Child Care participants must be registered through the office and payment must be made in advance. A $25 non-refundable registration fee must be paid before your child can attend Before/After care ($10 per child for each additional child being registered). Packets are available in the front office. Conferences Parent conferences are encouraged and can be arranged at any time during the school year. To request a conference with a teacher, call the school office (643-1605) or email the teacher on her school email account to set up an appointment. The School Building Level Committee (SBLC)The SBLC’s mission is to develop appropriate intervention plans for students through a cooperative, collaborative team effort. SBLC strives to help students become successful in school in order to meet their educational and life goals.Counselor and Mental Health Provider (MHP)Guidance and Counseling services are available to help our children become aware of their abilities, aptitudes, interests, and attitudes. The school counselors can assist in the following areas:to help children develop to their fullest potentialto help children maximize their self-esteemto provide opportunities for problem solving, etc.Please call our school counselor if you feel your child could benefit from this service.Counselor – Kathy WardKathy.ward@MHP – Briana DeyBriana.dey@EMERGENCY INFORMATIONEach student is required to have an emergency sheet on file in the school office with the following information:Parent(s)/guardian name(s).Complete and up-to-date address.Home phone and parent work number.Emergency phone number of friend/relative.If during the year there is a change in any information, please notify the school office immediately.3021965-14668500PAWSPositive AccountableWiseSafePositive – Look for the positive in everythingAccountable – Hold yourself accountable for your words and actionsWise – Consider your choices and make Wise decisionsSafe – Practice being safe by following the rules We Will lower the number of referrals by: Clarity & Consistency – Posting & Rehearsing Procedures, Rules, & Consequences Focus on Data – Grade Level Data Analysis to drive behavior instruction & behavior goals – Google DocPAWS – School-wide PBIS – Matrix to begin Implementation, Teach Accountability as first Virtue, Design 9 week celebrations, refresher lessons in January Kindness!!!! – Build a kind teacher student relationship – firm but fair, smile, greet students by name, model good manners, etc… FIELD TRIPSTrips are planned to enrich learning. Classes may participate in field trips during the school year as arranged by each grade level. Information and cost of trips will be sent home prior to any trip. Students are not required to attend a field trip. Assignments will be given to any child who remains at school. The work will be done under the guidance of another classroom teacher. Students attending field trips must ride the school bus. We encourage parents to attend our field trips as chaperones.**There will be no Field Trips due to Covid Procedures. FIRST AID/ILLNESSIf your child becomes ill or injured, our school secretaries will contact you using information on file. In the event you are called please make arrangements to pick up your child as soon as possible.MEDICATIONDo not send medication, prescribed or over the counter, to school. Teachers are not allowed to administer medication to students at school. EXCEPTION: If your child is on a long-term prescription medication, you may request a St. Tammany Parish Medication form from the school office and have it completed by your physician. The medication can then be administered through the office. This medication must be brought to school by the parent. Students are never to bring medication to school.P T AFlorida Avenue Elementary is a PTA school. Our local unit has been highly involved in improving our school. We are very proud of our affiliation with a parish, state, and national organization that supports the total education of children. PTA encourages parental involvement, assists parents in developing skills to raise, educate, and protect their children, and speaks on behalf of children in the schools and before governmental agencies and other organizations that make decisions affecting our children. We hope you will show your support by joining our PTA. Family and Corporate memberships are also available.Student Fees The $10.00 student fee collected assists the school in purchasing extra resources needed for students’ daily use. Send this fee money to your child’s homeroom teacher in an envelope marked student fee or in the envelope provided at the beginning of the year. You can also pay this online on our school web site.**NO STUDENT FEES FOR 2020-2021 SCHOOL YEARTextbooks/Library books Students are expected to keep in good condition, all textbooks, library books, and other materials issued to them. Any lost or damaged items will need to be replaced.Cell Phones Cell phone use disrupts the educational process and can become a safety issue. Students found with a visible device or in use of a device at school will have it confiscated and will be referred to the office for discipline. A parent will need to pick up the device in the main office. At no time should cell phones be used to take pictures of other students or staff members. School personnel will not investigate stolen or lost cellphones and/or electronic devices. Student Progress Center The Student Progress Center is a program that allows parents or guardians to review information about their child including grades, attendance, and schedules from a home computer. The password and user ID information will be mailed directly to each student’s home address. The Student Progress Center can be located using the following web address: . You can also access the Student Progress Center from our school website using the link listed under About Our School.Chromebooks The St. Tammany Parish School Board (STPSB) 1:1 Chromebooks for learning deployment is to promote high levels of student engagement for all students. Increasing access to technology is essential to build upon college and career readiness skills. All parents must complete the STPSB Responsible Use Policy form. The form will be sent home on first day of school and can also be found on the Florida Avenue web page.The policies, procedures, and information within this document serve as information for students and parents/guardians. Teachers may set additional requirements for Chromebook use in their classroom. Distribution of the Chromebook: Chromebooks will be distributed near the beginning of the school year. The procedure for distribution of Chromebooks will be established at each school. Logging into a Chromeboo: Students will log into their Chromebooks using their school issued account. Students should never share account passwords with others. An STPSB Chromebook is being loaned to the student for educational use during the school year This device is the property of STPSB and must be returned at the end of each school year. Instructions for such will be given at that time. A student transferring out of the District will be required to return the Chromebook. If a Chromebook is not returned, the parent/guardian will be held responsible for payment in full. It is understood that the intentional failure to return the Chromebook to the school may constitute theft of district property and will be reported as necessary. Limitation of Liability STPSB is not responsible for damage or harm to persons, files, data or hardware. Chromebooks employ filtering technologies and other safety and security mechanisms, but there is no guarantee as to their effectiveness. STPSB will not be responsible, financially or otherwise, for unauthorized transactions conducted over the device or the school network. Honoring Instructional Time For respect to the classroom learning environment, classes will not be interrupted for messages. Forgotten lunches, homework, and/or transportation arrangements are not considered emergencies and students will not be called to the front office for these items. Forgotten items may be dropped off at the front office during the day and will be placed in the teacher’s mailbox. UNIFORM POLICYSchool Uniforms are mandatory for all students. Our uniform consists of:Solid white or forest green, collared, buttoned polo shirt (logo optional), or Florida Avenue Elementary Spirit (purchased from school only).Solid khaki uniform pants, shorts, skirts, skorts, or jumpers.Shoes should be appropriate for the classroom and playground. Since PE is a regular part of the school curriculum, and students participate in PE every day, tennis shoes are recommended for safety reasons.Please review the STPSB Handbook for other policies. Band & ChorusFifth and sixth grade students are given an opportunity of either vocal music or instrumental music instruction and an elective. Information will be sent home with all interested students at the beginning of the school year. Students involved in these classes are responsible to make up any work missed in the regular classes. VISITORSParents are urged to become involved in our school activities. We need volunteers for many aspects of our educational program. For the safety of our children, we must know who is on our campus at all times. All visitors to the school must sign in at the office and receive a visitor identification badge. All students leaving the building during school hours must be signed out through the office.**Due to Covid-19, non-essential visitors are not allowed on campus until further notice. We will notify parents when restrictions have been lifted. Due to COVID-19 protocols, we ask that you refrain from dropping off items if at all possible. In addition, birthday cupcakes or other items may not be distributed at school.WITHDRAWING A STUDENT FROM FLORIDA AVENUE ELEMENTARYStudents are to be officially dropped when moving from Slidell or transferring to another school in Parish (due to change of address), please contact the school several days before the planned move. This will allow the office and teachers time to complete the necessary paper work. All textbooks and library books must be returned and all fines must be paid.St. Tammany Parish Public SchoolsTitle I Parents’ Right to Know Parent and Family Engagement Best PracticesPARENTS’ RIGHT TO KNOWThe Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) requires school districts to inform parents and families about their right to receive information on the professional qualifications of their children’s teachers.Parents and families have the right to know: Whether all employed personnel have met state qualification and licensing criteria for the position they hold within the schoolIf any personnel is employed under provisional status where state qualification or licensing criteria have been waivedAll college degrees and general areas of certification held by teachers, and qualifications of the paraprofessionalsWhether their child receives services by paraprofessionals and their qualificationsTeacher Certification/Degree Information can be verified at PARENT AND FAMILY ENGAGEMENT BEST PRACTICESSt. Tammany Parish Public School System believes that Parent and Family Engagement (PFE) is important for children to achieve success. Parents and families are key partners with the schools. PFE includes programs, services, and activities at the school and district level.District ResponsibilitiesSchool ResponsibilitiesInvolve families in developing and reviewing the district's PFE PlanHold yearly Federal Programs, PFE Stakeholders’, and PFE activity planning meetingsSupport STPPS Title I schools in planning and carrying out their PFE activities Annually review and monitor PFE activities and school-wide programs outlined in the School Improvement Plans Provide a Title I PFE resource page and presentations for school personnel useDevelop Title I PFE survey to evaluate PFE plans and use results to plan future PFE programs and adjust PFE policies and procedures Invite parents to a school meeting highlighting their school's educational programs, curriculum, and PFE opportunitiesOffer PFE activities at various times which support learning goals at homeInvolve parents in the planning, review, and implementation of PFE programs Provide parents with timely information about the school PFE policy Provide families with opportunities to volunteer, participate, and observe in the school and classroomMaintain 2-way communication with familiesProvide each student with the Compact for Student Success outlining responsibilities of students, parents, and teachers in the educational processSupport all students in their effort to achieve success ................

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