Third Party Billing: Providers', Supervisors' and ...

third party billingManual 2020-202130651451263650018859413589000 1866907683502359660749300039312855778500 “Maximizing the Recovery of Federal Revenue for Children with Health-Related and Special Needs”Third PArty Billing TeamAlanda E. North Avenue, Room 201Baltimore, MD 21202(410) 396-8948Call Third Party Billing for TPB System and Provider SupportTHANK you, for Helping our children Excel!essential informationPrevent Medicaid fraud. Only the provider of service can report the service.First billable service is getting verbal parental consent to use video/digital modes of contact and approval of the assigned Service Coordinator. Request consent after reading the Verbal Parental Consent Statement during the first contact. Document consent in the Communication Log and include the consenter’s name and date and time given. Report the service on the Third Party Billing System as ‘Verbal Parental Consent’ (at the bottom of the list of services). This applies to students new to the school, or new to the Service Coordinator, or who receive speech only services. Annual written consent to bill Medicaid will be requested using various methods throughout the school year including at some IEP Meetings.Services NOT billable include: nursing, audiology, therapeutic behavior, group counseling, group occupational therapy, and transportation. Students aged 7 or younger cannot have service coordination without the presence of the parent or guardian.Federal and State Audit of 2020-21 services may occur in November. Supporting documentation of services must be signed by the provider of service and placed in the student’s confidential folder, which is used for our Federal, State, and Self-Monitoring Audits. Report services provided during the month by the last day of the month to experience the shortest system response times and for accurate monthly reporting to Administrators.TPB access may be affected by changes in school assignments, job-titles, roles, MSDE certification, or MDH licensure.Maintain active licensure and/or certification to remain a Medicaid billable provider. If it lapses, notify your administrators that you cannot report services.Use Google Chrome to access the TPB/SAS System. Disable the pop-up blocker to run and view reports.Contents TOC \o "1-3" \h \z \u Overview PAGEREF _Toc17191088 \h 7False Claims PAGEREF _Toc17191089 \h 8Federal False Claims Act PAGEREF _Toc17191090 \h 8Types of Fraud Prosecuted Under the False Claims Act PAGEREF _Toc17191091 \h 9Maryland False Health Claims Act PAGEREF _Toc17191092 \h 10Baltimore City Schools and the False Claims Act PAGEREF _Toc17191093 \h 10Third Party Billing System PAGEREF _Toc17191094 \h 12Getting to the System PAGEREF _Toc17191095 \h 12Logging On PAGEREF _Toc17191096 \h 13System Access PAGEREF _Toc17191097 \h 14IEP meetings PAGEREF _Toc17191098 \h 15Reporting an IEP Meeting PAGEREF _Toc17191099 \h 15IEP Team Associates - Frequently Asked Questions PAGEREF _Toc17191100 \h 20Sample IEP Meeting Attendance Sheet PAGEREF _Toc17191101 \h 21service coordination PAGEREF _Toc17191102 \h 23Printing the Parental Consent Letter PAGEREF _Toc17191103 \h 23Reporting Service Coordination PAGEREF _Toc17191104 \h 25Reports PAGEREF _Toc17191105 \h 28Printing the Service Coordination Activity Log PAGEREF _Toc17191106 \h 29Frequently Asked Questions PAGEREF _Toc17191107 \h 30Related Services PAGEREF _Toc17191108 \h 36Assessments PAGEREF _Toc17191109 \h 36Reports PAGEREF _Toc17191110 \h 39Speech Only Students: Service Coordination. PAGEREF _Toc17191111 \h 39Related Services - Frequently Asked Questions PAGEREF _Toc17191112 \h 39City Schools Infant & Toddler Ifsp Services PAGEREF _Toc17191128 \h 44Service Coordination: Medical Assistance Consent Letter PAGEREF _Toc17191129 \h 44Assessments, Therapy, and Service Coordination PAGEREF _Toc17191130 \h 44Reports PAGEREF _Toc17191131 \h 47troubleshooting PAGEREF _Toc17191132 \h 48Logon Issues PAGEREF _Toc17191133 \h 48OverviewMedicaid reimburses some costs of direct and administrative services rendered under IDEA. It is an obligation and requirement of City Schools to pursue this reimbursement and it is the obligation of staff and contractors to provide the information necessary for billing Medicaid and to sustain audit. Monies recovered from Medicaid are used to support special education services and school health. The Office of Third Party Billing coordinates and monitors these services for compliance with Federal and State regulations. All providers must understand that Medicaid is a medical insurance agency with fiduciary responsibility to the US taxpayer and to Congress. Medicaid accepts its charge to reimburse us for legitimate costs we entail serving our children. In return, Medicaid demands that we adhere to a medical model for the provision and documentation of these services. This means providers are properly licensed and every service is fully charted. Medicaid’s expectation is identical to the expectation every staff person has when he or she visits his or her own physician. We expect our health care provider to be qualified to serve us, and we expect that the notes that arise for our encounter will ensure we are correctly treated the next time we require care. We expect City Schools’ staff to embrace these principles completely.False ClaimsFederal False Claims ActThe False Claims Act (“Act”) 31 U.S.C. §§3729-3733, a federal law, is the single most important tool available to taxpayers to recover the billions of dollars stolen through fraud by government contractors every year. In short, the Act is a whistleblower statute.Under the Act, those who knowingly submit, or cause another person or entity to submit, a false or fraudulent claim for payment of government funds or makes a false statement to get such a claim approved, is liable for both damages and penalties.A defendant is liable:For three times the damages sustained by the government due to the false claim; plusA civil penalty of $5,500 to $11,000 per false claimThe defendant’s intent to defraud the United States is not a requirement of liability. Instead, the statute uses a “knowing” standard defined as:Actual knowledge that the claim is false;Deliberate ignorance as to the truth or falsity of the claim; orReckless disregard as to the truth or falsity of the claimIn summary, the False Claims Act imposes liability on any person who submits a claim to the federal government that is false.The False Claims Act contains qui tam, or whistleblower, provisions.? Qui tam is a unique mechanism in the law that allows citizens with evidence of fraud against government contracts and programs to sue, on behalf of the government, to recover the stolen funds.? In compensation for the risk and effort of filing a qui tam case, the citizen whistleblower, informant, or “relator” may be awarded a portion of the funds recovered, typically between 15 and 25 percent.? A qui tam suit initially remains under seal for at least 60 days during which the Department of Justice can investigate and decide whether to join the action.More particularly, the government (usually the United States Attorney’s Office for the district in which the complaint was filed) has 60 days to investigate the complaint and decide whether it wants to intervene in the case. If the government chooses to intervene, it exercises primary responsibility for the action. If the government declines to intervene, the informant may pursue the action independently.To recover damages for violation of the Act, the government or informant must establish that all the following occurred:The person presented or caused to be presented to an agent of the United States a claim for payment;The claim was false or fraudulent; The person knew the claim was false or fraudulent; andThe United States suffered damages because of the false or fraudulent claim.If the case is successful, the informant is entitled to share in a percentage of the government’s recovery, including the damages and penalties. If the government intervened in the case, the informant is entitled to 15% to 25% of the total recovery, depending on the extent to which the informant substantially contributed to prosecuting the action. If the government did not intervene, the informant is entitled to 25% to 30% of the total recovery.The Act provides protection to qui tam informants who are discharged, demoted, suspended, threatened, harassed, or in any other manner discriminated against in the terms and conditions of their employment because of their furtherance of an action under the Act. Remedies include reinstatement with comparable seniority as the qui tam informant would have had but for the discrimination, two times the amount of any back pay, interest on any back pay, and compensation for any special damages sustained because of the discrimination, including litigation costs and reasonable attorneys’ fees. Maryland has recognized a public policy exception to the “employment at will doctrine.” This exception would prohibit the BCPSS from disciplining an employee from filing a claim under the Act.Congress recognized that the federal government alone, with its limited resources, was overmatched in the fight against rampant fraud. The Act created incentives for private citizens with evidence of fraud to commit their time and resources to supplement the government’s efforts. By doing so, Congress put into play a powerful public-private partnership for uncovering fraud against the federal government and obtaining the maximum recovery for American taxpayers.Types of Fraud Prosecuted Under the False Claims ActIt is impossible to list all types of frauds that have been prosecuted under the False Claims Act, but the following list gives some idea of the scope of false claims submitted that have been uncovered to date:Billing for goods and services that were never delivered or rendered;Submitting false service records or samples to show better-than-actual performance;Performing inappropriate or unnecessary medical procedures to increase Medicare or Medicaid reimbursement;Billing for work or tests not performed;Automatically running a lab test whenever the results of some other test fall within a certain range, even though the second test was not specifically requested;Double billing – charging more than once for the same goods or service;Phantom employees and doctored time slips create charges for employees that were not actually on the job, or bill for made-up hours to maximize reimbursements;Up coding employee work involves billing at doctor rates for work that was conducted by a nurse or resident intern;Being over-paid by the government for sale of a good or service, and then not reporting that overpayment;Billing to increase revenue instead of billing to reflect actual work performed.Maryland False Health Claims Act The Maryland False Health Claims Act became law on October 1, 2010. It addresses fraud against all state health plans and programs, including Maryland Medicaid to whom City Schools submits claims. The Maryland False Health Claims Act is Maryland’s version of the Federal False Claims Act.Baltimore City Schools and the False Claims Act Baltimore City Schools encourages its employees, contractors, and vendors to report all instances of fraud, waste, or abuse. Such conduct is harmful to Baltimore City Schools’ efforts to utilize all available resources in the most prudent manner. Any employee making a report may do so anonymously if he or she chooses. Employees may report any violations of the Act to their immediate supervisor or to the Chief Operating Officer. All information reported to the Chief Operating Officer by any employee shall be kept confidential to the extent that confidentiality is possible in the context of any resulting investigation. There may be a point where an employee’s identity may become known or may have to be revealed in certain instances if/when governmental authorities become involved. In accordance with the policy of Baltimore City Schools, all allegations of suspected fraud, waste, or abuse will be investigated. Prompt and effective remedial action will be taken where appropriate.Baltimore City Schools adheres to a non-retaliation policy for employees that report any violations pursuant to the Act. Under the Act, employees cannot be subject to retaliation for reporting false claims act violations, or billing concerns. The Act includes whistleblower protection provisions as set forth above. The Chief Operating Officer should confer with the Office of Legal Counsel regarding any questions or concerns regarding the Act.Baltimore City Schools requires all of its officers, directors, employees, contractors, and agents to comply with all federal and state laws and regulations governing the administration and operation of a school system. Baltimore City Schools prohibits its officers, directors, employees, contractors, and agents from knowingly submitting to any federally or state funded program, a claim for payment approval or reimbursement that includes false or fraudulent information, or is based on false or fraudulent documentation. This includes claims submitted to Third Party Billing, a federally funded program. Retaliation in any form against an individual is strictly prohibited for a person who Makes a good faith report of suspected fraud, waste or abuse; Files a complaint under the Act; or Participates in an investigation or litigation under the ActCompliance with the Act also assists Baltimore City Schools with some of the underlying purposes of Article 1-101 of the Baltimore City Board of School Commissioners’ and Chief Executive Officer’s Administrative Regulations Procurement Policies as follows:To provide for increased public confidence in the policies and administrative regulations followed in public procurement;To ensure the fair and equitable treatment of all persons who transact business with the Board;To provide increased economy in the BCPSS procurement activities and to maximize, to the fullest extent practicable, the purchasing value of public funds of the BCPSS; andTo provide safeguards for the maintenance of a procurement system of quality and integrityAdditional information:Medicare Fraud CenterMaryland False Health Claims Act Third Party Billing SystemGetting to the SystemGo to the City Schools’ website. Select Staff Member.Scroll down to Popular Pages. Select Third Party Billing.Select TPB/SAS System. Logging OnLogon using your network ID and password.Before each use, you promise to not commit Medicaid fraud. Report your services only. System AccessAccess to the Third Party Billing System is granted by the Third Party Billing Team. Send requests for access to Include your name, assigned school(s), network logon ID, job title, and role (Service Coordinator, IEP Team Associate, or Related Services Provider.) Certification and/or Licensure are verified by a Certification file received daily from Human Capital and used by TPB to determine if Medicaid can be billed for your services. Please email, if you have certification questions or concerns. The following school-based job titles or roles are eligible to request access to the system:IEP Team Associate *Special Educator *Principal *Vice Principal *Ed. Associate ** Requires Active Standard Professional or Advanced Professional Certification by MSDEAudiologist *Occupational Therapist *Physical Therapist *Psychologist *Licensed Professional Counselor *Social Worker *Speech /Language Pathologist ** Requires Active Professional Licensure by Maryland Department of Health (MDH)Access may also be granted to employees acting out of title, but who are fulfilling any of the above-mentioned roles. TPB uses the employee’s City Schools network ID and password to provide access to the system. TPB does not know your password. Please contact the ITD Help Desk at 443-642-3000 for assistance with your password. Third Party Billing reserves the right to grant or suspend system access. IEP meetingsEligibility MeetingsWhen an eligibility meeting or re-evaluation planning meeting occurs, please have the parent or guardian sign the last page of the IEP, Section VII. Authorizations.Reporting IEP MeetingsClick the IEP tab to report meetings you held as IEP Chair. Look for meetings marked . Report Meeting is a hyperlink that will take you directly to the entry rmation is from MD Online IEP and cannot be changed. Verify all information and Submit. Review your entries, then click Submit, if correct. Otherwise, click Back to make a correction. The meeting has been reported and is no longer listed. As this was the only meeting for this school, there is no report to display.Select Reports. Six months of data are available.Transaction History Report displays services for the logged-in provider. Available for Current Month, Current Quarter, and Prior Quarter. Disable pop-up blocker. Select Period and run. Save trees. Do not print these reports. Close both report tabs to return to the Reports Menu.Missing IEP Meetings Report displays all billable meetings. If all meetings are entered, there is no report. Meetings appear when they have been finalized in Maryland Online IEP. If your school has a large Specialized Services population. Best Practice: check this report weekly.Service Coordination Report displays ‘1’ for services reported for students. Missing services are indicated by ‘.’. Report end date is previous month. Patterns of missing services may indicate unreported services by a single provider. TPB Compliance percent has been added.School Transaction History Report displays services for students reported by all providers at the school. Available for Current Month, Current Quarter, and Prior Quarter. All your assigned schools will be displayed.If your session has not expired, you will get a summary of your session activity at Log Out.IEP Team Associates - Frequently Asked QuestionsWhat are the TPB responsibilities of the IEP Team Associate?Responsibilities may include:Serve as Chairperson of the IEP Committee for meetings held at your school(s)Report all finalized IEP meetings Resolve meeting discrepancies reported by TPB as missing each monthSubmit a copy of the Medical Assistance (MA) page from Section VII. Authorizations of the IEP signed by the parent(s) or guardian(s)Print student’s attendance and place a copy in their confidential folder. Do this quarterly. What documentation is required for Medicaid billing?In the Student’s confidential folder, IEP Meetings are documented by:Completed Maryland Online IEPCompleted IEP Meeting Attendance SheetCopy of Notice of Invitation to the Parent How will I know my services have been reported to TPB?Verification is provided after the 2nd submit, at the end of your session when you click on the Log Out tab, and via the Reports function. How does my administrator access this information?Missing IEP Meetings and Service Coordination Reports are available under the Reports tab. Sample IEP Meeting Attendance SheetSchool#: 444 Student: Carlos Deal Pif: 1165665 DOB: 7/04/06 Meeting Date: 6/13/19Meeting Type:? Evaluation/ Eligible ? Evaluation/ Not Eligible ? IEP Developed ? IEP Reviewed/ Revised? Re-evaluation Planning ? Re-evaluation ? IEP Review/ ManifestationPrint NameTitleSignatureE. UrqhartIEP ChairE. UrqhartG. KellionOccupational TherapistG. KellionA.MonderalPhysical TherapistA. .MonderalJ. JoseitanPrincipalJ. JoseitanI. PanellaSpecial EducatorI. PanellaR. BeckettSpeech/Language PathologistR. BeckettPlease place this document with the IEP in the student’s confidential folder.IEP Meeting Attendance SheetSchool#: ________ Student: ____________________ Pif: _____________ DOB: ___________ Meeting Date: ________________Meeting Type:? Evaluation - Eligible? Evaluation - Not Eligible? IEP Developed? IEP Reviewed - Revised ? Re-evaluation Planning ? Re-evaluation ? IEP Review - ManifestationPrinted NameTitleSignatureIEP ChairGeneral EducatorOccupational TherapistParent/GuardianPhysical TherapistPrincipal/ Principal’s DesigneePsychologistSocial WorkerSpecial EducatorSpeech/Language PathologistStudentOtherPlease place this document with the IEP in the student’s confidential folder.service coordinationParental ConsentThe first billable service is getting verbal parental consent to bill Maryland Medicaid and for the assigned Service Coordinator after the Parental Consent Statement is read to the parent or guardian. Consent must be documented in the Communication Log and include the consenter’s name and date and time given. Use this as documentation to report the service on the Third Party Billing System. This applies to students new to the school, or new to the Service Coordinator, or who receive speech only services. Written consent will be requested at the IEP Meeting. Medicaid billing requires Standard or Advanced Professional MSDE Certification. Reporting Service Coordination181927516954500Your name is displayed here. Click the SC tab. Report services that you provided.If your student is not listed, Search Students. You may need to scroll down to get to the button.Type the student’s pif, last name, or first name. Click the highlighted entry, then Search to pull your student. Mouse over Update to use the hyperlink. Click Update to enter services.Reported services are displayed. Student info is from Online IEP and cannot be changed. Use the calendar widget to select the date you provided the service. Choose the service you provided from the list. First service of the year is Sent Parent Service…Form. Use this description for verbal consent.Outcome Statement is automatically generated. Click submit to promise placing supporting documentation in the student’s confidential folder. Verify the information you entered. If correct, click Submit. If incorrect, click Back and make corrections.The service has been reported. ReportsClick the Reports tab. Save trees and do not print these reports. Close both report tabs to return to the Reports Menu.Transaction History Report opens in a new window and displays your reported services. Choose Current Month, Current Quarter, or Prior Quarter. Click Run. If you do not get a report, click on the box with the ‘X’. Allow pop-up blocker for SAS. Click Done, then Run.Service Coordination Report displays ‘1’ for services reported for students. Missing services are indicated by ‘.’. Report end date is previous month. Printing the Service Coordination Activity LogSelect the SC tab. Find your student. Hold Ctrl –P and click print.The Service Coordination Activity Log and supporting documents should be placed in the student’s folder when any of the following occurs:Student transfers mid-year;Student is dismissed from service mid-year;School year ends.If your session has not expired, when you log off the system you will see:Frequently Asked QuestionsWhat are examples of billable service coordination?Billable service coordination may include:Video Meetings/conferences with child or parent/guardian;Progress reports/IEP report cards;Letters;Telephone calls…NOT messages left on an answering machine;Emails (printed)Text Messages and Telephone Messages are not billable. Who can be a service coordinator?A Special or Regular educator who is most familiar with the student’s needs, who coordinates the student's IEP, and is certified by the state of Maryland with a Standard or Advanced Certificate. Related Service providers with Speech only students are service coordinators for those students.Can a student have more than one service coordinator?No. The student must have one primary and at least one alternate coordinator; both must be certified, identified on the IEP by name and title, and approved by the student’s parent/guardian. The primary coordinator is expected to provide services and enter service details in the TPB System.What are the responsibilities of the service coordinator?Provides coordination of care compliant with the IEP;Participates in the planning and implementation of the IEP;Contacts the parent/guardian and/or student throughout each month;Reports service details in the Third Party Billing System by the last day of the month in which services occur.Places appropriate supporting documentation of services in the student’s confidential folder;Obtains and documents verbal consent after reading the Parental Consent Statement.Under what conditions should service coordination should be reported to TPB?The student must have an active IEP. There has been a direct contact (by meeting, visiting, telephoning, or writing) with the parent, guardian, or student; this direct contact occurs expressly to coordinate the IEP. When can the Service Coordination/ Medical Assistance Coordination Form be sent home?On the student’s first day on your case load.How will I know my services have been reported to TPB?Verification is provided after the 2nd submit, at the end of your session when you click on the Log Out tab, and via the reports function. How does my administrator access this information?The Service Coordination Report is available under the Reports tab. Can I bill for 504 or Service Plans? No. Students with 504 Plans or Service Plans are not billable. IEP Team Progress Report to ParentStudent's Name: ___________________ Student ID: _________ Class: ____ Date: _________Dear ____________________________,This letter is to inform you of the progress your child, _______________________, has made on his/her current IEP goals. The areas addressed on the IEP are listed mentsLanguage ArtsMathematicsComes to class on timeComes prepared for class with appropriate materialsCompletes class workCompletes homeworkTest/quiz grades are passingMakes up missed assignmentsAttends class dailyNotebook is organizedPays attention and stays on taskDisplays appropriate behaviorMakes a sincere effort to achieveQuality of work is improvingDisplays a positive attitudeGrade:G - GoodS - SatisfactoryP - PoorU- UnsatisfactoryOverall IEP Progress:________________Please continue to work with your child on his/her IEP goals. If you have questions or concerns regarding this progress report, please contact me at _______________.Sincerely,Teacher's Printed Name: __________________ Teacher's Signature: ___________________--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Please sign and return this section:I have reviewed ______________________'s Progress Report._______I would like to schedule a conference with you on __________________._______Please call me to schedule an appointment with you at a convenient time.__________________________________ ________________ Parent's Signature DateParent IEP Update NewsletterStudent's Name: _________________________ School #: ________ Student ID: _________ Date: ___________Dear ________________________,This is a list of activities that will assist you in helping your child master reading goals and writing goals on his/her IEP. The activities listed will help your child increase his/her reading comprehension, decoding, and reading vocabulary skills. These activities will also help your child remember the reading objectives and writing objectives that we are working on in school that are listed on his/her IEP.As you know, all students benefit from extra reading experiences. Share the joy of reading with your child through these activities.When you read aloud to your child or your child reads to you:Stop part of the way through the story and ask your child to predict what will happen next.Ask your child how the story made him/her feel.After reading the story, ask your child to suggest a different way the story could have ended and write some sentences with supporting details.When you go through your mail, let your child open and read advertising mail you do not want.In the car, read highway signs aloud with your child.Let your child help you read and prepare a recipe. At the library, look for special cookbooks for children.Take books along in the car when traveling on errands or vacations.Reading together is fun! Help your child start reading more today.Sincerely, Teacher's Printed Name: _________________ Teacher’s Signature: ________________________ Related ServicesCOVID-19 ChangesPlease review the following pages for proper billing regulations. Billing codes can be ignored. AssessmentsAssessments can be billed whether a student is found eligible or ineligible for an IEP. All assessments must be reported via the TPB/SAS System. The student cannot be accessed until the eligibility meeting has been held and closed.In the Student field, type the student’s pif, last name, or first name. Then click the student’s name.Click Get Data. Student information is populated from Maryland Online IEP and cannot be changed in SAS. This information will not populate if the student has transferred, exited, or has an IEP still in draft.Select the type of service you provided from the Procedure Code drop down list. Use the calendar widget to select the assessment date. Only one face-to-face date per assessment can be billed. Select the Diagnosis Code from the drop down list. It explains ‘why’ you performed this particular test, not the test results. Your report will address your findings.Indicate that your report has been signed and dated. When possible, place the report in the student’s confidential folder. Upload your assessment to Maryland Online IEP. Click Submit.Verify your data. If correct, click Submit. If incorrect, click Back and make corrections. Your assessment has been entered successfully.ReportsClick the Reports tab. Six months of data are available.Transaction History Report displays all services for students reported via TPB/SAS System by the logged in provider. Available for Current Month, Current Quarter, and Prior Quarter.When you select the Log Out tab, you get a summary of your session activity.Speech Only Students: Service Coordination. Please refer to the section on Service Coordination.Related Services - Frequently Asked Questions Who is a related service provider? A related service provider is a currently licensed and/or certificated City Schools or contractual audiologist, social worker, speech/language pathologist, psychologist, occupational or physical therapist, psychiatrist, licensed clinical professional counselor or nurse who provides direct medical services to students pursuant to special education. How are services submitted to Third Party Billing?The Office of Related Services submits an electronic file of Encounter Tracker (ET) services. ET submissions to Third Party Billing do not include clinical notes. What are my responsibilities as a related service provider? Submit IEP services data via Encounter TrackerWrite a descriptive clinical noteWatch your dates! The date on the clinical note must match the service date in Encounter Tracker. Services on weekends or days when school is closed must be supported by professional notes. Verify student attendanceReport services via the Third Party Billing System:Assessments – Current students have an existing IEP. New students have not had an evaluation meeting.Service Coordination (for Speech Only students)Infants and Toddlers (IEP and IFSP) Places appropriate supporting documentation in the student’s confidential folderProvides coordination of care consistent with the intent of the IEPParticipates in the planning and implementation of the IEPReports all services by the last day of the month in which they occur.?Are indirect services, such as consultations, billable? No. Third Party Billing cannot bill for indirect IEP services.Can I bill for 504 and service Plan students?No. Third Party Billing cannot bill for students with a 504 or Service Plan.City Schools Infant & Toddler Ifsp ServicesSelect IFSP from the menu. Student information comes from Maryland Online IFSP Birth-to-Five. Report services for all students who have an IFSP or Extended IFSP, regardless of their Medicaid status. Search using Last Name, First Name, or ChildID, then click ‘Get Student Information’. You cannot use the Medical Assistance Number to locate the student. Then click ‘Select’ to choose your student. If the information does not appear, services for this student cannot be entered. Please email us with the child’s name and date of birth. Services previously entered for the student will be displayed. This student has none.Service Coordination: Medical Assistance Consent LetterThis section is for clinicians who provide services to City Schools’ Early Learning IFSP population.Assessments, Therapy, and Service CoordinationTo report an Assessment, use the Assessment Date widget and leave Service Date blank. If you are reporting a Therapy session, use the Service Date widget and leave Assessment Date blank. All calendar widgets function in the same manner. Select the procedure code, diagnostic code, and length of the session in minutes. Submit and review your entry. Assessment Date is blank for therapy. Submit if correct. Click Back to make corrections. You can enter another service for this child or clear the form to select another.ReportsClick the Reports tab. Six months of data are available. Transaction History Report displays services you have reported. Available for Current Month, Current Quarter, and Prior Quarter. Save trees. Do not print these reports. Close both report tabs to return to the Reports Menu.troubleshootingLogon IssuesMESSAGE:Invalid User ID or PasswordSOLUTION: Re-enter your logon information. Do not enter This is your email address, not network ID. If you get the same message, call the ITD Help Desk and ask them to reset your network password.MESSAGE:Public access deniedSOLUTION: You do not have access to the Third Party Billing System. Email and provide the following information: your name, assigned school(s), network logon ID, job title, and role (Service Coordinator, IEP Team Associate, or Related Services Provider.) PROBLEM: Services were incorrectly enteredSOLUTION:Errors can only be deleted; corrections are not possible. Duplicate entries do not affect billing and will not be deleted; Email and include: your 5-digit employee id, student's pif, date and description of service to be deleted.PROBLEM:Search and Submit buttons do not workSOLUTION: Close Internet Explorer and use Chrome to access the system.PROBLEM: Log In SuccessfulSOLUTION: Close Internet Explorer and use Chrome to access the system.PROBLEM: Nothing happens when I press the menu tabSOLUTION: If you press a tab on the menu and nothing happens (1) check your browser because you must use Google Chrome to access our system; (2) It is possible you do not have access to that function. Call TPB at 410-396-8948.PROBLEM:Search results in ‘No students found’(1) The student has exited Specialized Services or City Schools; or(2) The student has transferred to a school you can’t access; or(3) The student’s IEP is expired, is in draft, or not closed on Maryland Online IEP.SOLUTION:Call TPB at 410-396-8948. ................

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