Advance sign-up allows us to have enough handouts and to cancel small sessions. Please click on the following link and sign-up:




Off-campus faculty on main campus today | |MONDAY, JAN. 13 |TUESDAY, JAN. 14

|WEDNESDAY, JAN. 15 | |9:00-10:00 |9-10am

Strategies for Retention and Communication No reservation needed (McCreedy, Davies)

S-113 |9-10am S-113

“Advising Pre-Nursing& Health-related career program Students” (Waller,Womack, Bell) No reservation needed


College-Wide Committee Meetings (Time & Location set by Committee Chair) |9-10am

That Pesky Funding Formula (Washington, Weed) S-113


Using Smartboards

in the Classrooms (Crawford) A-51 | |9-10am K-158

Does Your Word Syllabus meet Accessibility Standards? (Lyle)

9-10am S-105 Update from Southern Association of Colleges and Schools (SACSCOC) Commission on Colleges- Washington, Conklin, Williams, Hinds No reservation needed |9-10am

Working with the Testing Center (Nelson) S-105


”Advising Non-Native Speakers” (Stein, Wilson-Patton) S-104 |9-10am

That Pesky Funding Formula (Washington, Weed)

S-113 | |10:00-noon |10-11am

The NSCC Prison Program(Julie Doochin, Needham, Pease) S-105


Division Activities & Meetings


Dr. Davis meets with BAAT Faculty in Clement Auditorium |10am-noon

Division Activities

& Meetings

| |10am-noon


10-11am Dr. Davis meets with Math & Natural Sciences Faculty in K-107;

11am-noonDr. Davis meets with Social & Life Sciences Faculty in A-35 |10am-noon

Division Activities

& Meetings


Dr. Davis meets with English, Hum., & Arts Faculty in- S-112

|Division Activities

& Meetings

| |12-1pm | | | | | | | | |1:00-2:00 |1-2pm Videoconferencing Orientation (Wall, Crawford, Shrum)

K-163 |1-2pm

Best Practices in Online Course Development (Winters) C-226

1-4pm K-158

Manage a D2L Course: Intro Training (Lyle) |1-2pm S-105

Off-Campus faculty meet with Dr. Davis, VPAA,&Dr. Waller,DON

1-3pm K-163

One-on-one Support for Managing D2L10.3 Lyle)

| |1-2pm

What’s New in the Library (Jones, Bush, Gadd) S-117


Legal Issues in Higher Education (deWitt)

S-105 |1-2pm S-208

Dr. Davis meets w/ Student Svcs. staff

1-3pm K-163

One-on-one Support for Managing D2L10.3 (Lyle)


Nuggets on Retention (S. Hawkins, Scott)



Dr. Davis meets with Learning Resources staff in K-163 or K-158 | | | | | | | | | | |2:00-3:00 | |2-3pm

Faculty Refreshments with Dr. Ron Davis, new VPAA (Student Services Dining Area) |2-3pm

The TN Prior Learning Assessment Initiative

(Wilson Finch of THEC)

Clement Auditorium | |2-3pm

Using Your D2L Shell in the Classroom (Lyle)

K-158 |2-3pm

Peer Reviewer Basic Training (Winters)

C-226 | | |3:00-4:00 | | |3-4pm

Helping Students with Disabilities Succeed led by Gina Jones S-105


Retention Strategies

(Dulaney, Becker) No reservation needed

S-113 | | | | | |5:00-8:00 | | | | |5-8pm

Manage a D2L Course:Intro Training (Lyle) K-158 | | | |



9:00–10:00 Strategies for Retention and Communication S-113

Communication can serve to increase students success and retention. This inservice will highlight possible methods to improve 1) faculty communication with students and 2) communication between full-time and adjunct faculty regarding course initiatives and best practices. In addition, the session will highlight strategies leading to success and retention in online classes. Annette McCreedy and Lisa Davies will share insight and recommendations from the recent Consortium for Student Retention.

10:00-11:00 Nashville State’s Prison Program S-105

Are you aware that Nashville State has, for the past two years, offered courses to inmates at Charles Bass Correctional Complex on Cockrill Bend, right down the street from the main campus? Julie Doochin directs this program and will discuss the importance of the program and what it’s like to work with these students. Led by Julie Doochin, Jim Needham, and Harlan Pease.

1:00-2:00 Videoconferencing Orientation K-163

This in-service will be offered for faculty who will be using videoconferencing equipment for teaching classes. Led by Richard Wall, David Crawford, and/or James Shrum.



9:00-10:00 Advising Pre-Nursing Students S-113

All faculty members, especially those who advise pre-Nursing students, are invited . You will receive information for students hoping to enter NSCC’s Nursing programs as well as other programs and have a chance to ask questions and discuss issues. There will also be discussion of how to advise students whose grades are too low for admission to Nursing programs. Led by Bernie Anderson, Aleece Bell, and Cindy Waller. No reservation required.

9:00-10:00 College-Wide Committee Meetings

This time has been reserved so that chairs of college-wide committees can call a meeting, if needed. You will receive an invitation and location information from your committee chair if your committee will be utilizing this time.

10:00-12:00 Activities in the Divisions

Information about division meetings during the week will be distributed by the deans

10:00-11:00 Meeting of Business, Applied Arts & Technologies Faculty Clement Auditorium

Dr. Ron Davis, new Vice President for Academic Affairs, will meet with members of the BAAT Division faculty & staff.

1:00-2:00 Best Practices in Online Course Development C-226

No download is required. This session will provide an overview of the best practices utilized in online course development. Topics covered will include: Document design & structure, embedding learning media, ADA accessibility and mobile friendly, and working with image editors. Led by Christian Winters.

1:00-4:00 Manage a D2L Course: Introductory Training K-158

This session is designed for faculty who are new to Desire2Learn. The session meets for 3 hours and is an introduction to NS Online (Desire2Learn). The topics include accessing courses, understanding the layout, adding instructors to your course, copying course content, managing news, adding a course overview, adding content (syllabus), accessing class progress, and sending email to students. Led by Linda Lyle.

2:00-3:00 Faculty Inservice Refreshments with Dr. Ron Davis, VPAA Student Services Dining Area

Please take a break to stop by Student Services Dining Area for refreshments, hosted by the VPAA’s office! This will be a good opportunity to meet and talk with Dr. Ron Davis.


Cookeville, Humphreys County, and Southeast Center faculty members will be here today.

9:00-10:00 That Pesky Funding Formula S-113

Our funding from the State is now based almost entirely on the success of our students. The state no longer funds enrollment, as they did for several decades. Now that we’ve completed the first 3 years of performance-based funding, where does Nashville State stand? Where should we put our energy that will bring the college (in terms of funding) and our students (in terms of success) the greatest return on investment? What new initiatives are expected from TBR? Led by Ted Washington and Ellen Weed. This inservice will be repeated Wednesday morning at 9:00.

9:00-10:00 Using Smartboards in the Classroom A-51

This session will provide an initial orientation or an update for all faculty members who will be using Smartboards in teaching their classes. Led by David Crawford.

10:00 - 12:00 Activities in the Divisions

Information about division meetings during the week will be distributed by the deans. Division meetings will focus on activities and issues that are important of faculty members who are assigned to off-campus sites.

1:00-2:00 Meeting for Off-Campus Faculty S-105

Faculty members from the off-campus sites will have an opportunity to meet with Ron Davis, new Vice President for Academic Affairs. This time will also be used for meeting with Cindy Waller, Director of Nursing, to discuss Nursing program questions.

1:00-3:00 One-on-One Support for Managing Your D2L 10.3 Shells K-163

During these hours, Linda Lyle will be available to help faculty members with the updated version of D2L 10.3 Lab Support on an individual basis.

2:00-3:00 Tennessee’s Prior Learning Assessment (PLA) Initiative Clement Auditorium

Wilson Finch, at the Tennessee Higher Education Commission (THEC), will discuss a major initiative designed to help more Tennessee students receive credit toward their degree based on the assessment of learning outside the college classroom. With funding from Complete College America, Wilson has led a statewide Task Force to develop common principles, guaranteed transfer, and common standards for PLA. David Welch represented NSCC on the Task Force.

3:00-4:00 Helping Students with Disabilities Succeed S-105

This in-service will offer an overview of disability types and accommodations, the process for requesting and receiving accommodations, and student and faculty responsibilities. It will briefly address current issues regarding web accessibility and disabilities. There will be an opportunity for participants to ask questions and make comments. As appropriate and consistent accommodations are required by law, any faculty member who has not recently attended a session on these requirements is strongly urged to attend this session. Led by Gina Jones.

3:00-4:00 Retention Strategies S-113

This in-service session will include details of successful retention strategies the presenters learned about at the National Symposium on Student Retention in November of 2013. The first half of this session will detail a novel strategy used at Southern Vermont College in which Anatomy & Physiology I, a course with a universally high attrition rate, has been stretched to two semesters to improve student success. The second half of the session will report more generally on best practices from institutions which have recently increased overall student retention. This session will be led by Wes Dulaney and Kim Becker.


9:00-10:00 Does Your Word Syllabus Meet Accessibility Standards? K-158

In this session we will revise a Word syllabus that was created without styles. Our goal will be to keep the same design and add structure (styles) to make the syllabus understandable when read with the JAWS screen reader. Led by Linda Lyle.

9:00-10:00 Update from Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges (SACSCOC) S-105

This in-service will provide an update on criteria from SACSCOC. As Nashville State looks forward, three important events are on the schedule, 1) feedback and follow-up requirements, if any, from the Fifth Year Interim Report submitted in September 2013, 2) the SACSCOC Substantive Change Visit in April 2014 to review the Southeast and Clarksville campuses, and 3) the next 10 year review in 2017. SACSCOC criteria for accreditation continue to evolve in response to federal requirements and improvement initiatives. The annual December conference provided insight into the criteria that results in the most non-compliance recommendations (and why), as well as changes that have been made to the criteria. This session will briefly discuss each of those topics.

Led by Ted Washington, Julie Williams, Adrienne Hinds, and Steve Conklin.

10:00-12:00 Activities in the Divisions

Information about division meetings during the week will be distributed by the deans. Dr. Davis will meet in A-35 with the Social & Life Sciences Division faculty from 11:00 – 12:00.

10:00-11:00 Meeting of Math & Natural Sciences Faculty K-107

Dr. Ron Davis, new Vice President of Academic Affairs will meet with the Math and Natural Sciences faculty members.

11:00-noon Meeting of Social & Life Sciences Faculty A-35

Dr. Ron Davis, new Vice President of Academic Affairs will meet with the Social & Life Sciences faculty members.

1:00-2:00 What’s New in the Library S-117

Meet with the library team to discover new databases that will provide your students with astounding and amazing resources! Led by Faye Jones, Emily Bush, and Pam Gadd.

1:00-2:00 Legal Issues in Higher Education S-105

Our Dean of Social and Life Sciences, Charles de Witt, has presented on Legal Issues in Higher Education for a number of local professional groups, including the Tennessee Bar Association. He will present on timely topics such as student speech and expression, separation of church and state, Title VII and employment issues, sexual harassment, and copyright issues. Faculty, administrators and staff will all find topics of interest in this presentation.

2:00-3:00 Using Your D2L Shell in the Classroom K-158

This session will assist classroom faculty in uploading syllabi, sending D2L email, and posting news announcements. As time permits, other topics related to how to use your D2L shell will be addressed. Bring your syllabus on a flash drive. Led by Linda Lyle.

5:00-8:00 Manage a D2L Course: Introductory Training K-158

This session is designed for faculty who are new to Desire2Learn. The session meets for 3 hours and is an introduction to NS Online (Desire2Learn). The topics include accessing courses, understanding the layout, adding instructors to your course, copying course content, managing news, adding a course overview, adding content (syllabus), accessing class progress, and sending email to students. Led by Linda Lyle.


9:00-10:00 Working with the Testing Center S-105

This is a quick overview of what tests the testing center gives. Discussion will include how the testing center can help the faculty, and how the faculty can help the testing center when submitting materials. Led by Michelle Nelson.

9:00-10:00 Advising Non-Native Speakers S-104

This in-service is an exploration of the legal, ethical, and practical aspects of advising non-native English speakers as they pursue a variety of educational options at the two-year institutional level. Led by Elizabeth Stein and Mary Elizabeth Wilson-Patton.

10:00-12:00 Activities in the Divisions

Information about division activities during the week will be distributed by the Deans.

10:00-11:00 Meeting of English, Humanities & Arts Faculty S-112

Dr. Ron Davis, new Vice President of Academic Affairs, will meet with the English, Humanities and Arts faculty members.

1:00-2:00 Meeting of Student Services Staff S-208

Dr. Ron Davis, new Vice President for Academic Affairs, will meet with members of the Student Services Division staff.

1:00-3:00 One-on-One Support for Managing Your D2L 10.3 Shells K-163

During these hours, Linda Lyle will be available to help faculty members with the updated version of D2L 10.3 Lab Support on an individual basis.

2:00-3:00 Peer Reviewer Basic Training C-226

No download required. This session will provide an overview of the review process and the best practices utilized by reviewers. Topics covered will include: Overview of rubric components, comparative analysis of the QM rubric to a course, writing helpful recommendations, and using the Online Rubric tool (Course Review Management System). Led by Christian Winters.



9:00-10:00 That Pesky Funding Formula S-113

Our funding from the State is now based almost entirely on the success of our students. The state no longer funds enrollment, as they did for several decades. Now that we’ve completed the first 3 years of performance-based funding, where does Nashville State stand? Where should we put our energy that will bring the college (in terms of funding) and our students (in terms of success) the greatest return on investment? What new initiatives are expected from TBR? Led by Ted Washington and Ellen Weed.

10:00-12:00 Activities in the Divisions

Information about these divisional meetings during the week will be distributed by the deans. Dr. Davis will meet in S-118 with the English, Humanities & Arts Division faculty from 10:00 – 11:00.

1:00-2:00 Nuggets on Retention S-105

This session will share with Faculty ideas learned on how to increase retention at the faculty level, ideas that Susan and Wanda learned from a conference on student retention. These proven methods that they learned can be customized and used at the faculty level for departments as well as individual courses. Led by Susan Hawkins and Wanda Scott.

1:00-2:00 Meeting of Learning Resource Staff K-158 or K-163

Dr. Ron Davis, new Vice President for Academic Affairs, will meet with members of the Learning Resources Division staff.





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