University of Phoenix Committee on ...

right-64876700University of Phoenix Committee on ResearchResaerch Study ApplicationWhat is the purpose of the Committee on Research? The purpose of the Committee on Research (COR) is to encourage, support, approve, and facilitate meaningful, high quality research with University of Phoenix samples and/or data through establishing a relationship between the University and researchers. COR members will provide assistance prior to submitting, if requested.Who is required to complete an application and when?Any researcher, internal or external to the University, using University of Phoenix as a subject (i.e. using UOPX students, faculty, staff, or data) for their research must submit a formal request to the Committee on Research (COR) for approval. If the researcher is internal to UOPX they need to have COR approval prior to IRB submission; if external to UOPX it will be at the discretion of the overseeing IRB board for when site permissions need to be submitted. What is the COR application?The application is a formal request to conduct research that utilizes UOPX students, faculty, staff, facilities, or data. Please complete each field in this form as it applies to your research. Applications with incomplete or missing answers will be returned to the requester prior to review by the Committee with recommendations for correction. If you have sampling or data request questions contact Applications will be considered based on methodological rigor and potential for scholarly and pedagogical contribution. Applications will be vetted for tenability of data/sample requested, whether the research targets a viable problem or opportunity, and if the proposed research is in alignment with the University of Phoenix Mission and Vision. What are the steps to submitting? The applicant should be the principal investigator in any application. How to submit: Review supporting information, deadlines, and FAQs on the COR homepage on the UOPX Research Hub: Complete the applicable sections of the application. Adhere to word count limits using single space. (Text box size provide visual guidance on length). Tables or sections of full study proposals can be referenced for additional information but each section of the application must sufficiently answer the question. Read and sign the acknowledgements at the bottom. Gather required and additional documentation (all applications require a copy of all instrument or interview questions and the primary investigator’s CV). Additional documentation is indicated by this icon: Submit application and additional documentation to the Committee on Research inbox at:COR@phoenix.eduSubject line: COR Application [LAST NAME]Received applications will receive a desk review for completeness and a formal review by the committee. If your project is selected for approval, the Committee will provide you with the applicable Research and Data Use Agreement. The Research and Data Use Agreement needs to be fully executed as a condition of UOPX’s approval and is required prior to commencing any research. Approved applications will require evidence of receiving IRB affirmed status before data collection can begin. We appreciate your time and participation, and look forward to your submission!Part 1: Background InformationPrinciple Investigator: Study Title:Principal investigator:Street address:City:State:Country:Postal code (if U.S.):Primary email*:Alternative email (optional):Phone number: Alternative # (optional): UOPX affiliation (check all that apply):? Faculty ? Student ? Alumni ? Staff ? Previous Staff ? External Researcher Primary Employer:Job Title:Additional Employers: *All communications will be sent to this email address ADDITIONAL DOCUMENTATION REQUIRED: Attached a copy of the PI’s current curriculum vita. Additional Researchers:Please list any additional researchers on the study and their affiliations. Name:Email address:UOPX affiliation:? Faculty ? Student ? Alumni ? Staff ? Previous Staff ? None/OtherPrimary Employer:Name:Email address:UOPX affiliation:? Faculty ? Student ? Alumni ? Staff ? Previous Staff ? None/OtherPrimary Employer:Name:Email address:UOPX affiliation:? Faculty ? Student ? Alumni ? Staff ? Previous Staff ? None/OtherPrimary Employer:Note: If there are additional researchers please attached a list as an additional documentation. UOPX Affiliations: Below identify and describe any affiliations you have with UOPX. It is expected that research teams will different in their affiliations and level of involvement Are you or additional researchers affiliated with any UOPX schools/colleges, campus, or University Research Center? ? Yes ? NoIf so, list which one(s) and describe their level of involvement. Identify key personal if appropriate. External Affiliations:Below identify and describe any external affiliations you have. External affiliations may or may not be the same as sponsors (see definition for sponsor in the next section). Are you or additional researchers affiliated with another school or university?? Yes ? NoIf yes, what school(s)?Is there an employer(s) affiliated with the study? ? Yes ? NoIf yes, what employer(s):Sponsorship and Funding: The sponsor is defined as a person, government entity, organization, or institution that initiates, directs and/or pays for a research project. Funding refers to any grants or awards that provide financial contributions to the project. If your research is sponsored, they must also sign data use agreements.Who is the primary sponsor? ? Self ? UOPX ? Other university ? Other organization ? OtherIf other (university, organization, other), identify and explain their involvement:Is this research funded?? Yes ? NoIf yes, identify funding source:Degree Requirements: Is this study part of a degree requirement or school project?? Yes ? NoIf yes, what degree or course:Who is the chair/instructor?What is their contact email?What is the educational institute?ADDITIONAL DOCUMENTATION REQUIRED: If this study is part of a degree requirement (i.e., thesis or dissertation), please include a letter of support from your chair. Study Purpose and Timeline: What is the primary purpose? ? Dissertation/Thesis ? Publication ? Presentation ? OtherIf other, briefly explain:Est. Start Date:Est. Duration:Part 2: Research Study DetailsIntroduction:What is the goal of this research study? ? Empirical/Basic ? Evaluation ? Case Study ? Best Practices ? Applied ? Teaching and Learning ? Other (describe): Summarize the research area, problem, and objectives of your study (250 words or less): This should be a concise summary, referencing literature, of the current state of the research area, the research gap, and your study’s research questions. Hypothesis:What are your research hypothesis (250 words or less): For quantitative studies state the hypothesis to be tested. For qualitative studies, state the guiding research inquiries. These can be bulleted.Variables:Are you are requesting existing data?? Yes ? NoIdentify your demographic and research variables, provide your definition for each in the context of your study, and how they will be measured. Provide sufficient detail so that the reviewer can connect how the survey instruments/interview questions will elicit the variables or data to answer the research hypothesis. You may elect to include this information as an attachment.Under measurement you may reference to the survey instruments, such as see Measure X, #1-4. You can add rows to the table by tabbing over in the last cell. If requesting existing data, include any important details for pulling the data such the data set or level of aggregation (e.g. individual/summary of students, individual program/all programs, courses, assignments). If this is a qualitative study, replace variable with concept/theme as best as possible. VariableDefinitionMeasurementAdditional NotesADDITIONAL DOCUMENTATION REQUIRED: Attach your data collection instruments (interview protocols, surveys, etc.) and any permission needed to use that tool. Studies without necessary data collection documentation will not be reviewed. Sampling DesignWhat is your population (150 words or less): Be specific and define any key terms, such as non-traditional student. What is your sampling design and sample size (250 words or less)? Identify any sample selection parameters or characteristics that will include or exclude participants. If you are requesting existing data, identify the sampling parameters to pull the data, such as time period, level, or course. What is your recruitment strategy (150 words or less)? N/A for existing data requests. Identify any specific help you anticipate needing from University of Phoenix to recruit. UOPX Data and Sample InformationIs UOPX your sole data collection site?? Yes ? NoIf no, please identify other data collection sites:Please provide your rational for selecting a UOPX sample or data (250 words max). If UOPX is your sole sampling site, discuss the rational for why it is appropriate and how you will account for this in your analysis and discussion. Data Collection:Will your study require classroom information or involvement? ? Yes ? NoDo you have contact with staff/faculty at UOPX (who work with the requested data or courses) to provide guidance with your study?? Yes ? NoIf yes, who? Include name and contact informationSummarize your data collection procedure (250 words or less): Identify any logistics needed to be successful (e.g., courses, size, and timeframe). If you are uncertain what courses or sample, describe the goal and COR will provide guidance upon review or reach out to for assistance. Identify any specific help you anticipate needing from University of Phoenix to collect or gain access to any data.ADDITIONAL DOCUMENTATION REQUIRED: If you are requesting access that would require curriculum change or classwork you must attach a letter of acknowledgement from the program dean of the appropriate college. If you need assistance in identifying the program dean reach out to Data Analysis:What is the research methodology? Select all that apply: ? Qualitative ? Quantitative ? Descriptive ? Inferential? Theory building ? Prospective ? Retrospective ? Historical ? Archival? Pilot ? Observation ? Case Study ? Meta-analysis ? Quasi/Experimental Briefly describe you/your teams’ ability to conduct this methodology. Summarize your data analysis procedures (250 words or less): Part 3: Greater Contributions and BeneficiariesHow does this study contribute to the UOPX mission and vision? (150 words or less): Describe the expected contribution to this field, discipline, or higher education (150 words or less). How will the researcher(s) use the study results or benefit from the study? (150 words or less):How might UOPX use the study results or benefit from the study? (150 words or less):Will the results lead to future research connected to University of Phoenix? If so, please describe. (150 words or less): Part 4: AcknowledgementsAll Research that will involve working with human subjects or data related to human subjects must also be reviewed by the University's Institutional Review Board (IRB). The Federal Policy for the Protection of Human Subjects (45 CFR 690) can be accessed at If your research is approved by COR and will involve human subjects or data related to human subjects, you will be required to complete the "University of Phoenix Institutional Review Board Application to Conduct Research Using Human Subjects" form. You may request this form by contacting Upon completion of the form, you must send it to the University of Phoenix Institutional Review Board as noted on the form. Researcher acknowledges having read the Federal Policy for the Protection of Human Subjects.? I acknowledgeIf applicable, researcher acknowledges that no human subjects or data relating to human subjects will be involved in this research.? I acknowledgeResearcher acknowledges that no federal or state laws will be violated while conducting the research and that research may not be conducted where the disclosure of responses outside the research project could reasonably place the subjects at risk of criminal or civil liability or be damaging to the subject's financial standing, employability, or reputation.? I acknowledgeResearcher acknowledges that you understand that in order to conduct any research with the UOPX you will be required to execute a Research and Data Use Agreement? I acknowledgeResearcher acknowledges this application is completed correctly to the best of their knowledge. ? I acknowledge Any additional notes pertinent to this application: Signature:Date: ................

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