Email and Internet – Practice test 4



Part 1- Information

1. Open the M7answerfile and enter your name at the top of the file. 2 Marks

2. The software used to access information on the World Wide Web is … (Enter your answer in the M7answerfile) 1 Mark

a. A browser

b. An office application

c. A GUI

d. An operating system

3. Web pages can be bookmarked. Why might you want to do this? 1 Mark

a. To ensure the information on the page does not change

b. To store the page on your local computer

c. To make it easier to access the pages at a later date

d. To ensure the page is still available at a later date

4. Which is the best way of finding information on the World Wide Web about specific subjects? 1 Mark

a. Follow links on your home page

b. Type in a number of Web addresses 

c. Start at a news page and follow links

d. Type keywords into a search engine

5. Internet sites store data on your local computer. These are called … 1 Mark

a. Channels

b. Bookmarks 

c. Cookies

d. URLs

6. Open a Web browsing application. Use the browser Help function to find information about Internet. Copy a paragraph of text information from the help page into your M7 answerfile and save. 1 Mark

7. Enter the URL of your current home page into the M7answerfile. 1 Mark

8. Open the URL or web address: 1 Mark

9. Save the flag picture on the page as an image file on your candidate disk. 1 Mark

10. Activate the Ticket Order Form hyperlink. 1 Mark

11. Complete the Ticket Order form. Enter the generated order number in your answerfile. 1 Mark

12. Access a search engine and find information about theatres in London.

1 Mark

13. Select any page that gives information about theatres in London and save as theatre.txt on your candidate disk. 1 Mark

14. Change the orientation of the web page about theatres in London to landscape. 1 Mark

15. Print one copy of the first page only. 1 Mark


Part 2 - Communication


In this part of the test, you will use an email application and an email account to send mail, reply to mail, forward mail and manage the email system.

1. In the address what does the anesbit part represent? 1 Mark

a. Username

b. Host name

c. Location

d. Domain name

2. Which of these is NOT a true statement about e-mail?  1 Mark

a. Email may introduce viruses into your computer. 

b. The same message can be sent to many people at the same time

c. Email messages can get lost before reaching their destination.

d. Messages can only be sent to people using the same host.

3. Open an electronic mail application and create a message. 1 Mark

4. Enter the test leader's mail address in the To field, and the title Project Meeting in the Subject field. Enter the following text in the message: 1 Mark

Jayne, we need to get together to discuss next week's project meeting. Can you find half an hour later today?

5. Enter the address in the cc field. 1 Mark

6. Attach the file Meeting Notes.txt on your Candidate Disk to the mail message. 1 Mark

7. Send the Project Meeting message with high priority. 1 Mark

8. Create a new message with New Message in the subject field. Copy the text from the Meeting Notes file into the message and send the message to the test leader. 2 Marks

9. Locate the message with the subject ECDL test message contained in your inbox. 1 Mark

10. Save the attachment ECDL.doc to your candidate disk. 1 Mark

11. Reply to the ECDL test message. Insert the text See you next week into the message. Add your name. 1 Mark

12. Print one copy of your reply. 1 Mark

13. Forward the ECDL test message to Add the text:

Well done

1 Mark


14. Delete the ECDL test message from your Inbox. 1 Mark

Total Marks  (32 Marks)



Part 1- Information

1. Open the M7answerfile and type your name at the top of the file. 2 Marks

2. The Internet is … (Enter your answer in the M7answerfile) . 1 Mark

a. The World Wide Web 

b. A global network of interconnected computers

c. A global protocol

d. A global operating system

3. How is multimedia information stored on the Internet displayed on your computer? 1 Mark

a. Via the World Wide Web 

b. By an office application

c. Using a cache application

d. From the operating system

4. The software used to access information on the Internet is … 1 Mark

a. A browser

b. An office application

c. A GUI

d. An operating system

5. Where is information that you view on the Internet stored on your computer? 1 Mark

a. In the History

b. In a bookmark 

c. In the cache

d. In text files

6. Describe how to change the text size of the web browsing application. Enter your answer in the answer file and save. 1 Mark

7. Open a Web browsing application. Open the URL or web address: 1 Mark

8. Save the image on the page as an image file with the file name union.gif on your candidate disk. 1 Mark

9. Copy two lines of text from the ECDL Test7 page into the answer file and save the answerfile. 1 Mark

10. Access a search engine and enter the keyword Manchester in a search. 1 Mark

11. Refine your search to include sport in Manchester. 1 Mark

12. Select any page that gives information about sport in Manchester and save as Manchester.txt on your candidate disk. 1 Mark

13. Change the orientation of the web page about sport in Manchester to landscape. 1 Mark

14. Print one copy of the first page only. 1 Mark

Part 2 - Communication

In this part of the test, you will use an email application and an email account to send mail, reply to mail, forward mail and manage the email system.

1. In the address what does the de part represent? 1 Mark

a. Username

b. Host name

c. Location

d. Domain name

2. Which of these is NOT a true statement about e-mail? 1 Mark

a. Viruses can be distributed as email attachments. 

b. You can send an email message to anyone in the world

c. Email can be used to send a message to groups of people

d. You can attach an electronic signature to your messages.

3. Open an electronic mail application and create a message. 1 Mark

4. Enter the test leader's mail address in the To field, and the title Conference Visit in the Subject field. Enter the following text in the message: 2 Mark

Mo, we need to get together to discuss next week's conference visit. Can we meet after lunch?

5. Enter the address in the cc field. 1 Mark

6. Attach the file Meeting Notes on your Candidate Disk to the mail message. 1 Mark

7. Send the Conference Visit message with high priority. 1 Mark

8. Create a new message with New Message in the subject field. Copy the text from the Meeting Notes file into the message and send the message to the test leader. 2 Marks

9. Locate the message with the subject ECDL test message contained in your inbox. 1 Mark

10. Save the attachment ECDL.doc to your candidate disk. 1 Mark

11. Reply to the ECDL test message. Insert the text Message Received into the message. Add your name. 1 Mark

12. Print one copy of your reply. 1 Mark

13. Forward the ECDL test message to Add the text Thank you. 1 Mark

14. Delete the ECDL test message from your Inbox. 1 Mark

Total marks (32 Marks)



Part 1- Information

The following sample test for Module 7, Information and Communication, is divided in two parts. In the Information part of the test you are asked to answer some theory questions, to carry out some basic tasks using a Web browsing application and to undertake a Web search about erosion.

1. Locate the answer folder on your Candidate Disk. Open the answerfile contained in the answer folder. Enter your Candidate Identification in the shaded cell provided and save the answerfile to your Candidate Disk. 3 Marks

2. What is HTTP? Enter your answer (a, b, c, or d) in the answerfile (Q. 2 space provided). 1 Mark

a. Hyperlink Transfer Protocol

b. Hyperlink Transmission Procedure

c. Hypertext Transfer Protocol

d. Hypertext Transmission Procedure

3. What is a Search Engine? Enter your answer (a, b, c, or d) in the answerfile (Q. 3 space provided). [1 Mark]

a. A program that searches Web pages for viruses

b. A program that searches for an Internet connection

c. A program that refreshes Web pages

d. A program that searches the Internet by key words

4. Open a web browsing application and go to the following Web page address:

. 1 Mark

5. Activate the Book Order Form hyperlink on the ECDL Syllabus 4 Module 7 Test Page. 1 Mark

6. On the Book Order Form order 3 copies of a book titled Persuasion and 2 copies of a book titled Emma. When you have filled out the book order form, click on the Order button. Enter the number displayed into the answerfile (Q.6 space provided) and save. 1 Mark

7. Access a Search Engine and search using the keyword erosion. 1 Mark

8. Select any Web site that gives information about erosion from the search results and print one copy of page one only of the Web site to an output printer if available, or as a print file to your Candidate Disk. (Use the file name erosion.prn if you are adding a print file to your Candidate Disk). 1 Mark

Part 2 - Communication

You are now beginning the Communication part of the sample test. You will also use the answerfile for this part of the test.

9. Which of the following is an advantage of e-mail? Enter your answer (a, b, c, or d) in the answerfile (Q. 9 space provided). 1 Mark

a. e-mail messages are always easy to locate

b. e-mail is a low cost way to transmit messages

c. e-mail is always a secure means of sending messages

d. e-mail eliminates the need for conventional surface mail

10. What is a digital signature? Enter your answer (a, b, c, or d) in the answerfile (Q. 10 space provided) and save. 1 Mark

a. An electronic signature that is used to buy goods on the Internet

b. An electronic signature that appears on all file attachments

c. An electronic signature that contains the address for an e-mail

d. An electronic signature that is used to authenticate the identity of the sender of a message

11. You are going to create and send an e-mail message. Open the e-mail application and create a new mail message. 1 Mark

12. Prepare a message with the mail address nicolaards@hotmail .com and Trip as the subject and enter the following short text in the body of the mail message: 1 Mark

Dear Paula

We await your list of passengers and will arrange the requisite number of

coaches accordingly.

Best wishes,

Robert Brown

13. Use the cc feature2 so that the Trip message will also go to 1 Mark

14. Send the Trip message with high priority. [1 Mark]

15. What is a Web Browser Home Page? Enter your answer in the answerfile (Q. 14 space provided). 1 Mark

a. The first page for a set of Web pages in a Web site

b. A Web Browser help system

c. A hyperlink to a document

d. A start page in a Web Browser

16. What is encryption and why is it used? Enter your answer (a, b, c, or d) in the answerfile (Q. 15 space provided) and save. 1 Mark

a. Encoding of data to prevent infection by computer viruses

b. Encoding of data to prevent data getting lost

c. Encoding of data to prevent accidental deletion

d. Encoding of data to prevent unauthorized access to data

17. Open a web browsing application and go to the following Web page address: 1 Mark

18. Save the music image from the ECDL Syllabus 4 Module 7 Test Page as sheet music to your Candidate Disk. 1 Mark

19. Access a search engine and search using the keyword London 1 Mark

20. Select any Web site that gives information about London from the search results and save as London.txt to your Candidate disk. 1 Mark

21. Print one copy of page one only of the Web site about London to an output printer if available, or as a print file to your Candidate Disk. (Use the file name London.prn if you are adding a print file to your Candidate Disk). 1 Mark

22. In the e-mail address annsmith@ which part of the address is ‘revco’ Enter your answer (a, b, c, or d) in the answerfile (Q. 21 space provided). 1 Mark

a. Domain

b. Username

c. Host

d. Subdomain

23. What is a distribution list? Enter your answer (a, b, c, or d) in the answerfile (Q. 10 space provided) and save. 1 Mark

a. A list of e-mails with attachments

b. A list of recipients on an e-mail mailing list

c. A list of messages in the inbox

d. A list of sent e-mails

24. You are going to create and send an e-mail message. Open the e-mail application and create a new mail message. 1 Mark

25. Prepare a message with the mail address and Meeting as the subject and enter the following short text in the body of the mail message: 1 Mark

Dear Mary,

The meeting will take place in London on the 29th September.

Best wishes,


26. Insert the file agenda.doc from your Candidate Disk as an attachment to the Meeting message. 1 Mark

27. Send the Meeting message with low priority. 1 Mark



1. Open the answerfile from your Candidate Disk. Enter your Candidate Identification (Log book number) and save. 1 mark

2. What is FTP? Enter your answer (a, b, c, or d) in the answerfile (Question 2 space provided). [1 Mark]

a. Fast Transfer Provision;

b. File Transmission Procedure;

c. False Transmission Prevention;

d. File Transfer Protocol.

3. What are the http:// and ecdl parts of the following URL: called? Enter your answer (a, b, c, or d) in the answerfile (Question 3 space provided) and save. [1 Mark]

a. The transfer protocol and the hyperlink;

b. The transfer protocol and suffix indicating the organisation type;

c. The transfer protocol and the domain name;

d. The transfer protocol and suffix indicating the country code.

4. What is a Search Engine? Enter your answer (a, b, c, or d) in the answerfile (Question 4 space provided). [1 Mark]

a. A programme that searches for an Internet connection;

b. A programme that searches the Internet by key words;

c. A programme that refreshes Web pages;

d. A programme that searches Web pages for viruses.

5. What is a digital certificate? Enter your answer (a, b, c, or d) in the answerfile (Question 5 space provided). [1 Mark]

a. A digital statement proving knowledge of Web design;

b. A digital statement proving Web site protection against viruses;

c. An electronic card that establishes your credentials when doing business or other transactions on the Web;

d. A digital statement which indicates the size of a Web site.

6. Which one of the following activities could be subject to fraud when purchasing goods over the Internet? Enter your answer (a, b, c, or d) in the answerfile (Question 6 space provided). [1 Mark]

a. Using a search engine to find retail Web sites;

b. Entering credit card details;

c. Browsing retail Web sites;

d. Downloading freeware.

7. What does bookmarking a Web page mean? Enter your answer (a, b, c, or d) in the answerfile (Question 7 space provided) and save. [1 Mark]

a. Saving a Web page as a text file;

b. Hiding all graphics on a Web page;

c. Viewing the source code of a Web page to edit it;

d. Saving a link to a Web page.

6. Open a web browsing application. 1 mark

7. Open the URL or web address: 1 mark

8. Copy the sentence: “Belfast Institute, as the largest provider of further education in Northern Ireland, has 43,000 students on courses ranging from basic literacy and numeracy through all vocational and academic areas at all levels to degree and degree equivalent.” 1 mark

9. Go to your web browsing application’s Homepage. 1 mark

10. Enter the URL of the Homepage in the answerfile and save. 1 mark

11. Access a search engine and search using the keyword travel 1 mark

12. Select any web page which gives information about travel from the search results. 1 mark

13. Enter the URL of the opened web page in the answerfile and save. 1 mark

14. Refine your search to include travel in France. Select any web page which gives information about walking in France from the search results. Enter the URL in the answerfile and save. 1 mark

15. Print the page showing your name in the footer.

16. Go to the following web address: . 1 mark

17. Click on the Hotels hyperlink and copy the map of Fermanagh into the answerfile and save. 1 mark

18. Save the lakelands page as lakelands.txt (text file format) to your Candidate disk. 1 mark

19. Close the web browsing application and other open applications. 1 mark

20. Open an electronic mail application. 1 mark

21. Open a mail inbox that has been assigned to you. 1 mark

22. You are going to compose and send an e-mail message. Open a new mail message and enter the following short text:

I wish to confirm that the date and time of our next meeting will be Friday 2 February 2001 at 10.00 am. 1 mark

23. Insert the practice test leader’s address in the message To field, and the title Annual General Meeting (Your Name) in the message Subject field. 1 mark

24. Attach the file Notes contained on your Candidate Disk to the mail message. 1 mark

25. Print one copy of the message just prepared to an available printer. 1 mark

26. Send the message to the test leader with high priority. 1 mark

27. You are going to compose and send another e-mail message. Open a new mail message and enter the address in the To field. 1 mark

28. Enter the address in the cc field and Team Meetings (Your Name) in the Subject field. 1 mark

29. Open the file entitled Meetings on your Candidate Disk and copy the sentence Meetings have the advantage of being a direct method of communication. into the body of the new e-mail message and send. 1 mark

30. Open the message entitled ftlmessage from your inbox. You are going to reply to this message. 1 mark

31. Insert the phrase Confirmation (Your Name) in the top left hand corner of the reply and send (with or without original message insertion). 1 mark

32. You are now going to forward the ftlmessage message. Enter the address in the To field. 1 mark

33. Insert the following: Please contact me if this is unsuitable. (Your Name) as the first line and send (forward) the message. 1 mark

34. Close the e-mail application and any other open applications. 1 mark



This paper is divided into 2 parts, Information which contains theory questions, and Communication which has some theory and some email tasks to carry out

Try to carry out the tasks in 45 mins. The pass rate is 32 out of 39

Part 1 – Information

1. Open the answerfile from your Candidate Disk. Enter your Candidate Identification (Name) and save. 1 mark

2. What is FTP? Enter your answer (a, b, c, or d) in the answerfile (Question 2 space provided). [1 Mark]

a.Fast Transfer Provision;

b.File Transmission Procedure;

c.False Transmission Prevention;

d.File Transfer Protocol.

3. What are the http:// and ecdl parts of the following URL: called? Enter your answer (a, b, c, or d) in the answerfile (Question 3 space provided) and save. [1 Mark]

a. The transfer protocol and the hyperlink;

b. The transfer protocol and suffix indicating the organisation type;

c. The transfer protocol and the domain name;

d. The transfer protocol and suffix indicating the country code.

4. What is a Search Engine? Enter your answer (a, b, c, or d) in the answerfile (Question 4 space provided). [1 Mark]

a. A programme that searches for an Internet connection;

b. A programme that searches the Internet by key words;

c. A programme that refreshes Web pages;

d. A programme that searches Web pages for viruses.

4. What is a digital certificate? Enter your answer (a, b, c, or d) in the answerfile (Question 5 space provided). [1 Mark]

A. A digital statement proving knowledge of Web design;

B. A digital statement proving Web site protection against viruses;

C. An electronic card that establishes your credentials when doing business or other transactions on the Web;

D. A digital statement which indicates the size of a Web site.

7. What does bookmarking a Web page mean? Enter your answer (a, b, c, or d) in the answerfile (Question 7 space provided) and save. [1 Mark]

a. Saving a Web page as a text file;

b. Hiding all graphics on a Web page;

c. Viewing the source code of a Web page to edit it;

d. Saving a link to a Web page.

8. When shopping online, which activity is open to fraud? Enter your answer into the answerfile (Question 8 space provided) 1 Mark

a. Using a search engine

b. Browsing sites

c. Entering Credit Card details

d. Downloading files

9. Open a web browsing application. 1 mark

10. Open the URL or web address: 1 mark

11. Save the Logo from this page (top left hand corner) to the Practice test 5 folder 1 Mark

12. Copy the sentence: “Belfast Institute and Castlereagh College merged on 1st August 2007 to form Belfast Metropolitan College)” and paste it into your answerfile (Qu 12 space provided) 1 Mark

13. Go to your web browsing application’s Homepage. 1 mark

14. Enter the URL of the Homepage in the answerfile and save (space provided for Qu 14). 1 mark

15. Access a search engine and search using the keyword travel 1 mark

16. Select any web page which gives information about travel from the search results. 1 mark

17. Enter the URL of the opened web page in the answerfile and save (space provided for Qu 17). 1 mark

18. Refine your search to include travel in France. Select any web page which gives information about walking in France from the search results. Enter the URL in the answerfile and save (space provided for Qu 18). 1 mark

19. Print one page of this site showing your name in the footer. 1 mark

20. Go to the following web address: . 1 mark

21. Copy the first line of text on the page and paste it into the answerfile (space provided for Qu 21). 1 mark

22. Save the lakelands page as lakelands.txt (text file format) to your Candidate disk. 1 mark

23. Close the web browsing application and other open applications. 1 mark

This is the end of the Information Section

Part 2 – Communication

1. What is the structure of the following email address? Enter your answer in space 1 on the answerfile. 1 mark


A. Username@host

B. Host@username.subdomain

C. Host@username.domain

D. Username@host.domain

2. What is a Digital Signature? Enter the answer in the space for Qu 2 in your answerfile. 1 Mark

a. An electronic signature on attachments

b. An electronic signature to confirm the identity of the sender of the message

c. Your personalised signature on outgoing messages

d. An electronic signature to buy goods on the internet

3. From the list below, which file type is going to cause you the most problems with security? Enter your answer in the space for Qu3 in your answerfile 1 mark

a. .txt

b. .exe

c. .doc

d. .jpeg

4. You are going to create a new mail message. Open your email software and create a message at High Priority. 1 mark

5. You are going to compose and send an e-mail message. Open a new mail message and enter the following short text: . 1 mark

I wish to confirm that the date and time of our next meeting will be Friday 2 January 2008 at 10.00 am

Yours truly,

(your name)

6. Insert the practice test leader’s address in the message To field, and the title Our next meeting in the message Subject field. Do not send yet! 1 mark

7. Attach the file Memo contained on your Candidate Disk to the mail message. 1 mark

8. Take a screenshot of the message with the file attached and paste this into the space for qu 9 on your answerfile. 1 mark

9. Print one copy of the message just prepared to an available printer. 1 mark

10. Send the message . 1 mark

11. Open the message entitled Menu from your inbox.. 1 mark

12. Save the menu attachment to your disk. 1 Mark

13. You are going to reply to the message. Insert the phrase My choices (Your Name) in the top left hand corner of the reply and enter the text below. 1 mark

Deep Fried Brie

Vegetables and Feta cheese Filo pastry bake

Apple and Cinnamon Crumble

14. You are now going to forward the Menu message. Return to your inbox and open the menu message again. Enter the address in the To field. 1 mark

15. Insert the address in the Cc field. 1 Mark

16. Insert the following: Please return your choices to me asap. (Your Name) as the first line and send (forward) the message. 1 mark

17. Close the e-mail application and any other open applications. 1 mark



This paper is divided into 2 parts, Information which contains theory questions, and Communication which has some theory and some email tasks to carry out

Try to carry out the tasks in 45 mins. The pass rate is 32 out of 39

Part 1 – Information

1. Open the answerfile from your Candidate Disk. Enter your Candidate Identification (Name) and save. 1 mark

2. What are the http:// and adventure parts of the following URL: called? Enter your answer (a, b, c, or d) in the answerfile (Question 2 space provided) and save. [1 Mark]

a. The transfer protocol and the hyperlink;

b. The transfer protocol and the domain name;

c. The transfer protocol and suffix indicating the organisation type;

d. The transfer protocol and suffix indicating the country code.

3. What is a Search Engine? Enter your answer (a, b, c, or d) in the answerfile (Question 3 space provided). [1 Mark]

a. A programme that searches for an Internet connection;

b. A programme that refreshes Web pages;

c. A programme that searches Web pages for viruses.

d. A programme that searches the Internet by key words;

4. What is FTP? Enter your answer (a, b, c, or d) in the answerfile (Question 2 space provided). [1 Mark]

a. Fast Transfer Provision;

b. File Transfer Protocol

c. File Transmission Procedure;

d. False Transmission Prevention;

5. What is a digital certificate? Enter your answer (a, b, c, or d) in the answerfile (Question 5 space provided). [1 Mark]

a. An electronic card that establishes your credentials when doing business or other transactions on the Web;

b. A digital statement which indicates the size of a Web site.

c. A digital statement proving knowledge of Web design;

d. A digital statement proving Web site protection against viruses;

6. When shopping online, which activity is open to fraud? Enter your answer into the answerfile (Question 6 space provided) 1 Mark

a. Using a search engine

b. Browsing sites

c. Entering Credit Card details

d. Downloading files

7.What does bookmarking a Web page mean? Enter your answer (a, b, c, or d) in the answerfile (Question 7 space provided) and save. [1 Mark]

a. Saving a Web page as a text file;

b. Hiding all graphics on a Web page;

c. Viewing the source code of a Web page to edit it;

d. Saving a link to a Web page.

8. Open a web browsing application. 1 mark

9. Open the URL or web address: 1 mark

10. Save the Logo from this page (top of the page) to the Practice test 6 folder 1 Mark

11. Copy the sentence: “This site is for parents of children with any disability within Northern Ireland” and paste it into your answerfile (Qu 10 space provided) 1 Mark

12. Go to your web browsing application’s Homepage. 1 mark

13. Enter the URL of the Homepage in the answerfile and save (space provided for Qu 13). 1 mark

14. Access a search engine and search using the keyword Dancing on ice 1 mark

15. Select any web page which gives information about this subject from the search results. 1 mark

16. Enter the URL of the opened web page in the answerfile and save (space provided for Qu 16). 1 mark

17. Print one page of this site showing your name in the footer. 1 mark

18. Go to the following web address . 1 mark

19. Copy the first line of text on the page and paste it into the answerfile (space provided for Qu 19). 1 mark

20. Save the home page as visa.txt (text file format) to your Candidate disk. 1 mark

21. Close the web browsing application and other open applications. 1 mark

This is the end of the Information Section

Part 2 – Communication

1. What is the structure of the following email address? Enter your answer in space 1 on the answerfile. 1 mark


A. Host@username.domain

B. Username@host.domain

C. Username@host

D. Host@username.subdomain

2. What is a Digital Signature? Enter the answer in the space for Qu 2 in your answerfile. 1 Mark

a. An electronic signature on attachments

b. An electronic signature to buy goods on the internet

c. An electronic signature to confirm the identity of the sender of the message

d. Your personalised signature on outgoing messages

3. From the list below, which file type is going to cause you the most problems with security? Enter your answer in the space for Qu3 in your answerfile 1 mark

a. .txt

b. .exe

c. .doc

d. .jpeg

4. You are going to create a new mail message. Open your email software and create a message at High Priority. 1 mark

5. You are going to compose and send an e-mail message. Open a new mail message and enter the following short text: . 1 mark

Dear Jim,


Please get me two tickets for next week's football match?

If possible I would like front row seats on the aisle.


Yours sincerely,


(your name)

6. Insert the practice test leader’s address in the message To field, and the title football in the message Subject field. Do not send yet! 1 mark

7. Attach the file Football image contained on your Candidate Disk to the mail message. 1 mark

8. Take a screenshot of the message with the file attached and paste this into the space for qu 8 on your answerfile. 1 mark

9. Print one copy of the message just prepared to an available printer. 1 mark

10. Send the message . 1 mark

11. Open the message entitled Music from your inbox.. 1 mark

12. Save the Borrow attachment to your disk. 1 Mark

13. You are going to reply to the message. Enter the text below. 1 mark

The Ulster Orchestra are playing, with Yan Doitveld as the guest conductor. Should be good!

(your name)

14. You are now going to forward the Music message. Return to your inbox and open the Music message again. Enter the address in the To field. 1 mark

15. Insert the address in the Cc field. 1 Mark

16. Insert the following: Please thought you would like to see this message. (Your Name) as the first line and send (forward) the message. 1 mark

17. Create a new message and send it to, with CC to and Bcc to testerdee@. 1 mark

18. Attach the document to this file. 1 mark

19. Enter the subject Information. 1 Mark

20. Enter the following text

Dear Sir


I am looking for course information on:

• British naval history.

• Medieval games.


J Smith

1 Mark

21. Send the email. 1 Mark

22. Search for an email with the text passport. Print a copy of this email. 1 Mark

23. Close the e-mail application and any other open applications. 1 mark


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