Research Models Exploration Form

Research Models Exploration Form Name: Leah G. Doughman

Pathways to Knowledge

|Model |Pathways to Knowledge (Follett Information Skills Model – Marjorie Pappas and Ann Tepe        |

|Name of model and people | |

|involved | |

|Information Sources | |

|Where you located your | |

|information | |

|Overview of Model |This module is a set of six stages in which students try to answer questions or complete an assignment through |

|Description of the basis |research.  It is important that students stay engaged and constantly reflect on learning throughout process.  |

|for the model |Students don’t have to complete the stages in linear manner, but rather move through stages at own pace and |

| |possibly go back to reflect and change or add as necessary. |

|Steps in Model |Appreciation – getting students interested through curiosity and imagination |

|Description of each step |Presearch – Activating prior knowledge and beginning brainstorming process. |

|the students will follow |Search – Planning and beginning research using variety of resources. |

| |Interpretation – Deciding what information is important and what isn’t and organizing it. |

| |Communication – Organize, explain and share the content you’ve learned (speaking, writing, project, etc.). |

| |Evaluation – Students reflect on learning and think of ways to improve. |

|Comparison |Pathways is similar to KidConnects model because they’re both geared for younger students and fairly simplistic |

|Description of how model is|in nature. |

|similar to and different |Pathways is similar to Big6 and Information Search Process in the number of stages students go through (six). |

|from other models |Pathways is different from Critical Thinking and Information Literacy because Critical Thinking involves |

|(You will complete this |evaluating, analyzing, inferencing, etc. through nine step process on higher level. |

|section after you have |Pathways is completely different from Flip-It model because Flip-It does steps in form of graphic organizer |

|discussed the models in |while Pathways isn’t structured at all and students don’t have to follow all steps or do the steps in order. |

|your group) |Pathways is different from Research Cycle model because Pathways was developed for individual work while |

| |Research Cycle is based on collaboration and working in teams. |

|Potential Use |ELA3W1j: Student uses a variety of resources for research and to share information on a topic. |

|Grade level and specific |ELA10W3:  Student uses research and technology to support writing. |

|example of GPS that would |T3 (AASL): Research and information fluency: apply digital tools to gather, evaluate and use information. |

|be supported by the model |NETS(S) 3B: Students apply digital tools to gather, evaluate and use information.  Student locate, organize, |

| |analyze, evaluate, synthesize and ethically use information from a variety of sources in media. |


Research Models Exploration Form

Critical Thinking and Information Literacy Process Model

|Model |Critical Thinking and Information Literacy Process Model |

|Name of model and people |Synthesis of research of Carol Kuhlthau, Jamie McKenzie and Jay McTighe along with Baltimore Public Schools |

|involved |Media Specialists. |

|Information Sources |  |

|Where you located your | |

|information | |

|Overview of Model |A model for critical thinking and informational literacy processes which includes instructional tools.  This |

|Description of the basis |model teaches students how infer meaning from and assimilating information and lends itself to technology use. |

|for the model | |

|Steps in Model |9 Steps |

|Description of each step |Encountering the Task |

|the students will follow |Exploring/Formulating/Questioning/Connecting |

| |Searching/Locating |

| |Collecting/Organizing/Managing/Monitoring |

| |Analyzing/Evaluating/Interpreting/Inferring |

| |Synthesis/Solving |

| |Applying New Understanding |

| |Communicating/Presenting/Sharing |

| |Reflecting/Extending |

|Comparison |This model is similar to The Research Cycle, Information Search Process and The Big 6 as they are multi-stepped,|

|Description of how model is|require application and critical analysis of information and are intended for upper level students. |

|similar to and different | |

|from other models | |

|(You will complete this | |

|section after you have | |

|discussed the models in | |

|your group) | |

|Potential Use |The model provides steps for students to follow to complete the research process.  On the web site, within the |

|Grade level and specific |model, tools for teachers are provided through a large of amount of links to information on teaching each step |

|example of GPS that would |and elements of the research process.  The model is fairly complicated and best suited for high school |

|be supported by the model |students.  It may be used for any standard involving informational literacy. |

Research Models Exploration Form

Flip It Model

|Model |Flip It Model – Alice Yucht |

|Name of model and people | |

|involved | |

|Information Sources | |

|Where you located your | |

|information | |

|Overview of Model |What do I already know that will help me get here? |

|Description of the basis |Focus |

|for the model |Links |

| |Input |

| |Payoff |

|Steps in Model |State the if/then problem |

|Description of each step |Focus--brainstorm and get specific |

|the students will follow |Link--strategize |

| |Input---organize, sort and sift |

| |Payoff—solved the problem |

|Comparison |This model seems to take off from the Pathways to Knowledge which is at a lower level. |

|Description of how model is| |

|similar to and different | |

|from other models | |

|(You will complete this | |

|section after you have | |

|discussed the models in | |

|your group) | |

|Potential Use |Predicting and analyzing events |

|Grade level and specific |Higher level/critical thinking skills developed |

|example of GPS that would |How to cite and use bibliographical information, middle school and up, |

|be supported by the model |Social Studies—History |

Research Models Exploration Form

The Research Cycle

|Model |The Research Cycle- Jamie McKenzie |

|Name of model and people |Sabrina Price |

|involved |Jessica Herrin |

| |       |

|Information Sources | |

|Where you located your | |

|information | |

|Overview of Model |This model “meets the need for an approach to research involving teams of students working on essential |

|Description of the basis |questions”. It requires students to make up their own minds, create their own answers, and show independence and|

|for the model |judgment. This is not intended to be a linear process because students should cycle repeatedly through the |

| |stages. |

|Steps in Model |1. Questioning- clarify and map out essential questions; begin by brainstorming to form a cluster (graphic |

|Description of each step |organizer) |

|the students will follow |2. Planning- think of ways to find information that will help students answer the questions they created in the |

| |cluster. (ex. Books, Internet, etc.) |

| |3. Gathering- start “gathering” information from the different sources discussed. |

| |4. Sorting and Sifting- students should scan and organize the information they gathered. |

| |5. Synthesizing- as they organize information, they can arrange/rearrange until patterns or “bigger” pictures |

| |begin to emerge. |

| |6. Evaluating- students should decide if more research is needed at this point. (They should “determine the |

| |quality of their information harvest”) |

| |7. Reporting- students report findings and recommendations to an audience of decision makers. |

|Comparison |One major difference between The Research Cycle and other research models is that is seems to focus on “team” |

|Description of how model is|work: teams of students should focus on essential questions to create their own cluster/graphic organizer. |

|similar to and different |Compared to many of the other models such as Pathways, Information Search Process, and Big 6, there is one more |

|from other models |step involved. Others seem to combine the sorting/sifting and synthesizing stage into one process. This model |

|(You will complete this |does utilize a graphic organizer, like the Flip It model, but the process isn’t based on the organizer. The Flip|

|section after you have |It model uses an acronym to deliver the steps in the process while The Research Cycle only uses the graphic |

|discussed the models in |organizer in the beginning steps. |

|your group) | |

|Potential Use |This model would probably work best in a middle school or high school setting. It could be used in any subject |

|Grade level and specific |area where research is taking place. |

|example of GPS that would |ELA6W3, ELA7W3, ELA8W3- The student uses research and technology to support writing. (This standard mentions the|

|be supported by the model |use of graphic organizers, multi-media presentations, evaluating data, etc.) |

Research Models Exploration Form Name: Leah G. Doughman

The Big 6

|Model |The Big 6 – Mike Eisenberg and Robert Berkowitz |

|Name of model and people | |

|involved | |

|Information Sources | |

|Where you located your | |

|information | |

|Overview of Model |This model involves six steps. It is a process which guides students though information and technology problem |

|Description of the basis |solving which provides a framework for teaching and promoting informational literacy. In other words, students use|

|for the model |the six steps to gather/research information to formulate a concept or answer on a topic. Great for scaffolding |

| |information. |

|Steps in Model |Task Definition- determine informational problem or information related to a problem |

|Description of each step |Information Seeking Strategies- students determine possible informational sources, then select appropriate, defined|

|the students will follow |task |

| |Location and Access- use of the access tools, arrangement of the materials, points of the book, online organization|

| |of materials |

| |Use of Information- Read information, review the material, listen to material and resources, interaction with the |

| |material or with group member (if completed as a group) |

| |Synthesis- Reconstruct information to fit one’s understanding and application of information |

| |Evaluation- determine the effectiveness of the information and research along with task carried out |

|Comparison |This model is similar to the Pathways Model and the Informational Search Process Model in regards to the six, |

|Description of how model is|similar steps. This research model can be used across grade levels. The synthesis step in this model is similar |

|similar to and different |to the Research Cycle Model synthesis step. |

|from other models | |

|(You will complete this | |

|section after you have | |

|discussed the models in | |

|your group) | |

|Potential Use |S2L1- second grade, life cycles |

|Grade level and specific |ELA6W4- sixth grade, uses the writing process |

|example of GPS that would |ELA11W2- eleventh grade, demonstrates competence in a variety of genres |

|be supported by the model | |

| |Can be used at any grade level to do research and scaffolding. |

Research Models Exploration Form

KidsConnect KCTools

|Model |KidsConnect KCTools  |

|Name of model and people|American Association of School Librarians  |

|involved |Appropriate for K-12 ages |

|Information Sources | |

|Where you located your |ContentManagement/ContentDisplay.cfm&ContentID=21725  |

|information | |

|Overview of Model |This is a research toolbox for students.   KidsConnect has 4 basic phases of the research process.  It begins with |

|Description of the basis|“ I wonder” and asks you to think about your question or topic and how to seek further advice on the Internet. |

|for the model | |

|Steps in Model |I wonder… asking a question (always begin research with a question) |

|Description of each step|What do I want to find out? |

|the students will follow|What do I already know? |

| |Has someone already researched this? |

| |Am I asking a good question? |

| |Do I care about what I am researching? |

| |I find…getting the information you need |

| |Use keywords when searching |

| |Make sure the internet is the best source |

| |Learn about different search engines |

| |Check your source to find out if it is accurate |

| |I evaluate…understand the information you’ve found |

| |Make sure the information is relevant to the topic |

| |Look for errors on the websites as keys to quality of information |

| |Be aware of fact or opinion statements |

| |I share….telling others about what you know |

| |Keep your audience in mind |

| |Answer your original question |

| |Give credit to your source |

| |Be creative |

|Comparison | This model is similar to the Research Cycle, but it was more broken down into a simple form. |

|Description of how model| |

|is similar to and | |

|different from other | |

|models | |

|(You will complete this | |

|section after you have | |

|discussed the models in | |

|your group) | |

|Potential Use |7th grade science  |

|Grade level and specific|GPS S7L1 investigate the diversity of living organisms and how they can be composed scientifically.  |

|example of GPS that |NETS standards: |

|would be supported by |1.a, 1.b, 3.a, 3.b, 3.c, 3.d  |

|the model |AALS standards: |

| |1.1.1,  1.1.2, 1.1.4, 1.3.1, 2.1.1 |


Research Models Exploration Form

Information Search Process

|Model |Information Search Process - Carol Collier Kuhlthau |

|Name of model and people involved| |

|Information Sources | |

|Where you located your | |

|information | |

|Overview of Model |ISP treats research as a holistic experience. The goal is to form a focus (i.e. thesis) in the early stages|

|Description of the basis for the |and gather information to support the focus as the individual works toward arriving at a solution. |

|model |Furthermore, ISP is a process that takes place over time rather than a single event. In the beginning, |

| |searching often increases uncertainty rather than reducing confusion, which may be frustrating. However, |

| |individuals experience a dip in confidence at various points from the time a search is initiated through |

| |the exploration stage. In the end, the problem is resolved, and confidence is restored. |

|Steps in Model |1.  Initiation: Person becomes aware of what they don’t know. |

|Description of each step the |2.  Selection: Person identifies a topic which gives way briefly to sense of optimism. |

|students will follow |3. Exploration: This is most difficult stage. Frustration and confusion often resurfaces as individual |

| |works toward an understanding of topic. |

| |4. Formulation: Turning point where uncertainty fades and understanding increases. Forming the focus is key|

| |here. |

| |5. Collection: Information is gathered specific to the focus. |

| |6. Presentation: The search is complete, the problem resolved, and a conclusion is reached. |

|Comparison |ISP has six stages and seems characteristic to the research process many of us are familiar which involves |

|Description of how model is |identifying a focus and gathering information in support of that focus to arrive at a solution. This type |

|similar to and different from |of activity is best suited for older students, whereas models such as Pathways to Knowledge, KidsConnect, |

|other models |and Flip It seemed to be more applicable to elementary age students. Big 6 is universal to all grades, and |

|(You will complete this section |some adaptations could be made to help other research models serve both younger and older students. |

|after you have discussed the |Research cycle would probably work best with middle school students.  |

|models in your group) |ISP is a streamlined process that has specific steps and rarely mentions reflection or evaluation of |

| |sources and information characteristic of Pathways to Knowledge, Critical Thinking, and Big 6. ISP is |

| |straightforward and focuses on different stages in the research process moving forward rather than |

| |synthesizing information and repeating of stages. Moreover, is my opinion that ISP is more of an individual|

| |process where Research Cycle requires working in groups. Additionally, nothing is mentioned about |

| |developing an appreciation of a topic in ISP unlike Pathways to Knowledge. Some models such as KidsConnect |

| |resolve around essential questions, and ISP does to a degree if you think in terms of gathering information|

| |on a specific thesis/focus. |

|Potential Use |Eighth grade and High school |

|Grade level and specific example |  ELA10W2, ELA11W2, ELA12W2: The student demonstrates competence in a variety of genres. Critical |

|of GPS that would be supported by|Component: The student produces expository (informational) writing to convey information and ideas from |

|the model |primary and secondary sources accurately and coherently; the student:  |

| |b. Formulates a coherent thesis or controlling idea.  |

| |c. Coherently develops the controlling idea and/or supports the thesis by incorporating evidence from |

| |primary and secondary sources |

| |ELA8W2 and ELA9W2 contain the same concepts with slightly different wording. |


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