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Questions and AnswersTo help us in understanding the value of your proposals please identify separate pricing for aspects of the proposal that could be implemented separately.Updated Questions – Released 9 April 2020Given the continued disruption from COVID-19 can you please provide a two week extension to the due date?The DTA understands that Sellers are concerned about the potential impact of COVID-19 on this procurement. This project is critical to the way in which government communicates with Australians in critical incidents like COVID-19, therefore it is highly important that this procurement continues in line with current timeline.The DTA will not be extending the close date, which remains 15 April.Can you provide details and maturity of your current cloud IaaS and iPaaS platforms?The DTA is looking to seek the expertise of Sellers to help define the detailed requirements for the platform solution going forward. The DTA is open to all potential options put forward by Sellers as a part of this request. We want to work with the market to discover what is the best option going forward. Once a preferred Seller is engaged, the DTA will work with the preferred Seller(s) in an agile way to further develop the detailed technical requirements. To help us in understanding the value of your proposals please identify separate pricing for aspects of the proposal that could be implemented separately.Could you provide the details of existing integration tools, vendors, patterns and capabilities?Please refer to the answer provided at question number 55.Given the DTA has conducted a significant amount of user research, and developed prototypes, can we assume that you are at the end of Alpha, and that the SI partner will join for Beta and Live?Horizon 1 will be a functioning system in production when a contract is established with the preferred Seller(s) from this RFQ process. Horizon 1 is a dynamic, fast moving and agile project so we do not know exactly what the end product looks like. The DTA expects that the preferred Seller(s) would build upon the user research which has already been conducted while bringing new ideas and recommendations based on expertise and evidence on further improvements. The DTA is open to options which the Seller may recommend; this may mean approaching it from a Beta and Live perspective or revisiting Alpha if required. DTA will work with the preferred Seller(s) in an agile way to further develop the detailed technical requirements. To help us in understanding the value of your proposals please identify separate pricing for aspects of the proposal that could be implemented separately.Updated Questions – Released 8 April 2020What is closing date to ask questions?Sellers are able to ask clarifications questions via the Digital Marketplace or up until 13 April 2020 6pm AEST. We note that the response template includes a section for “Platform”, but this isn’t replicated in the requirements document. Are there particular questions you’d like us to answer here?No, please disregard the Platform section of the response template. There is no need for Sellers to complete this section of the template.Do Sellers responding to this RFQ have to provide the whole package of work which the DTA is seeking? Our software product may deliver many of the outcomes sought but other work packages are not able to be completed. Should we consider responding?There will be need for downstream vendors and partners to support the lead partner and DTA who will need support in the key elements of the service build and delivery. DTA have retained the right to source downstream vendors directly or for the lead to provide access to best in breed services and solutions through back to back arrangements.Is CRM required within the response to this procurement?The DTA understands that technology moves fast so we are looking for a partner who can help us navigate the best solution for customer to address their common pain points.The requirements document indicates that the DTA and Services Australia staff will complete BAU activities but later asks for the proposal to include maintenance and support arrangements. This appears to be in conflict – can the department clarify the expected roles and responsibilities. E.g is this solution expected to be provided as a managed service?The DTA and Services Australia will complete routine BAU activities in relation to the platform, however, the DTA expect there may be the need for the preferred Seller to performance regular maintenance such as patching and problem resolution. The DTA is open to options which the Seller may recommend. The DTA will work with the preferred Seller(s) in an agile way to further develop this requirement. The DTA will look to the preferred Seller(s) to help inform the requirement.How many of the components outlined in “myGov update platform components: ICT Component Model” can be leveraged from the Services Australia portfolio? Are there any key ones identified that would need to be built from scratch as a priority?The DTA is looking to seek the expertise of Sellers to help define the detailed requirements for the platform solution going forward. The DTA is open to all potential options put forward by Sellers as a part of this request. We want to work with the market to discover what is the best option going forward. Once a preferred Seller is engaged, the DTA will work with the preferred Seller(s) in an agile way to further develop the detailed technical requirements. To help us in understanding the value of your proposals please identify separate pricing for aspects of the proposal that could be implemented separately.Are we right in assuming that the DTA’s intention / preference is for content to be served over APIs? If so, could you please advise what systems are presently used to manage that content, and also what managed service / hosting arrangements might already be in place?The DTA is looking to seek the expertise of Sellers to help define the detailed requirements for the platform solution going forward. The DTA is open to all potential options put forward by Sellers as a part of this request. We want to work with the market to discover what is the best option going forward. Once a preferred Seller is engaged, the DTA will work with the preferred Seller(s) in an agile way to further develop the detailed technical requirements. To help us in understanding the value of your proposals please identify separate pricing for aspects of the proposal that could be implemented separately. Can we provide global references? Or do you insist on local references only? The DTA will accept global reference, however, local references may take precedence over global references.Do you mandate that all members of the seller's delivery team needs Baseline clearance or above, or do only key personnel from the team need security clearance?Key personnel embedded in the DTA or with access to the DTA network require a baseline clearance or willingness to obtain a baseline clearance. The DTA may not require those personnel who are completing work on the project but are not embedded in the DTA or accessing the DTA’s network to hold a security clearance but may require them to undertake a police check.Is the DTA planning for short-listed vendors to make a pitch to the evaluation committee via an appropriate collaboration solution? If yes, when would this be expected to occur and what notice will be given to the Sellers?The DTA may invite Sellers to deliver a pitch to the evaluation committee. The DTA may also seek clarification from Sellers on its proposals. It is expected the will reach out in late April-May if it wishing to seek clarifications or presentations. In the response template under section 7 (Technical Capability), the "Design" subsection talks about delivery of maintenance and support requirements in the question. We are assuming that the response was required for the design requirements as per the requirements document supplied.Yes, that understanding is correct.What are the current document storage and document management capabilities?The DTA is looking to seek the expertise of Sellers to help define the detailed requirements for the platform solution going forward. The DTA is open to all potential options put forward by Sellers as a part of this request. We want to work with the market to discover what is the best option going forward. Once a preferred Seller is engaged, the DTA will work with the preferred Seller(s) in an agile way to further develop the detailed technical requirements. To help us in understanding the value of your proposals please identify separate pricing for aspects of the proposal that could be implemented separately. What level of payments integration is required? Is the requirement limited to providing a central view on required and future payments to or by a customer? And if so, what source systems exists to provide this level of data?The DTA is looking to seek the expertise of Sellers to help define the detailed requirements for the platform solution going forward. The DTA is open to all potential options put forward by Sellers as a part of this request. We want to work with the market to discover what is the best option going forward. Once a preferred Seller is engaged, the DTA will work with the preferred Seller(s) in an agile way to further develop the detailed technical requirements. To help us in understanding the value of your proposals please identify separate pricing for aspects of the proposal that could be implemented separately. Can you confirm what capabilities currently exist within DTA for ongoing Sec Ops monitoring/detection/response and confirm what is required from the supplier, over and above log aggregation and forwardingThe DTA is looking to seek the expertise of Sellers to help define the detailed requirements for the platform solution going forward. The DTA is open to all potential options put forward by Sellers as a part of this request. We want to work with the market to discover what is the best option going forward. Once a preferred Seller is engaged, the DTA will work with the preferred Seller(s) in an agile way to further develop the detailed technical requirements. To help us in understanding the value of your proposals please identify separate pricing for aspects of the proposal that could be implemented separately. Is there an existing Geospacial solution used by DTA? If yes, can you please provide the details?The DTA operates the National Map product (.au), which is used for visualising geospatial data published by Australian Government agencies. The solution is built on TerriaJS (, using services from Microsoft Bing Maps and OpenStreetMap as part of the visualisation.Regarding the platform components: ICT Component Model. Within the Applications Digital Services, what is meant by Single View of Government and Single View of Provider? Is this a service standard? Is this an experiential (design) component or something specific? Please provide the full extent of this requirement.The DTA is looking to seek the expertise of Sellers to help define the detailed requirements for the platform solution going forward. The DTA is open to all potential options put forward by Sellers as a part of this request. We want to work with the market to discover what is the best option going forward. Once a preferred Seller is engaged, the DTA will work with the preferred Seller(s) in an agile way to further develop the detailed technical requirements. To help us in understanding the value of your proposals please identify separate pricing for aspects of the proposal that could be implemented separately. Can you confirm that the MyGovID is to be used as the centralised solution for identity and for Single Sign On? Can you please provide further details?Please refer to question number 47 for the DTA’s response regarding identity and single sign on solutions. Can you confirm that the MyGovID is to be used as centralised identifier to enable Tell Us Once for notifications of significant events to all relevant departments? If not, can you please provide details of how this should be achieved and how we should map to the ID?The DTA is looking to seek the expertise of Sellers to help define the detailed requirements for the platform solution going forward. The DTA is open to all potential options put forward by Sellers as a part of this request. We want to work with the market to discover what is the best option going forward. Once a preferred Seller is engaged, the DTA will work with the preferred Seller(s) in an agile way to further develop the detailed technical requirements. To help us in understanding the value of your proposals please identify separate pricing for aspects of the proposal that could be implemented separately. Within the Applications - Frontends, what is meant by Seamless Handover? Is this a service standard? Is this an experiential (design) component or something specific? Is there an existing service that should be integrated with to meet this requirement?The DTA is looking to seek the expertise of Sellers to help define the detailed requirements for the platform solution going forward. The DTA is open to all potential options put forward by Sellers as a part of this request. We want to work with the market to discover what is the best option going forward. Once a preferred Seller is engaged, the DTA will work with the preferred Seller(s) in an agile way to further develop the detailed technical requirements. To help us in understanding the value of your proposals please identify separate pricing for aspects of the proposal that could be implemented separately. The below questions related to content within the Customer Experience section of the Requirement DocumentWhat is the context of the Automated continuous improvement component? Does this mean inline experience optimisation? The DTA is looking to seek the expertise of Sellers to help define the detailed requirements for the platform solution going forward. The DTA is open to all potential options put forward by Sellers as a part of this request. We want to work with the market to discover what is the best option going forward. Once a preferred Seller is engaged, the DTA will work with the preferred Seller(s) in an agile way to further develop the detailed technical requirements. To help us in understanding the value of your proposals please identify separate pricing for aspects of the proposal that could be implemented separately. What is the context of the Privacy controls component? Is this specific to web layer and GDPR? Does this include tracking of access to PII of internal users?The DTA is looking to seek the expertise of Sellers to help define the detailed requirements for the platform solution going forward. The DTA is open to all potential options put forward by Sellers as a part of this request. We want to work with the market to discover what is the best option going forward. Once a preferred Seller is engaged, the DTA will work with the preferred Seller(s) in an agile way to further develop the detailed technical requirements. To help us in understanding the value of your proposals please identify separate pricing for aspects of the proposal that could be implemented separately. What is the context of the Replay customer experiences component? Is this a capability or a tool? The DTA is looking to seek the expertise of Sellers to help define the detailed requirements for the platform solution going forward. The DTA is open to all potential options put forward by Sellers as a part of this request. We want to work with the market to discover what is the best option going forward. Once a preferred Seller is engaged, the DTA will work with the preferred Seller(s) in an agile way to further develop the detailed technical requirements. To help us in understanding the value of your proposals please identify separate pricing for aspects of the proposal that could be implemented separately. What is the context of the Context awareness component? Is this referring to browser or device information capture? The DTA is looking to seek the expertise of Sellers to help define the detailed requirements for the platform solution going forward. The DTA is open to all potential options put forward by Sellers as a part of this request. We want to work with the market to discover what is the best option going forward. Once a preferred Seller is engaged, the DTA will work with the preferred Seller(s) in an agile way to further develop the detailed technical requirements. To help us in understanding the value of your proposals please identify separate pricing for aspects of the proposal that could be implemented separately. What is the context of the User feedback component? Is this referring to popups on site/app to collect quick surveys?The DTA is looking to seek the expertise of Sellers to help define the detailed requirements for the platform solution going forward. The DTA is open to all potential options put forward by Sellers as a part of this request. We want to work with the market to discover what is the best option going forward. Once a preferred Seller is engaged, the DTA will work with the preferred Seller(s) in an agile way to further develop the detailed technical requirements. To help us in understanding the value of your proposals please identify separate pricing for aspects of the proposal that could be implemented separately. What is the context of the Data integration component?The DTA is looking to seek the expertise of Sellers to help define the detailed requirements for the platform solution going forward. The DTA is open to all potential options put forward by Sellers as a part of this request. We want to work with the market to discover what is the best option going forward. Once a preferred Seller is engaged, the DTA will work with the preferred Seller(s) in an agile way to further develop the detailed technical requirements. To help us in understanding the value of your proposals please identify separate pricing for aspects of the proposal that could be implemented separately. How many internal users are dependent on and need access to the data for processing?The DTA is looking to seek the expertise of Sellers to help define the detailed requirements for the platform solution going forward. The DTA is open to all potential options put forward by Sellers as a part of this request. We want to work with the market to discover what is the best option going forward. Once a preferred Seller is engaged, the DTA will work with the preferred Seller(s) in an agile way to further develop the detailed technical requirements. To help us in understanding the value of your proposals please identify separate pricing for aspects of the proposal that could be implemented separately. What is the context of the External 3rd party demographic data component?The DTA is looking to seek the expertise of Sellers to help define the detailed requirements for the platform solution going forward. The DTA is open to all potential options put forward by Sellers as a part of this request. We want to work with the market to discover what is the best option going forward. Once a preferred Seller is engaged, the DTA will work with the preferred Seller(s) in an agile way to further develop the detailed technical requirements. To help us in understanding the value of your proposals please identify separate pricing for aspects of the proposal that could be implemented separately. What is the context of the Visual design component? Is this inline optimisation of designs onsite?The DTA is looking to seek the expertise of Sellers to help define the detailed requirements for the platform solution going forward. The DTA is open to all potential options put forward by Sellers as a part of this request. We want to work with the market to discover what is the best option going forward. Once a preferred Seller is engaged, the DTA will work with the preferred Seller(s) in an agile way to further develop the detailed technical requirements. To help us in understanding the value of your proposals please identify separate pricing for aspects of the proposal that could be implemented separately. What is the context of the Match to offline component? Is this matching organic or advertised digital traffic to experience through analytics? Is this requirement referring to multi-touch attribution?The DTA is looking to seek the expertise of Sellers to help define the detailed requirements for the platform solution going forward. The DTA is open to all potential options put forward by Sellers as a part of this request. We want to work with the market to discover what is the best option going forward. Once a preferred Seller is engaged, the DTA will work with the preferred Seller(s) in an agile way to further develop the detailed technical requirements. To help us in understanding the value of your proposals please identify separate pricing for aspects of the proposal that could be implemented separately. What is the context of the Component and fragment tracking component?The DTA is looking to seek the expertise of Sellers to help define the detailed requirements for the platform solution going forward. The DTA is open to all potential options put forward by Sellers as a part of this request. We want to work with the market to discover what is the best option going forward. Once a preferred Seller is engaged, the DTA will work with the preferred Seller(s) in an agile way to further develop the detailed technical requirements. To help us in understanding the value of your proposals please identify separate pricing for aspects of the proposal that could be implemented separately. What is the context of the Sentiment component? Is this referring to social sentiment?The DTA is looking to seek the expertise of Sellers to help define the detailed requirements for the platform solution going forward. The DTA is open to all potential options put forward by Sellers as a part of this request. We want to work with the market to discover what is the best option going forward. Once a preferred Seller is engaged, the DTA will work with the preferred Seller(s) in an agile way to further develop the detailed technical requirements. To help us in understanding the value of your proposals please identify separate pricing for aspects of the proposal that could be implemented separately. What is the context of the Search component? Is this to be considered an internal capability or third party paid search tools to be considered part of the platform?The DTA is looking to seek the expertise of Sellers to help define the detailed requirements for the platform solution going forward. The DTA is open to all potential options put forward by Sellers as a part of this request. We want to work with the market to discover what is the best option going forward. Once a preferred Seller is engaged, the DTA will work with the preferred Seller(s) in an agile way to further develop the detailed technical requirements. To help us in understanding the value of your proposals please identify separate pricing for aspects of the proposal that could be implemented separately. Do you have an existing 'data lake' to centrally capture data to support the customer experience, analytics and reporting? If so, can you provide the details ’The DTA is looking to seek the expertise of Sellers to help define the detailed requirements for the platform solution going forward. The DTA is open to all potential options put forward by Sellers as a part of this request. We want to work with the market to discover what is the best option going forward. Once a preferred Seller is engaged, the DTA will work with the preferred Seller(s) in an agile way to further develop the detailed technical requirements. To help us in understanding the value of your proposals please identify separate pricing for aspects of the proposal that could be implemented separately. Questions and Answers – Released 25 March 2020Is the seller expected to perform NFR Testing (Load, Performance and security (penetration) testing) as a part of scope?We are targeting a system that is capable of being assessed to the protected level. This is not necessarily in scope for Horizon 1 but as we increase the amount of personalised information and increase the uptake of that service, the corresponding risk and increased security and privacy requirements that we expose ourselves to will necessitate ongoing willingness to participate in IRAP assessments. We are scheduling two IRAP assessments for Horizon 1. One for the base system in release 1 and potentially a second IRAP assessment in release 2. The DTA is looking at applying a risk-based approach to assessing the system, ensuring that penetration testing be a part of that. For Horizon 2, the DTA may look at engaging a separate IRAP assessor to undertake testing separately but any partner which the DTA engaged would be well advised to do its own penetration testing first.Do you prefer to have language options for the display? If yes, what other languages should be supported?The DTA has considered this within its current work. We expect that this will be further considered in future releases and is to be dependent on the scope of content and interface requirements (both authenticated and unauthenticated). The DTA expect language options to be clarified further overtime. In Horizon 1, the DTA is currently looking at sending out multilingual notifications to all Australians, especially those using a non-Latin alphabet. The DTA is not currently able to provide a detailed list of the languages to be supported at this time. The DTA can confirm that we would like to target English initially. An example of some of the content which is currently being translated can be found on Department of Health’s website. The DTA is working closely with Department of Health to ensure that we are aligned with our efforts. What is the existing size of content? What is the expected size? Is Data/Content Migration in scope for this proposal?The current .au website has a long legacy of providing linkages to external content. The content which is unique is relatively low. Currently, .au is a summary of resources, information and services by topic or by audience that can be browsed and has been curated by a central content team.We are unsure about the size of the content which will be unique in Horizon 2. .au and Services Australia provides a good indication of the content which the DTA is working with and the frequency of update. The DTA suggests that Sellers could use site scoping tools to evaluate the size of content currently on these sites. For data and content migration, we are unsure if it is likely to be in scope for the proposal or if new content needs to be rewritten from scratchAre there any Third Party systems, outside of myGov Australia that need to be integrated? If yes, please provide details for the same?The DTA expects that multiple systems will need to be integrated over time. Currently in Horizon 1 we are considering if existing DTA services and platforms, like .au, are things that we should be integrating with. .au is powering the infrastructure layer of Horizon 0. Additional third-party systems, such as but not limited to the myGov authentication layer and myGov inbox API, are good candidates to start with. The demonstrated prototype currently has no third-party integration but demonstrates the intended target state of services which may be exposing APIs over time for us to connect to. The other third party systems which the DTA regard as light touch integrations and are considered the DTA’s default are examples such as the Whole of Government Google Analytics platform, another product which the DTA operates which is currently used to understand the traffic coming to the H0 site, .au. This will be used to track the success of user journeys through the site over its feature releases. DTA recognises that not all integrations are equal. Each may have different levels of complexity and security requirements need to be evaluated on a per integration basis. The DTA will evaluate future integrations on a package by package arrangement as we move through H2.What are the targeted browsers and their versions? What are the targeted devices and platforms?The Australian Government Design System is a front-end library that is intended to be technology agnostic and has support built into browsers back to Internet Explorer 8 and with non-Java script fall back support. The DTA has made this investment over the past few years to ensure we can have the widest possible target scope for devices and browsers. The Design System code is liberally licencing and intended for reuse, implementation and adaption. The DTA recognise that there will be times where certain features we are aiming to build out are incompatible with older browsers. There are other products which the DTA are working on where we have had to set a target browser version and device type version simply because we have a very tightly controlled audience, use cases and security requirements. In this project, it is safe to assume that the Design System supported browsers and devices are the target browsers and devise for the myGov Update. As per the response document, there is a need for a Customer Service Plan. Do we need an Operations Team to support L1/L2? Is there any Third-Party Call Center/Team/Vendor for the same?The DTA is interested to hear the answers to those questions in Seller’s proposals. There is the expectation that maintenance and operations will be part of your response. The DTA is interested to see how you would deal with not only scheduled changes (ongoing patches, support and maintenance), how you have worked with third party vendors in the past and other stakeholders that might be participating in the system. The DTA encourages you to provide this in your response, however, the DTA expects that there will be third parties involved in the support for dedicated systems. An example of which is the MyGov Team.We assume the Australian Government follows defined branding or Style Guides. If not, do we need to consider this in scope?The DTA is the product owner of the Australian Government Style Manual and Content Guide for Australian Government agencies. The Style Manual is currently in its 6th edition, which is limited to print only, this is progressing to a 7th edition which will be online only. The release date of the Style Manual is to be determined, however, has been targeted for 2020. In the interim, DTA has published the Content Guide which is targeted at digital teams inside agencies. It is a bridging product in between the 6th and 7th edition of the Style Manual. We recognised that language evolves quite quickly. The DTA has had to establish a standard of how we write Coronavirus this week. We also recognise that user’s needs and expectations of an interface evolve over time. It is the DTA’s expectation that any code which is created to adapt or extend the Design System into your own front end applications should be able to be distributed back to the Design System repository, at a minimum the IP associated with that should remain with the DTA. We do not expect that the above-mentioned products will cover all the scope expected with this project. Where we need to extend and adapt, we expect this to be documented and fed back into the core products for the benefit of other digital teams inside Australia? Are there any guidelines on licensing requirements for any tools or technology that we may propose? For e.g. Gartner Leader quadrant, OpenSource etc?We do have a Digital Service Standard which encourages digital teams, including those who are partnered with us, to reuse existing platforms wherever possible. We are also pragmatic within our approach. The DTA is technology agnostic. We are open to a response which may include OpenSource, SaSS, bespoke, or combinations of these product offerings. The DTA does not have a preference either way but we would expect the response from Sellers to clearly articulate the benefits and risks of any of these three approaches or hybrid models. The products which the DTA manages include the Design System, Style Manual and .au are liberally licenced on a creative commons arrangement. We do prefer to operate our own products in the open but we are also participating in things like Whole of Government office 365 deployments as we recognise that it is a priority hosted solution, where the value we are offering to other agencies is a standardisation of configuration and patterns. This example has been provided for comparison purposes.Is there any existing Cloud platform that the Australian Government is using? If yes, which one and are there any preferences?The DTA trust that Sellers are aware of the Australian Signals Directorates (ASD) recent update to agencies and to the market around its sensation of the Secure Cloud Panel which is ceasing to operate from 30 June 2020. There is a list of Certified Secure Cloud Providers (CSCP) listed on .au. Agencies who are targeting using cloud services to be delivered at a protected level are encouraged to engage a Seller from this list. You will note that there is no mention of this list in this approach to market and ASD is reluctant to accept the risk of agencies who are choosing these platforms and assuming that their systems are built to a protected level. Existing cloud platforms that the DTA is using, including with its own products and services include, AWS (for .au and Design System), Google Cloud (for analytics and machine learning) and Azure Cloud for other purposes. The DTA considers itself cloud agnostic and our technology decisions as pragmatic and fit for purpose. We expect that any cloud solution proposed to us for this project is also capable of being part of a system which is capable of being assed through IRAP at the protected level.What are the existing technology systems? Please share the existing Infrastructure diagram as well as System diagram?Following the Industry Briefing, the DTA has released system diagrams within the Supplementary Information document. This document is posted on the DTA’s public facing website and the Digital Marketplace.Please share your GovX team Assessment details. What are the current challenges and pain points in your current implementation?Through mapping life event journeys, the GovX program maps people's experiences as they interact with government and identify pain points that impact the way the interact with services. The team cross-analyses the journeys and identify common pain points that span multiple journeys. The common pain points have been used to guide the design of the (prototype/platform) to ensure it provides a seamless experience. Ten pain points are common across a number of life event journeys and represent systemic issues for people who use government services.Following the Industry Briefing, the DTA has released further information on the evolvement of the GovX team and the comment pain points in the Supplementary Information document. This document is posted on the DTA’s public facing website and the Digital Marketplace.Where can we find more information on the Horizons?The DTA has released further information on Horizon 0 and Horizon 1 within the Supplementary Information document. This document can be found on the DTA’s public facing website as a news article and within the Digital Marketplace.Do you expect the focus to primarily be an integration piece on top of what is currently being developed?We are not focused on building on top of any current release, we are looking for the best solution to provide access to relevant services and information for citizens. Decisions have not been made regarding the intended release state that will be used for Horizon 2. The DTA is open to the market suggesting what other integration pieces should be considered for this project.Is there any expectation that the back-end services will be redeveloped?The DTA is working on another product called Digital Identity. We recognise that this is a core enabler to some of the features which we are trying to unlock with this project. The Digital Identity work is observable on the DTA’s public facing website. There is work in train which the DTA would not intend to build again from scratch. The DTA will bring the preferred seller into the conversations relating to Digital Identity to ensure it is aware of those efforts. The initial contract term for this procurement will span two years and has the option to be extended a further two years if extension options are implemented. The DTA does not know what all the options could be further into the future. The DTA is open to conversations but the DTA’s aim is to engage a strategic partner who can give us the best information and advice on those credentials, logins and digital identity options in the future. What and where is the evaluation criteria for this procurement?The Evaluation Criteria provided with the Digital Marketplace RFQ will be used to evaluate the responses. The Evaluation Criteria has not been weighted as this is a flexible and dynamic process.Can you please outline which providers (or types of services) from Alpha phase you are looking at keeping on for Horizon 0 & 1? And provide further clarity as to what 'strategy & guidance" services you are looking for the provider to provide in addition to SI services. We are building functionality in Horizon 0 and Horizon 1 which may or may not be brought forward to Horizon 2 depending on the options presented to us by the market in this procurement. Regarding strategy and guidance, we're looking for a partner who has expert digital and systems experience and capabilities to be able to recommend product direction and guidance as we evolve the product into the future.Will there be mass or demographic specific notifications/mailer communication to be planned?At this time the DTA expects notifications and emails to be personalised or to be to a dedicated group of people to be features of this project.What opportunity exists for SMBs to participate in this process?The DTA has released an opportunity for a strategic partner to support this piece of work. There will be need for downstream vendors and partners to support the lead partner and DTA who will need support in the key elements of the service build and delivery. DTA have retained the right to source downstream vendors directly or for the lead to provide access to best in breed services and solutions through back to back arrangements.To date, we have been working with SMBs and will continue to look for opportunities to do so into the future. We're looking for the right experts in a number of domains, for example we often use SMBs for their privacy and security expertise.Is there alignment between the previous user experience procurement technology stack and this.The DTA sees this current time as a valuable opportunity to go out to the market and look at what the options are for tools, hosting and solution. It may be that the tools which are selected are the same, but it also is an opportunity to work out what is the best approach going forward. The DTA will evaluate each proposal on its merits against the evaluation criteria and engage accordingly. Can a potential supplier be part of a joint submission and bid individually?Yes, however each approved seller on the digital marketplace is only able to provide a single response which can contain attachments outlining several delivery options/approaches. Are you looking to appoint a sole provider for this; or would you appoint multiple providers?DTA have reserved the right to enter single or multiple contracts. Due to the urgent nature of the work a single contract would likely be preferred as there is perceived expedience in engaging a single vendor over negotiating multiple arrangements.Are you able to elaborate on who the partners, vendors are and what the technology choices (products) have been for Horizon 1?DTA is currently partnered with Deloitte as our system integrator and is also delivering our digital services. It’s proposed technology solution for Horizon 1 is a combination of the Adobe Experience Manager, Adobe Analysis and Adobe Campaign. We expect this to be hosted on AWS presence within Australia with potential integrations with .au and other minor custom components. Deloitte is not only delivering the configuration of the platform but is also partnering with the DTA to deliver user research, service design, activities involved in the prototyping of the platform. The DTA expect that any systems integrator will perform these functions when partnering with the DTA. KPMG are involved and are managing governance and program delivery. KWM are partnering with us to complete privacy evaluations.There will be partners who transition in and out of this project and they may not be the same partners who were involved in previous Horizons. How big a team is the DTA looking to engage?The DTA expect that the systems integrator is there to act as the primary point of contact between the additional talent, third parties, vendors as needed. It would be preferred by the DTA if the Systems Integrator is able to bring appropriately skilled members to participate in co-design activities when needed. The DTA will not be setting a lower or an upper limit of team size. The DTA understands that not all staff assigned to this project will be ongoing. As an example, prior to Christmas there was a team of around 50 working and that increased to the current size of around 60 people. It is a large team but not necessarily all on site. Does the DTA support remote working? Yes, however, there is the expectation that there is the ability to present in Canberra from time to time.You spoke about the need to have a solution for content and personalisation and that your current solution does not support this. Have you already made a decision on what the new content and personalisation solution is?The DTA is expecting to deliver authenticated content that enables mass communication of information on emergency situations to Australians. DTA is looking to include personalisation features. Some of the features in Horizon 1 will provide this functionality. We would like to explore these things quickly if the timeline allows, however, it is not in the top priorities for Horizon 1. The main focus would not be the technology which delivers this personalisation but how we define our own requirements and what is useful to deliver personalised content for an unauthenticated and authenticated space.Is the work on Horizon 1 built around the URL and instance of .au?The DTA has current ownership of .au. It was the logical choice for Horizon 0. The DTA is not limited to reusing this for Horizon 1 as it may not be appropriate. The DTA is undertaking service design which will help to inform the location of Horizon 1. The DTA is open to future locations for both Horizon 1 and Horizon 2.What is the relationship between .au and MyGov?The .au website has been a place for all Australians to go to link off to important information about government. We have resigned .au to be focused on Coronavirus information. MyGov is an authenticated space where people can go to access information across government. It reaches out to agencies to give the user access into the agencies to do business with the agency directly, for example ATO or Services Australia. The intention of what the DTA is trying to do is bring this back into the one look and feel. To enable users to do all transactions and interactions with government into the one platform rather than moving the user through to different agencies. Will the providers who participated in the development of the business case, prototype and the horizon 0 work be excluded from this tender on the grounds that they will have an unfair advantage?The DTA is open to all solutions for the Horizon 2 work moving forward. There is not a dependency on any Horizon 0 or Horizon 1 work. This work has been shared to provide context on how the DTA have approached this issue to date. Participation in previous phases of work is not considered to give an unfair advantage to any incumbent provider. Incumbent providers or previous solutions have not been excluded from bidding on future work on this basis.Are sellers able to get access to the Prototype which was displayed at the Industry Briefing? The DTA has provided screen shots of the Prototype within the Supplementary Information from Industry Briefing document which can be found within news article on the and DTA’s public facing website and on the Digital Marketplace.Would the DTA consider granting an extension of 2 weeks? This would allow respondents time to better understand the information presented at the industry briefing on Monday 23 March, whilst also adjusting to new ways of working in response to Coronavirus.The DTA understands that Sellers are concerned about the potential impact of Coronavirus on this procurement. This project is critical to the way in which government communicates with Australians in critical incidents like Coronavirus, therefore it is highly important that this procurement continues. Regarding potential delays to the DTA’s evaluation and engagement process, the DTA can work from home and will take up this option if required to ensure that this project is able to continue. At this point in time, the timeline for the procurement will continue as planned. The DTA may consider changes to the procurement timeline if the market advise it is not able to put forward a response which meets the needs of the DTA within the specified timeline due to serve impacts of Coronavirus. If there are any changes to the timeline of this procurement, the DTA will advise the market as soon as possible. ................

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