Washington & Jefferson College


The Part 2 Magellan Application consists of two sections: a series of Committee Reference Questions (Section A) followed by a series of essays (Section B). We encourage you to save this application to your computer so you may edit changes as needed. Please complete/submit this application and its components by Monday, February 17, 2020 at 5:00pm to magellan@washjeff.edu. Submissions after this deadline will not be considered for funding.

Additional Application Eligibility Requirements

• First time applicants: must have met with respective Magellan Class Advisor to discuss proposal AND must have attended a Magellan Workshop or have met with the Magellan Student Tutor prior to application submission.

• Returning applicants: meeting with your Magellan Class Advisor and/or a Magellan Student Tutor prior to Part 2 submission is highly recommended, but not required.

Section A: Committee Reference Questions

Please type your responses directly beside the questions.

1. Name:


Cumulative GPA:

Project Title:

Project Location:

Anticipated Travel Dates:

2. Have you applied for a Magellan Award before?

3. If you are a first time applicant, did you meet with your respective Magellan Class Advisor?

4. Have you ever traveled to this proposed location before? If yes, how long?

5. Does your project include a third-party provider (i.e. Habitat for Humanity)? If so, briefly explain the compelling reason for this organization, and how you will establish your independence beyond simply working with the provider.

6. Are you proposing to travel and/or lodge with any other W&J students? Please list names.

7. Please state which required resource you utilized, if any: Magellan Workshop, Magellan Student Tutor or both.

8. Please list any additional W&J Faculty/Staff with whom you discussed your project:

Section B: Essays

A reminder that the Committee uses the following criteria to evaluate Magellan proposals:

• Feasibility of the project. Has the applicant made a strong case for being able to successfully carry out the project?

• Depth of planning. Has the applicant conducted adequate research and provided detailed information about the project logistics?

• Benefit to applicant. Has the applicant made a convincing argument about why he/she wants to undertake this project and how he/she will benefit from the experience?

• Writing style. Does the application adhere to a high standard of writing (essays are well organized, free of grammatical errors, etc.)?

Please Note: Once you submit the following essays, you will not be able to revise them.


Project Title:

Project Location:

Please type your responses directly beneath the questions below.


Write a project description explaining the where, what, how, and why of the trip you are proposing to undertake. Your response should be approximately 600-750 words.


Summarize the research you have conducted for this project so far. Include any books/articles you have read and a brief summary of why they were useful. Then list books/articles you intend to read as you continue to prepare for your project.


It is expected that you will contact any individuals and/or organizations at your destination(s) that are integral to the success of your project. For example, if you plan to interview a best-selling author or practice with a professional ballet, you should provide evidence that you have corresponded with them. In addition to providing copies of that correspondence, please also provide a summary in list form of all contacts, the dates you contacted them, the purpose of the interview, and their response to your inquiry. You must provide evidence of a written dialogue between you and your respective contacts.


Write a personal statement describing how this project relates to your past experiences, your present activities, and your future goals. When answering this question, think about the work you’ve done at W&J and what you plan to do after you graduate. Your response should be approximately 800-1000 words.


Each Magellan award is based on the location, duration, and overall scope of the project. Students also are expected to invest in themselves, so there is a required personal contribution, the amount of which will vary depending on the expense of the project being proposed and the financial circumstances of the applicant. Also note: If you’re traveling internationally, you should take the exchange rate into consideration when calculating some of your costs.

The figures below reflect the typical expense of a project with respect to duration and should only be used as a frame of reference while constructing your project budget. Students are expected to propose a budget that reflects the necessary funds needed to successfully complete their research.

3-4-week project: $400-$2,400

5-8-week project: $2,400-$3,000

9-12-week project: $3,000 +

A. Transportation to and from Destination

|Type (plane, train, etc.) |Departure / Arrival Locations |Cost |

| | | |

| | | |

B. Lodging

|Type (hostel, homestay, etc.) |Location(s) |Cost |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

C. Food

|Sources (market, groceries, etc.) |Cost |

| | |

| | |

D. Local Transportation at Destination(s)

|Type (bus, metro, train, etc.) |Cost |

| | |

| | |

| | |

E. Legal Documents (if applicable)

|Type (passport, visa, etc.) |Cost |

| | |

| | |

F. Research Expenses (if applicable)

|Type (museum fees, special equipment, etc.) |Reason needed for project |Cost |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

G. Medical Expenses (if applicable)

|Type (vaccines, medication, etc.) |Reason needed for project |Cost |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

H. W&J International Travel Insurance (if applicable)

All students traveling internationally are required to obtain the College’s international health insurance. The cost is $41 per month. If you are traveling longer than one month but less than two months, you must round up and purchase two months’ worth of insurance.

|Total number of weeks traveling |Cost |

| | |

Total Expenses

Add all of the costs in items A-H and enter that number below.

| |

Personal Contribution

|Amount |Why are you proposing this amount? |

| | |

Magellan Funding Request

Subtract your personal contribution from your total expenses and enter that number below.

| |


A. Save this document as a .doc, .docx, or pdf file using the following file name format:

2020. Award Name. Last Name. First Name

Award Names: Geary (for freshmen), Walker (for sophomores), Kelso (for juniors)

Examples: 2020.Geary. Washington. George

2020. Walker. Jefferson. Thomas

2020. Kelso. Franklin. Benjamin

B. Send your completed document as an attachment to magellan@washjeff.edu. This document must be received by 5:00pm on February 17, 2020 in order for your Magellan Part 2 Application to be complete. You will be sent an email confirmation when your document is received. Late submissions will not be accepted.

C. Use the following Subject Line in your email message: Magellan Part 2 Application


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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