Oh, if only......I could become a best-selling novelist overnight!Ah! Wouldn’t it be lovely, World, if the act of publishing a book brought with it automatic recognition and sales?Sad to relate, the two are not necessarily connected – and the vast majority of writers remain virtually unknown, no matter how talented they might be.I know whereof I speak, being a four-times-published writer myself. Of course it was delightful and exciting to see each of my books in print – but the unvarnished truth is this: In the three months since I published ‘Come Laughing!’ (the first of the four), I have sold very few copies and remain as obscure as I was back in December 2014.I won’t lie to you: this has been very disappointing, frustrating and, at times, depressing. But, you see, I am a writer first and foremost, and, being naturally shy, find it almost impossible to promote myself – and, of course, if you do not have an agent, this is what you have to do.The irony of all of this is that I know I am a damned good writer. It is not lack of talent holding me back. I have had plenty of support from a small group of fellow bloggers (Paul included) – and this has been lovely.I think the truth is that I have no idea what I am doing when it comes to self-marketing techniques. I have, as a consequence, made every mistake a novice writer could possibly make – and more besides, I am sure! – in the process of trying to interest the general public in my wares.I know – with total conviction and a confidence rare for me – that all my books are beautifully-written and totally worth reading, but I do not know how to persuade others to take the risk of investing in one of them.I have plenty of determination; I am hard-working and organised; I have, as they say, a way with words – but Lady Luck has, thus far, passed me by.I want to get out there because I think my vision, my imagination, deserve to be read by thousands. I think I have vast potential as a writer.I just need a chance, the chance to prove myself, to show you readers what I am capable of – and, at present, and despite all my efforts, this simply is not happening.I will persevere. I shall not give up – because the passion for words is in my blood, and to stop writing would be like ceasing to breathe. My four novels are very different in terms of length and subject matter. ‘Come Laughing!’ and ‘Long-Leggety Beasties’ are both humorous (the former erotica, the latter set in a school). Both of these are over two hundred and fifty pages long.‘Riding at the Gates of Sixty’ – a shorter book, at two hundred pages – is much more serious and lyrical; it deals with the death and life of writer, Virginia Woolf. ‘My Esoteric Journey, Volume 1’ is the shortest (sixty pages), most spiritual (and lyrical) of the four. It is a series of pieces, all of which have some connection with the Western Mystery Tradition, written after meditation.People have downloaded copies of all four during the Free Download offers I have organised – and I am hoping that many of those readers will, eventually, write a review on Amazon.I do have twenty-two reviews (in total) on Amazon –and, with one exception, they are very positive, predominantly 5 stars across the board. But, other writers have hundreds of reviews per book.I have put in the effort, the love, the fire, the time.Now...If only I could wake up tomorrow and find that my beloved books had grown iridescent wings, taken flight and were soaring high, inspiring, amusing and touching readers all over the world!Let it be so! ................

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