PDF The Authoritative BLUEPRINT for Buying Retail Products to ...

The Authoritative BLUEPRINT for Buying Retail Products to Sell Online for BIG PROFITS.

HOW it works, WHY it works, and how you can get in on it.

(Don't worry; we'll cover books & media, too )

Chris Green

PBLLC Press, Rehoboth, MA 2011

Retail Arbitrage:

The Authoritative BLUEPRINT for Buying Retail Products to Sell Online for BIG PROFITS

Green, Christopher John

Hi, Mom!

Copyright ? 2011 Chris Green. All rights reserved.

Edited by Chiara Therisod & Tom Sutton

Published by PBLLC Press, Rehoboth, MA 02769

First Printing, September 2011

ISBN-13: 978-1466303546

ISBN-10: 1466303549

Printed in the United States of America

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Dedicated to my loving wife, Jenn. Without her love and support, none of this would be possible.

This book is the result of a lifetime of learning. I am very thankful for support that I've received from family and friends along the way. The last five years have been one amazing ride. Not everyone gets to work with amazing people and amazing products everyday and it is even more rewarding when those products are able to produce a positive change in so many people's lives.

When Chris Green talks, FBA sellers listen.

Opportunity Summary

We live in an amazing time! Entrepreneurs now have access to powerful tools and information that were simply not possible just a few, short years ago. Barriers to entry have been shattered and small entrepreneurs can now compete with the big boys on the biggest stages practically from day one. Information has always been power, but never before in history has information been so powerful and at the same time nearly universally accessible. A smartphone in your pocket gives you access to Wikipedia, your Kindle library, a few thousand apps, and let's not forget this little thing called the Internet. The next wave of successful entrepreneurs will be the ones who use this information to their advantage. When you see the world this way, you see that there are so many opportunities all around you. Since time is limited, you can't do them all; so find your passion, find people who share your passion, and take action!

Setting up an Amazon business that utilizes the Fulfillment By Amazon (FBA) program is much like buying a franchise opportunity. With a franchise, you buy a package, get some knowledge and equipment to get started, and then it's up to you to run with it. One of the big differences is that buying and selling online using FBA really has no `buy-in'. There are no major upfront costs to get started. All you really need is a little knowledge, some motivation, and some inexpensive tools and services. You probably already have a computer with an Internet connection at home in order to list products for sale and a smartphone like an iPhone or Android phone that you can use to gather pricing information on products. It is common to underestimate the real, legitimate income that can be generated by this business because it is a business that truly does not have a high cost of entry.

Retail Arbitrage is the first book of its kind to provide a complete and exhaustive look at the fascinating world of arbitrage and resale.

This book is intended to be much more than just descriptive information about topics related to Retail Arbitrage and selling online. This book explains the WHY behind everything that you'll be reading. Sure, I could stop by just explaining what FBA is, but the important part is understanding WHY FBA works. I could tell you how to price FBA items, but I want you to understand WHY you can price them that way. I could tell you that you can buy retail products from local retailers to sell online for big profits, but I want you to understand WHY you are able to find the same product at dramatically different prices from two separate places and WHY some buyers are willing to pay much more for that same product from a different sales channel.

It's the difference between giving you a fish, and teaching you to fish.

In this book, you learn about the primary market (retailers, both brick & mortar and online) and the secondary market (Amazon third-party sellers and eBay). You'll also learn to understand SUPPLY and DEMAND and how they affect PRICE, as well as how TIME affects all three.

In this book, I will give you the keys to the Retail Arbitrage kingdom with the mindset of unlimited opportunities and abundance rather than one of scarcity. The techniques described in this book can be used by anyone, anywhere to build a small side business or large empire. The only limit is your imagination.

Arbitrage is the practice of taking advantage of a price difference between two or more markets, striking a combination of matching deals that capitalize upon the imbalance. The difference between these two market prices is the profit realized by whoever brings the deal together.

Think of it this way; you want to be able to `SEE' items that are selling locally for much less than what they are selling for online. These items represent the potential for arbitrage opportunities (and profit).

At the same time, you want to avoid items that cost more locally than what they sell for online.

When you have the right information, it's like you have special goggles that allow you to see all of the opportunities around you (while those without the information simply cannot).

Remember this: the markets are terribly inefficient and buyers do not make all buying decisions based solely on price. Identical items sell for different amounts in different places all day, every day. Sometimes items are less expensive at local retailers; sometimes they are less expensive online. When you can identify these differences, you can be the one who profits by matching the lower cost supply with the higher priced demand.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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