You are a Manager/Buyer for Dillards - Your job is buy ...

Open and Announcements Dave 5 min

Review of Last week Dave 5 min

Activity (game) Dave/Jeff 20 min (10+10)

Report Out Jeff 5 min

Scripture (Matt 16) Jeff 3 min

Make the Point - conclusion Jeff 5 min

Closing video Jeff 5 min

You are a Manager/Buyer for Dillards - Your job is buy products from vendors for your Store

Vendors will come to you to sell their goods. Buy only what the Store needs. Also you are in a contest with 2 other buyers to see who can spend the least by getting the lowest price on what you buy. The winner will receive a new car. Every morning you check out a lot of company money to buy the things the store needs

Your store needs 100 pair of jeans, 200 T shirts, 20 computers and 50 stereos

You have a company apartment, company car as well as meal and clothes allowances

You are a Manager/Buyer for Frys - Your job is buy products from vendors for your Store

Vendors will come to you to sell their goods. Buy only what the Store needs. Also you are in a contest with 2 other buyers to see who can spend the least by getting the lowest price on what you buy. The winner will receive a new car. Every morning you check out a lot of company money to buy the things the store needs

Your store needs 300 lbs of meat, 100 boxes of cereal and 100 cans of orange juice

You have a company apartment, company car as well as meal and clothes allowances

You are a Manager/Buyer for Electronic Universe - Your job is buy products from vendors for your Store

Vendors will come to you to sell their goods. Buy only what the Store needs. Also you are in a contest with 2 other buyers to see who can spend the least by getting the lowest price on what you buy. The winner will receive a new car. Every morning you check out a lot of company money to buy the things the store needs

Your store needs 50 computers, 100 Stereos and 50 Cameras

You have a company apartment, company car as well as meal and clothes allowances

You have just been fired - you are to remain on the job and finish out the day. You are to turn in your car, move out of your apartment and return your company clothes and any company money you still have left at the end of the day. Your retirement fund is canceled and you can never work for this company again.

Hint: It’s time to think about where your next meal is coming from and where you will live

Have a nice day - The management

p.s. It’s 118 degrees outside today.

You have just been fired - you are to remain on the job and finish out the day. You are to turn in your car, move out of your apartment and return your company clothes and any company money you still have left at the end of the day. Your retirement fund is canceled and you can never work for this company again.

Hint: It’s time to think about where your next meal is coming from and where you will live

Have a nice day - The management

p.s. It’s 118 degrees outside today.

You have just been fired - you are to remain on the job and finish out the day. You are to turn in your car, move out of your apartment and return your company clothes and any company money you still have left at the end of the day. Your retirement fund is canceled and you can never work for this company again.

Hint: It’s time to think about where your next meal is coming from and where you will live

Have a nice day - The management

p.s. It’s 118 degrees outside today.

You are a salesman who sells food products to grocery stores - you go around to store buyers and try to sell them the products that you have. The list below is what you have to sell during this game You own your own home and live alone.

You are paid on commission so you are paid a percentage of what you sell. You try to get the best price you can and try to sell the most. To get paid you must write down what you sell on this paper. You are also in a contest with other salesman to see who can sell the most.

You must be creative to get the buyers to buy your products since there is competition.

10,000 cans orange juice 5000 Lbs of meat 5000 boxs of cereal 1000 bags of flour

that cost you $1 each that cost you 1$/lb that cost you 2$ each that cost you 1$ ea

You are a salesman who sells computer products to retail stores - you go around to store buyers and try to sell them the products that you have. The list below is what you have to sell during this game You own your own home and live alone.

You are paid on commission so you are paid a percentage of what you sell. You try to get the best price you can and try to sell the most. To get paid you must write down what you sell on this paper. You are also in a contest with other salesman to see who can sell the most.

You must be creative to get the buyers to buy your products since there is competition.

1000 computers that cost you $500 each

You are a salesman who sells cameras to retail stores - you go around to store buyers and try to sell them the products that you have. The list below is what you have to sell during this game You own your own home and live alone.

You are paid on commission so you are paid a percentage of what you sell. You try to get the best price you can and try to sell the most. To get paid you must write down what you sell on this paper. You are also in a contest with other salesman to see who can sell the most.

You must be creative to get the buyers to buy your products since there is competition.

2000 Cameras that cost you $100 each

You are a salesman who sells stereo and TV products to retail stores - you go around to store buyers and try to sell them the products that you have. The list below is what you have to sell during this game You own your own home and live alone.

You are paid on commision so you are paid a percentage of what you sell. You try to get the best price you can and try to sell the most. To get paid you must write down what you sell on this paper. You are also in a contest with other salesman to see who can sell the most.

You must be creative to get the buyers to buy your products since there is competition.

5000 stereos 500 TV’s

that cost you $200 each that cost you $200 each

You are a salesman who sells clothes to department stores - you go around to store buyers and try to sell them the products that you have. The list below is what you have to sell during this game You own your own home and live alone.

You are paid on commission so you are paid a percentage of what you sell. You try to get the best price you can and try to sell the most. To get paid you must write down what you sell on this paper. You are also in a contest with other salesman to see who can sell the most.

You must be creative to get the buyers to buy your products since there is competition.

1000 T shirts that cost you $5 each 2000 pair of jeans that cost you $10 each

You are a salesman who sells condos to people - you go around to people and try to sell them one of the condos that you own. The list below is what you have to sell during this game

You are paid on commission so you are paid a percentage of what you sell. You try to get the best price you can and try to sell the most. To get paid you must write down what you sell on this paper. You are also in a contest with other salesman to see who can sell the most.

You must be creative to get the buyers to buy your products since there is competition.

4 -2 bedroom Condos 2 - 1 bedroom condos

that cost you $75,000 each that cost you $50,000 each

You are a salesman who sells cars to people - you go around to people and try to sell them one of the cars that you have for sale. The list below is what you have to sell during this game

You are paid on commission so you are paid a percentage of what you sell. You try to get the best price you can and try to sell the most. To get paid you must write down what you sell on this paper. You are also in a contest with other salesman to see who can sell the most.

You must be creative to get the buyers to buy your products since there is competition.

5 Camaros 2 - Pickup Trucks 1 Lambordini

that cost you $12,000 that cost you $15,000 each that cost you $50,000 each

You are a salesman who sells food products to grocery stores - you go around to store buyers and try to sell them the products that you have. The list below is what you have to sell during this game You own your own home and live alone.

You are paid on commission so you are paid a percentage of what you sell. You try to get the best price you can and try to sell the most. To get paid you must write down what you sell on this paper. You are also in a contest with other salesman to see who can sell the most.

You must be creative to get the buyers to buy your products since there is competition.

10,000 cans orange juice 5000 Lbs of meat 5000 boxs of cereal 1000 bags of flour

that cost you $1 each that cost you 1$/lb that cost you 2$ each that cost you 1$ ea

You are a salesman who sells computer products to retail stores - you go around to store buyers and try to sell them the products that you have. The list below is what you have to sell during this game You own your own home and live alone.

You are paid on commission so you are paid a percentage of what you sell. You try to get the best price you can and try to sell the most. To get paid you must write down what you sell on this paper. You are also in a contest with other salesman to see who can sell the most.

You must be creative to get the buyers to buy your products since there is competition.

1000 computers that cost you $500 each

You are a salesman who sells cameras to retail stores - you go around to store buyers and try to sell them the products that you have. The list below is what you have to sell during this game You own your own home and live alone.

You are paid on commission so you are paid a percentage of what you sell. You try to get the best price you can and try to sell the most. To get paid you must write down what you sell on this paper. You are also in a contest with other salesman to see who can sell the most.

You must be creative to get the buyers to buy your products since there is competition.

2000 Cameras that cost you $100 each

You are a salesman who sells stereo and TV products to retail stores - you go around to store buyers and try to sell them the products that you have. The list below is what you have to sell during this game You own your own home and live alone.

You are paid on commision so you are paid a percentage of what you sell. You try to get the best price you can and try to sell the most. To get paid you must write down what you sell on this paper. You are also in a contest with other salesman to see who can sell the most.

You must be creative to get the buyers to buy your products since there is competition.

5000 stereos 500 TV’s

that cost you $200 each that cost you $200 each

You are a salesman who sells clothes to department stores - you go around to store buyers and try to sell them the products that you have. The list below is what you have to sell during this game You own your own home and live alone.

You are paid on commission so you are paid a percentage of what you sell. You try to get the best price you can and try to sell the most. To get paid you must write down what you sell on this paper. You are also in a contest with other salesman to see who can sell the most.

You must be creative to get the buyers to buy your products since there is competition.

1000 T shirts that cost you $5 each 2000 pair of jeans that cost you $10 each

You are a salesman who sells condos to people - you go around to people and try to sell them one of the condos that you own. The list below is what you have to sell during this game

You are paid on commission so you are paid a percentage of what you sell. You try to get the best price you can and try to sell the most. To get paid you must write down what you sell on this paper. You are also in a contest with other salesman to see who can sell the most.

You must be creative to get the buyers to buy your products since there is competition.

4 -2 bedroom Condos 2 - 1 bedroom condos

that cost you $75,000 each that cost you $50,000 each

You are a salesman who sells cars to people - you go around to people and try to sell them one of the cars that you have for sale. The list below is what you have to sell during this game

You are paid on commission so you are paid a percentage of what you sell. You try to get the best price you can and try to sell the most. To get paid you must write down what you sell on this paper. You are also in a contest with other salesman to see who can sell the most.

You must be creative to get the buyers to buy your products since there is competition.

5 Camaros 2 - Pickup Trucks 1 Lambordini

that cost you $12,000 that cost you $15,000 each that cost you $50,000 each


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