Adult Fiction

Short StoriesCall NumberAuthorTitleSS ONE100 Years of the Best American Short StoriesSS TAKINGTaking Aim: Power and Pain, Teens and GunsSS ANATOMYThe Anatomy of CuriositySS BESTThe Best American Short Stories 2015SS BEATTIEBeattie, AnnThe State We’re In: Maine StoriesSS BERGMANBergman, Megan MayhewAlmost Famous Women: StoriesSS BINCHYBinchy, MaeveA Few of the GirlsSS BUNNBunn, AustinThe Brink: StoriesSS CAPOTECapote, TrumanThe Early Stories of Truman CapoteSS CUNNINGHAMCunningham, MichaelA Wild Swan: And Other TalesSS KINGKing, StephenThe Bazaar of Bad Dreams: StoriesSS KLAYKlay, PhilRedeploymentSS MABERRYMaberry, JonathanBits & PiecesSS MARRAMarra, AnthonyThe Tsar of Love and Techno: StoriesSS MAUPASSANTMaupassant, Guy deThe Necklace and Other Stories: Maupassant for Modern TimesSS MCCANNMcCann, ColumThirteen Ways of Looking: FictionSS NIXNix, GarthTo Hold the BridgeSS PALAHNIUKPalahniuk, ChuckMake Something Up: Stories You Can’t UnreadSS ROSNAYRosnay, Tatiana deA Paris AffairSS URREAUrrea, Luis AlbertoThe Water Museum: Storiesupdated 5/6/16 ................

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