Basic Email Signature

FRCNETWORKCA TOOLBOX – E-mail Signature Block

MAY 2003

To insure the best use of our FRCNetworkCA@ and add your valuable insights, experience and opinions to the yahoogroup discussion we encourage you to keep your comments short and relevant. Never send messages that only say "I agree," or "Atta girl." This adds maddening amounts of e-mail for you and us to wade through. If you send "I agree" messages regularly, other members are likely to delete all mail from you without reading it.

An e-mail signature block can assist in taking care of this nuisance it is also your business card data. The signature promotes you and your organization, and allows the recipient to contact you efficiently. This is information that automatically inserts at the bottom of every e-mail.

You can automatically add a standard signature file to the end of every email you send. Many email packages let you create a standard "signature" file to attach to the end of your outgoing messages. Signatures often contain your name and email address so they're distributed with your email even if the headers get removed. People sometimes also include their work phone number, and often include a favorite saying or quotation. It is considered good netiquette to keep your signatures short, usually fewer than 6 lines, so that they don't take up excessive space in recipient's mailboxes.

A signature file serves the simple purpose of providing easily available "return address" information to those who might wish to contact you. You would append your signature file to the end of an email message by whatever methods are most efficient for you. If your mail reader does not have a way to choose a signature file, you can use cut and paste. You can check exactly what your email looks like with a signature by sending an email to yourself. Some email packages allow you to attach signatures to some email and not to others, or to select from a set of different signatures that you've prepared for different audiences.

The more information on who wrote the message and how to reach them, the more quickly you can get a response. Try using an informative signature block to get the response you want. Delete blank lines at the end of your signature block — so your recipient doesn't miss important information that may follow (way down below).

A signature file should contain the following information:

Your name

your organization

Contact information (phone and fax numbers)

E-mail address/Web address

Suggestions to keep in mind when creating your signature block:

• Keep it short — to save space on your recipient's screen

• Keep it simple — clever quotations are only clever once

• Include other ways to reach you: phone, building and room number,

cell phone number, etc.

• Avoid abbreviations — they may not be understood outside your department

• Begin each signature line with a space — to prevent reformatting your

signature block into a jumbled paragraph by mistake

• Avoid fancy formatting — don't use tabs or columns


Linda Joy Landry //(*-*)\\

323 255-0354 voice

323 258-7539 fax

323 717-7411 cell



In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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