Student Learning Support

Heading OneUsing size A3 page in a MS Word document, begin to develop your poster. To help with word limit adherence and clear setting out, use Times New Roman size 12 font.When inserting text and images, you might find it helpful to divide your page into four columns and adjusting the space between them to .5mm. The use of one single table cell can also help separating and organising the key information.319405-53022500-111836215900Draw a textbox and insert your heading of your poster and add imagesFirst Name and Last Name: Student Number00Draw a textbox and insert your heading of your poster and add imagesFirst Name and Last Name: Student NumberHeading TwoWith the exception of royalty-free images, and those you create yourself, each image you include needs to be referenced as per APA. There are many websites with royalty-free images. Examples of these websites are: will also notice that bullet points can be used.Bullet points are a useful way for communicating key information and maximising content.6838959525000Heading ThreeAs you are developing your poster, remember the information needs to be laid out in a clear and logical format to address the topic. Remember your poster is used as the medium to demonstrate your understandings.It is important you take your time to include the pertinent and relevant information in a way that is clear and concise. Consider how the different boxes of text can be used to represent the elements of your topic. Also be careful to place the boxes in a visual way that illustrates the connection between the elements and concepts. The development of a poster is a useful metacognitive tool which you can use to think through the concepts and your ideas.What other metacognitive tools can you use? Some people use graphic organisers such as concept mapping and other tools to help them think through and organise their ideas Heading Four48704553594000In academic posters, you can use graphics and colour to enhance your poster. Here you may insert a graph of information.Figure 1. Number of students enrolled in tertiary education (Tertiary Education Quality and Standards Agency, 2017)To make the images easier to move and edit on your poster, right click on the image, select ‘Wrap Text’ and choose ‘Through’. Your margins can be adjusted so you have more space for content. As well as wider margins, you can use single spacing throughout.Heading FiveWhilst focused on developing and communicating the information on your topic, remember to adhere to word limits (Smith, 2017). As you include the information, you will create a reference list. This reference list will be in the last box of this poster. The reference list could be in a box like this one or on its own. These are decisions you can made as you develop your poster. Remember they have to be alphabetised.When you are developing and communicating the information on your topic, remember to adhere to word limits (Smith, 2017). As you include the information, you will create a reference list. This reference list will be in the last box of this poster. When you draft your poster, you might before to draw a hard copy version to start with. Sometimes drafting and working on your ideas can help you identify more connections and clarify your understandings further (Lance & Lake, 2015).Heading SixRemember to proof-read your work. Check for spelling and grammatical errors as well as clarity of communication.Sometimes you might find you develop other graphics to convey the information:Heading Seven-653249861400Many individuals and organisations use posters to communicate their information. Some posters are used for academic purposes. Here, people find the development of a poster just as important as the information being communicated (Jones, 2018). This is because there is a skill in communicating the information clearly and concisely for a particular audience.Posters are a visual way of communicating information (Connors, 2019). Next time you are out in your community, take a ‘poster-audit’. See what posters you notice and how they are used. Are they advertising something? Communicating information? Or another reason?Ask yourself, what is the purpose and reason for your poster for your Unit. How will you consider your audience in the development of your poster? How will you best organise the information you are including?After you have developed your poster and edited for spelling and grammar, re-read your content. Have you checked if the content is accurate? Have you referenced original authoritative sources? Are the sources you have referenced current?Heading NineAsking yourself such questions can help with academic rigor in your work. If you are over the word limit, have you considered how you could use:dot points;paraphrasing;avoid redundancy.As you are using this poster for an assignment, re-read your task description and marking rubric. Have you answered the topic and included all the necessary information to best demonstrate your understandings? Can you see where this poster that you have developed could be included in your professional portfolio? As you move through your course, it is important that you keep an updated file of information that demonstrates what you know and can do (Haynes, 2020). Self-developed resources such as posters can be used later in practice as a quick reference tool (Smith, 2017).Heading TenThis final box of this poster will contain useful information to help with formatting. Remember to check margins and use text wrapping tools. At times, you may find boxes that do not like to move, or the columns automatically move information. By turning on the pilcrow symbol (?), you will be able to see any unnecessary spaces or breaks. This tool is also useful in all of your Word documents as you are able to see formatting marks. This template is only a guide. There are many other poster templates which you can access online or gain inspiration from. Taking the time to work out which layout is most effective in communicating your understandings will help you think through your ideas and understandings on a particular topic. References:Connors, D. (2020). This is a book. Brisbane: Example Publisher Inc.Jones, M. (2018). Journal example from research. Journal research example, 8, 16-36. Lance, J., & Lake, H.I. (2015). Example book title. Sydney: Example publishersSmith, A. (2017). Example journal title. In Example Journal, 9(1), 367/387.Tertiary Education Quality and Standards Agency. (2017). Statistics report on TEQSA registered higher education providers. ................

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