You cannot ignore the power of Facebook for your MLM marketing. Your Existing customers, Potential Customers

and Fans are using Facebook.

How to Use Facebook to Promote Your MLM Business

When you are just getting started, your presence on Facebook must be on a regular basis, so that people get to know your face, especially the first three to six months. We all learn to be FIT...You can develop to other Marketing Strategy as you progress.

The Very basic.

Social Networking Sites, right now, are some of the best places to build Your Network Marketing business, if you know how. The advertising is completely free, and it is often many times more effective than some of the paid advertising methods. I've had between 5-10 people a day coming to my website, or contacting me about my business, from Facebook alone. How to use Facebook to Promote Your Business? Revealed for the first time, here is the list of my TOP TEN FACEBOOK STRATEGIES.

1) GET A LIST: Get a list of 50 or more Network Marketing companies. Why? This tutorial on how to use Facebook to promote your MLM business is too short to cover the entire theory on this topic, but suffice it to say Those current network marketers will be your absolute best target market. Yes, they already have a biz opportunity. But if you can help other network marketers reach their goals, you will often be the only person in the industry who has, and, if you follow my guidelines, a percentage of them will come to you asking to join your business. That's right, no more chasing leads, they will ask to join you! Your next best target market will be people actively seeking business Opportunities. You can find them in Facebook groups with more general topics like "entrepreneur," or "work from home," and big names in the industry like "Robert Kiyosaki or "Donald Trump


How to Use Facebook to Promote Your MLM Business

2) JOIN GROUPS: Search for six Facebook groups a day related to each company, or name, on the list. Join them and check them off as you go. Don't join to many a day, Or do too much of anything in the same day, on Facebook. That is important advice on How to use Facebook to promote your business. They have much stricter rules than Sites like MySpace had.

3) POST: Post a short advertisement on the Wall of each group you joined. You can be creative here, but follow these guidelines: a) don't market your business opportunity at first, b) provide useful information, c) don't be to salesy, and d) keep it short. You can market your biz opportunity after you build a relationship with them. Trust me on this, if you Want to learn how to use Facebook to promote your business, don't lead with your biz opportunity, you will be completely wasting your time. I explain the reason for this in greater detail in some of my other trainings. Add a link at the end of the post that sends them to your Website. If you Don't use your MLM Company's website for this. You need a personal site, with a lead capture page to get their contact information that promotes yourself as a leader. If you don't have a website/ Blog to send them to, you can get one here. or contact him on Skype: jonahulebor

4) ADD FRIENDS: Pick one of the groups each day and add between 1030 new friends a day. Write out a short message ahead of time that says a) that you found them on that group, and b) that you are trying to connect with people in the industry. Notice I said "Industry" and not the name of the company. You are letting them know that you are a network marketer, not that you are in their company, although they will often assume that you are. Copy and paste the message to your clip board and add it to each friend request. If you want to type in their name each time that is helpful, but takes a bit more time. Warning: don't go to fast, take short breaks, and never do more than 30 a day. If you get a warning from Facebook, quit for the day,


How to Use Facebook to Promote Your MLM Business

and scale down your promotion the next time. A few too many warnings and Facebook will disable your account.

5) START A GROUP: Create your own Facebook Group. This is the best way to use Facebook to promote your business. The group should NOT be about your network marketing company. It should be about a useful marketing or networking strategy that can be of benefit to all network marketers. "Twitter users group," "How to get free leads for your MLM," "How to use Facebook to promote your MLM business," and "MLM networking group," are some good examples.

6) INVITE: After you have 200+ friends who are all in the Network Marketing industry, send them all an invitation to join your group. Repeat this every 200 friends.

7) NEWSLETER AND TIPS: Once or twice a week send the entire group an e-mail of

some of your top strategies for marketing an MLM, and for how to use Facebook to

promote your MLM business. If you don't know any advanced strategies yet, at Kevin Thomas Marketing we have the most current and in depth Internet Marketing training for

Network Marketers on the planet.

8) INTRODUCE: Go to the Friends tab, then to Recently Added, each day. Create a list with the date (left hand side). Select the new friends one-byone (by clicking on the right) and add them to the day's list. Go to the Inbox


How to Use Facebook to Promote Your MLM Business

tab, then to Compose. Use the list as the address; it will insert all the newly added friends. Send them a message introducing yourself as a mentor, MLM coach, entrepreneur, or any title you like that positions you as an expert in the industry. Don't worry, if you're not an expert yet, all you have to do is know one or two more things than they do about how to use Facebook to promote your business, and you are instantly an expert on that topic. And, of course, follow my training, and you will not only become an expert, but a top earner in the industry. And lastly, in your message to them, invite them to join your Facebook group.

9) ADVISE: You will soon start receiving e-mails from other Network Marketers asking for advice and help about how to use Facebook to promote your MLM business, and on various other topics. Continue to educate yourself as you go, and help everyone you can.

10) PROSPECT: At this point you will have developed a whole new warm market of the best possible prospects you could ever have. Current Network. They don't need to be convinced that this is not a pyramid scheme or a scam, they already see the value in buying a biz op, and they have experience as home-based business owners. Just one of these prospects will be worth a hundred friends or family members who often quite a month after they join anyway. Now for the exciting part. Two things can happen at this point. One, many people will begin asking about your primary business. Some didn't know there was any other type of product available in network marketing than the one that their company sells. Some will like yours better. Also, many never had the guidance from their own company that you have recently provided for them on how to use Facebook to promote your business and they would much rather work with someone like you. Or Two, you can introduce your business at this point. You are not a sleazy salesman now; you have become a trusted advisor. Let them know that you could spend more time training them directly if they were in your primary business.



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