What to Expect…

[Pages:15] What to Expect...

? When to use pictures inside your Kindle book. ? Sizes, specs and specifics of using images. ? Which pictures to download... ? Where to get the best FREE pictures. ? How to keep from being sued by artists and photographers. ? And more!

It's All About those Pictures...

Why Include Pictures? ? Enhance your reader's experience. ? Explain a point. ? Increase memory retention. ? Break up monotony. ? Showcase steps.

It's All About those Pictures...

What Image Type? ? GIF (.gif, up to 5MB, not animated) ? PNG (.png) ? BMP (.bmp) ? JPG (.jpeg, up to 5 MB)

? *Best

? What looks better to you? (image quality)

It's All About those Pictures...

What about Color? ? Kindle Fire = full color ? Kindle E Ink = 16 shades of gray ? When in doubt, make them in color!

It's All About those Pictures...

What about Size? ? 300 dpi

? Full height = 1200 px high ? Half-height = 600 px high

? "Original"/"Large" ? 9:11 aspect ratio/655 x 800 px) = full screen view ? 300 x 400 px too small

It's All About those Pictures...

What about Placement? ? Center (best) ? Left/Right not supported (no text wrap) ? Images in-between surrounding text...

? Text will be above or below, not beside images.

? CAUTION: Images may cause text spacing weirdness.

It's All About those Pictures... OOPS!

IMPORTANT!!! Kindle Preview will not correctly show images. ALWAYS

check your MOBI file on a real Kindle for accuracy.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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