Truth Is Life


TRANSLATORS: Thank you very much for doing this work to help our students a lot. These are important things to remember as you translate:

1) Just go to the red stars ** and translate or check those sentences (some of the translations are not accurate..please correct those when you see them). You don’t need to do anything in the test sections.

2) Please translate the ideas as naturally as possible into Korean. Word for word is important, but that sometimes misses the idea..especially in the idioms. I want this to be an idea to idea translation so that students will get practice how to translate things in real life (and also because some people like me may use this to learn Korean as well.). So, the Korean should be natural and comfortable like the English. EXCEPTION: In the first boxes where the grammar order is shown, check briefly to see that they are accurate and please translate these boxes word for word.

3) IMPORTANT: Do not translate everything formally. It’s good to do that sometimes…but translate more of it in a friendly way since that’s how the English is written…as how you would talk with a friend.

4) After you finish the translation, you can delete the **

5) Please pay close attention to the singular and plurals and articles (a, an, the) and try to have the English and Korean matching as much as possible

6) The numbers of the English and Korean sentences are not always matching. Please fix those.

7) There may be a few little mistakes in the English. I’ve tried to correct many of them…but if you notice any, put a ** before them.

Thanks again very very much for all your help. I think it will greatly help our students to improve.

BE Present Tense INFO: “Who is your teacher? Where are your clothes? 8

CAN (good at, able to) YES/NO: “Can you swim? Are you good at dancing?” 12


HAVE/HAS Present Tense Y/N: “Do you have pets? Does your wife have a car?” 21

HAVE/HAS Present Tense INFO: “How much free time do you have?” 24

LIKE/ENJOY/LOVE (S)Present Tense Y/N: “Do you love animals? Does your friend like games?” 26

WANT/NEED(S) Present Tense Y/N: “Do you want ice? Does your teacher want food?” 29

WANT/NEED(S) Present Tense INFO: “What kind of car do you want/need?” 31

Present Tense Yes-No 32

Present Tense Info 37

Present Continuous Tense Y/N 진행형*** 41

Present Continuous Info진행형** 45

CONDITIONALS-Intro, Zero Conditional 49

Zero Conditional 50


Past Tense Info과거Q & A: 59

FUTURE TENSE YES/NO using “will” and “going to” 65

Future Tense Info using “will” & “going to” 70

CLAUSES—Relative, When, etc. 72

Relative Clauses 72

COMPARISONS Y/N Q/A-- “Is the cat smarter than the dog? Are you more handsome than he is?” 77

COMPARISONS-#1 INFO “Who is taller than you?” “Why are you smarter than your brother?”** CHECK 82

MODALS Y/N (Should, Could, Would) 86

MODALS INFO (Should, Could, Would) 90

1ST CONDITIONAL Y/N, INFO “If you are sick, which doctor will you go to?” 93


PAST CONTINUOUS Y/N & INFO (was/were + VERBing) 104

PRESENT PERFECT Y/N Q & A과거완료--Have/Has + Past Participle 108


WAS GOING TO (future in the past) 117






Gerunds—Y/N, Info **update table 134

Present Perfect Continuous Y/N 137

Passive Tense Y/N 139

Passive Tense INFO 146

TAG QUESTIONS (in many tenses) 149

MODALS #2 Y/N, INFO (Could, Would, Must, Might, Have (Got) To, Ought to, Shall) 152



PAST PERFECT 과거완료 HAD + PP VERB ***working on this one 160


CONDITIONALS-zero and 1st 4 TYPES 168







MASTERY PAGE- Be Info (English only) 217


MASTERY PAGE- Present Tense Y/N 219

MASTERY PAGE- Present Tense Y/N 220

MASTERY PAGE- Present Continuous Y/N & Info 221

MASTERY PAGE- Past Tense Y/N 222

MASTERY PAGE-Past Tense Y/N & Info 223

MASTERY PAGE-Past Tense Y/N & Info 223


MASTERY PAGE-Future Info 225

MASTERY PAGE-Past Continuous Y/N, Info 227

MASTERY PAGE-Past Continuous Y/N, Info 227

MASTERY PAGE-1st Conditional 228

MASTERY PAGE-Present Perfect Y/N 229

MASTERY PAGE-Present Perfect Y/N(children) 230

MASTERY PAGE-Present Perfect Info 231

MASTERY PAGE-Present Perfect Y/N & INFO 232

MASTERY PAGE-Present Perfect Info (English version) 233

MASTERY PAGE-comparison Y/N 234

MASTERY & TEST PAGE — comparison Y/N 234

MASTERY & TEST PAGE —Infinitives/comparison Y/N 236

MASTERY PAGE- Infinitives-Gerunds 237



MASTERY PAGE-Present Perfect Y/N 254

MASTERY PAGE-Present Perfect INFO 254

MASTERY PAGE-Present Perfect Y/N & INFO 255

Relative Clauses 256



MASTERY PAGE-Past Tense Y/N & Info 263


MASTERY PAGE-Past Continuous Y/N, Info 266

BE Present Tense Y/N: “Are you a good student?…”, “Is she smart?”



|읍니까? |명사의 |형용사/명사 | | |명사의 |동사 |형용사/명사 |

|Is |he |


Make 15 questions similar to the above (at least 5+ questions for someone to ask you). Use different verbs for each question. Practice conversation questions above and your questions below with a new partner.

__________________________________________ __________________________________________

__________________________________________ __________________________________________

__________________________________________ __________________________________________

__________________________________________ __________________________________________

__________________________________________ __________________________________________

__________________________________________ __________________________________________

__________________________________________ __________________________________________

__________________________________________ __________________________________________


. . . . . . . . . . . .

. . . . . . . . . . . .

. . . . . . . . . . . .

. . . . . . . . . . . .

CARD GAMES (See instructions for different games to play with these boards.)


|Are you happy? |Are you pretty/handsome? |Are you tall? |Is your family big or small? |

|당신은 행복합니까? |*** 당신은 예쁩니까? |당신은 키가 큽니까? |당신의 가족은 큽니까?작습니까? |

|Is your brother/sister crazy? |Are you helpful to your mother? |Is your bed comfortable? 당신의 침대는|Is your mom a good cook? 당신의 엄마는|

|당신의 남자형제,여자형제는 미쳤습니까? |당신은 어머니에게 도움이 됩니까? |편안합니까? |훌륭한 요리사입니까? |

| | | | |

|Is your grandpa’s house in the city? |Q: Is your brother a couch potato? |Q: Is your mother an early bird? |Are you an alien? 당신은 외계인입니까?|

|당신 할아버지의 집은 도시에 있습니까? |A: Yes, my brother is a couch potato. |A: Yes, my mother is an early bird. | |

|Is your dad a fast driver? |Is your family healthy? |Are you ever scared? |Are you crazy? |

|당신의 아버지는 빨리 운전하는 사람입니까? |당신의 가족은 건강합니까? |당신은 아직 겁이 납니까? |당신은 미쳤습니까? |

|Is your grandma’s house far away? |Q: Is the singing room available? |Are you honest? |Are you rich? |

|당신 할머니의 집은 먼 곳 입니까? |A: Yes, the singing room is available.|당신은 정직합니까? |당신은 부자입니까? |

|Is your dad a fast driver? |Are you my brother? |Are you a good student? |Is your mom a good cook? |

|당신의 아버지는 빨리 운전하는 사람입니까? |당신은 나의 형(동생)입니까? |당신은 좋은 학생입니까? |당신의 엄마는 훌륭한 요리사입니까? |

|Q: Are you absent minded? |Q: Are you a chatterbox? |Q: Are you a shrimp? |Q: Are you shy? |

|A: Yes, I am absent minded. |A: No, I am not a chatterbox. |A: No, I am not a shrimp. |A: Yes, I am a little shy. |

|Q: Is your grandpa funny? |Q: Are you a night owl? |Q: Are you tone deaf? |Q: Are you hungry? |

|A: Yes, my grandpa is funny. |A: Yes, I am a night owl. |A: No, I am not tone deaf. |A: Yes, I am very hungry. |

|Is your house in the country? |Q: Are you free tonight? |Q: Are you a tease? |Q: Is your baby cute? |

|당신의 집은 시골에 있습니까? |A: No, I am not free tonight. |A: Yes, I am sometimes a tease. |A: Yes, my baby is cute. |

|Is your computer fast enough? |Q: Is your car expensive? |Q: Are you stressed out? |Q: Are you often late? |

|당신의 컴퓨터는 충분히 빠릅니까? |A: No, my car is not expensive. |A: Yes, I am very stressed out these |A: Yes, I am sometimes late. |

| | |days. | |

| Are your pets cute or ugly? |Q: Is your computer new? |Q: Are you religious? |Q: Are you ambitious? |

|*** 그 동물들은 귀엽습니까? 못생겼습니까? |A: No, my computer is not new. |A: Yes, I am religious. |A: No, I am not ambitious. |

|Q: Is the world safe these days? |Q: Are you a beggar? |Q: Is the economy good? |Q: Are you honest? |

|A: No, the world is not very safe these |A: No, I am not a beggar. |A: Yes, the economy is pretty good. |A: Yes, I am always honest. |

|days. | | | |


Change partners. Ask and answer the questions above again. This time ask at least 1 or 2 follow up questions about your partner’s answers.


A: Did you clean your room?

B: No, I didn’t. I was too busy.

A: What did you do all morning?

B: Well…I played video games.

A: That’s not being busy. That’s being lazy!

A: Did your professor give you a hard test?

B: Yes, it was a nightmare.

A: How long did it take?

B: It took 2 hours. He’s killing me.

A: Don’t worry. Whatever doesn’t kill you makes you stronger!

BE Present Tense INFO: “Who is your teacher? Where are your clothes?


| |동사 |명사의 | |명사의 |동사 |명사/형용사 |

|What |is |


Make 15 questions similar to the above (at least 5+ questions for someone to ask you). Use different verbs for each question. Practice conversation questions above and your questions below with a new partner.

__________________________________________ __________________________________________

__________________________________________ __________________________________________

__________________________________________ __________________________________________

__________________________________________ __________________________________________

__________________________________________ __________________________________________

__________________________________________ __________________________________________

__________________________________________ __________________________________________

__________________________________________ _________________________________________

GAMES (See instructions for different games to play with these boards.)

|Q: Who is a fox? |Q: What is your name? |Q: Who is a good comedian? |Q: How old is your grandfather? |

|A: I think Linda is a fox! |A: My name is Tom. |A: Steve Martin is a good comedian. |A: My grandfather is 97 years old. |

|Q: Why is your brother upset? |Q: Who is often impatient? |Q: How smart is your teacher? |Q: Who is a good singer these days? |

|A: He is upset because he has a |A: My boss is often impatient. |A: My teacher is as smart as Einstein! |A: Boa is a good singer these days. |

|headache. | | | |

|Q: When are you hungry? |Q: Where is Bhutan? |Q: Who is cold? |Q: What is your height? |

|A: I am always hungry. |A: Bhutan is in Asia. |A: Darin is cold. |A: I am 180cm tall. |

| | | | |

|Q: What are your grades like? |Q: When is the concert? |Q: Where is a good restaurant? |Q: Where is the Taj Mahal? |

|A: My grades are very good. |A: The concert is at 8pm. |A: A good restaurant is in Haeundae. |A: The Taj Mahal is in India. |

|Q: Who is your best friend? |Q: How much money is in your pocket? |Q: What is your goal? |Q: When is your haircut appointment? |

|A: My best friend is Bill Gates. |A: 5000 won is in my pocket. |A: My goal is to climb Everest. |A: My haircut appointment is at 10am. |

|Q: Who is crazy? |Q: Which teacher is very hard? |Q: Who is famous these days? |Q: What is your religion? |

|A: My boyfriend is crazy. |A: My math teacher is very hard. |A: Paris Hilton is famous these days. |A: I am a Christian./ I am a Buddhist. |

| | | |/I am a free thinker. |

|Q: What is your nationality? |Q: What is your passion? |Q: Who is good at sports? |Q: How often are you sick? |

|A: I am Korean. |A: My passion is fighting poverty. |A: I am good at sports. |A: I am sick once a month. |


Change partners. Ask and answer the questions above again. This time ask at least 1 or 2 follow up questions about your partner’s answers.


A: Did you clean your room?

B: No, I didn’t. I was too busy.

A: What did you do all morning?

B: Well…I played video games.

A: That’s not being busy. That’s being lazy!

A: Did your professor give you a hard test?

B: Yes, it was a nightmare.

A: How long did it take?

B: It took 2 hours. He’s killing me.

A: Don’t worry. Whatever doesn’t kill you makes you stronger!

CAN (good at, able to) YES/NO: “Can you swim? Are you good at dancing?”



|읍니까? |명사의 |& 잡다한 | | |명사의 |읍니다. VERB/동사 |명사의 & 잡다한 |

|Can |you |


Make 15 questions similar to the above (at least 5+ questions for someone to ask you). Use different verbs for each question. Practice conversation questions above and your questions below with a new partner.

__________________________________________ __________________________________________

__________________________________________ __________________________________________

__________________________________________ __________________________________________

__________________________________________ __________________________________________

__________________________________________ __________________________________________

__________________________________________ __________________________________________

__________________________________________ __________________________________________

__________________________________________ __________________________________________

CARD GAMES (See instructions for different games to play with these boards.) GAME BOARD A

|너는 스키를 잘 타니? |너는 영어 말하기를 잘하니? Are you |너는 스포츠를 잘하니? |너는 요리를 할 수 있니? |

|Are you good at snow skiing? |good at speaking English? | |Can you cook? |

| | |Are you good at sports? | |

|너는 춤을 출 수 있니? |너는 그림을 그릴 수 있니? Can you |너는 노래 부를 수 있니? |너는 수영할 수 있니? |

|Can you dance? |draw pictures? |Can you sing songs? |Are you able to swim? |

|너는 나무에 오를 수 있니? |너는 차 운전할 줄 아니? |너는 미식축구나 축구를 할 수 있니? |너는 자전거를 탈 수 있니 ? |

|Can you climb trees? | |Can you play football or soccer? |Can you ride a bicycle?(bike) |

| |Are you able to drive well? | | |

|너는 빨리 읽을 수 있니? |너의 어머니는 김치를 만들 수 있니 ? |너의 친구들은 농구를 잘 할 수 있니 ? |너는 동물에게 말 할 수 있니 ? |

|Can you read fast? |Can your mother make kimchi? |Can your friends play basketball well?|Can you talk to animals? |

|너는 춤을 잘 추니? |전통 춤을 출 수 있니? |너는 외발 자전거를 탈 수 있니? |너의 할머니 윷놀이를 잘하시니? Is|

|Are you good at dancing? |Can you do any traditional dances? |Can you ride a unicycle? |your grandma good at yoo-nori? |

|너의 여동생 컴퓨터 게임을 잘 하니? |너의 아버지는 축구를 잘 하실 수 있니 ?|너는 암벽타기나 번지 점프를 할 수 |너는 물구나무서기를 할 수 있니? |

|Is your sister good at computer | |있니? |Can you stand on your head? |

|games? |Can your father play soccer well? |Can you rock climb or bungi jump? | |

|Q: Is your father good at making |Q: Are you good at snow skiing? |Q: Can you play American football? |Q: Can your grandpa still play |

|money? |A: No, I am not good at snow skiing. |A: Yes, I can play American football. |sports? |

|A: Yes, my father is good at making | | |A: Yes, my grandpa can still play |

|money. | | |sports. |

|Q: Are you able to start a new |Q: Can you get a new job easily? |Q: Are you able to use powerpoint? |Q: Are you good at designing |

|business. |A: Yes, I think I can get a new job |A: Yes, I can use powerpoint fairly |clothes? |

|A: No, I’m not able to start a new |easily. |well. |A: No, I’m not very good at |

|business yet. | | |designing clothes. |

|Q: Can you talk to animals? |Q: Can you explain your religious |Q: Can you stop your nightmares? |Q: Are you able to understand |

|A: Yes, I can talk to animals. |beliefs? |A: No, I can’t stop my nightmares. |Socrates? |

| |A: Yes, I can explain my beliefs | |A: Yes, I am able to understand |

| |fairly well. | |Socrates some. |


| | | | | | | | |

|What |sports |

HAVE/HAS Present Tense Y/N: “Do you have pets? Does your wife have a car?”



|Do |you |have |

|자전거- bicycle |애완동물을-pets |부자 할아버지- rich grandfather |

|큰 침대- big bedroom |여자친구-girl friend |뱀-snake |

|대가족-big family |두통- headache |메달-medal |

|큰머리-big head |카메라-camera |트로피-trophy |

|배-boat |감기에 걸리다- have a cold |미친- crazy |


Practice conversation with the questions below. Follow the above examples for asking and answering questions.

|RELATIONSHIPS-LIFESTYLE (family, romance, friends, habits, feelings, etc.) |RELATIONSHIPS-LIFESTYLE (family, romance, friends, habits, feelings, etc.) |

|Do you have any brothers or sisters? |당신은 남자형제나 여자형제가 있습니까? |

|Doesn’t your house have a sauna? |당신의 집에 목욕시설을 가지고 있지 않습니까? |

|Don’t you have a special woman or man in your life? |당신의 인생에서 특별한 여성이나 남성을 가지고 있지 않습니까? |

|**Don’t you know somebody who has a large family? |당신은 대가족을 가진 누군가를 알고 있습니까? |

|**Doesn’t your brother have a messy room? |당신의 형은 지저분한 방을 가지고 있습니까? |

|Does your friend have a small house? |당신의 친구는 작은집을 가지고 있습니까? |

|Does your grandma have a big kiss for you? |당신의 친구는 작은 집을 가지고 있습니까? |

|Do you have a girlfriend or boyfriend? |당신은 여자친구나 남자친구를 가지고 있습니까? |

|Don’t you have a good life? |당신은 좋은 삶을 가지고 있지 않습니까? |

|Do you have a famous ancestor? |당신은 유명한 조상을 가지고 있습니까? |

|Do you have a rich grandpa? |당신은 부자 할머니를 가지고 있습니까? |

|Don’t your parents have a TV in their room? |당신의 부모님은 부모님방에 TV를 가지고 있지 않습니까? |

|Do you have a big family? |당신은 대가족을 가지고 있습니까? |

|Do your friends have old shoes? |당신의 친구는 오래된 신발을 가지고 있습니까? |

|Does your sister have any nice pictures in her room? |당신의 여자형제는 그녀의 방에 멋진 사진이 있습니까? |

|Does your grandma have a big kiss for you? |당신의 할머니는 당신에게 크게 뽀뽀를 합니까? |

|Doesn’t your mother have a lot of rules at home? |당신의 어머니는 집에 많은 규칙을 가지고 있지 않습니까? |

|Does your sister/brother have a lot of dates? |당신의 형제들은 많은 데이트를 하고 있습니까? |

|**Do you have any famous ancestors? | |

|**Do you have good chemistry with your current boyfriend/girlfriend? | |

|**Do you have a grudge against anyone? | |

| | |

|LEARNING (school, wisdom, abilities, health-food, culture, etc.) |LEARNING (school, wisdom, abilities, health, culture, etc.) |

|Doesn’t your mother have some pie in the fridge? | |

|Doesn’t your teacher have a nice hairstyle? |당신의 어머니는 냉장고에 파이를 가지고 있지 않습니까? |

|Do your friends have lots of candy? |당신의 선생님은 멋진 머리스타일을 가지고 있지 않습니까? |

|Do you have some juice? |당신의 친구들은 많은 사탕을 가지고 있습니까? |

|**Don’t you have my book? |당신은 주스가 있습니까? |

|Do you have any allergies? |당신은 나의 책을 가지고 있습니까? |

|**Don’t you have some food for me? |당신은 어떤 알러지를 가지고 있습니까? |

|Do you have a cold? |당신은 나를 위한 음식이 있습니까? |

|Doesn’t your friend have a lot of food in his locker? |당신은 감기에 걸렸습니까? |

|**Do you have a sweet tooth? |당신의 친구는 그의 사물함에 많은 음식을 가지고 있지 않습니까? |

| | |

|FUN-ENTERTAINMENT (media-music, sports, humor, trivia, celebrate, parties, etc.) | |

|Do you have any interests or hobbies? |FUN-ENTERTAINMENT (media, sports, humor, trivia, etc.) |

|Does your friend have a collection of stamps (or butterflies, coins, etc.)? |당신은 어떤 흥미나 취미가 있습니까? |

|Does your dog or pet have bad breath? |당신의 친구는 우표(나비,동전 등)모음집을 가지고 있습니까? |

|Do you? |당신의 개나 애완동물은 입 냄새가 있습니까? 당신은요? |

|Does your family have any pets or a dog? |당신의 가족은 애완동물이나 개를 가지고 있습니까?만약 그렇다면,그 동물은 자기집이 |

|If yes: Does it have its own doghouse? |있습니까? |

|Do you have some good computer games? |당신은 좋은 컴퓨터 게임을 가지고 있습니까? |

|Does your friend have a basketball? |당신의 친구는 농구공을 가지고 있습니까? |

|Do you have any pets? |당신은 애완동물이 있습니까? |

| | |

|POWER (money, energy, politics, influence, tech, shopping, business, info, goals,|POWER (money, energy, politics, influence, tech, shopping, business, info, goals,|

|appearance, etc.) |appearance, etc.) |

|**Doesn’t your grandpa have a farm? |당신의 할아버지는 농장을 가지고 있습니까? |

|Does your mother have a job? |당신의 어머니는 직업을 가지고 있습니까? |

|Does your computer have a DVD player? |당신의 컴퓨터에는 DVD 플에이어가 있습니까? |

|Does your family have a big car? |신의 가족은 큰 차를 가지고 있습니까? |

|Do you have any money? |당신은 돈이 있습니까? |

|**Don’t you have my keys? |당신은 나의 열쇠를 가지고 있습니까? |

|Does your father have a computer at home? |당신의 아버지는 집에 컴퓨터를 가지고 있습니까? |

|Do you have a camera? |당신은 사진기를 가지고 있습니까? |

|Does your city have a zoo? |당신의 도시는 동물원이 있습니까? |

|Do you have a big credit card debt? |당신의 건물에 경찰이 있습니까? |

| | |

|WORLDVIEW-EXPERIENCES (religion, truth, culture, philosophy, dreams, character, |WORLDVIEW-EXPERIENCES (religion, politics, philosophy, dreams, character, etc.) |

|ethics, etc.) |당신은 신에 강한 믿음을 가지고 있습니까? |

|**Doesn’t your building have a policeman? |당신은 과학에 자신감이 많습니까? |

|Do you have a strong belief in God? |당신의 여자친구/남자친구/친한친구/배우자들은 성격이 좋습니까? |

|Do you have full confidence in science? |당신의 나라는 강한 군대를 가지고 있습니까? |

|Does your girlfriend/boyfriend/bestfriend/spouse have a good character? |당신의 나라는 긴 역사를 가지고 있습니까? |

|Does your country have a strong army? | |

|Does your country have a long history? | |


Make 15 questions similar to the above (at least 5+ questions for someone to ask you). Use different verbs for each question. Practice conversation questions above and your questions below with a new partner.

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HAVE/HAS Present Tense INFO: “How much free time do you have?”



LIKE/ENJOY/LOVE (S)Present Tense Y/N: “Do you love animals? Does your friend like games?”



| | | | | |NO | | | |

|Do |you |enjoy |computer games? |


Practice conversation with the questions below. Follow the above examples for asking and answering questions.

|RELATIONSHIPS-LIFESTYLE (family, romance, friends, habits, feelings,|RELATIONSHIPS-LIFESTYLE (family, romance, friends, habits, feelings, etc.) |

|etc.) |당신 친척은 그림을 그리는 것을 즐깁니까? |

|Do any of your relatives enjoy drawing? |당신의 어머니는 외국음식을 좋아하십니까? |

|Does your mother like foreign food? |당신은 바다에 가는 것을 좋아합니까? |

|Do you like going to the sea? |당신은 이야기를 많이 하는 것을 좋아합니까? |

|Do you like to talk a lot? |당신은 나를 좋아합니까? |

|Do you like me? |당신은 새로운 친구 사귀기를 좋아합니까? |

|Do you like making new friends? |당신은 친척 모두를 좋아합니까? |

|Do you like all your relatives? |당신은 당신이 어떻게 느끼는지를 항상 좋아합니까? |

|Do you always like how you feel? |당신은 데이트 하는 것을 좋아합니까? |

|Do you like dating? |당신은 당신형제들의 취미를 좋아합니까? |

|Do you like your sister’s/brother’s habits? | |

| |LEARNING (school, wisdom, abilities, health-food, culture, etc.) |

|LEARNING (school, wisdom, abilities, health-food, culture, etc.) |당신은 클럽에 있는 것을 좋아합니까? |

|Do you like being in a club? |당신은 남자나 여자를 좋아합니까? |

|Do you like boys/girls? |당신은 사탕을 좋아합니까? |

|Do you like candy? |당신은 당신의 몸이나 얼굴 ,모습을 좋아합니까? |

|Do you like your body/face/figure? |당신은 당신의 머리모양을 좋아합니까? |

|**Don’t you like your hairstyle? |당신은 시험을 좋아합니까? |

|Do you like tests? |당신의 선생님은 시험을 좋아합니까? |

|Does your teacher like tests? |당신은 편지 쓰는 것을 좋아합니까? |

|Do you like writing letters? |당신의 아빠는 달리기나 조깅하는 것을 좋아하십니까? |

|Does your father like running/jogging? |당신의 가장친한친구는 책읽는 것을 좋아합니까? |

|Does your best friend like reading? |당신은 빵을 굽거나 요리하는 것을 좋아합니까? |

|Do you like baking and cooking? |당신은 거머리를 먹는 것을 좋아합니까? |

|Do you like eating leeches? |당신은 파티를 좋아합니까? |

|**Don’t you like parties? |당신은 동물을 좋아합니까? |

|Do you like animals? |당신은 애완동물을 좋아합니까? |

|Do you like pets? |당신은 패스트푸드 먹는 것을 좋아합니까? |

|Do you enjoy eating junk food? |당신은 운동을 즐깁니까? |

|Do you enjoy exercise? |당신의 선생님은 화려한 의상을 좋아합니까?캐쥬얼 의상을 좋아합니까? |

|Does your teacher like to wear fancy clothes or casual clothes? |당신은 한국음식을 즐깁니까? |

|Do you enjoy Korean food? |당신은 학교생활을 즐깁니까? |

|Do you enjoy school? |당신은 영어수업을 즐깁니까? |

|**Don’t you enjoy your English class? |당신은 밥을 좋아합니까? |

|Do you like rice? | |

| |FUN-ENTERTAINMENT (media-music, sports, humor, trivia, celebrate, parties, etc.) |

|FUN-ENTERTAINMENT (media-music, sports, humor, trivia, celebrate, |당신은 당신의 애완동물을 사랑합니까? |

|parties, etc.) |당신은 말타는 것을 좋아합니까? |

|Do you love your pet? |당신은 여름을 좋아합니까? |

|Do you like riding horses? |당신은 인터넷 검색을 좋아합니까? |

|Do you like summer time? |당신은 당신의 애완동물을 돌보는 것을 좋아합니까?아기돌보는 것은 어떻습니까? |

|**Don’t you like surfing the internet? |당신은 눈을 좋아합니까? |

|Do you like taking care of pets? How about babies? |당신은 스포츠 카를 좋아합니까? |

|**Don’t you like snow? |당신은 현대적인 의상을 좋아합니까? |

|Do you like sports cars? |당신은 목욕탕에 가는 것을 즐깁니까? |

|Do you like modern fashions? |당신은 컴퓨터나 컴퓨터 게임을 즐깁니까? |

|Do you enjoy bath houses? |당신은 콘서트를 즐깁니까? |

|Do you enjoy computers or computer games? |당신은 옷을 좋아합니까? |

|Do you enjoy concerts? |당신은 음악을 즐깁니까? |

|Do you like clothes? |당신은 공원에 가는 것을 즐깁니까? |

|Do you enjoy music? |당신은 컴퓨터 게임하는 것을 즐깁니까? |

|Do you enjoy parks? |당신은 해변에서 수영하는 것을 즐깁니까? |

|Do you enjoy playing computer games? |당신의 친구는 수상스키를 즐깁니까? |

|Do you enjoy swimming at the beach? |당신은 과격한운동(암벽등반 ,스카이다이빙)을즐깁니까? |

|Do your friends enjoy water skiing? |당신은 힙합 옷을 좋아합니까? |

|Do you like extreme sports (rock climbing, skydiving, etc.)? |당신은 음악 듣는 것을 좋아합니까? |

|Do you like hip hop clothes? |당신은 시내에서 쇼핑하는 것을 좋아합니까? |

|Do you like listening to music? |당신은 뱀을 만지는 것을 좋아합니까? |

|Do you enjoy shopping downtown? |당신은 못생긴 강아지를 좋아합니까? |

|Do you like touching snakes? | |

|Do you like ugly dogs? |POWER (money, energy, politics, influence, tech, shopping, business, info, goals, appearance, |

| |etc.) |

| |당신은 경찰을 좋아합니까? |

| |당신은 사람을 정말로 사랑합니까? |

|POWER (money, energy, politics, influence, tech, shopping, business,|당신은 문제를 좋아합니까? |

|info, goals, appearance, etc.) |당신은 당신의 나라를 좋아합니까?이유는? |

|Do you like the police? |당신은 당신의 집을 좋아합니까? |

|Do you really love people? |당신은 당신의 일을 즐깁니까? |

|Do you like problems? |당신은 모든 사람들을 좋아합니까? |

|**Don’t you love your country? Why? |당신은 돈을 좋아합니까? |

|Do you like your house? |당신은 나를 사랑합니까? |

|Do you enjoy your work? |당신의 부인은 돈을 좋아합니까? |

|Do you like all people? |당신은 복음노래나 찬송가를 좋아합니까? |

|Do you like money? | |

|Do you love me? |WORLDVIEW-EXPERIENCES (religion, truth, culture, philosophy, dreams, character, ethics, etc.) |

|**Doesn’t your wife like money? |당신은 정치를 좋아합니까? |

| |당신은 춤추는 문화를 좋아합니까? |

|WORLDVIEW-EXPERIENCES (religion, truth, culture, philosophy, dreams,|당신은 윤리문제에 대해 이야기하는 것을 즐깁니까? |

|character, ethics, etc.) |당신은 교회를 좋아합니까? |

|Do you like gospel/praise songs? |당신은 건설적인 비평을 좋아합니까? |

|Do you like politics? |당신은 보충(보완품)을 좋아합니까? |

|Do you like culture dancing? |당신은 당신의 성격을 좋아합니까? |

|Do you enjoy talking about ethical issues? |당신은 당신의 외모를 좋아합니까? |

|**Don’t you like church? | |

|Do you like constructive criticism? | |

|Do you like compliments? | |

|Do you like your character? | |

|**Don’t you like your appearance? | |

!TRANSLATION CHALLENGE—Write 15 of these sentences in English below.



Make 15 questions similar to the above (at least 5+ questions for someone to ask you). Use different verbs for each question. Practice conversation questions above and your questions below with a new partner.

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WANT/NEED(S) Present Tense Y/N: “Do you want ice? Does your teacher want food?”



|DOES | | | | |NO | | | |

|Does |your friend |need |a new car? | |Yes, |my friend |needs |a new Matiz. |

|Does |your mother |want |a new game? | |No, |my mother |doesn’t want |a new game. |

|Do |you |need |a new bike? | |Yes, |I |need |a red bike. |

|Do |you |want |a new book? | |No, |I |don’t want |a new book. |

|합니까 |너의친구는 |필요로 |새차를 | |네 |제친구는 |필요로합니다 |새마티즈를 |

|니까 |너의엄마는 |원합 |새게임을 | |아뇨 |저의엄마는 |원하지않습니다 |새로운게임을 |

|합니까 |너는 |필요로 |새자전거를 | |네 |저는 |필요로합니다 |빨간자전거를 |

|니까 |너는 |원합 |새책을 | |아뇨 |저는 |원하지않습니다 |새책을 |


Practice conversation with the questions below. Follow the above examples for asking and answering questions.


|Do you want a new TV or computer game? |당신은 새 TV나 컴퓨터 게임 갖고싶어? |

|Do you need a big screen TV? |당신은 화면이 큰 TV가 필요해? |

|Does your father want a new car? |당신의 아버지는 새차를 원하십니까? |

|Does your sister want some new clothes? |당신의 여동생은 새옷을 원합니까? |

|**Doesn’t your friend need a bicycle? |당신의 친구는 자전거를 원합니까? |

|Do your grandparents need internet? |당신의 할머나는 인터넷사용을 원하십니까? |

|Does your family need more board games? |당신의 가족은 더 많은 보드게임을 필요로합니까? |

|Does Hollywood need funnier movies? |헐리우드는 더 재미있는 영화를 원합니까? |

|Do movies need censorship? |영화는 검열이 필요합니까? |

|**Don’t your friends need more play time? How about you? |당신의 친구들은 노는 시간을 더 필요로 합니까? 당신은 어떤가요? |

| | |


|Do you want a lot of money? |당신은 많은 돈을 원합니까? |

|Does your brother want a sports car? |당신의 동생은 스포츠카를 원합니까? |

|**Don’t you need a good job? |당신은 좋은 직업이 필요합니까? |

|Do you want fancy clothes? |당신은 좋은 옷을 원합니까? |

|Do you want a big or small house? |당신은 큰집이나 작은 집을 원합니까? |

|Do you need a lot of powerful friends? |당신은 강력한 힘을 지닌 친구들이 많습니까? |

|Do you want a junker car? |당신은 고물자동차를 원합니까? |

|**Don’t your friends need new clothes? |** |

| | |

| |학습 |

|LEARNING |당신은 좋은 교육이 필요합니까? |

|Do you need a good education? |당신은 다른 선생님을 원합니까? 어떤 과목에서? |

|Do you want a different teacher? In which subject? |당신은 새컴퓨터가 필요합니까? |

|Do you need a new computer? |당신의 학교는 모든 교실마다 컴퓨터를 설치하기를 원합니까? |

|Does your school want computers in every classroom? |당신의 친구들은 더 많은 비디오 게임을 원합니까? |

|**Don’t your friends want more video games? |학생들은 더 많은 숙제를 원합니까? |

|**Don’t students want more homework? | |

| |관계 |

| |당신의 가족은 함께 보낼수 있는 시간이 더 많기를 원합니까? |

|RELATIONSHIPS |당신은 더 좋은 관계를 원합니까? 누구랑? |

|Does your family want more time together? |당신의 형은 여자친구를 원합니까? |

|**Don’t you want a better relationship? With who? |당신은 누군가로부터 키스를 받고싶습니까? |

|Does your brother want a girlfriend? |당신의 가족은 가족이 함께할 휴가를 원합니까? |

|**Don’t you want a kiss from someone? | |

|Does your family need a family vacation? |세계관 |

| |당신은 성경이 필요합니까? |

| |학생들은 좀더 정직해야 합니까? |

|WORLDVIEW |당신 나라의 대통령은 도움이 필요합니까? |

|Do you want a Bible? |당신의 친구는 신을 필요합니까? 당신은 어떤가요? |

|Do students need more honesty? |당신의 나라는 새대통령을 필요로합니까? |

|**Doesn’t the president of your country need help? | |

|Do your friends need God? How about you? | |

|Does your country need a new president? | |


Make 15 questions similar to the above (at least 5+ questions for someone to ask you). Use different verbs for each question. Practice conversation questions above and your questions below with a new partner.

__________________________________________ __________________________________________

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__________________________________________ __________________________________________

|Do you want a new TV or computer|Do you need a big screen TV? |Does your father want a new car?|Does your friend need a bicycle?|Does your sister want some new |

|game? |당신은 화면이 큰 TV가 필요해? | | |clothes? |

|당신은 새 TV나 컴퓨터 게임 갖고 | |당신의 아버지는 새차를 원하십니 |당신의 친구는 자전거를 원합니까?|당신의 여동생은 새옷을 원합니까?|

|싶어? | |까? | | |

|Do you want a lot of money? |Does your brother want a sports |Do you need a good job? |Do you want fancy clothes? |Do you want a junker car? |

|당신은 많은 돈을 원합니까? |car? |당신은 좋은 직업이 필요합니까? |당신은 좋은 옷을 원합니까? |당신은 고물자동차를 원합니까? |

| |당신의 동생은 스포츠카를 원합니 | | | |

| |까? | | | |

|Do you need a good education? |Do you need a new computer? |Do your friends want more video |Do students want more homework? |Does your brother want a |

|당신은 좋은 교육이 필요합니까? |당신은 새컴퓨터가 필요합니까? |games? |학생들은 더 많은 숙제를 |girlfriend? 당신의 형은 |

| | |당신의 친구들은 더 많은 비디오 |원합니까? |여자친구를 원합니까? |

| | |게임을 원합니까? | | |

|Do you want a kiss from someone?|Do you want a Bible? 당신은 |Does your family need a family |Does your school want computers |Do you want a different teacher?|

|당신은 누군가로부터 키스를 받고 |성경이 필요합니까? |vacation? 당신의 가족은 가족이 |in every classroom? 당신의 학교 |당신은 다른 선생님을 원합니까? |

|싶습니까? | |함께할 휴가를 원합니까? |는 모든 교실마다 컴퓨터를 | |

| | | |설치하기를 원합니까? | |

WANT/NEED(S) Present Tense INFO: “What kind of car do you want/need?”


|Q WORD |DO/ |

| |DOES |

Present Tense Yes-No

Yes/No Present Tense Questions Yes-No Present Tense Answers


| |명사 |



Make 15 questions similar to the above (at least 5+ questions for someone to ask you). Use different verbs for each question. Practice conversation questions above and your questions below with a new partner.

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__________________________________________ __________________________________________

1. CARD GAMES (See instructions for different games to play with these boards.)


|당신은 인터넷에서 채팅을 많이 하십니까?|당신은 질문을 많이 하십니까? |당신은 유관순이나 잔 다르크를 아십니까?|당신은 10계명을 아십니까? |

|Do you chat on internet a lot? |Do you ask a lot of questions? |Do you know about Yoo Guan Soon or Joan|Do you know the 10 commandments? |

| | |of Arc? | |

|당신은 거지에게 돈을 주었던 적은 |당신은 헤리엣 텁맨과 플로이엔스 나이팅 |당신은 이집트에서 가장 유명한 파라오가 |당신은 하느님께서 지구를 창조하셨다고 |

|있습니까? |게일을 아십니까? Do you know about |누군지 아십니까? |믿습니까? |

|Do you give money to beggars (or other |Harriet Tubman or Florence Nightingale?|Do you know was the most famous paraoh |Do you believe God created the earth? |

|people)? | |of Egypt? | |

|Q: Do you ever feel sad? |Q: Do you remember songs from your |Q: Do you know many jokes? |Q: Do you play sports a lot? |

|A: Yes, I sometimes feel sad. |childhood? |A: Yes, I know a few jokes. |A: Yes, I often play sports. |

| |A: Yes, I remember some songs from my | | |

| |childhood. | | |

|Q: Do you ever clean your room? |Q: Does your father go to movies with |Q: Do you exercise enough? |Q: Do your friends play computer games |

|A: No, I never clean my room. |you? |A: No, I don’t exercise enough. |much? |

| |A: Yes, he sometimes goes to movies | |A: Yes, they always play computer |

| |with me. | |games. |

|Q: Do you lose things sometimes? |Q: Do you take naps often? |Q: Do you put money in the bank every |Q: Does your family have vacations |

|A: Yes, I lose things every week! |A: Yes, I take naps 3 times a week. |month? |together? |

| | |A: Yes, I always put money in the bank |A: Yes, we sometimes have vacation |

| | |every month. |together. |

|Q: Do you feel happy? |Q: Does your sister use your clothes? |Q: Does your sister tease you? |Q: Does your best friend enjoy ethnic |

|A: Yes, I usually feel happy. |A: No, she doesn’t use my clothes. |A: Yes, she teases me all the time. |food? |

| | | |A: Yes, she enjoys ethnic food. |

|Q: Does your brother play jokes on you?|Q: Do you use internet a lot? |Q: Do you work very hard? |Q: Do you read a lot of books? |

|A: No, he doesn’t play jokes on my very|A: Yes, I use internet a lot. |A: No, I don’t work very hard. |A: Yes, I read a lot of books. |

|much. | | | |

|Q: Does your country provide free |Q: Do your habits change easily? |Q: Does your father look handsome? |Q: Do you understand Einstein? |

|education? |A: No, my habits don’t change easily. |A: Yes, I think my father looks |A: Yes, I understand Einstein some. |

|A: No my country doesn’t provide free | |handsome. | |

|education. | | | |


| | |


Change partners. Ask and answer the questions above again. This time ask at least 1 or 2 follow up questions about your partner’s answers.


A: Do you chat on the internet a lot?

B: Yes, I chat everyday with my friends about for 2 hours.

A: I think you are a chatterbox!

B: Well..maybe I do talk too much. Do you chat on internet much?

A: uh…yeah…about 4 hours a day.

B: Look who’s talking!


A: Do you change your habits easily?

B: Are you kidding? It’s very hard to change habits!

A: Do you ever try?

B: Yes, I try. But, I don’t know a lot.

A: Well, try to start a new good habit. That helps you stop old bad habits.

Present Continuous Tense Y/N 진행형***



| |읍니까? |명사의 |동사 |명사의 & |

| | | | |잡다한 |

|Yes/No |I |am/am not |sleeping. | |

| |It |is/isn’t |reading |a book. |

| |He |is/isn’t. | | |

| |She |is/isn’t |cooking. | |

| |They |are/aren’t. | | |

| |We |are/aren’t. |flying |kites. |


Practice conversation with the questions below. Follow the above examples for asking and answering questions.

|RELATIONSHIPS-LIFESTYLE (family, romance, friends, habits, feelings, etc.) |**check if they’re correct |

|Are you finding a boyfriend or girlfriend? |RELATIONSHIPS-LIFESTYLE (family, romance, friends, habits, feelings, |

|Are you wanting another brother? |etc.) |

|Is she looking at me? |너는 남자친구나 여자친구를 찾고있니? |

|Is your father taking you home? |너는 다른 형을 원하고 있니? |

|Is your mother needing some help? |그녀는 날 쳐다보고 있니? |

|Aren’t you meeting your friends today? |너의 아버지가 너를 집에 데려다 주고 있니? |

|Is your pet meeting a friend? |너의 엄마는 약간의 도움이 필요하고 있니? |

|Is your friend writing a love letter? | |

|**Aren’t you trying to stop a bad habit? |너의 애완동물은 친구를 만나고 있니? |

|**Is someone you know thinking of breaking up with their lover? |너의 친구는 연애편지를 쓰고 있니?** |

| | |

| | |

|LEARNING (school, wisdom, abilities, health, culture, etc.) | |

|Are you thinking of studying in another country? |LEARNING (school, wisdom, abilities, health, culture, etc.) |

|Are you getting old? | |

|Are you taking any medicine? |너는 다른 나라에서 공부하는것을 생각하고 있니? |

|Are you becoming a great person? |너는 늙어가고 있니? |

|Are you starting a new hobby? |넌 약간의 약을 먹고있니? |

|Are they studying English? |너는 대단한 사람이 되어가고 있니? |

|Is your grandma feeling sick these days? |너는 새로운 취미를 시작하고 있니? |

|Aren’t you making pancakes? |그들은 영어를 공부하고 있니? |

|Aren’t the students studying hard now? |너의 할매는 요즘을 아픔을 느끼고 있니? |

|Are you exercising enough these days? | |

|Are you taking any medicine regularly? | |

|**Aren’t you trying to kill me? | |

|Are you writing a book? | |

| | |

| | |

|FUN-ENTERTAINMENT (media, sports, humor, trivia, etc.) | |

|Are you going to the park? |FUN-ENTERTAINMENT (media, sports, humor, trivia, etc.) |

|Are your friends eating frog legs? |넌 공원에 가고 있니? |

|Is she watching a movie? |너의 친구들은 개구리 다리들을 먹고있니? |

|Is your brother coming to the party? |그녀는 영화를 보고 있니? |

|Is your father giving you a present this week? |네 오빠는 파티에 오고있니? |

|Is the teacher bringing us some snacks? |너의 아버지는 이번주에 선물을 주고있니? |

|Are you playing soccer with your friends today? |그 선생님은 우리에게 약간의 과자들을 가지고 오고 있니? |

|Isn’t the media broadcasting enough good TV stations? | |

|**Isn’t your father good at telling jokes? | |

|**Aren’t you having fun these days? | |

| | |

|POWER (money, energy, politics, influence, shopping, tech, business, info, | |

|goals, appearance, etc.) |POWER (money, energy, politics, influence, shopping, tech, business, |

|Are you using the computer a lot these days? |info, goals, appearance, etc.) |

|Are you earning enough money? | |

|Isn’t the president of your country doing his job well? |너는 요즘 컴퓨터를 많이 하고 있니? |

|Are you influencing your friends to do the right things? | |

|Are you shopping a lot on internet these days? | |

|Is your business or work going well? | |

|**Is the party you like winning the election? | |

|Are a lot of new inventions coming out this year? | |

|Aren’t we using up too much energy? | |

|**Aren’t governments putting enough money into researching new energy | |

|sources? | |

|Aren’t you writing down your goals frequently? | |

|**Aren’t you thinking of lending money to someone? | |

|**Are you traveling on business or for pleasure? | |

| | |

|WORLDVIEW-EXPERIENCES (religion, culture, philosophy, dreams, character, | |

|etc.) |WORLDVIEW-EXPERIENCES (religion, politics, philosophy, dreams, |

|**Are you having devotionals and prayer every morning? |character, etc.) |

|**Is your teacher giving you homework that challenges you to think | |

|creatively? | |

|**Isn’t your nation’s culture changing a lot? Do you think this is good or | |

|bad? | |

|**Isn’t your culture becoming more materialistic or more selfish? | |

|**Is your spiritual life improving? How? | |

|**Are you giving up your selfishness to God everyday? | |

|**Are you analyzing your character deficiencies frequently? How can you | |

|change them? | |

|**Are you serving a greater cause than just yourself? How? | |


|be |make |give |put |need |

|have |see |look |work |feel |

|do |know |use |become |may |

|say |take |find |mean |ask |

|go |think |want |leave |show |

|get |come |tell |seem |try |

| | | | |call |

Make 10 questions similar to the above (at least 5+ questions for someone to ask you). Use different verbs for each question. Practice conversation questions above and your questions below with a new partner.

__________________________________________ __________________________________________

__________________________________________ __________________________________________

__________________________________________ __________________________________________

__________________________________________ __________________________________________

__________________________________________ __________________________________________


|넌 약간의 약을 먹고있니? |너는 늙어가고 있니? |너는 요즘 컴퓨터를 많이 하고 |너는 다른 나라에서 공부하는것을|너는 대단한 사람이 되어가고 있 |

| | |있니? |생각하고 있니? |니? |

|Are you taking any medicine? | | |Are you thinking of studying in| |

| |Are you getting old? |Are you using the computer a |another country? |Are you trying to start a new |

| | |lot these days? | |hobby? |

|그들은 영어를 공부하고 있니? |너의 친구들은 개구리 다리들을 |그녀는 영화를 보고 있니? |네 오빠는 파티에 오고있니? |너의 엄마는 약간의 도움이 필요 |

| |먹고있니? | | |하고 있니? |

|Are they studying English? | |Is she watching a movie? |Is your brother coming to the |Is your mother needing some |

| |Are your friends eating frog | |party? |help? |

| |legs? | | | |

|너의 할매는 요즘을 아픔을 느끼 |그 선생님은 우리에게 약간의 과 |너의 친구는 연애편지를 기다리고|너의 애완동물은 친구를 만나고 |너는 남자친구나 여자친구를 |

|고 있니? |자들을 가지고 오고 있니? |있니? |있니? |찾고있니? |

| |Is the teacher bringing us some|Is your friend writing a love | | |

|Is your grandma feeling sick |snacks? |letter? |Is your pet meeting a friend? |Are you finding a boyfriend or |

|these days? | | | |girlfriend? |

|그녀는 영화를 보고 있니? |너는 남자친구나 여자친구를 |너의 아버지가 너를 집에 데려다 |너의 아버지는 이번주에 선물을 |너의 친구는 연애편지를 기다리고|

|Is she watching a movie? |찾고있니? |주고 있니? Is your father |주고있니? Is your father giving|있니? |

| |Are you finding a boyfriend or |taking you home? |you a present this week? |Is your friend writing a love |

| |girlfriend? | | |letter? |

|Is she looking at me?그녀는 날 |너의 애완동물은 친구를 만나고 |그녀는 영화를 보고 있니? Is she|넌 공원에 가고 있니? Are you | |

|쳐다보고 있니? |있니? Is your pet meeting a |watching a movie? |going to the park? | |

| |friend? | | | |


Change partners. Ask and answer the questions above again. This time ask at least 1 or 2 follow up questions about your partner’s answers.


1. A: Are you getting old?

2. B: No, I’m not!

A: But, you are already 15! I am 10. So, you are old.

B: Be quiet.

3. A: Is your brother coming to the party?

B: Yes, he is.

A: Is he funny?

B: No, he’s very boring.

4. A: Is your grandma feeling sick these days?

B: No, she isn’t. She’s very healthy!

A: How old is she?

B: She’s about 89 years old!

5. A: Is your sister watching a movie now?

B: No, she isn’t.

A: What is she doing?

B: She’s climbing a tree.

6. A: Are you doing well in school?

B: so-so. I like math. But, I don’t like art.

A: Do you like science?

B: Yes, science is a lot of fun!

Present Continuous Info진행형**


| |읍니까? |


Make 15 questions similar to the above (at least 5+ questions for someone to ask you). Use different verbs for each question. Practice conversation questions above and your questions below with a new partner.

__________________________________________ __________________________________________

__________________________________________ __________________________________________

__________________________________________ __________________________________________

__________________________________________ __________________________________________

__________________________________________ __________________________________________


Change partners. Ask and answer the questions above again. This time ask at least 1 or 2 follow up questions about your partner’s answers.


1. Q: Where is your brother learning Taekwondo?

A: He is learning Taekwondo at school.

NQ: Is he dangerous yet?

A: No, I can beat him easily.

2. Q: What are you painting?

A: I’m painting you!

NQ: Don’t paint me…I’m ugly…

A: No, I think you’re cute.

3. Q: What is your teacher saying?

A: She’s talking about a test next week.

NQ: Another test? Oh…no…

A: ditto…

4. Q: Why are they whispering?

A: They’re talking about the new couple’s baby.

NQ: What baby?

A: Bryan and Mi-Ae’s baby!

5. Q: What is she painting?

A: She is painting a landscape.

NQ: Is she a good painter?

A: No, I’m much better.

6. Q: What are you studying?

A: I’m studying for my cooking test.

NQ: What are you cooking?

A: I’m cooking chocolate pizza.

C: I don’t think that will pass the test.

CONDITIONALS-Intro, Zero Conditional

(see for more)

The structure of most conditionals is very simple. There are two basic possibilities. Of course, we add many words and can use various tenses, but the basic structure is usually one of these

|IF |condition |result |

|IF |y = 10 |2y = 20 |

|result |IF |condition |

|2y = 20 |IF |y = 10 |

Here is a little chart to help you to visualize the basic English conditionals. Do not take the 50% and 10% figures too literally. They are just to help you.

|probability |conditional |example |time |

|100% | |zero conditional |If you heat ice, it melts. |any time |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

|50% | |first conditional |If it rains, I will stay at home. |future |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

|20% | |second conditional |If I won the lottery, I would buy a car. |future |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

|0% |  |third conditional |If I had won the lottery, I would have bought a car. |past |

Here is a little chart on conditionals

|Zero conditional |If I have time, |I study English. (Sometimes I have time.) |

|(facts, advice, commands) |If you have some money |please give it to me. |

| |If you are thirsty |get some juice from the fridge. |

| |If she is tired, |She should take a nap on the couch. |

|1st conditional |If I have time, |I will study English. |

|(future possibilities) | |(I don't know if I will have time or not.) |

| |If I am tired, |I won’t go on the picnic. |

| |If she doesn’t like me, |I will never get married. |

| |If I buy the ticket for you |will you go skiing? |

| |Will you give me a massage |if I do the laundry? |

|2nd conditional |If I had time, |I would study English. (I don't have time. OR I won't have time.) |

|(imaginary situations in | |he would cry. |

|present/future) |If he lost my ring, |she would go crazy. |

| |If she had that much stress, |what would you eat? |

| |If you were very poor, |who would you marry? |

| |If you were a model, | |

|3rd conditional |If I had had time, |I would have studied English. |

|(imaginary situations in | |(I didn't have time.) |

|the past) |If she had not gone to Paris, |she would have come back home. |

| |If my brother had not come to Korea, |he wouldn’t have become an English teacher. |

| |If you hadn’t studied medicine, |what profession would you have entered? |

| |If he hadn’t played video games, |would he have been such an accurate surgeon? |

| |If President Noh had not been impeached, |Do you think the Korean economy would have suffered so much? |


|Past Real Conditional |If I had time, |I studied English. (Sometimes I had time.) |

Zero Conditional





|읍니까? |명사의 |


Make 10 questions like the above questions. Use different verbs for each question. Try to make several questions that you would like someone to ask you. Change partners. Then practice conversations again.

__________________________________________ __________________________________________

__________________________________________ __________________________________________

__________________________________________ __________________________________________

__________________________________________ __________________________________________

__________________________________________ __________________________________________


These are cards that you can play different games with to practice past tense sentences (many games can be adapted with this):

1. (1st time) Play in partners. Player A reads the Korean. Player B tries to make the correct English translation. Player can give hints and explain difficult vocabulary. If player A makes it correctly, he takes the card. If he can’t do it after a couple tries, player B reads the correct answer a couple times and puts the card aside to be used again 1-2 turns later. Then player B takes a card and reads the Korean on it for player A.

2. Make groups of 3-4. Cut up the cards, shuffle and turn upside down. 1 player reads the Korean. The other players try to make the correct English sentence. First player to do so gets the card and reads the Korean on the next card for the other players.

3. 4 IN A ROW (use game board B): Players choose any square they want and try to translate the sentences into English. If they are right, they can take the square. If a player gets 4 in a row, he wins 5 points. Most points wins.

CARD GAMES: Past Question Translation conversion

|너는 유명한 사람을 만난 적 있니? |너는 오늘 아침에 일찍 일어났니? |너네 어머니는 네가 어릴 때 밤늦게 깨어 |너는 최근에 조부모님을 찾아 뵈었니? |

|Did you ever meet a famous person? |Did you get up early this morning? |있는 것을 허락하셨니? |Did you visit your grandparents |

| | |Did your mother allow you to stay up |recently? |

| | |late when you were young? | |

|너는 사과 파이를 만들었니? |너는 이번 학기나 지난 학기에 성적이 최 |너네 선생님은 공정하게 도와주기로 결정 |너는 오늘 아침에 세수했니? |

|Did you make an apple pie? |악이었니? |하셨니? |Did you wash your face this morning? |

| |Did you get a very bad grade this term |Did your teacher decide to help with | |

| |or last term? |the fair? | |

|너는 오늘 깨끗한 양말을 신었니? |너는 기타 치는 것을 배웠니? |너는 낙타를 삼켰니? |너네 학교는 운동경기에서 승리한 적있니?|

|Did you put on clean socks today? |Did you learn to play the guitar? |Did you swallow a camel? |Did your school ever win a sports |

| | | |tournament? |

|너는 이번 주에 컴퓨터게임을 했니? |너는 이번 주에 쇼핑 갔었니? |부모님이 이번 달에 용돈을 주셨니? |너는 사업을 시작하길 원했니? |

|Did you play computer games this week? |Did you go shopping this week? |Did your parents give you an allowance |Did you ever want to start a business? |

| | |this month? | |

|너는 자연재해를 경험해 본적이 있니? |너는 작년에 사고를 겪었었니? |너는 이번 달에 거짓말을 했니? |너는 물리적 싸움에 휘말린 적이 있니? |

|Did you ever experience a natural |Did you have an accident last year? |Did you tell a lie this month? |Did you ever get in a physical fight? |

|disaster? | | | |

|너는 영화를 보았니? |너는 오늘 밥을 먹었니? |너는 위험에 처했을 때 기도를 한 적이 |너는 네 삶에서 종교적이나 신비한 일을 |

|Did you watch a movie? |Did you eat rice today? |있니? |경험한 적이 있니? |

| | |Did you pray when you were in danger? |Did you ever experience anything |

| | | |religious or mystical in your life? |


|너는 유명한 사람을 만난 적 있니? |너는 오늘 아침에 일찍 일어났니? |너네 어머니는 네가 어릴 때 밤늦게 깨어 |너는 최근에 조부모님을 찾아 뵈었니? |

| | |있는 것을 허락하셨니? | |

|너는 사과 파이를 만들었니? |너는 이번 학기나 지난 학기에 성적이 최 |너네 선생님은 공정하게 도와주기로 결정 |너는 오늘 아침에 세수했니? |

| |악이었니? |하셨니? | |

|너는 오늘 깨끗한 양말을 신었니? |너는 기타 치는 것을 배웠니? |너는 낙타를 삼켰니? |너네 학교는 운동경기에서 승리한 적있니?|

|너는 이번 주에 컴퓨터게임을 했니? |너는 이번 주에 쇼핑 갔었니? |부모님이 이번 달에 용돈을 주셨니? |너는 사업을 시작하길 원했니? |

|너는 자연재해를 경험해 본적이 있니? |너는 작년에 사고를 겪었었니? |너는 이번 달에 거짓말을 했니? |너는 물리적 싸움에 휘말린 적이 있니? |

|너는 영화를 보았니? |너는 오늘 밥을 먹었니? |너는 위험에 처했을 때 기도를 한 적이 |너는 네 삶에서 종교적이나 신비한 일을 |

| | |있니? |경험한 적이 있니? |

CARD GAMES: Present ( Past tense conversion


|I am a hero. |I have a sick dog. |I do taekwondo. |I say my prayers at night. |

| | | | |

|PAST: I was a hero. |PAST: I had a sick dog. |PAST: I did taekwondo. |PAST: I said my prayers at night. |


|I go bowling on Sundays. |I get mangoes at the supermarket. |I make very good cookies. |I see a fat monkey. |

| | | | |

|PAST: I went bowling on Sundays. |PAST: I got mangoes at the supermarket.|PAST: I made very good cookies. |PAST: I saw a fat monkey. |


|I know everything. |I take piano lessons. |I think a lot at school! |I come home at night. |

| | | | |

|PAST: I knew everything. |PAST: I took piano lessons. |PAST: I thought a lot at school. |PAST: I came home at night. |


|I give money to the poor. |I look beautiful. |He uses computers a lot. |She finds many interesting books. |

| | | | |

|PAST: I gave money to the poor. |PAST: I looked beautiful. |PAST: He used computers a lot. |PAST: She found many interesting books.|


|They want to be doctors. |She tells many funny jokes. |My grandpa puts sugar on his rice. |My friends work hard. |

| | | | |

|PAST: They wanted to be doctors. |PAST: She told many funny jokes. |PAST: My grandpa put sugar on his rice.|PAST: My friends worked hard. |


|She is becoming a woman. |I need a massage. | | |

| | | | |

|PAST: She became a woman. |PAST: I needed a massage. | | |

CARD GAMES: Past Question (( Past Answer Conversion

|Q: Did your mother provide the food? |Q: Did you play darebase last night? |Q: Did you ask for a ride? |Q: Did you follow the trail? |

| | | | |

|A: Yes, my mother provided the food for|A: No, I didn’t play darebase last |A: Yes, I asked for a ride. |A: No, I didn’t follow the trail. |

|the picnic. |night. | | |

|Q: Did you father suggest a good |Q: Did your friend remember to bring |Q: Did your team win the soccer game? |Q: Did your teacher decide to help |

|camping place? |the ice cream. | |with the fair? |

| | |A: No, my team didn’t win the soccer |A: Yes, my teacher decided to help with|

|A: Yes, my father suggested a great |A: No, my friend didn’t remember to |game. |the fair. |

|camping place. |bring the ice cream. | | |

|Q: Did you consider studying in |Q: Did that company develop a new MP3 |Q: Did you agree to start a business |Q: Did your grandpa die recently? |

|America? |player? |soon? | |

| | | |A: No, he my grandpa didn't die. |

|A: No, I didn’t consider studying in |A: Yes, they developed a new MP3 |A: Yes, I agreed to start a business | |

|America. |player. |next week. | |

|Q: Did you buy some ramen? |Q: Did the hero win the fight? |Q: Did you learn to play the guitar? |Q: Did you receive a lot of money for |

| | | |your work? |

|A: No, I didn’t buy any ramen. |A: Yes, the hero won the fight. |A: Yes, I learned to play the guitar. | |

| | | |A: No, I didn’t receive much money for |

| | | |my work. |

|Q: Did you reach the top of the |Q: Did you ever live in another |Q: Did your mother allow you to stay up| |

|mountain? |country? |late? | |

| | | | |

|A: Yes, we reached the top of the |A: Yes, I lived in the country of |A: No, my mother didn’t allow me to | |

|mountain in 5 hours. |Singapore. |stay up late. | |


Change partners. Ask and answer the questions above again. This time ask at least 1 or 2 follow up questions about your partner’s answers.


A: Did you clean your room?

B: No, I didn’t. I was too busy.

A: What did you do all morning?

B: Well…I played video games.

A: That’s not being busy. That’s being lazy!

A: Did your professor give you a hard test?

B: Yes, it was a nightmare.

A: How long did it take?

B: It took 2 hours. He’s killing me.

A: Don’t worry. Whatever doesn’t kill you makes you stronger!

Past Tense Info과거Q & A:



| |읍니까? |


Make 12 past tense questions. Make 2 questions for each of these words: who, what, where, when, why and how.

__________________________________________ __________________________________________

__________________________________________ __________________________________________

__________________________________________ __________________________________________

__________________________________________ __________________________________________

__________________________________________ __________________________________________

__________________________________________ __________________________________________

__________________________________________ __________________________________________


Make 12 past tense questions. Make 2 questions for each of these words: who, what, where, when, why and how.

__________________________________________ __________________________________________

__________________________________________ __________________________________________

__________________________________________ __________________________________________

__________________________________________ __________________________________________

__________________________________________ __________________________________________

__________________________________________ __________________________________________

__________________________________________ __________________________________________

|Q: Where did you meet your wife? |Q: Who did she learn English from? |Q: When did you first ride bumper cars?|Q: Why did they see that stupid movie? |

| | | | |

| | | | |

|A: I met my wife at church. |A: She learned English from Bryan? |A: I first rode bumper cars when I was|A: They saw that movie because my |

| | |9 years old. |sister said it was funny. |

|Q: Where were your movie posters? |Q: Who was your best friend in |Q: When was your gym class last year? |Q: Why were your cookies burnt? |

| |elementary school? | | |

| | | | |

|A: My movie were on my bed. |A: My best friend in elementary school |A: My gym class was at 2pm last year. |A: My cookies were burnt because I was|

| |was Heidi. | |watching TV. |

|Q: What did you dig up in the cave? |Q: Whose boat did your mom decide to |Q: How did he locate the sunken ship? |Q: What kind of people inhabited the |

| |buy? | |island? |

| | | | |

|A: We dug up some pirate treasure in |A: My mom decided to buy the |A: He located the sunken ship by using |A: Cannibals inhabited the island. |

|the cave? |president’s boat. |sonar. | |

|Q: What were your final grades in math |Q: Whose boat was on the lake at |Q: How were the pancakes this morning?|Q: What kind of toys were in your |

|and Korean? |midnight? | |brother’s room? |

| | | | |

| | |A: The pancakes this morning were | |

|A: My final grades in math and Korean |A: The Johnson’s boat was on the lake |heavenly. |A: Some transformers were in my |

|were B+ and A-. |at midnight. | |brother’s room. |

|Who heard the rumor? |My brother heard the rumor. |Who did she see in Seoul? |She saw her teacher in Seoul. |

|소문을 누가 들었니? |내 형이 소문을 들었어. |그녀는 서울에서 누굴 봤니? |그녀의 선생님을 봤어. |

|Who followed the trail to the lake? |My friends followed the trail. |Where did she meet her husband? |She met her husband at a soccer game. |

|호수로 가는 길을 누가 걸어갔니? |내 친구들이 길을 따라갔어. |그녀는 그녀의 남편을 어디서 만났니? |그녀는 그녀의 남편을 축구 경기에서 |

| | | |만났어. |

|What did you do for Christmas? |I played Santa for some poor children. |How did he begin his company? |He began his company with a good idea. |

|너는 크리스마스 때 뭘 했니? |나는 불쌍한 아이들을 위해 산타 분장을 |그는 그의 회사를 어떻게 세우게 되었니? |그는 좋은 아이디어로 .회사를 세우게 됐 |

| |했어. | |어. |

|Why did you write a diary? |I wrote a diary to think about my life.|Who provided the food for the party? |The Smith family provided the food for |

|너는 왜 일기는 썼니? | |파티음식을 누가 준비했니? |the party. |

| |내 인생에 대해 생각하기 위해 일기를 썼 | |Smith가족이 파티음식을 준비했어. |

| |어. | | |

|When did your parents move to this |They moved to this city last year. |Whose idea started the business? |A scientist’s idea started the company.|

|city? |그들은 작년에 이 도시로 이사를 했어. |누구의 아이디어가 그 기업을 시작하게 | |

|네 부모님은 언제 이 도시로 이사를 했니?| |했니? |한 과학자의 아이디어가 기업을 시작하게 |

| | | |했어. |

|Q: Did your mother provide the food? |Q: Did you play darebase last night? |Q: Did you ask for a ride? |Q: Did you follow the trail? |

| | | | |

|A: Yes, my mother provided the food for|A: No, I didn’t play darebase last |A: Yes, I asked for a ride. |A: No, I didn’t follow the trail. |

|the picnic. |night. | | |

|Q: Did you father suggest a good |Q: Did your friend remember to bring |Q: Did your team win the soccer game? |Q: Did your teacher decide to help |

|camping place? |the ice cream. | |with the fair? |

| | |A: No, my team didn’t win the soccer |A: Yes, my teacher decided to help with|

|A: Yes, my father suggested a great |A: No, my friend didn’t remember to |game. |the fair. |

|camping place. |bring the ice cream. | | |

|Q: Did you consider studying in |Q: Did that company develop a new MP3 |Q: Did you agree to start a business |Q: Did your grandpa die recently? |

|America? |player? |soon? | |

| | | |A: No, he my grandpa didn't die. |

|A: No, I didn’t consider studying in |A: Yes, they developed a new MP3 |A: Yes, I agreed to start a business | |

|America. |player. |next week. | |

|Q: Did you buy some ramen? |Q: Did the hero win the fight? |Q: Did you learn to play the guitar? |Q: Did you receive a lot of money for |

| | | |your work? |

|A: No, I didn’t buy any ramen. |A: Yes, the hero won the fight. |A: Yes, I learned to play the guitar. | |

| | | |A: No, I didn’t receive much money for |

| | | |my work. |

|Q: Did you reach the top of the |Q: Did you ever live in another |Q: Did your mother allow you to stay up| |

|mountain? |country? |late? | |

| | | | |

|A: Yes, we reached the top of the |A: Yes, I lived in the country of |A: No, my mother didn’t allow me to | |

|mountain in 5 hours. |Singapore. |stay up late. | |


|Who did she see in Seoul? |그녀는 서울에서 누굴 봤니? |She saw her teacher in Seoul. |그녀의 선생님을 봤어. |

|Where did she meet her husband? |그녀는 그녀의 남편을 어디서 만났니? |She met her husband at a soccer game. |그녀는 그녀의 남편을 축구 경기에서 |

|How did he begin his company? |그는 그의 회사를 어떻게 세우게 되었니? |He began his company with a good idea. |만났어. |

| | |The Smith family provided the food for |그는 좋은 아이디어로 .회사를 세우게 됐 |

|Who provided the food for the party? |파티음식을 누가 준비했니? |the party. |어. |

|Whose idea started the business? | |A scientist’s idea started the company.|Smith가족이 파티음식을 준비했어. |

| |누구의 아이디어가 그 기업을 시작하게 | |한 과학자의 아이디어가 기업을 시작하게 |

| |했니? | |했어. |

FUTURE TENSE YES/NO using “will” and “going to”



|읍니까? |명사의 |


Make 10 questions like the above questions. Use different verbs for each question. Try to make several questions that you would like someone to ask you. Change partners. Then practice conversations again.











CARD GAMES (See instructions for different games to play with these boards.)

Will you come to my party this weekend?

너는 이번주 주말에 있는 내 파티에 올거니?


|Are you going to send a lot of e-mail |Are you going to write to your pen pal |Will you come to my party this weekend? |Are you going to stay after class |

|this week? |soon? |너는 이번주 주말에 있는 내 파티에 |today? |

|너는 이번주에 이메일을 많이 보낼거니? |너는 곧 네 펜팔친구에게 편지쓸거니? |올거니? |너는오늘 수업 끝나고 남을 거니? |

|Are you going to pass the math test? |Are you going to exercise more? |Will you sleep late tonight? |Will you take a test this week? |

|너는 수학시험을 통과할거니? |너는 운동을 좀더 할 거니? |너는 오늘 늦게 잘거니? |너는 이번 주에 시험을 치니? |

|Are you going to go to an amusement |Is your family going to visit another |Are you going to watch a movie or video |Are you going to have midget children? |

|park? |country this year? |this week? |너는 꼬마난쟁이를 낳을거니? |

|너는 놀이동산에 갈거니? |너네 가족은 올해 다른 나라를 방문할 |너는 이번 주에 영화나 비디오를 볼거니? | |

| |거니? | | |

|Will you live in Korea your whole life? |Will you pay me 10,000 won to bungi |Will you produce a movie someday? |Will you listen to the song that I |

|너는 평생 한국에서 살거니? |jump? |너는 언젠가는 영화를 만들거니? |made? |

| |내가 번지 점프하게 10000줄래? | |내가 만든 노래 들어볼래? |

|Are you going to find a new job soon? |Is your country going to have a good |Are you going to sell anything soon? |Will you change any bad habits that you|

|너는 조만간 새직업을 구할 거니? |economy next year? |너는 곧 뭐든지 팔거니? |have? |

| |내년에는 경제가 좋아질 것 같니? | |너는 너의 어떤 나쁜 습관이라도 |

| | | |바꿀거니? |

|Q: Are you going to send some e-mail |Q: Will you take a test this week? |Q: Are you going to have midget |Q: Will you listen to the song that I |

|soon? |A: No, I won’t take a test this week. |children? |made? |

|A: Yes, I’m going to send some e-mail | |A: No, I’m going to have tall children. |A: Yes, I will listen to your song. |

|soon. | | | |

|Q: Are you going to find a new job soon?|Q: Are you going to change your bad |Q: Are you going to sell your arm? |Q: Are you going to call your friends |

|A: Yes, I will find a new job this year.|habits? |A: No, I’m never going to sell my arm! |this week? |

| |A: Yes, I’m going to try to change my | |A: Yes, I’m going to call my friends |

| |bad habits. | |this week. |

|Q: Are you going to run in a school race|Q: Will you come to my party this |Q: Are you going to do homework tonight?|Q: Will you produce a movie someday? |

|this year? |weekend? |A: Yes, I’m going to do homework |A: N, I will not produce a movie |

|A: No, I’m not going to run in the race|A: Yes, I will come to your party this |tonight. |someday. |

|this year. |weekend. | | |

|Q: Will you live in Korea your whole |Q: Are you going to sell anything soon? |Q: Are you going to travel to many |Q: Is your best friend going to be |

|life? |A: Yes, I’m going to sell my dog soon. |countries? |famous? |

|A: No, I will not live my whole life in | |A: Yes, I’m going to travel to many |A: No, my best friend isn’t going to be|

|Korea. | |countries. |famous. |


Change partners. Ask and answer the questions above again. This time ask at least 1 or 2 follow up questions about your partner’s answers.


Q: Will you come to the party at my house this weekend?

A: Yes, I think I will. It sounds like fun.

NQ: That’s great. What time can you come?

A: I will come at about 7pm.

Q: Are you going to go to an amusement park during the break?

A: Yes, I am. I can’t wait.

NQ: Which amusement park will you go to?

A: I think we’ll go to Everland.

NQ: Can I come with you?

A: Yes. But, promise not to throw up on me on the rides.

Future Tense Info using “will” & “going to”


|읍니까? |VERB |명사의 |동사 |

|RELATIONSHIPS-LIFESTYLE (family, romance, friends, habits, etc.) |RELATIONSHIPS-LIFESTYLE (family, romance, friends, habits, etc.) |

|When are you going to bring your pet to school? |너는 학교에 애완동물을 데리고 올거니? |

|What race are you going to be in for sports day? |너는 운동회에서 어떤 경주에 참가할거야? |

|When will you go on a date this month? |**너는 이번 달에언제 데이트 할거니? |

|Who will you kiss this week? |너는 이번주에 키스할 거니? |

|Where will you go on a vacation this year? |너는 올해 어디로 휴가를 갈거니? |

|**How will you make good memories in your marriage? | |

|**How are you going to pop the question (propose)? | |

|**How do you hope someone proposes to you? | |

|**How many children are you going to have? | |

|**How will you discipline your children? | |

|**How will you find your soul mate? | |

|**How will your home life with your spouse be different from that of your parents?| |

|When are you going to get married? | |

|**When are you going to have a baby? | |

|When will you go on your next date? | |

|When will you have your first kiss? | |

|Which girl will you choose to be your girlfriend? | |

|Who is he going to tease in this class? | |

|**How will you break up with your boyfriend? | |

|When will you make peace with him? | |

|How many children will you have? | |

|**Who is going to get married next year? | |

| | |

|LEARNING (school, wisdom, abilities, health, culture, etc.) |LEARNING (school, wisdom, abilities, health, culture, etc.) |

|How many extra classes are you going to take this semester? |너는 이번 학기에 특활수업을 몇 과목이나 수강할 거니? |

|When are you going to perform in a concert? |너는 콘서트에서 언제 공연을 할 거니? |

|Who will help you with your homework? |누가 너의 숙제하는 것을 도와줄거니? |

|When will you stop eating meat? |언제 너는 식사를 끝낼거니?*** |

|How many languages are you going to learn? | |

|**How much dirt will you eat? | |

|**How will you change your diet? | |

|**What habits are you going to change this year? | |

|**What issue are you going to present to your class? | |

|**What master’s degree are you going to take? | |

|What area of research will you specialize in? | |

|When are you going to get your physical this year (or dental checkup)? | |

|When are you going to take a shower? | |

|**When will you learn some traditional dancing? | |

|**Where are you going to hold your exhibit? | |

|What bad habits will you change? | |

|What will you eat after you finish your diet? | |

|Why are you going to have an operation? | |

|When is your mother having the operation? | |

|Where are your friends dining out Friday? (future) | |

| | |

| |FUN - ENTERTAINMENT (media, sports, humor, entertainment, etc.) |

|FUN - ENTERTAINMENT (media, sports, humor, entertainment, etc.) |너는 언제 자전거 탈거니? |

|When are you going to take a bike ride? |너는 어느 수영장을 갈거니? |

|Which water slide park are you going to go to? |너는 남자/여자친구를 몇 명이나 사귈거니? |

|How many boyfriends/girlfriends are you going to have? |올해 책을 몇권이나 읽을거니? |

|How many books will you read this year? |너는 먹을 때 얼만큼 지저분하니? ** |

|**How much dirt will you eat? |너는 언제 원숭이랑 놀거니? |

|When will you play with a monkey? | |

|What are you going to do during the next holiday? | |

|What are you going to do this coming thanksgiving? | |

|When are you going to play basketball? | |

|When will the festival be held? | |

|**How many hours a week will you play with your children? | |

|**Where are they going to go for their school excursion? | |

|Where are you going to go fishing? | |

|**Which festivals will you visit this year? | |

|Who are you going to make dinner for? | |

|When is your class going on an outing together? | |

|When are you going to the singing room? (future) | |

|**Why are you going to meet an alien? | |

|**Which race are you going to enter? | |

| |POWER (money, energy, politics, influence, shopping, business, etc.) |

| |내년에는 어떤 학교를 갈거니? |

|POWER (money, energy, politics, influence, shopping, business, etc.) |네 친구는 언제 그 직장에서 일을 시작할거니? |

|**Which school are you going to go to next year? |너는 대학에서 뭐를 전공할거니? |

|**When is your friend going to start his job? |왜 네 어머니께서 네 휴대폰을 압수 하실거니? |

|What major will you study in university? |너는 어려운 시험을 어떻게 통과할 거니? |

|**Why is your mother going to take away your cell phone? |너는 몇번이나 운전면허 시험을 볼거니? |

|How will you pass the difficult test? | |

|How many times will you take the driver’s license test? | |

|**What improvements will you mention at the meeting this week? | |

|**How many employees are you going to hire in your company? | |

|**How will you help your business expand? | |

|**How much dough (money) will you earn this month? | |

|**What kind of business are you going to you start? | |

|What CD or computer game will you buy? | |

|**When are you going to start your part time job? | |

|Where is he going to go shopping? | |

|**Where is your friend going to open his business? | |

|Why are you going to change your occupation? | |

|**When is a new law going to go into effect? |WORLDVIEW-EXPERIENCES (religion, politics, philosophy, ethics, experiences, |

|Who will see you off at the airport? |etc.) |

| |너는 어떤 종교를 가질거니(믿을거니?)? |

|WORLDVIEW-EXPERIENCES (religion, politics, philosophy, ethics, experiences, etc.) |너는 언어를 몇 개나 배울거니? |

|What religion will you believe in? |너는 권력을 가진 사람과 유명한 사람중 어느 쪽을 만날거니? |

|How many languages are you going to learn? |너는 현명해지기 위해 어떤 책을 읽을거니? |

|Which powerful or famous people will you meet? |네 친구나 가족들은 어떤 나쁜 습과을 고쳐야 하니? |

|What books will you read to become wiser? | |

| | |

|**What religion will you believe in? | |

|**Which candidate are you going to vote for? | |

|Why is your mother going to take away your cell phone? | |

| | |

CLAUSES—Relative, When, etc.


|읍니까? |VERB |

COMPARISONS Y/N Q/A-- “Is the cat smarter than the dog? Are you more handsome than he is?”


• is A + er, A or B

Who is prettier, Ji-hae or Ji Hyun? Rob is smarter than John.

Who is more handsome, Bryan or John? The Amazon river is longer than the Yellow River.

• more A than B OR A +er than B

Does your field have more than mine does? Mi-ae gives better massages than Ji-Sook.

Who is funnier than Min-sook is? He has more money than I do.

• less A than B

Who has less homework than I? Traci wears less makeup than Serena does.



|읍니까? |


Practice conversation with the questions below. Follow the above examples for asking and answering questions.

|RELATIONSHIPS-LIFESTYLE (family, romance, friends, habits, feelings, etc.) |RELATIONSHIPS-LIFESTYLE (family, romance, friends, habits, |

|Are you happier than your friends are? |feelings, etc.) |

|Is your grandpa faster than your grandma? |너는 너의 친구들보다 더 행복하니? |

|Is your sister older than you are? |네 할아버지가 네 할머니보다 더 빠르시니? |

|Is your mother smaller than your father? |네 누나가 너보다 더 나이가 많니? |

|Are your friends nicer than a policeman? |너네 엄마가 아빠보다 키가 더 작으시니? |

|Is your best friend richer than you are? |네 친구들이 경찰관보다 더 친절하니? |

|Is your current girlfriend/boyfriend less romantic than your last one? |네 제일 친한 친구들이 너보다 더 부자니? |

|Are you more optimistic in good weather or bad weather? |너의 현재 여자친구/남자친구는 예전 여자/남자친구보다 덜 |

|Have you been more authentic and vulnerable in your relationships recently? |로맨틱하니? |

|Was your mother stricter than your father? | |

|Didn’t you have more strength than your brother or sister did? | |

|**Weren’t you more mischievious than your classmates in school? |너의 어머니는 아버지보다 더 엄격하시니? |

|**Are you currently happier than in the past? | |

|**Are you friends more selfish than you are? | |

|Are you happier this year than last year? Why or why not? | |

|Are your parents busier than university professors? | |

|**Are your parents more conservative than your friend’s parents? | |

|Do men get angry more easily than women? | |

|**Do you think it’s better to be an optimist, pessimist or realist? Why? | |

|**How could you develop your character more effectively? | |

|**Isn’t your current boyfriend more romantic than your last one? | |

|Is your boyfriend more handsome than your brother? | |

|**Is your current boyfriend a better kisser than your last one? | |

|**Is your mother stricter than your high school teacher? | |

|**Isn’t your personality better than others in the class? | |

|**Did your father express love more easily than your mother? | |

|**Are you siblings older or younger than you are? | |

|Are you usually happier than those around you? | |

|**Are your bad habits worse than my bad habits? | |

|Do you think it’s better to spare the rod or spoil the child? | |

|**Is your girlfriend more talkative than you would like? | |

|Is your girlfriend/boyfriend nicer than my girlfriend/boyfriend? | |

|Was your grandpa stricter than your father? | |

|**Isn’t your best friend more charming than your sister? | |

| | |

|LEARNING (school, wisdom, abilities, health-food, culture, improvements, nature, environment, | |

|mistakes, etc.) |LEARNING (school, wisdom, abilities, health-food, culture, |

|**Hasn’t education in your country become less expensive recently? Why? |improvements, nature, environment, mistakes, etc.) |

|**Is education in Korea more creative or more rote-learning? | |

|**Wasn’t the environment in less serious danger 20 years ago than it is now? | |

|**Wasn’t living in the country more satisfying than living in the city? | |

|Is a cricket a better singer than a bird? | |

|Is a monkey’s brain bigger than a lion’s brain? | |

|Is sand smaller than hulled millet? | |

|Is your pet fatter than it should be? | |

|Does your classroom have fewer computers than mine does? | |

|Were your teachers in middle school stricter than your teachers in high school? | |

|Is a dog faster than a cat? | |

|Are whales stronger than lions? |개가 고양이보다 더 빠르니? |

|Is a monkey’s brain bigger than a lion’s brain? |고래가 사자보다 더 힘이 세니? |

|Is your pet fatter than mine? |원숭이의 뇌가 사자의 뇌보다 더 크니? |

|**Is it smarter to put socks on your head or on your feet? |네 애완동물이 내 애완동물보다 더 뚱뚱하니? |

|Are you taller than the teacher? |양말을 네 머리와 발 중에 어느 곳에 신는 것이 더 현명한가? |

|Is your math teacher shorter than your English teacher? |너는 선생님보다 더 키가 크니? |

|**Aren’t you smarter than your brother or friend? |네 수학선생님이 영어선생님보다 키가 더 작으시니? |

|Is science more difficult than math? |네가 네 오빠보다 더 똑똑하니? |

|Is English easier than history? |과학이 수학보다 더 어렵니? |

|**Is your dog cuter than your cat? |영어가 역사보다 더 쉬워? |

|**Isn’t the cake less delicious than the ice cream? |네 개가 고양이 보다 더 귀여워? |

|**Are health and happiness more important than money? |케이크가 아이스 크림보다 덜 맛있니? |

|Are practice examinations easier than the real thing? | |

|**Are you less concerned about health or money? | |

|**Are you more concerned about environmental problems or health problems? | |

|**Aren’t you more mischievous than your classmates in school? | |

|Are you thinner when you were in elementary school? | |

|**Aren’t your eyes often bigger than your stomach? (=Do you often take more food than you can eat?) | |

|Are your grades better than your friends’? | |

|Can you make food better than your mother? | |

|**Do any of your female friends eat more than their boyfriends? | |

|Do you spend more time studying in university than you did in high school? | |

|**Don’t you sleep earlier these days than before? | |

|**Do you think your sister speaks Korean more eloquently than you do? | |

|**Does your mother play an instrument better than you do? | |

|Has your speech become less critical than before? | |

|Is history more interesting than science? | |

|**Is it easier to take tests or write a research paper? | |

|Is Korean more difficult to understand than English? | |

|Is one of your problems more complicated than it seems? | |

|**Is the speed of light faster than the speed of sound? | |

|**Is tuition at your school more expensive than public schools? | |

|**Isn’t your current medicine more effective than your previous medicine? | |

|Is your father healthier than your mother? | |

|Is your health stronger now than it was 3 years ago? | |

|Was the weather warmer this year than last year? | |

|**Was your relative’s illness much more serious than you thought at first? | |

|We should study harder, shouldn’t we? | |

|**Were you a more studious student when you were in middle school? | |

|Were you in better condition in your high school days than now? | |

|Were you smarter than your friends in elementary school? | |

|Are you hungrier than your friend? | |

|**Isn’t the arctic melting faster than the Antarctic? | |

|**Is the entrée more delicious than the main dish? | |

|**Is Yoga a better way to relax than massage?\ | |

|Is your homework simpler than my homework? | |

| | |

|FUN-ENTERTAINMENT (media-music, sports, humor, trivia, celebrations, travel, camps, etc.) |FUN-ENTERTAINMENT (media-music, sports, humor, trivia, |

|Is Ricky Martin more handsome than Leonardo Dicaprio? |celebrations, travel, camps, etc.) |

|Is your brother funnier than your friend? |릭키마틴이 레오나르도 디카프리오보다 더 잘 생겼니? |

|Are cartoons funnier than news? |너네 오빠가 네 친구보다 더 웃기니? |

|Is Boa a better singer than Chaeyeon? |만화가 뉴스보다 더 재미 있니? |

|Is this book funnier than your story? |보아가 채연 보다 더 좋은 가수니? |

|Is the color green prettier than the color blue? |이 책이 네 이야기보다 더 재미있니? |

|Is it smarter to put socks on your head or on your feet? |초록색이 파란색보다 더 예쁘니? |

|**Am I prettier than Boa? |양말을 네 머리와 발 중에 어느 곳에 신는 것이 더 현명한가? |

|**Aren’t models more beautiful than entertainers? | |

|Are movies more fun than games? | |

|Are these coats more expensive than the leather coats? | |

|Are you more fashionable or more casual? | |

|**Are you more handsome/beautiful than your professors? | |

|**Are you more interested in sports, music, movies or religion? | |

|**Are you slenderer than a model? Are you more muscular than body builders? | |

|Are you stronger than your father? | |

|Are your boyfriend’s legs longer than professor Palmer’s legs? | |

|**Are your clothes more fashionable then the campus beauty queen’s? | |

|**Aren’t your farts smellier than mine? | |

|Are your farts smellier than your brothers? | |

|**Are your feet bigger than Shaquille O’Neal’s feet? | |

|Are your legs more beautiful than your sister's legs? | |

|Are your legs thinner than your friends’ legs? | |

|**Do you look better in real life or in pictures? | |

|Is your boyfriend cuter than a puppy? | |

|**Is it funnier to put skirts on your sister or on your brother? | |

|Is your brother cuter than your sister? | |

|Is your favorite actor a better actor than Dakota Fanning? | |

|**Is your favorite singer becoming more famous internationally? | |

|Is your hairstyle cuter than your friends? | |

|**Isn’t your mother more fashionable than you are? | |

|Is your sister prettier than your girlfriend? | |

|Is your tongue longer than your best friends’? | |

|**Is your wife sweeter than my honey? | |

|Weren’t you more beautiful in high school than now? | |

| | |

|POWER (money, energy, politics, influence, tech, shopping, business, responsibility, goals, info, |POWER (money, energy, politics, influence, tech, shopping, |

|appearance, security, etc.) |business, responsibility, goals, info, appearance, security, |

|Is Korea bigger than China? |etc.) |

|Is Korea bigger than Hong Kong? | |

|Hasn’t Seoul been hotter than Pusan? |한국이 중국보다 더 크니? |

|**Is Africa’s population less than Asia’s population? |한국이 홍콩보다 더 크니? |

|Is your computer faster than mine is? |서울이 부산보다 더 더웠던 적이 있니? |

|Are you less concerned about the economy than your wife or parents are? | |

|**Weren’t you more responsible and mature than your siblings when you were growing up? | |

|Do you have a more famous ancestor than I do? |너의 컴퓨터가 내 것보다 더 빠르니? |

|Wasn’t your grandfather richer than mine? |너는 경제에 대해 너의 아내 또는 부모님들보다 덜 신경쓰니? |

|**Weren’t you thinner when you were in high school? | |

|**Are prices here higher than other cities or countries? |너는 나보다 더 유명한 선조가 있니? |

|**Are prices in your city higher or lower on average than other cities in your country? |너의 할아버지는 나의 할아버지보다 더 부자였니? |

|**Are you less successful than your sister in some areas? |고등학교때 너는 말랐었니? |

|Are you more successful than your friends? | |

|Are your dreams now happier than when you were a child? | |

|**Do you find your way around the city more easily than your mother? | |

|**Do you earn more money than your boyfriend? | |

|Is the cost of living in your country more or less expensive than in neighboring countries? | |

|**Do you think that poor people can escape from poverty if we make fairer economic policies? | |

|Is a gold ring more valuable than a silver bracelet? | |

|Is America wealthier than your country? | |

|**Isn’t Hong Kong more prosperous than your country? | |

|**Is the traffic particularly bad today? | |

|Is your best friend richer than mine? | |

|**Is your cell phone more modern than mine? | |

|Does your church have a more modern worship style than other churches? | |

|Is your computer faster than modern laptop? | |

|Is your country more prosperous than neighboring countries? | |

|Is your father more successful than my father is? | |

|Is your club’s sofa more comfortable than my clubs? | |

|**Isn’t your furniture more comfortable than mine? | |

|Is your hometown larger or smaller than Busan (~5,000,000)? | |

|Is your worst friend richer than you are?Were your pants more expensive than your jacket? | |

|**What will help you be more effective in your new job? | |

|WORLDVIEW-EXPERIENCES (religion, nation, truth, philosophy, dreams, character, ethics, etc.) | |

|**Are morals more important than science? | |

|**Do you think your religion is more service oriented than other religions? | |

|**Is Einstein more difficult to understand than Stephen Hawking? |WORLDVIEW-EXPERIENCES (religion, nation, truth, philosophy, |

|**Do you think your mother has more integrity than your father? |dreams, character, ethics, etc.) |

|**Which do you think is more important, the salary or the satisfaction in a new job? | |

|Are your dreams now scarier than when you were a child? |너의 종교가 다른 종교보다 더 서비스 지향적이라고 생각하니? |

|Is your nation stronger now than it was 5 years ago? In which way? |아이슈타인이 스티븐 호킹보다 더 이해하기 어렵니? |

|Are you less concerned about the politics than the president? |너는 너의 아버지보다 어머니가 더 정직하다고 생각하니? |

|Do you think your country is more peaceful than other countries? |****생각해본적 있니? |

|How could we get to know God better? |너는 어렸을 때 보다 지금 무서운 꿈을 더 꾸니? |

|Would you prefer to be a government official or run your own business? |너의 국가는 오년전보다 더 강해졌니? 어떤면에서? |

|Is your country wealthier than France? | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| |너의 나라는 프랑스보다 더 잘 사니? |


|Are whales stronger than lions? |Is a monkey’s brain bigger than a lion’s|Is it smarter to put socks on your head |Are you taller than the teacher? 너는 |

|고래가 사자보다 더 힘이 세니? |brain? |or on your feet? 양말을 네 머리와 발 중 |선생님보다 더 키가 크니? |

| |원숭이의 뇌가 사자의 뇌보다 더 크니? |에 어느 곳에 신는 것이 더 현명한가? | |

|Is your math teacher shorter than your |Is your brother funnier than your |Are you smarter than your brother? 네가 |Are cartoons funnier than news? 만화가 |

|English teacher? 네 수학선생님이 |friend? 너네 오빠가 네 친구보다 더 웃기 |네 오빠보다 더 똑똑하니? |뉴스보다 더 재미 있니? |

|영어선생님보다 키가 더 작으시니? |니? | | |

|Is science more difficult than math? |Is your dog cuter than your cat? 네 개가|Are your friends nicer than a policeman?|Is your best friend richer than you are?|

|과학이 수학보다 더 어렵니? |고양이 보다 더 귀여워? |네 친구들이 경찰관보다 더 친절하니? |네 제일 친한 친구들이 너보다 더 부자니? |

|Is your grandpa faster than your |Is your pet fatter than mine? 네 |Is your sister older than you are? 네 |Is the cake more delicious than the ice |

|grandma? 네 할아버지가 네 할머니보다 더|애완동물이 내 애완동물보다 더 뚱뚱하니? |누나가 너보다 더 나이가 많니? |cream? 케이크가 아이스 크림보다 더 |

|빠르시니? | | |맛있니? |

|Is Ricky Martin more handsome than |Is Boa a better singer than Chaeyeon? |Is English easier than history? 영어가 |Is your mother smaller than your father?|

|Leonardo Dicaprio? 릭키마틴이 레오나르 |보아가 채연 보다 더 좋은 가수니? |역사보다 더 쉬워? |너네 엄마가 아빠보다 키가 더 작으시니? |

|도 디카프리오보다 더 잘 생겼니? | | | |

COMPARISONS-#1 INFO “Who is taller than you?” “Why are you smarter than your brother?”** CHECK



|명사의 |읍니까? |

MODALS Y/N (Should, Could, Would)


|WORDS | |

|Should you watch a movie |What movie should your friends |How many hours a week should |What kind of exercise should |What kind of movies should |

|tonight? |watch? |children use internet? |people do? |people not watch? |

|당신은 오늘 밤에 영화를 보아야 |당신 친구들은 어떤 영화를 보아 |아이들은 일주일에 몇 시간이나 |사람들은 어떤 종류의 운동을 해 |어떤 영화를 사람들은 보지말아야|

|합니까? |야 합니까? |인터넷을 사용해야 합니까? |야 합니까? |합니까? |

|Should you get a part time job?|Should students decide which |Should schools give a lot of |Should you be a gangster? |Should your mother cook |

| |classes to take? |tests or a few? |너는 건달이 되어야 해? |healthier food? |

|넌 파트타임일을 구해야 하니? |학생들이 어떤 과목을 수강할지 |학교는 시험을 많이 쳐야 하니 | |너희 어머니는 건강에 좋은 음식 |

| |결정해야 하니? |아니면 조금만 해야하니? | |을 만드셔야 하니? |

|Should your friends study more?|What subject should you study |Should students cheat on tests?|How many hours a day should |Should your family go on more |

| |more? | |children go to school? |vacations together? |

|네 친구들은 더 많이 공부해야 |너는 어떤 과목을 더 공부해야 |학생들은 시험에서 컨닝을 해야 |아이들은 하루에 몇 시간이나 학 |너네 가족들은 가족끼리 더 많은 |

|하니? |하니? |하니? 그렇다면 왜? |교에 있어야 하니? |휴가를 가야하니? |

|Should you apologize to |Should you spend more time with|Should parents work with their |Should families eat together? |Should each child have his own |

|someone? |your family? |children? |가족들은 함께 식사해야 하니? |room? 아이들은 자기만의 방을 |

|너는 누군가에게 사과를 |너는 가족들과 더 많은 시간을 |부모님은 아이들과 함께해야 | |가져야 하니? |

|해야하니? |보내야 하니? |하니? | | |

|Should you watch a movie |What movie should your friends |How many hours a week should |What kind of exercise should |What kind of movies should |

|tonight? |watch? |children use internet? |people do? |people not watch? |

|당신은 오늘 밤에 영화를 보아야 |당신 친구들은 어떤 영화를 보아 |아이들은 일주일에 몇 시간이나 |사람들은 어떤 종류의 운동을 해 |어떤 영화를 사람들은 보지말아야|

|합니까? |야 합니까? |인터넷을 사용해야 합니까? |야 합니까? |합니까? |

|Should you get a part time job?|Should students decide which |Should schools give a lot of |Should you be a gangster? |Should your mother cook |

| |classes to take? |tests or a few? |너는 건달이 되어야 해? |healthier food? |

|넌 파트타임일을 구해야 하니? |학생들이 어떤 과목을 수강할지 |학교는 시험을 많이 쳐야 하니 | |너희 어머니는 건강에 좋은 음식 |

| |결정해야 하니? |아니면 조금만 해야하니? | |을 만드셔야 하니? |

|Should your friends study more?|What subject should you study |Should students cheat on tests?|How many hours a day should |Should your family go on more |

| |more? | |children go to school? |vacations together? |

|네 친구들은 더 많이 공부해야 |너는 어떤 과목을 더 공부해야 |학생들은 시험에서 컨닝을 해야 |아이들은 하루에 몇 시간이나 학 |너네 가족들은 가족끼리 더 많은 |

|하니? |하니? |하니? 그렇다면 왜? |교에 있어야 하니? |휴가를 가야하니? |

|Should you apologize to |Should you spend more time with|Should parents work with their |Should families eat together? |Should each child have his own |

|someone? |your family? |children? |가족들은 함께 식사해야 하니? |room? 아이들은 자기만의 방을 |

|너는 누군가에게 사과를 |너는 가족들과 더 많은 시간을 |부모님은 아이들과 함께해야 | |가져야 하니? |

|해야하니? |보내야 하니? |하니? | | |

MODALS INFO (Should, Could, Would)


|WORDS | |

1ST CONDITIONAL Y/N, INFO “If you are sick, which doctor will you go to?”














ACTIVITY: country—geography, trivia quiz, etc.



|읍니까? | |



| |읍니까? |

PRESENT PERFECT Y/N Q & A과거완료--Have/Has + Past Participle



|읍니까? |명사의 |


|Q Word |Q VERB |

| |읍니까? |

WAS GOING TO (future in the past)

(topic: procrastination)

|QWORD |Was/Were |







| |읍니까? |




| |읍니까? |


There are a few basic rules regarding the use of infinitives and gerunds.

• Infinitives and gerunds are noun forms. If used before the main verb, they are the subject of the verb; after the main verb, they are the object of the verb.

• If a preposition is used after the verb, do not use an infinitive.

• If a common expression ends with a preposition, then it may be followed by a gerund.


• Verb + infinitive (A):

• We cannot afford to wait.

• Verb + (pro)noun + infinitive (B):

That will cause him to think again.

• A or B:

They are allowed to stay out past midnight.

Please allow her to be absent tomorrow.

• Verb + gerund:

I admit getting defensive when I am incorrectly blamed for something.

• Verb + infinitive or gerund:

You advised me to take that course.

You advised taking that course.

In addition, some verb phrases take gerunds e.g. carry on (doing something), or put off (doing something). Also, infinitives may be used after a number of adjectives, e.g. happy (to do something) or determined (to do something), or other structures.

|Verb + infinitive (A) |Verb + (pro)noun/ + infinitive (B) |(A) or (B) |Verb + gerund |Verb + infinitive or gerund |

|afford |cause |allow |admit |advise |

|agree |challenge |ask |anticipate |begin |

|aim |dare |beg |appreciate |can’t make** |

|appear |enable |choose |avoid |can’t stand |

|arrange |encourage |convince |complete |continue |

|attempt |forbid |expect |confess |feel** |

|care |force |promise |consider |forget* |

|claim |hire |want |delay |guarantee |

|consent |instruct |wish |deny |hate |

|decide |invite |would like |despise |hear** |

|demand |need |  |detest |let** |

|deserve |order |  |discuss |like |

|fail |permit |  |dread |love |

|happen |persuade |  |enjoy |neglect |

|hesitate |remind |  |escape |prefer |

|hope |require |  |excuse |regret* |

|intend |select |  |fancy |remember* |

|learn |teach |  |finish |stop* |

|manage |tell |  |imagine |start |

|mean |urge |  |involve |try |

|need |warn |  |justify |watch |

|offer |  |  |(dis)like |*meaning differs between gerund and infinitive forms |

| | | | |** “to” is omitted with these verbs, e.g. I helped him carry |

| | | | |the ladder. |

|omit |  |  |keep (on) | |

|plan |  |  |mention | |

|prepare |  |  |mind | |

|pretend |  |  |miss | |

|propose |  |  |postpone | |

|prove |  |  |practice | |

|refuse |  |  |quit | |

|seek |  |  |recall | |

|seem |  |  |recollect | |

|struggle |  |  |recommend | |

|swear |  |  |resent | |

|tend |  |  |resist | |

|threaten |  |  |risk | |

|train |  |  |save | |

|turn out |  |  |stop | |

|undertake |  |  |suggest | |

|volunteer |  |  |tolerate | |

|wait |  |  |understand | |

Here is a brief review of the differences between gerunds and infinitives.

[pic]Gerunds are formed with ING:

walking, talking, thinking, listening

[pic]Infinitives are formed with TO:

to walk, to talk, to think, to listen


Gerunds and infinitives can do several jobs:


Both gerunds and infinitives can be the subject of a sentence::

[pic]Writing in English is difficult. [pic]To write in English is difficult.


[pic] Both gerunds and infinitives can be the object of a verb::

[pic]I like writing in English. [pic]I like to write in English.



Only gerunds can be the object of a preposition::

[pic]We are talking about writing in English.


It is often difficult to know when to use a gerund and when to use an infinitive. These guidelines may help you:

[pic]Gerunds are often used when actions are real, concrete or completed::

[pic]I stopped smoking.

[pic](The smoking was real and happened until I stopped.)


[pic]Infinitives are often used when actions are unreal, abstract, or future::

[pic] I stopped to smoke.

[pic](I was doing something else, and I stopped; the smoking had not happened yet.)




|VERB |명사의 | | |명사의 | | |

|읍니까? | | | | | | |

|Do |you |




|VERB |명사의 | | |명사의 | | |

|읍니까? | | | | | | |

|Who did |you |

Gerunds—Y/N, Info **update table



|읍니까? |명사의 |형용사/명사 |명사의 | | |동사 |형용사/명사 |

|Do |you |

Present Perfect Continuous Y/N



|읍니까? |명사의 | | | |NOUN |동사 | |

| | | | | |명사의 | | |

| | |

Passive Tense Y/N

The passive forms of a verb are created by combining a form of the "to be verb" with the past participle of the main verb. Other helping verbs are also sometimes present: "The measure could have been killed in committee." The passive can be used, also, in various tenses. Let's take a look at the passive forms of "design."

|Tense |Subject |Singular BE VERB Plural |Past Participle |

|Present |The car/cars |is |are |designed. |

| |The class |is | |taught every Wednesday |

|Past |The car/cars |was |were |designed. |

| |The ice cream |was | |eaten by the kids. |

|Future |The car/cars |will be |will be |designed. |

| |The book/books |will be |will be |finished by tomorrow. |

|Present perfect |The car/cars |has been |have been |designed. |

|Present progressive |The car/cars |is being |are being |designed. |

| |The game/games |is being |are being |played right now. |

|Past progressive |The car/cars |was being |were being |designed. |

| |The drama/dramas |was being |were being |written by my brother. |

|Past perfect |The car/cars |had been |had been |designed. |

| |The food. |had all been |had all been |Cooked. |

|Future perfect |The car/cars |will have been |will have been |designed. |

|Present perfect continuous |The car/cars |has been being |have been being |designed. |

|Past perfect continuous |The car/cars |had been being |had been being |designed. |



|읍니까? |명사의 | | | |NOUN |동사 | |

| | | | | |명사의 | | |

|Was |your house |designed |well| |No, it |wasn’t designed |

| | | |? | | | |

|Have |you |

|MAKE: My mother is making the cake. |WRITE: The students were writing many |TEACH: Every Monday, Julie will teach |USE: Most students use computers a lot.|

| |letters. |the class. | |

| | | | |

|PASSIVE: The cake is being made by my |PASSIVE: Many letters were being |PASSIVE: The class will be taught every|PASSIVE: Computers are used by most |

|mother. |written by the students. |Monday by Julie. |students. |

|SEE: Mr. Smith has seen the robber. |FIND: We have found many classic books |SHOW: The school has shown many movies.|HOLD: The school had held the meetings|

| |free on the internet. | |in the gym. |

| | | | |

|PASSIVE: The robber has been seen by |PASSIVE: Many classic books have been |PASSIVE: Many movies have been shown by|PASSIVE: The meetings had been held in |

|Mr. Smith. |found free on the internet. |the school. |the gym. |

|LEARN: The students were learning about|TELL: The man told her to leave in the |COOK: Mrs. Jones had cooked all the |GIVE: Churches will give food to the |

|Roman history. |morning. |desserts. |poor. |

| | | | |

|PASSIVE: Roman history was being |PASSIVE: She was told to leave in the |PASSIVE: All the dessserts had been |PASSIVE: The poor will be given food by|

|learned by the students. |morning by the man. |cooked by Mrs. Jones. |the churches. |

|MOVE: We are moving to California by |BRING: |KEEP: We keep the milk in the |PROVIDE: The schools will provide free |

|truck. |My brother brought the turtle. |refrigerator. |tickets. |

| | | | |

|PASSIVE: We are being moved to |PASSIVE: The turtle was brought by my |PASSIVE: Milk is kept in the |PASSIVE: Free tickets will be provided|

|California by truck. |brother. |refrigerator. |by the school. |

|DEPOSIT: We deposited a downpayment for|NEED: The students need many tests and |START: |AVOID: Raoul has avoided tall buildings|

|the house. |games. |We start the program at 9. |because of fear of heights. |

| | | | |

|PASSIVE: A downpayment was deposited | | |PASSIVE: Tall buildings have been |

|for the house. |PASSIVE: Many games and tests are |PASSIVE: The program was started at 9 |avoided by Raoul because of a fear of |

| |needed by the students. | |heights |

|CALL: A player called an illegal time |SPEAK: The boss had spoke to the |RAISE: Chauncey’s grandmother has been |SMASH: A sudden tornado smashed |

|out near the end of the game. |employees later in the day. |raising him for many years. |several homes and uprooted trees in the|

| | | |suburbs. |

|PASSIVE: An illegal time-wot was called|PASSIVE: Later in the day, the |PASSIVE: For several years, Chauncey | |

|by one of the players. |employees had been spoken to by the |has been being raised by his |PASSIVE: Homes were smashed and trees |

| |boss. |grandmother. |were uprooted by a sudden tornado. |

Change these sentences to active tense:

1. Before the semester was over, the new nursing program had been approved by the Curriculum Committee and the Board of Trustees.

2. Near the end of the game, an illegal time-out was called by one of the players.

3. Later in the day, the employees were spoken to by the boss herself.

4. The major points of the lesson were quickly learned by the class, but they were also quickly forgotten by them.

5. For several years, Chauncey was raised by his elderly grandmother.

6. An unexpected tornado smashed several homes and uprooted trees in a suburb of Knoxville.

7. I was surprised by the teacher's lack of sympathy.

8. "The Yellow Wallpaper" was written by Charlotte Perkins Gilman.

9. Participants in the survey were asked about their changes in political affiliation.

10. Tall buildings and mountain roads were avoided by Raoul because he had such a fear of heights.

Passive Tense INFO



|읍니까? | |명사의 | | |NOUN |동사 | |

| | | | | |명사의 | | |

|When |were |

TAG QUESTIONS (in many tenses)

Usual (non-be) verbs -- Past

1 You slept well last night, didn't you? You didn't sleep well last night, did you?

2 You went out last night, .....? You didn't go out last night, ......?

3 You saw a movie last weekend, .......? You didn't see a movie last weekend, ......?

4 You went to church on Sunday, .....? You didn't go to church on Sunday, .......?

5 You grew up in Busan, ........? You didn't go up in Busan, .........?

6 You wanted to major in English when you were in high school, ........? You didn't want to major ........ , ........?

7 You went to an inn (여관) with a young man/young woman last weekend,........? You didn't go to...............?

Usual (non-be) verbs -- Present

1 You speak English well, don't you? You don't speak English well, do you?

2 You kiss well,.........? you don't kiss well.........?

3 Your father speaks English, doesn't he? Your father doesn't speak English, does he?

4 Your girlfriend/boyfriend kisses well,.........? Your girlfriend/boyfriend doesn't kiss...............?

5 Someone else in your family speaks English, ....... they? No one else speaks English in your family, do they?

6 You read the Bible and pray often, ........? You don't read the Bible and pray often, ........?

7 You live in a house (단독주택), ........? You don't live in a house, ........?

8 Your family lives in Busan, ....... they? Your family doesn't live in Busan, ....... they?

9 It takes (걸립니다) you one hour or more to get to school, ........ it? It doesn't take you one hour to get to school, .......?


1 You have a girlfriend/boyfriend, don't you? You don't have a girlfriend/boyfriend, do you?

2 You have a car, ......? You don't have a car, .......?

3 You have a part-time job, ........? You don't have a part-time job,.......?

4 You have a big/small family, ........? You don't have................

5 You have a cell phone, .......? You don't have.............

6 You have an mp3 player, .........? You don't have.........

7 You have a computer in your bedroom, .........? You don't have...........

8 Your father has a car, doesn't he? Your father doesn't have a car, does he?

9 Your father has a lot of money, ....he? Your father doesn't have a lot of money, ...... he?


1 You want to study overseas, don't you?

2 You want to study English in the U.S., .....? You don't want to study English in the U.S., do you?

3 Your parents want you to make a lot of money, ........they?

4 You want to have (낳다) two children, .......? You don't want to have any children, .......?

5 You want to go now, .......? You don't want to go now, .........?

6 You want to go to another university, ......? You don't want to go to another University, .......?

7 You want to work for a trading company, .........? You don't want to work for a trading company, .........?


1 You like studying English, don't you? You don't like studying English, do you?

2 You like Professor _________, ......? You don't like Professor _________, ........?

3 You like speaking English, ........? You don't like speaking English, ........?

4 You like kissing,........? You don't like............?

Have to

1 You have to study after this class, don't you? You don't have to study........, do you?

2 You have to work on the weekend, ........? You don't have to .........., .........?

Would like

You would like to kiss (name), wouldn't you? You would like to kiss (name), would you?

You would like to date/marry (name),...........? You wouldn't like to.................?


1 You'll go to a love motel with someone after this class, won't you? You won't............., will you?

2 You'll get married next year,.........? You won't get married next year,...........?

3 You'll give Professor Palmer a big bribe (뇌물) to get an A,......? You won't give Professor Palmer..............?

4 You'll try to set up your own company one day,...........? You won't try to...........................?

Present Perfect

1 You have lived in Busan all your life (평생동안), haven't you? You haven't lived in Busan all your life, have you?

2 Your father has lived in Busan all his life, hasn't he? Your father hasn't lived in Busan all his life, has he?

3 You have been overseas,.......? You have never been overseas,.......?

4 You have………, ………..? You haven’t……….., ……….?

5 You have kissed someone recently,........? You haven't kissed anyone recently,......?

6 You have been to a singing room recently,.........? You haven't been to any singing rooms recently,........?

7 You have been to an inn (여관) with a young man/young woman,.........? You have never been to.................?

8 You have been dancing/to a night club recently,........? You haven't............................?

There is/There are

1 There is a rat in your bag, isn't there?

2 There isn't any computer in your home, is there?

3 There aren't any books in your bag,............?

4 There isn't any microwave (전자레인지) in your kitchen,.........?

5 There is a lot of money in your pocket,..........? There isn't any money...............?

6 There was a young man/young woman in your bedroom last night, w...........? There wasn't any young...........?

7 There was a lot of stolen (훔쳐진) money in your bag yesterday, w........? There wasn't any stolen ................?

8 There is a pair of panties (1벌의 팬티) in your bag,.........? There aren't any panties....................?

9 There is a bra (브래지어) in your bag,..........? There isn't any bra...................?

Be past

1 You were a good student in high school, weren't you? You weren't a ............., were you?

2 You were in an inn last night, weren't you? You weren't in an inn last night,...........?

3 Your boyfriend/girlfriend was in your room last night, wasn't.....? Your boyfriend/girlfriend wasn't............?

Be present

1 You are happy/tired/sad/bored now, aren't you? You aren't .........., are you?

2 You are from Busan,..........? You aren't from..............?

3 Your family is rich, Your family isn't rich,...... it?

4 Your father is a businessman, ..... he? Your father isn't a................?

5 Your major (전공) is English, Your major isn't English,.........?

6 I'm smart, aren't I? I'm not smart, am I?

7 I'm good-looking,.......? I'm not good-looking,.........?

8 I'm your best friend,......? I'm not your best friend,.......?

9 You're an idiot (바보),........? You're not an idiot,..........?

10 This is very boring, This isn't boring,

11 This is interesting,.........?


1 You're going to be a teacher/businessperson, aren't you? You're not going to be a.........?

2 I'm going to give you a lot of money, aren't I? I'm not going to............ am I?

3 You're going to kiss ______ ,.........? You're not going to kiss_______,.......?

4 Professor Palmer is going to die soon,........he? Professor Palmer isn't going to...................?


1 You're having a good/bad time (___시간을 보내고 있다) now,..............? You're not having a..................?

2 I'm speaking English well,...........? I'm not speaking English well,...........?

3 You're thinking about kissing someone now,..........? You're not thinking about.........?

MODALS #2 Y/N, INFO (Could, Would, Must, Might, Have (Got) To, Ought to, Shall)




|If you got burned in a fire, |would you consider cosmetic surgery? |

|Would your brother be a mad scientist or a helpful one |if he were a scientist, |


|If you could forget one memory, |what would it be? |

|If you could replace one thing in your house, |what would you replace? |

|Which friend or relative would you want to operate on you |if you had a disease, |


Practice conversation with the questions below. Follow the above examples for asking and answering questions.

|RELATIONSHIPS-LIFESTYLE (family, romance, friends, habits, feelings, etc.) |RELATIONSHIPS-LIFESTYLE (family, romance, friends, habits, feelings, etc.) |

|If you brother were not human, what would he exist as? |1.만약 당신 남동생이 인간이 아니라면,그는 무엇으로 존재하겠습니까 |

|**If you could change something in your childhood or youth, what would you |2. 만약 당신의 어린시절이나 청년기때의 어떤 것을 바꿀수 있다면 당신은 무엇을 |

|change? |바꿀것입니까? |

|If you could avoid one problem you’ve had in your life, what would it be? |3.만약 당신은 당신인생에서 가졌던 문제하나를 피할 수 있다면, 그것은 무엇입니까? |

|**If you had to reveal one secret, what would it be? |4. 만약 당신이 비밀하나를 폭로해야한다면,그것은 무엇입니까? |

|**If you could suffer instead of a family member, how much would you be |5. 만약 당신이 가족 대신 고통을 받게된다면, |

|willing to suffer? |당신은 얼마나 많은 고통을 기꺼이 받겠습니까? |

|**If you could forget one memory, what would it be? |6.만약 당신이 한가지 기억을 잊어버릴 수 있다면, 그것은 무엇입니까? |

|**If you were in a bar and a person offered you $50 to kiss a complete |7. 만약 당신이 술집에 있는데 어떤 사람이, 당신에게 낯선사람의 뺨에 키스를 한다면 |

|stranger on the cheek without saying anything first, would you do it? Why |50달러를 주겠다는 제안을 한다면,당신은 그렇게 하겠습니까?왜? 왜 아니죠? |

|or why not? |8. 만약 당신이 당신집의 한가지 물건을 교체할 수 있다면,무엇을 교체할것입니까? |

|**If you could replace one thing in your house, what would you replace? | |

| |LEARNING (school, wisdom, abilities, health-food, culture, improvements, etc.) |

| |9. 만약 당신 의사가 당신이 1년만 살수 있다고 말한다면,당신의 인생을 어떻게 바꾸고 |

|LEARNING (school, wisdom, abilities, health-food, culture, improvements, |싶습니까? |

|nature, environment, etc.) |10. 만약 당신이 질병이 있다면,어떤 친구나 친척이 당신에게 영향을 주기를 원합니까? |

|**If your doctor told you that you had one year to live, how would you |11.만약 당신이 교사라면,어떤 과목을 가르칠 것입니까? |

|change your life? |12. 만약 당신 동생이 과학자라면,그는 미친 |

|**If you had a disease, which friend or relative would you want to operate |과학자 또는 유용한 과학자입니까? |

|on you? |13. 만약 당신이 한가지 질병이 있다면,그것은 무엇입니까? |

|If you were a teacher, which subject would you teach? |14. 만약 당신 주변에 헌혈 캠페인이 있다면,당신은 헌혈하겠습니까? |

|**If your brother were a scientist, would he be a mad scientist or a helpful|15. 만약 사람들이 엄지손가락이 없다면 생활이 어떻게 달라졌겠습니까? |

|one? |16.만약 당신이 산사람이든 죽은사람이든 어떤사람의 연설을 듣게 된다면 어떤 연설을 |

|If you had to get one disease, what would it be? |듣겠습니까? |

|**If there were a campaign to give blood near you, would you donate blood? |17. 만약 당신이 이세상의 한가지 질병을 치료할 수 있다면 그것은 어떤것입니까? |

|**How would life be different if people didn't have thumbs? |18. 만약 당신이 화상을 입었다면,당신은 성형수술을 고려하겠습니까? |

|**If you could listen to a speech by any person living or dead, what speech |19.만약 당신이 과학적인 도전을 연구한다면 무엇에 관한 답을 발견하고 싶습니까? |

|would you listen to? |20.만약 당신생활의 한 부분을 자동화적으로 향상시키고 싶다면,무엇을 향상시키고 싶습니 |

|**If you could treat and cure one disease in the world, what would it be? |까? |

|**If you got burned in a fire, would you consider cosmetic surgery? |21.만약 당신의 여동생/남동생이 책을 출판할 수 있다면,그 책은무엇에 관한 것입니까? |

|**What would you like to discover the answer for if you could research one |22..만약 당신이 무엇인가를 디자인 한다면,무엇을 디자인 하고 싶습니까? |

|scientific challenge? |23.만약 할수 만 있다면,당신은 전공을 무엇으로 바꿀것입니까? |

|**If you could improve one area of your life automatically, what would you |24. 만약 시간이 있다면 중간고사 시험에 대비하여 좀 더 공부하지 않을 것입니까? |

|improve? |25. 만약 당신의 신체가 손상을 입게 되어야 한다면, 신체의 어떤 부분을 선택하겠습니까? |

|If your sister/brother could publish a book, what would it be about? | |

|If you designed something, what would you like to design? |FUN-ENTERTAINMENT (media-music, sports, humor, trivia, celebrate, parties, travel, |

|**If you could, what would you change your major to? |etc.) |

|**Wouldn't you study more for the mid-term test if you had the time? |26.만약 당신은 1년동안 무료비행기 표가 있다면 어디를 갈것입니까? |

|**If you had to be disfigured, what body part would you choose to be |27. 만약 당신이 뽑혔다면 어떤 게임프로에 나가고 싶습니까? |

|disfigured? |28. 만약 당신 부모님이 시합에 참가한다면,어떤 종류의 시합이겠습니까? |

| |29. 만약 당신이 노래를 녹음하게 된다면 어떤 노래를 녹음할 것입니까? |

|FUN-ENTERTAINMENT (media-music, sports, humor, trivia, celebrate, parties, |30. 만약 당신이 세상 어느곳이든 갈 수 있다면 어디로 날아가겠습니까? |

|travel, etc.) |31. 만약 당신이 역사의 어느나라 왕/여왕이 될수 있다면 언제 어느나라를 선택하겠습니까?|

|**Where would you go if you won free flights for a year? |POWER (money, energy, politics, influence, tech, shopping, business, responsibility, |

|**What gameshow would you like to be on if you were accepted? |goals, info, appearance, etc.) |

|If your parents entered a competition, what kind of competition would it be?|만약 당신 어머니가 천만원의 복권에 당첨된다면 당신은 무엇을 하겠습니까? |

|**What song would you record if you could record a song? |만약 이세상의 모든 사람들이 똑같은 월급을 받게된다면, 삶이 어떻게 |

|**Where would you fly if you could go anywhere in the world. |달라지겠습니까?당신은 그런 세상에서 살고싶습니까? 왜죠? 왜 아니죠? |

|**If you could be a king/queen of any country in history, when and which |만약 당신이 4명의 사람-산 사람이든 죽은사람이든- 을 저녁식사에 초대한다면 누구를 |

|country would you choose? |초대할 것입니까? 왜? |

|POWER (money, energy, politics, influence, tech, shopping, business, |만약 당신이 태어나지 않았더라면 세상은 어떻게 다르게 되었겠습니까? |

|responsibility, goals, info, appearance, etc.) |만약 큰 태풍이 당신이 사는 도시를 덮쳤다면 |

|**What would you do if your mother won ten million dollars in the lottery? |경제가 황폐해졌겠습니까? |

|**How would life be different if everyone in the world received the same |만약 어떤사람이 당신이 인도에서 영원히 산다면 백만달러를 주겠다고 제안한다면,당신은 |

|salary? Would you like to live in a world like that? Why or why not? |그렇게 하겠습니까? 왜죠? 왜 아니죠? |

|**If you could invite any four people--living or dead--to dinner, who would |만약 미국이 영국의 식민지로 남아있었다면 역사가 어떻게 달라졌겠습니까? |

|you invite and why? |누군가가 당신에게 2주동안 다 써야한다는 조건으로 20만 달러를 준다면 당신은 그 돈으로 |

|**How would the world be a different place if you had never been born? |무엇을 하겠습니까?(보관되어질 수 있는 어떠한 물건을 살 수도 없고 돈을 기부할 수 없다 |

|**Would your city’s economy be ruined if a major hurricane hit it? |는 것이 두번째 조건이라면?) |

|**If somebody offered you a million dollars to live in India permanently, |만약 당신일 중 하나의 의무를 없앨 수 있다면 그것은 무엇이 되겠습니까? |

|would you do it? Why or why not? |만약 당신 사업이 사업에 대해 조언을 해주는 판매 권위자를 한명 가질 수 있다면 누구를 |

|**How would history be different if America had remained a British colony? |뽑겠습니까? |

|Imagine someone gave you $200,000 on the condition that you had to spend it |WORLDVIEW-EXPERIENCES (religion, nation, truth, philosophy, dreams, character, |

|all in two weeks, what would you do with the money? (What if a second |ethics, etc.) |

|condition said that you could not buy anything that could be kept and that |만약 우리가 모든 사람들이 똑같은 인종과 종교를 가지고 있고 똑같은 언어로 말을 하는 |

|you could not donate the money?) |세상에 살고 있다면 삶은 어떻게 달라지겠습니까? |

|**If you could eliminate one duty from your work, what would it be? |만약 당신이 세상에 대해 한가지를 증명할 수 있다면 그것은 무엇이겠습니까? |

|**If your business could have one marketing guru to advise it, who would you|만약 당신이 유명해진다면, 사람들은 무엇을 위해 당신을 존경하겠습니까? |

|choose? |만약 당신이 당신이 속한 종교의 회원이 될 수 없다면 ,어떤 종교가 그다음으로 가장 좋겠 |

| |습니까? |

|WORLDVIEW-EXPERIENCES (religion, nation, truth, philosophy, dreams, |만약 당신이 신앙심이 깊은 사람과 만난다면,인생의 복잡성과 초자연적인 사건을 어떻게 |

|character, ethics, etc.) |설명할 것입니까? |

|**How would life be different if we lived in a world where everyone was the |만약 당신의 남자친구 혹은 여자친구가 원한다면 성적으로 당신을 만지는 것을 허락하겠습 |

|same race and religion and spoke the same language? |니까? |

|**If you were able to prove one thing to the world, what would it be? |만약 당신이 대통령이 된다면 어떤 법을 제정하겠습니까? |

|**If you became famous, what would people respect you for? |만약 당신이 정치인이 된다면, 당신이 거부하는 한가지 일은 무엇입니까? |

|**If you could not be a member of the religion you are in now, which |만약 당신이 많은 돈을 번다면, 무엇이 당신으로 하여금 개인적인 이익을 위해 사람들에게 |

|religion would be the next best? |뇌물을 주기위해 돈을 사용하는 것을 금지하겠습니까? |

|** (for atheists/agnostics) If you met a religious person, how would*** you|만약 당신이 이세상의 모든 사람을가르칠 수 있다면 당신은 그들에게 무엇을 가르칠 |

|explain the complexity of life and supernatural events? (check translation) |것입니까? |

|**Would you allow your boyfriend or girlfriend to touch you sexually if he |만약 당신 친구가 누군가를 괴롭힌다면,그녀/그는 누구를 선택하겠습니까? |

|wanted to? | |

|**If you became president, what laws would you enact? | |

|**If you had to be a politician what is one thing you would refuse to do? | |

|**If you had a lot of money, what would prevent you from using it to bribe | |

|people for personal benefit? | |

|**If you could teach everyone in the world one thing, what would you teach | |

|them? | |

|**If your friend could make someone suffer, who would she/he choose? | |



PAST PERFECT 과거완료 HAD + PP VERB ***working on this one

|QUESTION WORD |QUESTION VERB |NOUN (Person, place, |MAIN VERB |ETC (Nouns, Phrases, infinitives, etc.) |

| | |thing) | | |

| |had |she |written |any books before she directed the movie? |

|What |had |he |eaten |before the party? |

|QUESTION WORD |NOUN (Person, place, |QUESTION VERB |MAIN VERB |ETC (Nouns, Phrases, infinitives, etc.) |

| |thing) | | | |

| |Yes, she |had |written |2 books. |

| |He |had |already eaten |some ramen |

1. 그녀는 그 영화를 감독하기 전에 어떤 책들을 썼나요?

2. 그는 파티 전에 무엇을 먹었습니까?

3. 예, 그녀는 두권의 책을 썼읍니다.

4. 그는 이미 라면을 먹었습니다.


|Had they practiced a lot before the game? |No, they hadn’t. So, they lost the game. |

|Had she written any books before she directed the movie? |Yes, she had written 2 books. |

|What had he eaten before the party? |He had already eaten some ramen. |

|When had Sarah left the party? |When I arrived at the party Sarah had already left. |

|그들은 경기 전 많이 연습해 왔나요? |아니요, 그래서 그들은 경기를 졌어요. |

|그녀는 그 영화를 감독하기 전에 어떤 책들을 썼나요? |예, 그녀는 두권의 책을 썼읍니다. |

|그는 파티 전에 무엇을 먹었습니까? | |

|언제 사라가 그 파티를 떠났습니까? |그는 이미 라면을 먹었습니다. |

| |사라는 제가 파티에 도착했을 때 이미 떠났습니다. |


Practice conversation with the questions below. Follow the above examples for asking and answering questions.

|RELATIONSHIPS-LIFESTYLE (family, romance, friends, habits, feelings, etc.) |RELATIONSHIPS-LIFESTYLE (family, romance, friends, habits, feelings, etc.) |

|**Hadn’t your friends given you an initiation before you joined their clique? |당신친구는 당신이 클럽에 가입하기 전에 입회식을 해주지 않았습니까? |

|**Hadn’t your life been much easier before your children were born? |당신아이가 태아나기 전에 당신의 인생은 훨씬 더 편안하지 않았습니까? |

|**Had your father or mother told you about the “birds and the bees” (sex/how |당신 아버지나 어머니는 당신이 중학교에 가기전에 새와 벌(성/아이가 만들어지는 |

|babies are made) before you went to middle school? |방법)에 대한 이야기를 해주었습니까? |

|**Before last week, who had you been most upset with? |지난주 전에 누가 가장 당황해 했습니까? |

|Had you thought about how much your words would hurt this person? |당신은 당신의 말이 이사람에게 얼마나 많은 상처를 줄지 생각해봤습니까? |

|**Hadn’t your wife/husband dated many people before you fell in love? |당신 아내/남편이 당신과 사랑에 빠지기 전에 많은 사람과 데이트를 하지 않았습니까? |

|Had you planned on this kind of life when you were in university? |대학다닐 때 당신은 이런종류의 인생을 계획했습니까? |

|Had your parents liked your fiance before you married? |당신 부모님은 당신이 결혼하기전 당신 배우자를 마음에 들어 했습니까? |

|Before your children were born, when had you felt the most satisfied? |당신 아이가 태아나기 전에 당신은 언제 가장 만족을 느꼈습니까? |

|Before you had children, what had your life been like? |당신이 아이를 가지기 전에 당신의 인생은 어떠했습니까? |

|How much money had you saved before marriage? |결혼하기 전에 당신은 얼마나 많은 돈을 저금했습니까? |

|**How many hours a night had you slept before you started dating? |데이트하기전에 당신은 하룻밤에 몇시간 잠자리를 했습니까? |

|How many girls/guys had you dated before you got married? |당신은 결혼하기 전에 몇 명의 여자/남자와 데이트를 해봤습니까? |

|What had you expected marriage would be like when you were single? What was most |결혼하기전 당신은 결혼이 어떤 것이라고 기대했습니까? 무엇이 당신을 가장 놀라게 |

|surprising to you? |했나요? |

|**What kind of man had you wanted to marry before you got married? |결혼하기 전 당신은 어떤 사람과 결혼하기를 원했나요? |

|**Had your spouse given you many gifts or told you “I love you” frequently before|결혼하기 전 당신 배우자는 당신에게 많은 선물이나 ‘사랑해’라는 말을 자주 했나요? |

|you got married? |올해전 당신은 언제 가장 행복감을 느꼈나요? |

|When had you felt the most happiness before this year? |당신은 진정한 사랑을 발견하기 전에 보답없는 사랑을 하지 않았나요? |

|**Hadn’t you ever had unrequited love (one sided love) before you found your true|올해 전 당신은 몇번 헤어졌나요? |

|love? |당신 어머니나 아버지는 결혼하기 전 다른사람과 데이트를 했었습니까? |

|How many times had you broken up before this year? |당신이 데이트를 하기 전 어떤 남자/여자와 결혼하기를 원했습니까? |

|**Had your mother or father dated other people before he/she married? | |

|**What kind of man/woman had you wanted to marry before you started dating? |LEARNING (school, wisdom, abilities, health-food, culture, improvements, nature, |

|**Before last week, who had you been most upset with? |environment, mistakes, etc.) |

|Before you had children, what had your life been like? |지난 주 전, 누가 가장 당황해 했습니까? |

|Before your children were born, when had you felt the most satisfied? |아이를 가지기 전 당신인생은 어떠했습니까? |

|Had your father or mother told you about the birds and the bees before you went |당신 아이가 태어나기 전 당신은 언제 가장 만족감을 느꼈습니까? |

|to middle school? |당신 아버지나 어머니는 당신이 중학교에 가기전에 새와 벌(성/아이가 만들어지는 |

|**How many girls/guys had you dated before you got married? |방법)에 대한 이야기를 해주었습니까? |

|How much had you slept before you started dating? |당신은 결혼하기 전에 몇 명의 여자/남자와 데이트를 해봤습니까? |

|What had you expected marriage would be like when you were single? What was most |결혼하기전 당신은 몇번 잠자리를 했었습니까? |

|surprising to you? |결혼하기전 당신은 결혼이 어떤 것이라고 기대했습니까? 무엇이 당신을 가장 놀라게 |

|What kind of man had you wanted to marry before you got married? |했나요? |

|Had your life been much easier before your children were born? |결혼하기 전 당신은 어떤 사람과 결혼하기를 원했나요? |

|Had your spouse given you many gifts or told you “I love you” frequently before |당신아이가 태아나기 전에 당신의 인생은 훨씬 더 편안하지 않았습니까? |

|you got married? |결혼하기 전 당신 배우자는 당신에게 많은 선물이나 ‘사랑해’라는 말을 자주 했나요? |

|Had your friends given you an initiation before you joined their clique? |당신친구는 당신이 클럽에 가입하기 전에 입회식을 해주었습니까? |

|Had you thought about how much your words would hurt your friend before you said |당신은 당신의 말이 이사람에게 얼마나 많은 상처를 줄지 생각해봤습니까? |

|them? |현재 애인과 만나기 전 당신은 누구를 가장 사랑했습니까? |

|**Before your current lover, who had you loved the most? |대학 학위를 받기 전에 당신은 무엇에 대해 가장 많이 걱정했습니까? |

| |당신 이 친척분을 만나기 전에 그가 돌아가셨습니까? |

|LEARNING (school, wisdom, abilities, health-food, culture, improvements, nature, |그는 결혼하기 전 병원에 입원한 적 있었습니까? |

|environment, mistakes, etc.) |올해 전 당신은 TGIF에서 식사를 한 적 있습니까? |

|**Before you received your university degree, what had you worried a lot about? |당신은 당신 친척이 돌아가시기 전에 정확하게 당신 감정을 표현한 적 있습니까? |

|**Had a relative passed away before you got the chance to meet him? |당신 영어가 당신이 대학에서 공부하기 시작전보다 많이 향상 되었습니까? |

|**Had he been in the hospital before he got married? |당신이 마지막 공연을 하기 전에 준비를 많이 하지 않았습니까? |

|**Had you eaten at TGIF before this year? |기절하기 전에 얼마나 많은 술을 마셨습니까? |

|**Had you expressed your feelings accurately to a relative before he/she died? |당신이 현재의 학교에 입학하기 전에 얼마나 영어공부를 많이 했습니까? |

|**Had your English improved a lot before you started studying in the university? |고등학교에 오기전에 무엇에 흥미가 있었습니까? |

|**Hadn’t you prepared enough before your last performance? |당신이 병원에 가기전에 무엇에 대해 걱정했습니까? |

|**How much alcohol had you drunk before you passed out? |당신이 대학입학허가를 받았을 때 무엇이 가장 걱정되었습니까? |

|**How much had you studied English before you came to your current school? |졸업하기 전에 당신은 무엇이 가장 걱정되었습니까? |

|**What had you been interested in before high school? |당신이 음악회에서 연주를 하기 전에 어떤 종류의 악기를 배웠습니까? |

|**What had you worried about before you went to the hospital? |병원에 입원하기 전에 어떤 병에 걸렸습니까? |

|**What had you worried about most before you were accepted into university? |고등학교에 오기전에 어떤 과목을 싫어했습니까? |

|**What had you worried the most about before your graduation? |졸업하기 전에 고등학교에서 누가 문제아였습니까? |

|**What kind of instrument had you learned before you performed in a concert? |대학오기전에 당신은 누구를 가장 존경했습니까? |

|**What sicknesses had you caught before you were hospitalized? |당신이 도착했을 때 수업이 시작되었습니까? |

|**What subject had you hated before high school? |대학오기전에 당신은 시험에서 부정행위를 했습니까? |

|**Who had been the trouble maker in your school before you graduated? |당신은 파티에가기전에 저녁식사를 했습니까? |

|**Who had you respected most before university? |저녁식사전에 숙제를 다 끝냈니? |

|Had the class started when you arrived? |당신이 아이를 가지기 전에 많은 박물관을 갔었습니까? |

|Had you cheated on a test before university? |비바람이 불기전에 당신은 열쇠를 잃어버렸습니까? |

|Had you eaten dinner before going to the party? |당신이 아프기 전에 당신은 누군가를 간호했습니까? |

|Had you finished your homework before supper? |학교가기전에 당신은 애완동물을누군가에게 보여주었습니까? |

|Had you gone to many museums before you had children? |마지막 시험을 치기전에 당신은 공부를 충분히 했습니까? |

|Had you lost your key before the rainstorm? |당신은 대학에서 공부를 시작하기 전에 영어가 많이 향상되었습니까? |

|Had you nursed someone before you got sick? |당신이 해외로 가기전에 졸업식이 끝났습니까? |

|Had you shown your pet to anyone before going to school? |현재학교에 오기전에 당신은 얼마나 많이 영어를 공부했습니까? |

|Had you studied enough before your last exam? |고등학교에 오기전에 당신은 무엇에 흥미가 있었습니까? |

|Had your English improved a lot before you started studying in the university? |중요한시험을 치기 전에 당신은 무엇을 충분히 공부하지 않았습니까? |

|Had your graduation ceremony finished before you went abroad away? |학교에 도착하기 전에 누가 문을 열었습니까? |

|How much had you studied English before you came to your current school? |FUN-ENTERTAINMENT (media-music, sports, humor, trivia, celebrations, travel, |

|What had you been interested in before high school? |camps, etc.) |

|When had you not studied enough before a big test? |당신은 극장에서 최신영화가 종영되기 전에 그 영화를 보았습니까? |

|Who had opened the door before you arrived at school? |당신은 세일이 끝나기전에 쇼핑을 갔었습니까? |

| |당신은 언제 폭포에서 뛰어내리고 싶었습니까? |

|FUN-ENTERTAINMENT (media-music, sports, humor, trivia, celebrations, travel, |당신 여동생은 누구를 놀렸습니까? |

|camps, etc.) |당신아이들은 고등학교에 가기전에 어떤 운동을 배웠습니까? |

|**Had you seen the latest movie before it finished at the theater? |졸업하기전에 당신은 경기에서 누구르 이겼습니까? |

|Had you gone shopping before the sale was finished? |당신은 왜 스카이 다이빙을 하러 가기를 원했습니까? |

|When had you wanted to jump off a waterfall? |당신친구는 당신이 본 것 중 최상의 카메라를 갖고있지 않았습니까? |

|**Who had your sister tried to play a practical joke on? |당신이 챔피언전을 보기위해 앉기전에 이미 챔피언전이 시작되었습니까? |

|**What sport had your children learned before high school? |20세가 되기전에 당신은 유명인을 본적 있습니까? |

|Who had you beaten in races before your graduation? | |

|Why had you wanted to go sky diving? |WORLDVIEW-EXPERIENCES (religion, nation, truth, philosophy, dreams, character, |

|**Didn’t your friend have the best camera that you had ever seen? |ethics, etc.) |

|**Had the championship already started before you sat down to watch it? |당신 여동생은 누구를 놀리려 했습니까? |

|**Had you seen anyone famous before you were 20? |당신은 왜 스카이 다이빙을 하러 가기를 원했습니까? |

|Who had your sister tried to play a practical joke on? |당신은 진정한 사랑을 발견하기 전에 무조건적인 사랑을 받은 적 있습니까? |

|Why had you wanted to go sky diving? |당신이 도착했을 때 영화가 벌써 시작했습니까? |

|**Had you ever had unrequited love (one sided love) before you found your true |댄스수업을 받기전에 당신은 춤을 많이 추었습니까? |

|love? |당신은 세일이 끝나기전에 쇼핑을 갔었습니까? |

|Had the movie already started when you arrived? |당신은 극장에서 최신영화가 종영되기 전에 그 영화를 보았습니까? |

|Had you danced very much before taking the dancing class? |학교가기전에 당신은 애완동물을누군가에게 보여주었습니까? |

|Had you gone shopping before the sale was finished? |당신은 언제 폭포에서 뛰어내리고 싶었습니까? |

|**Had you seen the latest movie before it finished at the theater? |TV에서 그 경기를 보기전에 당신은 무엇을 하기를 원했습니까? |

|Had you shown your pet to anyone before going to school? |당신아이들은 고등학교에 가기전에 어떤 운동을 배웠습니까? |

|When had you wanted to jump off a waterfall? |POWER (money, energy, politics, influence, tech, shopping, business, |

|What had you wanted before you saw that game on TV? |responsibility, goals, info, appearance, security, etc.) |

|What sports had your children learned before high school? |당신이 영구적인 직업을 갖기전에 시간제 일을 해본 적 있습니까? |

| |기차나 비행기가 당신이 타기 전에 떠난 적 없습니까? |

|POWER (money, energy, politics, influence, tech, shopping, business, |1990년대 이전에 인터넷 기술이 얼마나 발전하였습니까? |

|responsibility, goals, info, appearance, security, etc.) |올해전에 당신은 주식으로부터 얼마나 많은 돈을 받았습니까? |

|**Had you ever had a part time job before you got your permanent job? |당신이 그 회사에 투자하기 전에 어떤 충고를 받았습니까? |

|**Hadn’t a train or airplane left before you got on it? |비바람이 치기전에 당신은 열쇠를 잃어버리지 않았습니까? |

|**How far had internet technology progressed before the 1990s? |사고가 나기 전 당신은 어디를 가길원했습니까? |

|**How much money had you received from your stocks before this year? |병원에 가기전에 당신은 무엇에 대해 걱정했습니까? |

|**What advice had you received before you invested in the company? |여기에서 살기 전에 어디에서 살았습니까? |

|Hadn’t you lost your key before the rainstorm? |TV에서 새 제품을 보기전에 당신은 무엇을 사기를 원했습니까? |

|Where had you wanted to go before your accident? |도둑을 당하기 전에 당신은 집에 경보기를 설치했습니까? |

|**What had you worried about before you went to the hospital? |당신 할아버지는 돌아가시기 전에 유언장을 쓰시지 않았습니까? |

|Where had you lived before you lived here? |데이트를하기 전에 당신은 얼마나 많은 돈을 저금했습니까? |

|**What had you wanted before you saw a new product on TV? |당신이 마지막 여행을 가기전에 당신은 얼마나 많은 돈을 저금했습니까? |

|Had you installed any alarms in your house before you were robbed? |기차나 비행기가 당신이 타기 전에 떠난 적 있습니까? |

|**Hadn’t your grandfather written a will before he died? What was in it? |사고가 나기 전에 로켓발사가 완료되었습니까? |

|**How much money had you saved before you started dating? |당신이 도착하기 전에 기차가 역에서 출발했습니까? |

|**How much money had you saved before you took your last trip? |1990년대 이전에 인터넷 기술이 얼마나 발전하였습니까? |

|Had a train or airplane left before you got on it? |30세가 되기전에 당신은 몇 개국을 방문했습니까? |

|Had the rocket launch completed before the accident? |올해전에 당신은 주식으로부터 얼마나 많은 돈을 받았습니까? |

|Had the train left the station before you got there? |결혼하기 전에 당신은 얼마나 많은 돈을 저축했습니까? |

|How far had internet technology progressed before the 1990s? |110.여기에서 살기 전에 어디에서 살았습니까? |

|**How many countries had you visited before you were 30? |111.사고가 나기 전에 당신은 어디를 가기를 원했습니까? |

|**How much money had you received from your stocks before this year? |112. 당신이 그 회사에 투자하기 전에 어떤 충고를 받았습니까? |

|**How much money had you saved before marriage? |113.당신은 역사상 어떤 사건이 결코 일어나지 않았기를 바랬습니까? |

|Where had you lived before you lived here? |114. 30세가 되기전에 당신은 몇 개국을 방문했습니까? |

|Where had you wanted to go before your accident? |115.당신 남동새/여동생은 고등학교에 가기전에 어떤 화나는 행동들을 바꾸었습니까 |

|**What advice had you received before you invested in the company? |116.20만명을 죽인 2004년 쓰나미가 오기 전 어떤 나라가 최악의 자연재해를 경험했습 |

| |니까? |

|WORLDVIEW-EXPERIENCES (religion, nation, truth, philosophy, dreams, character, |117.김대중씨가 노벨평화상을 받기 전에 ,북한과 어떤 종류의 접촉이 있었습니까? |

|ethics, etc.) |118.한국전쟁이 일어나기 전 한국은 얼마나 외국인에게 개방적이었습니까? |

|**What event in history do you wish had never happened? |119.여성운동이 일어나기 전, 여성들은 어떤 종류의 권리를 갖고 있었습니까? |

|How many countries had you visited before you were 30? |120.한국여성들은 21세기가 오기전에 어떤 지위 와 권리를 갖고 있었습니까? |

|**What irritating behaviours had your brother/sister changed before high school? |121.올해 전 당신은 언제 가장 행복감을 느꼈습니까? |

|**What nation had experienced the worst natural disasters before the 2004 Tsunami| |

|that killed ~200,000 people. | |

|**Before Kim Dae Jung’s Nobel Peace Prize, what kind of contacts with North Korea| |

|had there been? | |

|**Before the Korean War, how open had Korea been to foreigners? | |

|**Before the feminist movement, what kinds of rights had women had? | |

|**What position and rights had Korean women held before the 21st century? | |

|**When had you felt the most happiness before this year? | |

|Had they practiced a lot before |Had she written any books before|What had he eaten before the |When had Sarah left the party? |Q: Had you seen the latest movie|

|the game? |she directed the movie? |party? | |before it finished showing? |

| | | | | |

| |그녀는 그 영화를 감독하기 전에 | |언제 사라가 그 파티를 |A: No, I hadn’t seen the latest |

|그들은 경기 전 많이 연습해 왔나 |어떤 책들을 썼나요? |그는 파티 전에 무엇을 |떠났습니까? |movie before it finished |

|요? | |먹었습니까? | |showing. |

|She had written 2 books. |He had already eaten some ramen |When I arrived at the party |Q: Had you ever had a part time |Q: Had you cheated on a test |

| | |Sarah had already left. |job before you got your |before university? |

|그녀는 두권의 책을 썼읍니다. | | |permanent job? | |

| |그는 이미 라면을 먹었습니다. |사라는 제가 파티에 도착했을 때 | | |

| | |이미 떠났습니다. |A: Yes, I had had 2 part time |A: No, I had never cheated on a |

| | | |jobs before I got my permanent |test before university. |

| | | |job. | |

|By the time I got to his place, |By the time I got to the movie |By the end of the 1920's women |By 1985 he had become |By the time the police arrived, |

|he had died. 내가 |theater, the movie was over . |in the US had won the right to |Farrakhan's defense minister. |the thieves had run away. |

| | |vote. | | |

| |내가 영화관에 도착했을 즈음, 그 | |1985년경에 그는 Farrakhan의 |경찰이 도착했을 즈음, 그 도둑들 |

|그의 집에 갈 때 즈음 그는 |영화는 끝나 있었다. |1920년대 후반에 미국여성들은 투 |국방부장관이 되었다. |은 도망갔었다. |

|죽어있었다. | |표권을 얻었었다. | | |

| | | | | |

|By the time I got to the |When I got to the airport, I |By the time I got to the |Before the Dalai Lama met |When she married her foreign |

|airport, my plane had left. |found that my plane had left. |station, my train had left. |Merton, he had never met a |husband, she could not speak to |

| | | |Christian monk before. |his parents. She had never |

| | | | |studied English conversation. |

|내가 공항에 도착했을 즈음 내 비 |내가 공항에 도착했을 때, 나는 내|내가 역에 도착했을 즈음, 내 |달라이 라마가 Merton을 만나기| |

|행기는 떠났었다. |비행기가 떠났었다는 것을 알았다.|기차는 떠났었다. |이전에 그는 수사를 만난적이 |그녀는 그녀의 외국남편과 결혼했 |

| | | |한번도 없었다. |을 때 그의 부모님 에게 말씀도 |

| | | | |드리지 못했다. 그녀는 영어회화를|

| | | | |한번도 공부해 본적이 없었다. |

|He found a kindred spirit in the|Before he went to the U.S., he |No sooner had the aircraft door |No sooner had the rain started |No sooner had he seen her than |

|Dalai Lama, who had never before|had never eaten western food. |closed than he fell asleep. |than the sun came out again. |he fell in love with her. |

|met a Christian monk. | | | | |

| | | | | |

|그는 달라이 라마에게서 가족같은 |그는 미국에 가기전에 서 양음식을|비행기의 문이 닫히자마자 그 는|비가 내리자마자 해가 다시 나 |그녀를 보자마자 그는 그녀와 사 |

|정신을 찾았는데, 달라이 라마는 |한번도 먹어본적이 없었다. |잠에 빠졌다. |왔다. |랑에 빠졌다. |

|그 이전에 수사를 만난 적이 | | | | |

|없었다. | | | | |

Instructions: (1) Write at least three series of sentences like the past perfect series of sentences found in (1.4) above. The series in (1.4) above has five sentences. You don't have to have five sentences in the series. Two or three sentences is enough.

(2) Write at least one "No sooner had he......" sentence.

(3) Write at least one sentence with "had died" or "had finished/had ended". Put "was dead" or "was over" in parentheses ( ). For example: When the doctor got there, he had died (he was dead).

(4) Write at least one sentence with the continuous form, for example: When our family moved from our old place, we had been living therefore fifteen years.






had been + VERBing


|(+ noun) | | | | |

| |Had |you |been studying |all night before the exam? |

|Where |had |he |been living? | |

| | |당신들은 |공부해 왔었습니까 |시험치기 전에 밤새? |

|어디서 | |그는 |살았나요? | |

|Had you been studying all night before the exam? |Yes, they had been studying all night. |

|Had they been camping in the area before the fire started? |No, they hadn’t. |

|Where had he been living? |He had been living in the slums all his life. |

|Where had you been waiting for Peter? |I had been waiting outside the cinema for an hour when Peter finally arrived. |

| |She had been sending him letters for seven years. |

|How long had she been sending him letters? | |

|당신들은 시험치기 전에 밤새 공부해 왔었습니까? |얘 그들은 밤새 공부해 왔어요. |

|그들은 그 불이 시작되기전에 이 지역에서 캠핑을 해 오고 있었습니까? |아니요. |

|그는 어디서 살았나요? | |

| |그는 그의 인생을 빈민가에서 살아왔었습니다. |

| |저는 피터가 마지막으로 도착할 때 한시간 동안 그 영화관 밖에서 기다리고 있었습니 |

|그녀는 얼마나 오랫동안 그에게 편지들을 보내어 왔어나요? |다. |

| |그녀는 7년 동안 그에게 편지를 보내어 왔었습니다. |


Practice conversation with the questions below. Follow the above examples for asking and answering questions.

|RELATIONSHIPS-LIFESTYLE (family, romance, friends, habits, feelings, etc.) |RELATIONSHIPS-LIFESTYLE (family, romance, friends, habits, feelings, etc.) |

|**Who had you been dating before you met your husband/wife? |당신 남편/아내와 만나기 전에 누구와 데이트를 했었습니까? |

|**Why had you been hiding the truth before you parents punished you? |왜 당신은 당신 부모님이 당신에게 벌을 주기 전에 사실을 감추었습니까? |

|**Had your best friend been walking with you to school before you started high |고등학교에 가기전에 당신의 가장 친한 친구가 당신과 같이 학교에 갔었습니까? |

|school? |당신이 고등학교에 가기전에 당신 아버지는 당신과 같이 많은 시간을 보냈습니까? |

|Had your father been spending time with you much before you started high school? |당신의 빅뉴스를 언제 발표할 계획이었습니까? |

|**When had you been planning to announce your big news? |내가 도착하기전에 당신은 누구를 방문하고 있었습니까? |

|**Who had you been visiting with before I arrived? | |

|**Who had you been talking to before I called? | |

|**Where had you been living before you moved to your current residence? |내가 전화하기 전에 누구와 이야기 하고 있었습니까? |

| |LEARNING (school, wisdom, abilities, health-food, culture, improvements, nature, |

| |environment, mistakes, etc.) |

|LEARNING (school, wisdom, abilities, health-food, culture, improvements, nature, |현재 거주지에 이사오기 전에 당신은 어디에서 살고 있었습니까? |

|environment, mistakes, etc.) |의사가 방문하기 전에 무엇이 당신을 괴롭히고 있었습니까? |

|**What had been bothering you before the doctor’s visit? |사고를 당하기 전 당신은 어떤 기술을 향상시키고 있었습니까? |

|**What skill had you been improving before your accident? |현재의 의사가 오기전 누가 당신을 치료하고 있었습니까? |

|**Who had been treating you before your current doctor? |구조대가 도착하기 전에 배고픈 사람들은 어떻게 목숨을 부지하고 있었습니까? |

|**How had the hungry people been surviving before the rescue aid arrived? |어제 그 프로그램이 시작하기 전에 당신은 무엇을 하고 있었습니까? |

|What had you been doing before the program yesterday? |졸업하기전 당신은 어떤 직업을 갖고 있었습니까? |

|**What had you been doing for a living before graduation? |당신은 오늘아침 6시 이전에 잠자고 있었습니까? |

|**Had you been sleeping before 6am this morning? |당신은 대학에 오기전 무엇을 전공할 계획이었습니까? |

|**What had you been planning to major in before you started college? |당신은 언제 시험을 칠 계획이었습니까? |

|When had you been planning to take the test? | |

| |FUN-ENTERTAINMENT (media-music, sports, humor, trivia, celebrations, travel, |

| |fashion/appearance, camps, etc.) |

|FUN-ENTERTAINMENT (media-music, sports, humor, trivia, celebrations, travel, | |

|fashion/appearance, camps, etc.) |18.내가 집에 오기전 당신은 그 영화를 보고 있었습니까? |

|**Had you been watching the movie before I came home? |19.CD가 멈추기 전 당신은 무엇을 듣고 있었습니까? |

|**What had you been listening to before the CD stopped? | |

| |POWER (money, energy, politics, influence, tech, shopping, business, |

|POWER (money, energy, politics, influence, tech, shopping, business, |responsibility, goals, info, security, disasters, transportation, etc.) |

|responsibility, goals, info, security, disasters, transportation, etc.) |20.당신 여동생은 대학에 오기전에 시간제 일을 했었습니까? |

|**Had your sister been working part time before she started university? |21.당신 아버지는 퇴직하기 전에 대기업에서 일하셨습니까? |

|**Had your father been working in a big company before he retired? |22.IMF이전에 경제가 쇠퇴해지고 있었습니까? |

|**Had the economy been failing before IMF? |23.당신이 대학에 있을 때 어떤 사업을 수립할 계획이었습니까? |

|**What business had you been planning to establish when you were in university? |24.당신 동생이 당신을 데리러 오기 전에 그는 무엇을 하고 있었습니까? |

|**What had your brother been doing before he picked you up? | |

| |WORLDVIEW-EXPERIENCES (religion, nation/govt, truth, philosophy, dreams, |

|WORLDVIEW-EXPERIENCES (religion, nation/govt, truth, philosophy, dreams, |character, ethics, etc.) |

|character, ethics, etc.) |25.수업이 시작하기 전에 당신은 어디에서 싸우고 있었습니까? |

|**Where had you been fighting before the class started? |26.테러 공격을 당하기 전에 당신은 미국을 여행할 의도가 있었습니까? |

|**Had you been intending to travel to America before the terrorist attacks? | |



Had + past participle

|Had they practiced a lot before the game? |No, they hadn’t. So, they lost the game. |

|Had she written any books before she directed the movie? |Yes, she had written 2 books. |

|What had he eaten before the party? | |

|When had Sarah left the party? |He had already eaten some ramen. |

| |When I arrived at the party Sarah had already left. |

|그들은 경기 전 많이 연습해 왔나요? |아니요, 그래서 그들은 경기를 졌어요. |

|그녀는 그 영화를 감독하기 전에 어떤 책들을 썼나요? |예, 그녀는 두권의 책을 썼읍니다. |

|그는 파티 전에 무엇을 먹었습니까? | |

|언제 사라가 그 파티를 떠났습니까? |그는 이미 라면을 먹었습니다. |

| |사라는 제가 파티에 도착했을 때 이미 떠났습니다. |


(see for more)

The structure of most conditionals is very simple. There are two basic possibilities. Of course, we add many words and can use various tenses, but the basic structure is usually one of these

|IF |condition |result |

|IF |y = 10 |2y = 20 |

|result |IF |condition |

|2y = 20 |IF |y = 10 |

Here is a little chart to help you to visualize the basic English conditionals. Do not take the 50% and 10% figures too literally. They are just to help you.

|probability |conditional |example |time |

|100% | |zero conditional |If you heat ice, it melts. |any time |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

|50% | |first conditional |If it rains, I will stay at home. |future |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

|20% | |second conditional |If I won the lottery, I would buy a car. |future |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

|0% |  |third conditional |If I had won the lottery, I would have bought a car. |past |

Here is a little chart on conditionals

|Zero conditional |If I have time, |I study English. (Sometimes I have time.) |

|(facts, advice, commands) |If you have some money |please give it to me. |

| |If you are thirsty |get some juice from the fridge. |

| |If she is tired, |She should take a nap on the couch. |

|1st conditional |If I have time, |I will study English. |

|(future possibilities) | |(I don't know if I will have time or not.) |

| |If I am tired, |I won’t go on the picnic. |

| |If she doesn’t like me, |I will never get married. |

| |If I buy the ticket for you |will you go skiing? |

| |Will you give me a massage |if I do the laundry? |

|2nd conditional |If I had time, |I would study English. (I don't have time. OR I won't have time.) |

|(imaginary situations in | |he would cry. |

|present/future) |If he lost my ring, |she would go crazy. |

| |If she had that much stress, |what would you eat? |

| |If you were very poor, |who would you marry? |

| |If you were a model, | |

|3rd conditional |If I had had time, |I would have studied English. |

|(imaginary situations in | |(I didn't have time.) |

|the past) |If she had not gone to Paris, |she would have come back home. |

| |If my brother had not come to Korea, |he wouldn’t have become an English teacher. |

| |If you hadn’t studied medicine, |what profession would you have entered? |

| |If he hadn’t played video games, |would he have been such an accurate surgeon? |

| |If President Noh had not been impeached, |Do you think the Korean economy would have suffered so much? |


|Past Real Conditional |If I had time, |I studied English. (Sometimes I had time.) |



Practice conversation with the questions below. Follow the above examples for asking and answering questions.

|RELATIONSHIPS-LIFESTYLE (family, romance, friends, habits, feelings, etc.) |RELATIONSHIPS-LIFESTYLE (family, romance, friends, habits, feelings, etc.) |

|**If you could have been born in a big family how would your life have been |1.만약 당신이 대가족에서 태어났다면 당신의 |

|different? |당신의 인생은 어떻게 달라졌겠습니까? |

|**If you had loved a girl/boy strongly in high school, would you have gotten |2. 만약 당신이 고등학교에서 여자/남자와 깊은 |

|married at that time? |사랑에 빠졌다면 그당시에 결혼을 했었겠습니까? |

|**If your parents had forbidden your sibling to get married, would you have |3.만약 당신 부모님이 당신 형제가 결혼하는 |

|agreed with them? |것을 금지했다면,당신은 부모님에게 동의를 |

|**What would you have done if your parents had been extremely strict? |했었겠습니까? |

|**What would you have done if your father had been a smoker? |4. 만약 당신 부모님이 아주 엄격했다면 당신은 |

|**How would you have felt if your parents had given you everything you had asked |어떻게 했겠습니까? |

|for? |5. 만약 당신 아버지가 흡연가라면 당신은 어떻게 |

|**If your parents would have divorced, how would you have handled it? |했겠습니까? |

|**How would the world have been a different place if you had never been born? |6. 만약 당신 부모님이 당신이 요청하는 모든 것을 |

|**If somebody had offered you a million dollars to live in China permanently, |주신다면 당신은 어떻게 느꼈습니까? |

|would you have accepted it? Why or why not? |7. 만약 당신 부모님이 이혼했다면, 당신은 그것을 |

|**If you knew a friend was contemplating suicide, what would you do about it? |어떻게 다루었겠습니까? |

| |8.만약 당신이 태어나지 않았더라면 세상이 어떻 |

|LEARNING (school, wisdom, abilities, health, culture, etc.) |게 달라졌겠습니까? |

|**If your parents had been poor, could you have gone to university? | |

|If your parents had not been educated, would you have gone to university? |9.만약 어떤사람이 당신에게 중국에서 영원히 살 |

|**If you couldn’t have studied English, what would you have studied? |면 백만달러를 주겠다고 하면 그 제안을 |

|**If schools had decided to add 3 more subjects this year, what subjects should |받아들이겠습니까?왜? 왜 아니죠? |

|they have added? |10.만약 당신 친구가 자살을 시도하려 한다면,당신ㅇ |

|**What would you have done if you hadn't become a university student? |은 어떻게 하겠습니까? |

|**If education hadn’t been biased, which alternatives to evolution would have | |

|been taught? |LEARNING (school, wisdom, abilities, health, culture, etc.) |

|**If you could correct the wrong information in many textbooks, which wrong |11.만약 당신 부모님이 가난했었다면,당신이대학 |

|information would you make right? |에 갈 수 있었겠습니까? |

|**If you could have chosen a different major, what major would you have chosen? |12.만약 당신 부모님이 교육을 받지 못했었다면, |

|**If you had been a genius, what would you have tried to accomplish? |당신은 대학에 갔겠습니까? |

| |13.만약 당신이 영어를 공부하지 못했다면,당신은 |

|FUN-ENTERTAINMENT (media, sports, humor, trivia, etc.) |무엇을 공부했겠습니까? |

|**If soccer had not become such a popular sport, what sport do you think would |14.만약 학교가 올해 3개과목을 더 추가하기로 |

|have been most popular in Korea? |결정했다면 , 무슨 과목을 추가했겠습니까? |

|**If you had not seen the world cup at the stadium, would you have been so |15.만약 당신이 대학생이 되지 않았다면 , 당신은 |

|excited? |무엇을 했겠습니까? |

|**If MP3 players hadn’t been invented, how would you usually listen to music? |16.만약 교육이 한쪽으로 치우치지 않았더라면, |

|**How often would you contact your friends who live far away if internet hadn’t |발전에 대한 어떤 선택을 하도록 배웠겠습니까? |

|been developed, |17.만약 당신이 교과서에 있는 잘못된 정보를 |

|**Where would you have studied if libraries hadn’t been available to you? |바르게 정정한다면 ,어떤 잘못된 정보를 바르게 |

|**When would you have slept if you had stayed up all night partying? |고칠 것입니까? |

|**If you had lived during the Elizabethan era, would you have attended |18.만약 당신이 다른 전공을 선택한다면,어떤 전공 |

|Shakespeare's plays? |을 선택할 것입니까? |

|**If you could have gone to any amusement park in the world, which one would you |19.만약 당신이 천재였다면,무엇을 성취하려고 |

|have gone to? |노력하겠습니까? |

|**If you could have been funny or really smart for one day of your life, which | |

|day would that have been? |FUN-ENTERTAINMENT (media, sports, humor, trivia, etc.) |

| |20.만약 축구가 이렇게 인기있는 운동이 되지 |

|POWER (money, energy, politics, influence, tech, shopping, business, info, goals,|않았더라면,한국에서 어떤 종류의 운동이 가장인기 |

|appearance, etc.) |있겠습니까? |

|If North Korea had won the Korean War, what would you have studied in school? |21.만약 당신이 경기장에서 월드컵을 보지 않았 |

|**If England had won the war against America, how would history have been |더라면,당신은 매우 신이 났겠습니까? |

|different? |22. 만약 MP3플레이어가 발명되지 않았더라면, |

|**If you had not gotten a part time job, how would you have gotten money for |당신은 보통 어떻게 음악을 들었겠습니까? |

|school and entertainment? |23. 만약 인터넷이 발달되지 않았더라면,당신은 |

|**If the Korean war hadn’t happened, what would have changed in Korean history? |얼마나 자주 멀리사는 친구와 연락을 하겠습니까? |

|**If you had been born with mental problems, what would you have done to overcome| |

|them? |24.만약 당신이 도서관을 이용할 수 없다면 |

|**If America had not been so unilateralist, would the Iraq war have happened? | |

|**If Russia and France had not blocked UN resolutions against Iraq (because they |당신은 어디에서 공부를 했겠습니까? |

|had oil contracts), would the 2nd Iraq war have happened? |25. 만약 당신이 파티로 밤을 샜다면 어디에서 잠을 |

|**If you could change the outcome of one war in history, which war would you |잤겠습니까? |

|change and how? |26.만약 당신이 엘리자베스 시대에 살았더라면, |

|**If you had been a businessman during the IMF (a recession), what would you have|당신은 세익스피어 연극에 참여했겠습니까? |

|done? |만약 당신이 이세상의 어느 놀이공원에 갔었 |

|**If you had registered for another major, what would it have been? |더라면, 어느 공원에 갔었겠습니까? |

| |만약 당신이 당신인생의 어느 하루를 재미있 |

| |거나 아주 똑똑해지게 되었다면, 그것은 어느 날 |

|WORLDVIEW-EXPERIENCES (religion, politics, philosophy, dreams, character, etc.) |이었겠습니까? |

|**If you had not been born at this time in history, what age would you wish to | |

|have been born in? |POWER (money, energy, politics, influence, tech, shopping, business, info, goals,|

|**If one philosopher’s could have been implemented, who do you think that |appearance, etc.) |

|philosopher should have been? |만약 북한이 한국전쟁에서 이겼다면,당신은 |

|**If you had not been born in a Christian/Buddhist/agnostic family, what |학교에서 무엇을 공부하게 되었겠습니까? |

|worldview would you have preferred? |만약 영국이 미국과의 전쟁에서 이겼더라면, |

|**If your parents had grown up in an Arab country, what beliefs of yours would |역사는 어떻게 달라졌겠습니까? |

|have been different? |31. 만약 당신이 시간제 일을 갖고 있지 않았더라면, |

|**If you had read and seen only good things, which of your bad habits wouldn’t |학교와 여흥을 위한 돈을 어떻게 벌었겠습니까? |

|have developed? |32.만약 한국전쟁이 일어나지 않았더라면,한국 |

|**If you had not gone to university, what job would you have done? |역사가 어떻게 바뀌었겠습니까? |

|**If your country had not had a war, how would things have been different? |33.만약 당신이 정신적인 문제를 가지고 태어났었 |

|**If you had been found guilty of a crime that you didn’t commit, what would you |다면, 당신은 그것들을 어떻게 극복했겠습니까? |

|have done? |34. 만약 미국이 그렇게 독단적이지 않았더라면, |

|**If you had been an orphan, where would you have lived? |이라크 전쟁이 일어났겠습니까? |

|**If you had been born in a poor country, what would your life have been like? |35. 만약 러시아와 프랑스가 이라크에 대하여 유엔 |

|**If you had been a spy, what would you like to have done? |의 결의를 차단하기 않았더라면(왜냐면 그들이 |

|**If your brakes had stopped working while you were driving, what would you have |석유계약을 했기 때문에), 제2의 이라크 전쟁이 |

|done? |일어났겠습니까? |

| |36. 만약 역사상 어떤 전쟁의 결과가 바뀌었다면, |

| |어떤 전쟁이 어떻게 바뀌었겠습니까? |

| |37. 만약 당신이 imf 동안 사업을 했었더라면,당신은 |

| |무엇을 했겠습니까? |

| |38. 만약 당신이 다른 전공을 등록했었더라면, |

| |그것은 무엇이었겠습니까? |

| |WORLDVIEW-EXPERIENCES (religion, politics, philosophy, dreams, character, etc.) |

| |39. 만약 당신이 역사의 이때에 태어나지 않았었 |

| |더라면,어떤 시대에 태어나기를 원헀나요? |

| |40. 만약 어떤 철학자의 이론이 효력이 있었더라면. |

| |그 철학자는 누구여야한다고 생각합니까? |

| |41. 만약 당신이 기독교/불교/불가지론 가족에서 |

| |태어나지 않았었더라면,당신은 어떤 세계관을 더 |

| |선호했겠습니까? |

| |42. 만약 당신 부모님이 아랍국가에서 성장했었 |

| |다면,어떤종류의 믿음이 달라졌겠습니까? |

| |43. 만약 당신이 오직 좋은 일만 읽고 보았었다면, |

| |어떤 종류의 나쁜 습관이 발달되지 않았겠습니까? |

| |만약 당신이 대학에 가지않았더라면, 당신은 |

| |어떤 직업을 가졌겠습니까? |

| |만약 당신은 당신이 저지르지 않은 범죄의 |

| |유죄를 받게되었다면 당신은 어떻게 하겠습니까? |

| |만약 당신이 고아였다면, 당신은 어디에서 |

| |살았을 것입니까? |

| |만약 당신이 가난한 나라에서 태어났었다면, |

| |당신의 인생은 어떻했겠습니까? |

| |만약 당신이 스파이였었다면, 당신은 무엇을 |

| |겠습니까? |

| |만약 당신이 운전중에 브레이크가 멈추지않았 |

| |다면 당신은 어떻게 했겠습니까 |


1. What would your life be like if you had been born the opposite sex?

2. If you could suffer instead of a family member, how much would you be willing to suffer?

3. If you had won the lottery, where would you be living now?

4. If you had taken another major, what different opportunities would you have now?

5. If your mother had been born in another country, would she still like kimchi?

6. Would your sister be going waterskiing with us if she had signed up on time?

7. If you had not wasted your money on drinking, would you be able to go on our summer trip?

8. If you were rich, would you have bought an expensive car? What would you have bought?

9. If you spoke another language fluently, would you have become a translator?

10. Would you have participated in the festival if you weren’t sick?

11. If you had more time, would you study for your masters degree?

12. If you were more creative, how would that change your career choices?

13. If your friends were so kind, would they be assisting you in your studies so much?

14. If you weren’t going on a vacation trip, would you have volunteered at the orphanage?

15. If your parents weren’t coming for the weekend, What romantic trip would you have planned?

16. If we weren’t going to the opera tonight, where would you have wished to go?

17. If your sister were going to the concert tonight, how would she be feeling right now?

18. If your mother were giving a speech tomorrow, what would she be doing now?

19. If your brother was going to be a soccer player, what would you ask him to do for you?

20. If my dog didn’t come camping with us, how would everyone feel?

21. If evolution is not true (and most science is against evolution), how did life come into existence?

22. If Noah’s ark had been found, would you believe the Bible?



• as A as B

This assignment is not as difficult as I thought it would be?

Where is a restaurant that tastes as good as our favorite Indian restaurant?

• as much/many A as B

I have as many dates as you do?

Do you have as many projects to do as I do?

• more A + ly than B

John is working more diligently than Sam is.

Who is working more efficiently?

1. Is any student as tall as the teacher?

2. Are your classmates as short as you are?

3. Are you as poor as your friends are?

4. Do you get angry as easily as your brother does?

5. Is English as simple as history for you?

6. Does your mother have as much stress as you do?

7. Is your homework as difficult as mine is?

8. Are you working more intelligently than your brother?

9. Do you have as many bullies as we do?

10. Who is not as successful as your father?

11. Which city is not as modern as Pusan?

12. Who works more carefully than you do?

TYPE 3—many tenses and pp and Do/can, etc.

1. Do you enjoy watching movies at home on TV more than in a theater?


|IS/ARE |NOUN |VERBer than |NOUN |

|Is |your mother |smarter than |your aunt? |

|Are |your friends |shorter than |your pets? |

|Is |your dog |fatter than |your cat? |

|Are |your eyes |prettier than |your sister’s |

| | | |eyes? |


Here are several games and game boards that you can use to play with the grammar structures in the chapters below. Many of them are easiest to use in translation games. Each player gets a turn trying to translate a sentence from the chapter that’s being studied. If he/she is correct, then the turn can be taken. If they are wrong, then they miss the turn. Teachers will need to circulate around to check for alternate answers that may also be right (Students can write down the answers they think might also be right and wait for the teacher to come by and check. This is the most efficient way to check.). A good way to add motivation is that the winners of each game get extra points on the quizzes. Since all have the chance to study the book grammar, this is a fair way to do it (if you give them a day to study before the game).

GAME BOARD A—5 in a row (or 4 in a row)

| | | | | |

|29 |28 |27 |26 |25 |

|20 |21 |22 |23 |24 |

|19 |18 |17 |16 |15 |

|10 |11 |12 |13 |14 |

|9 |8 |7 |6 |5 |

|START |1 |2 |3 |4 |


1. Draw snakes and ladders on the board. All players put a marker on start. The winner is the first person to get to the square marked FINISH.

2. Use 4 coins to play this game. 1 space=1 number and 3 pictures; 2 spaces=2 numbers and 2 pictures; 3 spaces=3 numbers and 1 pictures; 4 spaces=4 numbers and 0 pictures; 5 spaces=4 pictures and 0 numbers

3. There are no extra rolls for rolling 4s or 5s.

4. Shake/roll the coins. The player with the highest number goes first.

5. Player 1 shakes/rolls the coins and moves his marker. The other players choose a Korean sentence and say it or point to it (player 1 cannot look at the English). Player 1 must translate the sentence into English. If he makes a good English sentence, he can go 1 space forward. If his sentence is wrong, he goes 1 space back.

6. If a player lands on a ladder, he/she goes up the ladder. If a player lands on snake, he/she must go down the ladder.

7. If your marker lands on another player, that player’s marker goes back one space.


9 Men’s Morris

adapted from:

ORIGIN: This game is probably from Africa, but has been played in India and Europe for millenia. It’s simple but strategic.

WINNING: To win the game, you must capture 7 enemy pieces. The 1st person to do that wins.

HOW TO PLAY: 1) SETUP: The game starts with an empty board empty (see right) and 9 pieces for each player (each player can use different coins or pieces of paper). In turns, players place pieces on any empty intersection (there are 24 of them). B) PLAY: After all pieces have been placed, the game starts. Player B chooses a Korean sentence or mistake sentence and shows it to Player A. If Player A makes a correct sentence, then Player A gets 2 moves. If he is wrong, he gets 1 move. 1 move is a player moving one piece from one intersection to another intersection. If Player A gets 3 of his own pieces in a row, then he can take any of his opponent’s pieces off the board. This piece is captured. Same for Player B.

GOOD STRATEGY: An ideal position is to be able to move one piece back and forth between two intersections so that you can remove an opponent’s piece each time.


|X |X |X |X |X |X |X |X | |O

|O |O |O |O |O |O |O |O | |



Senet is a board game from ancient Egypt. It is the oldest board game that has every been found (games have been unearthed dating to ~3500 BC ). In the picture on the left, Nefertari is playing Senet(painting in tomb of Egyptian Queen Nefertari (1295-1255 BC))

The full name of the game in Ancient Egyptian was zn.t n.t H'b meaning the "passing game." It may have been played much like the American game “Sorry!” or the Korean game “Yoo-no-ri”.

Egyptians of all levels enjoyed playing games and board games were commonly played. The rules are not known exactly, but experts have made some educated guesses and here they are:


How to play Senet (graphics from: )

• Put 5 pieces for each player on the top row. Alternate them like A, B, A, B, A, B…etc as above.

• Throw the sticks to see how many squares to move your piece forward (or use coins). Sticks are used the same as in Yoo-neu-ri.

• If you throw a one, four, or six, you get an extra turn.

• You can't land on one of your own pieces.

• If you land on the other player's piece, you switch places with them. However, you can't switch with them if they have two or more pieces in a row.

• If the other player has three or more pieces in a row, you can't pass them.

• On the safe squares (the 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 5th squares from the end) other players can’t move you. If you land on the water square (4th from the end), then you go to the picture square on the 2nd row).

• The first player to get all of their pieces off the board wins the game.

Play it online at:




Senet may be the oldest board game in World History. Other contenders for this title include Go (Weiqi) and Oware; although it is impossible to prove which game is the oldest. The oldest remnants of any ancient board game ever unearthed however are those of Senet, found in Predynastic and First Dynasty burials of Egypt (see ref. [2]), circa 3500 BC and 3100 BC respectively.


























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