Gifts Time and Talent

Gifts / Time and Talent Form for Children

Come and see. . .Come and listen. . .Come and learn . . . to receive gifts from God.

Then, joyfully give to God a portion of what God has given you!

Name: _____________________________ Phone: _________________________

Age: ____________________ Grade in School: _________________

Place a check by all of the areas where you can make a commitment to giving and serving:

_____ Attend Sunday school regularly.

_____ Attend worship regularly with my family.

_____ Bring my own offering to Sunday school or worship.

_____ Be an active member of youth club.

_____ Help ushers during worship.

_____ Help ushers clean up pews after worship.

_____ Serve as an acolyte during worship.

_____ Volunteer in the nursery or with other childcare needs.

_____ Sing in a choir.

_____ Play my instrument in an ensemble during worship.

My instrument is ___________________. I’ve played for ____ years.

_____ Play in the hand chimes or hand bell choir.

_____ Play or sing a solo during worship.

_____ Participate in Vacation Bible School.

_____ Participate in the Christmas program.

_____Read and study the Bible. Begin a scripture memorization program.

_____ Prayer for the pastor and our church.

_____ Respect the church property by cleaning up after myself.

Thank you for offering yourself to God! We will call you about your commitments.

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