Table of Contents
East Meadow Union Free School District
Curriculum Area Project
School Year 2009-2010
Teaching Water for Elephants by Sara Gruen
Superintendent………………………………………..Louis R. DeAngelo
Principal………………………………………………Richard Howard
Assistant Principals…………………………………...Joni Rochford
Edward Sergison
Scott Woerner
Dean of Students……………………………………...William Brennan
The Director of Literacy and Funded Programs………Robin Natman
English Department Chairperson……………………..Dr. Franklin Cacciutto
Collaborators………………………………………….Vanessa Gehm
Teresa Arcuri
CAP Coordinator:…………………………………….Vanessa Gehm
Table of Contents
Table of Contents…………………………………………………1
Water for Elephants Unit Plan
Reading Schedule…………………………………………………4
Reading Check Quizzes…………………………………………...5
Review Sheet……………………………………………………...35
The following CAP “Teaching Water for Elephants,” is designed for a grade eleven honors English class. However, any lessons can be modified for a Regents class or alternate grade level. The learning plans and performance tasks are all done in accordance with the latest New York State Learning Standards:
1-Language for information and understanding
2-Language for literary response
3-Language for critical analysis and evaluation
4-Language for social interaction
The purpose of this unit is to engage students with reading a modern novel. At the conclusion of the unit, students should be able to understand how aging and growing older makes people feel, how people will go to great lengths to help those that they love, and how looking back on the past can fill one with not only nostalgia, but also motivation to make a change in his/her life. Finally, though historical research, students can understand the history of the circus and how the standards of the past can be compared to the standards of today.
Water for Elephants Reading Schedule
Water for Elephants
Part I
Chapter Due Date
Water for Elephants
Part II
Chapter Due Date
Water for Elephants
Part III
Chapter Due Date
Water for Elephants Reading Check Quizzes
Water for Elephants Name_________________________
Prologue-Chapter 2 Quiz
1. Why is Jacob in the facility?
2. Why does Jacob get into an argument with Joseph McGuinty?
3. What news does Dean Wilkins have for Jacob?
4. What bad news does Edmund Hyde Esq. have for Jacob?
5. Explain what happens when Jacob boards the train.
-How old was Jacob in the first flashback?
-What was the name of the girl Jacob was dating?
-What act of kindness does the nurse show Jacob?
-What was Jacob studying in school?
-What was the name of the elephant?
-What city is the train headed for?
Water for Elephants Name_________________________
Chapters 3-4 Quiz
1. What is Jacob’s first job with the circus?
2. Why does Ezra have a problem with Jacob?
3. Name two of the sideshow performances Cecil promotes.
4. How does Jacob encourage the crowd to pay and see the side show performances?
5. Uncle Al is about to throw Jacob off the train. What stops him from doing so?
-How many horses are packed in the car?
-What is a kinker?
-What animal doesn’t the circus have?
-What is the stripper’s name?
-How much does the stripper charge?
-What is the name of the dwarf?
Water for Elephants Name_________________________
Chapters 5-6 Quiz
1. What does Jacob argue with the nurse about during dinner?
2. What does the nurse want Jacob to take?
3. What is the diagnosis of Marlena’s horse?
4. What is the reason why Uncle Al is leaving Saratoga Springs so early?
5. Who is the Monday Man?
6. Why does Kinko get angry at Jacob?
7. What “trick” does August play on Jacob?
8. What does Jacob receive at the end of chapter 6?
-What is Kinko’s real name?
-What is the name of Marlena’s best horse?
-What is the name of Kinko’s dog?
-How many performing horses do they have?
-How much money will Uncle Al pay Jacob per week?
-What is a “dukey box”?
Water for Elephants Name_________________________
Chapters 7-8 Quiz
1. What unsettling incident ends the evening in Stateroom 3?
2. What horrific news does Jacob have for Marlena?
3. What does August warn Jacob about?
4. Jacob says he forgot to feed the cats. In what way was that remedied?
5. What “argument” does Jacob have in the beginning of the chapter?
6. What does Jacob say he hates about getting older?
7. How did Jacob’s children convince him to go into an assisted living facility?
-What does Jacob look at towards the end of the chapter that gives him peace?
-Name two of his five children.
-What is the nurse’s name?
-What was the profession of Marlena’s former fiancé?
Water for Elephants Name_________________________
Chapters 9-10 Quiz
1. Why can’t the Benzini Brothers set up their tents and equipment when they arrive in Joliet?
2. Why does Marlena rush out of the diner?
3. Explain what happens when Jacob feeds the orangutan.
4. What does August forbid Jacob from doing?
5. What does Marlena do that infuriates August?
6. Why is Uncle Al so happy they have an elephant?
7. What warning does the man give August at the end of chapter 9?
8. What problem did Uncle Al create by purchasing the elephant, elephant car, and performers?
9. How do the women embarrass Jacob after his evening’s revelries?
10. Why doesn’t August want Marlena to go behind the menagerie tent?
11. Why is Marlena upset at the end of chapter 10?
-What does Jacob suggest to help Queenie?
-What is the elephant’s name?
-How much did the elephant cost?
-What is the name of Barbara’s friend?
Water for Elephants Name_________________________
Chapters 11-12 Quiz
1. What peace offering does Kinko make to Jacob in Chapter 11?
2. What does Jacob say about his father?
3. Where does Jacob see Marlena? What is she doing?
4. What happens while Jacob and Marlena are dancing?
5. What happens in the alley?
6. What happens to Marlena during the Spec? What is the result?
-What does the train pass that makes Jacob sick?
-Where do they take Marlena after the Spec?
-What city are they in?
-What animal does Jacob treat in this section?
-What is the secret password to get into the club?
-What injury does Marlena sustain?
Water for Elephants Name_________________________
Chapters 13-14 Quiz
1. What disagreement does Jacob have with the horse faced nurse?
2. What favor does Rosemary ask of Jacob?
3. What does Rosemary say about Joseph McGuinty’s notion of truth?
4. What happens when Jacob goes to get his salary?
5. What does Jacob need a doctor?
6. What favor does Jacob ask of Walter?
7. What does Marlena say to Jacob at the end of the chapter?
-What is the doctor’s diagnosis?
-What is the name of the man who throws people off the train?
-What is the term for being thrown off the train?
-How does Jacob pay the doctor?
-What Shakespearean play is Jacob reading?
Water for Elephants Name_________________________
Chapters 15-16 Quiz
1. What does Walter do to try and help Camel?
2. How does Uncle Al handle the death of Lovely Lucinda?
3. Describe Marlena’s act.
4. What does Jacob yell at the breakfast table? What is August’s reaction?
5. What does Uncle Al do that gets the circus kicked out of town?
6. Why doesn’t Walter want to leave? How does Jacob get him back on the train?
7. Why do Camel, Walter and Jacob get into an argument?
8. What good news does Marlena bring to Walter and Jacob?
9. Why does August beat Rosie at the end of this section?
10. What does Jacob admit about the last time his family visited him?
11. What is Jacob scared is beginning to happen to him?
-What is the name of the horse Marlena believes is depressed?
-What is the name of Marlena’s new “star horse”?
-What is the name of the orangutan?
-How many horses perform with Marlena?
-What is the name of Jacob’s granddaughter?
-What is the name of Jacob’s daughter?
Water for Elephants Name_________________________
Chapters 17-18 Quiz
1. Why did Marlena marry August?
2. Why does Jacob want the whiskey from Walter?
3. What realization does Jacob have about training Rosie?
4. What gifts does August give to Marlena and Jacob?
5. What did Marlena make for Rosie?
6. What surprise does Marlena attempt to throw for August? How does it end in disaster?
-What is Rosie’s favorite fruit?
-How old was Marlena when she met and married August?
-How old was August when he met and married Marlena?
-In what city does Jacob make confession?
-What is the name of the worker who treats Rosie?
Water for Elephants Name_________________________
Chapters 19-20 Quiz
1. Why doesn’t Jacob want to sit near Ipphy Baily?
2. What prevents Jacob from going to the circus?
3. What bad news does Rosemary share with Jacob about the future?
4. The first hotel Marlena and Jacob attempt to check in with turns them away. What makes the hotel clerk change his mind?
5. What does Uncle Al want Jacob to do?
6. When Jacob refuses to help Uncle Al, how does Uncle Al convince him?
7. What does August do to Rosie after Jacob refuses to accept his apology? Be specific.
-What sickness does August have?
-How many weeks were August and Marlena married before she experienced one of August’s “episodes” ?
-Why wouldn’t Marlena’s parents allow her to come home?
-who was supposed to pick Jacob up?
-For how many years has Rosemary been married?
-How old is Rosemary?
Water for Elephants Name_________________________
Chapters 21 Quiz
1. What does Marlena say she was unaware of in the beginning of the chapter?
2. Why does Walter get angry with Jacob?
3. What plan does Jacob suggest to Uncle Al in an attempt to get August and Marlena back together?
4. Why have audiences been complaining about the show?
5. What happened in Poughkeepsie?
6. What happened for the first time in the show’s history?
7. What does Camel beg from Walter and Jacob?
8. What important news does Marlena have for Jacob?
9. Explain what happens at the show that evening.
-What is the name of the city where they were run out of town?
-Who throws Jacob out of Uncle Al’s office?
-Who prevents Jacob from assisting Marlena at the end of the chapter?
-How much time has passed between Jacob and Uncle Al’s conversation?
-Describe the bad dream Jacob has.
Water for Elephants Name_________________________
Chapters 22 Quiz
1. What does Walter suggest they do?
2. What does Jacob do when he gets to August’s sleeper car?
3. Why does Jacob confront Earl?
4. What does Earl suggest Jacob do?
5. Why does Marlena say she can’t leave right away when Jacob asks her to?
6. What does Grady tell Jacob?
7. Specifically, what happens to Walter and Camel?
8. Explain what happens at the end of the chapter while the Disaster March is playing.
-Besides Rosie, who is the only animal to stay behind?
-Of those who were “redlighted”, who has come back?
-What is the name of the cook?
-In addition to Walter and Camel, how many men have been “redlighted”?
-How many days were they going to wait?
Water for Elephants Name_________________________
Chapters23-25 Quiz
1. How does Jacob call to ask for help?
2. How does Jacob convince the Nesci Brothers circus to let him keep Rosie?
3. What do Jacob and Marlena need to do before they can work for Ringling Brothers?
4. Why is Jacob particularly upset that Simon forgot about him?
5. When Jacob attempts to enter the circus, what stops him?
6. Why did the Brookfield Zoo hire Jacob?
7. How does Charlie get rid of the police officer?
8. What arrangement do Charlie and Jacob make at the end?
-Where is Leo the Lion found?
-What fake name does Jacob give Rosie?
-What is the name of the ticket collector?
-Where did the family move after leaving Ringling Brothers?
Water for Elephants Name_______________________________
Prologue – Chapter 2 Gehm 11
Aim: Analyze Jacob’s feelings about aging.
What motivates Jacob to leave school and board a circus train?
1. What is the Disaster March?
2. Explain what happens at the end of the Prologue between Jacob, Marlena, and Rosie?
3. How does Jacob say he feels about this event?
Chapter 1
1. What does Jacob say about getting older?
2. Where is Jacob narrating this story? What is his current physical state?
3. What causes Jacob’s heart to jump in his chest? What do the nurses think? How does this make Jacob feel?
4. What does Jacob mean when he says, “There’s only one way to avoid it, and I can’t say I much care for that option, either.”
5. Who is Joseph McGuinty?
6. What happens when Joseph McGuinty says he used to “carry water for elephants”?
7. What does Jacob say about age?
8. What happened to Jacob’s wife? How does this make him feel?
Chapter 2
1. Who is Catherine Hale?
2. What plans does Jacob have for the future?
3. What disrupts the lecture? How can you compare his fears to the reality of the situation?
4. Describe what happens when Jacob leaves the hospital.
5. Describe what happens in the office of Edmund Hyde, Esquire. What realization does Jacob have that makes him double over in pain?
6. What happens when Jacob goes back to school? What thoughts is he haunted by?
7. Explain the encounter Jacob has when he boards the train.
Water for Elephants Name_______________________________
Chapters 3-4 Gehm 11
Aim: Characterize the bond that is beginning to form between Camel and Jacob
What makes Jacob different from the other workers in the circus?
Chapter 3
1. Who is Crazy Joe, and why does Camel need to speak to him?
2. What job does Jacob get? With whom does he work?
3. Who is Ezra? What problem does he have with Jacob?
4. What does Camel inform Jacob of in terms of their status and circus “vernacular”
5. Who is Cecil? What is Jacob (along with Jimmy and Wade) expected to do during the sideshow introduction?
6. What is the menagerie? Who does he see; describe the interaction.
7. Name the three sideshows that Cecil mentions are available for the crowd’s entertainment.
8. Why are the men separated from the women?
9. In what way does Jacob assist Camel? What new job is he given?
Chapter 4
1. What concerns does Camel express about his life and his future?
2. What does Camel say about Jacob? What does he suggest? What does this reveal about Camel?
3. Who is Earl? How does he attempt to get Jacob a job with the circus?
4. What does August remind Uncle Al of that causes him to “bare his teeth and scream a long, inhuman howl, bringing his foot down on the glass again and again and again?”
5. What does Uncle Al say to Jacob and what changes his opinion?
6. Who is Kinko and what is his issue with Jacob?
Water for Elephants Name_______________________________
Chapters 5-6 Gehm 11
Aim: How can August be characterized? What prediction can you make regarding the relationship between Jacob and Marlena and August?
Chapter 5
1. How does Jacob feel when he wakes up from his dreams? How does he feel when the nurse “visits” him?
2. How does Jacob feel when the nurse says, “If you keep your weight up, I’ll bet you could go on another ten years.”? Why does he feel that way?
3. Why does Jacob become filled with resentment during dinner? What complaints does he have? What is the real reason he is upset?
4. How does dinner end? How does this cause a problem for him?
5. How does he feel at the end of the chapter after his “conversation” with the nurse?
Chapter 6
1. Characterize the relationship Marlena has with the horses.
2. What is Jacob’s diagnosis of Silver Star? What does he suggest will help the horse?
3. What proposition does Uncle Al make to Jacob?
4. What rumors circulate around the cookhouse as to why the circus troupe is leaving?
5. Read pages 77-78. Characterize Uncle Al; what is his background. Describe the history of the Benzini Brothers Most Spectacular Show On Earth. Look at all the space-fill it up!
6. Who is the Monday Man?
7. Why does Kinko get even angrier with Jacob? Who is responsible for this? How?
8. What does August make Jacob do? What happens to Jacob? Why does August do this to him?
9. What warning does Diamond Joe give to Jacob? Why does he think August made Jacob feed Rex when Clive is the one who usually feeds the cats?
10. What items does Jacob find in his sleeping area towards the end of the chapter? What does Kinko say to Jacob? What further problems might this cause for Jacob?
Water for Elephants Name_______________________________
Chapters 7-8 Gehm 11
Aim: What issue is manifesting itself between Jacob and August?
How does Jacob feel about the aging process?
Chapter 7
1. How does the circus train come to possess alcohol? Where do they hide it so they are not caught?
2. What is dinner like? What does Jacob begin to think about August?
3. How did August and Marlena meet? What does he say about her?
4. What happens while August and Marlena are dancing? What is revealed about August from this behavior?
5. What does Marlena say about August? What does she point out about Rex? Why is this important?
6. What does Marlena say about Uncle Al and Ringling Brothers?
7. What news does Jacob have about Silver Star’s progress? What is Marlena’s reaction? What does Jacob promise?
8. What does August remind Jacob of when he tells August about Silver Star? What does Jacob’s decision to maintain his position reveal about his character?
9. Why does Jacob tell August that someone should find Marlena? What is August’s reaction?
10. What does August say to Jacob about the Benzini Brothers show?
11. What does August mean when he tells Jacob that he “took care” of feeding the cats? What do you think about that?
Chapter 8
1. What does the nurse remove for Jacob the following morning? What is Rosemary’s response when Jacob tells her what happened the evening before?
2. What does Rosemary do when Jacob chastises her for opening up the blinds? What does he initially make of this behavior? What does she say?
3. What indignities does Jacob have to endure?
4. Read pages 108 “Dear Lord, I miss that woman…but I shouldn’t complain, this being circus day and all.”
List and describe Jacob’s family. How do they make him feel? How does he feel about himself?
5. What happens when Jacob looks in the mirror? How does he feel? What does he mean by, “The sky, the sky-same as it always was”?
Water for Elephants Name_______________________________
Chapter 9-10 Gehm 11
Aim: Analyze the differences between August and Jacob’s characters.
Chapter 9
1. When the group arrives in Joliet, what surprise do they receive?
2. Why does Marlena leave the diner?
3. How does August treat the staff at the diner? What does this reveal about his character?
4. Describe Jacob’s encounter with the orangutan. How does it make him feel?
5. What does August say about the way the Uncle Al does business with elected officials? What is his reaction to Jacob’s desire to give the animals water?
6. What is August’s reaction when Marlena gives the hollow eyed man food? What is revealed about Jacob in the following line, “I stare at my plate. It’s piled high with pork chops, collard greens, mashed potatoes, and baked apples. I worked like a dog all day, but I can’t eat a thing.”
7. What news does Uncle Al want to share with his “dearest friends in the world?” Why is he so ecstatic?
8. What does the man tell August about Rosie? How did she come to be there? What does Rosie do to the man at the end of the chapter?
Chapter 10
1. What intimate moment do Marlena and Jacob share? How does it make him feel?
2. How much money did Uncle Al pay for Rosie? What else did he buy? Why does this cause a tremendous problem?
3. Jacob almost loses his virginity; however, it is not to be due to his unexpected vomiting. What do the ladies do to embarrass him to next day?
4. Describe Jacob’s first interaction with Rosie.
5. Why doesn’t August want Marlena to go behind the menagerie tent?
6. When Jacob goes to Marlena’s stateroom, why is she upset? What does he do? In what way are Marlena and Jacob similar?
Water for Elephants Name_______________________________
Chapter 11-12 Gehm 11
Aim: In what way is the friendship of Walter and Jacob beginning?
What further tension builds between Jacob and August?
Chapter 11
1. What visions is Jacob plagued by in the opening of the chapter?
2. What does Kinko admit to Jacob about the night before? What does he offer Jacob?
3. What is significant about Jacob’s description and subsequent feelings about the stockyard?
4. Read the passage on page 146 “My father felt it was his duty…It’s a covenant with my father.” Analyze the significance of the passage.
5. What does Otis ask Jacob? What does he mean? What does this reveal?
6. Where does Jacob unexpectedly see Marlena?
7. Where does August take Marlena and Jacob? Why does he do this? What is the place like?
8. What happens while Marlena and Jacob are dancing? Describe what happens in the alley.
9. What is the significance of Jacob’s passing the area with the homeless men and women? What does he realize?
10. How does August react to seeing Jacob the following morning? What ominous thing does he say?
Chapter 11
1. What does Jacob realize about Rosie? How does he come to realize this?
2. Explain what happens during the Spec (spectacular performance). Describe what Marlena does and what happens as a result.
3. Where does Rosie go after the Spec? How do the men smooth the situation over? How do they get Rosie back to the menagerie?
4. Read the passage on page 171, “I hate him…but I am and I do.” Analyze Jacob’s feelings.
Water for Elephants Name_______________________________
Chapter 13-14 Gehm 11
Aim: Describe Jacob’s feelings about the aging process and his situation.
Characterize the relationship between Jacob and Camel
Characterize the continuing relationship between Walter and Jacob.
Chapter 13
1. Why doesn’t Jacob like the “horse faced” nurse? How does Rosemary intervene?
2. What does Rosemary say about “old fart McGuinty’s” notion of truth?
Chapter 14
1. What does Earl want Jacob to do? What does he say will happen? What is revealed about Jacob?
2. What does Walter say about Camel’s ailment? What ultimately happens to someone suffering from this?
3. What has happened to the workers? Are the performers affected? Why do you think this method works?
4. How does August treat Jacob when he goes to him and asks for a doctor?
5. What do some of the workers say has happened to some of the men aboard the train? What is meant by, “Leave him alone, Jock…He probably needs to lay eyes on someone.” (188)
6. What does Jacob offer in payment? Why is this significant?
7. Describe, in detail, what happens when the doctor “examines” Camel.
8. What favor does Jacob ask of Walter? Why does he need to do this?
9. Reread pages 193-195. Describe what happens when Jacob speaks to Marlena.
Water for Elephants Name_______________________________
Chapters 15-16 Gehm 11
Aim: What is significant about the various pasts of the characters associated with the circus?
What is significant about Jacob opening up to Rosemary?
Chapter 15
1. How has Camel’s illness progressed? What does Walter give him and why?
2. What is Walter able to do in an attempt to save Camel’s future?
3. What happens to Lovely Lucinda? How does Uncle Al handle this? What does he do? What does this reveal about his character?
4. Describe Marlena’s performance. How does Jacob feel at its conclusion?
5. Describe what happens when Jacob joins Marlena and August for breakfast the next morning.
6. What happens that causes the circus troupe to be kicked out of town? What do the townspeople do? What problem does Walter have? How does Jacob get Walter to leave?
7. What does Walter reveal about his past? What does Camel say? What is Walter’s response? What does Camel say to that? What then is revealed about the motivations of some of the people who are involved with the circus?
8. What does Marlena bring to Walter and Jacob’s car? Explain what happened.
9. What argument do Walter and Jacob get into on page 211-212? Why is this important? What do they both agree on?
10. What starts to happen to the lemonade? What does Uncle Al do? What does Uncle Al discover? What does he decide?
11. What does August do after Uncle Al visits his car? What does Jacob attempt to do and why? How does Marlena stop him? What is the result?
Chapter 16
1. What has Jacob been doing?
2. What does Rosemary say that causes Jacob to cry?
3. What does Jacob reveal about the last time his family visited him?
Water for Elephants Name______________________________
Chapters 17-18 Gehm 11
Aim: In what way has the tension between August and Jacob erupted? How can August be characterized from
this incident?
How has Marlena and Jacob’s relationship progressed?
Chapter 17
1. What was Marlena’s past like? What was August like? How does she feel about her present life?
2. What made this incident different from the other incidents between August and Rosie?
4. What does Walter bring into the car? Why does Jacob say he needs it? What does Walter do to show he understands?
5. When Jacob visits Rosie, who is with her? What does Jacob finally understand? What does Jacob do to show his happiness?
6. Discuss the change in August after Jacob shares his news about Rosie. How does his treatment change towards Rosie and Jacob?
7. What conflicting feelings does Jacob begin to have about August and Rosie? How has the atmosphere among everyone involved with the circus changed?
8. What happens when Jacob goes to confession? How does he feel? What does this reveal about his character?
9. Discuss what August says to Jacob when he asks to see him? What gifts does he give to Marlena and Jacob? What gift does Marlena have?
10. Describe, in detail, August, Rosie and Marlena’s act. What is Uncle Al’s reaction and why?
Chapter 18
1. What happens when Marlena places her hand on Jacob’s arm?
2. What does Jacob tell Grady and Bill about Walter? What do they reveal about Camel’s past?
3. What has Marlena planned for August? How does this turn into the ultimate disaster?
4. What injuries does Jacob sustain? Who helps him and how?
5. Analyze the final conversation between Marlena and Jacob at the end of the chapter.
Water for Elephants Name_______________________________
Chapters 19-20 Gehm 11
Aim: What is particularly sad about Jacob’s “day at the circus” and the news to follow?
How has Jacob and Marlena’s relationship progressed? What difficult choice does he have to make?
Chapter 19
1. Why is Jacob filled with joy in the opening of the chapter?
2. Who is Ipphy Bailey? What does Jacob suggest would be the best place for her?
3. What bad news does Rosemary have? Who was supposed to come? How does this make him feel?
4. What news does Rosemary tell Jacob about her future plans? In what way is this ironic? What is significant about the line, “Well…It’s not always easy, you know…I never said it was”?
Chapter 20
1. How does August attempt to get Marlena to come back to him?
2. Why does the first hotel turn Jacob and Marlena away? What changes the hotel clerk’s mind? How can he be characterized?
3. What does Uncle Al want from Jacob? What does he say is “wrong” with August? How does he convince Jacob to help him?
4. What does August attempt to do to Jacob? What does he say? What does he do to Rosie when he is rejected? How can he be further characterized?
5. How does the hotel clerk where Marlena is staying attempt to help her?
6. Describe what Marlena tells Jacob about August when they first got married.
7. After Marlena and Jacob move to the next level in their relationship, what does Marlena tell Jacob? Reread page 272-273 from “Afterwards, I curl around her like a spoon…all the heads lost their faces.” Why is this important?
Water for Elephants Name_______________________________
Chapter 21 Gehm 11
Aim: How has the situation between Jacob, August, and Marlena become more dangerous?
Chapter 21
1. What do Marlena and Jacob discuss in the morning before they go back to the show? What do they reveal to each other? What does Jacob reveal to Marlena about the railroad authority’s visit? How does she feel? What does he say in response?
2. Why do Jacob and Walter argue with one another? Why is it so dangerous to leave the show?
3. What plan does Jacob reveal to Uncle Al about getting Marlena and August back together? What must they do?
4. Why does the audience complain? Why is there no performance?
5. Initially, how does August attempt to convince Marlena to come back to him?
6. Describe the dream Jacob has. What might it symbolize?
7. What happens in Poughkeepise? What happens in Hartford?
8. What happens for the first time in the show’s history?
9. How has Camel been since the raid? What concerns does Jacob have for Camel’s future?
10. What concerns does Walter express to Jacob? Why is this important?
11. What news does Marlena share with Jacob?
12. What conversation does Uncle Al have with Jacob? Why does this cause a problem?
13. What happens at the end of the chapter? What happens to Jacob, August, Rosie, and Marlena?
Water for Elephants Name_______________________________
Chapter 22 Gehm 11
Aim: Reread the Prologue. What secret has Jacob been hiding all these years?
Chapter 22
1. What is Jacob suffering from? What is his primary concern? What specific advice does Walter give Jacob?
2. After Walter and Camel fall asleep, what does Jacob do? Why is this particularly dangerous? Ultimately, what does he do to August?
3. What does Jacob discover when he gets back to the train car? What does he realize? What does he show that shows his naivete?
4. Who does Jacob confront? What does he suggest?
5. What happens when Uncle Al sees Jacob?
6. What is the final conversation that Jacob has with Marlena while Earl “throws him out”?
7. What does Grady tell Jacob while they are eating?
8. Explain what happens during the show.
Water for Elephants Name_______________________________
Chapter 23-25 Gehm 11
Aim: What is significant about the burgeoning relationship between Jacob and Charlie? What fuels Jacob’s decision?
Chapter 23
1. What happens on the following days:
Post Stampede-Day 1
Post Stampede-Day 2
Post Stampede-Day 3
2. Who does Jacob call? What does he say to him?
3. Explain how Jacob convinces the Nesci Brothers that Rosie is his.
4. What does Marlena do when the men attempt to take the Liberty horses?
5. What is Jacob’s response when Marlena tells him what she has done? What does this reveal about their relationship?
6. What happens when the men inspect the tent?
7. What does Jacob do at the end of the chapter and why?
Chapter 24
1. Why is Jacob particularly disappointed in Simon?
2. What made Jacob even happier when his son was born? What does he say he was willing to do? Why is this important?
3. What does Jacob do?
4. What happens when Jacob tries to walk into the circus?
5. What does Charlie say to Jacob that makes him smile?
Chapter 25
1. How does Jacob feel while he is telling Charlie his story?
2. What does he say about why he never told Marlena?
3. What does Jacob say about his married life and afterwards?
4. Who visits the RV when Jacob and Charlie are talking? What do they tell him? How do they convince him of their story?
5. What arrangement does Jacob make with Charlie?
Water for Elephants Name_______________________________
Review Gehm 11
Directions: Generate examples from the novel that show how each theme is developed.
Theme Review:
The effects of aging/growing older
Man’s relationship with animals
The power of love
Loss of innocence
Overcoming adversity
Water for Elephants Name_______________________________
Final Exam Gehm 11 (+1)
Directions: Place all answers on the paper provided. You may write on the test, but all answers must go on lined paper in ink.
Part I: Character Identification (2 points each)
Identify the character being described. Use full names when appropriate.
1. This character got married to avoid a dull, boring future, but things did not turn out as he/she planned.
2. This character lost his parents in a horrible tragedy and unwittingly joins the circus.
3. This character is cruel and sadistic and is killed by the end of the novel.
4. This character is concerned with money and envies Ringling Brothers.
5. This character is a kind but hopeless alcoholic who dies tragically at the end of the novel.
6. This character is a performer who dislikes the narrator in the beginning of the novel, but ultimately he/she and the narrator develop a strong friendship.
7. This character steals lemonade, entertains audiences, and kills a man.
8. This character is the only nurse that the narrator likes because he/she treats him like a human being.
9. This character forgets the narrator at the nursing home because he/she had a pressing engagement.
10. This character functions as the “muscle” of the circus, but is disturbed to learn of his friend’s tragic death.
11. This character “redlights” those people who are no longer needed on the train.
12. This character speaks Polish to the “star of the circus.”
Part II: Short Answer (25 points each)
Choose three of the following questions and answer in a paragraph. All responses should be in complete sentences. Fully develop your responses, and proofread carefully.
1. Analyze Jacob’s feelings about aging. How is he treated by his family? How is he treated by the staff? What fuels his decision at the end of the novel?
2. Discuss Jacob and Marlena’s connection. What brought them together? What keeps them together for the remainder of her life? Discuss what stands between them.
3. Discuss Jacob’s feelings for the animals on the circus. How does he differ from other characters when it comes to this? How do these feelings connect to his past? How do these feelings affect his future?
4. Discuss Jacob’s relationship with two other characters from the circus (not Marlena). How do these relationships begin, develop and change through the course of the novel?
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