Allies Early Learning

BabiesInformation Booklet2018Teachers:Miss StephMiss Libby McQuillan Babies Welcoming LetterWelcome to all of our families to the Babies room. Some of you have been here for a little time now while some of you will be new to the service. We are excited to be sharing in your babies first years and we look forward to experiencing in your babies wonder as they begin to develop a sense of who they are as they make their way through their first developmental milestones. Our Aim is to provide a warm and nurturing environment in which your baby can learn and develop and also allow them to feel safe and secure during their time with us. Our goal is to form strong communication bonds with not only your pride and joy but also with you as their parents. We ask that you provide for us as much information about your babies routines and favourite things so that we can provide the best possible care for your little one during their day.Staff for 2018Lead Educator – Miss StephWorking 4 days Educators - Miss Libby Working 5 days A little about baby’s room staffMiss Steph I’m Miss Steph and here is a little bit about myself. I have been working in childcare for 5 years, in this time I have worked at two other centres and I have been a part of the Allies family for 3 of those years. I am not from Queensland originally I am from Coffs Harbour (NSW), which is where I grew up, and did majority of my schooling. The two things I am very passionate about is family that includes my boyfriend Josh his little boy Theo and our puppy Koda they are my world and I adore all of them and of course travel. This year will mark my second year in the babies room as lead educator and this would have to be one of my favourite age groups to work with, as the bonds we create with the babies throughout their first year of life are so rewarding. Miss LibbyMy name is Miss Libby and I have been working at Allies since finishing school in 2015. I started at Allies as a casual staff member, but have recently taken on the full-time role of Babies assistant. I’m excited to work with the babies on a daily basis and gaining strong bonds with them and their families in the future. Outside of work I enjoy going to the beach and spending time with my family and friendsGeneral CommentsOur Aim is to appropriately plan for each individual child and to maintain written records, observations and stories and keep these all together in a special portfolio belonging to your baby. From these we establish individual goals and plan activities and that will best support your babies play and growth.Observations and learning stories are just one of our methods of gathering information about your baby. We strongly encourage you to share information with us as no-one knows your baby better then you do. By having a child based program we ensure that our program is relevant to them and meets their individual needs. We then evaluate how they performed in the activities and where necessary will follow up with extension activities. Each day we observe the babies through play and record behaviours. This is then recorded in their portfolio which is readily available for you to read at any time. We encourage you to add to their portfolios especially if anything exciting happens at home eg: having a holiday, special visitors or just some special moments.Remember we are always here for you and for your baby so please do not hesitate to talk to us about any problems you may be having. We look forward to working with you and your baby.Daily Requirements – Please Name All Itemsa Hat (clearly labelled which we can assist with, this hat can be one that your baby would have received upon accepting their place) can be left at the centre and taken home at the end of the week or when dirtyCot sheet set or a fitted sheet and sleeping bag without arms (clearly labelled) pillow is optional, all items placed into a drawstring bag or pillowcase – these will be sent home each week for cleaningComforters that your baby may need, keeping in mind that we must adhere to Rednose (previously known as Sids) recommendations Nappies for each day – the number required will depend on how long your baby is in our care. It is always best to have too many rather than not enough. You are welcome to bring along a box of nappies for your baby and then once this becomes low we can advise you of this so that you can replace them (nappy changes happen on a regular basis during the day) Nappy Rash cream and or powder for those unfortunate times bubs may have oneAt least 3 changes of spare clothes however more would be greatly appreciated as accidents do occur and we do enjoy water play in the warmer months.Enough food for 3 main meals (morning tea, lunch and afternoon tea). These are to be placed in your babies food basket in the fridge (please ensure your babies name is on all items) Please provide some snacks as well especially if your baby is collected later in the afternoonbottle with the amount written down, If you wish this bottle can be taken home each day or it can stay here as we wash and sterilise them after each use Formula – you can either supply enough serves for the day or alternatively you can bring in a labelled tin which you can leave here and we can let you know when it begins to get low so that you can replace it. Please write to amount of water and scoops on top pleaseMilk- if baby has milk you can bring bottles filled daily or 1 or 2 litre bottles of milk to be left for the week, the expiry date will be checked and we will let you know if it will go out of date Water bottle or sipper cups (clearly labelled)Teething gel if you wish us to apply when bubs needs for teething can be left at the centre and we will let you know when running lowInsect repellent only if you wish to use a certain product can be left at the centre and we will let you know when running lowWhat to bring for the semester or double for the year A large box of tissuesSunscreenA large packet of baby wipes – once again these are utilized for all babies (please let us know if your baby can only use a particular brand)A Hanging plant in a potA family photo (this can be printed, Emailed or put on the parent hub)We will let you know when these items need to be replacedPlease remember to fill in the daily routine form in your babies enrolment pack and bring this along with you on their first day. This will help us to settle your baby in a relaxed and secure manner.What you need to do when drop you little one off for the day Put bag away in the lockerPut cold food or dry food in the fridge or baskets(if nappies daily nappies in the nappy baskets)Sign in out the front on the tablets/kioskIf we are outside please put sunscreen on and their hat onThank you and have a lovely day!The end of your weekPlease take home your sheets hat and water bottle to be washed and brought back at the start of your new weekRed Nose (previously known as Sids for kids)At Allies we follow the Red Nose guild lines to ensure the best care is provided for your babies. In the Red Nose guidelines it states that children are to be placed in their cots on their backs (not tummy, or side) and no comforters or heavy blankets are to be left in the cot while the children are sleeping. If your child does so happen to sleep with a comforter or on their tummy or side the staff will work closely with you to work out the best strategy that works for you and meets the policies and procedures of the centre Signing in and outOn arrival to the Centre you will notice tablets along the reception counter – this is where you will electronically sign your child in and out each day. It is important that each child is signed in and out each day in order to receive your Child Care Benefits and it is also a government requirement. Even if your child is away, you need to sign that day next time your child attends. Incorrect signing in and out may result in getting charged full fees. It is also a safety requirement that all children are signed in and out to ensure all children are easily accounted for in case of an emergency, especially those requiring lockdown or evacuation. CalendarYou will find a calendar located on the wall next to the door in the babies room there you will find any upcoming birthdays, events, staff days off and rdo’s etc. Incident FormsIf your baby has an accident or injures themselves throughout the day an accident form will be completed by staff. This form details information about the incident and any action that was taken. This needs to be signed by you when you come in to pick up your baby.Medication FormsThis area is covered by strict regulatiosn! NO medication can be administered unless these guidelines are followed. Medication forms are located on the front counter in the foyer and need to be completed and staff notified. Medication needs to be placed in either the staff kitchen fridge or in the medication cupboard in the kitchen (above the range hood). Panadol for temperatures can be given if parents have signed the back of their child’s enrolment form and we will contact you to advise you that we will be giving Panadol. This is a once only dosage and parents will be notified prior to dosage being administered. Please refer to our Medication Policy for further information.Sick DaysWhen your child is sick or not feeling well it is always best to keep them home as they will only spread the germs and make everyone feel sick. Please notify the centre if your child will not be attending as it is advisable to obtain a medical certificate to assist in keeping absences at a minimum.Make-Up DaysIf you are after a specific day for a make-up day please notify the centre Director. If there is no day available we can write you in and let you know as soon as that day becomes available.BirthdaysBirthdays are very important days so we like to celebrate with them. Parents are encouraged to bring along a cake or something of their choice for the class to share for this special occasion. We take plenty of photos and write a special story that will go into your babies portfolio.PortfoliosEvery baby is given their own special portfolio. This is a book which will record your babies days in our baby room. We follow the Early Years Learning Framework curriculum (EYLF) and these links will be listed on the stories.Parent Hub (Facebook)We have a closed Facebook page for parents called ‘Allies Parent Hub’ where each room post photos, stories and notices for the day/week and any upcoming events or important notices.Daily CommunicationsTo communicate the food/ sleep/ toileting of your child we have communal charts to refer to. The meal chart is located in the kitchen which will indicate what your child has eaten throughout the day and also then times and amount drank of any bottles your child has had throughout the day also. The Nappy chart is located next to nappy change mat in the bathroom and the sleep chart is located on the cot room door. Most of the information on these charts are communicated verbally from the staff to the parents.Early Mornings (Hats and sunscreen)In the mornings the babies begin their day out the back with the older children. If you arrive before 8am we ask that you bring your child out the back with sunscreen and a hat on (which are located in the babies room) thankyou Saying Farwell It is important to allow yourself a little extra time in the morning when you come in to drop you baby off so that you can ensure that they settle in. We find that if you are in a hurry your baby may pick up on this and thus become anxious and clingy. We encourage you to develop a special routine that promotes security and thus enabling your baby to settle easily and understand the motions of your routine eg: put bag away, put lunch box away, say to your baby – Bye bye, mummy/daddy will see you soon or you will be back after they have had a sleep. If your baby is upset during separation time tell them that you love them and that you will be back later too pick them up. Babies will then pick up a sense of predictability and security if you come back at the time that you have stated. We discourage you to sneak out or disappear as this only builds mistrust and your baby will become clingier and less reluctant to let you out of their sight even at home. If you say you are going try not to then come back in, your baby needs to know that you are leaving and will be back. The only way to build your child’s trust is to have repeated experiences of separation and reunion which follow a predictable pattern. Remember we are here to help. Let us know when you are about to leave. We encourage you to ring us if you have any concerns and feel free to talk to us at any time, our door is ALWAYS open. Finally we look forward to caring for your baby and working together with you to ensure you baby’s time in the baby room is fun, playful and full of exciting new adventures.Thank you Miss Steph and Miss Libby ................

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