The Sunday in Ordinary Time () 22ndth November 2009

Sixth Week in Ordinary TIme Parish Mass Book A Part 1 Page 61 Prayer of the Church Week 2 16th February 2020 89, West Hill, Dartford DA1 2HJ Fr. Stephen Boyle – Parish Priest Tel: 01322 220075 Fr Henry Mukasa - Assistant Priest, Fr James TolhurstE-mail: stanselm01@ Website: stanselmsdartford. Parish Centre Enquiries:Tel: 07963 794 842 Or 01322 280130,or email:stanselmparishcentre@ Our Lady’s Catholic Primary School: King Edward Avenue, Dartford Tel: 01322 222759.Headteacher: Miss Isabel Quinn M.A, PGCE. NPQH Website: our-ladys.kent.sch.uk24 hour Live streaming of the sanctuary occurs in this Church. See website: /dartfordThis Week: The Glory of these forty days.Book by Fr. Tolhurst for Lent on sale ?5.A great book to get the best out of lent, with reflections on each day of Lent. Lord Increase Our Faith: This Friday 21st February 7.40pm -8.40pm :Time for prayer, praise and in depth meditation . designed for older youth and adults to enable us to appreciate our Catholic Faith the more. Led by Father Henry.The Rededication of england to our lady Sunday 29th MArch 12.00pmPreparations start this weekA great website for all the details: . The Diocesan Newspaper “The pilgrim” also gives good info.What is the Re-Dedication? This Re-dedication on March 29th is a both a personal promise of the people of our country, and a renewal of the entrustment vows made by King Richard II in 1381, As King Richard II once gave England as a gift to Our Lady, so we are invited to give ourselves, as the people of this country, to Mary.33 Day retreat of prayer: starting on friday: Take booklet Following the companion developed by Fr Michael Gaitley, MIC, the country is preparing for the dedication through prayer. We invite you to join us in following a simple daily prayer for 33 days. Booklets, “33 Days to Morning Glory” are available in the porch.Beginning Friday 21st February and ending on the Feast of the Annunciation 25th March.The angelus promise: Leaflets in the porch?A Personal Promise:The Angelus Promise is a prayer of commitment in which we proclaim our own “Yes” in union with Mary through the words of the Annunciation. Please make this prayer part of your preparation for the re-dedication.Expostion this week: Tuesday/Wednesday 10.00am – 5.00pm, 7.00pm – 9.00pm;Thanks to all who support this initiative.We need people to attend 3.00pm – 5.00pm. Please consider signing up for these times.A.P F Appeal: Following the wonderful response to the recent A.P.F we now require more promoters to help collect the red boxes each June and Novmeber. If you could be interested please call Anne on 01322401344 for more information. Thanks. Friday Senior Faith Group: No meeting this week, Friday Junior Faith Group No meeting this week : Half Term Trip for Junior Faith Group/Senior Faith Group/Altar Servers. Tuesday 18th February: Film at Bluewater. Turn up at 9.15pm for benediction. We will stay for rosary. Early Macdonalds visit at 11.15am, as film starts at 12.30pm.Re-dedication of England to MaryFriday 21st February: begins the 33 day consecration. Wednesday 25th March: Feast of the Annunciation: one is called to consecrate oneself to Our Lady. 26th -28th March Three day Triduum with emphasis on the litany of English saints and the rosary. Sunday: 29th March: Rededication of England to Mary in the Church and in one’s home. 12.00pmMonday 30th March: Dedication to Our Lady by the school in the Church.Post Communion Prayer for February: Prayer to St. Michael the Archangel :Holy Michael the Archangel, defend us in this day of battle. Be our safeguard against the wickedness and snares of the devil May God rebuke him, we humbly pray, and do thou, O Prince of the heavenly host, by the power of God, thrust down to hell Satan and all the wicked spirits who wander through the world for the ruin of souls Prayer for the year 2020 My God, I believe, I adore, I hope, and I?love You. I ask pardon for those who do not believe, do not adore, do not hope, and do not?love You. (Angel to three children at Fatima)’94 Prayer & DIscussion Group This month we will be praying for all these affected by the Corona Virus. We ask you to pray with us for this intentionBeginning Experience Weekend: A healing weekend for men and women who are separated, divorced or widowed will be held from 3rd to 5th April 2020 at the Domus Mariae Centre, Chigwell, Essex.For details please contact Freda 01322-838415 Maura 01322-551503 or email besouthofengland@Confirmation 2020: Parents meeting on Thursday 27th February 7.30pm.Confirmation 2020/2021Next meeting First Friday 6th March 7.30pm – 9.00pm. Mother’s prayers: Monday 10.30amJunior Faith Group /Senior Faith Group Friday: 5.00pm – 7.00pm, 7.30pm – 9.00pm: No Meeting this week. CONFESSIONS :Frid:10.30 – 10.45, 6.30pm – 7.00pm-Sat 10.30- 11.00am, 5.00 -5.30pm St. George's before 9.30am Mass. Rosary after weekday 9.30am MassMass Times and Intentions this WeekSat Feb 15th6.00pmKathleen & Ron Wilson R I PShoshana & ChickMeeehan FamilySun 16thSixth Week in Ordinary 7.30-8.20am Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament / Rosary 8.00am In Time8.30amSr Ursula R I PSue Gregory10.30amJohn Inston R I PJoan & Family6.30pmPeople of the ParishSouth DarenthSt George’s9.30amThanksgivingMai ReynerMon 17thFeria7.00amMichael CaddenMaria & Keith Shepherd9.30amBeryl O’Hagan R I PTony & Anne CoxTues 18thFeria7.00amBeryl O’Hagan R I PDalton Family9.30amMrs Celia Gilbert R I PVera & Paddy GroganExposition 10.00am – 5.00pm 7.00pm – 9.00pmWed 19thFeria9.30amIna Skinner BirthdayThe Mucic GroupExposition 10.00am – 5.00pm 7.00pm – 9.00pm7.30pm Good Counsel NetworkThurs 20thFeria7.00amHoly Souls9.30amLisa Winter R I PMum Dad Mark & GirlsFri 21stSt Peter Damian10.00amRobert Speak R I PJude12 NoonService of Justice & Peace followed by Cafod Lunch3.00pm3 0’Clock prayer Divine Mercy Devotion & Rosary7.00pmBeryl O’Hagan R I PKevin & Susan Gilmore 7.40pm – 8.40pmLord Increase Our FaithSat 22ndThe Chair of St Peter 10.00amBeryl O’Hagan R I PVera & Paddy Grogan10.30pm – 5.45am ALL NIGHT VIGILthe Apostle6.00pmSr Ursula R I PSheila WhiteheadIn Reparation to the Immaculate HeartSun Feb 23rdSeventh Week in Ordinary7.30-8.20am Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament / Rosary 8.00amTIme8.30am Bertha & Freddie Braganza RI PBraganza Family10.30am People of the Parish6.30pmEileen O’Sullivan R I PJohnn & Mary HeneghanSouth DarenthSt George’s9.30amPat Coleman CongratulationsAll at St George’sWe pray for the sick, housebound Please pray in particular for Theo Braganza, Shanti Moore, Veronica Gaffney; Annabelle Tume Amleset Gebremichael and Oluch Ndukwe at this time. Also Jon Carmody; Helmut Stache; Elaine Cavero; Michael Brennan; Antonia Liguoria; Mary Wallace: Monica Murdoch; Elaine Loader; Elaine Fernando; Stuart Empett; Patricia Hall; Rosa Maria Santos; Anne O’Neill; Alex Gilby; Kevin Gilmer; Mary Sheppard; Victor Coelho; Betty Force; Mai Reyner; Phil Lyons; Kay O’Meara ;Mary Chesmore; Debbie Planner; Valerie RoseAnniversaries: David Rohan; Harry Loader; Elizabeth White;George White; Bridget Musk; Gloria Taddei; Kathleen Guest; Rose Huntley; John Henry Inston; Frances Atkinson; Thomas Minoque; Colin Hickey; Anne O’Neill Snr;; John Stockforf; Helen Sargant; Willisam Masson; Morgan Healy; Michael Joseph Shields; Thomas Daniel Crowley; Lena Epps; Winifred Cross; Joseph Cremin; Nora Quieroo; Ann Needham; Phyllis Morgan; Giovanni Scalera; Josef Stilp; James Dillon-White; Eileen McAleese; Nellie Field; Charles Burleigh; George Childerley; Elizabeth Whitehead; Margaret Kiddell; Paul Nicholas Gibbs; Kathleen Mary Glover; Elizabeth Thompson; Margaret Noctor; Emily Burridge; William Guest; Albert Kemp; Bernadette Bridgand Shields; Mavis Whitehead; Anna Hornby; Ronald Hardy; Rose Bright; Bruce Isbisster; Elizabeth Grey; Beatrice McMurray; Peter Francis Dolan; .Collection: ?1037.46 Racial Justice ?258.88 Many Thanks Count Team 2: Mrs Freda Bacon; Mrs Mary Chapman; Mrs Joan InstonCleaning Team3: Abimbola Nwaokocha; Phillipa Cromanty; Mary Lasana; Marie Collete; Anthony Emezie; Anthonia Lowe; Joseph KeshiSIXTH SUNDAY OF THE YEARYEAR APriestLet us offer our prayers to God,the Giver of life, in the name of Jesus,the Healer and Restorer of life:Reader?We pray in thanksgiving and gratitude to Godthat He may be at the centre of our parish life:let us pray to the Lord.(Pause)Lord hear us. (?) Lord graciously hear us.?We pray that Pope Francis, Archbishop John and all who serve the Churchmay announce with joy and dedicationGod's word of forgiveness and reconciliation:let us pray to the Lord.(Pause)Lord hear us. (?) Lord graciously hear us.?We pray that God's love will be poured out upon our families.May He bless with peace and joy all mothers and fathers hereand help them to raise their children in His love:let us pray to the Lord.(Pause)Lord hear us. (?) Lord graciously hear us.?We pray that we may imitate the ways of Jesus in our dealings with all members of our society:let us pray to the Lord.(Pause)Lord hear us. (?) Lord graciously hear us.?We pray that the sick and dying especiallyand anyone who needs our prayers at this timemay be touched by the healing presence of Christ:let us pray to the Lord.(Pause)Lord hear us. (?) Lord graciously hear us.?We pray that the faithful who have died,especially for our own relatives and friends,that they may be reborn in the life of the Risen Christ:let us pray to the Lord.(Pause)Lord hear us. (?) Lord graciously hear us.?We pray that the God of graciousness will hear the prayerswe now offer in the silence of our hearts:let us pray to the Lord.(Pause)Lord hear us. (?) Lord graciously hear us.?Let us ask Our Blessed Lady to intercede for us as we say, Hail Mary . . . . . .PriestHear our prayers, O God, for all the families of our Parish.Help all married people to live in harmony and love for one another.Heal any broken relationships and keep us from selfishness and injustice to one another.Bless our children keep them secure in the family to which they belongand in the faith which you have given them.We offer these prayers in the name of Jesus, our Saviour and Lord. Amen The Glory of these Forty Days.Book by Fr. Tolhurst for Lent on sale ?5.A great book to get the best out of Lent, with reflections on each day of Lent. The Rededication of England as the Dowry of Mary29th March 2020 12.00pm29th March 2020??A P The Angelus PromiseMary through the words of the AnnunciationA Personal PromiseThe Angelus Promise is a prayer of commitmentin which we proclaim our own “Yes” in union with Marythrough the words of the AnnunciationIt is a prayer to be recited in preparationfor the rededication and will be recited on the day.The Angelus Promise Prayer is in the porchThe Rededication of England as the Dowry of Mary29th March 2020 12.00pm29th March 202033 Day retreat of prayer starting on friday: Following the companion developed by Fr Michael Gaitley, MIC, the country is preparing for the dedication through prayer. We invite you to join us in following a simple daily prayer for 33 days.Booklets, “33 Days to Morning Glory” are available in the porch.Beginning Friday 21st February and ending on the Feast of the Annunciation 25th March ................

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