Dear Chapel Children’s Ministry Servant Leader,

Dear Chapel Children’s Ministry Servant Leader,

You are a critical player on our team! Through your passion and gifts, you are

supplementing every parent’s attempt in laying down their child’s spiritual foundation. Our mission is to spiritually grow and develop kids so that in God’s timing, they will be in a relationship with God through Jesus Christ.

This incredible mission takes all of us… Congregators, Communicators, Connectors, Tech Assistants, and parents. On the following pages you will find The Chapel’s Servant Leader Guidelines and Procedures.

One or more of The Chapel’s values drives each guideline and procedure:

• We are child targeted in our approach.

• We will provide a safe place for kids emotionally and physically.

• We will provide relevant teaching that is application oriented to reach

today’s kids.

• We will offer intentional shepherding through small groups where we can

model Jesus Christ and help kids apply what they learn.

• We will teach the Bible creatively through our curriculum and programs in

order to reach today’s kids.

• The Chapel will be a fun place for all kids.

Please read through these guidelines and procedures. We want to thank you in advance for investing the time it will take to review this material. If you have any questions, contact Paige at paige@.

Remember, together we can be a part of helping Chapel children fall in love with Jesus!

Children’s Ministry Staff

Paige Madden, Children’s Director Shonda Betts, Treehouse Assistant

paige@ shondabetts@

Chapel office- 262-1331 cell- 230-4959


Janie Simpson, Nursery Director Dana Brickmeier, Nursery Assistant

janie.simpson@ brickmeiers@

cell- 270-2504 cell- 223-0022

Elaine Seals, Toddler Assistant Heather Barwick, Nursery Assistant

egandy1075@ heather.barwick@

cell- 580-0189 cell- 342-3080

Ann Harper, Sprouts Director Erica Pelkey, Sprouts Assistant

asharper99@ ec_pelkey@

cell- 617-7545 cell- 617-0478

Children’s Ministry Leadership Team

Nursery Janie Simpson janie.simpson@

Heather Barwick heather.barwick@

Dana Brickmeier brickmeiers@

Toddlers Elaine Seals egandy1075@

Preschool Ann Harper asharper99@

Erica Pelkey ec_pelkey@

Peggy Luukkonen pluukkonen@crc.

Debbie Brewer dbrewer@

Buds Mia Ai maysenslove@

Elementary Paige Madden paige@

Shonda Betts shondabetts@

Keith Purser keith.purser@

Ashley Tindle gatindle@

Ali Carlyle a.carlyle@

Job Description-

Seedlings Nursery Volunteer

Role: Encourage baby to baby, baby to adult and baby to God relationships through individual interactions.


1) Arrive 15 minutes before scheduled service time.

2) Greet parents and babies as they enter the nursery.

3) Make sure each child has an ID tag on and diaper bag is labeled. Look at ID tag for special instructions, allergy information, snacks etc. and notify all adults in the room so they are aware.

4) Set the tone for a calming, nurturing, and loving atmosphere.

5) Make connections with babies through baby play with toys, holding, rocking and during snack time.

6) Tend to crying babies with care and compassion.

7) Diapers need to be checked at least once during the service.

8) Snacks are provided at the table depending on the child’s needs.

9) As parents pick up their child, make sure that the ID tag the parent has matches the ID on the child. Do not allow any child to leave without the ID tag matching.

10) Make sure the room is picked up and ready for the next service before you leave.

11) If you are unable to serve your assigned role, please attempt to find your own substitute by swapping weeks with someone else on the schedule. Contact Janie Simpson with any changes made or if arrangements could not be made janie.simpson@ or 270-2504

Job Description-

Seedlings Toddler Volunteer

Role: Communicate the Bible Point to the children on their level through a short movie, game, or re-enactment and a craft. To build relationships with children and parents.


1. Arrive 15 minutes before scheduled service time.

2. Greet children as they come in and make them feel comfortable in their environment.

3. Assist in a snack that is given to the children.

4. Assist in a craft that helps the children understand or remember the lesson.

5. Assist in the checking out of each child, making sure the ID number on the child’s tag matches the claim ticket the parent will show you and that all belongings go home with them.

6. Help children in remembering to use their manners to both adults and their fellow class mates.

7. If you are unable to serve your assigned role, please attempt to find your own substitute by swapping weeks with someone else on the schedule. If this is not possible, please contact Elaine at egandy1075@ .

Job Description-

Sprouts and Treehouse Congregator

Role: Assists parents and children with the check-in/check-out process and provides an extra hand during programming


1. Arrive 15 minutes before scheduled service time.

2. Greet kids and parents as they come in the door.

3. Assist regular attenders in running their barcode through the scanner and checking their kids into the service.

4. Greet visitors and help them register as a new family- get the parent’s first and last names, cell phone number and carrier, and first and last names of the children. Help them check in and explain the badge/check-out process. Give visitors a form to complete and return if they’re interested in receiving a barcode for easy check-in the next time.

5. Set a tone of excitement and expectation as kids are gathering.

6. During programming, watch for kids who are late. Help them get checked in and placed with a Connector in a small group.

7. Provide extra assistance during the service as needed (ex. Restroom visits)

8. As parents begin to come and pick up their kids, collect the claim ticket from the parent and call each child’s name, one at a time, making sure that parents wait for their child in the check-out area- they should not enter the main program area. Do not allow any child to leave without matching the claim ticket ID number with the number on their nametag.

9. Make sure that the room is cleaned up and ready for the next service before you leave.

10. If you are unable to serve your assigned role, please attempt to find your own substitute by swapping weeks with someone else on the schedule. If this is not possible, please contact Paige at paige@ for the Treehouse or Ann at asharper99@ for Sprouts.

Job Description-

Sprouts and Treehouse Connector

Role: Encourages child-to-child, child-to-adult, and child-to-God relationships through small group interactions


1. Prepare for the lesson by reading over the materials the week before you serve.

2. Arrive 15 minutes before scheduled service time.

3. Greet kids as they come into your group and begin making conversation.

4. Set a tone of excitement and expectation as kids are gathering.

5. Make connections with the kids as guided by the Communicator. Engage children in discussion with each other and with you. Ask probing questions that require more than a one-word answer. Be willing to share personal experiences and show vulnerability- be real!

6. Stay with your group until the Congregator or Communicator calls them for check-out.

7. Make sure that the room is cleaned up and ready for the next service before you leave.

8. If you are unable to serve your assigned role, please attempt to find your own substitute by swapping weeks with someone else on the schedule. If this is not possible, please contact Paige at paige@ for the Treehouse or Ann at asharper99@ for Sprouts.

Job Description-

Sprouts and Treehouse Communicator

Role: Communicates the Bible point to the kids in a clear, loving, and age-appropriate manner


1. Prepare for the lesson by reading over the materials the week before you serve.

2. Arrive 15 minutes before scheduled service time.

3. Greet kids as they come in the door and help them find a small group with a Connector.

4. Set a tone of excitement and expectation as kids are gathering.

5. Present the lesson, guiding connectors to make connections with the kids during and after the lesson.

6. Assist the Congregator with check-out. As the Congregator collects claim tickets, make sure parents are matched up with kids using their ID numbers on the tags.

7. Make sure that the room is cleaned up and ready for the next service before you leave.

8. If you are unable to serve your assigned role, please attempt to find your own substitute by swapping weeks with someone else on the schedule. . If this is not possible, please contact Paige at paige@ for the Treehouse or Ann at asharper99@ for Sprouts.

Job Description-

Buds Special Needs “Buddy”

Role: Assists and guides special needs children as they participate in Children’s Ministry programming


1. Prepare for the lesson by reading over lesson outline the week before you serve.

2. Arrive 15 minutes before scheduled service time (8:45).

3. Greet parents of special needs kids at the door and help their children get transitioned into programming.

4. Help special needs kids get settled as they begin to interact with other kids during the free play time.

5. Remove special needs kids if necessary to the alternative lesson room where you will lead them through the lesson DVD. Provide them with free play activities and a snack if necessary depending on their individual needs.

6. Help special needs kids participate in the craft with the whole group (if possible) or take a craft into the smaller room and help them complete it in a smaller setting.

7. Stay with the special needs children until their parents have come to pick them up.

8. If you are unable to serve your assigned time, please attempt to find your own substitute by swapping weeks with someone else on the schedule. If this is not possible, please contact Mia at maysenslove@

Servant Leader Arrival

All servant leaders need to be at their assigned location at least 15 minutes before the service starts in order to connect, welcome and build relationships with kids. Communicators and Connectors should be ready to greet children as they begin to arrive. The Congregators should be at the check-in stations ready to receive children and assist parents with the check-in process.

Safe / Intentional Shepherding / Child Targeted

Chapel Kids Bringing Friends

When a child brings a friend, that friend will be in the same group with him, so the child and his friend may stay together in the same room if desired. Because we value safety and are child-targeted, the children should attend with the younger child’s age group. After one or two visits, the older child will be encouraged to attend children’s ministry in their specific age group.

Child-Targeted / Safe / Intentional Shepherding

Parents in the Room

One of our primary values in children’s ministry is to provide a safe environment for the children attending each week. A parent may choose to stay with her child during Chapel Children’s Ministry because she wishes to see what her child experiences each week or perhaps the child may be hesitant about participating. The presence of the parent offers reassurance until she feels comfortable being left alone. Parents are always welcome to visit, but they must follow the Chapel guidelines and the “Two Adult Rule”. When a parent asks to stay who has not been Safe Sanctuary trained, they are not allowed to be alone with, lead children in activities or small groups, or care for any other child except their own.


Kids at Multiple Services

Ideally, we would like for a child to attend the same service each week and only one service. This allows the child to get to know consistent Connectors and Communicators. If a child must attend more than one service in the same weekend, attempt to use that child in a leadership role to help him continue to be engaged and challenged. Children in Preschool and Elementary programs are encouraged to attend a service with their parents, instead of attending two identical weekend services.

Safe / Intentional Shepherding

Buds Program- Special Needs Children

The Chapel Children’s Ministry makes it a point to include children who have physical and/or developmental challenges through our Buds program.

• Children requiring a Buddy will be asked to attend the 9:00 service.

• Check-in for Buds will be in the Sprouts area.

• Children will participate in free play with other children and will be allowed to participate in the regular lesson if they are able. If needed, they can go into a separate environment for special needs children and experience the lesson in a more appropriate, hands-on way.

• Buds Servant Leaders are required to go through a special training that helps prepare them for handling different types of special needs. This training will be made available several times a year as needed.

• Upon visiting Buds for the first time, parents will be required to fill out a form that will help identify their child’s needs and help Buddies identify strategies to help that child succeed at church. In this form, parents will choose a PIN number that can be used to contact them if needed during the service.

Intentional Shepherding / Safe

Late Arriving Parents

If a child remains in Children’s Ministry after all of the other children have been picked up, the “Two Adult Rule” must be maintained, and you need to contact the Staff Leader on duty. This is for the benefit of the child, the adults, and the church. The Staff Leader and another approved adult will remain with the child until they are picked up.

Safe / Intentional Shepherding

Wellness Policy

General Wellness Guidelines

To ensure the health of children and volunteers, we ask that sick children do not attend The Chapel Children’s Ministry. The Committee on Control of Infectious Diseases of the American Academy of Pediatrics recommends that a child should not leave home when any of the following symptoms exist:

1. Fever (over 100.5 degrees).

2. Vomiting or diarrhea within the last 24 hours.

3. Any symptom of childhood diseases such as scarlet fever, German

measles, mumps, chicken pox or whooping cough.

4. Common cold – from onset through one week.

5. Sore throat.

6. Croup.

7. Any unexplained rash.

8. Any skin infection – boils, ringworm or impetigo.

9. Untreated pink eye or other eye infection.

10. Any communicable disease.

11. Lice, including the presence of eggs or nits.

These are the guidelines that we follow and we expect that a child or

servant leader be free of fever for 24 hours before coming to Chapel Children’s Ministry. We do not dispense any medication to a child. If a child appears to be ill, we will isolate the child. If the child is in the nursery or toddler class, send a servant leader to the tech booth in the service with the ID tag number.


Accidents/Health Conditions –

Life Threatening

These situations are those that have resulted in:




Call 911 from a cell phone, giving them the following information:

• Type of injury or health condition

• Information about the injured person: age, gender, etc.

• Where you are calling from

Notify a Staff Leader. Send a Servant Leader to get the parents from the service. If a cell phone is unavailable, use the phones located in the nursery or The Treehouse to make the call.

Non-Life Threatening

MINOR ACCIDENTS resulting in a bump, bite, bruise or scrape:

These injuries can be handled in the room. Band-aids and ice packs are kept in each room. If a parent needs to come to the room to console a child in Infants or Toddlers, send a Servant Leader to the Tech Booth with the parent’s ID number.



Chapel Staff and Servant Leaders WILL NOT administer any medication except in life threatening situations when there is not enough time for a parent to come to the room and give it. In a situation where a child has a potentially life-threatening condition and medication may need to be given, a Medication Authorization form should be completed and signed by the parent and kept on file in the Children’s Ministry office.


Interactions with Children

The steps below outline a process to help all volunteers maintain positive interactions with children during Children’s Ministry. There must always be two non-related adults present when supervising one or more children. (“Two Adult Rule”)

Ways to Avoid Problem Behaviors

1. Come prepared by praying and reading through your lesson before the service begins.

2. Be sensitive to the moods of the children in the group.

3. Provide enough space for each child.

4. Set clear and age appropriate expectations for the children.

When Kids Require Discipline or Guidance

1. Use a firm but gentle voice to address the behavior.

2. Gently remove the child from the activity.

3. Focus your remarks on the positive behavior you want to see.

4. Do not use words or a tone of voice that shames or frightens a child.

5. Do not use sarcasm or scream at a child.

6. Never make remarks that put down the individual as a person or make negative references about appearance, race or gender.

7. Never use corporal punishment or spanking of any kind.

8. Use touch in affirming ways:

• Appropriate examples: high fives, pat on the back or shoulders, etc.

• Inappropriate examples: demanding/expecting hugs, slapping on the

buttocks, kissing, etc.

9. If assistance is needed, contact the Staff Leader in charge.

Reporting Potential Abuse

1. Report your suspicions of child abuse/neglect to your Staff Leader.

2. Report any suspicions that a child or teen reports to you about potential abuse to your Staff Leader.

3. Report any inappropriate behavior of a colleague or co-worker to your Staff Leader.

4. Do not wait or second-guess your observations.

Once the Staff Leader receives any of the above reports, he/she will follow all the appropriate guidelines set forth in our Safe Sanctuaries policy.

Safe / Intentional Shepherding / Fun

Crying Children

Crying children obviously need care and compassion. When crying is not due to obvious concerns (children hurt or sick), please tend to their immediate needs. Depending on their age, this will vary. Beyond diaper changing, hunger needs and being picked up, trying to engage a child in some activity often stops a child from crying. Quiet reading or art are often the activities that soothe crying children most frequently, but offer all activities to comfort crying children. Whatever the activity is that soothes the child, it is important the “Two Adult Rule” is followed. Reassure children that they are in a fun and safe place. And, if asked, reassure them that their parents will come back for them. If appropriate, tell them the schedule so they know what is going to happen next and when their parents will come. Sometimes they need to know what lies ahead.

Ask other team members to help engage a child, too. If, after tending to immediate needs and trying to engage in activities, the child is still crying, talk to the Staff Leader on duty. If the child has been crying consistently for 15 minutes, it is time to contact his/her parent. When you and your Staff Leader decide it is time to call a parent from the service, you will take the child’s name to the Congregator on duty. The Congregator will look up the child’s name in Lamb’s List and Click on the SMS page button to send a text to the parent. If the parent doesn’t answer the page, a volunteer or staff member will be asked to get the parent from the service. Then tell the child you have called his parent and continue to try to engage him in the activity. When the parent arrives, explain to the parent his child was crying, that you tended to the child’s immediate need(s), and that you tried to engage the child in activities. Tell the parent that he may stay with his child and participate in Children’s Ministry. If the parent decides to leave with the child, let the parent and child know we look forward to seeing him again next week. Encourage the parent and child to come back. Also, be sensitive to answer any other questions the parent might have.

Child Targeted / Safe / Intentional Shepherding

Diapering Policies

To provide the best care for the children, we will do our best to check the diapers of all infants and toddlers at least once during the service.

When changing diapers, please follow the procedures below:

1. Diapering should be done at a changing table.

2. Diapering should be done within eyesight of other care providers.

3. Have all supplies ready before placing the child on the changing table.

4. Once the child is placed on the table, put on surgical gloves.

5. Always be attentive, keeping one hand on the child.

6. Place the child back with the group.

7. Dirty diapers are to be discarded in the appropriate manner.

8. Clean pad with an antibacterial wipe after each diaper change and throw away the gloves.

A child of any age is never to be punished for toileting accidents.

Student Helpers are not to change diapers.


Toilet-Trained Children Who Have Accidents

When an older child who is toilet-trained has an accident, please call parents out of the service so that the parent is informed and can assist their child if necessary. If the nursery has spare pants and underwear, please offer the parent and child the dry clothes to change into. Some children may be embarrassed, and not want to change. If parents appear upset or angry, please help diffuse the situation by reassuring parents that this happens to all children. Children who have an accident do not need to leave The Chapel; however, if we do not have spare clothes for them, it is up to the parent whether or not they can stay. Obviously, each situation is unique and common sense needs to be used.


Bathroom Policies

In rooms where bathrooms are not inside the rooms, please follow these procedures:

1. Servant Leader should walk child to the bathroom.

2. When a child is using the bathroom, never leave him unattended. Stand outside the door.

3. If the child requests help, keep the door open and assist her.

4. Always wash your hands and the child’s hands with soap and water after the child has used the toilet.


Servant Leader Screening Procedures

All persons volunteering in children or youth ministry must complete a volunteer application and undergo a background screening according to our Safe Sanctuaries policy. All Servant Leaders will attend the Safe Sanctuaries training before working with children or youth.


Curriculum Distribution

Curriculum, lesson plans, and responsibilities will be e-mailed to Servant Leaders the Tuesday before they are scheduled to serve. Please make sure you have read the material before coming to the service and you are prepared for your specific role.

Teach the Bible Creatively / Relevant Teaching / Child Targeted /Fun

Intentional Shepherding


The Communicator in the room will oversee the needs of their specific area. Once the Staff Leader has been informed of an alarm, they will gather the children into groups with their Connectors.

In the case of evacuation, the Congregator will pull the attendance lists. Infants will be placed in cribs/strollers/carriers. Toddlers, Preschool, and Elementary-aged children can be walked outside. Once the children have been evaluated, the Staff Leader will check all restrooms and rooms to ensure that all children and adults have been evacuated.

In the case of a lock-down situation, the Congregator and Staff Leader will check the restrooms and make sure all children are in their assigned rooms. All Servant Leaders will be notified that no children will be released to use the restrooms or travel to another room until the all-clear is given from the Staff Leader. The Congregator and Staff Leader will stand guard as a point person in the hall outside the class doors.


Parental Responsibility with Children

The responsibility to supervise children while at The Chapel rightfully belongs to the parents of those children. Parents are expected to know where their children are at all times and are relied upon by the Church to supervise the actions of their children at all times, especially before and after children’s programming, and at special church events. Proper parental supervision is defined as parents or caregivers always having their children within their eyesight and under their control or by properly signing them into and picking them up from a supervised ministry activity. By doing this, parents, staff and church attendees alike can be assured that the children are not in places in the building where their play can cause injury to themselves, disrupt others or cause damage to the facilities. Proper supervision of children also significantly minimizes the risk of any child being lost, injured or abducted. Anyone encountering children that are outside of proper supervision should report the situation to a Staff Leader.



A copy of any correspondence sent out or displayed on behalf of The Chapel to servant leaders or children in regards to special events, special serving opportunities, etc., needs to be approved by the Children’s Director.

Flyers, promotions or campaign material that are not Chapel sponsored events must also be approved by the Children’s Director.


Sickness of a Volunteer

If a volunteer becomes sick and unable to fulfill weekend duties, she should try to make arrangements to find a replacement. If she is unable to find a replacement, please contact the Leader in charge of the area. Any open position will be filled by either a staff member or another volunteer.


Appropriate Behavior Policy for Student Volunteers

Supervision: Student volunteers working with children are always under the supervision of staff or adult Servant Leaders. Conduct should always be honorable to Christ. Youth serving in children’s ministry are subject to the same responsibilities as adults and they are expected to be an integral part of the program. Youth should not use children’s ministry as a time to talk and “hang out.” Child Protection guidelines need to be followed in regards to staff or volunteers who are with students. The “Two Adult Rule” applies. Youth should keep in mind that they are viewed as role models and should dress appropriately when working with children.

Child Targeted / Safe

Event Policy


• Two Chapel approved Servant Leaders must be present at all times.

• Any Servant Leader driving children anywhere must have another approved nonrelated adult person in the car at all times. The person driving the vehicle must be at least 21. All children must be in appropriate safety seats.


• Only “G” rated or pre-approved “PG” movies may be viewed during Chapel events.


• Chapel security and Safe Sanctuaries guidelines must be followed on and off campus.

• Permission slips must be completed and turned in before a group leaves for an outing. Phone numbers of where the event is being held must be made available to parents of children.

Safe / Child Targeted / Intentional Shepherding / Fun


We, the undersigned, and parents of __________________ hereby authorize staff and volunteers at The Chapel, to authorize any and all medical treatment for _____________________ they in their discretion see fit. This includes, but is not limited to, treatment to relieve pain.

A photocopy of this authorization shall be deemed effective as if it were an

original. This authorization shall remain in effect until _________________.

MEDICAL INSURANCE COMPANY: _____________________________

MEDICAL INSURANCE ID or GROUP #: __________________________

MEDICAL INSURANCE CO. PHONE #: ___________________________

PEDIATRICIAN: ______________________________________________

PEDIATRICIAN PHONE #: _____________________________________

___________________________________ __________________

Signature of Parent/Guardian, Date

The Chapel Children’s Ministry

Family Registration Form

Parent Name(s): _____________________________________

Address: _____________________________________ zip: _____________

Home Phone- _________________________________________________

Cell Phone & phone carrier- ______________________________________

*We will send a text to your cell phone if you are needed in case of emergency during the service.

E-Mail Address- _______________________________________________

May we e-mail you monthly updates on what’s happening in Chapel Children’s Ministry? ___ yes ___ no

Child Info:

Name: _______________________________ DOB: ____________________

Gender: _________Grade & School(if applicable): _____________________

Comments/Allergies: ____________________________________________

Name: _______________________________ DOB: ____________________

Gender: _________Grade & School(if applicable): _____________________

Comments/Allergies: ____________________________________________

Name: _______________________________ DOB: ____________________

Gender: _________Grade & School(if applicable): _____________________

Comments/Allergies: ____________________________________________

Buds Parent Permission Form

Date: ________________

Name of Child: ___________________________________________

I understand that by signing this document, I am giving permission for The Chapel Children’s Ministry Team to discuss information provided on my child’s registration form. I understand that this information will be used to better help the leaders understand how to work with my child.


Bar Code: _____________

Child’s Name ________________________________________

Birthdate _________________ Grade ________________

School ______________________________________________

Address __________________________________________________________________[?]? ‘ ž Ÿ ­ ® ¹ º ¾ È øþ


























E-mail ________________________________ Phone ______________________________

List your child’s special needs: _____________________________________________________

Where will you be while your child is in this class? ____________________________________

How often is your child with other kids during the week? ________________________________

Please list any special interests that might be helpful for Buddies to know:


Please list any calming strategies:


Check any applicable information that might be helpful for volunteers to best minister to your child.

_______ Short attention span/easily distracted ________ Allergies: List below

_______ Temper Tantrums ______________________________

_______Aggressive Behavior ______________________________

_______Challenges with changes in routine ______________________________

_______Shyness ________ Dietary Restrictions: List below

_______Challenges with following directions ______________________________

_______Challenges with fine motor skills ________ Special Bathroom Needs: list below

_______Difficulty completing activities ______________________________

_______Needs visual presentations ______________________________

_______ Sensory issues ________ Medications: list below

_______Trouble sitting in a group ______________________________

_______Issues with separation anxiety ______________________________

_______ Tends to run (wanders)

_______Tends to be possessive _______ Nonverbal

_______ Gross Motor Skills (walking, running) _______ Seizures

Helpful suggestions about your child __________________________________________



Please assign yourself a 4 digit PIN number that you will remember. If your child needs assistance during the service, this PIN number will flash on the screen as a signal that your child needs you. PIN number: _________________________


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