World War II Persuasive Paper

World War II Persuasive Paper

This paper will be taken as a test grade!

Your assignment is to write a persuasive paper to the leader of the Soviet Union asking them to please leave their partnership with the Axis Powers and join the Allied Powers (United States, England, France and others). This writing piece should be at least 5 well written paragraphs in length. You must include each of the following:

(1) You must have an introduction discussing the situation in current day Europe and how the Allied Powers could be in danger of losing the war.

(2) The body of the paper (next 3 paragraphs) must make and prove 3 different points to the Soviet Union as to why the Soviets need to leave their partnership with the Axis Powers and join forces with the Allies.

(3) Conclusion: Sum up your paper in convincing fashion in your best attempt to gain the Soviet support.

|Persuasive Essay : World War II Persuasive Essay |

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|Teacher Name: Mr. Ratliff |

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|Student Name:     ________________________________________ |

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|CATEGORY |4 - Above Standards |3 - Meets Standards |2 - Approaching Standards |1 - Below Standards |Score |

|Accuracy |All supportive facts and |Almost all supportive facts|Most supportive facts and statistics |Most supportive facts and |  |

| |statistics are reported |and statistics are reported|are reported accurately. |statistics were inaccurately| |

| |accurately. |accurately. | |reported. | |

|Evidence and |All of the evidence and |Most of the evidence and |At least one of the pieces of evidence|Evidence and examples are |  |

|Examples |examples are specific, |examples are specific, |and examples is relevant and has an |NOT relevant AND/OR are not | |

| |relevant and explanations |relevant and explanations |explanation that shows how that piece |explained. | |

| |are given that show how each|are given that show how |of evidence supports the author's | | |

| |piece of evidence supports |each piece of evidence |position. | | |

| |the author's position. |supports the author's | | | |

| | |position. | | | |

|Focus or Thesis |The thesis statement names |The thesis statement names |The thesis statement outlines some or |The thesis statement does |  |

|Statement |the topic of the essay and |the topic of the essay. |all of the main points to be discussed|not name the topic AND does | |

| |outlines the main points to | |but does not name the topic. |not preview what will be | |

| |be discussed. | | |discussed. | |


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