Council has resolved that a ten minute “question time” be allowed at the beginning of each meeting, where members of the public can put their concerns before Council for discussion on the following basis:

• Requests to speak to be submitted in writing at least ten (10) days prior to the meeting.

• Requests to be accompanied by a copy of any questions.

• Each speaker to be allowed three minutes.

The following requests have been received:-



SECTION A - Matters for information

1. LGSA, A3.9.1: Forwarding Weekly Circulars numbered 02/2007, 03/2007, 04/2007 and 05/2007.

Note: Councillors may obtain copies of selected items from the Secretary.

2. LGSA, C1.7.11: Highlighting some useful information that may assist your council in planning for population ageing.

Local Government has a role to play in shaping built environment outcomes through its land use strategic planning, development assessment and building approval responsibilities. Therefore planning for population ageing goes across various council areas and as such Planning and Community Service teams would benefit form the following initiatives.

• Planning for Population Ageing – Regional Seminars

A series of seminars were held in regional centres in July 2006.

• Age-Friendly Built Environments – Opportunity for Local Government/ALGA 2006

The paper consists of six (6) fact sheets which cover a range of age-friendly built environment issues, which are relevant to local government.

• Local Government Ageing Toolbox: A Guide to Action/ALGA 2006

The toolbox is an initiative of the Australian Local Government Population Ageing Action Plan and is a practical aid for those Councils interested in developing a strategic response to population ageing.

Referred to Director Environmental Services

3. Caragabal Water Progressive Association, U1.7.1: Concerning funding for new pumps.

The association requires a multi stage pump to replace present pump which is 30 years old.

We wish to apply for a grant if available on a 50:50 basis. The cost of replacement is $2032.69.

Referred to Director Engineering

4. Land and Property Information NSW, E3.3.2: Forwarding Certificate(s) of Title for four (4) lots comprising part of the Grenfell Garbage depot.

5. NSW Department of Primary Industries, A3.6.45: Calling for funding applications for projects that benefit recreational fishing in NSW.

Fisheries enhancement projects, including recreational fishing access and facilities have been identified as a high priority for funding.

I encourage you to apply for funding from the Trusts for projects to improve recreational fishing. Matching funding is encouraged and can be provided as in-kind support, such as voluntary labour etc.

The closing date for applications is 7 March 2007.

Note: copies forwarded to local fishing clubs.

6. United Services Union, P1.2.2: Advising that, with the final increases under the Local Government (State) Award 2004 having been paid in November last year and the notional date for the award due to expire on 31 October 2007 the USU has now filed an application before the Industrial Relations Commission of New South Wales for a new state award.

Unfortunately there is continuing uncertainty regarding the issue of state versus federal jurisdiction.

Local Government stakeholders, employees and employers alike, deserve to have the uncertainty surrounding the issue of jurisdiction resolved as soon as possible. To this end the USU will now take the appropriate steps to seek a declaration concerning the extent of coverage of the Local Government (State) Award. We ask council to give early consideration to this issue.

Note: under consideration.

7. Goulburn Mulwaree Council, C2.7.9: Forwarding the Mayor and General Manager an invitation to a Mayoral Round Table on Friday 2 March 2007 at Goulburn.

The Hon. Ian Macdonald MLC will be attending the meeting.

8. Department of Local Government, C2.2.4: Thanking you for your interest in attending the Department of Local Government’s regional workshop at Dubbo.

Because of the wide interest, we have had to limit the numbers attending to no more than five persons per council.

Could you please provide details of your amended registration, including the groups your five representatives wish to attend.

9. NRMA, C1.7.8: Concerning community help grants.

Through the community help Grants program, NRMA Insurance offers grants of between $500 and $5,000 to groups undertaking projects in areas of crime prevention, injury prevention, emergency services and the environment.

We invite you to contact local groups in your electorate to apply for a grant.

Applications for NRMA Insurance community help Grants close on Friday 30 March 2007.

Copy forwarded to Neighbourhood Watch Committee

10. RTA, R2.51.11: Concerning the 2006/2007 Regional Roads Repair Program. The 2006/07 REPAIR Program has now been finalised and the following project has been selected for funding under the program.

MR 236 - Sealing and Widening of both sides of shoulders between 7.3 km and 13.3 km from Melyra Street, Grenfell towards Gooloogong, $190,000.

Council is required to complete the approved works within the 2006/07 financial year.

Referred to Director Engineering

11. The Grenfell Henry Lawson Festival of Arts, C1.4.1: Writing on behalf of the Henry Lawson Festival of Arts Committee, to ask permission to have the road from the Showground to Company’s Dam closed for the Fun Run.

The Fun Run will be held at the Showground this year and is held on Saturday 9th June starting at 10.00 am and finishing at approximately at 11.15 am.

Referred to Director Engineering

12. Tami Stewart, R2.10.139: Writing regarding Stewarts Lane at Wirriny.

This is a road we travel on four times a day and it needs attention now.

There is also a sign on Stewarts Lane that says Muffets Road. Can you please remove it because that is not Muffets Road.

Referred to Director Engineering

SECTION B - Matters referred to Committees

13. Grenfell Rugby League Football Club, P2.1.6: Applying for the hire of the Henry Lawson Oval Number One (1) Oval for the upcoming Rugby League season.

The Grenfell Rugby League Football Club has hired this ground in previous years and hopes to continue to do so again.

The draw for this season will not be available for another month.

Referred to Director Engineering

14. Grenfell Rugby Club, P2.1.6: Applying for the use of Lawson Park for Saturdays and on Thursday nights from approximately 7 pm – 8.30 pm.

The duration would be from 1 February to 31 August 2007.

The reason for this application is because of the deteriorated condition of the ground at Bembrick Field (due to the lack of water) and the associated risk of injuries due to the hard surface.

Referred to Director Engineering

15. Grenfell Rugby Union Club, C1.2.4: Requesting the pipe inside the well at Companys Dam be connected, so as to allow flow of water to R B Bembrick rugby ground. The Grenfell Rugby Club have already installed the external connecting pipe to the inlet hose at Companys Dam and would be prepared to reimburse council for costs incurred for the connection to well. As this connection would benefit both our club and the Weddin Shire Caravan Park, we ask that this cost may be shared.

Referred to Director Engineering (TWC)

16. Grenfell Business Development Committee, C2.6.33: Advising it has discussed several issues affecting business in Grenfell. Two of the items mentioned in the business forum were the Christmas Lights on Main Street and parking for caravans. These are outlined below.

Christmas Lights – the GBDC would like to see the lights used for tourism throughout the year. Would it be possible to use an electronic timer to have the lights activated at night for a few hours on certain days of the week. The Main Street is seen as a draw-card for tourism and the lights would enhance its presentation at night.

Caravan Parking – caravans are often observed driving around the streets looking for parking to gain access to the business district. Does Council have a policy on caravan parking or any suggestions for future arrangements.

Referred to Director Engineering (TWC)

17. RTA, T3.4.1: Regarding the proposed school bus service extension involving Martins Lane and Henry Lawson Way.

I refer to previous correspondence/application in 2003 from the subject Bus Proprietor and Transport NSW involving the same location. At the time the application was rejected based on deficient sight distance. To date I am not aware of any upgrade of the location to warrant a review of the matter. In that regard I oppose the application, based on significant safety concerns with regard to the turning manoeuvre. It is appreciated that the Proprietor has endeavoured to seek an alternative route but perhaps a broader review of the route could be employed in conjunction with other Bus Companies.

Referred to Director Engineering (LTC)

18. Railway Hotel, H1.4.2: Concerning the Alcohol Free Zone.

The alcohol free zone is working beautifully. It is utilized extensively on weekends with very favourable comments from patrons and travellers.

However, we are experiencing problems with the 9 pm curfew especially now daylight savings is with us. Patrons are half way through a meal and we have to remove their alcoholic drinks or move them inside to finish their meal.

We are seeking a change of time to say 11 am to 11 pm. To date we have not had any problems with underage or excessive drinking on the footpath.

Referred to Director Environmental Services (TWC)

19. NSW Department of Primary Industries, E3.1.6: Advising that the Minister for Primary Industries is proposing to declare galvanised burr as a Control Class 4 noxious weed under the provisions of the Noxious Weeds Act 1993.

As your organisation may be impacted by this proposal, you are invited to make a written submission no later than Wednesday, 21 February 2007.

Referred to Director Engineering (NWC)

20. The Grenfell Shed, C1.3.31: Asking if there could be a sign indicating the location of The Grenfell Shed to traffic passing through town. Such signage has been observed in other towns and by all accounts has proved most helpful.

Referred to Director Engineering (TWC)

21. Five Concerned Shop Holders in the Main Street, R2.12.2: Writing this letter to request that the areas around the seating in the Main Street be cleaned more often.

The shop holders sweep the footpaths in front of their particular shops on a daily basis, but food and beverages spills do not sweep away. The area where people wait for the taxi and the bus is a particular concern.

We would appreciate your consideration in this matter as we feel it would truly benefit the town.

Referred to Director Engineering (TWC)

22. Alan R Lindsay, H1.1.7: Concerning the proposed Grenfell Medical Centre and forwarding possible floor plans for conversion of the CWA building in Weddin Street Surgery building, to a new Medical Centre.

I also provide the following remarks for the CWA building, Weddin Street building and Greenfield site for your consideration.

To be referred to Property and Development Committee

SECTION C - Matters with recommendations.

23. The Grenfell Henry Lawson Festival of Arts, C1.4.1: Advising it is again organising the Henry Lawson Festival of Arts, to take place on the 9, 10 and 11 of June. We are seeking the usual generous assistance of the Weddin Shire Council.

1. Underwriting the Awards Dinner on the Saturday night.

2. Allowing us to use the Library.

3. Erecting the lights and bunting.

4. Arranging for the closure of the Main Street and the relevant sections of Burrangong Street on Saturday 9 June.

5. Could it be possible to have the Main Street footpaths and gutters cleaned.

6. Sponsoring an acquisitive prize in the Traditional Section of the Art for $1000.

Details of the proposed activities will be forwarded as they are organised.

RECOMMENDATION: that items 1, 2, 3, 5 and 6 be approved, and Council offer no objection to the street closures subject to the approval of the Police and Local Traffic Committee.

24. Jardine Lloyd Thompson, A3.11.2: Concerning the Local Community Insurance Services.

When the public liability insurance crisis occurred in 2002, the impact on community groups caused significant hardship through limited public liability market capacity and substantial increase in premium, driving many community groups to cease operating or continue to operate without adequate insurance protection.

The Insurance industry responded to the needs of community groups throughout Australia with the establishment of the Community Care Insurance Agency (jointly underwritten by QBE, IAG and Allianz).

The Community Care Insurance Agency is due to cease operations effective 1 February 2007.

We are pleased to advise that JLT has once again reinforced our commitment to the community group sector by creating a specialist business unit to expand the services that we are able to offer.

Effective from 1st December 2006, Local Community Insurance Services (LCIS) will commence operations through a strategic alliance with one of Australia’s leading insurers, QBE Insurance, and will take over the portfolio previously administered by the Community Care Insurance Agency.

It would be appreciated if you could advise community groups in your Council area of the availability of this facility.

RECOMMENDATION: that the facility be duly publicised.

SECTION D - Matters for determination or consideration.

25. Cowra Shire Council, T4.4.1: Advising it has received Development Application No. 14/2007 from applicant FerroMin Pty Ltd for a designated development on land known as Lot 168 DP 42954, Lot 115 DP 752932 and Lot 1 DP 1044550 Mid Western Highway, Broula via Cowra.

The development proposes the operation of a magnetite and limestone mine, including rehabilitation, over a period of approximately 20 years, recovering approximately 1.3 million tonnes of magnetite, 0.15 million tonnes of haematite and 0.9 million tonnes of limestone.

A copy of the application details relating to this development proposal are attached for your information and you are invited to comment on the development by 19 February 2007.

Referred to Director Environmental Services

26. Ken Tuckey, C1.1.2: Advising that since 1995 I have been raising money for the Cancer Council of NSW ($10,000) and The Children’s Cancer Institute Australia ($240,000). A total of $250,000 has been raised by way of me riding motor bikes and walking camels 16,000 kilometres throughout Australia.

This year I will leave Coolah on 1 May. I will be riding the same Quad bike 10,000 kilometres, endeavouring to raise money for Breast Cancer.

This 2007 trip is planned to commence in May and be completed within four months. I am planning to pass through towns in NSW, Victoria, South Australia, the Northern Territory and Queensland. Main towns on-route, in NSW, will be Coolah, Dubbo, Cowra and Wagga Wagga.

I require assistance with funds to pay for food for four team members, fuel for two escort units and fuel for the Quad bike.

Should you be willing to sponsor me in any way, I will gladly provide media coverage and prominent signage on my trailer for your business during my trip.

27. Australian Red Cross NSW, C1.3.0: Inviting Weddin Shire Council to become a Local Government Friend of Australian Red Cross. This follows the resolution at last year’s Local Government Conference in NSW where this resolution was passed: ‘That the Local Government Association become ‘Local Government Friends of Red Cross’ and ipso facto all NSW Local Governments if they choose to be, and thus engage in shaping the future of our organisations in the context of community building and governance’.

Copy forwarded to Councillors

28. Cindy and David Taylor, T4.3.1: Advising my father Roger McDougall is 62 years old and is embarking on a 4,200 km unsupported bicycle journey from Bondi Junction to Fremantle commencing March 2007.

It is his intention to complete this trip in 62 days and his is hoping to raise $50,000 for the MS Society.

He has a planned stop over in Grenfell on 16 March 2007 and any help you can provide in terms of sponsorship or generation of local interest is much appreciated.

Note: the event will be included in local publicity announcements.

29. CENTROC, C2.7.16: Advising that at the meeting of the CENTROC Board of 7 December 2006, it was resolved as follows that CENTROC commend to member Councils of Weight of Loads that they consider funding the purchase of a set of scales for the Weight of Loads group in their next budgeting round with an estimated cost of $2,500.

To that extent General Managers and Mayors of the 13 Local Government Areas of the region have considered the Weight of Loads suggestion for the purchase of scales and request that council, as a member of the group, give consideration in your 2007/2008 budget round to such a purchase.

The cost estimated by the Weight of Loads Committee would be $2,500 to each member Council.

RECOMMENDATION: that the request be considered for the 2007/2008 budget.

30. Temora Shire Council Mayor, T2.3.1: Concerning State Government Planning Reforms and Rural Subdivision.

Copy forwarded to Councillors

31. Central NSW Tourism, T4.1.6: Advising that Weddin Shire Council is a member of Central NSW Tourism.

I am writing to you now to advise you of your membership fee for 2007-2008, which will be $1,532 plus GST which has been calculated as the 2006/2007 figures plus a CPI of 3.5%.

Note: 2006/2007 membership fee $1,480 (GST Exc)

32. Dr Charles Ma, P2.4.2: Advising of my intention to discontinue my service to the Grenfell area.

Copy forwarded to Councillors

Reported in Director Corporate Services report.


33. Department of Transport and Regional Services, T4.5.8: Forwarding two copies of a proposed Funding Agreement Variation.

The Variation amends the project milestones, payment, reporting and project completion dates in the Schedule to the Agreement, following your advice regarding the building re-designs.

Could you please arrange for execution of the Variation by Council.

RECOMMENDATION: that the Variation be signed on behalf of Council.

34. Caragabal Country Golf Club, C1.2.7: Concerning the loan of $20,000 and submitting the following names as guarantors for the loan.

Note: copy forwarded to Council’s solicitor

RECOMMENDATION: that the loan documents be signed under seal of Council, further that approval be given to advance the loan on the completion of the documentation.

35. Cowra Shire Council, T4.4.1: Concerning the Development Application 14/2007 for a Magnetite and Limestone Mine and advising that the exhibition period has been extended to 5 March 2007.

36. NSW Department of Planning, A3.6.36: Forwarding information regarding the Central West Rural Lands Panel.

The purpose of the Panel is to investigate, report and make recommendations on land use planning in the cental west region of the State, giving particular regard to balancing the protection of agricultural lands with other competing interest.

The Panel consists of:-

Chair: Garry West

NSW Farmers Association: Jock Laurie

Local Government Representative: Bill Gillooly

Senior State Representative: Gabrielle Kibble

The Stakeholder Reference Group consists of:-

Mayors of the Councils

Local Government Rep Phyllis Miller

DPI - Renata Brooks

DoP - Richard Pearson


Central West & Lachlan CMAs

37. Forbes Shire Council, E3.8.1: Forwarding the final Drought Submission to State Government for your information.

38. GA & LE Brain, R2.10.070: Advising my water supply has reached a stage where it is necessary for me to lay a poly pipe under Hancock-Williams Road. This will give me access to a dam on the east side, with good quality water for stock needing to be held on the west side.

The proposed crossing will be approx 1.5 km south of the Sandy Creek intersection. I understand the need to sheath the 50mm pipe in a larger diameter conduit under the road allowing the waterline the needed protection and movement.

Referred to Director Engineering


8 February 2007

The Mayor and Councillors

Weddin Shire Council


Dear Councillors

I wish to report as follows: -

1. Lease of Railway Land, P2.4.1

Council resolved at its December 2006 Meeting that enquiries be made into the availability and cost of extending Council’s lease past the goods shed.

The ARTC property officer has advised verbal approval to this extension which takes in the old loading ramps. It is understood the matter will be dealt with by correspondence until the existing lease is up for renewal.


It is recommended that Council approve the extended area for expenditure of funds for maintenance and other necessary works.

2. 2007/2008 Management Plan, A3.4

The annual draft Management Plan is normally presented to Council’s May Meeting (17/5/07) and submitted for adoption at Council’s June Meeting (21/6/07). There is a five week gap between the May and June meetings and an Extra-ordinary meeting should not be necessary to enable the statutory four weeks public exhibition period to be complied with.

It has been customary to hold a special meeting in early April to determine priorities for various works and programmes, and to give staff time to prepare the estimates and the draft Management Plan. Last year this meeting was held on 6 April 2006, however the equivalent day this year is the day before Good Friday and it would be preferable to hold the meeting earlier that week (say 2 or 3 April).

RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that:

i) any new projects for consideration now be nominated, and;

ii) a date in early April be determined for an Extra-ordinary Meeting commencing at 6.00 pm to consider priorities for 2007/2008 Management Plan.

3. Policy for Fees, Expenses and Facilities for Councillors, C2.4.10

As resolved at Council’s December Meeting the amended draft policy was placed on public exhibition for the prescribed twenty eight (28) days. A copy of the amended draft policy is being forwarded separately.

No submissions from the public were received.

The draft policy may be further amended (if changes are not significant) and then adopted. It is required to be submitted to the Department of Local Government by 28 February 2007.


It is recommended that the draft policy for 2006/2007 as amended at Council’s December 2006 Meeting and subsequently placed on public exhibition, be formally adopted.

4. Southern Special Economic Zone, C2.7.14

As reported to Council’s October 2005 Meeting, the seven (7) constituent councils resolved to wind up the SSEZ and dispense the assets over the councils on a population pro-rata basis.

A payment of $3,641.96 has now been received in fulfilment of this action.

For Information

5. Grenfell TAFE College, C1.8.1

On 1 February I attended an informal presentation at the Grenfell TAFE College, aimed at networking with employers.

During a discussion about the decreasing availability of courses at Grenfell, a suggestion was made that a survey of the local demand be carried out, so that this could then be used to target the appropriate courses. A proposal along these lines is being prepared for Council’s consideration, as there will be a cost attached.

The proposal will be reported when received.

For Information

6. Fowler Roller 16985, P2.10.1

The September issue of the “Old Machinery Magazine” contains a story on Fowler Roller 16985 which was manufactured in 1926 and has been recently restored.

The roller was imported into Australia by the Weddin Shire Council in 1927 as a convertible (presumably roller or tractor) and was subsequently owned by Kogarah Council (until 1962) and Mittagong Council (until 1967) before being retired and passing to museums, including the Lachlan Vintage Village at Forbes.

The restoration of the roller was carried out by Mr Paul Wilson of Stonyford, Victoria, over a two (2) year period. Mr Wilson has been contacted in an effort to have the roller exhibited at the Lawson Festival but he has declined for this year. He has however forwarded a DVD of photographs showing the roller before and after restoration. This information will be passed to the Historical Society.

For Information

7. Comparative Information on Councils 2004/2005, C2.10.1

The Department of Local Government has released its annual report giving comparative information on a number of key performance indicators for all councils in NSW. The councils are separated into like groups according to the Australian Local Government Classification System, with Weddin falling into Group 9 with another 24 councils.

A summary of this council’s performance compared with the group average follows. As a general comment, Weddin performs well in most measures.

The full report is on DVD and may be perused if desired.

Comparative Information 2004/2005

|Key Performance Indicator |Unit |Weddin |Group Average |

|Average rate per residential assessment |$ |252 |256 |

|Average rate per farmland assessment |$ |861 |1811 |

|Average rate per business assessment |$ |713 |505 |

|Outstanding rates, charges and fees |% |8.89 |7.19 |

|Summary of total revenue |$’000 |7,377 |9,660 |

|Total operating revenue per capita |$ |1,585 |2,275 |

|Total operating expense per capita |$ |1,907 |2,301 |

|Current Ratio |no |7.27 |3.98 |

|Debt Service Ratio |% |0 |3.52 |

|Capital Expenditure Ratio |no |0.75 |1.18 |

|Equivalent full time staff |no |59 |65 |

|Library Operating Expenses per capita |$ |32 |29 |

|Library Circulation per capita |no |7.0 |5.4 |

|Domestic waste charge per property |$ |148 |177 |

|Domestic waste cost per service |$ |136 |115 |

|Recyclables per capita pa |kg |164 |42 |

|Domestic waste per capita pa |kg |151 |382 |

|Development applications determined |no |113 |86 |

|DA’s - time taken: mean |days |11 |17 |

|Legal expenses per DA costs |% |0 |- |

|Environmental and Health Costs per capita |$ |61 |66 |

|Recreation expenses per capita |$ |104 |99 |

|Community Services Expenses per capita |$ |0.26 |117 |

For Information



8 February 2007

The General Manager

Weddin Shire Council


Dear Sir

I wish to report as follows: -

1. Statement of Bank Balances as at 31 January 2007:

Bank Account

Westpac $644,632.94



Total Investments $5,500,000.00


I certify that the Cashbook for each Bank Account has been reconciled with the appropriate Bank Statement as at 31 January 2007.

The investments shown above are made with the Local Government Investment Service. I certify that these investments have been made in accordance with the Local Government Act, 1993, the Regulations and Council's investment policies.

For Information

2. A Summary of Income For The Month of January follows:

Rates Receipts 25,852.20

Accounts Receivable 43,167.14

Government Grants 410,301.66

Agency Collections 17,647.49

Interest on Investments -

Other Income 25,898.31

Total $522,866.80

For Information

3. Roads and Other Expenditure 2006/2007:

Following are the up to date figures as at 31 January 2007.


|“A” Ward |337,838 |58,097 |

|Gravel Resheeting “A” Ward |0 |0 |

|“B” Ward |216,784 |47,131 |

|Gravel Resheeting “B” Ward |0 |0 |

|“C” Ward |228,498 |81,055 |

|Gravel Resheeting “C” Ward |0 |0 |

|“D” & “E” Ward |111,237 |53,555 |

|Village Maintenance - Caragabal |6,277 |5,309 |

|Village Maintenance - Greenethorpe |11,472 |6,755 |

|Village Maintenance - Quandialla |0 |5,962 |

|Reconstruct Village Streets - Caragabal |621 |0 |

|Reconstruct Village Streets - Greenethorpe |16,000 |0 |

|Reconstruct Village Streets - Quandialla |711 |0 |

|Town Streets Construction |70,261 |0 |

|Kerb & Gutter Construction |63,519 |0 |

|Footpath Construction |24,000 |0 |

|Main Street Project |2,031 |1,913 |

|Garbage Collection |47,000 |28,047 |

|Greenethorpe Collections |8,500 |4,029 |

|Trade Waste Collection |21,000 |6,114 |

|Tips Working Expenses |76,000 |44,666 |

|Noxious Plants |70,000 |34,610 |

|Parks & Gardens |142,500 |77,665 |

|Library Expenditure |103,589 |50,471 |

|Baths Income |-24,000 |16,154 |

|Baths Expenditure |101,722 |54,512 |

|Caravan Park Income |-32,500 |22,093 |

|Caravan Park Expenditure |56,669 |35,012 |



|2006/07 State Roads (SH 6) Maintenance |100,000 |64,643 |

|2006/07 National Roads (SH 17) Maintenance |100,000 |21,211 |

|2006/07 State Road (SH6) Ordered Work |297,240 |62,328 |

|2006/07 National Road (SH17) Ordered Work |297,240 |95,301 |

|2006/07 Regional Roads Block Grant |570,445 |328,793 |

|2006/2007 REPAIR Program |0 |0 |

|3 x 3 Program - MR 398 |68,000 |68,000 |

|2005/2006 Rural Local Roads |VOTE |EXPENDITURE |

|Maintenance general |240,891 |231,040 |

|Reseals |81,000 |0 |

|Caragabal - Quandialla |65,000 |65,000 |

|Gambara Road |33,000 |27,221 |

|Adelargo Road |33,000 |45,756 |

|Nowlans Road |55,000 |37,029 |

|Sandy Creek Road |27,000 |7,500 |

|Bimbi - Quandialla |55,000 |55,000 |

|Pinnacle Road |25,000 |57,865 |

|Gravel Resheeting |66,000 |66,000 |

| Total |680,891 |592,411 |

|2006/2007 Rural Local Roads |VOTE |EXPENDITURE |

|Maintenance general |250,163 |149,748 |

|Reseals |81,000 |0 |

|Caragabal - Quandialla |70,000 |9,001 |

|Gambara Road |33,000 |0 |

|Nowlans Road |55,000 |0 |

|Sandy Creek Road |55,000 |0 |

|Bimbi - Quandialla |55,000 |5,461 |

|Pinnacle Road |36,000 |45,775 |

|Gravel Resheeting |70,000 |28,345 |

| Total |705,163 |238,330 |

|2006/2007 Roads to Recovery |VOTE |EXPENDITURE |

|Grenfell Reseals |62,000 |5,978 |

|Quandialla Reseals |20,000 |1,819 |

|Caragabal Reseals |10,000 |909 |

|Greenethorpe Reseals |20,000 |1,819 |

|Bimbi – Quandialla Road |90,000 |8,182 |

|Caragabal – Quandialla Road |120,000 |38,425 |

|Sandy Creek Road |80,000 |141,497 |

|Total |402,000 |198,629 |

For Information

4. Library Development Project P2.3.5

Design West Architects and Engineers of Cowra have submitted a quotation to provide full architectural services for the above project amounting to $26,000 (GST Exc). They also provided a separate quotation to develop the construction plans only - totalling $13,250 (GST Exc.) which has been accepted under delegated authority by the General Manager.

Mr Alan Lindsay has advised he will be able to develop the specifications and provide other architectural services (ie fittings required, specification of materials finishes, colurs etc) in house which will effectively save Council several thousand dollars.

The plans will be submitted to the Property and Development Committee and Council before tenders are formally called.

For Information

5. Open Days/Trade Expo Review, T4.3.7

Reference is made to my report to the October 2006 Council Meeting whereby it was resolved to conduct the 2007 Open Days/Trade Expo “in principle” subject to a full review of the Open Days/Trade Expo being conducted by Council at the February 2007 Council Meeting.

To assist Council in the review process please find attached a comprehensive debrief of the Open Days (table 1) and Trade Expo (table 2) depicting the various activities of each category with additional comments on the performance of each of the activities. A rating column has been included to rate each of the activities out of 10. The Open Days and Trade Expo have been separated to allow a critical analysis of each event. Councillors may well have a different opinion and have their own comments in relation to each activity which will assist in improving the campaign in 2007.

The results of the review (from table 1) for the Open Days depict an average rating of 6.82 out of 10 which is quite a reasonable result and a slight improvement on last year. While the Open Days have in the past 6-7 years been an outstanding success the result verifies that we do need to keep changing and improving to ensure we produce a quality event.

The results of the review (from table 2) for the Trade Expo depict an average rating of 5.75 out of 10 which is also a reasonable result. The area that recorded a below average result was business participation. Local businesses need to become more involved if the event is to prove to be viable in the long term. The proposal to change the Trade Expo to the Friday will assist in developing this concept as there were a lot of people in the Main Street on this day compared to the Saturday.

It was also resolved to conduct the 2007 Open Days/Trade Expo subject to final costings for 2006 being prepared and submitted to Council. Final costings for the 2006 Open Days/Trade Expo are now presented for Councillors information. An expenditure statement is attached depicting an actual cost of $11,835.08 and a potential cost of $13,835.08. Previous grant monies from the Department of State and Regional Development (DSRD) has allowed us to transfer monies to reserves in the past. With Councils allocation for 2006/2007 being $15,000 it is estimated we will be able to transfer $1,000 to reserves leaving a balance of $4,500 in reserves as at the 30th June 2007. The $4,500 can be utilised to maintain the budget at $19,500 with Councils contribution still being $15,000. A draft budget for 2007 is attached depicting Council’s required contribution together with the expenditure required.

From the review various ways of improving the Open Days/Trade Expo have been identified and they are detailed below:

• in regard to publicity endeavour to ensure interviews are held with high profile people such as Alan Jones and our TV coverage is expanded to include A Current Affair if possible.

• encourage further use of the on-line computer facilities for registrations.

• need to encourage people that register to actually attend.

• ensure website is updated regularly.

• ensure facilities are clean and of an acceptable standard.

• encourage greater business participation particularly in the Trade Expo.

• transfer the Trade Expo to the Friday.

Initially the key objectives of the Open Days campaign were to increase our population, attract new business and raise awareness of our Shire by promoting our lifestyle, location and cheaper housing prices. It is very pleasing to see these objectives are all being carried out in an outstanding manner. The campaign was then refocussed to attract tradespeople which is also starting to reap rewards. The refocusing of the campaign was a deliberate ploy and no doubt contributed to the reduction in numbers along with other factors such as the attraction of cheap housing and land no longer being available.

The campaign was further changed last year by encouraging new residents to buy a block of land and begin building a new home within 12 months of registering for the Open Days. Although at this stage it appears that this offer has not been taken up it is well worth persevering with as the construction of new houses will certainly benefit our economy.

The advertising, publicity and tourism dollars the campaigns have brought to the Weddin Shire and in particular Grenfell has been tremendous. The campaign is increasing our population, attracting new business and helping to retain existing businesses in our shire. This increase in population and new business is enabling us to maintain and attract new services and create employment which will have a “flow on” or multiplier effect on business activity in the main street area which is extremely beneficial to the Weddin Shire.

While promoting our location and lifestyle we need to continue to be positive, proactive and prepared to continually change to realise the key objectives of the Open Days/Trade Expo campaign.


i) proceed with the Open Days/Trade Expo Campaign on 5-7 October 2007 and approve the draft budget as presented.

ii) make representations to the Department of State and Regional Development seeking further funding to assist in offsetting the cost to Council.

iii) endorse the suggested changes to the Open Days/Trade Expo Campaign as detailed above.

6. Debt Recovery, A1.7

Due to the holiday period, debt recovery has just recommenced and a report will be presented to the March Council Meeting.

For Information

7. Taxi Service, T3.6.3

Mr Jack Grogan’s lease of the taxi service expires on the 17 March 2007.

Mr Grogan has advised that patronage has decreased dramatically in the last six (6) months due primarily to the drought we are currently experiencing. Mr Grogan advised he is working very long hours for very little return and suggested Council may consider paying him a wage to provide the service. Mr Grogan was advised that this is not considered desirable as ratepayer funds would be being directed to the provision of a service that has apparently now become unviable.

After further discussions and in a bid to maintain the service it was suggested Council may consider waiving the lease fee to assist Mr Grogan. Mr Grogan indicated he would accept this for a twelve (12) month period as well as other terms and conditions as detailed below.

|Variation |Previous |New |

| |Agreement |Agreement |

|Lease fee |$55 (GST Inc) |Nil |

|Fuel - Council Depot |95c/litre |95c/litre |

|Servicing |Council |Council |

|Repairs - Minor body damage |Council |Council |

|- Tyres |Council |Council |

|Advertising/Publicity |Council |Council |

|Bond (Refundable) |Nil |Nil |

Mr Grogan is generally providing a very good service which many ratepayers in our shire are dependant on. Having the service available also exhibits a perception of a town “on the move” and that the town is part of a progressive shire.

RECOMMENDATION: that Council formally offer Mr Grogan a one (1) year lease of the Taxi Service with the terms and conditions as listed above.

8. Dental Practice, P2.4.2

Dr Charles Ma who has been providing dental services to the residents of the Weddin Shire since the 4 July 2002 has verbally advised he intends to discontinue the service.

Dr Ma’s lease expired on 3 July 2006 and since that date he has been operating fortnightly on an “at-will” basis. Dr Ma has recently extended his Cowra business to Young and advised that due to a lack of staff and a dramatic decrease in patronage (possibly due to the drought) he considers it no longer feasible to provide dental services in Grenfell.

Upon receiving formal notification from Dr Ma it is intended to advertise for a replacement dentist to operate in Grenfell on a weekly basis. Dr Ma’s resignation may also afford Council the opportunity to relocate the dental surgery to another Council building to enable the occupants to share staff as well as “freeing up” the Commonwealth Bank building for an alternate use.

Dr Ma has provided an excellent service to the residents of the shire for the past 4 ½ years and upon receipt of his formal notification it may be appropriate to thank Dr Ma for the service he has provided.

RECOMMENDATION: that Council:-

i) upon receipt of Dr Ma’s formal notification that he wishes to discontinue the service advertise for a replacement dentist

ii) investigate and consider the possibility of relocating the dental surgery to another Council building

iii) write to Dr Ma and formally thank him for the excellent service he has provided to residents of the Weddin Shire since the 4th July 2002.

9. Drought Relief, E3.8.1

The Family Gathering/BBQ has been held in abeyance until a formal response has been received from the Department of Primary Industries (DPI) in Parkes confirming they will fund the event.

Contact has been made with Ms Jan Bruce from the Department who has been on leave. Ms Bruce advised a response will be forthcoming in the near future.

Due to the delay the event may have to be now held in April. As the Rotary and Lions Clubs have recently held drought relief events for our shire residents the April timing may be better as it will space the events out as well as allowing the event to be held before sowing.

For Information

10. New Land Valuations – Rating, R1.6

The new land valuations which will come into effect from 1 July 2007 for rating purposes have been received by Council from the Valuer General’s Office.

A more comprehensive report detailing variations in the land values on various areas of the shire will be presented to the March 2007 Council Meeting.

For Information

11. Payroll/Customer Service Officers Position, P1.3.1

Applications for the above position closed on Friday, 2 February 2007 with three (3) applications received.

Interviews for the position will be held in due course.

For Information

12. Half Yearly Audit, A1.6

Council’s auditors Alan Morse and Co of Orange have advised they will be conducting the half yearly audit on Monday, 7 and Tuesday, 8 May 2007.

The half yearly audit report will then be presented to the June 2007 Council Meeting.

For Information




8 February 2007

The General Manager

Weddin Shire Council


Dear Sir

I wish to report as follows:

1. Works Report (4th February 2007)

1.1 Classified Roads Maintenance

Routine maintenance has continued on a majority of classified roads during the month.

MR236 - general maintenance

MR237 - general maintenance

- clear table drains

MR239 - general maintenance

- remove fallen tree

- repair approach to Hunter’s bridge

MR398 - general maintenance

- clear table drains

- remove debris after storms

SH6 - general maintenance

- spraying of suckers on road side

- remove old sediment fencing from table drains

- erect new signage for Broula King mine entrance

SH17 - general maintenance

- spraying of suckers on road side

2. Classified Roads Reconstruction

Broula King road signage erected with line marking ordered.

3. Rural Local Roads Programme

Reset two (2) culvert extensions on the Pinnacle Road under construction.

Routine maintenance has continued during the month on a majority of local roads.

4. Ward Activities

“A” - general maintenance.

- removed tree on Sandy Creek Road.

“B” - general maintenance.

- sprayed suckers on Barrs Lane, Gerrybang Road, Dunkey’s Lane and Tyagong Creek Rd.

- removed a fallen tree on Kangarooby Road.

- sealed parking areas at Greenethorpe Hall and the BP Service Station.

- line marked the parking area at Greenethorpe School.

“C” - general maintenance.

- line marking has been carried out at Quandialla and Caragabal school crossings.

- maintenance grading has been carried out on Napiers Road, Nealons Road, Madden’s Lane, Gannon’s Lane, Abbotts Lane and Manganese Road.

- sucker spraying has been carried out on Holy Camp Road and Old Young Road.

- maintenance grade Abbott’s Lane and Manganese Rd.

“D&E” - general maintenance.

- a fallen tree was removed in Makin Street.

- damaged roundabout has been repaired.

- school crossing have been linemarked.

- new skate park rules sign has been erected.

- West Street shoulder has been sealed for 160 metres between Young and Rose Streets.

- back lane between Weddin and Forbes Street has been shaped and sealed.

- construction of new tipping area at the Grenfell tip.


Two (2) bollards had been stolen from the Main Street, cost $80.

Copper pipe was vandalised in Rotary Park toilets, cost $150.

One (1) tap was stolen from toilets at the rests area, cost $100.

Total Cost: $ 330.00

Progressive Cost: $7805.00

(from 1/7/2006 to date)

2. Parks and Ovals Report

• general maintenance

• new grass has been added to the patch at HLO

• park seats have been repaired at Rotary Park

• tree and garden watering has been ongoing

• a new effluent pump has been installed

• catheads have been removed and sprayed on footpath

For Information

3. Future Works

1. Wards

“A” Ward

• general maintenance

• patching sealed roads

• guidepost maintenance

• sign maintenance

• commence widening of Pinnacle Road subject to water

“B” Ward

• general maintenance

• linemarking SH6 at Broula King Mine entrance

• patching sealed roads

• guidepost maintenance

• sign maintenance

“C” Ward

• general maintenance

• construct and seal Young and Caldwell streets, Bimbi, subject to water

• patching sealed roads

• guidepost maintenance

• sign maintenance

• Nowlans Road – widen to construct and seal 1 km on northern end.

• widen 1.6 km of Caragabal-Quandialla Road

• widen 2.4 km of Bimbi-Quandialla Road

“D&E” Wards

• general maintenance

• line mark Weddin Street over the new work

• patching sealed roads

• guidepost maintenance

• sign maintenance

For Information

4. Other Works

1. Cemeteries

The following graves have been prepared:

- Grenfell Lawn – nil

- Grenfell – 1

- Bimbi – nil

- Caragabal – nil

2. Sewer Mains


3. Private Works

• Dry hire of Backhoe to W. Twohill

• Dry hire of Front End loader to K Abbott

• Spray of Railway line for S.R.A from Greenethorpe to Grenfell

5. CENTROC Weight of Loads Group, C2.7.16

In the last month the CENTROC Weight of Loads Group detected NIL breaches

For Information

6. Plant Report

Significant plant and vehicle maintenance, in accordance with the details as listed below, was carried out during the month:-

|Plant No |Plant Item |Maintenance |

| |General plant |General maintenance |

|PI. 3826 |Old Garbage Truck |Replace rear main seal and remove defect. |

|BFO 7906 |Second Hand Bushfire Truck |Remove rear cab prior to lagging and fit out by Coolamon. |

|PI. 4094 |Case Backhoe |Replace front wheel bearings. |

|PI .4052 |Cat Grader 12G |Replace bushes in front end. |

|PI. 4098 |Jet Patching |General repairs, clean bitumen off rear end. |

|PI. 3933 |Low Loader |Remove defect |

|PI. 3948 |Garbage Truck |Remove defect from annual inspection. |

For Information

7. Engineers Alliance – Weddin, Forbes, Parkes and Lachlan, C2.9.9

The Asset Management Plan for Roads is still being prepared.

For Information

8. RTA Single Invitation Maintenance Contract, R2.54.1

Routine maintenance works on SH6 and SH17 continue.

Planning for the resealing works on SH6 and SH17 is proceeding.

For Information

9. Samara Walmsley Results, P1.20256

Samara Walmsley has now completed her third year of her Certificate IV in Horticulture (Parks and Gardens). Samara has finished her TAFE course and is currently completing her final year with Council so as to finish her apprenticeship.

Samara achieved three (3) credits and ten (10) passes in 2006. She has achieved very good results over the last three (3) years and is to be congratulated on her achievements.

RECOMMENDATION: That Council congratulate Samara Walmsley for her third year results.

10. Senior Management Team and Service Level Agreement Management Meeting, E1.3.13

I attended the Senior Management Team and Service Level Agreement Management Meeting on Friday 2 February 2007.

At the meeting long service medals were award to John Smith (50 years), Maurice Simpson (50 years) and several others.

The following matters were discussed:-

• four (4) sheds to be erected this year (West Wirrinya, Emu Creek, Cowra Road and Bimbi Road).

• nine (9) tankers to replace in next 4 - 5 years.

• pagers will link once Warraderry is on line.

• Rural Fire Service do not lease computers (State Government policy).

• Weddin budget running sheet 2006/07 on track.

• Conimbla National Park upgrade fire trail (may require some funding from Council).

• Director Engineering to contact Cowra Shire regarding lack of hydrant markers in Greenethorpe.

• Director Engineering to contact Local Government and Shires Association re BRIMS (Bushfire Risk Incident Management system) – when will it be available.

• Training ongoing.

• GPS booklets to be provided.

• Group Captains elections this year.

• draft on constitutions available this year for each Brigade to sign.

• training calendar provided.

• funds for mobile cool room. Rural Fire Service to chase up.

• Rural Fire Service to identify the two (2) trucks to go out to area fires.

• Service Level Agreement in place until 2009.

• future meeting frequency – four (4) meetings per year.

• Rural Fire Service to write a letter to Weddin Shire Council requesting that Central Tablelands Water establish a hydrant at Warraderry pipeline.

• investigate an authorised landing strip at Myee.

• Troy to do a presentation on OH & S.

Mr Ken Neville will provide official minutes in due course. Meeting closed at 6.00 pm.

For Information

11. Proposed Kerb and Gutter Construction, R2.4.15, R2.4.21, R,2.4.35, R2.4.41

The adopted 2006/2007 construction programme refers.

RECOMMENDATION: that kerb and gutter works as listed below be carried out:-

• Melyra St (North Side) from Alexandra St (115 m) to Dalton Street

• Sullivan Street (east side) from Melyra Street to North Street

• West Street (east side) from South Street to Rose Street 105 metres

• Forbes St (west side) from Emu Creek to North St and North St (south side) from Forbes St to Dalton St (210 m)

and that the owner for the time being of the land on the same side of the road and the adjacent to the work be charged for work of the kerb and gutter an amount to be fixed by Council not exceeding one half of the cost of so much of the work (and any other work incidental thereto) as is opposite and adjacent to the land.

12. Kerb and Gutter, R2.4.8, R2.4.19a

Kerb and gutter has been completed in Camp Street (both sides) from Sullivan Street to Fitchs Lane (north side) and from opposite Sullivan Street to Brickfield Road (south side) as well as Main Lead (west side).

The length of the work was 1010 lineal metres.

Kerb and gutter notices were issued to residents in accordance with Council’s determination and the half share contribution was estimated at $58.00 per metre including GST based on previous works.

Following the finalising of the work and the assessment of actual costs, the rate per metre incurred was $99.24 or $49.62 per metre half share including GST.

RECOMMENDATION: that approval be given to charge out the kerb and gutter works to the residents at the rate of $49.62 per lineal metre including GST and debit notices be issued accordingly.

13. Vehicle Changeover, P2.10.1

The General Manager’s vehicle has travelled over 62,000 km, and it is proposed to change this vehicle over in the next month.

Discussions have been held with Holden, Toyota and Ford dealers regarding which vehicles, if any may hold their value over 12 to 18 months.

Both have indicated that it may be worthwhile to purchase the next model above the base model, and to trade the vehicle at 30,000 to 40,000 km.

Council’s current policy is to purchase base models for its sedan fleet.

The dealers also stated that the higher models, such as Statesman and Fairlane do not command a higher trade in value at say 40,000 km.

It is also proposed to changeover other sedans in a similar manner so as to assess whether there is an improvement in the changeover prices.

RECOMMENDATION: that Council vary the current policy for the changeover of the General Manager’s car and other cars to the next model above the base model as a trial and assess the changeover prices at 30,000 to 40,000 km.

14. New Depot – Tender for Fuel, P2.6.4

It is proposed to call tenders for the supply and installation of the fuel system for the new Depot. This will allow the successful tenderer for the workshop and store construction (Statewide Sheds) to provide conduits etc for the future cabling.

RECOMMENDATION: that tenders be called for the supply of installation of the fuel system at the new Depot in South Street.



8 February 2007

The General Manager

Weddin Shire Council

PO Box 125


Dear Sir

I wish to report to Council as follows:-

A. Public Health and Environmental Matters.

1 Sewerage Treatment Works, S1.1.1:

Total inflow through the Works during January 2007 was 9354 K/Litres with the daily average of 302 k/litres.

The highest daily recording of 416 K/Litres occurred for the 24 hours ending 6.30 am on 3 January 2007 and the lowest of 253 k/Litres for the 24 hours ending 6.30 am on 27 January 2007. Additionally there was also no outflow to the creek for the month however 35% of the effluent generated was recycled.

A total of 23.5 ml of rainfall was recorded for the month.

For Information

2. Caravan Park Operations, P2.3.3:

Income for the month of January 2007 was $1850.00 with expenditure of $5414.00 resulting in an operational loss of $3574 for the month.

There were 65 sites occupied for the month of January 2007.

For Council’s Information

3. Grenfell Swimming Pool, P2.9.1:

Total attendance for January 2007 was 4263 with the daily average being 138. The total attendance for January 2007 was 1059 less than the same month last year and this could be attributed to the cold weather at the beginning of the month and not opening at night. The Pool Manager reported there had been some concern from the public that the pool was not opening at night.

Two (2) incidents of people entering the property out of hours occurred this month with no major damage occurring.

Events that have occurred during January 2007 included:

• 10 day Department of Sport and Recreation Learn to Swim Program; and

• Gentle Exercise classes have started and have been well supported averaging 30 participants at each session.

Overall the pool is functioning well.

For Information

4 Animal Control

Animal control activities for January 2007 were:

a. Companion Animals

Animals impounded:- 1

Animals released:- 0

Animals returned to owners:- 1

Animals Sold:- 0

Animals surrendered:- 5

Animals destroyed:- 3

Call outs:- 3

Written warnings:- 0

Verbal warnings:- 2

Dog attacks:- 2

Nuisance Dog Order:- 0

b. Stock

Stock Impounded:- 0

Stock Released:- 0

Callouts 3

For Information

B. Development Applications – Building Matters:

B1 The undermentioned applications were received and determined subject to specified conditions, by the General Manager under delegated authority issued on 17 July 1998 (Res. No. 032):

|DA 29/2007 |Applicant/Owner: | |Farran STEVENS |

| |Property: | |Lot 1 in DP 588715 |

| | | |Parish Brundah, County Monteagle |

| | | |Gooloogong Road, Grenfell |

| |Zoning: | |1 (c) (iii) Rural Retreat |

| |Purpose: | |Subdivision |

|DA 31/2007 |Applicant/Owner: | |Ian HUNTER |

| |Property: | |Lots 1, 2 & 3 in DP 40597 and Lots 1 & 7 in DP|

| | | |872222, Parishes of Coba and Tyagong, County |

| | | |Monteagle |

| | | |Henry Lawson Way, Grenfell |

| |Zoning: | |1 (c) (i) Agriculture |

| |Purpose: | |Subdivision |

|DA 26/2007 |Applicant/Owner: | |SMITH |

| |Property: | |Lot 21 in DP 1103133 |

| | | |Parish of Brundah |

| | | |County of Monteagle |

| | | |74 Manganese Road, Grenfell |

| |Zoning: | |2 (t) Town |

| |Purpose: | |Restumping of dwelling |

|DA 33/2007 |Applicant/Owner: | |CROKER |

| |Property: | |Lot 1 in DP 333188 |

| | | |Parish of Brundah |

| | | |County of Monteagle |

| | | |50 East St, Grenfell |

| |Zoning: | |2 (t) Town |

| |Purpose: | |Additions to dwelling |

|DA 34/2007 |Applicant/Owner: | |HARTWIG |

| |Property: | |Lot 159 in DP 754580 |

| | | |Parish of Bungalong |

| | | |County of Monteagle |

| | | |Brundah Hall Road, Grenfell |

| |Zoning: | |1 (a) Agricultural |

| |Purpose: | |Erect dwelling and shed |

|DA 35/2007 |Applicant/Owner: | |HARDING |

| |Property: | |Lot 5 in DP 566345 |

| | | |Parish of Brundah |

| | | |County of Monteagle |

| | | |24 Sullivan Street, Grenfell |

| |Zoning: | |2 (t) Town |

| |Purpose: | |Additions to dwelling |

|DA 36/2007 |Applicant/Owner: | |NORTHOVER |

| |Property: | |Lot 70 in DP 752961 |

| | | |Parish of Wheoga |

| | | |County of Forbes |

| | | |Cnr Hoctors Road & Mittons Lane, Grenfell |

| |Zoning: | |1 (a) Agriculture |

| |Purpose: | |Erect shed |

|DA 37/2007 |Applicant/Owner: | |GAVIN |

| |Property: | |Lot 8, Section 44 in DP 664156 |

| | | |Parish of Brundah |

| | | |County of Monteagle |

| | | |25 Warraderry St, Grenfell |

| |Zoning: | |2 (t) Town |

| |Purpose: | |Additions to dwelling |

Development Applications for the consideration of Council

|B2 |DA 38/2007 |Applicant/Owner: | |Beryl SMITH |

| | | Property: | |Lot 8, Section 44 in DP 664159 |

| | | | |Parish Brundah, County Monteagle |

| | | | |157 Burrangong Street, Grenfell |

| | |Zoning: | |2 (t) Town |

| | |Purpose: | |Demolition of existing garage; erect new garage and carport. |


The application refers to the demolition of an existing garage and the erection of an attached carport on the fence line and a new garage with access to the rear laneway positioned 1.5 metres from the rear boundary of Lot 8, Section 44 in DP 664156, 157 Burrangong Street, Grenfell.


In determining a development application, a consent authority is to take into consideration such matters within Section 79C (1) of the Environmental Planning & Assessment Act, 1979 as are relevant to the development application. A report addressing the relevant Section 79C (1) considerations for this development is available for inspection prior to and at the meeting.

Recommendation: that Council approve the consent to the demolition of an existing garage, the erection of an attached carport on the fence line and a new garage with direct access to the rear laneway positioned 1.5 metres from the rear boundary of Lot 8, Section 44 in DP 664156, 157 Burrangong Street, Grenfell and subject to the following conditions:


Approved Plans and Documentation

1. The development shall be carried out in accordance with the plans as submitted with the Development Application and any supportive documentation, as stamped and approved by Council, except as otherwise provided by conditions of this consent

Reason: to ensure the development is carried out in accordance with the submitted application as assessed by Council

Limitations of the Consent

1. All building work must be carried out in accordance with the provisions of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979 and the Building Code of Australia.

Reason: to ensure compliance with the legislation and standards.

2. Neither the garage nor carport shall be occupied or used for industrial or commercial uses without the prior approval of Council.

Reason: to ensure compliance with the requirements of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979.

Principal Certifier Requirements

4. Prior to commencement of work, the person having the benefit of the Development Consent and a Construction Certificate shall:

a. appoint a Principal Certifying Authority and notify Council of the appointment (if Council is not appointed); and

b. notify Council of their intention to commence the erection of the building (at least 2 days notice is required).

The Principal Certifying Authority shall determine when inspections and compliance certificates are required.

Reason: to ensure compliance with the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979.

5 A Construction Certificate must be obtained from Council or an Accredited Certifier prior to work commencing. A construction certificate certifies that the provisions of Clauses 79A-79H of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Amendment Regulations, 1998 have been satisfied, including compliance with the Building Code of Australia and conditions of Development Consent.

Reason for Conditions 4: to comply with the requirements of the Environmental Planning & Assessment Act 1979 and the Building Code of Australia.

6 A final Occupation Certificate must be issued by the Principal Certifying Authority prior to the use of the development. In issuing an occupation certificate, the Principle Certifying Authority must be satisfied that the requirements of section 109H of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1997 has been satisfied.

Reason: to ensure compliance with the Environmental Planning & Assessment Act 1979.

Site Preparation

7. Prior to commencing work, erosion and sedimentation control measures are to be put in place to prevent soil movement from the site into natural or constructed drains or watercourses. Measures may include the installation of geofabric fencing, staked straw bale walls located on the contour down-slope of the construction, sediment detention basins, earthen contour banks and the like. Control measures must be maintained until revegetation or landscaping is completed.

Note: Failure to implement soil erosion protection may result in the issue of on the spot fines for offences under the Protection of the Environment Operations Act, 1998.

Reason: to ensure that any possible soil erosion and runoff is contained on the site to prevent pollution of drainage lines.

8 Before commencement of any work, a sign is required to be erected in a prominent, visible position:

( stating that unauthorised entry to the work site is not permitted,

( showing the name of the person in charge of the work site and a telephone number at which that person can be contacted outside working hours, and

( the house and lot number of the property.

This sign must be removed when the building work has been completed.

Reason: to ensure compliance with the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979.

9 The applicant must provide an adequate receptacle to store all waste generated by the development pending disposal. The receptacle must be regularly emptied and waste must not be allowed to lie or accumulate on the property other than in the receptacle. Consideration should be given to the source separation of recyclable and reusable materials.

Reason: to ensure that any possible soil erosion and runoff is contained on the site to prevent pollution of drainage lines.


10 The roof runoff from the proposed garage and carport is to be directed to the existing stormwater system.

Reason: to prevent damage to structures and to comply with the requirements of the Building Code of Australia.

Note: Council recommends the provision of a rainwater tank as a water saving measure for watering gardens and the like, with the over flow discharging into the existing system.


1 Prior to the commencement of any work on site, an assessment to determine the existence of asbestos within the parts of the house that will be affected by the proposed works is to be made. Suitable arrangements are then to be made to dispose of any identified waste asbestos materials including the notification of Council to arrange for disposal at the Grenfell Landfill and the payment of fees.

Note: Particular care and attention is to be paid to the disposal of any waste containing asbestos materials.

Reason: to allow for the safe disposal of waste asbestos materials.

2 All demolition work undertaken shall comply with the requirements of WorkCover and AS 2601-1991.

Reason: to ensure compliance with the relevant standards.


1 Concrete footings and slab for the garage are to be constructed in accordance with engineer designed plans and the requirements of the Building Code of Australia.

Reason: to ensure structural adequacy and compliance with codes and standards.

2. Framing used for the garage construction to be designed and constructed in accordance with either AS 4100, AS/NZ 4600 or NASH Part 1 and have a stress yield of not less than 250mpa.

Reason: to ensure compliance with the Building Code of Australia


1 The roof runoff from the carport is to be discharged through two (2) downpipes to the existing system.

Reason: to prevent damage to structures and to comply with the requirements of the Building Code of Australia.

2 The guttering attached to the carport is not to encroach onto or over neighboring land.

Reason: to comply with the requirements of the Local Government Act.

3 The roof covering, supporting structure and ceiling lining (if to be installed) for the carport are to be construction from non-combustible materials.

Reason: to reduce the spread of fire and ensure compliance with the Building Code of Australia.

4 The three sides of the carport are not to be filled in.

Reason: to comply with the requirements of the Building Code of Australia.

5 Concrete footings and slab are to be constructed in accordance with engineer designed plans and the requirements of the Building Code of Australia.

Reason: to ensure structural adequacy and compliance with codes and standards.

6. Framing used for the carport construction to be designed and constructed in accordance with either AS 4100, AS/NZ 4600 or NASH Part 1 and have a stress yield of not less than 250mpa.

Reason: to ensure compliance with the Building Code of Australia

C Other matters

C1 Tree Removal Application for Ms Anne Gault at 79 Camp St, Grenfell.

Council has received an application to remove a large palm tree from the front western corner of 79 Camp St Grenfell.

The Heritage Committee generally offers no objection to the removal of the palm tree based on the advice provided by the Heritage Adviser. However one committee member, Clr G Grimm, did go on record as objecting to the removal of this tree.

The applicant has requested the removal of the tree based on following grounds:

• The tree will be replaced with one or more native trees within overall native / cottage style garden;

• The palm tree drops fronds and other litter and attracts a large of birds generating considerable noise and droppings;

• The palm tree is foreign in the streetscape; and

• There are other established trees within the yard with more in pots ready to be planted and a variety of other types of plants throughout the yard.

• Council’s Policy for Tree Preservation (Feb 2006) states:

• The trees which this order applies are “any tree including a scrub, whether an endemic, exotic or introduced species which has (a) a height of 3.7m or (b) a branch spread width exceeding 2.4m”. This palm tree meets this definition and requires Council consent to be removed;

• The application for the removal of this palm tree does not meet the criteria for an exemption under Section 9 Exemptions within the policy.

• With reference to Section 8, the palm tree:

o is notable within the local streetscape (Camp & East Streets) due to a lack taller trees in the surrounding area;

o has no heritage, historic value or ecological value;

o is not likely to cause future damage to buildings;

o is manageable; and

o is not located near to any proposed development.

• Council has recently granted permission for the removal of three (3) palm trees within the Grenfell town area (Rose St area); and

• The applicant has advised that a native garden is to be established as soon as possible on the property.


For Council Consideration

C2 Draft Weddin Shire Heritage Restoration Policy

In order to support the Heritage Assistance Program within Council a Draft Heritage Restoration Policy has developed (copy provided).

Recommendation: that the draft Policy be placed on public exhibition for the prescribed 28 days, to be re-considered together with any comments received at the April 2007 meeting.

C3. Mr A Laing DA 18/2004 related to 6 West Street

• In May 2006, Mr Laing was asked to provide the following information to Council:

a. amended plans for development work undertaken with regard to Development Application 18/2004;

b. a further Development Application for the dwelling proposed for Lot 3, Section 1 in DP 758473; and

c. certification that the land is free of contamination.

• To date this information has not been received at Council.

• In addition it is uncertain whether the office building on the property is currently habited.

• Mr Laing has been formally asked to respond regarding the submission of the above information to Council and the current use of the office building on the property.






i) Circulation: 2,194 (including 6 ILL) over 21 days at a daily average of 104.48.

(December 2006 – 87.10, January 2006 – 116.75).

ii) Library Visits: 990 (December 2006 – 710, January 2006 – 972). Phone enquiries: 13. Reference enquiries: 3 (all resolved).

iii) Cost-Recovery Activities: Photocopying: 173 copies for $50.40. Internet: 8 accesses for $10.30.

Faxes: 3 for $12.00. Printing: 40 cents. Laminations: 10 for $21.00.

ILL: $5.50. Payment for lost stock: $20.00. Sundries: $5.00.

iv) Interlibrary Loans: 7 requests, 2 loans.

v) Registrations: New registrations during December – 11 (8 adult, 3 junior).

Total registrations as at 31 January, 2007 – 1,386

(959 adult, 3 depot, 23 housebound, 4 institutions, 397 junior).

vi) Additions of Stock: 95 items valued at $2,343.16

(13 ANF, 5 AF, 16 APB, 15 LP, 4 YPB, 3 JPB, 7E, 1 Ref, 14 mags, 13 TB,

2 JV, 1 DVD, 1 JDVD)

vii) Deletions of Stock: 104 items valued at $864.84

(66 ANF, 5 AF, 1 APB, 2 LP, 1 YNF, 11 YPB, 1 JF, 8 JPB, 1 E, 7 mags, 1 TB)

viii) Discretionary Spending as at 31.01.2007

Book Vote: $10,537.36 (c.$3,400 committed) Magazines: $415.08

Local Special Projects: $5,250 (expended)


As the above statistics indicate circulation statistics continue to fall and I can offer no explanation. A Development Grant application to the State Library for funding of a professional user/nonuser telephone survey to investigate possible reasons for the decline in patronage is being prepared. I would request that Council move a motion along the lines of ‘Council notes with concern the continued decline in circulation and visitation of the library and expresses its support for the librarian’s initiative in seeking Development Grant funding for a professional user/nonuser survey to investigate possible reasons”.

The Summer Reading Club was less successful than had been anticipated. It was thought that it would attract more interest this year, the concept being more familiar, but in fact only twenty-three children registered, five fewer than last year. Fourteen children met the challenge of reading ten books. The puppet show was again quite well supported with around fifty children attending, on par with last year. Only one children registered for the Junior Craft sessions and only one session was held but eight children attended card-making with Mrs Richardson and six the final Senior Craft session.

Geoffrey Graham, the principal of Dinkum Oz Entertainment, has advised he will be presenting a one hour Seniors programme in late February, the date to be confirmed. Mr Richard Loader has not as yet replied to the invitation to speak on Seniors Travel. Mr Denis Murphy from Murphy’s Puppets was going to liaise with his agent about a return visit but has yet to make contact.

The English teacher at Quandialla Central School is delighted with the weeded junior paperbacks and is planning on using them as the basis for a classroom library. The Young Library has taken around 20% of the weeded large print and western fiction.

Transportation issues means that the stock exchanges at both Greenethorpe and Caragabal Deposit Stations were deferred from January to February.

Otherwise activities have been of a routine nature.



|Telephone: (02) 6851 1541 |Facsimile: (02) 6851 1840 |

|E-mail: |

| |Wednesday, 13 May 2015 | |

Report for Weddin Shire Council

Yours sincerely


Ken Neville

Team Manager


Kevin Douglass has continued spraying while I recuperate from my operation and has completed the following:-

1. St John’s Wort in the Iandra area (and also Buffalo Burr that has appeared on roadsides in that area – probably from loads of hay).

2. Grenfell – Greenethorpe railway line for St John’s Wort and other weeds.

3. Spraying of suckers on most main roads in the shire (checking for noxious weeds while doing this).

4. Starting to spray Johnson Grass in the known areas where it exists.




Heritage Adviser's Report

6 February 2007

Pam Hunter Bungonia

Further comments on baluster railing and repair of broken caste-iron lacework. The Committee’s suggestions of local welders has been passed on to Ian Hunter. Note that the difficulties of getting the broken sections welded prior to painting and installation could slow down the job and it may not be completed by April 30, 2007. I have told the Hunters to advise Council in writing if the project is likely to be delayed.

Yeronga Colour scheme

Not a heritage property, however a colour scheme has been provided, with which the owner seemed happy.

Railway Hotel

The verandah needs considerable work. I advised the owner to go over the building carefully with the builder prior to him commencing, to try and clarify the exact scope of work and cost. They are applying for the Main Street Program and are eligible to claim up to one third of the total cost to a max of $7500. The builder is from Wagga and his next visit is to start the job, so adjustments to the grant sum may need to be done within a very short time frame. The job will require a DA and Cameron will discuss this with the owner in near future.

Local Grant generally

Projects that cannot be completed this financial year (the deadline on the Application form is 30 April) will need to be paid out of the 07-08 local grant budget, which will leave less for allocation in the 07-08 year

Palm Tree at 79 Camp Street

This is an attractive tree and fairly strategically located on the corner of East and Camp streets. However the tree is not pat of a formal planting, nor does it have a significant historic or aesthetic relationship to the house that is on the block. The owner has several mature gums at the rear of their property, but there is little other tall vegetation in the vicinity. If Council agree to allow removal of the tree, I would suggest that they consider planting one on the side of the road in East Street.

Heritage Committee meeting

See separate minutes

Main Street, Grenfell NSW 2810

Phone/Fax 02 6343 1720




The CTC is gaining a reputation for quality printing services. There is increasing patronage in restoration and re-printing of old photos, copying photos and converting slides to photos. The CTC also digitizes photos, slides and movies onto CD and DVD format and will customise the CD cover to individual needs. Other printing services becoming popular are business cards, colour document copying and posters up to A3 size.


The Grenfell Technology Centre has signed up for another year of internet support for Government Access. The program called @CCESS provides a dedicated computer for off-the-street enquiries about government services such as Centrelink. The CTC Association pays $500 to the centre as part of a NSW Government grant to enable these services. Statistics are kept at the CTC as to patterns of useage.


The major source of income for the CTC is the repairing and upgrading of computers in Grenfell. Most problems are associated with viruses, spyware and adware and are fixed in the same day in the workshop at the back of the CTC. Hardware upgrades and replacements are also undertaken with most problems relating to the need for better performance.


The Grenfell Uniting Church Leisure Group will be advertising for new courses in 2007. The CTC has been running a Thursday morning class for the past 2 years and this will continue in 2007. The first semester course will be Introduction to Computing and will run for 2 hours from 10am to midday for nine weeks. Other courses will include digital cameras and scanners and the internet.


The company Didji WIFI have offered to establish wireless internet on a casual basis. The equipment could be installed to broadcast from an aerial on top of the library, or clock tower, to enable reception throughout the CBD and in the library. The cost would be $10 per hour and can be used pro rata. This scheme is becoming popular throughout the Central West NSW and would not cost council to implement. The scheme is being investigated for practicality and viability.


Michael Foster





The Grenfell Business Development Committee held its meeting at the Grenfell Bowling Club on the 12th December. About 25 business people attended the meeting, which offers local business people an open forum to discuss business requirements, problems and achievements. Guest speaker was Val Myott from the Business Enterprise Centre in Orange. Val presented the topic of promoting your business without it costing a cent. Val, an award winning business owner herself, outlined several areas where a business can improve. The speech was well received and Peter Moffitt offered to invite the BEC back in future meetings.

Open forum discussion included the NRMA Careflight contract changes, parking for caravans and recreational vehicles in town, and lighting. The next meeting will be on the 20th February at 6pm at the Bowling Club. The guest speakers will be Rachel Ferguson and Heidi Stratford from Cowra to discuss the Cowra Better Business Awards format. The meeting after will have a guest speaker who will discuss the DAROO Awards format. (Daroo is an aboriginal word for platypus).


The Weddin Shire Council hosted the December forum at the Weddin Shire Council chambers. General Manager, Trevor Lobb opened the forum with a brief outline of the effect of the drought on the regional economy. Economic Development Managers and officers from Cowra, Weddin, Bathurst, Forbes, Lachlan, Cabonne, Bland Shire, Orange and officers from DSRD, Country Week and Didji WIFI attended.

The first speaker, James Turvey outlined various programs available through Aus Industry to encourage innovation, research and development and for the provision of venture capital. The second speaker was Tony Ash from Didji WIFI, who spoke about their company’s wireless internet service that is becoming popular with libraries and cafes around NSW. The service is complementary to existing internet providers in that it is a casual service for travellers. The Didji WIFI service can be established in Grenfell at no cost to council. Further details and a contract are being sent to us for consideration.

The third speaker at the forum was Peter Bailey, convenor of Country Week who outlined the 2006 and 2007 events and the benefits to our region. Peter is also organising a Country Week in Brisbane, which will counter Peter Beatty’s Queensland Expo held in Darling Harbour in 2006 in competition to our Country Week in Rosehill. The forum agreed that a collaborative approach to Country Week is in our interests and reduces the expense of attending.

Each council attending the forum outlined its current economic activities and projects for the future. The next meeting is to be held in Oberon.


The Hurst family relocated to Grenfell over the Christmas holidays, as a direct result of their attendance at Country Week in 2006 and the subsequent Open Days here in Grenfell. Brenda has taken a position with Mid West Area Health and Steven has picked up casual work. They have two children who have enrolled in Grenfell schools.


Mike Foster

Tourism & Economic Development



The Tourism Committee met on the 5th December at the Council. Issues discussed included the development of parking areas for recreational vehicles (RV), such as motor homes. Several motor homes have been observed using the flat areas adjacent to the station as overnight parking. Some have been noted to stay for three or four days. Most of these vehicles are completely self-contained but are very pleased to utilize the sewerage dump point at the railway station. Motor homes have also been observed in vicinity of Company’s Dam, which may be a suitable alternative for the railway station as a designated RV Friendly parking area.


The draft strategic plan has been adopted by council after 28 days of public display. There was no comment from the public about the content of the plan that required any alteration. Sarah Clifton and Tamara Ingrey have added colour photographs and additional appendixes to the document.

Grenfell Brochures – The advertising is nearly completed for the main brochure. The production will commence in late January. The Grenfell maps will be customised for businesses at a cost of 30 cents each. Businesses expressing interest are the petrol stations, museum, Visitors centre and real estate agents.

Weddin Mountain Tours – The new Weddin Mountain park ranger is due to arrive in Forbes soon and will be invited to a future meeting to discuss park access issues. New park brochures have arrived and been distributed to the visitors centre.

Sound for Henry Lawson Bust and Festival Walk – the design for the plaques has been awarded to Arrow Bronze, who is the best value quote. The Director Engineering has mocked up a cast outside the engineer’s office as an example of how the plaque will look when installed. It is installed on a precast concrete base to avoid vandalism. A red tint has been added to the concrete to allow the plaques to stand out against the concrete. Grant funding for the project is currently being investigated.

Bird Routes – L & A Graphics and Signs R Us in Cowra have been approached regarding quotes for a digital sign for each of the ten locations for the bird routes. The signs will be 600 x 600mm on colour bond steel. The signs are expected to cost around $50-$60 each and will require erection on to a pole on site.

Railway Station Development – Trevor Lobb and Terry Carroll have been invited to the February meeting to discuss the status of the development of the railway station. The sewerage dump line has been repaired by the Lions Club. Motor homes are currently utilising the area for parking.

Website –The Grenfell portal address has been advertised around town with posters and in the brochures. It will need to be advertised in the Grenfell Record via a press release as well as in the Council news section. A section has been added to the website for the Grenfell Caravan Park. The new pages include an online booking system, which sends details of the booking request directly to the manager of the Caravan Park by email. This will be advertised in Caravan Park literature.


Mike Foster

Tourism & Economic Development

Minutes of the Australia Day meeting held on

Thursday 18th December 2006, 4pm.

Present: R Sinclair (Rotary) E. Needham (Guides) I. Pitt (Historical Society) M. Schneider (Lions Club) Lorraine (Cadets) M Foster (Weddin Shire Council) Gloria Wilder (CWA)

1. Apologies: Kim Durham

2. Adoption of Minutes – 14 December 2006

Resolved: I. Pitt/R Sinclair that the minutes be adopted as presented.

3. Business Arising - Nil

4. Correspondence

In – Australia Day ambassador information

Out - letters to Band, Cadets, Rotary, Lions, Australia Day Council, Graham Foster, Hon John Cobb.

Resolved: M Foster/ E. Needham that the correspondence be accepted.

5. Schedule

The 2007 schedule was discussed in detail and progress reported as below.

6. Progress

Each committee member gave an update of their progress.

Ian – Historical Society – Is in charge of decorating the band stand with the bunting and banners. Set up the presentation table. Bring the flag.

Maurice – Lions – Set up the rostrum. Organise breakfast (cereal to be included this year). Set up around 50 chairs.

Elaine – Guides - as for last year.

Lorraine - Cadets - tea, coffee & cordial. Flag raising ceremony (Lt Paul Mckinnon). Kim Durham stood down from the committee due to her daughter withdrawing from cadets this year.

Roma – Rotary - Table Cloths, table

CWA - Damper

Mike - purchased 250 flag wavers – to be used over several years.

- Graeme Foster to sing the National Anthem as Stephanie Moffitt will be in Sydney

- MC, Danny Joyce is okay. - John Hetherington is available for poetry

- Peter Mitton okay to set up the PA System

- Peter Hall will entertain between 8am and 9am. He will use the Rotary PA System

- Sprinklers will be turned off and the park cleaned (Bill Twohill)

- the book Glint of Gold will be presented to Daniel by the Mayor.

-Woolworths Rosemary Jones will present a pin to Daniel

7. General Business

• Ambassador Daniel Widdowson will travel to Greenethorpe with Mayor Maurice to attend the Greenethorpe ceremony. They leave Grenfell at 5.30pm for the 6pm start.

• A children’s competition will be held again with the themes of Australian characters and Disney characters (due to the ambassadors connections). Prizes will be organized by Deidre Carroll at the Grenfell Record.

• A rain alternate location has been chosen. The Soldiers Memorial Hall will be on standby and Maurice Schneider has the keys.

• A suggestions box will be placed on display at the ceremony to attract new ideas for the future.

8. Next Meeting: Thursday 15th February– Council Chambers 4pm.

9. Meeting closed: 5pm


1. PRESENT: W Twohill, David Vant (RTA), Sergeant Greg Lynch (Police) Doug Freudenstein (Local Member’s Representative).

2. APOLOGIES: Clr M Simpson (Observer)

Resolved: D Freudenstein and W Twohill that the apology be accepted.


Resolved: W Twohill and D Vant that the minutes of the meeting held 1 December 2006 be adopted as read.


4.1 Main Street Islands

To be constructed shortly.


4.2 SH17 - Lows Road Intersection

Listed for RTA funding – at least two (2) years wait.


4.3 Brundah Street and Melyra Street - B Double route

An estimate has been provided to the RTA.


4.4 Kevin and Judy Bryant

Iandra Road – crests marked.


4.5 SH6 – No Stopping

MR 337 to be completed.


4.6 Signs – now “No Stopping” and to “No Standing”

New signs to be assessed in Grenfell.


4.7 Relocation of Taxi Rank

The Committee inspected the site and felt that the taxi rank should not be relocated to outside Anderson’s Real Estate for the same reasons as given in the Minutes of the Weddin Local Traffic Committee Meeting held on 1 December 2007.

The Committee also felt that the existing taxi rank was in a suitable location for safety reasons.

Resolved: D Vant and G Lynch that the taxi stand remain in its existing location or if the taxi rank was to be relocated, it be moved to outside the Ambulance Station.

4.8 B-Double Route Extension – Berrys Lane and Holy Camp Road

Gazettal to occur shortly.


5. Correspondence

5.1 T Carroll – Extension of School Bus Route Along Young Road

The Committee considered the request to extend the existing school bus route southerly along Young Road between Martins Lane and Tyagong Hall Road. A similar request was received from Mr Carroll in February 2003 in which was refused by NSW Department of Transport on the grounds of concerns regarding safety from a number of parents.

The Committee inspected the site and agreed that as no changes had been made to the site, apart from an advance warning sign indicating the Martins Lane intersection ahead, it would not support the proposed extension due to the short site distance.

Resolved: D Vant and G Lynch that approval not be given to the extension of the bus route along Young Road between Martins Lane and Tyagong Hall Road.

5.2 Future Meetings

Future meetings are to held on the following dates:-

2 February 2007

30 March 2007

1 June 2007

3 August 2007

5 October 2007

30 November 2007


3. Quandialla – Proposed Closure of Second Street on 24 March 2007

The Committee offered no objection subject to the necessary paperwork, TCP and Public Liability Insurance for $30 million and written approval from Police and Council

Resolved: D Vant and W Twohill that no objection be made to the proposal of Second Street Quandialla on 24 March 2007 subject to the necessary paperwork, TCP and Public Liability Insurance for $30 million and written approval from Police and Council.

4. Henry Lawson Festival of Arts

The RTA and Director Engineering met in Grenfell to discuss improvements to safety for pedestrians and vehicles for the procession on Saturday 9 June 2007. It was agreed that the safest way of dealing with the through traffic to Cowra, Young, Forbes and West Wyalong via the heavy vehicle detour along Mary Gilmore Way, Berrys Lane, Holy Camp Road and Weddin Street/Young Road with extra temporary direction signs all day.

The Committee considered the proposal and agreed in principle subject to normal conditions being met, such as police approval, traffic control plan RTA approval and Council approval.


5.5 Henry Lawson Festival of Arts – Fun Run

The Committee is in approval to the fun run subject to the event being conducted in a sterile road environment.


5.6 Henry Lawson Festival of Arts – Closure of Lower Main Street

On Sunday 10 June 2007 no objection raised to the closure subject to approvals being granted as in previous years.


5.7 Adelargo Road – Proposed School Bus Extension along Simpson Drive

No objection to the proposed extension.


8. Proposed Directional Sign – “Cowra” at Burrangong Street

Refer to RTA



The Committee inspected Young Road/Martins Lane, Simpson Drive and Main Street (taxi).

NEXT MEETING: 30 March 2007

CLOSURE: there being no further business to discuss the committee carried out inspections and the meeting closed 11.25 am.


3.30 PM ON TUESDAY, 6 FEBRUARY 2007 (C2.6.16)

1. PRESENT: Clrs Grimm, Halls, D Hughes and Messrs W Twohill, M Martens and K Starr.

2. APOLOGY: Clr Taylor.

Resolved: Clr Halls and Clr D Hughes that the apology be accepted.


Resolved: Clr Halls and Clr Simpson that the minutes of 8 August 2006 be adopted as read.


4.1 Privacy – Property names or owner names


4.2 Weeds – Map Info for weeds



1. NSW Department of Primary Industries – Galvanised Burr

Resolved: Clr D Hughes and K Starr that write a letter agree that Council will make galvanised Burr a Control Class 4 noxious weed.




6.1 Four Wheel Motorbike



7.1 Buffalo Burr – on railway line where the ballast was placed. Contact Railway.



NEXT MEETING: Monday, 8 May 2007.

CLOSURE: There being no further business to discuss the meeting closed at 3.57 pm.

Minutes of the Weddin Shire Tourism Committee meeting held on Tuesday 6th February, 2007 at 4pm at the Council Chambers.

Present: Clr J Niven Clr N Hughes A Dixon Clr G McClelland

L Eastaway J Hetherington C Earl M Foster

G Carroll (Observer)

1. Apologies: Clr M Simpson

Resolved: L Eastaway/ N Hughes that the apology be accepted.

2. Adoption of Minutes:

Resolved: L Eastaway/ Clr N. Hughes that the minutes of the meeting held 5th December 2006 be adopted as presented.

3. Business arising: - Nil

4. Correspondence:

In – Nil

Out – Nil

5. Projects

• Grenfell Brochures – Businesses are gradually returning the required amended details. As soon as they are all back we can commence printing.

• Weddin Mountain Tours – The new Weddin Mountain park ranger has commenced and will be invited to attend a future meeting.

• O’Brien’s Hill – Funding application

- The funding application for the redevelopment of O’Brien’s Hill was unsuccessful. It will be now re-submitted.

• Sound for Henry Lawson Bust and Festival Walk – The Director Engineering has mocked up a cast outside the engineer’s office as an example of how the plaque will look when installed. It is installed on a coloured precast concrete base to avoid vandalism. Grant funding for the project is currently being investigated. General Manager pursuing.

Bird Routes – quotes are back from L&A Graphics ($66 per sign) and Signs R Us ($47 a sign). The more expensive option has rounded edges for safety and a clear film to enable cleaning (graffiti, dirt etc). Clr McClelland and Mike Foster will refine the design and approach L&A Graphics about the first 10 signs. The availability of posts to install the signs will be investigated.

• Railway Station Development – Trevor Lobb (General Manager), Bill Twohill (Director Engineering), Maurice Schneider and Terry Carroll (Lions Club) attended the meeting to up date the committee on the plans for the development of the Railway Station area. Plans include a new toilet block, landscaped picnic areas and miniature railway.

It is envisaged that this will be a long term project and will require the ARTC, Council and the Lions Club to work together to finalise the project.

• Website – Updated on a regular basis. The Grenfell Caravan Park has been added to the portal site. There is an online booking facility and price list.

6. Prioritising Projects Noted

7. Tourism Strategic Plan

• The tourism strategic plan was tabled for the committee’s perusal. The plan will be reviewed on an annual basis.

8. Upcoming Events

• In October 2007 the Forbes Motorhome Show will attract around 1600 motorhomes. The CMCA (Camping Motorhomes Club of Australia) is eager to have Grenfell approved as an RV Friendly town thus enabling many vehicles access to Grenfell before and after the event.

• Quandialla to be also considered as a possible hosting venue for the Motorhomes. Alana to investigate and report back.

Local Government Tourism Conference – March 11-13, 2007 at Griffith


10. General Business

• It was suggested that the commercial signage located at the entrances to Grenfell on private property require attention.

• It was noted that the towns entrances are unsightly and require attention as it would be deterring tourists from visiting Grenfell.

• The committee was advised that the Grenfell Museum is going very well under Ms Linda Raymond’s (Museum Advisor) guidance.

The contribution by Council was noted and much appreciated.

Next Meeting

Tuesday 6th March 2007, 4.00pm

Meeting Closed: 4.59pm


PRESENT: Clrs N Hughes, G McClelland, G Grimm; Messrs I Pitt, J Hetherington, P Giovanelli, C Earl (DES) and Mesdames C Lobb and P Livingstone.

(Observer) T V Lobb (GM)

APOLOGIES: Clr Taylor and Clr Simpson

Resolved: Clr McClelland and Clr N Hughes that the apologies be accepted

CONFIRMATION OF MINUTES: Tuesday 5 December 2006.

Resolved: Clr McClelland and C Lobb that the minutes of 5 December 2006 be adopted.


1 4.1 Grenfell and Greenethorpe Heritage Studies (Weddin Shire Community Based Study)

The Heritage Office has advised that grant monies of $10,000.00 are available to undertake a community based heritage study for Weddin Shire.

• Council would need a dollar for dollar contribution to the project.

• The grant monies would build on the studies currently being undertaken by the Heritage Advisor.

Resolved: Clr N Hughes and J Hetherington that:

• the grant be accepted; and

• Council allocate matching funding of $10,000 in the 2007/2008 budget.

4.2 Restoration policy

• The Heritage Committee members present discussed the draft Restoration Policy prepared by the Heritage Advisor.

Resolved: Clr N Hughes and Clr G Grimm that the draft Restoration Policy be recommended to Council for acceptance.


• Acceptances have been received: Ms Lynda Brenner, Mr Terry Carroll (behalf of the Grenfell Lions Club), Mr Bob and Mrs Sally Jackman and Mr Anthony Dixon.


• The following grant recipients have requested payment for works undertaken within the Weddin Heritage Assistance program:

o Lisa Baker – Heritage Advisor inspected the property to confirm that work was completed however some works had not been finalised. DES to follow up on this and report back to the next Heritage Committee meeting.


o P Hewen – Heritage Advisor inspected the property and was satisfied with works completed.

Resolved: C Lobb and P Livingstone that:

• grant monies of $2,000.00 be forwarded to P Hewen for works undertaken: and

• Council write to P Hewen offering congratulations for the good work undertaken and advising it would favourably consider a further application to reinstate the front awning.


1. Heritage Advisors report

a. P Hunter – inspection for heritage grant work and advised that there were issues with the completion date for their grant.

b. G Mendham – inspection and discussion of colour scheme for dwelling.

c. C Logan (Railway Hotel) – inspection and discussion regarding an application for Main Street Heritage Assistance Program. (DES to follow up from this initial meeting.)

d. P Hewen – inspection for grant work undertaken.

e. A Gault – inspection at 79 Camp St Grenfell as part of the assessment process for an application to remove a palm tree from this property. Heritage Advisor considered the palm tree did not a have a strong relationship with the house on the property and was not of heritage significance.

Resolved: J Hetherington and Clr N Hughes that the Heritage Committee has no objection to removal of the palm tree from 79 Camp Street Grenfell based on the advice provided by the Heritage Advisor.

Clr Grimm requested his name be recorded as against the motion.

2. Bird route signs – Clr McClelland presented a draft design to the Heritage Committee for their information and sought advice on mountings for these signs from the Heritage Advisor. Heritage Advisor recommended steel poles to mount the free standing signs.

For Information

3. Recent Grenfell Visitors – Clr N Hughes advised that recent Rotary visitors were very impressed with the Albion Hotel and Iandra Castle.

For Information

4. 2007 Heritage Week Festival – activities for the week to be finalised and reported at the next Heritage Meeting. DES to coordinate promotional information.

NEXT MEETING: Tuesday, 6 March 2007

CLOSURE: there being no further business the meeting closed at 6.10 pm.


Present: Clr Simpson, Clr N Hughes, Messrs T Lobb, G Carroll and W Twohill.

Apologies: C Earl.

Resolved: W Twohill and Clr N Hughes that the apology be accepted.


Resolved: W Twohill and Clr Simpson that the minutes of 15 January 2007 be adopted as circulated.

General Business:

1A Administration

i) New Depot – letters sent to successful and unsuccessful tenderers. Requested copies of certificates of currency for insurance purposes. Director Engineering to determine date of commencement from specifications.

(ii) Policy Review – Fees, Expenses and Facilities for Councillors – Councillors expenses policy to be submitted to the February Council meeting. No submissions from the public received to date. To be submitted to the Department by 28 February 2007.

(iii) Ward Map – base map displaying existing wards forwarded to Land and Property Information (LPI) at Bathurst. Awaiting response. General Manager to pursue.

(iv) Management Plan 2007/2008 – reported in General Manager’s report.

1B Human Resources

i) Performance Reviews – Directors completed.

(ii) Vacancies – Caravan Park Manager – Mark Hewen appointed and commenced 5 February 2007.

- Administration Assistant – Donna Gibbons appointed and will commence 14 February 2007.

- Pay Clerk – three (3) applications received. Interviews to be held on Friday, 16 February 2007.

- Cleaner – currently being advertised. Closes 2 March 2007.

(iii) WorkChoices – from David Gibson’s address to the ‘E’ Division Conference it appears as though Council is a Constitutional Corporation. Awaiting formal response to General Manager’s letter to Shires Association. Report will then be submitted to Council.

(iv) School Based Apprenticeships – enquiries made regarding the system. Three (3) days at school, one (1) day at tech, one (1) day with employer. Director Engineering to investigate availability and advantages.

2. Public Order and Safety

(i) Legal Action - Nil

3. Health

(i) Medical Centre – Mr A Lindsay submitted a report on the various options. To be submitted to the Property and Development Committee for further consideration.

4. Community Services and Education


5. Housing and Community Amenities

(i) Grenfell Tip – four (4) out of seven (7) title deeds received. Director Engineering to pursue.

ii) Garbage Collection Extension – completed, now in progress.

iii) Bumbaldry Mine DA 26/2005 – access roadworks completed. Internal roadworks deferred for time being.

iv) Broula Hill Mine Development Application (Cowra) - process currently in progress.

Resolved: Clr Simpson and Twohill that Council forward a submission in regard to vehicle access and traffic safety.

6. Sewerage

(i) Effluent Ponds – water levels overflowing due to pump problems.

(ii) Water Grant for Effluent – to be utilised to purchase new pump and establish reservoirs. Discussion also took place in regard to the Grenfell Rugby Union Club pumping water from Company’s Dam to Bembrick Oval and possibly the Caravan Park.

Resolved: Clr Simpson and Clr N Hughes that the work be carried out at the expenses and risk of the Rugby Club and that Councils contribution be considered upon the successful completion of the works and after the benefit to Council is determined.

7. Recreation and Culture

(i) Library Upgrading - reported in Director Corporate Service’s Report.

ii) Pool Water Recycling – options being investigated.

iii) Caravan Park – residence not required by new Caravan Park Manager.

Resolved: Clr Simpson and Clr N Hughes that options for the residence be investigated.

8. Mining Manufacture and Construction


9. Transport and Communication

(i) RTA Contract – reported in Director Engineering’s report.

(ii) Heavy Vehicle Routes – Director Engineering to check availability of guidelines.

(iii) Other Programs – RTA issued $190,000 under the Regional Roads Repair Programme, for work on MR237. Water is available with current works being undertaken.

10. Economic Affairs

(i) Drought Relief Strategy – completed and released.

(ii) Taxi – reported in Director Corporate Services’ report.

11. General Purpose Revenues


12. Other Matters

(i) Review of Job List


ii) DLG Paper on Sustainability – delegation to attend Dubbo seminar. Decision to be delegated to executive to decide after seminar which option Council to take as decision due before next Council meeting.

iii) Water Availability – standpipe operating very well. No reply to date from General Manager’s letter to Department Natural Resources (DNR) in Forbes regarding Wirrega bore.

iv) Clr Simpson – comments on Hawkesbury Council sister city relationship, Premiers Debate and State Government Candidates Forum to be held on Friday 23 February 2007.


v) Clr N Hughes – enquired in regards to the number of applicants for the Caravan Park Managers and the Environmental Services positions.


Next Meeting: Monday, 12 March 2007 at 2.30 pm.

Closure: There being no further business to discuss the meeting closed at 4.18 pm.


|1. |PRESENT: Clrs Simpson, McClelland and Atchison. |

| |Messrs T Lobb, G Carroll and W Twohill. |

|2. |APOLOGIES: Clr Hinde |

|Resolved: Clr Simpson and Clr Atchison that the apology be accepted. |


| |

|Resolved: Clr McClelland and Clr Atchison that the minutes of 15 January 2007 be adopted. |


|Nil |


5.1 Grenfell Rugby Union Club, C1.2.4 (C13):


5.2 Grenfell Business Development Committee, C2.6.33 (C16):

Resolved: Clr McClelland and Clr Atchison that the Christmas lights matter be referred to Country Energy to enquire if the request is possible as well as obtaining a costing. Further, that the Grenfell Business Development Committee be advised accordingly.

Resolved: Clr McClelland and Clr Simpson that the caravan parking matter be referred to the next Traffic Committee meeting for consideration and the Grenfell Business Development Committee be advised accordingly.

5.3 Railway Hotel, H1.4.2 (C18):

Resolved: Clr McClelland and Clr Simpson that the request to extend the Alcohol Free Zone hours to 11.00 am - 11.00 pm be referred to the Police.

5.4 The Grenfell Shed, C1.3.31 (C20):

Resolved: Clr Simpson and Clr Atchison that the matter of signposting be referred to the RTA and the next Traffic Committee meeting.

5.5 Five Concerned Shop Holders in the Main Street, R2.12.2 (C21):


5.6 Grenfell Rugby Union Club, P2.1.6 (C14):



| |Nil |

|7. |REPORTS |

|7.1 |General Manager’s Report |

| |Reports on Lease of Railway Land. |

| |Noted |

|7.2 |Director Corporate Services’ Report |

| |Reports on Town Costings, Library Development Project, Taxi Service and Dentist. |

| | |

| |Noted |

|7.3 |Director Engineering’s Report |

| |Reports on Wards Activities, Parks and Ovals, Future Works, Other Works, Proposed Kerb and Gutter Construction and Kerb and |

| |Gutter. |

| |Noted |

|7.4 |Director Environmental Services’ Report |

| |The General Manager presented this report in the absence of the Director Environmental Services. |

| | |

| |Reports on Sewerage Treatment Works, Caravan Park, Grenfell Swimming Pool, Animal Control, Town DA’s, Tree Removal |

| |Application – A Gault, Draft Weddin Shire Heritage Restoration Policy and A Laing DA 18/2004. |

| |Noted |


|Clr Atchison |- |advised North Street west of Forbes Street requires attention. |

| | |→ Clr McClelland advised it will be sealed this financial year. |

| | |enquired when Country Week will be held this year. |

| | |→ General Manager advised probably August. |

| |- |advised the back fence is falling towards the laneway between Weddin/East Streets on|

| | |Mr Bill Jones property. |

|Clr McClelland |- |→ Director Engineering to investigate. |

| | | |

| |

|NEXT MEETING: Monday, 12 March 2007 at 5.00 pm. |

| |

|CLOSURE: There being no further business to discuss the meeting closed at 5.44 pm. |


1. PRESENT: Clr M Simpson (chair), Clr N Hughes, Messrs P Moffitt, M Crutcher,

T V Lobb, G Carroll.



Resolved: T Lobb and P Moffitt that the minutes of 30 August 2006 be adopted as read.



5. BUSINESS – Strategic Aims

5.1 Building Industry Capacity

• Tradesmen – working well. A Zammitt and D Mills have been operating for twelve (12) months. Incentives paid. Photo to be organised.

• TAFE Courses – TAFE may conduct survey to ascertain courses required by public.

• Open Days


• Workabout Australia – Council is currently advertising positions vacant on the website. Needs to be further promoted through the Grenfell Business Development Committee.

5.2 Grow the Retail Sector

• Review Minutes GBDC


• Role of GBDC - to assist in the attraction of new business and the retention of existing businesses. Peter Moffitt advised that the restructure and review of the committee is working very well.

• Trade Expo – report to February 2007 Council meeting recommending that the Trade Expo be held on Friday 5 October 2007. More business involvement required.

• Promotions GBDC – 2LF promotion in 2006 unsuccessful. Consideration shoud be given to having a local shopping promotion with the Open Days/Trade Expo.

5.3 Develop Visitors Programme

• Review minutes Tourism Committee


• New Motel Status – currently under consideration with a possible investor. P Pulley pursuing.

• Tourism Strategic Plan – adopted by Council at the December 2006 Council meeting. Plan to be reviewed on an annual basis.

• Festival Footpath Plaques – design developed. Funding application submitted to Premiers Department. Awaiting outcome.

• O’Briens Mine Development – funding application unsuccessful. To be re-submitted in 2007.

• New Tourism Brochure – being developed “in house” at the CTC. Currently being updated. Local businesses are being encouraged to advertise in the brochure.

• Mens Shed – regional meetings held. Each town operating their Mens Sheds independently, but networking with each other.

5.4 Establish Grenfell as a Heritage Centre

• Review Minutes Heritage Committee


• Restoration Grants – Main Street and local fund to be finalised this financial year.

5.5 Establish Grenfell as a Business and Professional Centre

• Industrial Land - all land nearly sold with some deals not concluded. Council will need to investigate the purchase of additional land.

• Grenfell Community Hub – Design West and Mr Alan Lindsay currently preparing plans and specification. To be then submitted to the Property and Development Committee and Council before tenders are formally called.


• New Depot – tenders accepted by Council.

• Roy Powell Conference – to be arranged if possible.

Resolved: P Moffitt and Clr N Hughes that the General Manager investigate the cost of Mr R Powell attending a meeting in Grenfell.

• Economic Development Strategy – to be reviewed by committee members for conference with Mr Powell.

• Gold Mine – Council works finalised at this stage. Commencement date not yet determined.

• Chook Farm – enquiry made regarding commencement date. Development Application five (5) year time period due to expire on 27 May 2007.

7. NEXT MEETING: To be advised.

8. CLOSURE: There being no further business to discuss the meeting closed at 9.07 am.



(a) The following are current items on the list submitted for Council’s consideration at the meeting on 14 February 2007.


April 2006 1. SES: arrange meeting of Executive with representatives (GM).

January 2007 2. Railway Land: arrange meeting with ARTC, Lions and Mens Shed (GM).


October 2004 1. Industrial Estate: landscaping requirements to be reported (DES).

December 2005 2. Railway Land: seek removal of container (DES).

(Note: letter sent to ARTC).

April 2006 3. IT Equipment: undertake comparison of leasing versus purchase (DCS).

November 2006 4. Sewerage Treatment Works: investigate additional effluent pond (DES/DE).

December 2006 5. Taxi Rank: object to Traffic Committee re new location (DE).

6. Natural Disaster Mitigation Programme: submit application to establish level of sustainable water reserves (DES).

January 2007 7. Grenfell Cemetery: invite R Penrose to address council (GM).


Questions maybe put to councillors and council employees in accordance with clause 25 of the Council’s Code of Meeting Practice, as follows:-

“(1) A councillor:

(a) may, through the chairperson, put a question to another councillor, and

(b) may, through the chairperson and the General Manager, put a question to a council employee.

(2) However, a councillor or council employee to whom a question is put is entitled to be given reasonable notice of the question and, in particular, sufficient notice to enable reference to be made to other persons or to documents.

(3) The councillor must put every such question directly, succinctly, and without argument.

(4) The chairperson must not permit discussion on any reply or refusal to reply to a question put to a councillor or council employee under this clause. “

Questions should not be used to introduce business without notice. This is covered in Clause 17 of Council’s Code of Meeting Practice, as follows:-

“(3) …………….., business may be transacted at a meeting of a Council even though due notice of the business has not been given to the councillors. However, this can happen only if:

(a) a motion is passed to have the business transacted at the meeting, and

(b) the business proposed to be brought forward is ruled by the chairperson to be of great urgency.

Such a motion can be moved without notice.

(4) …………….., only the mover of a motion referred to in subclause (3) can speak to the motion before it is put.”

Questions on routine operational matters should be directed to the General Manager or the appropriate Director separately from and/or prior to the meeting.



The authority for Council to close a meeting to the public is given under Section 10 of the Local Government Act, for which the following excerpts apply:

[s 10A1 Which parts of a meeting can be closed to the public?


(1) [Meetings may be closed] A council, or a committee of the council of which all the members are councillors, may close to the public so much of its meeting as comprises:

(a) the discussion of any matters listed in subclause (2), or

(b) the receipt or discussion of any of the information so listed.

(2) [Grounds for closure] The matters and information are the following:

(a) personnel matters concerning particular individuals (other than councillors),

(b) the personal hardship of any resident or ratepayer,

(c) information that would, if disclosed, confer a commercial advantage on a person with whom the council is conducting (or proposes to conduct) business,

(d) commercial information of a confidential nature that would, if disclosed:

(i) prejudice the commercial position of the person who supplied it, or

(ii) confer a commercial advantage on a competitor of the council, or

(iii) reveal a trade secret,

(e) information that would, if disclosed, prejudice the maintenance of law,

(f) matters affecting the security of the council, councillors, council staff or council property,

(g) advice concerning litigation, or advice that would otherwise be privileged from production in legal proceedings on the ground of legal professional privilege

(h) information concerning the nature and location of a place or an item of Aboriginal significance on community land.

(3) [Closure of Resolution to close] A council, or a committee of the council of which all the members are councillors, may also close to the public so much of its meeting as comprises a motion to close another part of the meeting to the public.

(4) [Public's right to make representations] A council, or a committee of a council may allow members of the public to make representations to or at a meeting, before and part of the meeting is closed to the public, as to whether that part of the meeting should be closed.

[s 10C] Notice of likelihood of closure not required in urgent cases

10C Part of a meeting of a council, or of a committee of the council of which all the members are councillors, may be closed to the public while the council or committee considers a matter that has not been identified in the agenda for the meeting as a matter that is likely to be considered when the meeting is closed, but only if:

(a) it becomes apparent during the discussion of a particular matter that the matter is a matter referred to in section 10A(2), and

(b) the council or committee, after considering any representations made under section 10A(4), resolves that further discussion of the matter:

(i) should not be deferred (because of the urgency of the matter), and

(ii) should take place in a part of the meeting that is closed to the public.

[s 10D] Grounds for closing part of meeting to be specified

10D (1)[Record of grounds for closure] The grounds on which part of a meeting is closed must be stated in the decision to close that part of the meeting and must be recorded in the minutes of the meeting.

(2) [Details to he specified] The grounds must specify the following:

(a) the relevant provision of section 10A(2),

(b) the matter that is to be discussed during the closed part of the meeting,

(c) the reasons why the part of the meeting is being closed, including (if the matter concerned is a matter other than a personnel matter concerning particular individuals, the personal hardship of a resident or ratepayer or a trade secret) an explanation of the way in which the discussion of the matter in an open meeting would be, on balance, contrary to the public interest.

RECOMMENDATION: That Standing Orders be suspended and Council form a Closed Council to consider the items listed below,

AND THAT the Press and the public be excluded from the Meeting of the Closed Council because of the confidential nature of the business to be transacted, as stated below:



1. Performance Review - Director Corporate Services, P1.10015

Reason for confidentiality: staff matter (Section 10A(2)(a))

2. Performance Review - Director Engineering , P1.10059

Reason for confidentiality: staff matter (Section 10A(2)(a))

Other items may be referred to closed council during the course of the meeting.


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