“Your Two Sense”

Your Two ‘Sense’

Community Economic Development and

The Antigonish Movement


Matt Sheffield and Rebecca Reeves

* We envision this game as a vehicle through which to review CED and The Antigonish Movement at the end of a unit.

A. Rationale:

In short, it’s crazy that people fly around the world to study Community Economic Development at the Coady while there are people living in Antigonish who have never heard of the Antigonish Movement. This game should reinforce to students, that in many ways, they live at “ground zero” of the Community Economic Development world. We should be proud and celebrate this history!

We also rationalize this game as a fun and effective way to connect seemingly abstract economic principles to students’ local history and real lives (Principles of Learning: Students construct knowledge and make it meaningful in terms of prior knowledge and experience). Economics can be dry when there is little or no direct connection to real people and real places. We hope that historical “Nishers” and Antigonish itself (the community aspect of economics) will serve as hooks allowing us to reel students toward an appreciation of larger, systemic economic principles and forces.

Finally, as outlined in the CED add-on to the Grade 9 Social Studies Curriculum, the rationale for CED is as follows:

“In response to the transitions that are affecting the economy of Canada, leaders in both the government and the private and voluntary sectors have been rethinking how growth and development of the economy ought to be managed. People in the communities of Nova Scotia and other parts of Atlantic Canada, including the youth, are involved in, and are being affected by, this rethinking…Young people are a dynamic component of the social and economic life of our communities. Their understanding of the historical roots, transition and accomplishments of CED in Nova Scotia and Atlantic Canada, and their inclusion in the CED process, will allow them to help shape the socio-economic climate into which they will grow. Their experience as active citizen partners in CED will increase the capacity of their communities to plan for and manage a sustainable future.”

B. Outcomes

GCO: Individuals, Societies, and Economic Decisions

Students will be expected to demonstrate the ability to make responsible economic decisions as individuals and as members of society.

CED Outcome 2

Students will be expected to demonstrate an understanding of the Antigonish Movement and the strategies it developed to help communities to deal with economic transition.


Grade 9

-use economic concepts to help explain economic development in their province, the Atlantic region, Canada, and the world

-analyze the personal, social, and economic implications of paid and unpaid labour

-explain how economic factors affect people’s incomes


(* the following are the specific outcomes from the Antigonish Movement section of the CED supplement – all of which would be addressed during the unit and some of which would be reviewed during the Your Two ‘Sense’ game)


8. explain how Atlantic Canadians shape political culture by exercising power and influencing political decisions

-identify actions citizens can take to become politically empowered

5. analyze local, regional, and global economic patterns and related issues that are

challenging Atlantic Canadians

-assess the extend to which regional disparity exists in Atlantic Canada, in

Canada, and in the global community

-assess the extend to which lifelong learning and personal development

will be required of Atlantic Canadians

-evaluate the role of government in dealing with the economic

challenges facing Atlantic Canada


6. demonstrate an understanding of and appreciation for the link between culture,

occupations, and lifestyles in Atlantic Canada

-understand the extent to which geography/location affects the

traditional occupations of Atlantic Canadians

-determine how traditional occupations are linked to physical location

in Atlantic Canada

-determine the extent to which occupations affect lifestyles of people

and their recreational and leisure activities

7. demonstrate an understanding of the local and global forces that cause

cultures to constantly change

-recognize that culture is constantly changing

-determine the extent to which a culture in his/her area changed in the first

half of the 20th century and compare it with the change the same culture

has experienced in the past ten years

-determine the extent to which political and economic circumstances

affect cultural change

-determine the extent to which it is important for people to maintain links

between the old and the new in their culture



-express and support a point of view

-use various forms of group and interpersonal communication, such as debating, negotiating, establishing consensus, clarifying and mediating conflict


-apply a variety of thinking skills and strategies

-draw conclusions that are supported by evidence


-engage in a variety of learning activities that include both independent study and collaboration

-function in a variety of groupings, using collaborative and cooperative skills and strategies

-use appropriate conflict resolution and mediation skills

C: Description of Game/Activity

Your Two ‘Sense’ is a traditional style board game with two teams of two students (plus one moderator) answering trivia questions and progressing from the start (penny) to the finish (toonie). As the teams move from the penny toward the toonie, the difficulty of the questions increases. Between each coin denomination, there is a Your Two ‘Sense’ position represented by two pennies. The cards that correspond with these positions are either a simple “lose your turn” or “move ahead one coin” OR a Your Two ‘Sense’ written response face off. Here, each pair of students write down their best answer (in less than two minutes) and submit the piece of paper to the teacher. The teacher chooses the better answer.

D: Directions/Rules

1. Teams place their markers on the start line.

2. Teams flip a coin to determine who goes first.

3. Team A selects a multiple choice question card from the “Penny” pile and has 30secs to respond. The moderator refers to the answer key and responds “right” or “wrong.”

4. Team A continues until they answer incorrectly.

5. When a team draws a Your Two ‘Sense’ face-off card both teams have 2mins to write out their best response to the question. The moderator shows the responses to the teacher and the teacher selects the better response. Ties are broken by flipping a coin. The team who wins the written response face off plays the next turn.

6. The first team to progress to and correctly answer the “Toonie” question wins the game.

E: Extensions

We think Your Two ‘Sense’ could be easily adapted to a more kinesthetic version. For example, rather than using the game board, the teacher could clear a large space in the classroom and use “Poly-Spots” with the different coin denominations written on them.

Alternatively, the Your Two ‘Sense’ game board could be drawn on the white board so that the teacher could moderate the questions. This set up would make more sense if the teacher wanted to explain and qualify answers along the way. Here, any number of teams (or guys vs. girls) could be accommodated.

Your Two ‘Sense’: Moderator Key

Penny Questions

The Antigonish movement originated in

A. Wolfville

B. Truro

C. Antigonish

D. Canso

Credit unions within the Maritimes owe their origin to the Antigonish Movement


A. flase

The Coady International Institute has played a role in the emergence of credit unions throughout the world.


A. false

Nickel Questions

Who, according to Moses Coady, should ordinary Nova Scotians blame for their poverty and vulnerability?

A. Mr. MacNeil


B. the Americans

C. Ottawa

The Antigonish Movement involved

A. adult education

B. co-operatives

C. microfinance

D. rural community development

all of the above

Dime Questions

This individual argued, “We consider it good pedagogy and good psychology to begin with the economic phase … that we may more readily attain the spiritual and cultural towards which all our efforts are directed.”

A. Jimmy Rankin

B. Jimmy Tomkins

Moses Coady

Father Jimmy Tompkins efforts prompted St. FX to form _______________ in 1928.

A. an Intervention Department to reduce alcoholism in Antigonish

B. an Extension Department to carry out adult education

C. a Religious Department to resist secularized education

Quarter Questions

The origins of co-operatives in Nova Scotia go back to a cooperative store in

A. Stellarton, founded in 1861

B. Antigonish, founded in 1961

C. Stellarton, founded in 1961

D. Antigonish, founded in the 1800s

Father Moses Coady thought that the local economy could be revitalized through

A. critical thinking

B. scientific methods of planning and production

C. co-operative entrepreneurship

all of the above

D. none of the above

The Antigonish program of adult education employed the following

A. mass meetings

B. study clubs

C. a school for leaders

all of the above

D. mass meeting and study clubs but not the school for leaders

E. none of the above

Loonie Questions

The three main occupations of the people who formed the backbone of the Antigonish Movement were

farmers, fishers and miners

A. foresters, fishers and farmers

B. lawyers, doctors and dentists

C. farmers and fishers

In the late 1930s, there were _________ Nova Scotians involved in study clubs seeking to understand the factors that were keeping them poor.

A. about 100

over 10,000

B. 2000

C. 100,000

Toonie Questions

For Moses Coady, the main purpose of the credit unions was

A. economic

B. environmental


C. to raise money for the church

At mass meetings, Moses Coady often said, “You can get the good life. You’re poor enough to want it and ________ enough to get it.”


A. lucky

B. angry

C. poor

Your Two ‘Sense’ Questions and Instructions

-partners have 2 minutes to submit a written answer to the moderator

Write a definition for Community Economic Development.

Move ahead one spot.

Who is Moses Coady?

Move back one spot.

Where can you see the legacy of the Antigonish Movement in Antigonish today?

Miss this turn.

Describe how the work of the Coady Institute connects to the grassroots efforts of Fathers Tompkins and Coady.

Miss this turn.

List some parallels between the economic realities of Antigonish in Coady’s day and Antigonish today.

Move ahead one spot.

What were some of the limitations of the Antigonish Movement?


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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