Pelvic Physiotherapy Think Tank

Pelvic Physiotherapy Distance Journal Club

Purpose of the distance journal club

• To provide a forum for discussion of current research and new ideas in the field of pelvic physiotherapy. Research in this area is occurring at a fast pace. It is nearly impossible to stay up to date alone. This format allows structured discussion of research and its application to practice.

• The majority of respondents to the journal club survey agree with the number of articles and format but do suggest increased time for discussion and less summarizing of the article. We have created a more structured format for leaders to increase efficiency and allow more time for discussion.

• Some participants have asked for time to discuss individual patient questions. It has been decided that there are other ways to get input on patients. Please use blog page comment or Linked In discussion boards.

Timing of meeting

Wednesday of the first full week of each month 8:30 PM EST for one hour. Discussions will begin promptly at 8:30 PM EST. Participants can join during the call – please do not state your name if the call is already in progress. In some situations, the group may continue talking a few minutes longer however any participant wishing to leave the call may do so at any time.

The majority of those responding to the journal club survey find this time of day and day of the week best.

2021 schedule

Jan 6 - Cindy Neville

Feb 3 - Brooks Rehab WH residents

March 3 - Megan Swenck

April 7 - Elizabeth Lewis

May 5 - Tish Rodriguez

June 9 - Fairview WH residents

July 7 - Jane Franczak

Aug 4 - Trisha Jenkyns

Sept 8 - Michelle Spicka

Oct 6 - Beth Shelly

Nov 3 - MJ Strauhal

Dec 8 - Laura Scheufele

Method of meetings -

• US - 641-715-3580 access code 770-409#

• International numbers are now available - you will receive a local phone number to call that will allow you to participate in the call. Please email Beth directly to get the phone number for your country.

• Please call Free Conference call at 877-216-7555 if you are having trouble

• Meetings will be recorded so they can be shared with others

• Smartphone or tablet app - download the Free Conference Call app, available for free on Android and Apple devices

o select "online meeting" enter code 482-698-153 including hyphens

o then enter your name and select "dial using the internet"

o you should let the app use your microphone if you want to ask a question

• Desktop: Download the conference call program for free

o Log in to

o Click on "online meeting", then "join a meeting".

o Enter the meeting identification number, including dashes 482-698-153.

o You'll need a microphone on your computer if you want to ask a question.

Listening / downloading recordings

• A link to the recording will be posted on the blog. And available on social media

• These links will remain active for one year and then they will be transfer to the goggle doc format.

• Please email Beth if you do not have access to recordings.

• It is possible to purchase the entire year’s outlines and recordings. Email Beth

Cost – none. This is a non-profit group with all coordinators, speakers and social media helpers providing services free of charge.

Structure of the meeting

Several articles will be discussed with application to clinical practice. Articles will be provided in electronic form 1 to 2 weeks before the meeting by email.

Conference call etiquette - In order to decrease background noise

• If you are using a head set – take out dangling earrings

• Please avoid speaker phone - the call quality will be much better if you are holding the phone or using a head set

• Press *6 to mute your phone if you must leave the call or have other noise occurring.

• Press *6 again to unmute when you want to ask a question or add to the discussion.

• Avoid the following as they do create noise in the call

o Shuffling papers unnecessarily

o Typing unnecessarily

• Also important before the call

o Take pets (esp dogs) and children away from the phone call area

During the call

• Please say your name before you speak (unless the call is already in progress).

• Try not to talk over others, jot yourself a note so you remember your question. We will try to allow time for all to give input.

• Give everyone a chance – Allow time for others to speak – we would like to keep the meeting time to one hour

At the discretion of the call coordinator - *5 is a mute all. Participants can still *6 to unmute.

Composition of Journal Club:

• Journal Club Coordinators

• Discussion speakers

• Social media group

• Group participants

Journal Club Coordinators – Do the work of the English and Spanish journal club postings, emails, and other work.

o Beth Shelly - Overall coordinator and primary coordinator of the Spanish club

o Ann Dunbar – Assistant coordinator of English club

Mentoring new speakers - PTs new to the group will be mentored by one of the experienced speakers for the first year. Mentoring would be completed by one of the coordinators or other experienced speaker who has been in the journal club for a number of years.

Mentor process includes:

o Make sure the articles picked are appropriate (not previously discussed, no copy write, clinically applicable)

o Review outlines and make suggestions for content, resources, or length.

o Have a phone call with the new speaker ahead to hear a sample of what they plan to present.  Speakers need to practice ahead and should time it out to make sure they are able to complete summary quickly and then have good questions for interactions.

o Be on the call and add things as needed.

Time commitment of the coordinators:

1. Participate weekly in the work of the journal (tasks to be divided as needed)

2. Attend all of the journal club meetings (1 hr, once per month).

3. 1 to 2 times per year - prepare and lead or mentor a journal club meeting as able

4. Re evaluate journal club structure and policies each fall for the next year

Discussion speakers – Participate in the leading and discussing articles. Made up of experienced pelvic PTs. These PTs should have completed advanced coursework and been in the field for “many” years. Experience should be across all aspects of pelvic PT. New speakers will be mentored for the first year. It would be most idea to have a PhD in the group at all times. This is not a closed group. Although it might be necessary to consider a limit to this group. Seems we would want everyone to do at least one month per year.

o Beth Shelly - coordinator

o Ann Dunbar – coordinator

o Michelle Spicka

o Jane O'Brien Franczak

o MJ Strauhal

o Tish Rodriquez

o Elizabeth Lewis

o Cindy Neville

o Trisha Jenkyns

o Laura Scheufele

o Megan Swenck

Time commitment of the discussion leaders:

1. Ideally attend and participate in most of the journal club meetings (1 hour, once per month). It has become clear that participants want to listen to us talk. Please make every effort to attend most all discussions.

2. All leaders will read the articles and outlines ahead and be prepared to participate in discussions and stimulate further questions on the articles.

3. Once per year - prepare and lead a journal club meeting (see attached)

4. Respond to email requests for information before and after the assigned journal club meeting.

5. Respond to emails on policy or journal club business

Rewards for speakers

The journal club can only happen with the gracious efforts of the expert speakers. The following is a small list of returns on your investment.

• Learning – participating in the journal club adds to you knowledge and skill

• WCS - Leading journal club can be used for your WCS renewal (see ABPTS web site for more details).

• Recognition – you can put your email on the outline and introduce yourself with city and state. There is a tab on the blog with all speakers’ head shot and bio.

• At the end of the year Beth will email a link to download all articles, outlines and recordings of the year

Social media group - Posting on facebook, twitter, and blogs to alert participants of the activities of the group. The journal club has a Facebook page for posting questions during and after the call and an instagram account.

o Beth Shelly – coordinator, twitter

o Peggy Belongy - Facebook

o Kara Infante - blog

o Jeanice Michell - instagram

Time commitment of the social media group

1. Posting is expected each month in the chosen location. In some cases multiple posts would be more effective.

Group participants - PT, OT, PTA, and COTA interested in learning more about Pelvic therapy, no other requirements. Interested PTs should email Beth (beth@) to be added to the email list. We have considered a multidisciplinary meeting. However, it has been decided at this time that we will keep the live participation to only PTs and PTAs. MD, RN, OT and others are welcome to access recordings and blog posts.

Time commitment of the group participants:

1. Participants are welcome to attend as many or as few as they want or to just read articles and / or listen to pod casts. We hope for an active group. Any email address that does not open at least half of the articles will be considered for deletion from the group. Emails often change and this method will help keep the list clean and active.

2. It is requested that PTs give notice if they no longer wish to receive journal club emails.

Copyright – the coordinators and discussion leaders / speakers agree that all materials created (audio recordings, outlines, blog posts -all outlines will be posted on the blog after the call, or any other creation) will be made available to everyone free of charge and without copyright restriction. In other words anyone can use any of the materials.

Policy for using the email list

The coordinators have discussed the use of the journal club email.  This is a nonprofit group and outside / for profit advertisements will not be distributed through this email. The coordinators will review all outside requests to ensure they fall within our focus. This email list will be used for:

• Direct journal related business

• Meeting announcements for professional organizations (no conference or course announcements by for profit groups)

• Request for research participation

• Job opportunities

• Invitations to participate in educational opportunities by Beth Shelly

Year-end summary

• Thanks to volunteers - At the end of the year Beth will provide a link to speakers, and social media which includes all articles, outlines, summaries and recordings. It is important to remember we do not seek copyright permission from journals. There has been a discussion with PTJ about distributing their articles and they have agreed what we are doing is OK as no one is making money and it is for education. Please keep this in mind as you consider using or distributing this material. It is fine to use the material – please give credit.

• For the group participants – outlines and recordings of each month will be made available for a small price

How to lead a journal club:

• Pick the articles: Please see attached document for guidelines on choosing articles

• Article email one month before the call should include

o A statement as to the open access status of the articles sent. In some cases it is the journal (ICS and IUGA have given permission). Or you would see "open access" on the article. You might try to access the article from your home computer as some work computers give access automatically to paid journals. If you have questions about copyright or would like some assistance, contact Ann

o 2 to 3 questions per article to be used during the call to stimulate discussion. These will be sent to group participants with the articles ahead of the call. Questions should bring clinical relevance and be stimulating to encourage participants to call in and find out more.

• Create an outline: Outlines of each article are created and emailed to Ann 2 weeks before the call date. All leaders, helpers, and coordinators will receive the outlines (not the average group participants on the call) – please provide outlines early to give all a chance to read, review, synthesis, and be prepared to add to the discussion. Outlines should include a very brief summary including the information below. Assume the person listening has read the article and do not include quotes directly from the article. Refer to the document by page number if needed. It is possible some speakers may want to have two documents - one with a lot of detail to guide them during the talk and one which outlines and summarizes for others and blog posting. Outlines should be no more than 3 pages. You may put your contact email only on the outline so participants can reach you after the call.

Format for Outline - (limited to 3 pages, do not copy parts of the article)

Name of Article

Authors and citation information

Presenter’s name

Date of presentation


Aim/Primary Aim:

Study Design/Study Format:




To also include strengths/weaknesses

Conclusion/Summary: optional

Clinical Application

List discussion questions

Other References: optional

There should be some critical evaluation of the research so participants can know if it is good research - or moderately good, or not good (not the best article to bring to the group so we will not have many of these).

• On the call: Beth will start the recording and say the date of the meeting and the leader’s name. The leader will then take over. You may introduce yourself and were you work (one sentence). Constantly we get comments that the review of the article is too long.  Please assume they have read it. Format for the call

o Only do a short summary of the article - 10 min, it is nice to hear why you choose the article. It is good to refer to a specific page / table / figure as you talk.

o Then add some background or other studies to clarify important points - 5 to 10 min

o Remainder of the 30 min time (about 10 min) - clinical application with questions for the group to spur discussion, can also bring a case in if applicable.

• The leader is responsible for making sure both articles have ample discussion time. At the end of the meeting Beth will thank the group for attending. The most common comment on the survey was more time for discussion, less time summarizing the article.

• After the call: The speaker will modify / correct / add to the outline based on discussions. Finalized outlines will be emailed to Beth within 1 week of the call to be posted on the blog.

• Timeliness – we are all volunteers with very busy lives. Please give your fellow speakers and journal club participants the courtesy of providing files on time.

Posting and communication within Pelvic PT Distance Journal Club

Date of call will be set for the entire year in late November of each year.

Usually the first Wed of the month but will be moved to the second Wednesday to avoid holidays.

• 45 days before the call - email reminder to leader that articles and outlines  are due 30 days before the call date, outline 14 days before the call date (Ann)

• 30 days before the call - pdf of article is due to Ann (Ann will work with speaker to make sure articles are acceptable)

• 14 days before the call - outlines due to Ann and emailed to speakers group

• 9 days before the call (Monday) - email goes out to journal members with articles attached (Ann)

• Social media posts of call date and topic (Peggy)

• Monday before the call - email to journal club to remind them of the upcoming call (Ann)

• 1 day after the call (Thurs) - email to speaker that corrected outlines should be sent to Beth by XXX date (Beth)

• 5 days after the call - outlines due to Beth

• 5 to 10 days after the call - posts outlines to blog (Kara) and emails journal club the link of the recording (Beth)

• 5 to 10 days after the call – Twitter posts and Facebook posts (social media group)


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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